Commits (92)
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cam/CAM-PDU-Descriptions.asn \
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validate: iso build
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python3 -o docs --brief-as-title $(ASN1_SRC)
iso docs:
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$(ASN1C) -E -F -fcompound-names $(addprefix -fknown-extern-type=,$(ASN1_KNOWN)) $(addprefix -pdu=,$(ASN1_PDU)) $^ >/dev/null
curl -o $@ ''
curl -o $@ ''
curl -o $@ ''
curl -o $@ ''
image: danya25/asn1c:0.0.5
stage: test
script: make -f validate
- "*.asn"
stage: deploy
- >
if ! [ -f ]; then
curl -o --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN:$CI_JOB_TOKEN" ""
- make -f doc
- git add docs/*.md
- >
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echo "No changes found";
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git remote rm origin && git remote add origin "https://oauth2:${CI_DOC_TOKEN}$CI_PROJECT_PATH.git" &&
git push origin "HEAD:$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME";
- "*.asn"
--! @brief Specification of the Interference Management Zone Message ETSI TS 103 724
--! Latest version available at @url
IMZM-PDU-Descriptions {
itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) itsDomain (5) wg1 (1) ts103724 (103724) imzm (1) version1 (1)
--! @brief Include ETSI TS 102 894-2
--! Include references from @url
ItsPduHeader, Latitude, Longitude, TimestampIts, ProtectedZoneRadius, ProtectedZoneID FROM ITS-Container {
itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) itsDomain (5) wg1 (1)
ts (102894) cdd (2) version (2)
--! @brief Include ETSI EN 302 637-2
--! Include references from @url
BasicContainer, GenerationDeltaTime FROM CAM-PDU-Descriptions {
itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) itsDomain (5) wg1 (1)
en (302637) cam (2) version (2)
--! @brief Include ETSI TS 103 300-3
--! All data types, imported from `VAM-Temp-Imports` will be imported from the CDD ETSI TS 102 894-2 Release 2 when available
--! Include references from @url
AreaCircular, AreaRectangle, AreaPolygon, OffsetPoint, SemiRangeLength, WGS84AngleValue FROM VAM-Temp-Imports {
itu-t(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) itsDomain(5) wg1(1)
ts(103300) temp-imports(255) version1(1)
--! @brief DF: Interference Management Zone Message Root
--! This DF includes DEs for the IMZM `protocolVersion`, the IMZ message type identifier `messageID`
--! and the station identifier `stationID` of the originating ITS-S.
--! @details header
--! - The DE `protocolVersion` is used to select the appropriate protocol decoder at the receiving
--! ITS-S. For TS 103 724 V2.1.1, the value of the DE `protocolVersion` shall be set to 1.
--! - The DE `messageID` shall be harmonized with other V2X message identifier definitions.
--! For IMZM, the DE messageID shall be set to `imzm(15)`.
header ItsPduHeader,
imzm InterferenceManagementZoneMessage
--! @brief DF: Interference Management Zone Message
--! This is the actual IMZM Payload. It shall include the time stamp of the IMZM and the applicable
--! containers of type `BasicContainer` and `ImzmContainer`.
InterferenceManagementZoneMessage ::= SEQUENCE {
generationDeltaTime GenerationDeltaTime, -- from CAM-PDU-Descriptions
imzmParameters ImzmParameters
--! @brief DF: IMZM Parameters
--! The sequence of containers in the IMZM. Other containers may be added in the future.
ImzmParameters ::= SEQUENCE {
--! @details basicContainer
--! imported from CAM-PDU-Descriptions
basicContainer BasicContainer,
--! @details imzmContainer
--! container specific to the IMZM
imzmContainer ImzmContainer,
--! @brief DF: IMZM Container
--! The IMZM container includes a sequence of up to 16 interference management zones.
--! For each interference management zones, it contains a sequence of interference
--! management zones per channel together with their characteristics.
ImzmContainer ::= SEQUENCE {
--! @details interferenceManagementZones
--! mapped to the DF_ProtectedCommunicationZone in ETSI TS 102 894-2
interferenceManagementZones InterferenceManagementZones,
--! @brief DF: List of Interference Management Zones
--! A list of up to 16 interference management zones.
--! **EXAMPLE**: An interference management communication zone may be defined around a
--! CEN DSRC road side equipment or an urban rail operational area.
--! @category: Infrastructure information, Communication information
InterferenceManagementZones ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..16), ...) OF InterferenceManagementZone
--! @brief DF: Interference Management Zone
--! Describes a zone of interferenceManagement inside which the ITS communication should
--! be restricted.
--! @category: Infrastructure information, Communication information
InterferenceManagementZone ::= SEQUENCE {
zoneDefinition ZoneDefinition,
interferenceManagementInfo InterferenceManagementInfo
--! @brief DF: Zone Definition
--! Describes the zone where band sharing occurs. When reusing CDD Rel.1 types, names are unchanged.
--! @category: Infrastructure information, Communication information
ZoneDefinition::= SEQUENCE{
--! @details interferenceManagementZoneLatitude
--! Latitude of the centre point of the interference management zone.
interferenceManagementZoneLatitude Latitude, -- from ITS-Container
--! @details interferenceManagementZoneLongitude
--! Longitude of the centre point of the interference management zone.
interferenceManagementZoneLongitude Longitude, -- from ITS-Container
--! @details interferenceManagementZoneRadius
--! Radius of the interference management zone in metres.
--! This DE is present if the data is available
interferenceManagementZoneRadius ProtectedZoneRadius OPTIONAL, -- from ITS-Container
--! @details interferenceManagementZoneID
--! Identification of the interference management zone.
--! This DE is present if the data is available.
interferenceManagementZoneID ProtectedZoneID OPTIONAL, -- from ITS-Container
--! @details interferenceManagementZoneShape
--! Shape of the interference management zone.
--! This DF is present if the data is available.
interferenceManagementZoneShape InterferenceManagementZoneShape OPTIONAL,
--! @brief DF: Interference Management Information
--! A list of up to 16 definitions containing which interference management may be applied in the zone,
--! per affected frequency channels.
--! **Note**: in the case where no mitigation should be applied by the ITS-S, this is indicated
--! by the value of interferenceManagementMitigationType set to unavailable.
--! @category: Infrastructure information, Communication information
InterferenceManagementInfo::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..16,...)) OF InterferenceManagementInfoPerChannel
--! @brief DF: Interference Management Information Per Channel
--! A break up of the interference management information per affected frequency channels.
--! @category: Infrastructure information, Communication information
InterferenceManagementInfoPerChannel ::= SEQUENCE {
--! @details interferenceManagementChannel
--! Characteritics of the frequency channel for which the zone
--! should be applied interference management
interferenceManagementChannel InterferenceManagementChannel,
--! @details interferenceManagementZoneType
--! Type of the interference management zone.
interferenceManagementZoneType InterferenceManagementZoneType,
--! @details interferenceManagementMitigationType
--! Type of the mitigation to be used in the interference management zone.
interferenceManagementMitigationType InterferenceManagementMitigationType OPTIONAL,
--! @details expiryTime
--! Time at which the validity of the interference management communication zone will expire.
--! This DE is present when the interference management is temporarily valid
expiryTime TimestampIts OPTIONAL, -- from ITS-Container
--! @brief DF: InterferenceManagementChannel
--! Indicates which shared frequency channel should be applied interference management in the zone.
--! @category: Communication information
InterferenceManagementChannel ::= SEQUENCE {
--! @details centre frequency of the channel
--! @unit: 10exp+2 Hz (where exp is exponent)
centreFrequency INTEGER (1 .. 99999),
--! @details width of the channel
--! @unit: 10exp Hz (where exp is exponent)
channelWidth INTEGER (0 .. 9999),
--! @details exponent of the power of 10
--! @unit: N/A
exponent INTEGER (0 .. 15)
--! @brief DE: InterferenceManagementZoneType
--! defines the type of an interference management zone, so that an ITS-S can
--! assert the actions to do while passing by such zone (e.g. reduce the transmit
--! power in case of a DSRC tolling station).
--! @unit: N/A
--! @category: Communication information
InterferenceManagementZoneType ::= ENUMERATED {
permanentCenDsrcTolling(0), --!< as specified in ETSI TS 102 792
temporaryCenDsrcTolling(1), --!< as specified in ETSI TS 102 792
unavailable(2), --!< default value. Set to 2 for backwards compatibility with DSRC tolling
urbanRail(3), --!< as specified in ETSI TS 103 724, clause 7
satelliteStation(4), --!< as specified in ETSI TS 103 724, clause 7
fixedLinks(5), --!< as specified in ETSI TS 103 724, clause 7
--! @brief DF: Mitigation type in the interference management zone
--! Information and commands defining the required mitigation type the
--! receiving ITS-S has to use in the defined interference management zone.
--! It indicates the type of mitigation and the parameters to be used to protect the
--! potential victim in the interference management zone per channel access technology class.
--! @category: Communication information
InterferenceManagementMitigationType ::= CHOICE {
--! @details unavailable is the default value to be used when data is not available.
unavailable NULL,
mitigationForTechnologies MitigationForTechnologies
--! @brief DF: Mitigation type container for the different channel access technology classes
--! Class of parameters for the relevant channel access technology classes,
--! as specified in ETSI TS 103 724, clause 7.
--! @category: Communication information
MitigationForTechnologies ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..8)) OF MitigationPerTechnologyClass
--! @brief DF: Mitigation type container per channel access technology class
--! Class of parameters for the specific technology indicated in the container.
--! All parameters are optional, as they may not apply to some of the technologies or
--! interference management zone types. Specification details are in ETSI TS 103 724, clause 7.
--! @category: Communication information
MitigationPerTechnologyClass ::= SEQUENCE {
--! @details channel access technology in which this mitigation is applied.
--! @unit: N/A
accessTechnologyClass AccessTechnologyClass,
--! @details duty cycle limit.
--! @unit: 0.01% steps
lowDutyCycle INTEGER (0 .. 10000) OPTIONAL,
--! @details power reduction.
--! @unit: dB
powerReduction INTEGER (0 .. 30) OPTIONAL,
--! @details Idle time limit as defined in ETSI TS 103 175.
--! @unit: ms
dmcToffLimit INTEGER (0 .. 1200) OPTIONAL,
--! @details Transmission duration limit, as defined in ETSI EN 302 571.
--! @unit: ms
dmcTonLimit INTEGER (0 .. 20) OPTIONAL,
--! @brief DE: channel access technology class
--! Access technology to which the mitigation type applies.
--! @category: Communication information
AccessTechnologyClass ::= ENUMERATED {
any(0), --!< any access technology class (see clause 7 of TS 103 724).
itsg5Class(1), --!< ITS-G5 access technology class.
ltev2xClass(2), --!< LTE-V2X access technology class.
nrv2xClass(3), --!< NR-V2X access technology class.
--! @brief DF: Shape of the interference management zone
--! Bounding box of an interference management zone
--! @category: GeoReference information
InterferenceManagementZoneShape::= CHOICE {
rectangle AreaRectangle, -- imported from VAM-Temp-Imports
circle AreaCircular, -- imported from VAM-Temp-Imports
polygon AreaPolygon, -- imported from VAM-Temp-Imports
ellipse AreaEllipse, -- could not be imported from another specification yet
--! @brief DF: Area Ellipse
--! Area Ellipse copied from CPM TR 103 562. Will be removed when CDD Release 2 is available.
--! Describes an elliptical area. The ellipse is centred about the reference point
--! of the ITS-S or about the nodeCenterPoint (if provided).
--! @category: GeoReference information
AreaEllipse ::= SEQUENCE {
--! @details nodeCenterPoint
--! Optional offset point about which the ellipse is centred with respect to the reference
--! position of the ITS-S.
nodeCenterPoint OffsetPoint OPTIONAL,
--! @details semiMajorRangeLength
--! Minor radius of the ellipse.
semiMajorRangeLength SemiRangeLength,
--! @details semiMinorRangeLength
--! Major radius of the ellipse.
semiMinorRangeLength SemiRangeLength,
--! @details semiMajorRangeOrientation
--! Orientation of the semiMajorRangeLength of the ellipse in the WGS84 coordinate system.
semiMajorRangeOrientation WGS84AngleValue
# ASN.1 module for PZM [ETSI TS 103 724]
This repository will contain the ASN.1 module for ETSI TS 103 724 - Protected Zone beacon message
This repository will contain the ASN.1 module for ETSI Interference Management Zone Service in the file **IMZM-PDU-Descriptions.asn**
* The module is published with the **[ETSI TS 103 724 v2.1.1](**.
* Note: The base specification is in the draft state
## License
# ASN.1 module CAM-PDU-Descriptions
OID: _{ itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) itsDomain (5) wg1 (1) en (302637) cam (2) version (2) }_
## Imports:
* **[ITS-Container](** *{ itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) itsDomain (5) wg1 (1) ts (102894) cdd (2) version (2) }*<br/>
## Data Elements:
### <a name="CAM"></a>CAM
* header [**ItsPduHeader**]( <br>
* cam [**CoopAwareness**](#CoopAwareness) <br>
header ItsPduHeader,
cam CoopAwareness
### <a name="CoopAwareness"></a>CoopAwareness
* generationDeltaTime [**GenerationDeltaTime**]( <br>
* camParameters [**CamParameters**](#CamParameters) <br>
CoopAwareness ::= SEQUENCE {
generationDeltaTime GenerationDeltaTime,
camParameters CamParameters
### <a name="CamParameters"></a>CamParameters
* basicContainer [**BasicContainer**]( <br>
* highFrequencyContainer [**HighFrequencyContainer**](#HighFrequencyContainer) <br>
* lowFrequencyContainer [**LowFrequencyContainer**](#LowFrequencyContainer) OPTIONAL<br>
* specialVehicleContainer [**SpecialVehicleContainer**](#SpecialVehicleContainer) OPTIONAL<br>
CamParameters ::= SEQUENCE {
basicContainer BasicContainer,
highFrequencyContainer HighFrequencyContainer,
lowFrequencyContainer LowFrequencyContainer OPTIONAL,
specialVehicleContainer SpecialVehicleContainer OPTIONAL,
### <a name="HighFrequencyContainer"></a>HighFrequencyContainer
* basicVehicleContainerHighFrequency [**BasicVehicleContainerHighFrequency**](#BasicVehicleContainerHighFrequency) <br>
* rsuContainerHighFrequency [**RSUContainerHighFrequency**](#RSUContainerHighFrequency) <br>
HighFrequencyContainer ::= CHOICE {
basicVehicleContainerHighFrequency BasicVehicleContainerHighFrequency,
rsuContainerHighFrequency RSUContainerHighFrequency,
### <a name="LowFrequencyContainer"></a>LowFrequencyContainer
* basicVehicleContainerLowFrequency [**BasicVehicleContainerLowFrequency**](#BasicVehicleContainerLowFrequency) <br>
LowFrequencyContainer ::= CHOICE {
basicVehicleContainerLowFrequency BasicVehicleContainerLowFrequency,
### <a name="SpecialVehicleContainer"></a>SpecialVehicleContainer
* publicTransportContainer [**PublicTransportContainer**](#PublicTransportContainer) <br>
* specialTransportContainer [**SpecialTransportContainer**](#SpecialTransportContainer) <br>
* dangerousGoodsContainer [**DangerousGoodsContainer**](#DangerousGoodsContainer) <br>
* roadWorksContainerBasic [**RoadWorksContainerBasic**](#RoadWorksContainerBasic) <br>
* rescueContainer [**RescueContainer**](#RescueContainer) <br>
* emergencyContainer [**EmergencyContainer**](#EmergencyContainer) <br>
* safetyCarContainer [**SafetyCarContainer**](#SafetyCarContainer) <br>
SpecialVehicleContainer ::= CHOICE {
publicTransportContainer PublicTransportContainer,
specialTransportContainer SpecialTransportContainer,
dangerousGoodsContainer DangerousGoodsContainer,
roadWorksContainerBasic RoadWorksContainerBasic,
rescueContainer RescueContainer,
emergencyContainer EmergencyContainer,
safetyCarContainer SafetyCarContainer,
### <a name="BasicContainer"></a>BasicContainer
* stationType [**StationType**]( <br>
* referencePosition [**ReferencePosition**]( <br>
BasicContainer ::= SEQUENCE {
stationType StationType,
referencePosition ReferencePosition,
### <a name="BasicVehicleContainerHighFrequency"></a>BasicVehicleContainerHighFrequency
* heading [**Heading**]( <br>
* speed [**Speed**]( <br>
* driveDirection [**DriveDirection**]( <br>
* vehicleLength [**VehicleLength**]( <br>
* vehicleWidth [**VehicleWidth**]( <br>
* longitudinalAcceleration [**LongitudinalAcceleration**]( <br>
* curvature [**Curvature**]( <br>
* curvatureCalculationMode [**CurvatureCalculationMode**]( <br>
* yawRate [**YawRate**]( <br>
* accelerationControl [**AccelerationControl**]( OPTIONAL<br>
* lanePosition [**LanePosition**]( OPTIONAL<br>
* steeringWheelAngle [**SteeringWheelAngle**]( OPTIONAL<br>
* lateralAcceleration [**LateralAcceleration**]( OPTIONAL<br>
* verticalAcceleration [**VerticalAcceleration**]( OPTIONAL<br>
* performanceClass [**PerformanceClass**]( OPTIONAL<br>
* cenDsrcTollingZone [**CenDsrcTollingZone**]( OPTIONAL<br>
BasicVehicleContainerHighFrequency ::= SEQUENCE {
heading Heading,
speed Speed,
driveDirection DriveDirection,
vehicleLength VehicleLength,
vehicleWidth VehicleWidth,
longitudinalAcceleration LongitudinalAcceleration,
curvature Curvature,
curvatureCalculationMode CurvatureCalculationMode,
yawRate YawRate,
accelerationControl AccelerationControl OPTIONAL,
lanePosition LanePosition OPTIONAL,
steeringWheelAngle SteeringWheelAngle OPTIONAL,
lateralAcceleration LateralAcceleration OPTIONAL,
verticalAcceleration VerticalAcceleration OPTIONAL,
performanceClass PerformanceClass OPTIONAL,
cenDsrcTollingZone CenDsrcTollingZone OPTIONAL
### <a name="BasicVehicleContainerLowFrequency"></a>BasicVehicleContainerLowFrequency
* vehicleRole [**VehicleRole**]( <br>
* exteriorLights [**ExteriorLights**]( <br>
* pathHistory [**PathHistory**]( <br>
BasicVehicleContainerLowFrequency ::= SEQUENCE {
vehicleRole VehicleRole,
exteriorLights ExteriorLights,
pathHistory PathHistory
### <a name="PublicTransportContainer"></a>PublicTransportContainer
* embarkationStatus [**EmbarkationStatus**]( <br>
* ptActivation [**PtActivation**]( OPTIONAL<br>
PublicTransportContainer ::= SEQUENCE {
embarkationStatus EmbarkationStatus,
ptActivation PtActivation OPTIONAL
### <a name="SpecialTransportContainer"></a>SpecialTransportContainer
* specialTransportType [**SpecialTransportType**]( <br>
* lightBarSirenInUse [**LightBarSirenInUse**]( <br>
SpecialTransportContainer ::= SEQUENCE {
specialTransportType SpecialTransportType,
lightBarSirenInUse LightBarSirenInUse
### <a name="DangerousGoodsContainer"></a>DangerousGoodsContainer
* dangerousGoodsBasic [**DangerousGoodsBasic**]( <br>
DangerousGoodsContainer ::= SEQUENCE {
dangerousGoodsBasic DangerousGoodsBasic
### <a name="RoadWorksContainerBasic"></a>RoadWorksContainerBasic
* roadworksSubCauseCode [**RoadworksSubCauseCode**]( OPTIONAL<br>
* lightBarSirenInUse [**LightBarSirenInUse**]( <br>
* closedLanes [**ClosedLanes**]( OPTIONAL<br>
RoadWorksContainerBasic ::= SEQUENCE {
roadworksSubCauseCode RoadworksSubCauseCode OPTIONAL,
lightBarSirenInUse LightBarSirenInUse,
closedLanes ClosedLanes OPTIONAL
### <a name="RescueContainer"></a>RescueContainer
* lightBarSirenInUse [**LightBarSirenInUse**]( <br>
RescueContainer ::= SEQUENCE {
lightBarSirenInUse LightBarSirenInUse
### <a name="EmergencyContainer"></a>EmergencyContainer
* lightBarSirenInUse [**LightBarSirenInUse**]( <br>
* incidentIndication [**CauseCode**]( OPTIONAL<br>
* emergencyPriority [**EmergencyPriority**]( OPTIONAL<br>
EmergencyContainer ::= SEQUENCE {
lightBarSirenInUse LightBarSirenInUse,
incidentIndication CauseCode OPTIONAL,
emergencyPriority EmergencyPriority OPTIONAL
### <a name="SafetyCarContainer"></a>SafetyCarContainer
* lightBarSirenInUse [**LightBarSirenInUse**]( <br>
* incidentIndication [**CauseCode**]( OPTIONAL<br>
* trafficRule [**TrafficRule**]( OPTIONAL<br>
* speedLimit [**SpeedLimit**]( OPTIONAL<br>
SafetyCarContainer ::= SEQUENCE {
lightBarSirenInUse LightBarSirenInUse,
incidentIndication CauseCode OPTIONAL,
trafficRule TrafficRule OPTIONAL,
speedLimit SpeedLimit OPTIONAL
### <a name="RSUContainerHighFrequency"></a>RSUContainerHighFrequency
* protectedCommunicationZonesRSU [**ProtectedCommunicationZonesRSU**]( OPTIONAL<br>
RSUContainerHighFrequency ::= SEQUENCE {
protectedCommunicationZonesRSU ProtectedCommunicationZonesRSU OPTIONAL,
### <a name="GenerationDeltaTime"></a>GenerationDeltaTime
GenerationDeltaTime ::= INTEGER { oneMilliSec(1) } (0..65535)
# ASN.1 module IMZM-PDU-Descriptions
OID: _{ itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) itsDomain (5) wg1 (1) ts (103724) imzm (1) version (1) }_
Specification of the Interference Management Zone Message ETSI TS 103 724
Latest version available at
## Imports:
* **[ITS-Container](** *{ itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) itsDomain (5) wg1 (1) ts (102894) cdd (2) version (2) }*<br/>
Include ETSI TS 102 894-2
Include references from
* **[CAM-PDU-Descriptions](** *{ itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) itsDomain (5) wg1 (1) en (302637) cam (2) version (2) }*<br/>
Include ETSI EN 302 637-2
Include references from
* **[VAM-Temp-Imports](** *{ itu-t(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) itsDomain(5) wg1(1) ts(103300) temp-imports(255) version1(1) }*<br/>
Include ETSI TS 103 300-3
All data types, imported from `VAM-Temp-Imports` will be imported from the CDD ETSI TS 102 894-2 Release 2 when available
Include references from
## Data Elements:
### <a name="IMZM"></a>IMZM
DF: Interference Management Zone Message Root
This DF includes DEs for the IMZM `protocolVersion`, the IMZ message type identifier `messageID`
and the station identifier `stationID` of the originating ITS-S.
* header [**ItsPduHeader**]( <br>
- The DE `protocolVersion` is used to select the appropriate protocol decoder at the receiving
ITS-S. For TS 103 724 V2.1.1, the value of the DE `protocolVersion` shall be set to 1.
- The DE `messageID` shall be harmonized with other V2X message identifier definitions.
For IMZM, the DE messageID shall be set to `imzm(15)`.
* imzm [**InterferenceManagementZoneMessage**](#InterferenceManagementZoneMessage) <br>
header ItsPduHeader,
imzm InterferenceManagementZoneMessage
### <a name="InterferenceManagementZoneMessage"></a>InterferenceManagementZoneMessage
DF: Interference Management Zone Message
This is the actual IMZM Payload. It shall include the time stamp of the IMZM and the applicable
containers of type `BasicContainer` and `ImzmContainer`.
* generationDeltaTime [**GenerationDeltaTime**]( <br>
* imzmParameters [**ImzmParameters**](#ImzmParameters) <br>
InterferenceManagementZoneMessage ::= SEQUENCE {
generationDeltaTime GenerationDeltaTime,
imzmParameters ImzmParameters
### <a name="ImzmParameters"></a>ImzmParameters
DF: IMZM Parameters
The sequence of containers in the IMZM. Other containers may be added in the future.
* basicContainer [**BasicContainer**]( <br>
imported from CAM-PDU-Descriptions
* imzmContainer [**ImzmContainer**](#ImzmContainer) <br>
container specific to the IMZM
ImzmParameters ::= SEQUENCE {
basicContainer BasicContainer,
imzmContainer ImzmContainer,
### <a name="ImzmContainer"></a>ImzmContainer
DF: IMZM Container
The IMZM container includes a sequence of up to 16 interference management zones.
For each interference management zones, it contains a sequence of interference
management zones per channel together with their characteristics.
* interferenceManagementZones [**InterferenceManagementZones**](#InterferenceManagementZones) <br>
mapped to the DF_ProtectedCommunicationZone in ETSI TS 102 894-2
ImzmContainer ::= SEQUENCE {
interferenceManagementZones InterferenceManagementZones,
### <a name="InterferenceManagementZones"></a>InterferenceManagementZones
DF: List of Interference Management Zones
A list of up to 16 interference management zones.
**EXAMPLE**: An interference management communication zone may be defined around a
CEN DSRC road side equipment or an urban rail operational area.
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: [Infrastructure information](#Infrastructure+information) [Communication information](#Communication+information)
InterferenceManagementZones ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..16), ...) OF InterferenceManagementZone
### <a name="InterferenceManagementZone"></a>InterferenceManagementZone
DF: Interference Management Zone
Describes a zone of interferenceManagement inside which the ITS communication should
be restricted.
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: [Infrastructure information](#Infrastructure+information) [Communication information](#Communication+information)
* zoneDefinition [**ZoneDefinition**](#ZoneDefinition) <br>
* interferenceManagementInfo [**InterferenceManagementInfo**](#InterferenceManagementInfo) <br>
InterferenceManagementZone ::= SEQUENCE {
zoneDefinition ZoneDefinition,
interferenceManagementInfo InterferenceManagementInfo
### <a name="ZoneDefinition"></a>ZoneDefinition
DF: Zone Definition
Describes the zone where band sharing occurs. When reusing CDD Rel.1 types, names are unchanged.
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: [Infrastructure information](#Infrastructure+information) [Communication information](#Communication+information)
* interferenceManagementZoneLatitude [**Latitude**]( <br>
Latitude of the centre point of the interference management zone.
* interferenceManagementZoneLongitude [**Longitude**]( <br>
Longitude of the centre point of the interference management zone.
* interferenceManagementZoneRadius [**ProtectedZoneRadius**]( OPTIONAL<br>
Radius of the interference management zone in metres.
This DE is present if the data is available
* interferenceManagementZoneID [**ProtectedZoneID**]( OPTIONAL<br>
Identification of the interference management zone.
This DE is present if the data is available.
* interferenceManagementZoneShape [**InterferenceManagementZoneShape**](#InterferenceManagementZoneShape) OPTIONAL<br>
Shape of the interference management zone.
This DF is present if the data is available.
ZoneDefinition::= SEQUENCE{
interferenceManagementZoneLatitude Latitude,
interferenceManagementZoneLongitude Longitude,
interferenceManagementZoneRadius ProtectedZoneRadius OPTIONAL,
interferenceManagementZoneID ProtectedZoneID OPTIONAL,
interferenceManagementZoneShape InterferenceManagementZoneShape OPTIONAL,
### <a name="InterferenceManagementInfo"></a>InterferenceManagementInfo
DF: Interference Management Information
A list of up to 16 definitions containing which interference management may be applied in the zone,
per affected frequency channels.
**Note**: in the case where no mitigation should be applied by the ITS-S, this is indicated
by the value of interferenceManagementMitigationType set to unavailable.
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: [Infrastructure information](#Infrastructure+information) [Communication information](#Communication+information)
InterferenceManagementInfo::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..16,...)) OF InterferenceManagementInfoPerChannel
### <a name="InterferenceManagementInfoPerChannel"></a>InterferenceManagementInfoPerChannel
DF: Interference Management Information Per Channel
A break up of the interference management information per affected frequency channels.
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: [Infrastructure information](#Infrastructure+information) [Communication information](#Communication+information)
* interferenceManagementChannel [**InterferenceManagementChannel**](#InterferenceManagementChannel) <br>
Characteritics of the frequency channel for which the zone
should be applied interference management
* interferenceManagementZoneType [**InterferenceManagementZoneType**](#InterferenceManagementZoneType) <br>
Type of the interference management zone.
* interferenceManagementMitigationType [**InterferenceManagementMitigationType**](#InterferenceManagementMitigationType) OPTIONAL<br>
Type of the mitigation to be used in the interference management zone.
* expiryTime [**TimestampIts**]( OPTIONAL<br>
Time at which the validity of the interference management communication zone will expire.
This DE is present when the interference management is temporarily valid
InterferenceManagementInfoPerChannel ::= SEQUENCE {
interferenceManagementChannel InterferenceManagementChannel,
interferenceManagementZoneType InterferenceManagementZoneType,
interferenceManagementMitigationType InterferenceManagementMitigationType OPTIONAL,
expiryTime TimestampIts OPTIONAL,
### <a name="InterferenceManagementChannel"></a>InterferenceManagementChannel
DF: InterferenceManagementChannel
Indicates which shared frequency channel should be applied interference management in the zone.
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: [Communication information](#Communication+information)
* centreFrequency **INTEGER** (1 .. 99999)<br>
centre frequency of the channel
<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _10exp+2 Hz (where exp is exponent)_
* channelWidth **INTEGER** (0 .. 9999)<br>
width of the channel
<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _10exp Hz (where exp is exponent)_
* exponent **INTEGER** (0 .. 15)<br>
exponent of the power of 10
<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _N/A_
InterferenceManagementChannel ::= SEQUENCE {
centreFrequency INTEGER (1 .. 99999),
channelWidth INTEGER (0 .. 9999),
exponent INTEGER (0 .. 15)
### <a name="InterferenceManagementZoneType"></a>InterferenceManagementZoneType
DE: InterferenceManagementZoneType
defines the type of an interference management zone, so that an ITS-S can
assert the actions to do while passing by such zone (e.g. reduce the transmit
power in case of a DSRC tolling station).
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: [Communication information](#Communication+information)
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _N/A_
InterferenceManagementZoneType ::= ENUMERATED {
### <a name="InterferenceManagementMitigationType"></a>InterferenceManagementMitigationType
DF: Mitigation type in the interference management zone
Information and commands defining the required mitigation type the
receiving ITS-S has to use in the defined interference management zone.
It indicates the type of mitigation and the parameters to be used to protect the
potential victim in the interference management zone per channel access technology class.
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: [Communication information](#Communication+information)
* unavailable **NULL** <br>
unavailable is the default value to be used when data is not available.
* mitigationForTechnologies [**MitigationForTechnologies**](#MitigationForTechnologies) <br>
InterferenceManagementMitigationType ::= CHOICE {
unavailable NULL,
mitigationForTechnologies MitigationForTechnologies
### <a name="MitigationForTechnologies"></a>MitigationForTechnologies
DF: Mitigation type container for the different channel access technology classes
Class of parameters for the relevant channel access technology classes,
as specified in ETSI TS 103 724, clause 7.
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: [Communication information](#Communication+information)
MitigationForTechnologies ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..8)) OF MitigationPerTechnologyClass
### <a name="MitigationPerTechnologyClass"></a>MitigationPerTechnologyClass
DF: Mitigation type container per channel access technology class
Class of parameters for the specific technology indicated in the container.
All parameters are optional, as they may not apply to some of the technologies or
interference management zone types. Specification details are in ETSI TS 103 724, clause 7.
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: [Communication information](#Communication+information)
* accessTechnologyClass [**AccessTechnologyClass**](#AccessTechnologyClass) <br>
channel access technology in which this mitigation is applied.
<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _N/A_
* lowDutyCycle **INTEGER** (0 .. 10000) OPTIONAL<br>
duty cycle limit.
<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _0.01% steps_
* powerReduction **INTEGER** (0 .. 30) OPTIONAL<br>
power reduction.
<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _dB_
* dmcToffLimit **INTEGER** (0 .. 1200) OPTIONAL<br>
Idle time limit as defined in ETSI TS 103 175.
<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _ms_
* dmcTonLimit **INTEGER** (0 .. 20) OPTIONAL<br>
Transmission duration limit, as defined in ETSI EN 302 571.
<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _ms_
MitigationPerTechnologyClass ::= SEQUENCE {
accessTechnologyClass AccessTechnologyClass,
lowDutyCycle INTEGER (0 .. 10000) OPTIONAL,
powerReduction INTEGER (0 .. 30) OPTIONAL,
dmcToffLimit INTEGER (0 .. 1200) OPTIONAL,
dmcTonLimit INTEGER (0 .. 20) OPTIONAL,
### <a name="AccessTechnologyClass"></a>AccessTechnologyClass
DE: channel access technology class
Access technology to which the mitigation type applies.
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: [Communication information](#Communication+information)
AccessTechnologyClass ::= ENUMERATED {
### <a name="InterferenceManagementZoneShape"></a>InterferenceManagementZoneShape
DF: Shape of the interference management zone
Bounding box of an interference management zone
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: [GeoReference information](#GeoReference+information)
* rectangle [**AreaRectangle**]( <br>
* circle [**AreaCircular**]( <br>
* polygon [**AreaPolygon**]( <br>
* ellipse [**AreaEllipse**](#AreaEllipse) <br>
InterferenceManagementZoneShape::= CHOICE {
rectangle AreaRectangle,
circle AreaCircular,
polygon AreaPolygon,
ellipse AreaEllipse,
### <a name="AreaEllipse"></a>AreaEllipse
DF: Area Ellipse
Area Ellipse copied from CPM TR 103 562. Will be removed when CDD Release 2 is available.
Describes an elliptical area. The ellipse is centred about the reference point
of the ITS-S or about the nodeCenterPoint (if provided).
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: [GeoReference information](#GeoReference+information)
* nodeCenterPoint [**OffsetPoint**]( OPTIONAL<br>
Optional offset point about which the ellipse is centred with respect to the reference
position of the ITS-S.
* semiMajorRangeLength [**SemiRangeLength**]( <br>
Minor radius of the ellipse.
* semiMinorRangeLength [**SemiRangeLength**]( <br>
Major radius of the ellipse.
* semiMajorRangeOrientation [**WGS84AngleValue**]( <br>
Orientation of the semiMajorRangeLength of the ellipse in the WGS84 coordinate system.
AreaEllipse ::= SEQUENCE {
nodeCenterPoint OffsetPoint OPTIONAL,
semiMajorRangeLength SemiRangeLength,
semiMinorRangeLength SemiRangeLength,
semiMajorRangeOrientation WGS84AngleValue
This diff is collapsed.
# ASN.1 module VAM-Temp-Imports
OID: _{itu-t(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) itsDomain(5) wg1(1) ts(103300) temp-imports(255) version1(1)}_
## Imports:
* **[ITS-Container](** *{itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) itsDomain (5) wg1 (1) ts (102894) cdd (2) version (2)}*<br/>
* **[DSRC](** *{iso (1) standard (0) signalizedIntersection (19091) profilec(2) dsrc (2) version (2)}*<br/>
## Data Elements:
### <a name="BasicContainer"></a>BasicContainer
* stationType [**StationType**]( <br>
* referencePosition [**ReferencePosition**]( <br>
BasicContainer ::= SEQUENCE {
stationType StationType,
referencePosition ReferencePosition,
### <a name="ItsPduHeader"></a>ItsPduHeader
* protocolVersion **INTEGER** (0..255)<br>
* messageID **INTEGER** { denm(1), cam(2), poi(3), spatem(4), mapem(5), ivim(6), ev-rsr(7), tistpgtransaction(8), srem(9), ssem(10), evcsn(11), saem(12), rtcmem(13), vam(14) } (0..255)<br>
* stationID [**StationID**]( <br>
ItsPduHeader ::= SEQUENCE {
protocolVersion INTEGER (0..255),
messageID INTEGER{ denm(1), cam(2), poi(3), spatem(4), mapem(5), ivim(6), ev-rsr(7), tistpgtransaction(8), srem(9), ssem(10), evcsn(11), saem(12), rtcmem(13), vam(14) } (0..255),
stationID StationID
### <a name="AreaCircular"></a>AreaCircular
* nodeCenterPoint [**OffsetPoint**]( OPTIONAL<br>
* radius [**Radius**](#Radius) <br>
AreaCircular ::= SEQUENCE {
nodeCenterPoint OffsetPoint OPTIONAL,
radius Radius
### <a name="AreaPolygon"></a>AreaPolygon
* polyPointList [**PolyPointList**](#PolyPointList) <br>
AreaPolygon ::= SEQUENCE {
polyPointList PolyPointList
### <a name="AreaRectangle"></a>AreaRectangle
* nodeCenterPoint [**OffsetPoint**]( OPTIONAL<br>
* semiMajorRangeLength [**SemiRangeLength**]( <br>
* semiMinorRangeLength [**SemiRangeLength**]( <br>
* semiMajorRangeOrientation [**WGS84AngleValue**]( <br>
* semiHeight [**SemiRangeLength**]( OPTIONAL<br>
AreaRectangle ::= SEQUENCE {
nodeCenterPoint OffsetPoint OPTIONAL,
semiMajorRangeLength SemiRangeLength,
semiMinorRangeLength SemiRangeLength,
semiMajorRangeOrientation WGS84AngleValue,
semiHeight SemiRangeLength OPTIONAL
### <a name="OffsetPoint"></a>OffsetPoint
* nodeOffsetPointXY [**NodeOffsetPointXY**]( (WITH COMPONENTS {..., node-LatLon ABSENT, regional ABSENT})<br>
* nodeOffsetPointZ [**NodeOffsetPointZ**](#NodeOffsetPointZ) OPTIONAL<br>
OffsetPoint ::= SEQUENCE{
nodeOffsetPointXY NodeOffsetPointXY (WITH COMPONENTS {..., node-LatLon ABSENT, regional ABSENT}),
nodeOffsetPointZ NodeOffsetPointZ OPTIONAL
### <a name="NodeOffsetPointZ"></a>NodeOffsetPointZ
* node-Z1 [**Offset-B10**]( <br>
* node-Z2 [**Offset-B11**]( <br>
* node-Z3 [**Offset-B12**]( <br>
* node-Z4 [**Offset-B13**]( <br>
* node-Z5 [**Offset-B14**]( <br>
* node-Z6 [**Offset-B16**]( <br>
NodeOffsetPointZ ::= CHOICE {
node-Z1 Offset-B10,
node-Z2 Offset-B11,
node-Z3 Offset-B12,
node-Z4 Offset-B13,
node-Z5 Offset-B14,
node-Z6 Offset-B16
### <a name="Radius"></a>Radius
* **zeroPointOneMeter** (1)<br>
* **oneMeter** (10)<br>
Radius ::= INTEGER {
zeroPointOneMeter (1),
oneMeter (10)
} (0..10000)
### <a name="PolyPointList"></a>PolyPointList
PolyPointList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(3..16, ...)) OF OffsetPoint
### <a name="SemiRangeLength"></a>SemiRangeLength
* **zeroPointOneMeter** (1)<br>
* **oneMeter** (10)<br>
SemiRangeLength ::= INTEGER {
zeroPointOneMeter (1),
oneMeter (10)
} (0..10000)
### <a name="WGS84AngleValue"></a>WGS84AngleValue
* **wgs84North** (0)<br>
* **wgs84East** (900)<br>
* **wgs84South** (1800)<br>
* **wgs84West** (2700)<br>
* **unavailable** (3601)<br>
WGS84AngleValue ::= INTEGER {
wgs84North (0),
wgs84East (900),
wgs84South (1800),
wgs84West (2700),
unavailable (3601)
} (0..3601)
### <a name="StationType"></a>StationType
StationType ::= INTEGER {
unknown(0), pedestrian(1), cyclist(2), moped(3), motorcycle(4),
passengerCar(5), bus(6), lightTruck(7), heavyTruck(8), trailer(9),
specialVehicles(10), tram(11), lightVruVehicle(12), animal(13),