225 KB
Newer Older
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 Value: Probability
 - 0 - 21%
 - 1 - 36%
 - 2 - 47%
 - 3 - 56%
 - 4 - 62%
 - 5 - 68%
 - 6 - 73%
 - 7 - 77%
 - 8 - 81%
 - 9 - 85%
 - 10 - 88%
 - 11 - 91%
 - 12 - 94%
 - 13 - 96%
 - 14 - 98%
 - 15 - 100%

    **Unit:** _percent_

    **Categories:** Infrastructure information 

    **Revision:** _V1.3.1_
ritterth's avatar
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TimeIntervalConfidence ::= INTEGER (0..15)

### <a name="TransitVehicleOccupancy"></a>TransitVehicleOccupancy
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This DE is used to relate basic level of current ridership.
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* **occupancyUnknown** (0)<br>
* **occupancyEmpty** (1)<br>
* **occupancyVeryLow** (2)<br>
* **occupancyLow** (3)<br>
* **occupancyMed** (4)<br>
* **occupancyHigh** (5)<br>
* **occupancyNearlyFull** (6)<br>
* **occupancyFull** (7)<br>
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
ritterth's avatar
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TransitVehicleOccupancy ::= ENUMERATED {
  occupancyUnknown    (0),
  occupancyEmpty      (1),
  occupancyVeryLow    (2),
  occupancyLow        (3),
  occupancyMed        (4),
  occupancyHigh       (5),
  occupancyNearlyFull (6),
  occupancyFull       (7)

### <a name="TransitVehicleStatus"></a>TransitVehicleStatus
ritterth's avatar
ritterth committed
This DE is used to relate basic information about the transit run in progress. This is
 typically used in a priority request to a signalized system and becomes part of the input processing for how that system
 will respond to the request.

 - 0 - `loading`:     parking and unable to move at this time
 - 1 - `anADAuse`:    an ADA access is in progress (wheelchairs, kneeling, etc.)
 - 2 - `aBikeLoad`:   loading of a bicycle is in progress
 - 3 - `doorOpen`:    a vehicle door is open for passenger access
 - 4 - `charging`:    a vehicle is connected to charging point
 - 5 - `atStopLine`:  a vehicle is at the stop line for the lane it is in
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* **loading** (0)<br>
* **anADAuse** (1)<br>
* **aBikeLoad** (2)<br>
* **doorOpen** (3)<br>
* **charging** (4)<br>
* **atStopLine** (5)<br>
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_

NOTE:&emsp;Most of these values are used to detect that the transit vehicle in not in a state where movement can occur
 (and that therefore any priority signal should be ignored until the vehicle is again ready to depart).

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TransitVehicleStatus ::= BIT STRING {
  loading     (0),
  anADAuse    (1),
  aBikeLoad   (2),
  doorOpen    (3),
  charging    (4),
  atStopLine  (5)
} (SIZE(8))

### <a name="TransmissionState"></a>TransmissionState
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This DE is used to provide the current state of the vehicle transmission.
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* **neutral** (0)<br>
* **park** (1)<br>
* **forwardGears** (2)<br>
* **reverseGears** (3)<br>
* **reserved1** (4)<br>
* **reserved2** (5)<br>
* **reserved3** (6)<br>
* **unavailable** (7)<br>
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
ritterth's avatar
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TransmissionState ::= ENUMERATED {
  neutral      (0),
  park         (1),
  forwardGears (2),
  reverseGears (3),
  reserved1    (4),
  reserved2    (5),
  reserved3    (6),
  unavailable  (7)

### <a name="VehicleHeight"></a>VehicleHeight
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The height of the vehicle, measured from the ground to the highest surface, excluding any antenna(s), and
 expressed in units of 5 cm. In cases of vehicles with adjustable ride heights, camper shells, and other devices which may
 cause the overall height to vary, the largest possible height will be used.

 Value is the height of the vehicle, LSB units of 5 cm, range to 6.35 meters

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit:** _5cm_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
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VehicleHeight ::= INTEGER (0..127)

### <a name="VehicleType"></a>VehicleType
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This DE is a type list (i.e., a classification list) of the vehicle in terms of overall size. The
 data element entries follow the definitions defined in the US DOT Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS).
 Many infrastructure roadway operators collect and classify data according to this list for regulatory reporting needs.
 Within the ITS industry and within the DSRC message set standards work, there are many similar lists of types for
 overlapping needs and uses.

 - 0 - `none`:       Not Equipped, Not known or unavailable
 - 1 - `unknown`:    Does not fit any other category
 - 2 - `special`:    Special use
 - 3 - `moto`:       Motorcycle
 - 4 - `car`:        Passenger car
 - 5 - `carOther`:   Four tire single units
 - 6 - `bus`:        Buses
 - 7 - `axleCnt2`:   Two axle, six tire single units
 - 8 - `axleCnt3`:   Three axle, single units
 - 9 - `axleCnt4`:   Four or more axle, single unit
 - 10 - `axleCnt4Trailer`:        Four or less axle, single trailer
 - 11 - `axleCnt5Trailer`:        Five or less axle, single trailer
 - 12 - `axleCnt6Trailer`:        Six or more axle, single trailer
 - 13 - `axleCnt5MultiTrailer`:   Five or less axle, multi-trailer
 - 14 - `axleCnt6MultiTrailer`:   Six axle, multi-trailer
 - 15 - `axleCnt7MultiTrailer`:   Seven or more axle, multi-trailer
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* **none** (0)<br>
* **unknown** (1)<br>
* **special** (2)<br>
* **moto** (3)<br>
* **car** (4)<br>
* **carOther** (5)<br>
* **bus** (6)<br>
* **axleCnt2** (7)<br>
* **axleCnt3** (8)<br>
* **axleCnt4** (9)<br>
* **axleCnt4Trailer** (10)<br>
* **axleCnt5Trailer** (11)<br>
* **axleCnt6Trailer** (12)<br>
* **axleCnt5MultiTrailer** (13)<br>
* **axleCnt6MultiTrailer** (14)<br>
* **axleCnt7MultiTrailer** (15)<br>
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ritterth committed

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
ritterth's avatar
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VehicleType ::= ENUMERATED {
  none                 (0),
  unknown              (1),
  special              (2),
  moto                 (3),
  car                  (4),
  carOther             (5),
  bus                  (6),
  axleCnt2             (7),
  axleCnt3             (8),
  axleCnt4             (9),
  axleCnt4Trailer      (10),
  axleCnt5Trailer      (11),
  axleCnt6Trailer      (12),
  axleCnt5MultiTrailer (13),
  axleCnt6MultiTrailer (14),
  axleCnt7MultiTrailer (15),

### <a name="Velocity"></a>Velocity
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This DE represents the velocity of an object, typically a vehicle speed or the recommended speed of
 travel along a roadway, expressed in unsigned units of 0.02 meters per second. When used with motor vehicles it may be
 combined with the transmission state to form a data frame for use. A value of 8191 shall be used when the speed is
 unavailable. Note that Velocity as used here is intended to be a scalar value and not a vector.

 The value 8191 indicates that velocity is unavailable

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit:** _0.02 m/s_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
ritterth's avatar
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Velocity ::= INTEGER (0..8191)

### <a name="WaitOnStopline"></a>WaitOnStopline
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This DE is used to indicate to the vehicle that it must stop at the stop line and not move past.

 If "true", the vehicles on this specific connecting maneuver have to stop on the stop-line and not to enter the collision area

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
ritterth's avatar
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WaitOnStopline ::= BOOLEAN

### <a name="ZoneLength"></a>ZoneLength
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This DE is used to provide an estimated distance from the stop bar, along the lane
 centerline back in the lane to which it pertains. It is used in various ways to relate this distance value. When used with
 clearance zones, it represents the point at which the driver can successfully execute the connection maneuver. It is used
 in the Clearance Maneuver Assist data frame to relate dynamic data about the lane. It is also used to relate the distance
 from the stop bar to the rear edge of any queue. It is further used within the context of a vehicle's traveling speed to
 advise on preferred dynamic approach speeds.

 0 = unknown,
 The value 10000 to be used for Distances >=10000 m (e.g. from known point to another point along a
 known path, often against traffic flow direction when used for measuring queues)

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit:** _meter_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
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ZoneLength ::= INTEGER (0..10000)

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Thomas Ritter committed
## References:
 1. [ISO TS 19091]: "Intelligent transport systems - Cooperative ITS - Using V2I and I2V communications for applications related to signalized intersections".
 2. [SAE J2735]: "SURFACE VEHICLE STANDARD - V2X Communications Message Set Dictionary"