ITS-Container.asn 251 KB
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 * @revision: Created in V2.1.1
VruClusterInformation ::= SEQUENCE { 
   clusterId                  ClusterId OPTIONAL,
   clusterBoundingBoxShape    Shape (WITH COMPONENTS{..., ellipse ABSENT, radial ABSENT, radialShapes ABSENT}) OPTIONAL,
   clusterCardinalitySize     ClusterCardinalitySize,
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   clusterProfiles            VruClusterProfiles OPTIONAL,
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 * This DF indicates the profile of a VRU including sub-profile information
 * It identifies four options corresponding to the four types of VRU profiles specified in ETSI TS 103 300-2 [i.22]:
 * @field pedestrian: VRU Profile 1 - Pedestrian.
 * @field bicyclistAndLightVruVehicle: VRU Profile  2 - Bicyclist.
 * @field motorcyclist: VRU Profile 3  - Motorcyclist.
 * @field animal: VRU Profile  4 -  Animals.
 * @category: VRU information
 * @revision: Created in V2.1.1
VruProfileAndSubprofile ::= CHOICE {
   pedestrian                     VruSubProfilePedestrian,
   bicyclistAndLightVruVehicle    VruSubProfileBicyclist,
   motorcylist                    VruSubProfileMotorcyclist,
   animal                         VruSubProfileAnimal,

 * This DF represents an angular component along with a confidence in the WGS84 coordinate system.
 * It includes the following components: 
 * @field value: the angle value which can be estimated as the mean of the current distribution.
 * @field confidence: the accuracy associated to the provided value.
 * @category: GeoReference information
 * @revision: Created in V2.1.1
Wgs84Angle ::= SEQUENCE {
    value         Wgs84AngleValue,
    confidence    Wgs84AngleConfidence

 * This DF represents a yaw rate of vehicle at a point in time.
 * It includes the following components: 
 * @field yawRateValue: yaw rate value at a point in time.
 * @field yawRateConfidence: accuracy of reported yaw rate value.
 * @category: Vehicle Information
 * @revision: V1.3.1
YawRate::= SEQUENCE {
    yawRateValue         YawRateValue,
    yawRateConfidence    YawRateConfidence