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ETSI-ITS-CDD.asn 276 KiB
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ETSI-ITS-CDD {itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) itsDomain (5) wg1 (1) 102894 cdd (2) major-version-3 (3) minor-version-1 (1)}
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-- Specification of CDD Data Elements: 

 * This DE indicates a change of acceleration.
 * The value shall be set to:
 * - 0 - 'accelerate' - if the magnitude of the horizontal velocity vector increases.
 * - 1 - 'decelerate' - if the magnitude of the horizontal velocity vector decreases.
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 * @category: Kinematic information
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 * @revision: Created in V2.1.1
AccelerationChange::= ENUMERATED { 
    accelerate (0), 
    decelerate (1) 

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 * This DE indicates the acceleration confidence value which represents the estimated absolute accuracy of an acceleration value with a default confidence level of 95 %. 
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 * If required, the confidence level can be defined by the corresponding standards applying this DE.
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 * The value shall be set to:
 * - 'n (n > 0 and n < 101)' if the confidence value is equal to or less than n x 0,1 m/s^2, and greater than (n-1) x 0,1 m/s^2,
 * - '101' if the confidence value is out of range i.e. greater than 10 m/s^2,
 * - '102' if the confidence value is unavailable.
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 * The value 0 shall not be used.
 * @note: The fact that an acceleration value is received with confidence value set to 'unavailable(102)' can be caused by several reasons, such as:
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 * - the sensor cannot deliver the accuracy at the defined confidence level because it is a low-end sensor,
 * - the sensor cannot calculate the accuracy due to lack of variables, or
 * - there has been a vehicle bus (e.g. CAN bus) error.
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 * In all 3 cases above, the acceleration value may be valid and used by the application.
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 * @note: If an acceleration value is received and its confidence value is set to 'outOfRange(101)', it means that the value is not valid and therefore cannot be trusted. Such value is not useful for the application.
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 * @unit 0,1 m/s^2
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 * @category: Kinematic information
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 * @revision: Description revised in V2.1.1
AccelerationConfidence ::= INTEGER {
    outOfRange                 (101), 
    unavailable                (102)
} (0..102)

 * This DE indicates the current controlling mechanism for longitudinal movement of the vehicle.
 * The data may be provided via the in-vehicle network. It indicates whether a specific in-vehicle
 * acceleration control system is engaged or not. Currently, this DE includes the information of the
 * vehicle brake pedal, gas pedal, emergency brake system, collision warning system, adaptive cruise
 * control system, cruise control system and speed limiter system.
 * The corresponding bit shall be set to 1 under the following conditions:
 * - 0 - 'brakePedalEngaged'      - Driver is stepping on the brake pedal,
 * - 1 - 'gasPedalEngaged'        - Driver is stepping on the gas pedal,
 * - 2 - 'emergencyBrakeEngaged'  - emergency brake system is engaged,
 * - 3 - 'collisionWarningEngaged'- collision warning system is engaged,
 * - 4 - 'accEngaged'             - ACC is engaged,
 * - 5 - 'cruiseControlEngaged'   - cruise control is engaged,
 * - 6 - 'speedLimiterEngaged'    - speed limiter is engaged.
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 * Otherwise (for example when the corresponding system is not available due to non equipped system
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 * or information is unavailable), the corresponding bit shall be set to 0.
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 * @note: The system engagement condition is OEM specific and therefore out of scope of the present document.
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 * @category: Vehicle information
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 * @revision: V1.3.1
AccelerationControl ::= BIT STRING {
    brakePedalEngaged       (0),
    gasPedalEngaged         (1),
    emergencyBrakeEngaged   (2),
    collisionWarningEngaged (3),
    accEngaged              (4),
    cruiseControlEngaged    (5),
    speedLimiterEngaged     (6)
} (SIZE(7))

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 * This DE represents the magnitude of the acceleration vector in a defined coordinate system.
 * The value shall be set to:
 * - '0' to indicate no acceleration,
 * - 'n (n > 0 and n < 160)' to indicate acceleration equal to or less than n x 0,1 m/s^2, and greater than (n-1) x 0,1 m/s^2,
 * - '160' for acceleration values greater than 15,9 m/s^2,
 * - '161' when the data is unavailable.
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 * @unit 0,1 m/s^2
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 * @category: Kinematic information
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 * @revision: Created in V2.1.1
AccelerationMagnitudeValue ::= INTEGER {
    positiveOutOfRange (160),
    unavailable        (161)  
} (0.. 161)

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 * This DE represents the value of an acceleration component in a defined coordinate system.
 * The value shall be set to:
 * - '-160' for acceleration values equal to or less than -16 m/s^2,
 * - 'n (n > -160 and n <= 0)' to indicate negative acceleration equal to or less than n x 0,1 m/s^2, and greater than (n-1) x 0,1 m/s^2,
 * - 'n (n > 0 and n < 160)' to indicate positive acceleration equal to or less than n x 0,1 m/s^2, and greater than (n-1) x 0,1 m/s^2,
 * - '160' for acceleration values greater than 15,9 m/s^2,
 * - '161' when the data is unavailable.
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 * @note: the formula for values > -160 and <160 results in rounding up to the next value. Zero acceleration is indicated using n=0.
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 * @unit 0,1 m/s^2
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 * @category: Kinematic information
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 * @revision: Created in V2.1.1
AccelerationValue ::= INTEGER {
    negativeOutOfRange (-160),
    positiveOutOfRange (160),
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    unavailable        (161)  
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} (-160 .. 161)

 * This DE indicates an access technology.
 * The value shall be set to:
 * - '0': in case of any access technology class,
 * - '1': in case of ITS-G5 access technology class,
 * - '2': in case of LTE-V2X access technology class,
 * - '3': in case of NR-V2X access technology class.
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 * @category: Communication information
 * @revision: Created in V2.1.1
AccessTechnologyClass ::= ENUMERATED {
   any         (0), 
   itsg5Class  (1), 
   ltev2xClass (2), 
   nrv2xClass  (3),

 * This DE represents the value of the sub cause code of the @ref CauseCode 'accident'.
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 * The value shall be set to:
 * - 0 - 'unavailable'                        - in case the information on the sub cause of the accident is unavailable,
 * - 1 - 'multiVehicleAccident'               - in case more than two vehicles are involved in accident,
 * - 2 - 'heavyAccident'                      - in case the airbag of the vehicle involved in the accident is triggered, 
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 *                                              the accident requires important rescue and/or recovery work,
 * - 3 - 'accidentInvolvingLorry'             - in case the accident involves a lorry,
 * - 4 - 'accidentInvolvingBus'               - in case the accident involves a bus,
 * - 5 - 'accidentInvolvingHazardousMaterials'- in case the accident involves hazardous material,
 * - 6 - 'accidentOnOppositeLane'             - in case the accident happens on opposite lanes,
 * - 7 - 'unsecuredAccident'                  - in case the accident is not secured,
 * - 8 - 'assistanceRequested'                - in case rescue and assistance are requested,
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 * - 9-255                                    - reserved for future usage. 
 * @category: Traffic information
 * @revision: V1.3.1
AccidentSubCauseCode ::= INTEGER {
    unavailable                         (0),
    multiVehicleAccident                (1),
    heavyAccident                       (2),
    accidentInvolvingLorry              (3),
    accidentInvolvingBus                (4),
    accidentInvolvingHazardousMaterials (5),
    accidentOnOppositeLane              (6),
    unsecuredAccident                   (7),
    assistanceRequested                 (8)
} (0..255)

 * This DE represents the value of the sub cause code of the @ref CauseCode 'adverseWeatherCondition-Adhesion'. 
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 * The value shall be set to:
 * - 0 - 'unavailable'     - in case information on the cause of the low road adhesion is unavailable,
 * - 1 - 'heavyFrostOnRoad'- in case the low road adhesion is due to heavy frost on the road,
 * - 2 - 'fuelOnRoad'      - in case the low road adhesion is due to fuel on the road,
 * - 3 - 'mudOnRoad'       - in case the low road adhesion is due to mud on the road,
 * - 4 - 'snowOnRoad'      - in case the low road adhesion is due to snow on the road,
 * - 5 - 'iceOnRoad'       - in case the low road adhesion is due to ice on the road,
 * - 6 - 'blackIceOnRoad'  - in case the low road adhesion is due to black ice on the road,
 * - 7 - 'oilOnRoad'       - in case the low road adhesion is due to oil on the road,
 * - 8 - 'looseChippings'  - in case the low road adhesion is due to loose gravel or stone fragments detached from a road surface or from a hazard,
 * - 9 - 'instantBlackIce' - in case the low road adhesion is due to instant black ice on the road surface,
 * - 10 - 'roadsSalted'    - when the low road adhesion is due to salted road,
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 * - 11-255                - are reserved for future usage.
 * @category: Traffic information
 * @revision: V1.3.1
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