ISO14823-missing.asn 7.59 KB
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-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-- ISO TS 14823
-- This ASN.1 was generated: 30.08.2016
-- This document contains only the data element needed for the encoding of an IVI message
-- as defined in ISO TS 19321(2020)
-- Published version location (yet missing there):
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

GDD {iso (1) standard (0) gdd(14823) version1 (0)}


--Definition of GDD Structure

GddStructure::= SEQUENCE{
   pictogramCode           SEQUENCE {
	countryCode             OCTET STRING (SIZE (2)) OPTIONAL,
	serviceCategoryCode     CHOICE {
		trafficSignPictogram       		ENUMERATED {dangerWarning, regulatory, informative,...},
		publicFacilitiesPictogram       	ENUMERATED {publicFacilities, ...},
		ambientOrRoadConditionPictogram   ENUMERATED {ambientCondition, roadCondition,...},
	pictogramCategoryCode   SEQUENCE {
		nature            INTEGER (1..9),
		serialNumber       INTEGER (0..99)
   attributes        GddAttributes OPTIONAL

-- Definition of the single ISO 14823 Attributes
GddAttributes::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..8),...) OF GddAttribute

GddAttribute::= CHOICE{
   dtm InternationalSign-applicablePeriod, -- Date/Time/Period
   edt InternationalSign-exemptedApplicablePeriod,-- Exemption status of Date/Time/Period
   dfl InternationalSign-directionalFlowOfLane,-- Directional Flow of Lane
   ved InternationalSign-applicableVehicleDimensions,-- Vehicle Dimensions
   spe InternationalSign-speedLimits,-- Speed
   roi InternationalSign-rateOfIncline,-- Rate of Incline
   dbv InternationalSign-distanceBetweenVehicles,-- Distance Between Vehicles
   ddd InternationalSign-destinationInformation,-- Destination/Direction/Distance
   set InternationalSign-section,  -- Section
   nol InternationalSign-numberOfLane  -- Number of Lanes

InternationalSign-applicablePeriod::= SEQUENCE {
   year   SEQUENCE { -- contains yearRangeStartYear and yearRangeEndYear
      yearRangeStartYear    INTEGER(2000..2127,...),
      yearRangeEndYear      INTEGER(2000..2127,...)
      } OPTIONAL,
   month-day  SEQUENCE { -- contains dateRangeStartMonth&Date and dateRangeEndMonth&Date
      dateRangeStartMonthDay   MonthDay,
      dateRangeEndMonthDay     MonthDay
      } OPTIONAL,
   repeatingPeriodDayTypes RepeatingPeriodDayTypes OPTIONAL,
   hourMinutes  SEQUENCE { -- contains timeRangeStartTime and timeRangeEndTime
      timeRangeStartTime  HoursMinutes,
      timeRangeEndTime    HoursMinutes
      } OPTIONAL,
   dateRangeOfWeek       DayOfWeek OPTIONAL,
   durationHourMinute   HoursMinutes OPTIONAL

InternationalSign-exemptedApplicablePeriod::= InternationalSign-applicablePeriod

InternationalSign-directionalFlowOfLane::= INTEGER {
   sDL   (1),-- Straight Direction Only
   sLT   (2),-- Straight and Left Turn Only
   sRT   (3),-- Straight and Right Turn Only
   lTO   (4),-- Left Turn Only
   rTO   (5),-- Right Turn Only
   cLL   (6),-- Convergence from the Left Lane
   cRI   (7),-- Convergence from the Right Lane
   oVL   (8) -- Oncoming Vehicles Lane
    } (1..8)

InternationalSign-applicableVehicleDimensions::= SEQUENCE{
   vehicleHeight   Distance OPTIONAL,
   vehicleWidth    Distance OPTIONAL,
   vehicleLength   Distance OPTIONAL,
   vehicleWeight   Weight 	OPTIONAL

InternationalSign-speedLimits::= SEQUENCE{
   speedLimitMax   INTEGER(0..250) OPTIONAL,
   speedLimitMin   INTEGER(0..250) OPTIONAL,
   unit   			Code-Units (0..1)

InternationalSign-rateOfIncline::= INTEGER(1..32)

InternationalSign-distanceBetweenVehicles::= Distance

InternationalSign-destinationInformation::= SEQUENCE{
   junctionDirection         INTEGER(1..128) OPTIONAL,
   roundaboutCwDirection     INTEGER(1..128)OPTIONAL,
   roundaboutCcwDirection    INTEGER(1..128)OPTIONAL,
   ioList                    DDD-IO-LIST

InternationalSign-section::= SEQUENCE{
	startingPointLength   Distance OPTIONAL,
	continuityLength      Distance OPTIONAL

InternationalSign-numberOfLane::= INTEGER(0..99)

-- Definition of data elements used in ISO 14823 attributes

Code-Units::= INTEGER {
   kmperh                  (0),
   milesperh               (1),
   kilometre               (2),
   metre                   (3),
   decimetre               (4),
   centimetre              (5),
   mile                    (6),
   yard                    (7),
   foot                    (8),
   minutesOfTime           (9),
   tonnes                  (10),--1000 kg, not Ton!
   hundredkg               (11),
   pound                   (12),--lbs
   rateOfIncline           (13),
   durationinminutes       (14)
   -- value  15 reserved for future use
   } (0..15)

DayOfWeek::= BIT STRING {unused(0), monday(1), tuesday(2), wednesday(3), thursday(4), friday(5), saturday(6), sunday(7)} (SIZE (8))


   arrowDirection                 INTEGER(0..7),
   destPlace                      DestinationPlaces OPTIONAL,
   destRoad                       DestinationRoads OPTIONAL,
   roadNumberIdentifier           INTEGER(1..999) OPTIONAL,
   streetName                     INTEGER(1..999) OPTIONAL,
   streetNameText                 UTF8String OPTIONAL,
   distanceToDivergingPoint       DistanceOrDuration OPTIONAL,
   distanceToDestinationPlace     DistanceOrDuration OPTIONAL

DestinationPlace::= SEQUENCE{
   destType   					DestinationType,
   destRSCode  					GddStructure (WITH COMPONENTS {..., attributes ABSENT}) OPTIONAL,
   destBlob   					OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,
   placeNameIdentification   	INTEGER(1..999) OPTIONAL,
   placeNameText   				UTF8String OPTIONAL

DestinationPlaces ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..4,...)) OF DestinationPlace

DestinationRoad::= SEQUENCE{
   derType   				DestinationRoadType,
   roadNumberIdentifier   	INTEGER(1..999) OPTIONAL,
   roadNumberText   		UTF8String OPTIONAL

DestinationRoads ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..4,...)) OF DestinationRoad

DestinationRoadType::= INTEGER {
   none                   (0),
   nationalHighway        (1),
   localHighway           (2),
   tollExpresswayMotorway (3),
   internationalHighway   (4),
   highway                (5),
   expressway             (6),
   nationalRoad           (7),
   regionalProvincialRoad (8),
   localRoad              (9),
   motorwayJunction       (10),
   diversion              (11),
   rfu1                   (12),
   rfu2                   (13),
   rfu3                   (14),
   rfu4                   (15)
   } (0..15, ...)

DestinationType::= INTEGER {
   none   (0),
   importantArea         (1),
   principalArea         (2),
   generalArea           (3),
   wellKnownPoint        (4),
   country               (5),
   city                  (6),
   street                (7),
   industrialArea        (8),
   historicArea          (9),
   touristicArea         (10),
   culturalArea          (11),
   touristicRoute        (12),
   recommendedRoute      (13),
   touristicAttraction   (14),
   geographicArea        (15)
   } (0..15, ...)

Distance::= SEQUENCE{
   value    INTEGER(1..16384),
   unit     Code-Units(2..4|6..8)

DistanceOrDuration::= SEQUENCE {
	value INTEGER(1..16384),
	unit Code-Units (2..9)

HoursMinutes::= SEQUENCE {
   hours      INTEGER (0..23),-- number of hours after midnight
   mins       INTEGER (0..59) -- number of minutes after the hour

MonthDay::= SEQUENCE {
   month INTEGER    (1..12),
   day INTEGER      (1..31)

RepeatingPeriodDayTypes::= BIT STRING {national-holiday (0), even-days(1), odd-days(2), market-day(3) } (SIZE (4))

Weight::= SEQUENCE {
	value 	INTEGER(1..16384),
	unit 	Code-Units (10..12)