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ETSI-ITS-CDD.asn 294 KiB
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/** draft 003 of the CCD module for TS 102 894-2 V2.2.1 integrating:
- ITSWG1(23)062003	 Update VAM parameters definitions in ITS Common Data Dictionary
- ITSWG1(23)063016	 CPM ASN.1 format (CDD+CPS)
- ITSWG1(23)063017	 Generalize the opening angles of the radial shape options
- ITSWG1(23)063018   Generalize the orientation of the DF Shape
- ITSWG1(23)063012   CDD extension to enable Road Configuration Container in DENMs
- ITSWG1(23)000078   CDD extension to enable Road Configuration Container in DENMs with JTI changes
- ITSWG1(23)063001r2 Extend LaneInformation to cover more scenarios
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ETSI-ITS-CDD {itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) itsDomain (5) wg1 (1) 102894 cdd (2) major-version-4 (4) minor-version-1 (1)}
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-- Specification of CDD Data Elements: 

 * This DE indicates a change of acceleration.
 * The value shall be set to:
 * - 0 - `accelerate` - if the magnitude of the horizontal velocity vector increases.
 * - 1 - `decelerate` - if the magnitude of the horizontal velocity vector decreases.
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 * @category: Kinematic information
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 * @revision: Created in V2.1.1
AccelerationChange::= ENUMERATED { 
    accelerate (0), 
    decelerate (1) 

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 * This DE indicates the acceleration confidence value which represents the estimated absolute accuracy of an acceleration value with a default confidence level of 95 %. 
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 * If required, the confidence level can be defined by the corresponding standards applying this DE.
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 * The value shall be set to:
 * - `n` (`n > 0` and `n < 101`) if the confidence value is equal to or less than n x 0,1 m/s^2, and greater than (n-1) x 0,1 m/s^2,
 * - `101` if the confidence value is out of range i.e. greater than 10 m/s^2,
 * - `102` if the confidence value is unavailable.
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 * The value 0 shall not be used.
 * @note: The fact that an acceleration value is received with confidence value set to `unavailable(102)` can be caused by several reasons, such as:
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 * - the sensor cannot deliver the accuracy at the defined confidence level because it is a low-end sensor,
 * - the sensor cannot calculate the accuracy due to lack of variables, or
 * - there has been a vehicle bus (e.g. CAN bus) error.
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 * In all 3 cases above, the acceleration value may be valid and used by the application.
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 * @note: If an acceleration value is received and its confidence value is set to `outOfRange(101)`, it means that the value is not valid and therefore cannot be trusted. Such value is not useful for the application.
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 * @unit 0,1 m/s^2
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 * @category: Kinematic information
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 * @revision: Description revised in V2.1.1
AccelerationConfidence ::= INTEGER {
    outOfRange                 (101), 
    unavailable                (102)
} (0..102)

 * This DE indicates the current controlling mechanism for longitudinal movement of the vehicle.
 * The data may be provided via the in-vehicle network. It indicates whether a specific in-vehicle
 * acceleration control system is engaged or not. Currently, this DE includes the information of the
 * vehicle brake pedal, gas pedal, emergency brake system, collision warning system, adaptive cruise
 * control system, cruise control system and speed limiter system.
 * The corresponding bit shall be set to 1 under the following conditions:
 * - 0 - `brakePedalEngaged`      - Driver is stepping on the brake pedal,
 * - 1 - `gasPedalEngaged`        - Driver is stepping on the gas pedal,
 * - 2 - `emergencyBrakeEngaged`  - emergency brake system is engaged,
 * - 3 - `collisionWarningEngaged`- collision warning system is engaged,
 * - 4 - `accEngaged`             - ACC is engaged,
 * - 5 - `cruiseControlEngaged`   - cruise control is engaged,
 * - 6 - `speedLimiterEngaged`    - speed limiter is engaged.
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 * Otherwise (for example when the corresponding system is not available due to non equipped system
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 * or information is unavailable), the corresponding bit shall be set to 0.
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 * @note: The system engagement condition is OEM specific and therefore out of scope of the present document.
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 * @category: Vehicle information
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 * @revision: V1.3.1
AccelerationControl ::= BIT STRING {
    brakePedalEngaged       (0),
    gasPedalEngaged         (1),
    emergencyBrakeEngaged   (2),
    collisionWarningEngaged (3),
    accEngaged              (4),
    cruiseControlEngaged    (5),
    speedLimiterEngaged     (6)
} (SIZE(7))

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 * This DE represents the magnitude of the acceleration vector in a defined coordinate system.
 * The value shall be set to:
 * - `0` to indicate no acceleration,
 * - `n` (`n > 0` and `n < 160`) to indicate acceleration equal to or less than n x 0,1 m/s^2, and greater than (n-1) x 0,1 m/s^2,
 * - `160` for acceleration values greater than 15,9 m/s^2,
 * - `161` when the data is unavailable.
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 * @unit 0,1 m/s^2
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 * @category: Kinematic information
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 * @revision: Created in V2.1.1
AccelerationMagnitudeValue ::= INTEGER {
    positiveOutOfRange (160),
    unavailable        (161)  
} (0.. 161)

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 * This DE represents the value of an acceleration component in a defined coordinate system.
 * The value shall be set to:
 * - `-160` for acceleration values equal to or less than -16 m/s^2,
 * - `n` (`n > -160` and `n <= 0`) to indicate negative acceleration equal to or less than n x 0,1 m/s^2, and greater than (n-1) x 0,1 m/s^2,
 * - `n` (`n > 0` and `n < 160`) to indicate positive acceleration equal to or less than n x 0,1 m/s^2, and greater than (n-1) x 0,1 m/s^2,
 * - `160` for acceleration values greater than 15,9 m/s^2,
 * - `161` when the data is unavailable.
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 * @note: the formula for values > -160 and <160 results in rounding up to the next value. Zero acceleration is indicated using n=0.
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 * @unit 0,1 m/s^2
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 * @category: Kinematic information
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 * @revision: Created in V2.1.1
AccelerationValue ::= INTEGER {
    negativeOutOfRange (-160),
    positiveOutOfRange (160),
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    unavailable        (161)  
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} (-160 .. 161)

 * This DE indicates an access technology.
 * The value shall be set to:
 * - `0`: in case of any access technology class,
 * - `1`: in case of ITS-G5 access technology class,
 * - `2`: in case of LTE-V2X access technology class,
 * - `3`: in case of NR-V2X access technology class.
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 * @category: Communication information
 * @revision: Created in V2.1.1
AccessTechnologyClass ::= ENUMERATED {
   any         (0), 
   itsg5Class  (1), 
   ltev2xClass (2), 
   nrv2xClass  (3),

 * This DE represents the value of the sub cause code of the @ref CauseCode `accident`.
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 * The value shall be set to:
 * - 0 - `unavailable`                        - in case the information on the sub cause of the accident is unavailable,
 * - 1 - `multiVehicleAccident`               - in case more than two vehicles are involved in accident,
 * - 2 - `heavyAccident`                      - in case the airbag of the vehicle involved in the accident is triggered, 
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 *                                              the accident requires important rescue and/or recovery work,
 * - 3 - `accidentInvolvingLorry`             - in case the accident involves a lorry,
 * - 4 - `accidentInvolvingBus`               - in case the accident involves a bus,
 * - 5 - `accidentInvolvingHazardousMaterials`- in case the accident involves hazardous material,
 * - 6 - `accidentOnOppositeLane`             - in case the accident happens on opposite lanes,
 * - 7 - `unsecuredAccident`                  - in case the accident is not secured,
 * - 8 - `assistanceRequested`                - in case rescue and assistance are requested,
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 * - 9-255                                    - reserved for future usage. 
 * @category: Traffic information
 * @revision: V1.3.1
AccidentSubCauseCode ::= INTEGER {
    unavailable                         (0),
    multiVehicleAccident                (1),
    heavyAccident                       (2),
    accidentInvolvingLorry              (3),
    accidentInvolvingBus                (4),
    accidentInvolvingHazardousMaterials (5),
    accidentOnOppositeLane              (6),
    unsecuredAccident                   (7),
    assistanceRequested                 (8)
} (0..255)

 * This DE represents the value of the sub cause code of the @ref CauseCode `adverseWeatherCondition-Adhesion`. 
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 * The value shall be set to:
 * - 0 - `unavailable`     - in case information on the cause of the low road adhesion is unavailable,
 * - 1 - `heavyFrostOnRoad`- in case the low road adhesion is due to heavy frost on the road,
 * - 2 - `fuelOnRoad`      - in case the low road adhesion is due to fuel on the road,
 * - 3 - `mudOnRoad`       - in case the low road adhesion is due to mud on the road,
 * - 4 - `snowOnRoad`      - in case the low road adhesion is due to snow on the road,
 * - 5 - `iceOnRoad`       - in case the low road adhesion is due to ice on the road,
 * - 6 - `blackIceOnRoad`  - in case the low road adhesion is due to black ice on the road,
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