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# ASN.1 module ETSI-ITS-CDD
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 OID: _{itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) itsDomain (5) wg1 (1) 102894 cdd (2) major-version-3 (3) minor-version-1 (1)}_
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## Data Elements:

### <a name="AccelerationChange"></a>AccelerationChange
 This DE indicates a change of acceleration.

 The value shall be set to:
 - 0 - `accelerate` - if the acceleration is positive.
 - 1 - `decelerate` - if the acceleration is negative.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Kinematics information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
AccelerationChange::= ENUMERATED { 
    accelerate (0), 
    decelerate (1) 

### <a name="AccelerationConfidence"></a>AccelerationConfidence
 This DE represents the absolute accuracy of a reported vehicle acceleration value with a  confidence level of 95%. 

 The value shall be set to:
 - `n (n > 0 and n < 101)` if the acceleration accuracy is equal to or less than n x 0,1 m/s<sup>2</sup>, and greater than (n-1) x 0,1 m/s<sup>2</sup>.
 - `101` if the acceleration accuracy is out of range i.e. greater than 10 m/s<sup>2</sup>.
 - `102` if the data is unavailable.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _0,1 m/s<sup>2</sup>_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Kinematics information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Description revised in V2.1.1_

NOTE: If an acceleration value is received and its confidence is set to `outOfRange(101)`, it means that the value is not valid and therefore cannot be trusted. Such value is not useful for the application.
AccelerationConfidence ::= INTEGER {
    outOfRange                 (101), 
    unavailable                (102)
} (0..102)

### <a name="AccelerationControl"></a>AccelerationControl
 This DE indicates the current controlling mechanism for longitudinal movement of the vehicle.
 The data may be provided via the in-vehicle network. It indicates whether a specific in-vehicle
 acceleration control system is engaged or not. Currently, this DE includes the information of the
 vehicle brake pedal, gas pedal, emergency brake system, collision warning system, adaptive cruise
 control system, cruise control system and speed limiter system.

 The corresponding bit shall be set to 1 under the following conditions:
 - 0 - `brakePedalEngaged`      - Driver is stepping on the brake pedal,
 - 1 - `gasPedalEngaged`        - Driver is stepping on the gas pedal,
 - 2 - `emergencyBrakeEngaged`  - emergency brake system is engaged,
 - 3 - `collisionWarningEngaged`- collision warning system is engaged,
 - 4 - `accEngaged`             - ACC is engaged,
 - 5 - `cruiseControlEngaged`   - cruise control is engaged,
 - 6 - `speedLimiterEngaged`    - speed limiter is engaged.

 Otherwise (for example when the corresponding system is not available due to non equipped system
 or information is unavailable), the corresponding bit shall be set to _0_.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Kinematics information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_

NOTE: The system engagement condition is OEM specific and therefore out of scope of the present document.
AccelerationControl ::= BIT STRING {
    brakePedalEngaged       (0),
    gasPedalEngaged         (1),
    emergencyBrakeEngaged   (2),
    collisionWarningEngaged (3),
    accEngaged              (4),
    cruiseControlEngaged    (5),
    speedLimiterEngaged     (6)
} (SIZE(7))

### <a name="AccelerationValue"></a>AccelerationValue
 This DE represents the value of an acceleration component in a defined coordinate system.

 The value shall be set to:
 - `-160` for values equal to or less than -16 m/s<sup>2</sup>.
 - `n (n > -160 and n <= 0)` to indicate negative acceleration equal to or less than n x 0,1 m/s<sup>2</sup>, and greater than (n-1) x 0,1 m/s<sup>2</sup>.
 - `n (n > 0 and n < 160)` to indicate positive acceleration is equal to or less than n x 0,1 m/s<sup>2</sup>, and greater than (n-1) x 0,1 m/s<sup>2</sup>.
 - `160` for acceleration or greater than 15,9 m/s<sup>2</sup>.
 - `161` when the data is unavailable.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _0,1 m/s<sup>2</sup>_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Kinematics information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_

NOTE: zero acceleration is indicated using n=0.
AccelerationValue ::= INTEGER {
    negativeOutOfRange (-160),
    positiveOutOfRange (160),
    unavailable        (161)  
} (-160 .. 161)

### <a name="AccessTechnologyClass"></a>AccessTechnologyClass
 This DE indicates an access technology.

 The value shall be set to:
 - `0`: in case of any access technology class.
 - `1`: in case of ITS-G5 access technology class.
 - `2`: in case of LTE-V2X access technology class.
 - `3`: in case of NR-V2X access technology class.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Communication information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
AccessTechnologyClass ::= ENUMERATED {
   any         (0), 
   itsg5Class  (1), 
   ltev2xClass (2), 
   nrv2xClass  (3),

### <a name="AccidentSubCauseCode"></a>AccidentSubCauseCode
 This DE represents the value of the sub cause code of the [**CauseCode**](#CauseCode) `accident`.

 The value shall be set to:
 - 0 - `unavailable`                        - in case the information on the sub cause of the accident is unavailable,
 - 1 - `multiVehicleAccident`               - in case more than two vehicles are involved in accident,
 - 2 - `heavyAccident`                      - in case the airbag of the vehicle involved in the accident is triggered, 
                                              the accident requires important rescue and/or recovery work,
 - 3 - `accidentInvolvingLorry`             - in case the accident involves a lorry,
 - 4 - `accidentInvolvingBus`               - in case the accident involves a bus,
 - 5 - `accidentInvolvingHazardousMaterials`- in case the accident involves hazardous material,
 - 6 - `accidentOnOppositeLane`             - in case the accident happens on opposite lanes,
 - 7 - `unsecuredAccident`                  - in case the accident is not secured,
 - 8 - `assistanceRequested`                - in case rescue and assistance are requested,
 - 9-255                                    - reserved for future usage. 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Traffic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
AccidentSubCauseCode ::= INTEGER {
    unavailable                         (0),
    multiVehicleAccident                (1),
    heavyAccident                       (2),
    accidentInvolvingLorry              (3),
    accidentInvolvingBus                (4),
    accidentInvolvingHazardousMaterials (5),
    accidentOnOppositeLane              (6),
    unsecuredAccident                   (7),
    assistanceRequested                 (8)
} (0..255)

### <a name="AdverseWeatherCondition-AdhesionSubCauseCode"></a>AdverseWeatherCondition-AdhesionSubCauseCode
 This DE represents the value of the sub cause code of the [**CauseCode**](#CauseCode) `adverseWeatherCondition-Adhesion`. 
 The value shall be set to:
 - 0 - `unavailable`     - in case information on the cause of the low road adhesion is unavailabl.
 - 1 - `heavyFrostOnRoad`- in case the low road adhesion is due to heavy frost on the road.
 - 2 - `fuelOnRoad`      - in case the low road adhesion is due to fuel on the road.
 - 3 - `mudOnRoad`       - in case the low road adhesion is due to mud on the road.
 - 4 - `snowOnRoad`      - in case the low road adhesion is due to snow on the road.
 - 5 - `iceOnRoad`       - in case the low road adhesion is due to ice on the road.
 - 6 - `blackIceOnRoad`  - in case the low road adhesion is due to black ice on the road.
 - 7 - `oilOnRoad`       - in case the low road adhesion is due to oil on the road.
 - 8 - `looseChippings`  - in case the low road adhesion is due to loose gravel or stone fragments detached from a road surface or from a hazard.
 - 9 - `instantBlackIce` - in case the low road adhesion is due to instant black ice on the road surface.
 - 10 - `roadsSalted`    - when the low road adhesion is due to salted road.
 - 11-255                - are reserved for future usage.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Traffic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
AdverseWeatherCondition-AdhesionSubCauseCode ::= INTEGER {
    unavailable      (0),
    heavyFrostOnRoad (1),
    fuelOnRoad       (2),
    mudOnRoad        (3),
    snowOnRoad       (4),
    iceOnRoad        (5),
    blackIceOnRoad   (6),
    oilOnRoad        (7),
    looseChippings   (8),
    instantBlackIce  (9),
    roadsSalted      (10)
} (0..255)

### <a name="AdverseWeatherCondition-ExtremeWeatherConditionSubCauseCode"></a>AdverseWeatherCondition-ExtremeWeatherConditionSubCauseCode
 This DE represents the value of the sub cause codes of the [**CauseCode**](#CauseCode) `adverseWeatherCondition-ExtremeWeatherCondition`.

 The value shall be set to:
 - 0 - `unavailable` - in case information on the type of extreme weather condition is unavailable.
 - 1 - `strongWinds` - in case the type of extreme weather condition is strong wind.
 - 2 - `damagingHail`- in case the type of extreme weather condition is damaging hail.
 - 3 - `hurricane`   - in case the type of extreme weather condition is hurricane.
 - 4 - `thunderstorm`- in case the type of extreme weather condition is thunderstorm.
 - 5 - `tornado`     - in case the type of extreme weather condition is tornado.
 - 6 - `blizzard`    - in case the type of extreme weather condition is blizzard.
 - 7-255             - are reserved for future usage.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Traffic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
AdverseWeatherCondition-ExtremeWeatherConditionSubCauseCode ::= INTEGER {
    unavailable  (0),
    strongWinds  (1),
    damagingHail (2),
    hurricane    (3),
    thunderstorm (4),
    tornado      (5),
    blizzard     (6)
} (0..255)

### <a name="AdverseWeatherCondition-PrecipitationSubCauseCode"></a>AdverseWeatherCondition-PrecipitationSubCauseCode
 This DE represents the value of the sub cause codes of the [**CauseCode**](#CauseCode) `adverseWeatherCondition-Precipitation`. 

 The value shall be set to:
 - 0 - `unavailable`   : in case information on the type of precipitation is unavailable.
 - 1 - `heavyRain`     : in case the type of precipitation is heavy rain.
 - 2 - `heavySnowfall` : in case the type of precipitation is heavy snow fall.
 - 3 - `softHail`      : in case the type of precipitation is soft hail.
 - 4-255               : are reserved for future usage

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Traffic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
AdverseWeatherCondition-PrecipitationSubCauseCode ::= INTEGER {
    unavailable   (0),
    heavyRain     (1),
    heavySnowfall (2),
    softHail      (3)
} (0..255)

### <a name="AdverseWeatherCondition-VisibilitySubCauseCode"></a>AdverseWeatherCondition-VisibilitySubCauseCode
 This DE represents the value of the sub cause codes of the [**CauseCode**](#CauseCode) `adverseWeatherCondition-Visibility`.

 The value shall be set to:
 - 0 - `unavailable`    - in case information on the cause of low visibility is unavailable.
 - 1 - `fog`            - in case the cause of low visibility is fog.
 - 2 - `smoke`          - in case the cause of low visibility is smoke.
 - 3 - `heavySnowfall`  - in case the cause of low visibility is heavy snow fall.
 - 4 - `heavyRain`      - in case the cause of low visibility is heavy rain.
 - 5 - `heavyHail`      - in case the cause of low visibility is heavy hail.
 - 6 - `lowSunGlare`    - in case the cause of low visibility is sun glare.
 - 7 - `sandstorms`     - in case the cause of low visibility is sand storm.
 - 8 - `swarmsOfInsects`- in case the cause of low visibility is swarm of insects.
 - 9-255                - are reserved for future usage

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Traffic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
AdverseWeatherCondition-VisibilitySubCauseCode ::= INTEGER {
    unavailable     (0),
    fog             (1),
    smoke           (2),
    heavySnowfall   (3),
    heavyRain       (4),
    heavyHail       (5),
    lowSunGlare     (6),
    sandstorms      (7),
    swarmsOfInsects (8)
} (0..255)

### <a name="AirHumidity"></a>AirHumidity
 This DE represents the air humidity in tens of percent.

 The value shall be set to:
 - `n (n > 0 and n < 1001)` indicates that the applicable value is equal to or less than n x 0.1 percent and greater than (n-1) x 0.1 percent.
 - `1001` indicates that the air humidity is unavailable.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _0,1 %_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Basic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _created in V2.1.1_
AirHumidity ::= INTEGER {
	oneHundredPercent	(1000),
	unavailable			(1001)
} (1..1001)

### <a name="AltitudeConfidence"></a>AltitudeConfidence
 This DE represents the absolute accuracy of an altitude value of a geographical point for a confidence level of 95%.

 The value shall be set to: 
   - 0  - `alt-000-01` if the altitude accuracy is equal to or less than 0,01 metre.
   - 1  - `alt-000-02` if the altitude accuracy is equal to or less than 0,02 metre.
   - 2  - `alt-000-05` if the altitude accuracy is equal to or less than 0,05 metre.            
   - 3  - `alt-000-10` if the altitude accuracy is equal to or less than 0,1 metre.             
   - 4  - `alt-000-20` if the altitude accuracy is equal to or less than 0,2 metre.             
   - 5  - `alt-000-50` if the altitude accuracy is equal to or less than 0,5 metre.             
   - 6  - `alt-001-00` if the altitude accuracy is equal to or less than 1 metre.               
   - 7  - `alt-002-00` if the altitude accuracy is equal to or less than 2 metres.              
   - 8  - `alt-005-00` if the altitude accuracy is equal to or less than 5 metres.              
   - 9  - `alt-010-00` if the altitude accuracy is equal to or less than 10 metres.             
   - 10 - `alt-020-00` if the altitude accuracy is equal to or less than 20 metres.            
   - 11 - `alt-050-00` if the altitude accuracy is equal to or less than 50 metres.            
   - 12 - `alt-100-00` if the altitude accuracy is equal to or less than 100 metres.           
   - 13 - `alt-200-00` if the altitude accuracy is equal to or less than 200 metres.           
   - 14 - `outOfRange` if the altitude accuracy is out of range, i.e. greater than 200 metres. 
   - 15 - `unavailable` if the altitude accuracy information is unavailable       

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: GeoReference information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_

NOTE: If an altitude value is received and its confidence is set to `outOfRange(14)`, it means that the reported 
 altitude value is not valid and therefore cannot be trusted. Such value is not useful for the application.
AltitudeConfidence ::= ENUMERATED {
    alt-000-01  (0),
    alt-000-02  (1),
    alt-000-05  (2),
    alt-000-10  (3),
    alt-000-20  (4),
    alt-000-50  (5),
    alt-001-00  (6),
    alt-002-00  (7),
    alt-005-00  (8),
    alt-010-00  (9),
    alt-020-00  (10),
    alt-050-00  (11),
    alt-100-00  (12),
    alt-200-00  (13),
    outOfRange  (14),
    unavailable (15)

### <a name="AltitudeValue"></a>AltitudeValue
 This DE represents the altitude value in a WGS84 co-ordinate system.

 The value shall be set to: 
 - `-100 000` if the altitude is equal to or less than -1 000 m.
 - `n (n > -100 000 and n < 800 000)` if the altitude is equal to or less than n  x 0.01 meters and greater than (n-1) x 0,01 meters.
 - `800 000` if the altitude  greater than 7 999 m.
 - `800 001` if the information is not available.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _0.01 meter_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: GeoReference information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Description revised in V2.1.1 (definition of 800 000 has slightly changed)_
AltitudeValue ::= INTEGER {
    negativeOutOFRange (-100000),
    postiveOutOfRange  (800000),
    unavailable        (800001)
} (-100000..800001)

### <a name="AngleConfidence"></a>AngleConfidence
 This DE represents the absolute accuracy of an angle value for a predefined confidence level of 95 %.

 The value shall be set to: 
 - `n (n > 0 and n < 126)`  if the accuracy is equal to or less than n * 0,1 degrees and greater than (n-1) x * 0,1 degrees.
 - `126` if the  accuracy is out of range, i.e. greater than 12,5 degrees. 
 - `127` if the accuracy information is not available.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _0,1 degrees_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Kinematics information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
AngleConfidence ::= INTEGER {
    outOfRange  (126),
    unavailable (127)   
} (1..127)

### <a name="AngularSpeedConfidence"></a>AngularSpeedConfidence
 This DE represents the absolute accuracy of a reported angular speed value for a confidence level of 95%.
 For correlation computation, maximum interval levels can be assumed.

 The value shall be set to:
 - 0 - `degSec-000-01` if the accuracy is equal to or less than 0,01 degree/second
 - 1 - `degSec-000-05` if the accuracy is equal to or less than 0,05 degrees/second
 - 2 - `degSec-000-10` if the accuracy is equal to or less than 0,1 degree/second
 - 3 - `degSec-001-00` if the accuracy is equal to or less than 1 degree/second
 - 4 - `degSec-005-00` if the accuracy is equal to or less than 5 degrees/second
 - 5 - `degSec-010-00` if the accuracy is equal to or less than 10 degrees/second
 - 6 - `degSec-100-00` if the accuracy is equal to or less than 100 degrees/second
 - 7 - `outOfRange`    if the accuracy is out of range, i.e. greater than 100 degrees/second
 - 8 - `unavailable`   if the accuracy information is unavailable

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Kinematics information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
AngularSpeedConfidence ::= ENUMERATED {
    degSec-000-01 (0), 
    degSec-000-05 (1),  
    degSec-000-10 (2), 
    degSec-001-00 (3), 
    degSec-005-00 (4),  
    degSec-010-00 (5), 
    degSec-100-00 (6), 
    outOfRange    (7),   
    unavailable   (8)   

### <a name="AngularAccelerationConfidence"></a>AngularAccelerationConfidence
 Tis DE represents the absolute accuracy of a reported angular acceleration value for a  confidence level of 95%.
 For correlation computation, maximum interval levels shall be assumed.

 The value shall be set to:
 - 0 - `degSecSquared-000-01` if the accuracy is equal to or less than 0,01 degree/second<sup>2</sup>
 - 1 - `degSecSquared-000-05` if the accuracy is equal to or less than 0,05 degrees/second<sup>2</sup>
 - 2 - `degSecSquared-000-10` if the accuracy is equal to or less than 0,1 degree/second<sup>2</sup>
 - 3 - `degSecSquared-001-00` if the accuracy is equal to or less than 1 degree/second<sup>2</sup>
 - 4 - `degSecSquared-005-00` if the accuracy is equal to or less than 5 degrees/second<sup>2</sup>
 - 5 - `degSecSquared-010-00` if the accuracy is equal to or less than 10 degrees/second<sup>2</sup>
 - 6 - `degSecSquared-100-00` if the accuracy is equal to or less than 100 degrees/second<sup>2</sup>
 - 7 - `outOfRange`           if the accuracy is out of range, i.e. greater than 100 degrees/second<sup>2</sup>
 - 8 - `unavailable`          if the accuracy information is unavailable

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Kinematics information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
AngularAccelerationConfidence ::= ENUMERATED {
    degSecSquared-000-01 (0), 
    degSecSquared-000-05 (1), 
    degSecSquared-000-10 (2),  
    degSecSquared-001-00 (3), 
    degSecSquared-005-00 (4),  
    degSecSquared-010-00 (5),  
    degSecSquared-100-00 (6),  
    outOfRange           (7),     
    unavailable          (8)   

### <a name="AxlesCount"></a>AxlesCount
 This DE indicates the number of axels of a passing train.

 The following values are specified:
 - `n(n > 2 and n < 1001)` indicates that the train has n x axels. 
 - `1001`indicates that the number of axels is out of range.
 - `1002` the information is unavailable.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _Number of axels_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
AxlesCount ::= INTEGER{
	outOfRange	 (1001),
	unavailable  (1002)
} (2..1002)

### <a name="BarometricPressure"></a>BarometricPressure
 This DE represent the measured uncompesated atmospheric pressure in units of hPascal (hPa).
 The following values are specified:
 - `2999` indicates that the applicable value is less than 299.9 hPa.  
 - `n (n >= 3000 and n <= 12000)` indicates that the applicable value is equal to or less than n x 0.1 hPa and greater than (n-1) x 0.1 hPa. 
 - `12001` indicates that the values is greater than 1200 hPa.
 - `12002` indicates that the information is not available.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _0.1 hPa_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Basic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
BarometricPressure ::= INTEGER{
	outOfRangelower        (2999),
	outOfRangeUpper        (12001),
	unavailable            (12002)
} (2999..12002)

### <a name="BogiesCount"></a>BogiesCount
 This DE indicates the cardinal number of bogies of a train.

 The value shall be set to: 
 - `n (n > 1 and n < 100)` indicates that the train has n x bogie
 - `100`indicates that the number of bogie is out of range. 
 - `101` the information is unavailable.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _Number of bogies_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
BogiesCount ::= INTEGER{
	outOfRange   (100),
	unavailable  (101)
} (2..101)

### <a name="CardinalNumber1B"></a>CardinalNumber1B
 The DE represents a cardinal number that counts the size of a set. 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Basic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
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CardinalNumber1B ::= INTEGER(0..255)
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### <a name="CardinalNumber4b"></a>CardinalNumber4b
 The DE represents a cardinal number that counts the size of a set. 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Basic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
CardinalNumber4b ::= INTEGER(0..15)

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### <a name="CartesianAngleValue"></a>CartesianAngleValue
 This DE represents an angle value described in a local Cartesian coordinate system, counted positive in
 a right-hand local coordinate system from the abscissa.

 The value shall be set to: 
 - `n (n > 0 and n < 3600)` if the angle is equal to or less than n x 0,1 degrees, and greater than (n-1) x 0,1 degrees.
 - `36001` if the accuracy information is not available.

 The value 3600 shall not be used. 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _0,1 degrees_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Kinematics information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
CartesianAngleValue ::= INTEGER {
    valueNotUsed (3600),
    unavailable  (3601)
} (0..3601)

### <a name="CartesianAngularSpeedValue"></a>CartesianAngularSpeedValue
 This DE represents an angular speed value described in a local Cartesian coordinate system, counted positive in
 a right-hand local coordinate system from the abscissa.

 The value shall be set to: 
 - `-32766` if the speed is equal to or less than 327,66 degrees/s.
 - `n` (`n > -32766` and `n < 32766`) if the speed is equal to or less than n x 0,01 degrees/s, and greater than (n-1) x 0,01 degrees/s.
 - `32766` if the speed is greater than 327,65 degrees/s.
 - `32767` if the information is unavailable.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _0,01 degrees/s_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Kinematics information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
CartesianAngularSpeedValue ::= INTEGER {
    negativeOutofRange (-32766),
    positiveOutOfRange (32766),
	unavailable	       (32767)
} (-32766..32767)

### <a name="CartesianAngularAccelerationValue"></a>CartesianAngularAccelerationValue
 This DE represents an angular acceleration value described in a local Cartesian coordinate system, counted positive in
 a right-hand local coordinate system from the abscissa.

 The value shall be set to: 
 - `-32766` if the acceleration is equal to or less than 327,66 degrees/s<sup>2</sup>
 - `n` (`n > -32766` and `n < 32766`) if the acceleration is equal to or less than n x 0,01 degrees/s<sup>2</sup>,
      and greater than `(n-1)` x 0,01 degrees/s<sup>2</sup>.
 - `32766` if the acceleration is greater than 327,65 degrees/s<sup>2</sup>
 - `32767` if the information is unavailable

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _0,01 degrees/s<sup>2</sup> (degrees per second squared)_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Kinematics information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
CartesianAngularAccelerationValue ::= INTEGER {
    negativeOutofRange (-32766),
    positiveOutOfRange (32766),
	unavailable        (32767)
} (-32766..32767)

### <a name="CauseCodeType"></a>CauseCodeType
The DE represents the value of the cause code of an event. 
 The value shall be set to:
 - 0  -                                                  - reserved for future use,
 - 1  - `trafficCondition`                               - in case the type of event is an abnormal traffic condition,
 - 2  - `accident`                                       - in case the type of event is a road accident,
 - 3  - `roadworks`                                      - in case the type of event is roadwork,
 - 4                                                     - reserved for future usage,
 - 5  - `impassability`                                  - in case the  type of event is unmanaged road blocking, referring to any
                                                             blocking of a road, partial or total, which has not been adequately
                                                             secured and signposted,
 - 6  - `adverseWeatherCondition-Adhesion`               - in case the  type of event is low adhesion,
 - 7  - `aquaplaning`                                    - danger of aquaplaning on the road,
 - 8                                                     - reserved for future usage,
 - 9  - `hazardousLocation-SurfaceCondition`             - in case the type of event is abnormal road surface condition,
 - 10 - `hazardousLocation-ObstacleOnTheRoad`            - in case the type of event is obstacle on the road,
 - 11 - `hazardousLocation-AnimalOnTheRoad`              - in case the type of event is animal on the road,
 - 12 - `humanPresenceOnTheRoad`                         - in case the type of event is human presence on the road,
 - 13                                                    - reserved for future usage,
 - 14 - `wrongWayDriving`                                - in case the type of the event is vehicle driving in wrong way,
 - 15 - `rescueAndRecoveryWorkInProgress`                - in case the type of event is rescue and recovery work for accident or for a road hazard in progress,
 - 16                                                    - reserved for future usage,
 - 17 - `adverseWeatherCondition-ExtremeWeatherCondition`- in case the type of event is extreme weather condition,
 - 18 - `adverseWeatherCondition-Visibility`             - in case the type of event is low visibility,
 - 19 - `adverseWeatherCondition-Precipitation`          - in case the type of event is precipitation,
 - 20 - `violence`                                       - in case the the type of event is human violence on or near the road,
 - 21-25                                                 - reserved for future usage,
 - 26 - `slowVehicle`                                    - in case the type of event is slow vehicle driving on the road,
 - 27 - `dangerousEndOfQueue`                            - in case the type of event is dangerous end of vehicle queue,
 - 28-90                                                 - are reserved for future usage,
 - 91 - `vehicleBreakdown`                               - in case the type of event is break down vehicle on the road,
 - 92 - `postCrash`                                      - in case the type of event is a detected crash,
 - 93 - `humanProblem`                                   - in case the type of event is human health problem in vehicles involved in traffic,
 - 94 - `stationaryVehicle`                              - in case the type of event is stationary vehicle,
 - 95 - `emergencyVehicleApproaching`                    - in case the type of event is approaching vehicle operating emergency mission,
 - 96 - `hazardousLocation-DangerousCurve`               - in case the type of event is dangerous curve,
 - 97 - `collisionRisk`                                  - in case the type of event is a collision risk,
 - 98 - `signalViolation`                                - in case the type of event is signal violation,
 - 99 - `dangerousSituation`                             - in case the type of event is dangerous situation in which autonomous safety system in vehicle 
                                                             is activated,
 - 100 - `railwayLevelCrossing`                          - in case the type of event is a railway level crossing. 
 - 101-255                                               - are reserved for future usage.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Traffic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
CauseCodeType ::= INTEGER {
    trafficCondition                                (1),
    accident                                        (2),
    roadworks                                       (3),

### <a name="CartesianCoordinateSmall"></a>CartesianCoordinateSmall
 This DF represents the value of a cartesian coordinate with a range of -30,93 meters to +10,00 meters.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _0,01 m_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Basic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
CartesianCoordinateSmall::= INTEGER {
    negativeOutOfRange (-3094),
    positiveOutOfRange (1001)
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} (-3094..1001)
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### <a name="CartesianCoordinate"></a>CartesianCoordinate
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 This DF represents the value of a cartesian coordinate with a range of -327,68 to + 327,67 meters.
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _0,01 m_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Basic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
CartesianCoordinate::= INTEGER{
    negativeOutOfRange (-32768),
    positiveOutOfRange (32767)
} (-32768..32767)

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### <a name="CartesianCoordinateLarge"></a>CartesianCoordinateLarge
 This DF represents the value of a cartesian coordinate with a range of -1 310,72 to + 1 310,71 meters.
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _0,01 m_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Basic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
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CartesianCoordinateLarge::= INTEGER{ 
    negativeOutOfRange (-131072),
    positiveOutOfRange (131071)
} (-131072..131071)
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### <a name="CenDsrcTollingZoneID"></a>CenDsrcTollingZoneID
 This DE represents the ID of a CEN DSRC tolling zone. 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Communication information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_

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NOTE: this DE is not in use anymore and is deprecated.
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CenDsrcTollingZoneID::= ProtectedZoneId
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### <a name="ClusterBreakupReason"></a>ClusterBreakupReason
 This DE indicates the reason why a cluster leader intends to break up the cluster.
 The value shall be set to:
 - 0 - `notProvided`                          - if the information is not provided.
 - 1 - `clusteringPurposeCompleted`           - if the cluster purposes has been completed.
 - 2 - `leaderMovedOutOfClusterBoundingBox`   - if the leader moved out of the cluster's bounding box. 
 - 3 - `joiningAnotherCluster`                - if the cluster leader is about to join another cluster.
 - 4 - `enteringLowRiskAreaBasedOnMaps`       - if the cluster is entering an area idenrified as low risk based on the use of maps. 
 - 5 - `receptionOfCpmContainingCluster`      - if the leader received a Collective Perception Message containing information about the same cluster. 
 - 6 to 15                                    - reserved for future use                                    

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Cluster information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
ClusterBreakupReason ::= ENUMERATED {
    notProvided                        (0),
    clusteringPurposeCompleted         (1),
    leaderMovedOutOfClusterBoundingBox (2),    
    joiningAnotherCluster              (3),
    enteringLowRiskAreaBasedOnMaps     (4),
    receptionOfCpmContainingCluster    (5),

### <a name="ClusterLeaveReason"></a>ClusterLeaveReason
 This DE indicates the reason why a cluster participant is leaving the cluster.
 The value shall be set to:
 - 0 - `notProvided `                 - if the information is not provided.
 - 1 - `clusterLeaderLost`            - if the cluster leader cannot be found anymore.    
 - 2 - `clusterDisbandedByLeader`     - if the cluster has been disbounded by the leader.
 - 3 - `outOfClusterBoundingBox`      - if the participants moved out of the cluster's bounding box. 
 - 4 - `outOfClusterSpeedRange`       - if the cluster speed moved out of adefined range.  
 - 5 - `joiningAnotherCluster`        - if the participant is joining another cluster.
 - 6 - `cancelledJoin`                - if the participant is cancelling a joining procedure.
 - 7 - `failedJoin`                   - if the participant failed to join the cluster.
 - 8 - `safetyCondition`              - if a safety condition applies.
 - 9 to 15                            - reserved for future use                             

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Cluster information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
ClusterLeaveReason ::= ENUMERATED {
    notProvided                   (0), 
    clusterLeaderLost             (1),    
    clusterDisbandedByLeader      (2),    
    outOfClusterBoundingBox       (3),    
    outOfClusterSpeedRange        (4),
    joiningAnotherCluster         (5),
    cancelledJoin                 (6),
    failedJoin                    (7),
    safetyCondition               (8),

### <a name="CollisionRiskSubCauseCode"></a>CollisionRiskSubCauseCode
 This DE represents the sub cause codes of the [**CauseCode**](#CauseCode) `collisionRisk`.
 The value shall be set to:
 - 0 - `unavailable`              - in case information on the type of collision risk is unavailable,
 - 1 - `longitudinalCollisionRisk`- in case the type of detected collision risk is longitudinal collision risk, 
                                       e.g. forward collision or face to face collision,
 - 2 - `crossingCollisionRisk`    - in case the type of detected collision risk is crossing collision risk,
 - 3 - `lateralCollisionRisk`     - in case the type of detected collision risk is lateral collision risk,
 - 4 - `vulnerableRoadUser`       - in case the type of detected collision risk involves vulnerable road users
                                       e.g. pedestrians or bicycles,
 - 5-255                          - are reserved for future usage.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Traffic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
CollisionRiskSubCauseCode ::= INTEGER {
    unavailable               (0), 
    longitudinalCollisionRisk (1), 
    crossingCollisionRisk     (2), 
    lateralCollisionRisk      (3), 
    vulnerableRoadUser        (4)

### <a name="ConfidenceLevel"></a>ConfidenceLevel
 This DE represents a confidence level in percentage.
 The value shall be set to:

 - `0`                     : in case the confidence value is unknown but the reported value is valid.
 - `n (n > 0 and n < 101)` : for the confidence value in %. 
 - `101`                   : in case the confidence value  is not available.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _Percent_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Basic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
ConfidenceLevel ::= INTEGER {
    unknown     (0),   
    unavailable (101)  
} (0..101)

### <a name="CoordinateConfidence"></a>CoordinateConfidence
 This DE represents the absolute accuracy of measurement to a confidence level of 95%.

 The value shall be set to: 
 - `n` (`n > 0` and `n < 4094`) if the accuracy is is equal to or less than n x 0,01 meter, and greater than (n-1) x 0,1 meter.
 - `4094` if the accuracy information is greater than 40,93 meter. 
 - `4095` if the accuracy information is not available.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _0,01 m_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Basic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
CoordinateConfidence ::= INTEGER {
    outOfRange            (4094),
    unavailable           (4095) 
} (0..4095)

### <a name="CorrelationRowValue"></a>CorrelationRowValue
 This DE represents the Bravais-Pearson correlation value for each cell of a lower triangular correlation matrix.

 The following  values are specified. 
 - `-100` indicates full negative correlation
 - `n` (`n > -100` and `n < 0`) if the correlation is negative and equal to n x 100.
 - `0` indicates not correlated or unavailable
 - `n` (`n > 0` and `n < 100`) if the correlation is positive and equal to n x 100.
 - `100` indicates full positive correlation
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 - `101` indicates correlation is unavailable. 
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _the value is scaled by 100_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Sensing information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
CorrelationRowValue ::= INTEGER {
    full-negative-correlation    (-100),     
    no-correlation               (0),       
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    full-positive-correlation    (100),
    unavailable (101)  
} (-100..101)
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### <a name="CurvatureCalculationMode"></a>CurvatureCalculationMode
 The DE describes whether the yaw rate is used to calculate the curvature for a reported curvature value.
 The value shall be set to:
 - 0 - `yawRateUsed`    - if the yaw rate is used.
 - 1 - `yawRateNotUsed` - if the yaw rate is not used.
 - 2 - `unavailable`    - if the information of curvature calculation mode is unknown.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
CurvatureCalculationMode ::= ENUMERATED {
    yawRateUsed    (0), 
    yawRateNotUsed (1), 
    unavailable    (2), 

### <a name="CurvatureConfidence"></a>CurvatureConfidence
 This DE describes the absolute accuracy range of a reported curvature value for a confidence level of 95%.
 The value shall be set to:
 - 0 - `onePerMeter-0-00002` if the accuracy is less than or equal to 0,00002 m-1.
 - 1 - `onePerMeter-0-0001`  if the accuracy is less than or equal to 0,0001 m-1.
 - 2 - `onePerMeter-0-0005`  if the accuracy is less than or equal to 0,0005 m-1.
 - 3 - `onePerMeter-0-002`   if the accuracy is less than or equal to 0,002 m-1.
 - 4 - `nePerMeter-0-01`     if the accuracy is less than or equal to 0,01 m-1.
 - 5 - `nePerMeter-0-1`      if the accuracy is less than or equal to 0,1 m-1.
 - 6 - `outOfRange`          if the accuracy is out of range, i.e. greater than 0,1 m-1.
 - 7 - `unavailable`         if the information is not available.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _description revised in V2.1.1_

NOTE: If a curvature value is received and its confidence is set to 'outOfRange(6)', it means that the reported curvature value is not valid 
 and therefore cannot be trusted. Such value is not useful for the application.
CurvatureConfidence ::= ENUMERATED {
    onePerMeter-0-00002 (0),
    onePerMeter-0-0001  (1),
    onePerMeter-0-0005  (2),
    onePerMeter-0-002   (3),
    onePerMeter-0-01    (4),
    onePerMeter-0-1     (5),
    outOfRange          (6),
    unavailable         (7)

### <a name="CurvatureValue"></a>CurvatureValue
 This DE describes vehicle turning curve with the following information:
     Value = 1 / Radius * 10000
 wherein radius is the vehicle turning curve radius in meters. 
 Positive values indicate a turning curve to the left hand side of the driver.
 It corresponds to the vehicle coordinate system as defined in ISO 8855 [2].

 The value shall be set to:
 - `-1023` for  values smaller than -1023.
 - `n` (`n > -1023` and `n < 0) for negative values equal to or less than n, and greater than (n-1).
 - `0` when the vehicle is moving straight.
 - `n` (`n > 0` and `n < 1022) for positive values equal to or less than n, and greater than (n-1).
 - `1022`, for values  greater than 1021.
 - `1023`, if the information is not available.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _1 over 10 000 metres_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _description revised in V2.1.1 (the definition of value 1022 has changed slightly)_

NOTE: The present DE is limited to vehicle types as defined in ISO 8855 [2].
CurvatureValue ::= INTEGER {
    outOfRangeNegative (-1023),
    straight           (0),
    outOfRangePositive (1022), 
    unavailable        (1023)
} (-1023..1023)

### <a name="DangerousEndOfQueueSubCauseCode"></a>DangerousEndOfQueueSubCauseCode
 This DE represents the value of the sub cause codes of the [**CauseCode**](#CauseCode) `dangerousEndOfQueue`. 
 The following value are specified:
 - 0 - `unavailable`     - in case information on the type of dangerous queue is unavailable,
 - 1 - `suddenEndOfQueue`- in case a sudden end of queue is detected, e.g. due to accident or obstacle,
 - 2 - `queueOverHill`   - in case the dangerous end of queue is detected on the road hill,
 - 3 - `queueAroundBend` - in case the dangerous end of queue is detected around the road bend,
 - 4 - `queueInTunnel`   - in case queue is detected in tunnel,
 - 5-255                 - reserved for future usage.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Traffic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
DangerousEndOfQueueSubCauseCode ::= INTEGER {
    unavailable      (0), 
    suddenEndOfQueue (1), 
    queueOverHill    (2), 
    queueAroundBend  (3), 
    queueInTunnel    (4)
} (0..255)

### <a name="DangerousGoodsBasic"></a>DangerousGoodsBasic
 This DE indicates the type of the dangerous goods being carried by a heavy vehicle.
 The value is assigned according to `_class_` and `_division_` definitions of dangerous goods as specified in part II,
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 chapter of European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road [i.3].
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
DangerousGoodsBasic::= ENUMERATED {
    explosives1                                          (0),
    explosives2                                          (1),
    explosives3                                          (2),
    explosives4                                          (3),
    explosives5                                          (4),
    explosives6                                          (5),
    flammableGases                                       (6),
    nonFlammableGases                                    (7),
    toxicGases                                           (8),
    flammableLiquids                                     (9),
    flammableSolids                                      (10),
    substancesLiableToSpontaneousCombustion              (11),
    substancesEmittingFlammableGasesUponContactWithWater (12),
    oxidizingSubstances                                  (13),
    organicPeroxides                                     (14),
    toxicSubstances                                      (15),
    infectiousSubstances                                 (16),
    radioactiveMaterial                                  (17),
    corrosiveSubstances                                  (18),
    miscellaneousDangerousSubstances                     (19)

### <a name="DangerousSituationSubCauseCode"></a>DangerousSituationSubCauseCode
 This DE represents the value of the sub cause codes of the [**CauseCode**](#CauseCode) `dangerousSituation` 
 The value shall be set to:
 - 0 - `unavailable`                      - in case information on the type of dangerous situation is unavailable,
 - 1 - `emergencyElectronicBrakeEngaged`  - in case emergency electronic brake is engaged,
 - 2 - `preCrashSystemEngaged`            - in case pre-crash system is engaged,
 - 3 - `espEngaged`                       - in case Electronic Stability Program (ESP) system is engaged,
 - 4 - `absEngaged`                       - in case Anti-lock braking system (ABS) is engaged,
 - 5 - `aebEngaged`                       - in case Autonomous Emergency Braking (AEB) system is engaged,
 - 6 - `brakeWarningEngaged`              - in case brake warning is engaged,
 - 7 - `collisionRiskWarningEngaged`      - in case collision risk warning is engaged,
 - 8-255                                  - reserved for future usage.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Traffic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
DangerousSituationSubCauseCode ::= INTEGER {
    unavailable                     (0), 
    emergencyElectronicBrakeEngaged (1), 
    preCrashSystemEngaged           (2), 
    espEngaged                      (3), 
    absEngaged                      (4), 
    ebEngaged                       (5), 
    brakeWarningEngaged             (6), 
    collisionRiskWarningEngaged     (7)
} (0..255)

### <a name="DeltaAltitude"></a>DeltaAltitude
 This DE represents an offset altitude with regards to a defined altitude value.
 It may be used to describe a geographical point with regards to a specific reference geographical position.

 The value shall be set to:
 - `-12700` for values equal to or lower than -127 metres.
 - `n` (`n > -12700` and `n <= 0) for altitude offset n x 0,01 meter below the reference position.
 - `0` for no altitudinal offset.
 - `n` (`n > 0` and `n < 12799`) for altitude offset n x 0,01 meter above the reference position.
 - `12799` for values equal to or greater than 127,99 metres.
 - `12800` when the information is unavailable.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _0.01 metre_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: GeoReference information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _editorial update in V2.1.1_
DeltaAltitude ::= INTEGER {
    negativeOutOfRange (-12700),
    positiveOutOfRange (12799),
    unavailable        (12800)
} (-12700..12800)

### <a name="DeltaLatitude"></a>DeltaLatitude
 This DE represents an offset latitude with regards to a defined latitude value.
 It may be used to describe a geographical point with regards to a specific reference geographical position.

 The value shall be set to:
 - `n` (`n >= -131071` and `n < 0`) for offset n x 0,1 microdegrees towards the south from the reference position.
 - `0` for no latitudinal offset.
 - `n` (`n > 0` and `n < 131072`) for offset n x 0,1 microdegrees towards the north from the reference position. 
 - `131072` when the information is unavailable.
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _0.1 microdegree_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: GeoReference information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _editorial update in V2.1.1_
DeltaLatitude ::= INTEGER {
    unavailable (131072)
} (-131071..131072)

### <a name="DeltaLongitude"></a>DeltaLongitude
 This DE represents an offset longitude with regards to a defined longitude value.
 It may be used to describe a geographical point with regards to a specific reference geographical position.

 The value shall be set to:
 - `n` (`n >= -131071` and `n < 0`) for offset n x 0,1 microdegrees towards the west from the reference position.
 - `0` for no longitudinal offset.
 - `n` (`n > 0` and `n < 131072`) for offset n x 0,1 microdegrees towards the east from the reference position. 
 - `131072` when the information is unavailable.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _0.1 microdegree_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: GeoReference information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _editorial update in V2.1.1_
DeltaLongitude ::= INTEGER {
    unavailable (131072)
} (-131071..131072)

### <a name="DeltaTimeHundredthOfSecond"></a>DeltaTimeHundredthOfSecond
 This DE represents a difference in time with respect to a reference time.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _0,01 s_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Basic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
DeltaTimeHundredthOfSecond::= INTEGER (1..65535, ...)

### <a name="DeltaTimeMilliSecondPos"></a>DeltaTimeMilliSecondPos
 This DE represents a difference in time with respect to a reference time.
 Example: a time interval between two consecutive message transmissions.

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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _0,001 s_
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Basic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1 from the DE TransmissionInterval_
DeltaTimeMilliSecondPos ::= INTEGER (1..10000)

### <a name="DeltaTimeMilliSecondPosNeg"></a>DeltaTimeMilliSecondPosNeg
 This DE represents a difference in time with respect to a reference time.

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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _0,001 s_
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Basic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
DeltaTimeMilliSecondPosNeg ::= INTEGER (-1500..1500)

### <a name="DeltaTimeQuarterSecond"></a>DeltaTimeQuarterSecond
 This DE represents a difference in time with respect to a reference time.
 It can be interpreted as the first 8 bytes of a GenerationDeltaTime. To convert it to a [**GenerationDeltaTime**](#GenerationDeltaTime), 
 multiply by 256 (i.e. append a `00` byte)

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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _256 * 0,001 s_
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Basic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
DeltaTimeQuarterSecond::= INTEGER (1..255)

### <a name="DeltaTimeTenthOfSecond"></a>DeltaTimeTenthOfSecond
 This DE represents a  difference in time with respect to a reference time.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _0,1 s_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Basic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
DeltaTimeTenthOfSecond::= INTEGER {
    unavailable (127)  
} (0..127)

### <a name="DeltaTimeSecond"></a>DeltaTimeSecond
 This DE represents a  difference in time with respect to a reference time.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _1 s_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Basic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1 from ValidityDuration_
DeltaTimeSecond ::= INTEGER  (0..86400)

### <a name="Direction"></a>Direction
 This DE indicates a direction with respect to a defined reference direction.
 Example: a reference direction may be implicitly defined by the definition of a geographical zone.

 The value shall be set to:
 - 0 - `sameDirection`     - to indicate the same direction as the reference direction.
 - 1 - `oppositeDirection` - to indicateopposite direction as the reference direction.
 - 2 - `bothDirections`    - to indicate both directions, i.e. the same and the opposite direction.
 - 3 - `unavailable`       - to indicate that the information is unavailable.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: GeoReference information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
Direction::= INTEGER{
    sameDirection     (0),
    oppositeDirection (1),
    bothDirections    (2),
    unavailable       (3)
 } (0..3)

### <a name="DriveDirection"></a>DriveDirection
 This DE indicates in which direction something is moving.

 The value shall be set to:
 - 0 - `forward`     - to indicate it is moving forward.
 - 1 - `backwards`   - to indicate it is moving backwards.
 - 2 - `unavailable` - to indicate that the information is unavailable.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Kinematics information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _editorial update in V2.1.1_
DriveDirection ::= ENUMERATED {
    forward     (0), 
    backward    (1), 
    unavailable (2)

### <a name="DrivingLaneStatus"></a>DrivingLaneStatus
 This DE indicates whether a driving lane is open to traffic.
 A lane is counted from inside border of the road excluding the hardshoulder. The size of the bit string shall
 correspond to the total number of the driving lanes in the carriageway.
 The numbering is matched to [**LanePosition**](#LanePosition).
 The bit `0` is used to indicate the innermost lane, bit `1` is used to indicate the second lane from inside border.
 If a lane is closed to traffic, the corresponding bit shall be set to `1`. Otherwise, it shall be set to `0`.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Traffic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_

NOTE: Hard shoulder status is not provided by this DE but in [**HardShoulderStatus**](#HardShoulderStatus).
DrivingLaneStatus ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (1..13))

### <a name="EmbarkationStatus"></a>EmbarkationStatus
 This DE indicates whether a vehicle (e.g. public transport vehicle, truck) is under the embarkation process.
 If that is the case, the value is *TRUE*, otherwise *FALSE*.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _editorial update in V2.1.1_
EmbarkationStatus ::= BOOLEAN

### <a name="EmergencyPriority"></a>EmergencyPriority
 This DE indicates the right of priority requested or assumed by an operating emergency vehicle.
 The right-of-priority bit shall be set to `1` if the corresponding right is requested.
 The corresponding bit shall be set to 1 under the following conditions:
 - 0 - `requestForRightOfWay`                  - when the vehicle is requesting/assuming the right of way.
 - 1 - `requestForFreeCrossingAtATrafficLight` - when the vehicle is requesting/assuming the right to pass at a (red) traffic light.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Traffic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _description revised in V2.1.1_
EmergencyPriority ::= BIT STRING {
    requestForRightOfWay                  (0), 
    requestForFreeCrossingAtATrafficLight (1)
} (SIZE(2))

### <a name="EmergencyVehicleApproachingSubCauseCode"></a>EmergencyVehicleApproachingSubCauseCode
 This DE represents the value of the sub cause codes of the [**CauseCode**](#CauseCode) "emergencyVehicleApproaching". 
 The value shall be set to:
 - 0 - `unavailable`                  - in case further detailed information on the emergency vehicle approaching event 
                                        is unavailable,
 - 1 - `emergencyVehicleApproaching`  - in case an operating emergency vehicle is approaching,
 - 2 -`prioritizedVehicleApproaching` - in case a prioritized vehicle (e.g. bus) is approaching,
 - 3-255                              - reserved for future usage.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Traffic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
EmergencyVehicleApproachingSubCauseCode ::= INTEGER {
    unavailable                   (0), 
    emergencyVehicleApproaching   (1), 
    prioritizedVehicleApproaching (2)
} (0..255)

### <a name="EnergyStorageType"></a>EnergyStorageType
 This DE indicated the type of energy being used and stored in vehicle.

 The corresponding bit shall be set to 1 under the following conditions:
 - 0 - `hydrogenStorage`       - when hydrogen is being used and stored in vehicle.
 - 1 - `electricEnergyStorage` - when electric energy is being used and stored in vehicle.
 - 2 - `liquidPropaneGas`      - when liquid Propane Gas (LPG) is being used and stored in vehicle.   
 - 3 - `compressedNaturalGas ` - when compressedNaturalGas (CNG) is being used and stored in vehicle.
 - 4 - `diesel`                - when diesel is being used and stored in vehicle.
 - 5 - `gasoline`              - when gasoline is being used and stored in vehicle.
 - 6 - `ammonia`               - when ammonia is being used and stored in vehicle.

 - Otherwise, the corresponding bit shall be set to `0`.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _editorial revision in V2.1.1_
EnergyStorageType ::= BIT STRING {
    hydrogenStorage       (0), 
    electricEnergyStorage (1), 
    liquidPropaneGas      (2), 
    compressedNaturalGas  (3), 
    diesel                (4), 
    gasoline              (5), 
    ammonia               (6)

### <a name="EuVehicleCategoryL"></a>EuVehicleCategoryL
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 This DE represents one of the specific categories in the L category: L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6, or L7 according to UNECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.4 [i.16].
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V2.1.1_
EuVehicleCategoryL ::= ENUMERATED { l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, l6, l7 }

### <a name="EuVehicleCategoryM"></a>EuVehicleCategoryM
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 This DE represents one of the specific categories in the M category: M1, M2, or M3 according to UNECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.4 [i.16].
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V2.1.1_
EuVehicleCategoryM ::= ENUMERATED {m1, m2, m3}

### <a name="EuVehicleCategoryN"></a>EuVehicleCategoryN
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 This DE represents one of the specific categories in the N category: N1, N2, or N3 according to UNECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.4 [i.16].
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V2.1.1_
EuVehicleCategoryN ::= ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n3}

### <a name="EuVehicleCategoryO"></a>EuVehicleCategoryO
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 This DE represents one of the specific categories in the O category: O1, O2, O3 or O4 according to UNECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.4 [i.16].
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1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 1478 1479 1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 1600 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 1622 1623 1624 1625 1626 1627 1628 1629 1630 1631 1632 1633 1634 1635 1636 1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 1642 1643 1644 1645 1646 1647 1648 1649 1650 1651 1652 1653 1654 1655 1656 1657 1658 1659 1660 1661 1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 1707 1708 1709 1710 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 1721 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 1731 1732 1733 1734 1735 1736 1737 1738 1739 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V2.1.1_
EuVehicleCategoryO ::= ENUMERATED {o1, o2, o3, o4}

### <a name="ExteriorLights"></a>ExteriorLights
 This DE describes the status of the exterior light switches of a vehicle.

 The corresponding bit shall be set to 1 under the following conditions:
 - 0 - `lowBeamHeadlightsOn`    - when the low beam head light switch is on.
 - 1 - `highBeamHeadlightsOn`   - when the high beam head light switch is on.
 - 2 - `leftTurnSignalOn`       - when the left turnSignal switch is on.
 - 3 - `rightTurnSignalOn`      - when the right turn signal switch is on.
 - 4 - `daytimeRunningLightsOn` - when the daytime running light switch is on.
 - 5 - `reverseLightOn`         - when the reverse light switch is on.
 - 6 - `fogLightOn`             - when the tail fog light switch is on.
 - 7 - `parkingLightsOn`        - when the parking light switch is on.

 If a vehicle is not equipped with a certain light or if the light switch status information is not available,
 the corresponding bit shall be set to `0`.
 As the bit value indicates only the state of the switch, the turn signal and hazard signal bit values shall not
 alternate with the blinking interval.
 For hazard indicator, the `leftTurnSignalOn` (2) and `rightTurnSignalOn` (3) shall be both set to 1.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Description revised in V2.1.1_

NOTE: The value of each bit indicates the state of the switch, which commands the corresponding light.
 The bit corresponding to a specific light is set to `1`, when the corresponding switch is turned on,
 either manually by the driver or automatically by a vehicle system. The bit value does not indicate
 if the corresponding lamps are alight or not.
ExteriorLights ::= BIT STRING {
    lowBeamHeadlightsOn      (0),
    highBeamHeadlightsOn     (1),
    leftTurnSignalOn         (2),
    rightTurnSignalOn        (3),
    daytimeRunningLightsOn   (4),
    reverseLightOn           (5),
    fogLightOn               (6),
    parkingLightsOn          (7)
} (SIZE(8))

### <a name="GenerationDeltaTime"></a>GenerationDeltaTime
 This DE represents a timestamp based on TimestampIts modulo 65 536.
 This means that generationDeltaTime = TimestampIts mod 65 536.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Time information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1 based on EN 302 637-2_
GenerationDeltaTime ::= INTEGER { oneMilliSec(1) } (0..65535)

### <a name="HardShoulderStatus"></a>HardShoulderStatus
 This DE indicates the current status of a hard shoulder: whether it is available for special usage
 (e.g. for stopping or for driving) or closed for all vehicles.
 The value shall be set to:
 - 0 - `availableForStopping` - if the hard shoulder is available for stopping in e.g. emergency situations. 
 - 1 - `closed`               - if the hard shoulder is closed and cannot be occupied in any case.
 - 2 - `availableForDriving`  - if the hard shoulder is available for regular driving.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Traffic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Description revised in V2.1.1_
HardShoulderStatus ::= ENUMERATED {
    availableForStopping (0), 
    closed               (1), 
    availableForDriving  (2)}

### <a name="HazardousLocation-AnimalOnTheRoadSubCauseCode"></a>HazardousLocation-AnimalOnTheRoadSubCauseCode
 This DE represents the value of the sub cause code of the [**CauseCode**](#CauseCode) `hazardousLocation-AnimalOnTheRoad`.
 The value shall be set to:
 - 0 - `unavailable`  - in case further detailed information on the animal on the road event is unavailable,
 - 1 - `wildAnimals`  - in case wild animals are detected on the road,
 - 2 - `herdOfAnimals`- in case herd of animals are detected on the road,
 - 3 - `smallAnimals` - in case small size animal is detected on the road,
 - 4 - `largeAnimals` - in case large size animal is detected on the road,
 - 5-255              - reserved for future usage.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Traffic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
HazardousLocation-AnimalOnTheRoadSubCauseCode ::= INTEGER {
    unavailable   (0), 
    wildAnimals   (1), 
    herdOfAnimals (2), 
    smallAnimals  (3), 
    largeAnimals  (4)
} (0..255)

### <a name="HazardousLocation-DangerousCurveSubCauseCode"></a>HazardousLocation-DangerousCurveSubCauseCode
 This DE represents the sub cause code of the [**CauseCode**](#CauseCode)  `hazardousLocation-DangerousCurve`.
 The value shall be set to:
 - 0 - `unavailable`                                        - in case further detailed information on the dangerous curve is unavailable,
 - 1 - `dangerousLeftTurnCurve`                             - in case the dangerous curve is a left turn curve,
 - 2 - `dangerousRightTurnCurve`                            - in case the dangerous curve is a right turn curve,
 - 3 - `multipleCurvesStartingWithUnknownTurningDirection`  - in case of multiple curves for which the starting curve turning direction is not known,
 - 4 - `multipleCurvesStartingWithLeftTurn`                 - in case of multiple curves starting with a left turn curve,
 - 5 - `multipleCurvesStartingWithRightTurn`                - in case of multiple curves stating with a right turn curve,
 - 6-255                                                    - are reserved for future usage.
 The definition of whether a curve is dangerous may vary according to region and according to vehicle types/mass
 and vehicle speed driving on the curve. This definition is out of scope of the present document.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Traffic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
HazardousLocation-DangerousCurveSubCauseCode ::= INTEGER {
    unavailable                                       (0), 
    dangerousLeftTurnCurve                            (1), 
    dangerousRightTurnCurve                           (2), 
    multipleCurvesStartingWithUnknownTurningDirection (3), 
    multipleCurvesStartingWithLeftTurn                (4), 
    multipleCurvesStartingWithRightTurn               (5)
} (0..255)

### <a name="HazardousLocation-ObstacleOnTheRoadSubCauseCode"></a>HazardousLocation-ObstacleOnTheRoadSubCauseCode
 This DE represents the value of the sub cause code of the [**CauseCode**](#CauseCode) `hazardousLocation-ObstacleOnTheRoad`. 
 The value shall be set to:
 - 0 - `unavailable`    - in case further detailed information on the detected obstacle is unavailable,
 - 1 - `shedLoad`       - in case detected obstacle is large amount of obstacles (shedload),
 - 2 - `partsOfVehicles`- in case detected obstacles are parts of vehicles,
 - 3 - `partsOfTyres`   - in case the detected obstacles are parts of tyres,
 - 4 - `bigObjects`     - in case the detected obstacles are big objects,
 - 5 - `fallenTrees`    - in case the detected obstacles are fallen trees,
 - 6 - `hubCaps`        - in case the detected obstacles are hub caps,
 - 7 - `waitingVehicles`- in case the detected obstacles are waiting vehicles,
 - 8-255                - reserved for future usage.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Traffic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
HazardousLocation-ObstacleOnTheRoadSubCauseCode ::= INTEGER {
    unavailable     (0), 
    shedLoad        (1), 
    partsOfVehicles (2), 
    partsOfTyres    (3), 
    bigObjects      (4), 
    fallenTrees     (5), 
    hubCaps         (6), 
    waitingVehicles (7)
} (0..255)

### <a name="HazardousLocation-SurfaceConditionSubCauseCode"></a>HazardousLocation-SurfaceConditionSubCauseCode
 This DE represents the value of the sub cause code of the [**CauseCode**](#CauseCode) `hazardousLocation-SurfaceCondition`. 
The value shall be set to:
 - 0  - `unavailable`     - in case further detailed information on the road surface condition is unavailable,
 - 1  - `rockfalls`       - in case rock falls are detected on the road surface,
 - 2  - `earthquakeDamage`- in case the road surface is damaged by earthquake,
 - 3  - `sewerCollapse`   - in case of sewer collapse on the road surface,
 - 4  - `subsidence`      - in case road surface is damaged by subsidence,
 - 5  - `snowDrifts`      - in case road surface is damaged due to snow drift,
 - 6  - `stormDamage`     - in case road surface is damaged by strong storm,
 - 7  - `burstPipe`       - in case road surface is damaged due to pipe burst,
 - 8  - `volcanoEruption` - in case road surface is damaged due to volcano eruption,
 - 9  - `fallingIce`      - in case road surface damage is due to falling ice,
 - 10 - `fire`            - in case there is fire on or near to the road surface,
 - 11-255                 - reserved for future usage.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Traffic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
HazardousLocation-SurfaceConditionSubCauseCode ::= INTEGER {
    unavailable      (0), 
    rockfalls        (1), 
    earthquakeDamage (2), 
    sewerCollapse    (3), 
    subsidence       (4), 
    snowDrifts       (5), 
    stormDamage      (6), 
    burstPipe        (7), 
    volcanoEruption  (8), 
    fallingIce       (9), 
    fire             (10)
} (0..255)

### <a name="HeadingConfidence"></a>HeadingConfidence
 This DE represents the absolute accuracy of a reported heading value for a confidence level of 95 %.
The value shall be set to:
 - `1` if the heading accuracy is equal to or less than 0,1 degree,
 - `n (n > 1 and n < 125)` if the heading accuracy is equal to or less than n x 0,1 degree and more than (n-1) x 0,1 degree,
 - `125` if the heading accuracy is equal to or less than 12,5 degrees,
 - `126` if the heading accuracy is out of range, i.e. greater than 12,5 degrees,
 - `127` if the heading accuracy information is not available.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _0,1 degree_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: GeoReference information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Description revised in V2.1.1_

NOTE: this DE is kept for backwards compatibility reasons only. It is reccomended to use the [**Wgs84AngleConfidence**](#Wgs84AngleConfidence) instead.
HeadingConfidence ::= Wgs84AngleConfidence

### <a name="HeadingValue"></a>HeadingValue
 This DE represents the orientation of the horizontal velocity vector with regards to the WGS84 north.
 When the information is not available, the DE shall be set to 3 601. The value 3600 shall not be used.

 Unit: 0,1 degree
 Categories: GeoReference information

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Description revised in V2.1.1 (usage of value 3600 specified)_

NOTE: this DE is kept for backwards compatibility reasons only. It is reccomended to use the [**Wgs84AngleValue**](#Wgs84AngleValue) instead.
HeadingValue ::= Wgs84AngleValue

### <a name="HeightLonCarr"></a>HeightLonCarr
 This DE represents the height of the left or right longitude carrier of vehicle from base to top (left or right carrier seen from vehicle
 rear to front). 

 The value shall be set to:
 - `n (n >= 1 and n < 99)` if the height information is equal to or less than n x 0,01 meter and more than (n-1) x 0,01 meter.
 - `99` if the height is out of range, i.e. equal to or greater than 98 cm.
 - `100` if the height information is not available.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _0,01 meter_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Description revised in V2.1.1 (the definition of 99 has changed slightly)_
HeightLonCarr ::= INTEGER {
} (1..100)

### <a name="HumanPresenceOnTheRoadSubCauseCode"></a>HumanPresenceOnTheRoadSubCauseCode
 This DE represents the value of the sub cause code of the [**CauseCode**](#CauseCode) `humanPresenceOnTheRoad`.
 The value shall be set to:
 - 0 - `unavailable`          - in case further detailed information on human presence on the road is unavailable,
 - 1 - `childrenOnRoadway`    - in case children are detected on the road event,
 - 2 - `cyclistOnRoadway`     - in case cyclist presence is detected on the road,
 - 3 - `motorcyclistOnRoadway`- in case motorcyclist presence is detected on the road,
 - 4-255                      - are reserved for future usage.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Traffic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
HumanPresenceOnTheRoadSubCauseCode ::= INTEGER {
    unavailable           (0), 
    childrenOnRoadway     (1), 
    cyclistOnRoadway      (2), 
    motorcyclistOnRoadway (3)
} (0..255)

### <a name="HumanProblemSubCauseCode"></a>HumanProblemSubCauseCode
 This DE represents the value of the sub cause codes of the [**CauseCode**](#CauseCode) "humanProblem".
 The value shall be set to:
 - 0 - `unavailable`    - in case further detailed information on human health problem is unavailable,
 - 1 - `glycemiaProblem`- in case human problem is due to glycaemia problem,
 - 2 - `heartProblem`   - in case human problem is due to heart problem,
 - 3-255                - reserved for future usage.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Traffic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
HumanProblemSubCauseCode ::= INTEGER {
    unavailable     (0), 
    glycemiaProblem (1), 
    heartProblem    (2)
} (0..255)

### <a name="Identifier1B"></a>Identifier1B
 This DE is a general identifier.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Basic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
Identifier1B ::= INTEGER (0..255)

### <a name="Identifier2B"></a>Identifier2B
 This DE is a general identifier.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Basic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
Identifier2B ::= INTEGER (0..65535)

### <a name="InformationQuality"></a>InformationQuality
 This DE represents the quality level of provided information.
 The value shall be set to:
 - 0 - if the information is unavailable.
 - 1 - if the quality level is lowest
 - `n (n > 1 and n < 7)` if the quality level is n. 
 - 7 - if the quality level is highest

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Basic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Editorial update in V2.1.1_

NOTE: Definition of quality level is out of scope of the present document.
InformationQuality ::= INTEGER (0..7)

### <a name="InterferenceManagementZoneType"></a>InterferenceManagementZoneType
 This DE defines the type of an interference management zone, so that an ITS-S can 
 assert the actions to do while passing by such zone (e.g. reduce the transmit power in case of a DSRC tolling station).
 It is an extension of the type [**ProtectedZoneType**](#ProtectedZoneType).

 The value shall be set to:
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 - 0 - `permanentCenDsrcTolling` - as specified in ETSI TS 102 792 [i.14]
 - 1 - `temporaryCenDsrcTolling` - as specified in ETSI TS 102 792 [i.14]
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 - 2 - `unavailable`             - default value. Set to 2 for backwards compatibility with DSRC tolling
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 - 3 - `urbanRail(3)`            - as specified in ETSI TS 103 724 [i.13], clause 7
 - 4 - `satelliteStation`        - as specified in ETSI TS 103 724 [i.13], clause 7
 - 5 - `fixedLinks(5)`           - as specified in ETSI TS 103 724 [i.13], clause 7
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Communication information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
InterferenceManagementZoneType ::= ENUMERATED {
    permanentCenDsrcTolling (0),
    temporaryCenDsrcTolling (1),
    unavailable             (2), 
    urbanRail               (3),      
    satelliteStation        (4),
    fixedLinks              (5), 

### <a name="Iso3833VehicleType"></a>Iso3833VehicleType
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 This DE represents the vehicle type according to ISO 3833 [3].
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 A "term No" refers to the number of the corresponding term and its definition in ISO 3833.

 The value shall be set to:
 - 0	- `passengerCar`              - term No 3.1.1
 - 1	- `saloon`                    - term No (sedan)
 - 2	- `convertibleSaloon`         - term No
 - 3	- `pullmanSaloon`             - term No
 - 4	- `stationWagon`              - term No
 - 5	- `truckStationWagon`         - term No
 - 6	- `coupe`                     - term No (coupe)
 - 7	- `convertible`               - term No (open tourer, roadstar, spider)
 - 8	- `multipurposePassengerCar`  - term No
 - 9	- `forwardControlPassengerCar`- term No
 - 10	- `specialPassengerCar`       - term No
 - 11	- `bus	(11)`                 - term No 3.1.2
 - 12	- `minibus`                   - term No
 - 13	- `urbanBus`                  - term No
 - 14	- `interurbanCoach`           - term No
 - 15	- `longDistanceCoach`         - term No
 - 16	- `articulatedBus`            - term No
 - 17	- `trolleyBus	`             - term No
 - 18	- `specialBus`                - term No
 - 19	- `commercialVehicle	`     - term No 3.1.3
 - 20	- `specialCommercialVehicle`  - term No
 - 21	- `specialVehicle	`         - term No 3.1.4
 - 22	- `trailingTowingVehicle	` - term No 3.1.5 (draw-bar tractor)
 - 23	- `semiTrailerTowingVehicle`  - term No 3.1.6 (fifth wheel tractor)
 - 24	- `trailer`                   - term No 3.2.1
 - 25	- `busTrailer`                - term No
 - 26	- `generalPurposeTrailer`     - term No
 - 27	- `caravan`                   - term No
 - 28	- `specialTrailer`            - term No
 - 29	- `semiTrailer`               - term No 3.2.2
 - 30	- `busSemiTrailer	`         - term No
 - 31	- `generalPurposeSemiTrailer` - term No
 - 32	- `specialSemiTrailer`        - term No
 - 33	- `roadTrain`                 - term No 3.3.1
 - 34	- `passengerRoadTrain	`     - term No 3.3.2
 - 35	- `articulatedRoadTrain`      - term No 3.3.3
 - 36	- `doubleRoadTrain`           - term No 3.3.4
 - 37	- `compositeRoadTrain`        - term No 3.3.5
 - 38	- `specialRoadTrain`          - term No 3.3.6
 - 39	- `moped`                     - term No 3.4
 - 40	- `motorCycle`                - term No 3.5
 - 41-255                           - reserved for future use

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
Iso3833VehicleType ::= INTEGER {
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    passengerCar                 (0),
    saloon                       (1),	
    convertibleSaloon            (2),	
    pullmanSaloon                (3),	
    stationWagon                 (4),	
    truckStationWagon            (5),	
    coupe                        (6),
    convertible                  (7),	
    multipurposePassengerCar     (8),	
    forwardControlPassengerCar   (9),	
    specialPassengerCar	         (10),
    bus	                         (11),
    minibus                      (12),	
    urbanBus                     (13),	
    interurbanCoach              (14),	
    longDistanceCoach            (15),	
    articulatedBus               (16),	
    trolleyBus                   (17),
    specialBus                   (18),	
    commercialVehicle            (19),	
    specialCommercialVehicle     (20),
    specialVehicle               (21),	
    trailingTowingVehicle        (22),	
    semiTrailerTowingVehicle     (23),	
    trailer                      (24),	
    busTrailer                   (25),
    generalPurposeTrailer        (26),
    caravan                      (27),	
    specialTrailer               (28),	
    semiTrailer	                 (29),	
    busSemiTrailer               (30),	
    generalPurposeSemiTrailer    (31),
    specialSemiTrailer           (32),	
    roadTrain                    (33),	
    passengerRoadTrain           (34),	
    articulatedRoadTrain         (35),	
    doubleRoadTrain	             (36),
    compositeRoadTrain           (37),	
    specialRoadTrain             (38),	
    moped                        (39),	
    motorCycle                   (40)	
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	} (0..255)

### <a name="LanePosition"></a>LanePosition
 This DE indicates a transversal position on the carriageway at a specific longitudinal position, in resolution of lanes of the carriageway. 

 For right-hand traffic roads, the value shall be set to:
 - `-1` if the position is off, i.e. besides the road.
 - `0` if the position is on the inner hard shoulder, i.e. the hard should adjacent to the leftmost lane.
 - `n (n >0 and n < 14)`, if the position is on the n-th driving lane counted from the leftmost lane to the rightmost lane of a specific traffic direction. 
 - `14` if the position is on the outer hard shoulder, i.e. the hard should adjacent to rightmost lane (if present).

 For left-hand traffic roads, the value shall be set to:
 - `-1` if the position is off, i.e. besides the road.
 - `0` if the position is on the inner hard shoulder, i.e. the hard should adjacent to the rightmost lane.
 - `n (n >0 and n < 14)`, if the position is on the n-th driving lane counted from the rightmost lane to the leftmost lane of a specific traffic direction. 
 - `14` if the position is on the outer hard shoulder, i.e. the hard should adjacent to leftmost lane (if present).

 If the carriageway allows only traffic in one direction (e.g. in case of dual or multiple carriageway roads), the position is counted from the physical border of the carriageway. 
 If the carriageway allows traffic in both directions and there is no physical delimitation between traffic directions (e.g. on a single carrriageway road), 
 the position is counted from the legal (i.e. optical) separation between traffic directions (horizontal marking). 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Road topology information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Description revised in V2.1.1_

NOTE: in practice this means that the position is counted from "inside" to "outside" no matter which traffic practice is used.
LanePosition ::= INTEGER {
    offTheRoad           (-1), 
    innerHardShoulder    (0), 
    outerHardShoulder    (14) 
} (-1..14)

### <a name="LaneType"></a>LaneType
 This DE represents the type of a lane. 
 The value shall be set to:
 - 0	- `traffic`            - Lane dedicated to the movement of vehicles.
 - 1	- `through`            - Lane dedicated to the movement of vehicles travelling ahead and not turning.
 - 2	- `reversible`         - Lane where the direction of traffic can be changed to match the peak flow.
 - 3	- `acceleration`	   - Lane that allows vehicles entering a road to accelerate to the speed of through traffic before merging with it.
 - 4	- `deceleration`       - Lane that allows vehicles exiting a road to decelerate before leaving it.
 - 5	- `leftHandTurning`    - Lane reserved for slowing down and making a left turn, so as not to disrupt traffic.
 - 6	- `rightHandTurning`   - Lane reserved for slowing down and making a right turn so as not to disrupt traffic.
 - 7	- `dedicatedVehicle`   - Lane dedicated to movement of motor vehicles with specific characteristics, such as heavy goods vehicles, etc. 
 - 8	- `bus`                - Lane dedicated to movement of buses providing public transport.
 - 9	- `taxi`               - Lane dedicated to movement of taxis.
 - 10	- `hov`                - Carpooling lane or high occupancy vehicle lane.
 - 11	- `hot`                - High occupancy vehicle lanes that is allowed to be used without meeting the occupancy criteria by paying a toll.
 - 12	- `pedestrian`         - Lanes dedicated to pedestrians such as pedestrian sidewalk paths.
 - 13	- `cycleLane`	       - Lane dedicated to exclusive or preferred use by bicycles.
 - 14	- `median`             - Lane not dedicated to movement of vehicles but representing a median / central reservation  such as the central median 
                                 separating the two directional carriageways of the highway.
 - 15	- `striping`	       - Lane not dedicated to movement of vehicles but covered with roadway markings.
 - 16	- `trackedVehicle`     - Lane dedicated to movement of trains, trams and trolleys.
 - 17	- `parking`            - Lanes dedicated to vehicles parking, stopping and loading lanes.
 - 18	- `emergency`          - Lane dedicated to vehicles in breakdown or to emergency vehicles also called hard shoulder.
 - 19	- `verge`              - Lane representing the verge, i.e. a narrow strip of grass or plants and sometimes also trees located between 
                                 the road surface edge and the boundary of a road.
 - 20	`minimumRiskManoeuvre` - Lane dedicated to automated vehicles making a minimum risk manoeuvre.
 - values 21 to 30             reserved for future use 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Road topology information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V2.1.1_
LaneType::= INTEGER{
	traffic              (0),
	through	             (1),
	reversible           (2),
	acceleration         (3),
	deceleration         (4),
	leftHandTurning      (5),
	rightHandTurning     (6),
	dedicatedVehicle     (7),
	bus                  (8),
	taxi                 (9),
	hov                  (10),
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	hot                  (11),
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	pedestrian           (12),
	cycleLane            (13),
	median               (14),   
	striping             (15),
	trackedVehicle       (16),
	parking	             (17),
	emergency            (18),
	verge                (19),
	minimumRiskManoeuvre (20),
	unknown              (31)

### <a name="LaneWidth"></a>LaneWidth
 This DE represents the width of a lane measured at a defined position.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _0.01 meter_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: GeoReference information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
LaneWidth::= INTEGER (0..1023)

### <a name="Latitude"></a>Latitude
 This DE represents the absolute geographical latitude in a WGS84 coordinate system, providing a range of 90 degrees in north or
 in south hemisphere.

 The value shall be set to:
 - `n (n >= -900000000 and n < 0)`, i.e. negative values for latitudes south of the Equator.
 - `0` is used for the latitude of the equator.
 - `n (n > 0 and n < 900000001)`, i.e. positive values for latitudes north of the Equator.
 - `900 000 001` when the information is unavailable.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _0.1 microdegree_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: GeoReference information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Editorial update in V2.1.1_
Latitude ::= INTEGER {
} (-900000000..900000001)

### <a name="LateralAccelerationValue"></a>LateralAccelerationValue
 This DE represents the vehicle acceleration at lateral direction in the centre of the mass of the empty vehicle.
 It corresponds to the vehicle coordinate system as specified in ISO 8855 [2].
 The value shall be set to:
 - `-160` for values equal to or less than -16 m/s<sup>2</sup>.
 - `n (n > -160 and n <= 0)` to indicate that the vehicle is accelerating towards the right side with regards to the vehicle orientation 
                            with acceleration equal to or less than n x 0,1 m/s<sup>2</sup>, and greater than (n-1) x 0,1 m/s<sup>2</sup>.
 - `n (n > 0 and n < 160)` to indicate that the vehicle is accelerating towards the left hand side with regards to the vehicle orientation 
						     with acceleration equal to or less than n x 0,1 m/s<sup>2</sup>, and greater than (n-1) x 0,1 m/s<sup>2</sup>.
 - `160` for acceleration or greater than 15,9 m/s<sup>2</sup>.
 - `161` when the data is unavailable.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _0.1 m/s<sup>2</sup>_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Description updated in V2.1.1 (the meaning of 160 has changed slightly). This type is now based on the more generic type AccelerationValue._

NOTE: this DF is kept forbackwards compatibility reasons only. It is recommended to use [**AccelerationValue**](#AccelerationValue) instead
LateralAccelerationValue ::= AccelerationValue

### <a name="LightBarSirenInUse"></a>LightBarSirenInUse
 This DE indicates the status of light bar and any sort of audible alarm system besides the horn.
 This includes various common sirens as well as backup up beepers and other slow speed manoeuvring alerts.

 The corresponding bit shall be set to 1 under the following conditions:
 - 0 - `lightBarActivated`      - when the light bar is activated.
 - 1 - `sirenActivated`         - when the siren is activated.

 Otherwise, it shall be set to 0.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Editorial update in V2.1.1_
LightBarSirenInUse ::= BIT STRING {
    lightBarActivated (0),
    sirenActivated    (1)
} (SIZE(2))

### <a name="Longitude"></a>Longitude
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 This DE represents the absolute geographical longitude in a WGS84 coordinate system, providing a range of 180 degrees
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 to the east or to the west of the prime meridian.

 The value shall be set to:
 - `n (n > -1800000000 and n < 0)`, i.e. negative values for longitudes to the west.
 - `0` to indicate the prime meridian. 
 - `n (n > 0 and n < 1800000001)`, i.e. positive values for longitudes to the east.
 - `1 800 000 001` when the information is unavailable.

 The value -1800000000 shall not be used. 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _0.1 microdegree_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: GeoReference information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Description revised in V2.1.1_
Longitude ::= INTEGER {
    valueNotUsed (-1800000000),
    unavailable  (1800000001)
} (-1800000000..1800000001)

### <a name="LongitudinalAccelerationValue"></a>LongitudinalAccelerationValue
 This DE represents the vehicle acceleration at longitudinal direction in the centre of the mass of the empty vehicle.
 It corresponds to the vehicle coordinate system as specified in ISO 8855 [2].

 The value shall be set to:
 - `-160` for values equal to or less than -16 m/s<sup>2</sup>.
 - `n (n > -160 and n <= 0)` to indicate that the vehicle is braking with acceleration equal to or less than n x 0,1 m/s<sup>2</sup>, and greater than (n-1) x 0,1 m/s<sup>2</sup>.
 - `n (n > 0 and n < 160)` to indicate that the vehicle is accelerating with acceleration equal to or less than n x 0,1 m/s<sup>2</sup>, and greater than (n-1) x 0,1 m/s<sup>2</sup>.
 - `160` for acceleration or greater than 15,9 m/s<sup>2</sup>.
 - `161` when the data is unavailable. 
 This acceleration is along the tangent plane of the road surface and does not include gravity components.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _description revised in V2.1.1 (the meaning of 160 has changed slightly). This type is now based on  the generic type AccelerationValue._

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NOTE: The empty load vehicle is defined in ISO 1176 [i.8], clause 4.6.
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LongitudinalAccelerationValue::= AccelerationValue

### <a name="LongitudinalLanePositionValue"></a>LongitudinalLanePositionValue
 This DE represents the longitudinal offset of the map-matched position of a particular object along the
 matched lane, beginning from the lane's starting point.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _0,1 m_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Road topology information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
LongitudinalLanePositionValue ::= INTEGER (0..32767)

### <a name="LongitudinalLanePositionConfidence"></a>LongitudinalLanePositionConfidence
 This DE represents the absolute accuracy of longitudinal lane position measurement to a confidence level of 95%.

 The value shall be set to:
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 - `n (n > 0 and n < 1022)` if the  accuracy is equal to or less than n x 0,1 m, and more than (n-1) x 0,1 m.
 - `1022` if the accuracy is out of range i.e. greater than 102,1 m.
 - `1023` if the data is unavailable.
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _0,1 meter_
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Road topology information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
LongitudinalLanePositionConfidence ::= INTEGER {
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    outOfRange  (1022),
    unavailable (1023)  
} (0..1023)
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### <a name="MessageId"></a>MessageId
 This DE represents the type of facility layer message.

  The value shall be set to:
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	- 1  - `denm`              - for Decentralized Environmental Notification Message (DENM) as specified in ETSI EN 302 637-3 [i.2],
  - 2  - `cam`               - for Cooperative Awareness Message (CAM) as specified in ETSI EN 302 637-2 [i.1],
  - 3  - `poi`               - for Point of Interest message as specified in ETSI TS 101 556-1 [i.9],
  - 4  - `spatem`            - for Signal Phase And Timing Extended Message (SPATEM) as specified in ETSI TS 103 301 [i.15],
  - 5  - `mapem`             - for MAP Extended Message (MAPEM) as specified in ETSI TS 103 301 [i.15],
  - 6  - `ivim`              - for in Vehicle Information Message (IVIM) as specified in ETSI TS 103 301 [i.15],
  - 7  - `ev-rsr`            - for Electric vehicle recharging spot reservation message, as defined in ETSI TS 101 556-3 [i.11],
  - 8  - `tistpgtransaction` - for messages for Tyre Information System (TIS) and Tyre Pressure Gauge (TPG) interoperability, as specified in ETSI TS 101 556-2 [i.10],
  - 9  - `srem`              - for Signal Request Extended Message as specified in ETSI TS 103 301 [i.15],
  - 10 - `ssem`              - for Signal request Status Extended Message as specified in ETSI TS 103 301 [i.15],
  - 11 - `evcsn`             - for Electrical Vehicle Charging Spot Notification message as specified in ETSI TS 101 556-1 [i.9],
  - 12 - `saem`              - for Services Announcement Extended Message as specified in ETSI EN 302 890-1 [i.17],
  - 13 - `rtcmem`            - for Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services Extended Message (RTCMEM) as specified in ETSI TS 103 301 [i.15],
  - 14 - `cpm`               - for Collective Perception Message (CPM) as specified in ETSI TS 103 324 [i.18],
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  - 15 - `imzm`              - for Interference Management Zone Message (IMZM) as specified in ETSI TS 103 724 [i.13],
  - 16 - `vam`               - for Vulnerable Road User Awareness Message as specified in ETSI TS 130 300-3 [i.12], 
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  - 17 - `dsm`               - for Diagnosis, logging and Status Message (DSM) as specified in ETSI TS 103 693 [i.19].
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  - 18-255                   - reserved for future usage,

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Communication information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1 from @ref ItsPduHeader._
MessageId::= INTEGER { 
    denm              (1),  
    cam               (2), 
    poi               (3), 
    spatem            (4), 
    mapem             (5), 
    ivim              (6), 
    ev-rsr            (7), 
    tistpgtransaction (8), 
    srem              (9), 
    ssem              (10), 
    evcsn             (11), 
    saem              (12), 
    rtcmem            (13), 
    cpm               (14),
    imzm              (15),
    vam               (16),
    dsm               (17) 
} (0..255)

### <a name="NumberOfOccupants"></a>NumberOfOccupants
 This DE represents the number of occupants in a vehicle.

 The value shall be set to:
 - `n (n > 1 and n < 126)` for the number n of occupants.
 - `126` for values equal to or higher than 126.
 - `127` if information is not available.`.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _1 person_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Editorial update in V2.1.1_
NumberOfOccupants ::= INTEGER {
    outOfRange  (126),
    unavailable (127)
} (0 .. 127)

### <a name="ObjectConfidence"></a>ObjectConfidence
 This DE represents a single-value indication about the overall information quality of a perceived object on the computation.
 The value shall be set to:  
 -`0`                     : if there is no confidence in detected object, e.g. for "ghost"-objects or if confidence could not be computed.
 - `n (n > 0 and n < 15)` : for the applicable confidence value.
 -`15`                    : if there is full confidence in the detected ObjectDescriptor.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _n/a_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Sensing information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
ObjectConfidence ::= INTEGER {
    noConfidence        (0), 
    fullConfidence      (15) 
} (0..15)

### <a name="ObjectDimensionValue"></a>ObjectDimensionValue
 This DE represents a single dimension of an object.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _0,1 m_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Sensing information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
ObjectDimensionValue ::= INTEGER (0..1023)

### <a name="ObjectDimensionConfidence"></a>ObjectDimensionConfidence
 This DE represents the accuracy of the provided object dimension value with a confidence level of 95%.

 The value shall be set to:
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 - `n (n > 0 and n < 14)` if the dimension accuracy is equal to or less than n x 0,1 meter, and more than (n-1) x 0,1 meter .
 - `11` if the dimension accuracy is out of range i.e. greater than 1 m.
 - `12` if the data is unavailable.
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _0,1 m_
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Sensing information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
ObjectDimensionConfidence ::= INTEGER { 
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    outOfRange              (14),
    unavailable             (15)
} (0..15)
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### <a name="ObjectDynamicStatus"></a>ObjectDynamicStatus
 The DE indicates whether the detected object is classified as a dynamic (i.e. moving) object.
 This value indicates whether an object has the general capability to move, i.e. change its

 The value shall be set to:
 -  `0` - dynamic             - if the object is moving.
 -  `1` - hasBeenDynamic      - if the object has been dynamic before, e.g., a car stopping at a traffic light.
 -  `2` - static              - if the object has been detected to be not moving throughout any previous observation.
 -  `3` - unavailable         - if the information is unavailable. 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Sensing information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
ObjectDynamicStatus ::= INTEGER {
    dynamic             (0),
    hasBeenDynamic      (1),
    static              (2),
    unavailable			(3)    
} (0..3)

### <a name="ObjectRefPoint"></a>ObjectRefPoint
 This DE indicates the approximate position of the reference point of measurement for the object dimensions using a 9 cell grid. 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Basic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
ObjectRefPoint ::= INTEGER {
    bottomLeft      (0),
    midLeft         (1),
    topLeft         (2),
    bottomMid       (3),
    midMid          (4),
    topMid          (5),
    bottomRight     (6),
    midRight        (7),
    topRight        (8)
} (0..8)

### <a name="ObjectFace"></a>ObjectFace
 This DE indicates the face or part of a face of a solid object.

 The object is modelled  as a rectangular prism that has a length that is greater than its width, with the faces of the object being defined as:
 - front: the face defined by the prism´s width and height, and which is the first face in direction of longitudinal movement of the object. 
 - back: the face defined by the prism´s width and height, and which is the last face in direction of longitudinal movement of the object. 
 - side: the faces defined by the prism´s length and height with "left" and "right" defined by looking at the front face and "front" and "back" defined w.r.t to the front and back faces. 

 Note: It is permissible to derive the required object dimensions and orientation from models to provide a best guess.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Basic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V2.1.1_
ObjectFace ::= ENUMERATED {
    front          (0), 
    sideLeftFront  (1), 
    sideLeftBack   (2), 
    sideRightFront (3), 
    sideRightBack  (4),
    back           (5)   

### <a name="OffRoadLanePosition"></a>OffRoadLanePosition
 This DE represent a lateral position with lane-level resolution on the road reservation, which is not on regular traffic lanes. 
 The value shall be set to:
 - 0 - `unavailable` - if information on the lane position is unavailable.
 - 1 - `sidewalk`    - if the position is on the side-walk.
 - 2 - `parkingLane` - if the position is on an area at the side of the road not intended for travel but for vehicular parking.
 - 3 - `bikeLane`    - if the position is on an area reserved for bicycles.
 - 4-15              - reserved for future usage. Value 15 set to "max" in order to bound the size of the encoded field.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Road topology information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
OffRoadLanePosition ::= ENUMERATED {
   unavailable (0), 
   sidewalk    (1), 
   parkingLane (2), 
   bikeLane    (3), 
   max         (15)

### <a name="OpeningDaysHours"></a>OpeningDaysHours
 This DE represents a time period to describe the opening days and hours of a Point of Interest.
 (for example local commerce).

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Time information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
OpeningDaysHours ::= UTF8String

### <a name="OrdinalNumber1B"></a>OrdinalNumber1B
 The DE represents an ordinal number that indicates the position of an element in a set. 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Basic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
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OrdinalNumber1B ::= INTEGER(0..255)

### <a name="OrdinalNumber4b"></a>OrdinalNumber4b
 The DE represents an ordinal number that indicates the position of an element in a set. 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Basic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
OrdinalNumber4b ::= INTEGER(0..15)
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### <a name="OtherSubClass"></a>OtherSubClass
 This DE indicates the subclass of a detected object for object class "otherSubclass".

 The value shall be set to:
 - `0` - unknown       - if the subclass is unknown.
 - `1` - roadSideUnit  - if the object is a roadside unit.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Sensing information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
OtherSubClass ::= INTEGER {
    unknown      (0),
    roadSideUnit (1)
} (0..255)

### <a name="PathDeltaTime"></a>PathDeltaTime
 This DE represents the recorded or estimated travel time between a position and a predefined reference position. 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _0.01 second_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: GeoReference information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _same type as in V1.3.1 but now based on a basic type_
PathDeltaTime ::= DeltaTimeHundredthOfSecond

### <a name="PerformanceClass"></a>PerformanceClass
 This DE denotes the ability of an ITS-S to provide up-to-date information.
 A performance class value is used to describe age of data. The exact values are out of scope of the present document.
  The value shall be set to:
 - `0` if  the performance class is unknown.
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 - `1` for performance class A as defined in ETSI TS 101 539-1 [i.5]
 - `2` for performance class B as defined in ETSI TS 101 539-1 [i.5]
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 -  Values in the range `3 to 7` are reserved for future use.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Editorial update in V2.1.1_
PerformanceClass ::= INTEGER {
    unavailable       (0), 
    performanceClassA (1), 
    performanceClassB (2)
} (0..7)

### <a name="PhoneNumber"></a>PhoneNumber
 This DE represents a telephone number

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Basic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
PhoneNumber ::= NumericString (SIZE(1..16))

### <a name="PosCentMass"></a>PosCentMass
 This DE indicates the perpendicular distance from the centre of mass of an empty load vehicle to the front line of
 the vehicle bounding box of the empty load vehicle.

 The value shall be set to:
 - `n (n > 0 and n < 62)` for any aplicable value n between 0,1 meter and 6,2 meters. 
 - `62` for values equal to or higher than `6.2 metres`.
 - `63`  if the information is unavailable.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _0,1 metre_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Editorial update in V2.1.1_

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NOTE: The empty load vehicle is defined in ISO 1176 [i.8], clause 4.6.
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PosCentMass ::= INTEGER {
    tenCentimeters (1), 
    outOfRange     (62),
    unavailable    (63)
} (1..63)

### <a name="PositioningSolutionType"></a>PositioningSolutionType
 This DE indicates the positioning technology being used to estimate a geographical position.

 The value shall be set to:
 - 0 `noPositioningSolution`  : no positioning solution used,
 - 1 `sGNSS`                  : Global Navigation Satellite System used,
 - 2 `dGNSS`                  : Differential GNSS used,
 - 3 `sGNSSplusDR`            : GNSS and dead reckoning used,
 - 4 `dGNSSplusDR`            : Differential GNSS and dead reckoning used,
 - 5 `dR`                     : dead reckoning used.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: GeoReference information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
PositioningSolutionType ::= ENUMERATED {
    noPositioningSolution (0), 
    sGNSS                 (1), 
    dGNSS                 (2), 
    sGNSSplusDR           (3), 
    dGNSSplusDR           (4), 
    dR                    (5), 

### <a name="PositionOfOccupants"></a>PositionOfOccupants
 This DE indicates whether a passenger seat is occupied or whether the occupation status is detectable or not.
 The number of row in vehicle seats layout is counted in rows from the driver row backwards from front to the rear
 of the vehicle.
 The left side seat of a row refers to the left hand side seen from vehicle rear to front.
 Additionally, a bit is reserved for each seat row, to indicate if the seat occupation of a row is detectable or not,
 i.e. `row1NotDetectable (3)`, `row2NotDetectable(8)`, `row3NotDetectable(13)` and `row4NotDetectable(18)`.
 Finally, a bit is reserved for each row seat to indicate if the seat row is present or not in the vehicle,
 i.e. row1NotPresent `(4)`, row2NotPresent `(9)`, `row3NotPresent(14)`, `row4NotPresent(19)`.
 When a seat is detected to be occupied, the corresponding seat occupation bit shall be set to `1`.
 For example, when the row 1 left seat is occupied, `row1LeftOccupied(0)` bit shall be set to 1.
 When a seat is detected to be not occupied, the corresponding seat occupation bit shall be set to `0`.
 Otherwise, the value of seat occupation bit shall be set according to the following conditions:
 - If the seat occupation of a seat row is not detectable, the corresponding bit shall be set to `1`.
   When any seat row not detectable bit is set to `1`, all corresponding seat occupation bits of the same row
   shall be set to `1`.
 - If the seat row is not present, the corresponding not present bit of the same row shall be set to `1`.
   When any of the seat row not present bit is set to `1`, the corresponding not detectable bit for that row
   shall be set to `1`, and all the corresponding seat occupation bits in that row shall be set to `0`.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
PositionOfOccupants ::= BIT STRING {
    row1LeftOccupied  (0),
    row1RightOccupied (1),
    row1MidOccupied   (2),
    row1NotDetectable (3),
    row1NotPresent    (4),
    row2LeftOccupied  (5),
    row2RightOccupied (6),
    row2MidOccupied   (7),
    row2NotDetectable (8),
    row2NotPresent    (9),
    row3LeftOccupied  (10),
    row3RightOccupied (11),
    row3MidOccupied   (12),
    row3NotDetectable (13),
    row3NotPresent    (14),
    row4LeftOccupied  (15),
    row4RightOccupied (16),
    row4MidOccupied   (17),
    row4NotDetectable (18),
    row4NotPresent    (19)
} (SIZE(20))

### <a name="PosFrontAx"></a>PosFrontAx
 This DE indicates the perpendicular distance between the vehicle front line of the bounding box and the front wheel axle in 10 centimetres.

 The value shall be set to:
 - `n (n > 0 and n < 19) for any aplicable value between 0,1 meter and 1,9 meters. 
 - `19` for values equal to or higher than 1.9 metres.
 - `20` if the information is unavailable.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _0.1 metre_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Editorial update in V2.1.1_
PosFrontAx ::= INTEGER {
    outOfRange (19), 
} (1..20)

### <a name="PosLonCarr"></a>PosLonCarr
 This DE represents the distance from the centre of vehicle front bumper to the right or left longitudinal carrier of vehicle.
 The left/right carrier refers to the left/right as seen from a passenger sitting in the vehicle.

 The value shall be set to:
 - `n (n > 0 and n < 126)` for any aplicable value between 0,01 meter and 1,26 meters. 
 - `126` for values equal to or higher than 1.26 metres.
 - `127` if the information is unavailable.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _0,01 metre_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Editorial update in V2.1.1_
PosLonCarr ::= INTEGER {
    outOfRange  (126),
    unavailable (127)
} (1..127)

### <a name="PosPillar"></a>PosPillar
 This DE represents the perpendicular inter-distance of neighbouring pillar axis of vehicle starting from the
 middle point of the front line of the vehicle bounding box.

 The value shall be set to:
 - `n (n > 0 and n < 29)` for any aplicable value between 0,1 meter and 2,9 meters. 
 - `29` for values equal to or greater than 2.9 metres.
 - `30` if the information is unavailable.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _0,1 metre_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Editorial update in V2.1.1_
PosPillar ::= INTEGER {
    outOfRange  (29),
    unavailable (30)
} (1..30)

### <a name="PostCrashSubCauseCode"></a>PostCrashSubCauseCode
 This DE represents the value of the sub cause codes of the [**CauseCode**](#CauseCode) `postCrash` .
 The value shall be set to:
 - 0 `unavailable`                                               : in case further detailed information on post crash event is unavailable,
 - 1 `accidentWithoutECallTriggered`                             : in case no eCall has been triggered for an accident,
 - 2 `accidentWithECallManuallyTriggered`                        : in case eCall has been manually triggered and transmitted to eCall back end,
 - 3 `accidentWithECallAutomaticallyTriggered`                   : in case eCall has been automatically triggered and transmitted to eCall back end,
 - 4 `accidentWithECallTriggeredWithoutAccessToCellularNetwork`  : in case eCall has been triggered but cellular network is not accessible from triggering vehicle,
 - 5-255                                                         : reserved for future usage.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Traffic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
PostCrashSubCauseCode ::= INTEGER {
    unavailable                                              (0), 
    accidentWithoutECallTriggered                            (1), 
    accidentWithECallManuallyTriggered                       (2), 
    accidentWithECallAutomaticallyTriggered                  (3), 
    accidentWithECallTriggeredWithoutAccessToCellularNetwork (4)
} (0..255)

### <a name="PrecipitationIntensity"></a>PrecipitationIntensity
 This DE represent the total amount of rain falling during one hour. It is measured in mm per hour at an area of 1 square meter.  
 The following values are specified:
 - `n (n > 0 and n < 2000)` if the amount of rain falling is equal to or less than n x 0.1 mm/h and greater than (n-1) x 0.1 mm/h.
 - `2000` if the amount of rain falling is greater than 199.9 mm/h 
 - `2001` if the information is not available

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _0.1 mm/h_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Basic Information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _created in V2.1.1_
PrecipitationIntensity ::= INTEGER {
	outOfRange								(2000), 
	unavailable								(2001) 
} (1..2001)

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### <a name="ProtectedZoneId"></a>ProtectedZoneId
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 This DE represenst the indentifier of a protected communication zone.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Infrastructure information Communication information 

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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Revision in V2.1.1 (changed name from ProtectedZoneID to ProtectedZoneId)_
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ProtectedZoneId ::= INTEGER (0.. 134217727)
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### <a name="ProtectedZoneRadius"></a>ProtectedZoneRadius
 This DE represenst the radius of a protected communication zone. 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _metre_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Infrastructure information Communication information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
ProtectedZoneRadius ::= INTEGER (1..255,...)

### <a name="ProtectedZoneType"></a>ProtectedZoneType
 This DE indicates the type of a protected communication zone, so that an ITS-S is aware of the actions to do
 while passing by such zone (e.g. reduce the transmit power in case of a DSRC tolling station).
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 The protected zone type is defined in ETSI TS 102 792 [i.14].
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Communication information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
ProtectedZoneType::= ENUMERATED {
    permanentCenDsrcTolling (0), 
    temporaryCenDsrcTolling (1) 

### <a name="PtActivationData"></a>PtActivationData
 This DE is used for various tasks in the public transportation environment, especially for controlling traffic
 signal systems to prioritize and speed up public transportation in urban area (e.g. intersection "_bottlenecks_").
 The traffic lights may be controlled by an approaching bus or tram automatically. This permits "_In Time_" activation
 of the green phase, will enable the individual traffic to clear a potential traffic jam in advance. Thereby the
 approaching bus or tram may pass an intersection with activated green light without slowing down the speed due to
 traffic congestion. Other usage of the DE is the provision of information like the public transport line number
 or the schedule delay of a public transport vehicle.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
PtActivationData ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..20))

### <a name="PtActivationType"></a>PtActivationType
 This DE indicates a certain coding type of the PtActivationData data.

 The folowing value are specified:
 - `0` undefinedCodingType  : undefined coding type,
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 - `1` r09-16CodingType     : coding of PtActivationData conform to VDV recommendation 420 [i.7],
 - `2` vdv-50149CodingType  : coding of PtActivationData based on VDV recommendation 420 [i.7].
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 - values 3 to 255          : reserved for alternative and future use.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
PtActivationType ::= INTEGER {
    undefinedCodingType (0), 
    r09-16CodingType    (1), 
    vdv-50149CodingType (2)
} (0..255)

### <a name="RailwayLevelCrossingSubCauseCode"></a>RailwayLevelCrossingSubCauseCode
 This DE represents the value of the sub cause codes of the [**CauseCode**](#CauseCode) `railwayLevelCrossing` .
 The value shall be set to:
 - 0 `unavailable`                   : in case no further detailed information on the railway level crossing status is available,
 - 1 `doNotCrossAbnormalSituation`   : in case when something wrong is detected by equation or sensors of the railway level crossing, 
                                         including level crossing is closed for too long (e.g. more than 10 minutes long ; default value),
 - 2 `closed`                        : in case the crossing is closed (barriers down),
 - 3 `unguarded`                     : in case the level crossing is unguarded (i.e a Saint Andrew cross level crossing without detection of train),
 - 4 `nominal`                       : in case the barriers are up and lights are off.
 - 5-255: reserved for future usage.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Traffic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
RailwayLevelCrossingSubCauseCode ::= INTEGER {
    unavailable                 (0), 
    doNotCrossAbnormalSituation (1), 
    closed                      (2), 
    unguarded                   (3), 
    nominal                     (4)
} (0..255)

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### <a name="RelevanceDistance"></a>RelevanceDistance
 This DE describes a distance of relevance for information indicated in a message.

 The value shall be set to:
 - 0 `lessThan50m`   : for distances below 50 m. 
 - 1 `lessThan100m`  : for distances below 100 m. 
 - 2 `lessThan200m`  : for distances below 200 m. 
 - 3 `lessThan500m`  : for distances below 300 m. 
 - 4 `lessThan1000m` : for distances below 1000 m. 
 - 5 `lessThan5km`   : for distances below 5000 m. 
 - 6 `lessThan10km`  : for distances below 10000 m. 
 - 7 `over10km`      : for distances over 10000 m. 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: GeoReference information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Editorial update in V2.1.1_

NOTE: this DF is kept for backwards compatibility reasons only. It is reccomended to use the [**StandardLength3b**](#StandardLength3b) instead.
RelevanceDistance ::= ENUMERATED {

### <a name="RelevanceTrafficDirection"></a>RelevanceTrafficDirection
 This DE indicates a traffic direction that is relevant to information indicated in a message.
 The value shall be set to:
 - 0 `allTrafficDirections` : for all traffic directions. 
 - 1 `upstreamTraffic`      : for upstream traffic. 
 - 2 `downstreamTraffic`    : for downstream traffic. 
 - 3 `oppositeTraffic`      : for traffic in the opposite direction. 

 The terms `upstream`, `downstream` and `oppositeTraffic` are relative to the event position.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: GeoReference information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Editorial update in V2.1.1_

NOTE: this DF is kept for backwards compatibility reasons only. It is reccomended to use the [**TrafficDirection**](#TrafficDirection) instead.
RelevanceTrafficDirection ::= ENUMERATED {

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### <a name="RequestResponseIndication"></a>RequestResponseIndication
 This DE indicates whether an ITS message is transmitted as request from ITS-S or a response transmitted from
 ITS-S after receiving request from other ITS-Ss.

 The value shall be set to:
 - 0 `request`  : for a request message. 
 - 1 `response` : for a response message.  

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Communication information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Editorial update in V2.1.1_
RequestResponseIndication ::= ENUMERATED {
    request  (0), 
    response (1)

### <a name="RescueAndRecoveryWorkInProgressSubCauseCode"></a>RescueAndRecoveryWorkInProgressSubCauseCode
 This DE represents the value of the sub cause codes of the [**CauseCode**](#CauseCode) `rescueAndRecoveryWorkInProgress` 
 The following value are specified:
 - 0 `unavailable`             : in case further detailed information on rescue and recovery work is unavailable,
 - 1 `emergencyVehicles`       : in case rescue work is ongoing by emergency vehicles,
 - 2 `rescueHelicopterLanding` : in case rescue helicopter is landing,
 - 3 `policeActivityOngoing`   : in case police activity is ongoing,
 - 4 `medicalEmergencyOngoing` : in case medical emergency recovery is ongoing,
 - 5 `childAbductionInProgress`: in case a child kidnapping alarm is activated and rescue work is ongoing,
 - 6-255: reserved for future usage.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Traffic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
RescueAndRecoveryWorkInProgressSubCauseCode ::= INTEGER {
   unavailable              (0), 
   emergencyVehicles        (1), 
   rescueHelicopterLanding  (2), 
   policeActivityOngoing    (3), 
   medicalEmergencyOngoing  (4), 
   childAbductionInProgress (5)
} (0..255)

### <a name="RoadType"></a>RoadType
 This DE indicates the type of a road segment.
 The value shall be set to:
 - 0 `urban-NoStructuralSeparationToOppositeLanes`       : for an urban road with no structural separation between lanes carrying traffic in opposite directions.
 - 1 `urban-WithStructuralSeparationToOppositeLanes`     : for an urban road with structural separation between lanes carrying traffic in opposite directions.
 - 2 `nonUrban-NoStructuralSeparationToOppositeLanes`    : for an non urban road with no structural separation between lanes carrying traffic in opposite directions.
 - 3 `nonUrban-WithStructuralSeparationToOppositeLanes`  : for an non urban road with structural separation between lanes carrying traffic in opposite directions.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Road Topology Information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Editorial update in V2.1.1_
RoadType ::= ENUMERATED {
    urban-NoStructuralSeparationToOppositeLanes      (0),
    urban-WithStructuralSeparationToOppositeLanes    (1),
    nonUrban-NoStructuralSeparationToOppositeLanes   (2),
    nonUrban-WithStructuralSeparationToOppositeLanes (3)

### <a name="RoadworksSubCauseCode"></a>RoadworksSubCauseCode
 This DE represents the value of the sub cause codes of the [**CauseCode**](#CauseCode) `roadworks`.
The value shall be set to:
 - 0 `unavailable`                 : in case further detailed information on roadworks is unavailable,
 - 1 `majorRoadworks`              : in case a major roadworks is ongoing,
 - 2 `roadMarkingWork`             : in case a road marking work is ongoing,
 - 3 `slowMovingRoadMaintenance`   : in case slow moving road maintenance work is ongoing,
 - 4 `shortTermStationaryRoadworks`: in case a short term stationary roadwork is ongoing,
 - 5 `streetCleaning`              : in case a vehicle street cleaning work is ongoing,
 - 6 `winterService`               : in case winter service work is ongoing,
 - 7-255 reserved for future usage.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Traffic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
RoadworksSubCauseCode ::= INTEGER {
    unavailable                  (0), 
    majorRoadworks               (1),
    roadMarkingWork              (2), 
    slowMovingRoadMaintenance    (3), 
    shortTermStationaryRoadworks (4), 
   streetCleaning                (5), 
   winterService                 (6)
} (0..255)

### <a name="SafeDistanceIndicator"></a>SafeDistanceIndicator
 This DE indicates if a distance is safe 
 This DE is FALSE  if  the triple  {LaD,  LoD, VD} < {MSLaD, MSLoD, MSVD} simultaneously  satisfied with confidence of  90 % or  more. 
 Otherwise  stationSafeDistanceIndication is set to TRUE. 

 @Note: the ebbreviations used are Lateral Distance (LaD),  Longitudinal Distance (LoD) and Vertical Distance (VD) 
 and their respective  thresholds, Minimum  Safe  Lateral  Distance (MSLaD), Minimum  Safe  Longitudinal Distance  (MSLoD),  and  Minimum  Safe Vertical Distance (MSVD)

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Traffic information Kinematics information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _created in V2.1.1_
SafeDistanceIndicator::= BOOLEAN

### <a name="SemiAxisLength"></a>SemiAxisLength
 This DE represenst the absolute position accuracy in one of the axis direction as defined in a shape of ellipse with a 
 confidence level of 95 %. 
 The value shall be set to:
 - `1` if the accuracy is equal to or less than 1 cm,
 - `n (n > 1 and n < 4 094)` if the accuracy is equal to or less than n cm,
 - `4 094` if the accuracy is out of range, i.e. greater than 4 093 cm,
 - `4 095` if the accuracy information is unavailable.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _0,01 meter_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: GeoReference Information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Editorial update in V2.1.1_

NOTE: The fact that a position coordinate value is received with confidence set to 'unavailable(4095)'
 can be caused by several reasons, such as:
 - the sensor cannot deliver the accuracy at the defined confidence level because it is a low-end sensor,
 - the sensor cannot calculate the accuracy due to lack of variables, or
 - there has been a vehicle bus (e.g. CAN bus) error.
 In all 3 cases above, the reported position coordinate value may be valid and used by the application.
 If a position coordinate value is received and its confidence is set to 'outOfRange(4094)', it means that
 the reported position coordinate value is not valid and therefore cannot be trusted. Such value is not useful
 for the application.
SemiAxisLength ::= INTEGER{
    outOfRange  (4094), 
    unavailable (4095)
} (0..4095)

### <a name="SensorType"></a>SensorType
 This DE indicates the type of sensor.
 The value shall be set to:
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 - `0` undefined          : in case the sensor type is undefined. 
 - `1` radar              : in case the sensor is a radar.
 - `2` lidar              : in case the sensor is a lidar.
 - `3` monovideo          : in case the sensor is mono video.
 - `4` stereovision       : in case the sensor is stereo vision.
 - `5` nightvision        : in case the sensor is night vision.
 - `6` ultrasonic         : in case the sensor is ultrasonic.
 - `7` pmd                : in case the sensor is photonic mixing device.
 - `8` inductionLoop      : in case the sensor is an induction loop.
 - `9` sphericalCamera    : in case the sensor is a spherical camera.
 - `10` uwb               : in case the sensor is ultra wide band.
 - `11` acoustic          : in case the sensor is acoustic.
 - `12` localAggregation  : in case the information is provided by a system that aggregates information from different local sensors. Aggregation may include fusion.
 - `13` itsAggregation    : in case the information is provided by a system that aggregates information from other received ITS messages.
 - 14-15 reserved for future usage.
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Sensing Information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _created in V2.1.1_
SensorType ::= INTEGER {
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    undefined         (0),
    radar             (1),
    lidar             (2),
    monovideo         (3),
    stereovision      (4),
    nightvision       (5),
    ultrasonic        (6),
    pmd               (7),
    inductionLoop     (8),
    sphericalCamera   (9),
    uwb               (10),
    acoustic          (11),
    localAggregation  (12),
    itsAggregation    (13)
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} (0..15)

### <a name="SequenceNumber"></a>SequenceNumber
 This DE represents a sequence number.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Basic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
SequenceNumber ::=  INTEGER (0..65535)

### <a name="SignalViolationSubCauseCode"></a>SignalViolationSubCauseCode
 This DE represents the value of the sub cause codes of the [**CauseCode**](#CauseCode) `signalViolation`.
 The value shall be set to:
 - 0 `unavailable`               : in case further detailed information on signal violation event is unavailable,
 - 1 `stopSignViolation`         : in case a stop sign violation is detected,
 - 2 `trafficLightViolation`     : in case a traffic light violation is detected,
 - 3 `turningRegulationViolation`: in case a turning regulation violation is detected,
 - 4-255                         : reserved for future usage.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Traffic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
SignalViolationSubCauseCode ::= INTEGER {
    unavailable                (0), 
    stopSignViolation          (1), 
    trafficLightViolation      (2), 
    turningRegulationViolation (3)
} (0..255)

### <a name="SlowVehicleSubCauseCode"></a>SlowVehicleSubCauseCode
 This DE represents the sub cause codes of the [**CauseCode**](#CauseCode) "slowVehicle".
 The value shall be set to:
 - 0 `unavailable`                    : in case further detailed information on slow vehicle driving event is
 - 1 `maintenanceVehicle`             : in case of a slow driving maintenance vehicle on the road,
 - 2 `vehiclesSlowingToLookAtAccident`: in case vehicle is temporally slowing down to look at accident, spot, etc.,
 - 3 `abnormalLoad`                   : in case an abnormal loaded vehicle is driving slowly on the road,
 - 4 `abnormalWideLoad`               : in case an abnormal wide load vehicle is driving slowly on the road,
 - 5 `convoy`                         : in case of slow driving convoy on the road,
 - 6 `snowplough`                     : in case of slow driving snow plough on the road,
 - 7 `deicing`                        : in case of slow driving de-icing vehicle on the road,
 - 8 `saltingVehicles`                : in case of slow driving salting vehicle on the road,
 - 9-255                              : reserved for future usage.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Traffic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
SlowVehicleSubCauseCode ::= INTEGER {
    unavailable                     (0), 
    maintenanceVehicle              (1), 
    vehiclesSlowingToLookAtAccident (2), 
    abnormalLoad                    (3), 
    abnormalWideLoad                (4), 
    convoy                          (5), 
    snowplough                      (6), 
    deicing                         (7), 
    saltingVehicles                 (8)
} (0..255)

### <a name="SpecialTransportType"></a>SpecialTransportType
 The DE indicates if a vehicle is carrying goods in the special transport conditions.
 The corresponding bit shall be set to 1 under the following conditions:
 - 0 `heavyLoad`        : the vehicle is carrying goods with heavy load.
 - 1 `excessWidth`      : the vehicle is carrying goods in excess of width.
 - 2 `excessLength`     : the vehicle is carrying goods in excess of length.
 - 3 `excessHeight`     : the vehicle is carrying goods in excess of height.

 Otherwise, the corresponding bit shall be set to 0.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Description revised in V2.1.1_
SpecialTransportType ::= BIT STRING {
    heavyLoad    (0),
    excessWidth  (1), 
    excessLength (2), 
    excessHeight (3)
} (SIZE(4))

### <a name="SpeedConfidence"></a>SpeedConfidence
 This DE represents the absolute accuracy of a speed value information for a predefined confidence level of 95%.
 The value shall be set to:
 - `n (n > 0 and n < 126)` if the speed accuracy is equal to or less than n cm/s.
 - `126` if the speed accuracy is out of range, i.e. greater than 125 cm/s.
 - `127` if the speed accuracy information is not available.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _cm/s_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Description revised in V2.1.1_

NOTE: If a speed value is received and its confidence is set to `outOfRange(126)`, it means that the reported speed value is not valid 
 and therefore cannot be trusted. Such is not useful for the application.
SpeedConfidence ::= INTEGER {
    outOfRange  (126), 
    unavailable (127)
} (1..127)

### <a name="SpeedLimit"></a>SpeedLimit
 This DE represents a speed limitation applied to a geographical position, a road section or a geographical region.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _km/h_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Infrastructure information Traffic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
SpeedLimit ::= INTEGER (1..255)

### <a name="SpeedValue"></a>SpeedValue
 This DE represents a speed value, i.e. the magnitude of the horizontal velocity-vector. 

 The value shall be set to:
 - `0` in a standstill situation.
 - `n (n > 0 and n < 16382)` if the applicable value is equal to or less than n x 0,01 m/s, and greater than (n-1) x 0,01 m/s.
 - `16382` for speed values greater than 163,81 m/s.
 - `16383` if the speed accuracy information is not available.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _0,01 m/s_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Kinematics information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Description revised in V2.1.1 (the meaning of 16382 has changed slightly)_
SpeedValue ::= INTEGER {
    standstill  (0), 
    outOfRange  (16382), 
    unavailable (16383)
} (0..16383)

### <a name="SpeedValueExtended"></a>SpeedValueExtended
 This DE represents the value of a velocity component in a defined coordinate system.

 The value shall be set to:
 - `-16383` if the speed is equal to or smaller than -163,83 m/s
 - `n (n > -16383 and n < 16382)` if the applicable value is equal to or less than n x 0,01 m/s, and greater than `(n-1) x 0,01 m/s.
 - `16382` for speed values equal to or greater than 163,81 m/s.
 - `16383` if the speed accuracy information is not available.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _0,01 m/s_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Kinematics information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
SpeedValueExtended ::= INTEGER {
    negativeOutOfRange (-16383),
    psotiveOutOfRange  (16382),
    unavailable        (16383)
} (-16383..16383)

### <a name="StabilityLossProbability"></a>StabilityLossProbability
 This DE indicates the estimated probability of a stability level and conversely also the probability of a stability loss.

 The value shall be set to:
 - `0` to indicate an estimated probability of a loss of stability of 0%, i.e.  "stable". 
 - `n (n > 0 and n < 50)` to indicate the actual stability level.
 - `50` to indicate a estimated probability of a loss of stability of 100%, i.e. "total loss of stability".
 - the values between 51 and 62 are reserved for future use. 
 - `63`: this value indicates that the information is unavailable.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _2%_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Kinematics information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
StabilityLossProbability ::= INTEGER {
    stable                  (0), 
    totalLossOfStability   (50), 
    unavailable            (63) 
} (0..63)

### <a name="StandardLength12b"></a>StandardLength12b
 The DE represents length as a measure of distance between points or as a dimension of an object. 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _0.1 meter_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Basic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
StandardLength12b::= INTEGER (0..4095)

### <a name="StandardLength3b"></a>StandardLength3b
 The DE represents length as a measure of distance between points or as a dimension of an object. 

 The value shall be set to:
 - 0 `lessThan50m`   : for distances below 50 m. 
 - 1 `lessThan100m`  : for distances below 100 m. 
 - 2 `lessThan200m`  : for distances below 200 m. 
 - 3 `lessThan500m`  : for distances below 300 m. 
 - 4 `lessThan1000m` : for distances below 1000 m. 
 - 5 `lessThan5km`   : for distances below 5000 m. 
 - 6 `lessThan10km`  : for distances below 10000 m. 
 - 7 `over10km`      : for distances over 10000 m. 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: GeoReference information 

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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1 from RelevanceDistance_
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StandardLength3b ::= ENUMERATED {
    lessThan50m   (0), 
    lessThan100m  (1), 
    lessThan200m  (2), 
    lessThan500m  (3), 
    lessThan1000m (4), 
    lessThan5km   (5), 
    lessThan10km  (6), 
    over10km      (7)

### <a name="StandardLength9b"></a>StandardLength9b
 The DE represents length as a measure of distance between points or as a dimension of an object. 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _0.1 meter_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Basic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
StandardLength9b::= INTEGER (0..511)

### <a name="StandardLength1B"></a>StandardLength1B
 The DE represents length as a measure of distance between points or as a dimension of an object. 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _0.1 meter_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Basic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
StandardLength1B::= INTEGER (0..255)

### <a name="StandardLength2B"></a>StandardLength2B
 The DE represents length as a measure of distance between points or as a dimension of an object.  

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _0.1 meter_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Basic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
StandardLength2B::= INTEGER (0..65535)

### <a name="StationarySince"></a>StationarySince
 This DE indicates the duration in minutes since which something is stationary.
 The value shall be set to:
 - 0 `lessThan1Minute`         : for being stationary since less than 1 minute. 
 - 1 `lessThan2Minutes`        : for being stationary since less than 2 minute and for equal to or more 1 minute. 
 - 2 `lessThan15Minutes`       : for being stationary since less than 15 minutes and for equal to or more than 1 minute. 
 - 3 `equalOrGreater15Minutes` : for being stationary since equal to or more than 15 minutes.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Kinematics information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
StationarySince ::= ENUMERATED {
    lessThan1Minute         (0), 
    lessThan2Minutes        (1), 
    lessThan15Minutes       (2), 
    equalOrGreater15Minutes (3)

### <a name="StationaryVehicleSubCauseCode"></a>StationaryVehicleSubCauseCode
 This DE provides the value of the sub cause codes of the [**CauseCode**](#CauseCode) "stationaryVehicle". 
 The value shall be set to:
 - 0 `unavailable`           : in case further detailed information on stationary vehicle is unavailable,
 - 1 `humanProblem`          : in case stationary vehicle is due to health problem of driver or passenger,
 - 2 `vehicleBreakdown`      : in case stationary vehicle is due to vehicle break down,
 - 3 `postCrash`             : in case stationary vehicle is caused by collision,
 - 4 `publicTransportStop`   : in case public transport vehicle is stationary at bus stop,
 - 5 `carryingDangerousGoods`: in case the stationary vehicle is carrying dangerous goods,
 - 6 `vehicleOnFire`         : in case of vehicle on fire.
 - 7-255 reserved for future usage.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Traffic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
StationaryVehicleSubCauseCode ::= INTEGER {
    unavailable            (0), 
    humanProblem           (1), 
    vehicleBreakdown       (2), 
    postCrash              (3), 
    publicTransportStop    (4), 
    carryingDangerousGoods (5), 
    vehicleOnFire          (6)
} (0..255)

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### <a name="StationId"></a>StationId
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 This DE represents the identifier of an ITS-S.
 The ITS-S ID may be a pseudonym. It may change over space and/or over time.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Basic information 

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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Update in V2.1.1 : changed name from StationID to StationId_
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StationId ::= INTEGER(0..4294967295)
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### <a name="StationType"></a>StationType
 This DE represenst the type of technical context the ITS-S is integrated in.
 The station type depends on the integration environment of ITS-S into vehicle, mobile devices or at infrastructure.
 The value shall be set to:
 - 0 `unknown`: information about the ITS-S context is not provided,
 - 1 pedestrian`: ITS-S carried by human being not using a mechanical device for their trip (VRU profile 1).
 - 2 `cyclist`: ITS-S mounted on non-motorized unicycles, bicycles , tricycles, quadracycles,
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 - 3 `moped`: ITS-S mounted on light motor vehicles with less than four wheels as defined in UNECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.4 [i.16] 
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        class L1, L2 (VRU Profile 3)
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 - 4 `motorcycles`: ITS-S mounted on motor vehicles with less than four wheels as defined in UNECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.4 [i.16] 
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        class L3, L4, L5, L6, L7 (VRU Profile 3)
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 - 5 `passengerCar`: ITS-S mounted on small passenger vehicles as defined in UNECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.4 [i.16] class M1,
 - 6 `bus`: ITS-S mounted on large passenger vehicles as defined in UNECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.4 [i.16] class M2, M3,
 - 7 `lightTruck`: ITS-S mounted on light Goods Vehicles as defined in UNECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.4 [i.16] class N1,
 - 8 `heavyTruck`: ITS-S mounted on Heavy Goods Vehicles as defined in UNECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.4 [i.16] class N2 and N3,
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 - 9 `trailer`: ITS-S mounted on an unpowered vehicle that is intended to be towed by a powered vehicle as defined in 
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        UNECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.4 [i.16] class O,
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 - 10 `specialVehicles`: ITS-S mounted on vehicles which have special purposes other than the above (e.g. moving road works vehicle),
 - 11 `tram`: ITS-S mounted on a vehicle which runs on tracks along public streets,
 - 12 `lightVruVehicle`: ITS-S carried by a human being traveling on light vehicle , incl. possible use of roller skates or skateboards (VRU profile 2).
 - 13 `animal`: ITS-S carried by an animal presenting a safety risk to other road users e.g. domesticated dog in a city or horse (VRU Profile 4)
 - 14  reserved for future usage
 - 15 `roadSideUnit`: ITS-S mounted on an infrastructure typically positioned outside of the drivable roadway (e.g. on a gantry, on a pole, 
        on a stationary road works trailer); the infrastructure is static during the entire operation period of the ITS-S (e.g. no stop and go activity),
 - 16-255> reserved for future usage.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Communication information. 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _revised in V2.1.1 (named values 12 and 13 added and note to value 9 deleted)_
StationType ::= INTEGER {
    unknown         (0), 
    pedestrian      (1), 
    cyclist         (2), 
    moped           (3), 
    motorcycle      (4), 
    passengerCar    (5), 
    bus             (6), 
    lightTruck      (7), 
    heavyTruck      (8), 
    trailer         (9), 
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    specialVehicle  (10), 
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    tram            (11), 
    lightVruVehicle (12), 
    animal          (13), 
    roadSideUnit    (15)
} (0..255)

### <a name="SteeringWheelAngleConfidence"></a>SteeringWheelAngleConfidence
 This DE represents the absolute accuracy for a reported steering wheel angle value for a confidence level of 95 %.
 The value shall be set to:
 - `n (n > 0 and n < 126)` if the steering wheel angle accuracy is equal to or less than n x 1,5 degrees,
 - `126` if the accuracy is out of range, i.e. greater than 187,5 degrees,
 - `127` if the accuracy information is not available.

 If a steering wheel angle value is received and its confidence is set to 'outOfRange(126)',
 it means that the reported steering wheel angle value is not valid and therefore cannot be trusted.
 Such value is not useful for the application.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _1.5 degree_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle Information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Description revised in V2.1.1_

NOTE: 1: The fact that a steering wheel angle value is received with confidence set to 'unavailable(127)'
 can be caused by several reasons, such as:
 - the sensor cannot deliver the accuracy at the defined confidence level because it is a low-end sensor,
 - the sensor cannot calculate the accuracy due to lack of variables, or
 - there has been a vehicle bus (e.g. CAN bus) error.
 In all 3 cases above, the reported steering wheel angle value may be valid and used by the application.
SteeringWheelAngleConfidence ::= INTEGER {
    outOfRange                      (126), 
    unavailable                     (127)
} (1..127)

### <a name="SteeringWheelAngleValue"></a>SteeringWheelAngleValue
 This DE represents the steering wheel angle of the vehicle at certain point in time.
 It corresponds to the vehicle coordinate system as specified in ISO 8855 [2].
 The value shall be set to:
 - `-511` if the steering wheel angle is equal to or greater than 511 x 1,5 degrees = 766,5 degrees to the right.
 - `n (n > -511 and n <= 0)` if  the steering wheel angle is equal to or less than n x 1,5 degrees, and greater than (n-1) x 1,5 degrees, 
      turning clockwise (i.e. to the right).
 - `n (n > 1 and n < 511)` if the steering wheel angle is equal to or less than n x 0,1 degrees, and greater than (n-1) x 0,1 degrees, 
      turning counter-clockwise (i.e. to the left).
 - `511` if the steering wheel angle is greater than 510 x 1,5 degrees = 765 degrees to the left.
 - `512` if information is not available.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _1.5 degree_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Description revised in V2.1.1 (meaning of value 511 has changed slightly)._
SteeringWheelAngleValue ::= INTEGER { 
    negativeOutOfRange (-511),
    positiveOutOfRange (511),
    unavailable        (512)
} (-511..512)

### <a name="SubCauseCodeType"></a>SubCauseCodeType
 This DE indicates the generic sub cause of a detected event.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Traffic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Description revised in V2.1.1 (this is  the generic sub cause type)_

NOTE: 1: The sub cause code value assignment varies based on value of [**CauseCode**](#CauseCode)
SubCauseCodeType ::= INTEGER (0..255)

### <a name="Temperature"></a>Temperature
 This DE indicates a temperature value.
 The value shall be set to:
 - `-60` for temperature equal to or less than -60 degrees C.
 - `n (n > -60 and n < 67)` for the actual temperature n in degrees C.
 - `67` for temperature equal to or greater than 67 degrees C.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _degrees Celsius_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Basic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Editorial update in V2.1.1_
Temperature ::= INTEGER {
    equalOrSmallerThanMinus60Deg (-60), 
    equalOrGreaterThan67Deg(67)} (-60..67)

### <a name="TimestampIts"></a>TimestampIts
 This DE represents the number of elapsed (TAI) milliseconds since the ITS Epoch. 
 The ITS epoch is `00:00:00.000 UTC, 1 January 2004`.
 "Elapsed" means that the true number of milliseconds is continuously counted without interruption,
  i.e. it is not altered by leap seconds, which occur in UTC.

 EXAMPLE: The value for TimestampIts for 1 January 2007 00:00:00.000 UTC is `94 694 401 000` milliseconds,
 which includes one leap second insertion since the ITS epoch.

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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _0,001 s_
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Basic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Description revised in in V2.1.1_

NOTE: International Atomic Time (TAI) is the time reference coordinate on the basis of the readings of atomic clocks, 
 operated in accordance with the definition of the second, the unit of time of the International System of Units. 
 TAI is a continuous time scale. UTC has discontinuities, as it is occasionally adjusted by leap seconds. 
 As of 1 January, 2022, TimestampIts is 5 seconds ahead of UTC, because since the ITS epoch on 1 January 2004 00:00:00.000 UTC, 
 further 5 leap seconds have been inserted in UTC.
TimestampIts ::= INTEGER (0..4398046511103)

### <a name="TrafficConditionSubCauseCode"></a>TrafficConditionSubCauseCode
 This DE represents the value of the sub cause codes of the [**CauseCode**](#CauseCode) `trafficCondition`. 
 The value shall be set to:
 - 0 `unavailable`                 : in case further detailed information on traffic jam is unavailable,
 - 1 `increasedVolumeOfTraffic`    : in case detected jam volume is increased,
 - 2 `trafficJamSlowlyIncreasing`  : in case detected traffic jam volume is increasing slowly,
 - 3 `trafficJamIncreasing`        : in case traffic jam volume is increasing,
 - 4 `trafficJamStronglyIncreasing`: in case traffic jam volume is strongly increasing,
 - 5 `trafficStationary`           : in case traffic is stationary,
 - 6 `trafficJamSlightlyDecreasing`: in case traffic jam volume is decreasing slowly,
 - 7 `trafficJamDecreasing`        : in case traffic jam volume is decreasing,
 - 8 `trafficJamStronglyDecreasing`: in case traffic jam volume is decreasing rapidly,
 - 9-255: reserved for future usage.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Traffic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
TrafficConditionSubCauseCode ::= INTEGER {
    unavailable                  (0),
    increasedVolumeOfTraffic     (1),
    trafficJamSlowlyIncreasing   (2),
    trafficJamIncreasing         (3),
    trafficJamStronglyIncreasing (4),
    trafficStationary            (5),
    trafficJamSlightlyDecreasing (6),
    trafficJamDecreasing         (7),
    trafficJamStronglyDecreasing (8)
} (0..255)

### <a name="TrafficDirection"></a>TrafficDirection
 This DE indicates a traffic direction that is relevant to information indicated in a message.
 The value shall be set to:
 - 0 `allTrafficDirections` : for all traffic directions. 
 - 1 `upstreamTraffic`      : for upstream traffic. 
 - 2 `downstreamTraffic`    : for downstream traffic. 
 - 3 `oppositeTraffic`      : for traffic in the opposite direction. 

 The terms `upstream`, `downstream` and `oppositeTraffic` are relative to the event position.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: GeoReference information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1 from RelevanceTrafficDirection_

NOTE: Upstream traffic corresponds to the incoming traffic towards the event position,
 and downstream traffic to the departing traffic away from the event position.
TrafficDirection ::= ENUMERATED {
    allTrafficDirections (0), 
    upstreamTraffic      (1), 
    downstreamTraffic    (2), 
    oppositeTraffic      (3)

### <a name="TrafficRule"></a>TrafficRule
 This DE indicates traffic rules that apply to vehicles at a certain position.

 The value shall be set to:
 - `0` if overtaking is prohibited for all vehicles.
 - `1` if overtaking is prohibited for trucks.
 - `2` if vehicles should pass to the right lane.
 - `3` if vehicles should pass to the left lane.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Infrastructure information Traffic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Editorial update in V2.1.1_
TrafficRule ::= ENUMERATED {
    noPassing          (0), 
    noPassingForTrucks (1), 
    passToRight        (2), 
    passToLeft         (3), 

### <a name="TrajectoryInterceptionProbability"></a>TrajectoryInterceptionProbability
 This  DE  defines  the  probability  that the ego trajectory  intercepts  with any  other object's  trajectory  on the  road. 
 The value shall be set to:
 - `n (n >= 0 and n <= 50)` to indicate the actual stability level.
 - the values between 51 and 62 are reserved. 
 - `63`: to indicate that the information is unavailable. 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Kinematics information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
TrajectoryInterceptionProbability ::= INTEGER { 
    unavailable (63) 
} (0..63)

### <a name="TrajectoryInterceptionConfidence"></a>TrajectoryInterceptionConfidence
 This DE  defines  the  confidence level of the trajectoryInterceptionProbability.

 The value shall be set to:
 - `0` to indicate confidence less than 50 %
 - `1` to indicate confidence greater than or equal to 50 % and less than 70 %.
 - `2` to indicate confidence greater than or equal to 70 % and less than 90 %.
 - `3` to indicate confidence greater than or equal to 90%.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Kinematics information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
TrajectoryInterceptionConfidence ::= INTEGER { 
    lessthan50percent     (0), 
    between50and70Percent (1),
    between70and90Percent (2), 
    above90Percent        (3) 
} (0..3)

### <a name="TurningDirection"></a>TurningDirection
 This DE provides the turning direction. 
 The value shall be set to:
 - `left` for turning to te left.
 - `right`for turing to the right.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Kinematics information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
TurningDirection::= ENUMERATED {

### <a name="TurningRadius"></a>TurningRadius
 This DE represents the smallest circular turn (i.e. U-turn) that the vehicle is capable of making.

 The value shall be set to:
 - `n (n > 0 and n < 254)` indicates the applicable value is equal to or less than n x 0,4 meter, and greater than (n-1) x 0,4 meters.
 - `254` indicates that the turning radius is  greater than 253 x 0.4 metre = 101.2 metres.
 - `255` indicates that the information is unavailable.
 For vehicle with tracker, the turning radius applies to the vehicle only.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _0.4 metre_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Description revised V2.1.1 (the meaning of 254 has changed slightly)_
TurningRadius ::= INTEGER {
    outOfRange  (254),
    unavailable (255)
} (1..255)

### <a name="VDS"></a>VDS
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 This De represents the Vehicle Descriptor Section (VDS). The values are assigned according to ISO 3779 [i.6].
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
VDS ::= IA5String (SIZE(6))

### <a name="VehicleBreakdownSubCauseCode"></a>VehicleBreakdownSubCauseCode
 This DE represents the value of the sub cause codes of the [**CauseCode**](#CauseCode) `vehicleBreakdown`. 
 The value shall be set to:
 - 0 `unavailable`         : in case further detailed information on cause of vehicle break down is unavailable,
 - 1 `lackOfFuel`          : in case vehicle break down is due to lack of fuel,
 - 2 `lackOfBatteryPower`  : in case vehicle break down is caused by lack of battery power,
 - 3 `engineProblem`       : in case vehicle break down is caused by an engine problem,
 - 4 `transmissionProblem` : in case vehicle break down is caused by transmission problem,
 - 5 `engineCoolingProblem`: in case vehicle break down is caused by an engine cooling problem,
 - 6 `brakingSystemProblem`: in case vehicle break down is caused by a braking system problem,
 - 7 `steeringProblem`     : in case vehicle break down is caused by a steering problem,
 - 8 `tyrePuncture`        : in case vehicle break down is caused by tire puncture,
 - 9 `tyrePressureProblem` : in case low tyre pressure in detected,
 - 10 `vehicleOnFire`      : in case the vehicle is on fire,
 - 11-255: reserved for future usage.


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Traffic information 
VehicleBreakdownSubCauseCode ::= INTEGER {
    unavailable          (0), 
    lackOfFuel           (1), 
    lackOfBatteryPower   (2), 
    engineProblem        (3), 
    transmissionProblem  (4), 
    engineCoolingProblem (5), 
    brakingSystemProblem (6), 
    steeringProblem      (7), 
    tyrePuncture         (8), 
    tyrePressureProblem  (9), 
    vehicleOnFire        (10)
} (0..255)

### <a name="VehicleHeight"></a>VehicleHeight
 This DE represents the height if the vehicle, measured from the ground to the highest point, excluding any antennas.
 In case vehicles are equipped with adjustable ride heights, camper shells, and any other
 equipment which may result in varying height, the largest possible height shall be used.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _5 cm (DE ranges to 6.35 m)_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
VehicleHeight ::= INTEGER (0..127)

### <a name="VehicleLengthConfidenceIndication"></a>VehicleLengthConfidenceIndication
 This DE provides information about the presence of a trailer. 

 The value shall be set to:
 - 0 `noTrailerPresent`                : to indicate that no trailer is present, i.e. either the vehicle is physically not enabled to tow a trailer or it has been detected that no trailer is present.
 - 1 `trailerPresentWithKnownLength`   : to indicate that a trailer has been detected as present and the length is  included in a reported vehicle length value.
 - 2 `trailerPresentWithUnknownLength` : to indicate that a trailer has been detected as present and the length is not included in a reported vehicle length value.
 - 3 `trailerPresenceIsUnknown`        : to indicate that information about the trailer presence is unknown, i.e. the vehicle is physically enabled to tow a trailer but the detection of trailer presence/absence is not possible.
 - 4 `unavailable`                     : to indicate that the information about the presence of a trailer is not available, i.e. it is neither known whether the vehicle is able to tow a trailer 
                                        nor the detection of trailer presence/absence is possible.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Description revised in V2.1.1_
VehicleLengthConfidenceIndication ::= ENUMERATED {
    noTrailerPresent                (0), 
    trailerPresentWithKnownLength   (1), 
    trailerPresentWithUnknownLength (2), 
    trailerPresenceIsUnknown        (3), 
    unavailable                     (4)

### <a name="VehicleLengthValue"></a>VehicleLengthValue
 This DE represents the length of a vehicle.

 The value shall be set to:
 - `n (n > 1 and n < 1022)` to indicate the applicable value n is equal to or less than n x 0,1 meter, and greater than (n-1) x 0,1 meter.
 - `1 022` to indicate that the vehicle length is greater than 102.1 metres.
 - `1 023` to indicate that the information in unavailable.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _0.1 metre_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Description updated in V2.1.1 (the meaning of 1 022 has changed slightly)._
VehicleLengthValue ::= INTEGER {
}  (1..1023)

### <a name="VehicleMass"></a>VehicleMass
 This DE represents the mass of an empty loaded vehicle in multiple of 100 kg.

 The value shall be set to: 
 - `n (n > 1 and n < 1023)` to indicate that the applicable value is equal to or less than n x 100 kg, and greater than (n-1) x 100 kg.
 - `1 023` indicates that the vehicle mass is greater than 102 200 kg.
 - `1 024` indicates  the vehicle mass information is unavailable.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _100kg_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Description updated in V2.1.1 (the meaning of 1 023 has changed slightly)._

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NOTE: The empty load vehicle is defined in ISO 1176 [i.8], clause 4.6.
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VehicleMass ::= INTEGER {
    outOfRange (1023), 
} (1..1024)

### <a name="VehicleRole"></a>VehicleRole
 This DE indicates the role played by a vehicle at a point in time.

 The value shall be set to:
 - 0 `default`          : to indicate the default vehicle role as indicated by the vehicle type,
 - 1 `publicTransport`  : to indicate that the vehicle is used to operate public transport service,
 - 2 `specialTransport` : to indicate that the vehicle is used for special transport purpose, e.g. oversized trucks,
 - 3 `dangerousGoods`   : to indicate that the vehicle is used for dangerous goods transportation,
 - 4 `roadWork`         : to indicate that the vehicle is used to realize roadwork or road maintenance mission,
 - 5 `rescue`           : to indicate that the vehicle is used for rescue purpose in case of an accident, e.g. as a towing service,
 - 6 `emergency`        : to indicate that the vehicle is used for emergency mission, e.g. ambulance, fire brigade,
 - 7 `safetyCar`        : to indicate that the vehicle is used for public safety, e.g. patrol,
 - 8 `agriculture`      : to indicate that the vehicle is used for agriculture, e.g. farm tractor, 
 - 9 `commercial`       : to indicate that the vehicle is used for transportation of commercial goods,
 - 10 `military`        : to indicate that the vehicle is used for military purpose, 
 - 11 `roadOperator`    : to indicate that the vehicle is used in road operator missions,
 - 12 `taxi`            : to indicate that the vehicle is used to provide an authorized taxi service,
 - 13 `reserved`        : reserved for future usage,
 - 14 `reserved`        : reserved for future usage,
 - 15 `reserved`        : reserved for future usage.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle Information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _escription updated in V2.1.1 (removed reference to CEN/TS 16157-3)_
VehicleRole ::= ENUMERATED {
    default         (0), 
    publicTransport (1), 
    dangerousGoods  (3), 
    roadWork        (4), 
    rescue          (5), 
    emergency       (6), 
    safetyCar       (7), 
    agriculture     (8), 
    commercial      (9), 
    military        (10), 
    roadOperator    (11), 
    taxi            (12), 
    reserved1       (13), 
    reserved2       (14), 
    reserved3       (15)

### <a name="VehicleSubClass"></a>VehicleSubClass
 This DE describes the subclass of a vehicle.

 The value shall be set to:
 - `0` unknown          : to indicate that the type of vehicle is unknown.
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 - `1` passengerCar     : to indicate a small passenger car as defined in UNECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.4 [i.16] class M1.
 - `2` bus              : to indicate a large passenger vehicle as defined in UNECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.4 [i.16] class M2, M3.
 - `3` lightTruck       : to indicate a light goods vehicle as defined in UNECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.4 [i.16] class N1.
 - `4` heavyTruck       : to indicate a heavy goods vehicle as defined in UNECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.4 [i.16] class N2, N3.
 - `5` trailer          : to indicate an unpowered vehicle that is intended to be towed by a powered vehicle as defined in UNECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.4 [i.16] class O.
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 - `6` specialVehicles  : to indicate a vehicle which has a special purpose other than the above (e.g. moving road works vehicle).
 - `7` tram             : to indicate a vehicle running on tracks along public streets.
 - `8` emergencyVehicle : to indicate a vehicle used in an emergency situation such as an ambulance, police car or fire engine.
 - `9` agricultural     : to indicate a vehicle used for agricultural purposes.
 - Values 10 to 255 are reserved for future use.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
VehicleSubClass ::= INTEGER {
    unknown             (0),    
    passengerCar        (1),    
    bus                 (2),    
    lightTruck          (3),    
    heavyTruck          (4),    
    trailer             (5),    
    specialVehicles     (6),    
    tram                (7),    
    emergencyVehicle    (8),    
    agricultural        (9)     
} (0..255)

### <a name="VehicleWidth"></a>VehicleWidth
 This DE represents the width of a vehicle, excluding side mirrors and possible similar extensions.
 The value shall be set to:
 - `n (n > 1 and n < 61)` indicates the applicable value is equal to or less than n x 0,1 meter, and greater than (n-1) x 0,1 meter.
 - `61`indicates that the vehicle width is greater than 6,0 metres.
 - `62`indicates that the information in unavailable.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _0.1 metre_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Description updated in V2.1.1 (the meaning of 61 has changed slightly)._
VehicleWidth ::= INTEGER {
    outOfRange  (61),  
    unavailable (62)
} (1..62)

### <a name="VerticalAccelerationValue"></a>VerticalAccelerationValue
 This DE represents the vehicle acceleration at vertical direction in the centre of the mass of the empty vehicle.
 It corresponds to the vehicle coordinate system as specified in ISO 8855 [2].

 The value shall be set to:
 - `-160` for values equal to or less than -16 m/s<sup>2</sup>.
 - `n (n > -160 and n <= 0)` to indicate downwards acceleration equal to or less than n x 0,1 m/s<sup>2</sup>, and greater than (n-1) x 0,1 m/s<sup>2</sup>.
 - `n (n > 0 and n < 160)` to indicate upwards acceleration equal to or less than n x 0,1 m/s<sup>2</sup>, and greater than (n-1) x 0,1 m/s<sup>2</sup>.
 - `160` for acceleration or greater than 15,9 m/s<sup>2</sup>.
 - `161` when the data is unavailable.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _0.1 m/s<sup>2</sup>_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Desciption updated in V2.1.1 (the meaning of 160 has changed slightly): This type is now based on the more generic type AccelerationValue._

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NOTE: The empty load vehicle is defined in ISO 1176 [i.8], clause 4.6.
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VerticalAccelerationValue ::= AccelerationValue

### <a name="VruClusterProfiles"></a>VruClusterProfiles
 This DE Identifies all the VRU profile types that are believed to be within a cluster.
 It consist of a Bitmap encoding VRU profiles, to allow multiple profiles to be indicated in a single cluster (heterogeneous cluster if more than one profile).
 The corresponding bit shall be set to 1 under the following conditions:
 - 0 `pedestrian`  : indicates that the VRU cluster contains at least one pedestrian VRU.
 - 1 `bicycle`     : indicates that the VRU cluster contains at least one bicycle VRU member.
 - 2 `motorcycle`  : indicates that the VRU cluster contains at least one motorcycle VRU member.
 - 3 `animal`      : indicates that the VRU cluster contains at least one animal VRU member.
 Otherwise, the corresponding bit shall be set to 0.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: VRU information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
VruClusterProfiles ::= BIT STRING {
    pedestrian   (0),
    bicyclist    (1),
    motorcyclist (2),
    animal       (3)
} (SIZE(4))

### <a name="VruDeviceUsage"></a>VruDeviceUsage
 This DE represents the possible VRU usage conditions.
 - The value shall be set to:
 - 0 `unavailable`      : to indicate that the usage conditions are unavailable. 
 - 1 `other (1)`        : to indicate that the VRU is in a state not defined below.
 - 2 `idle (2)`         : to indicate that the human is currently not interacting with the device.
 - 3 `listeningToAudio` : to indicate that any audio source other than calling is in use.
 - 4 `typing (4)`       : to indicate that the human is texting, entering addresses and other manual input activity.
 - 5 `calling (5)`      : to indicate that the VRU device is currently received a call. 
 - 6 `playingGames (6)` : to indicate that the human is playing games. 
 - 7 `reading (7)`      : to indicate that the human is reading on the VRU device.
 - 8 `viewing (8)`      : to indicate that the human is watching dynamic content, including following navigation prompts, viewing videos or other visual contents that are not static,
 - value 9 to 255       : reserved for future usage. Value 255 set to "max" in order to bound the size of the encoded field.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: VRU information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
VruDeviceUsage ::= ENUMERATED {
    unavailable      (0), 
    other            (1), 
    idle             (2), 
    listeningToAudio (3), 
    typing           (4), 
    calling          (5), 
    playingGames     (6), 
    reading          (7), 
    viewing          (8), 
    max              (255)

### <a name="VruEnvironment"></a>VruEnvironment
 This DE represents the possible VRU environment conditions.

 - The value shall be set to:
 - 0 `unavailable`            : to indicate that the information on the type of environment is unavailable,
 - 1 `intersectionCrossing`   : to indicate that the VRU is on an intersection or crossing. 
 - 2 `zebraCrossing`          : to indicate that the VRU is on a  zebra crossing (crosswalk).
 - 3 `sidewalk`               : to indicate that the VRU is on a sidewalk.
 - 4 `onVehicleRoad`          : to indicate that the VRU is on a traffic lane. 
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 - 5 `protectedGeographicArea`: to indicate that the VRU is in a protected area. 
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 - value 5 to 255             : reserved for future usage. Value 255 is set to "max" in order to bound the size of the encoded field.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: VRU information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
VruEnvironment ::= ENUMERATED {
    unavailable             (0), 
    intersectionCrossing    (1), 
    zebraCrossing           (2), 
    sidewalk                (3), 
    onVehicleRoad           (4), 
    protectedGeographicArea (5), 
    max                     (255)

### <a name="VruMovementControl"></a>VruMovementControl
  This DE indicates the status of the possible human control over a VRU vehicle.

 The value shall be set to:
 - 0 `unavailable`                 : to indicate that the information on is unavailable.
 - 1 `braking`                     : to indicate that the VRU is braking.
 - 2 `hardBraking`                 : to indicate that the VRU is braking hard.
 - 3 `stopPedaling`                : to indicate that the VRU stopped pedaling.
 - 4 `brakingAndStopPedaling`      : to indicate that the VRU stopped pedaling an is braking. 
 - 5 `hardBrakingAndStopPedaling`  : to indicate that the VRU stopped pedaling an is braking hard.
 - 6 `noReaction`                  : to indicate that the VRU is not changing its behavior.
 - value 7 to 255                  : reserved for future usage. Value 255 is set to "max" in order to bound the size of the encoded field.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: VRU information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
VruMovementControl ::= ENUMERATED {
    unavailable                (0), 
    braking                    (1), 
    hardBraking                (2), 
    stopPedaling               (3), 
    brakingAndStopPedaling     (4), 
    hardBrakingAndStopPedaling (5), 
    noReaction                 (6), 
    max                        (255)

### <a name="VruSubProfilePedestrian"></a>VruSubProfilePedestrian
 This DE indicates the profile of a pedestrian.
 The value shall be set to:
 - 0 `unavailable`             : to indicate that the information on is unavailable.
 - 1 `ordinary-pedestrian`     : to indicate a pedestrian to which no more-specific profile applies.
 - 2 `road-worker`             : to indicate a pedestrian with the role of a road worker.
 - 3 `first-responder`         : to indicate a pedestrian with the role of a first responder. 
 - value 4 to 15               : reserved for future usage. Value 15 is set to "max" in order to bound the size of the encoded field.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: VRU information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
VruSubProfilePedestrian ::= ENUMERATED {
    unavailable         (0), 
    ordinary-pedestrian (1),
    road-worker         (2), 
    first-responder     (3),
    max                 (15)

### <a name="VruSubProfileBicyclist"></a>VruSubProfileBicyclist
 This DE indicates the profile of a VRU and its light VRU vehicle / mounted animal. 

 The value shall be set to:
 - 0 `unavailable`           : to indicate that the information  is unavailable.
 - 1 `bicyclist `            : to indicate a cycle and bicyclist.
 - 2 `wheelchair-user`       : to indicate a wheelchair and its user.
 - 3 `horse-and-rider`       : to indicate a horse and rider.
 - 4 `rollerskater`          : to indicate a rolleskater and skater.
 - 5 `e-scooter`             : to indicate an e-scooter and rider.
 - 6 `personal-transporter`  : to indicate a personal-transporter and rider.
 - 7 `pedelec`               : to indicate a pedelec and rider.
 - 8 `speed-pedelec`         : to indicate a speed-pedelec and rider. 
 - value 9 to 15             : reserved for future usage. Value 15 is set to "max" in order to bound the size of the encoded field.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: VRU information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
VruSubProfileBicyclist ::= ENUMERATED {
    unavailable          (0), 
    bicyclist            (1), 
    wheelchair-user      (2), 
    horse-and-rider      (3), 
    rollerskater         (4), 
    e-scooter            (5), 
    personal-transporter (6),
    pedelec              (7), 
    speed-pedelec        (8),
    max                  (15)

### <a name="VruSubProfileMotorcyclist"></a>VruSubProfileMotorcyclist
 This DE indicates the profile of a motorcyclist and corresponding vehicle.
 The value shall be set to:
 - 0 `unavailable `                  : to indicate that the information  is unavailable.
 - 1 `moped (1)`                     : to indicate a moped and rider.
 - 2 `motorcycle`                    : to indicate a motorcycle and rider.
 - 3 `motorcycle-and-sidecar-right`  : to indicate a motorcycle with sidecar on the right and rider.
 - 4 `motorcycle-and-sidecar-left`   : to indicate  a motorcycle with sidecar on the left and rider.
 - value 5 to 15                     : reserved for future usage. Value 15 is set to "max" in order to bound the size of the encoded field.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: VRU information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
VruSubProfileMotorcyclist ::= ENUMERATED { 
    unavailable                  (0), 
    moped                        (1), 
    motorcycle                   (2), 
    motorcycle-and-sidecar-right (3), 
    motorcycle-and-sidecar-left  (4), 
    max                          (15)

### <a name="VruSubProfileAnimal"></a>VruSubProfileAnimal
 This DE indicates the profile of a animal
 The value shall be set to:
 - 0 `unavailable`     : to indicate that the information  is unavailable.
 - 1 `wild-animal`     : to indicate a animal living in the wildness. 
 - 2 `farm-animal`     : to indicate an animal beloning to a farm.
 - 3 `service-animal`  : to indicate an animal that supports a human being. 
 - value 4 to 15       : reserved for future usage. Value 15 is set to "max" in order to bound the size of the encoded field.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: VRU information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
VruSubProfileAnimal ::= ENUMERATED {
    unavailable    (0), 
    wild-animal    (1), 
    farm-animal    (2), 
    service-animal (3),   
    max            (15)

### <a name="VruSizeClass"></a>VruSizeClass
 This DE indicates the approximate size of a VRU including the VRU vehicle used.
 The value shall be set to:
 - 0 `unavailable(0)` : There is no matched size class or due to privacy reasons in profile 1. 
 - 1 `low (1)`        : the VRU size class is low depending on the VRU profile.
 - 2 `medium (2)`     : the VRU size class is medium depending on the VRU profile.
 - 3 `high (3)`       : the VRU size class is high depending on the VRU profile.
 - value 4 to 15      : reserved for future usage. Value 15 is set to "max" in order to bound the size of the encoded field.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: VRU information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
VruSizeClass ::= ENUMERATED { 
    unavailable (0), 
    low         (1), 
    medium      (2), 
    high        (3), 
    max         (15)

### <a name="VruSpecificExteriorLights"></a>VruSpecificExteriorLights
 This DE describes the status of the exterior light switches of a vehicle or a VRU.
 The DE is an extension of the existing vehicular DE ExteriorLight.

 The value of each bit indicates the state of the switch, which commands the corresponding light. 
 The bit corresponding to a specific light is set to 1, when the corresponding switch is turned on, either manually by the driver or VRU 
 or automatically by a vehicle or VRU system: 
 - 0 `unavailable`     : indicates no information available. 
 - 1 `backFlashLight ` : indicates the status of the back flash light.
 - 2 `helmetLight`     : indicates the status of the helmet light.
 - 3 `armLight`        : indicates the status of the arm light.
 - 4 `legLight`        : indicates the status of the leg leight.
 - 5 `wheelLight`      : indicates the status of the wheel light. 
 - Bits 6 to 8         : reserved for future use. 
 The bit values do not indicate if the corresponding lamps are alight or not.
 If  VRU is not equipped with a certain light or if the light switch status information is not available, the corresponding bit shall be set to 0.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: VRU information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
VruSpecificExteriorLights ::= BIT STRING {
    unavailable    (0),
    backFlashLight (1),
    helmetLight    (2),
    armLight       (3),
    legLight       (4),
    wheelLight     (5)
} (SIZE(8))

### <a name="WheelBaseVehicle"></a>WheelBaseVehicle
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 This DE indicates the perpendicular distance between front and rear axle of the wheel base of vehicle.
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 The value shall be set to:
 - `n (n >= 1 and n < 126)` if the value is equal to or less than n x 0.1 metres  and more than (n-1) x 0.1 metres.
 - `126` indicates that the wheel base distance is equal to or greater than 12,5 metres.
 - `127` indicates that the information is unavailable.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _0.1 metre_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
WheelBaseVehicle ::= INTEGER {
    outOfRange  (126),
    unavailable (127)
} (1..127)

### <a name="Wgs84AngleConfidence"></a>Wgs84AngleConfidence
 This DE represents the absolute accuracy of a reported angle value for a confidence level of 95 %.
 The required confidence level is defined by the corresponding standards applying this DE.
 The value shall be set to:
 - `n (n >=1 and n < 126)` is equal to or less than n x 0.1 degrees and more than (n-1) x 0.1 degrees.
 - `126` if the angle accuracy is out of range, i.e. greater than 12,5 degrees.
 - `127` if the angle accuracy information is not available.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _0,1 degrees_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: GeoReference Information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
Wgs84AngleConfidence ::= INTEGER {
    outOfRange  (126), 
    unavailable (127)  
} (1..127)

### <a name="Wgs84AngleValue"></a>Wgs84AngleValue
 This DE represents an angle value in degrees described in the WGS84 reference system with respect to the WGS84 north.
 When the information is not available, the DE shall be set to 3 601. The value 3600 shall not be used.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _0,1 degrees_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: GeoReference Information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
Wgs84AngleValue ::= INTEGER { 
    wgs84North  (0),
    wgs84East   (900),
    wgs84South  (1800),
    wgs84West   (2700),
    doNotUse    (3600),
    unavailable (3601)
} (0..3601)

### <a name="WMInumber"></a>WMInumber
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 This DE represents the World Manufacturer Identifier (WMI). The values are assigned according to ISO 3779 [i.6].
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
WMInumber ::= IA5String (SIZE(1..3))

### <a name="WrongWayDrivingSubCauseCode"></a>WrongWayDrivingSubCauseCode
 This DE represents the sub cause codes of the [**CauseCode**](#CauseCode) `wrongWayDriving` .
 The value shall be set to:
 - 0 `unavailable`    : in case further detailed information on wrong way driving event is unavailable,
 - 1 `wrongLane`      : in case vehicle is driving on a lane for which it has no authorization to use,
 - 2 `wrongDirection` : in case vehicle is driving in a direction that it is not allowed,
 - 3-255              : reserved for future usage.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Traffic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
WrongWayDrivingSubCauseCode ::= INTEGER {
    unavailable    (0), 
    wrongLane      (1), 
    wrongDirection (2)
} (0..255)

### <a name="YawRateConfidence"></a>YawRateConfidence
 This DE denotes the absolute accuracy range for reported yaw rate value for a confidence level of 95%.
 The value shall be set to:
 - `0` indicates that the accuracy is equal to or less than 0,01 degree/second.
 - `1` indicates that the accuracy is equal to or less than 0,05 degrees/second.
 - `2` indicates that the accuracy is equal to or less than 0,1 degree/second.
 - `3` indicates that the accuracy is equal to or less than 1 degree/second.
 - `4` indicates that the accuracy is equal to or less than 5 degrees/second.
 - `5` indicates that the accuracy is equal to or less than 10 degrees/second.
 - `6` indicates that the accuracy is equal to or less than 100 degrees/second.
 - `7` indicates that the accuracy is out of range, i.e. greater than 100 degrees/second.
 - `8` indicates that the accuracy information is unavailable
 NOTE: The fact that a yaw rate value is received with confidence set to `unavailable(8)` can be caused by
 several reasons, such as:
 - the sensor cannot deliver the accuracy at the defined confidence level because it is a low-end sensor,
 - the sensor cannot calculate the accuracy due to lack of variables, or
 - there has been a vehicle bus (e.g. CAN bus) error.
 In all 3 cases above, the reported yaw rate value may be valid and used by the application.
 If a yaw rate value is received and its confidence is set to `outOfRange(7)`, it means that the reported
 yaw rate value is not valid and therefore cannot be trusted. Such value is not useful the application.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Traffic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Description revised in V2.1.1_
YawRateConfidence ::= ENUMERATED {
    degSec-000-01 (0),
    degSec-000-05 (1),
    degSec-000-10 (2),
    degSec-001-00 (3),
    degSec-005-00 (4),
    degSec-010-00 (5),
    degSec-100-00 (6),
    outOfRange    (7),
    unavailable   (8)

### <a name="YawRateValue"></a>YawRateValue
 This DE represents the vehicle rotation around z-axis of coordinate system centred on the centre of mass of the empty-loaded
 vehicle. It corresponds to the vehicle coordinate system as specified in ISO 8855 [2]. The leading sign denotes the direction of rotation.
 The value shall be set to:
 - `-32 766` to indicate that the yaw rate is equal to or greater than 327,66 degrees/second to the right.
 - `n (n > -32 766 and n <= 0)` to indicate that the rotation is clockwise (i.e. to the right) and is equal to or less than n x 0,01 degrees/s, 
      and greater than (n-1) x 0,01 degrees/s.
 - `n (n > 0 and n < 32 766)` to indicate that the rotation is anti-clockwise (i.e. to the left) and is equal to or less than n x 0,01 degrees/s, 
      and greater than (n-1) x 0,01 degrees/s.
 - `32 766` to indicate that the yaw rate is greater than 327.65 degrees/second to the left.
 - `32 767` to indicate that the information is not available.
 The yaw rate value shall be a raw data value, i.e. not filtered, smoothed or otherwise modified.
 The reading instant should be the same as for the vehicle acceleration.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _0,01 degree per second._

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle Information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Desription revised in V2.1.1 (the meaning of 32766 has changed slightly)._

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NOTE: The empty load vehicle is defined in ISO 1176 [i.8], clause 4.6.
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YawRateValue ::= INTEGER {
    negativeOutOfRange (-32766), 
    positiveOutOfRange (32766), 
    unavailable        (32767)
} (-32766..32767)

### <a name="Acceleration1d"></a>Acceleration1d
 This DF represents an acceleration component along with a confidence with a predefined confidence level of 95% for the component.

 It includes the following components:

* value [**AccelerationValue**](#AccelerationValue) <br>
  confidence: the accuracy associated to the provided value at a predefined confidence level of 95% for the component.

* confidence [**AccelerationConfidence**](#AccelerationConfidence) <br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Kinematic Information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
Acceleration1d ::= SEQUENCE {
    value         AccelerationValue,
    confidence    AccelerationConfidence

### <a name="AccelerationChangeIndication"></a>AccelerationChangeIndication
 This DF represents information associated to changes in acceleration. 

 It includes the following components:

* accelOrDecel [**AccelerationChange**](#AccelerationChange) <br>
  the indication of an acceleration change.

* actionDeltaTime [**DeltaTimeTenthOfSecond**](#DeltaTimeTenthOfSecond) <br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Kinematic Information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
AccelerationChangeIndication ::= SEQUENCE {
    accelOrDecel       AccelerationChange,
    actionDeltaTime    DeltaTimeTenthOfSecond,

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### <a name="ActionId"></a>ActionId
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 This DF represents an identifier used to describe a protocol action taken by an ITS-S.
 It includes the following components:

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* originatingStationId [**StationId**](#StationId) <br>
  Id of the ITS-S that takes the action. 
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* sequenceNumber [**SequenceNumber**](#SequenceNumber) <br>
  a sequence number. 


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Communication information 

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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Update in V2.1.1 changed name from ActionID to ActionId_
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ActionId ::= SEQUENCE {
    originatingStationId    StationId,
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    sequenceNumber          SequenceNumber

### <a name="ActionIdList"></a>ActionIdList
 This DF represents a list of [**ActionID**](#ActionID). 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Communication Information 

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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1 based on ReferenceDenms from DENM Release 1_
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ActionIdList::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..8, ...)) OF ActionId
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### <a name="Altitude"></a>Altitude
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 This DF provides the altitude and accuracy of an altitude information in a WGS84 coordinate system.
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 It includes the following components:

* altitudeValue [**AltitudeValue**](#AltitudeValue) <br>
  altitude of a geographical point.

* altitudeConfidence [**AltitudeConfidence**](#AltitudeConfidence) <br>
  accuracy of the reported altitudeValue within a specific confidence level.


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: GeoReference information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
Altitude ::= SEQUENCE {
    altitudeValue         AltitudeValue,
    altitudeConfidence    AltitudeConfidence

### <a name="BasicContainer"></a>BasicContainer
 This DE represents a general container for usage in various types of messages.

 It includes the following components:

* stationType [**StationType**](#StationType) <br>
  the type of station that has generated the message that contains the basic container.

* referencePosition [**ReferencePosition**](#ReferencePosition) <br>
  the reference position of the station that has generated the message that contains the basic container.


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Basic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
BasicContainer ::= SEQUENCE {
	stationType          StationType,
	referencePosition    ReferencePosition,

### <a name="CartesianAngle"></a>CartesianAngle
 This DF represents a general Data Frame to describe an angle component along with a confidence in a cartesian coordinate system.

 It includes the following components:

* value [**CartesianAngleValue**](#CartesianAngleValue) <br>
  The angle value which can be estimated as the mean of the current distribution.

* confidence [**AngleConfidence**](#AngleConfidence) <br>
  The accuracy associated to the provided value.


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Kinematics information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
CartesianAngle ::= SEQUENCE {
    value         CartesianAngleValue,
    confidence    AngleConfidence

### <a name="CartesianAngularSpeed"></a>CartesianAngularSpeed
 This DF represents a general Data Frame to describe an angular speed component along with a confidence in a cartesian coordinate system.

 It includes the following components:

* value [**CartesianAngularSpeedValue**](#CartesianAngularSpeedValue) <br>
  The angular speed (rate) value which can be estimated as the mean of the current distribution.

* confidence [**AngularSpeedConfidence**](#AngularSpeedConfidence) <br>
  The accuracy associated to the provided value.


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Kinematics information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
CartesianAngularSpeed ::= SEQUENCE {
    value         CartesianAngularSpeedValue,
    confidence    AngularSpeedConfidence

### <a name="CartesianAngularAcceleration"></a>CartesianAngularAcceleration
 This DF represents a general Data Frame to describe an angular acceleration component along with a confidence in a cartesian coordinate system.

 It includes the following components:

* value [**CartesianAngularAccelerationValue**](#CartesianAngularAccelerationValue) <br>
  The angular acceleration value which can be estimated as the mean of the current distribution.

* confidence [**AngularAccelerationConfidence**](#AngularAccelerationConfidence) <br>
  The accuracy associated to the provided value.


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Kinematics information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
CartesianAngularAcceleration ::= SEQUENCE {
    value         CartesianAngularAccelerationValue,
    confidence    AngularAccelerationConfidence

### <a name="CartesianCoordinateWithConfidence"></a>CartesianCoordinateWithConfidence
 This DF represents a coordinate in a cartesian reference system

 It includes the following components:

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* value [**CartesianCoordinateLarge**](#CartesianCoordinateLarge) <br>
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  the coordinate value which can be estimated as the mean of the current distribution.

* confidence [**CoordinateConfidence**](#CoordinateConfidence) <br>
  the coordinate accuracy associated to the provided value.


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: GeoReference information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
CartesianCoordinateWithConfidence ::= SEQUENCE {
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    value         CartesianCoordinateLarge,
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    confidence    CoordinateConfidence

### <a name="CartesianPosition3d"></a>CartesianPosition3d
 This DF represents a  position in a two- or three-dimensional cartesian coordinate system.

 It includes the following components:

* xCoordinate [**CartesianCoordinate**](#CartesianCoordinate) <br>
  the X coordinate value.

* yCoordinate [**CartesianCoordinate**](#CartesianCoordinate) <br>
  the Y coordinate value.

* zCoordinate [**CartesianCoordinate**](#CartesianCoordinate)  OPTIONAL<br>
  the optional Z coordinate value.


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: GeoReference information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
    xCoordinate    CartesianCoordinate,
    yCoordinate    CartesianCoordinate,
    zCoordinate    CartesianCoordinate OPTIONAL

### <a name="CauseCode"></a>CauseCode
 This DF is a representation of the cause code value of a traffic event. 

 It includes the following components: 

 The semantics of the entire DF are completely defined by the component causeCode. The interpretation of the subCauseCode may 
 provide additional information that is not strictly necessary to understand the causeCode itself, and is therefore optional.

* causeCode [**CauseCodeType**](#CauseCodeType) <br>
  the main cause of a detected event. 

* subCauseCode [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
  the subordinate cause of a detected event. 


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Traffic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Editorial update in V2.1.1_

NOTE: this DF is kept for backwards compatibility reasons only. It is reccomended to use the [**CauseCodeV2**](#CauseCodeV2) instead.
CauseCode ::= SEQUENCE {
    causeCode       CauseCodeType,
    subCauseCode    SubCauseCodeType,

### <a name="CauseCodeChoice"></a>CauseCodeChoice
 This DF is a representation of the cause code value and associated sub cause code value of a traffic event.

* reserved [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* trafficCondition [**TrafficConditionSubCauseCode**](#TrafficConditionSubCauseCode) <br>
* accident [**AccidentSubCauseCode**](#AccidentSubCauseCode) <br>
* roadworks [**RoadworksSubCauseCode**](#RoadworksSubCauseCode) <br>
* reserved4 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* impassability [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* adverseWeatherCondition-Adhesion [**AdverseWeatherCondition-AdhesionSubCauseCode**](#AdverseWeatherCondition-AdhesionSubCauseCode) <br>
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* aquaplaning [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
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* reserved8 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* hazardousLocation-SurfaceCondition [**HazardousLocation-SurfaceConditionSubCauseCode**](#HazardousLocation-SurfaceConditionSubCauseCode) <br>
* hazardousLocation-ObstacleOnTheRoad [**HazardousLocation-ObstacleOnTheRoadSubCauseCode**](#HazardousLocation-ObstacleOnTheRoadSubCauseCode) <br>
* hazardousLocation-AnimalOnTheRoad [**HazardousLocation-AnimalOnTheRoadSubCauseCode**](#HazardousLocation-AnimalOnTheRoadSubCauseCode) <br>
* humanPresenceOnTheRoad [**HumanPresenceOnTheRoadSubCauseCode**](#HumanPresenceOnTheRoadSubCauseCode) <br>
* reserved13 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* wrongWayDriving [**WrongWayDrivingSubCauseCode**](#WrongWayDrivingSubCauseCode) <br>
* rescueAndRecoveryWorkInProgress [**RescueAndRecoveryWorkInProgressSubCauseCode**](#RescueAndRecoveryWorkInProgressSubCauseCode) <br>
* reserved16 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* adverseWeatherCondition-ExtremeWeatherCondition [**AdverseWeatherCondition-ExtremeWeatherConditionSubCauseCode**](#AdverseWeatherCondition-ExtremeWeatherConditionSubCauseCode) <br>
* adverseWeatherCondition-Visibility [**AdverseWeatherCondition-VisibilitySubCauseCode**](#AdverseWeatherCondition-VisibilitySubCauseCode) <br>
* adverseWeatherCondition-Precipitation [**AdverseWeatherCondition-PrecipitationSubCauseCode**](#AdverseWeatherCondition-PrecipitationSubCauseCode) <br>
* violence [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved21 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved22 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved23 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved24 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved25 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* slowVehicle [**SlowVehicleSubCauseCode**](#SlowVehicleSubCauseCode) <br>
* dangerousEndOfQueue [**DangerousEndOfQueueSubCauseCode**](#DangerousEndOfQueueSubCauseCode) <br>
* reserved28 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved29 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved30 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved31 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved32 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved33 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved34 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved35 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved36 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved37 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved38 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved39 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved40 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved41 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved42 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved43 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved44 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved45 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved46 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved47 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved48 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved49 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved50 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved51 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved52 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved53 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved54 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved55 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved56 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved57 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved58 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved59 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved60 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved61 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved62 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved63 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved64 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved65 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved66 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved67 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved68 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved69 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved70 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved71 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved72 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved73 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved74 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved75 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved76 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved77 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved78 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved79 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved80 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved81 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved82 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved83 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved84 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved85 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved86 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved87 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved88 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved89 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved90 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* vehicleBreakdown [**VehicleBreakdownSubCauseCode**](#VehicleBreakdownSubCauseCode) <br>
* postCrash [**PostCrashSubCauseCode**](#PostCrashSubCauseCode) <br>
* humanProblem [**HumanProblemSubCauseCode**](#HumanProblemSubCauseCode) <br>
* stationaryVehicle [**StationaryVehicleSubCauseCode**](#StationaryVehicleSubCauseCode) <br>
* emergencyVehicleApproaching [**EmergencyVehicleApproachingSubCauseCode**](#EmergencyVehicleApproachingSubCauseCode) <br>
* hazardousLocation-DangerousCurve [**HazardousLocation-DangerousCurveSubCauseCode**](#HazardousLocation-DangerousCurveSubCauseCode) <br>
* collisionRisk [**CollisionRiskSubCauseCode**](#CollisionRiskSubCauseCode) <br>
* signalViolation [**SignalViolationSubCauseCode**](#SignalViolationSubCauseCode) <br>
* dangerousSituation [**DangerousSituationSubCauseCode**](#DangerousSituationSubCauseCode) <br>
* railwayLevelCrossing [**RailwayLevelCrossingSubCauseCode**](#RailwayLevelCrossingSubCauseCode) <br>
* reserved101 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved102 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved103 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved104 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved105 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved106 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved107 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved108 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved109 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved110 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved111 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved112 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved113 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved114 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved115 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved116 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved117 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved118 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved119 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved120 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved121 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved122 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved123 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved124 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved125 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved126 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved127 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>
* reserved128 [**SubCauseCodeType**](#SubCauseCodeType) <br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Traffic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Editorial update in V2.1.1_

NOTE: this DF is defined for use as part of CauseCodeV2. It is recommended to use CauseCodeV2.
CauseCodeChoice::= CHOICE {
    reserved                                         SubCauseCodeType,
    trafficCondition                                 TrafficConditionSubCauseCode,
    accident                                         AccidentSubCauseCode,
    roadworks                                        RoadworksSubCauseCode,
    reserved4                                        SubCauseCodeType,
    impassability                                    SubCauseCodeType,
    adverseWeatherCondition-Adhesion                 AdverseWeatherCondition-AdhesionSubCauseCode,
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    aquaplaning                                      SubCauseCodeType,
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    reserved8                                        SubCauseCodeType,
    hazardousLocation-SurfaceCondition               HazardousLocation-SurfaceConditionSubCauseCode,
    hazardousLocation-ObstacleOnTheRoad              HazardousLocation-ObstacleOnTheRoadSubCauseCode,
    hazardousLocation-AnimalOnTheRoad                HazardousLocation-AnimalOnTheRoadSubCauseCode,
    humanPresenceOnTheRoad                           HumanPresenceOnTheRoadSubCauseCode,
    reserved13                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    wrongWayDriving                                  WrongWayDrivingSubCauseCode,
    rescueAndRecoveryWorkInProgress                  RescueAndRecoveryWorkInProgressSubCauseCode,
    reserved16                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    adverseWeatherCondition-ExtremeWeatherCondition  AdverseWeatherCondition-ExtremeWeatherConditionSubCauseCode,
    adverseWeatherCondition-Visibility               AdverseWeatherCondition-VisibilitySubCauseCode,
    adverseWeatherCondition-Precipitation            AdverseWeatherCondition-PrecipitationSubCauseCode,
    violence                                         SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved21                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved22                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved23                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved24                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved25                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    slowVehicle                                      SlowVehicleSubCauseCode,
    dangerousEndOfQueue                              DangerousEndOfQueueSubCauseCode,
    reserved28                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved29                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved30                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved31                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved32                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved33                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved34                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved35                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved36                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved37                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved38                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved39                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved40                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved41                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved42                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved43                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved44                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved45                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved46                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved47                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved48                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved49                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved50                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved51                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved52                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved53                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved54                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved55                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved56                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved57                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved58                                       SubCauseCodeType,   
    reserved59                                       SubCauseCodeType, 
    reserved60                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved61                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved62                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved63                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved64                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved65                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved66                                       SubCauseCodeType,    
    reserved67                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved68                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved69                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved70                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved71                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved72                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved73                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved74                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved75                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved76                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved77                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved78                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved79                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved80                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved81                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved82                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved83                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved84                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved85                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved86                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved87                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved88                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved89                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved90                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    vehicleBreakdown                                 VehicleBreakdownSubCauseCode,
    postCrash                                        PostCrashSubCauseCode,
    humanProblem                                     HumanProblemSubCauseCode,
    stationaryVehicle                                StationaryVehicleSubCauseCode,
    emergencyVehicleApproaching                      EmergencyVehicleApproachingSubCauseCode,
    hazardousLocation-DangerousCurve                 HazardousLocation-DangerousCurveSubCauseCode,
    collisionRisk                                    CollisionRiskSubCauseCode,
    signalViolation                                  SignalViolationSubCauseCode,
    dangerousSituation                               DangerousSituationSubCauseCode,
    railwayLevelCrossing                             RailwayLevelCrossingSubCauseCode,
    reserved101                                      SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved102                                      SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved103                                      SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved104                                      SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved105                                      SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved106                                      SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved107                                      SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved108                                      SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved109                                      SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved110                                      SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved111                                      SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved112                                      SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved113                                      SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved114                                      SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved115                                      SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved116                                      SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved117                                      SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved118                                      SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved119                                      SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved120                                      SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved121                                      SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved122                                      SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved123                                      SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved124                                      SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved125                                      SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved126                                      SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved127                                      SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved128                                      SubCauseCodeType

### <a name="CauseCodeV2"></a>CauseCodeV2
 This DF is an alternative representation of the cause code value of a traffic event. 

 It includes the following components: 

 The semantics of the entire DF are completely defined by the component causeCode. The interpretation of the subCauseCode may 
 provide additional information that is not strictly necessary to understand the causeCode itself, and is therefore optional.

* ccAndScc [**CauseCodeChoice**](#CauseCodeChoice) <br>
  the main cause of a detected event. Each choice is of a different type and represents the sub cause code.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Traffic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
CauseCodeV2 ::= SEQUENCE {
    ccAndScc    CauseCodeChoice,

### <a name="CenDsrcTollingZone"></a>CenDsrcTollingZone
 The DF describes the position of a CEN DSRC road side equipment.

 It includes the following components:

* protectedZoneLatitude [**Latitude**](#Latitude) <br>
  the latitude of the CEN DSRC road side equipment.

* protectedZoneLongitude [**Longitude**](#Longitude) <br>
  the latitude of the CEN DSRC road side equipment. 

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* cenDsrcTollingZoneId [**ProtectedZoneId**](#ProtectedZoneId)  OPTIONAL<br>
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Infrastructure information Communication information 

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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _revised in V2.1.1 (cenDsrcTollingZoneId is directly of type ProtectedZoneId)_
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CenDsrcTollingZone ::= SEQUENCE {
    protectedZoneLatitude     Latitude,
    protectedZoneLongitude    Longitude,
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    cenDsrcTollingZoneId      ProtectedZoneId OPTIONAL,
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### <a name="CircularShape"></a>CircularShape
 This DF represents the shape of a circular area or a right cylinder that is centred on a reference position defined outside of the context of this DF. 

 It includes the following components:

* nodeCenterPoint [**CartesianPosition3d**](#CartesianPosition3d)  OPTIONAL<br>
  optional offset point which the rectangle is centred on with respect to the reference position.

* radius [**StandardLength12b**](#StandardLength12b) <br>
  the radius of the circular area.

* height [**StandardLength12b**](#StandardLength12b)  OPTIONAL<br>
  the optional height, present if the shape is a right cylinder extending in the positive z-axis. 


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: GeoReference information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
CircularShape ::= SEQUENCE {
    nodeCenterPoint    CartesianPosition3d OPTIONAL,
    radius             StandardLength12b,
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    height             StandardLength12b OPTIONAL,
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### <a name="ClosedLanes"></a>ClosedLanes
 This DF indicates the opening/closure status of a lane or a set of lanes.

 It includes the following components:

* innerhardShoulderStatus [**HardShoulderStatus**](#HardShoulderStatus)  OPTIONAL<br>
  this information is optional and shall be included if the information is known.
   It indicates the open/closing status of inner hard shoulder lanes. 

* outerhardShoulderStatus [**HardShoulderStatus**](#HardShoulderStatus)  OPTIONAL<br>
  this information is optional and shall be included if the information is known.
   It indicates the open/closing status of outer hard shoulder lanes. 

* drivingLaneStatus [**DrivingLaneStatus**](#DrivingLaneStatus)  OPTIONAL<br>
  this information is optional and shall be included if the information is known.
   It indicates the open/closing status of driving lanes. 
   For roads with more than 13 driving lanes, the drivingLaneStatus DE shall not be set.


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: GeoReference information Road topology information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
ClosedLanes ::= SEQUENCE {
    innerhardShoulderStatus    HardShoulderStatus OPTIONAL,
    outerhardShoulderStatus    HardShoulderStatus OPTIONAL,
    drivingLaneStatus          DrivingLaneStatus OPTIONAL,

### <a name="ClusterBreakupInfo"></a>ClusterBreakupInfo
 This DF provides information about the breakup of a cluster.

 It includes the following components:

* clusterBreakupReason [**ClusterBreakupReason**](#ClusterBreakupReason) <br>
  indicates the reason for breakup.

* breakupTime [**DeltaTimeQuarterSecond**](#DeltaTimeQuarterSecond) <br>
  indicates the time of breakup. 


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Cluster Information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
ClusterBreakupInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
    clusterBreakupReason    ClusterBreakupReason,
    breakupTime             DeltaTimeQuarterSecond,

### <a name="ClusterJoinInfo"></a>ClusterJoinInfo
 This DF provides information about the joining of a cluster.

 It includes the following components:

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* clusterId [**Identifier1B**](#Identifier1B) <br>
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  indicates the identifier of the cluster.

* joinTime [**DeltaTimeQuarterSecond**](#DeltaTimeQuarterSecond) <br>
  indicates the time of joining. 


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Cluster Information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
ClusterJoinInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
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    clusterId    Identifier1B,
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    joinTime     DeltaTimeQuarterSecond,

### <a name="ClusterLeaveInfo"></a>ClusterLeaveInfo
 The DF provides information about the leaving of a cluster.

 It includes the following components:

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* clusterId [**Identifier1B**](#Identifier1B) <br>
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  indicates the cluster.

* clusterLeaveReason [**ClusterLeaveReason**](#ClusterLeaveReason) <br>
  indicates the reason for leaving. 


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Cluster Information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
ClusterLeaveInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
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    clusterId             Identifier1B,
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    clusterLeaveReason    ClusterLeaveReason,

### <a name="CorrelationColumn"></a>CorrelationColumn
 This DF represents the column of the lower triangular positive semi-definite matrix and consists of a list of correlation row values.
 Given a matrix "A" of size n x n, the number of columns to be included in the lower triangular matrix is k=n-1.
 Each column "i" of the lower triangular then contains k-(i-1) values, where "i" refers to the column number count
 starting at 1 from the left.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Sensing Information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
CorrelationColumn ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..21) OF CorrelationRowValue

### <a name="Curvature"></a>Curvature
 This DF represents the curvature of the vehicle trajectory and the accuracy.
 The curvature detected by a vehicle represents the curvature of actual vehicle trajectory.

 It includes the following components:

* curvatureValue [**CurvatureValue**](#CurvatureValue) <br>
  Detected curvature of the vehicle trajectory.

* curvatureConfidence [**CurvatureConfidence**](#CurvatureConfidence) <br>
  Accuracy of the reported curvature value with a predefined confidence level. 


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
Curvature ::= SEQUENCE {
    curvatureValue         CurvatureValue,
    curvatureConfidence    CurvatureConfidence

### <a name="DangerousGoodsExtended"></a>DangerousGoodsExtended
 This DF provides a description of dangerous goods being carried by a heavy vehicle.

 It includes the following components:

* dangerousGoodsType [**DangerousGoodsBasic**](#DangerousGoodsBasic) <br>
  Type of dangerous goods.

* unNumber **INTEGER**  (0..9999)<br>
  a 4-digit number that identifies the substance of the dangerous goods as specified in
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   United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods - Model Regulations [i.4],
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* elevatedTemperature **BOOLEAN** <br>
  whether the carried dangerous goods are transported at high temperature.
   If yes, the value shall be set to TRUE,

* tunnelsRestricted **BOOLEAN** <br>
  whether the heavy vehicle carrying dangerous goods is restricted to enter tunnels.
   If yes, the value shall be set to TRUE,

* limitedQuantity **BOOLEAN** <br>
  whether the carried dangerous goods are packed with limited quantity.
   If yes, the value shall be set to TRUE,

* emergencyActionCode [**IA5String**](#IA5String)  (SIZE (1..24)) OPTIONAL<br>
  physical signage placard at the vehicle that carries information on how an emergency
   service should deal with an incident. This component is optional; it shall be present if the information is available,

* phoneNumber [**PhoneNumber**](#PhoneNumber)  OPTIONAL<br>
  contact phone number of assistance service in case of incident or accident.
   This component is optional, it shall be present if the information is available.

* companyName [**UTF8String**](#UTF8String)  (SIZE (1..24)) OPTIONAL<br>
  name of company that manages the transportation of the dangerous goods.
   This component is optional; it shall be present if the information is available.


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
DangerousGoodsExtended ::= SEQUENCE {
    dangerousGoodsType      DangerousGoodsBasic,
    unNumber                INTEGER (0..9999),
    elevatedTemperature     BOOLEAN,
    tunnelsRestricted       BOOLEAN,
    limitedQuantity         BOOLEAN,
    emergencyActionCode     IA5String (SIZE (1..24)) OPTIONAL,
    phoneNumber             PhoneNumber OPTIONAL,
    companyName             UTF8String (SIZE (1..24)) OPTIONAL,
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### <a name="DeltaReferencePosition"></a>DeltaReferencePosition
 This DF defines a geographical point position as a 3 dimensional offset position to a reference geographical point.

 It includes the following components:

* deltaLatitude [**DeltaLatitude**](#DeltaLatitude) <br>
  A delta latitude offset with regards to the latitude value of the reference position.

* deltaLongitude [**DeltaLongitude**](#DeltaLongitude) <br>
  A delta longitude offset with regards to the longitude value of the reference position.

* deltaAltitude [**DeltaAltitude**](#DeltaAltitude) <br>
  A delta altitude offset with regards to the altitude value of the reference position.


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: GeoReference information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
DeltaReferencePosition ::= SEQUENCE {
    deltaLatitude     DeltaLatitude,
    deltaLongitude    DeltaLongitude,
    deltaAltitude     DeltaAltitude

### <a name="DigitalMap"></a>DigitalMap
 This DF represents a portion of digital map, described using a list of waypoints [**ReferencePosition**](#ReferencePosition).

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: GeoReference information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
DigitalMap ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..256)) OF ReferencePosition

### <a name="EllipticalShape"></a>EllipticalShape
 This DF represents the shape of an elliptical area or right elliptical cylinder that is centred on a reference position which is defined outside of the context of this DF. 

 It includes the following components:

* centerPoint [**CartesianPosition3d**](#CartesianPosition3d)  OPTIONAL<br>
  optional offset point which the ellipse is centred on with respect to the reference position.

* semiMajorAxisLength [**StandardLength12b**](#StandardLength12b) <br>
  half length of the major axis of the ellipse.

* semiMinorAxisLength [**StandardLength12b**](#StandardLength12b) <br>
  half length of the minor axis of the ellipse.

* orientation [**Wgs84AngleValue**](#Wgs84AngleValue)  OPTIONAL<br>
  the optional orientation of the major axis of the ellipse in the WGS84 coordinate system.

* height [**StandardLength12b**](#StandardLength12b)  OPTIONAL<br>
  the optional height, present if the shape is a right elliptical cylinder extending in the positive z-axis.


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: GeoReference information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
EllipticalShape  ::= SEQUENCE {
    centerPoint            CartesianPosition3d OPTIONAL,
    semiMajorAxisLength    StandardLength12b,
    semiMinorAxisLength    StandardLength12b,
    orientation            Wgs84AngleValue OPTIONAL,
    height                 StandardLength12b OPTIONAL,

### <a name="EuVehicleCategoryCode"></a>EuVehicleCategoryCode
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 This DF represents a vehicle category according to the UNECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.4 [i.16].
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 The following options are available:

* euVehicleCategoryL [**EuVehicleCategoryL**](#EuVehicleCategoryL) <br>
  indicates a vehicle in the L category.

* euVehicleCategoryM [**EuVehicleCategoryM**](#EuVehicleCategoryM) <br>
  indicates a vehicle in the M category.

* euVehicleCategoryN [**EuVehicleCategoryN**](#EuVehicleCategoryN) <br>
  indicates a vehicle in the N category.

* euVehicleCategoryO [**EuVehicleCategoryO**](#EuVehicleCategoryO) <br>
  indicates a vehicle in the O category.

* euVehicleCategoryT **NULL** <br>
  indicates a vehicle in the T category.

* euVehicleCategoryG **NULL** <br>
  indicates a vehicle in the G category.


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
EuVehicleCategoryCode ::= CHOICE {
	euVehicleCategoryL    EuVehicleCategoryL,  
	euVehicleCategoryM    EuVehicleCategoryM,  
	euVehicleCategoryN    EuVehicleCategoryN,   
	euVehicleCategoryO    EuVehicleCategoryO,   
	euVehicleCategoryT    NULL,
	euVehicleCategoryG    NULL    

### <a name="EventZone"></a>EventZone
 The DF consists of a list of [**EventPoint**](#EventPoint), where all [**EventPoint**](#EventPoint) either contain the COMPONENT eventDeltaTime 
 or do not contain the COMPONENT eventDeltaTime.  

 The eventPosition of each [**EventPoint**](#EventPoint) is defined with respect to the previous [**EventPoint**](#EventPoint) in the list. 
 Except for the first [**EventPoint**](#EventPoint) which is defined with respect to a position outside of the context of this DF.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: GeoReference information Traffic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _created in V2.1.1 based on EventHistory_
EventZone::= EventHistory

### <a name="EventHistory"></a>EventHistory
 The DF consists of a list of [**EventPoint**](#EventPoint).  

 The eventPosition of each [**EventPoint**](#EventPoint) is defined with respect to the previous [**EventPoint**](#EventPoint) in the list. 
 Except for the first [**EventPoint**](#EventPoint) which is defined with respect to a position outside of the context of this DF.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: GeoReference information Traffic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Generalized the semantics in V2.1.1_

NOTE: this DF is kept for backwards compatibility reasons only. It is reccomended to use the [**EventZone**](#EventZone) instead.
EventHistory::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..23)) OF EventPoint

### <a name="EventPoint"></a>EventPoint
 This DF provides information related to an event at a defined position.

 It includes the following components:

* eventPosition [**DeltaReferencePosition**](#DeltaReferencePosition) <br>
  offset position of a detected event point to a defined position. 

* eventDeltaTime [**PathDeltaTime**](#PathDeltaTime)  OPTIONAL<br>
  optional time travelled by the detecting ITS-S since the previous detected event point.

* informationQuality [**InformationQuality**](#InformationQuality) <br>
  Information quality of the detection for this event point.


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: GeoReference information Traffic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _generalized the semantics in V2.1.1_
EventPoint ::= SEQUENCE {
    eventPosition         DeltaReferencePosition,
    eventDeltaTime        PathDeltaTime OPTIONAL,
    informationQuality    InformationQuality

### <a name="ExteriorLightsExtended"></a>ExteriorLightsExtended
 This DF represents the status of the exterior light switches of a traffic participant.

 It includes the following components:

* vehicular [**ExteriorLights**](#ExteriorLights) <br>
  represents the status of the exterior light switches of a road vehicle.

* vruSpecific [**VruSpecificExteriorLights**](#VruSpecificExteriorLights) <br>
  represents the status of the exterior light switches of a VRU.


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: VRU information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _created in V2.1.1_
ExteriorLightsExtended ::= SEQUENCE {
   vehicular      ExteriorLights, 
   vruSpecific    VruSpecificExteriorLights,

### <a name="GeneralizedLanePosition"></a>GeneralizedLanePosition
 This DF indicates a transversal position in relation to the different lanes of the road. 
 It is an extension of DE_LanePosition to cover locations (sidewalks, bicycle paths), where V-ITS-S would normally not be present. 

 The following options are available:

* trafficLanePosition [**LanePosition**](#LanePosition) <br>
  a position on a traffic lane. 

* nonTrafficLanePosition [**LanePositionAndType**](#LanePositionAndType) <br>
  a position on a lane which is not a traffic lane.

* trafficIslandPosition [**TrafficIslandPosition**](#TrafficIslandPosition) <br>
  a position on a traffic island

* mapPosition [**MapPosition**](#MapPosition) <br>
  a position on a lane identified in a MAPEM.


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Road Topology information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _created in V2.1.1_
GeneralizedLanePosition::= CHOICE {
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    trafficLanePosition       LanePosition,
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    nonTrafficLanePosition    LanePositionAndType,
    trafficIslandPosition     TrafficIslandPosition,
    mapPosition               MapPosition,

### <a name="Heading"></a>Heading
 This DF represents the Heading in a WGS84 co-ordinates system.

 It includes the following components:

* headingValue [**HeadingValue**](#HeadingValue) <br>
  the heading value.

* headingConfidence [**HeadingConfidence**](#HeadingConfidence) <br>
  the accuracy of the reported heading value with a predefined confidence level.


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Kinematics Information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_

NOTE: this DF is kept for backwards compatibility reasons only. It is reccomended to use the [**Wgs84Angle**](#Wgs84Angle) instead.
Heading ::= SEQUENCE {
    headingValue         HeadingValue,
    headingConfidence    HeadingConfidence

### <a name="HeadingChangeIndication"></a>HeadingChangeIndication
 This DF  provides  information  associated to heading  change indicators  such as  a  change  of  direction.

 It includes the following components:

* direction [**TurningDirection**](#TurningDirection) <br>
  the direction of heading change value.

* actionDeltaTime [**DeltaTimeTenthOfSecond**](#DeltaTimeTenthOfSecond) <br>
  the period over which a direction change action is performed. 


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Kinematics Information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _created in V2.1.1_
HeadingChangeIndication ::= SEQUENCE {
    direction          TurningDirection,
    actionDeltaTime    DeltaTimeTenthOfSecond,

### <a name="InterferenceManagementChannel"></a>InterferenceManagementChannel
 This DF represents a frequency channel 

 It includes the following components:

* centreFrequency **INTEGER**  (1 .. 99999)<br>
  the centre frequency of the channel

* channelWidth **INTEGER**  (0 .. 9999)<br>
  width of the channel

* exponent **INTEGER**  (0 .. 15)<br>
  of the power of 10


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _N/A_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Communication information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _created in V2.1.1_
InterferenceManagementChannel ::= SEQUENCE {
    centreFrequency    INTEGER (1 .. 99999),
    channelWidth       INTEGER (0 .. 9999),
    exponent           INTEGER (0 .. 15) 

### <a name="InterferenceManagementZone"></a>InterferenceManagementZone
 This DF represents a zone  inside which the ITS communication should be restricted in order to manage interference.

 It includes the following components:

* zoneDefinition [**InterferenceManagementZoneDefinition**](#InterferenceManagementZoneDefinition) <br>
  contains the geographical definition of the zone.

* managementInfo [**InterferenceManagementInfo**](#InterferenceManagementInfo) <br>
  contains interference management information applicable in the zone defined in the component zoneDefinition.


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Communication information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _created in V2.1.1_
InterferenceManagementZone ::= SEQUENCE {
	zoneDefinition    InterferenceManagementZoneDefinition,
	managementInfo    InterferenceManagementInfo

### <a name="InterferenceManagementZoneDefinition"></a>InterferenceManagementZoneDefinition
 This DF represents the geographical definition of the zone where band sharing occurs. 

 It includes the following components:

* interferenceManagementZoneLatitude [**Latitude**](#Latitude) <br>
  Latitude of the centre point of the interference management zone.

* interferenceManagementZoneLongitude [**Longitude**](#Longitude) <br>
  Longitude of the centre point of the interference management zone.

* interferenceManagementZoneRadius [**ProtectedZoneRadius**](#ProtectedZoneRadius)  OPTIONAL<br>
  optional radius of the interference management zone in metres. 

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* interferenceManagementZoneId [**ProtectedZoneId**](#ProtectedZoneId)  OPTIONAL<br>
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  optional identification of the interference management zone. 

* interferenceManagementZoneShape [**Shape**](#Shape)  (WITH COMPONENTS{..., radial ABSENT, radialShapes ABSENT}) OPTIONAL<br>
  shape of the interference management zone. 


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Communication information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _created in V2.1.1_
InterferenceManagementZoneDefinition::= SEQUENCE{     
    interferenceManagementZoneLatitude     Latitude, 
    interferenceManagementZoneLongitude    Longitude, 
    interferenceManagementZoneRadius       ProtectedZoneRadius OPTIONAL,
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    interferenceManagementZoneId           ProtectedZoneId OPTIONAL,
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    interferenceManagementZoneShape        Shape (WITH COMPONENTS{..., radial ABSENT, radialShapes ABSENT}) OPTIONAL,

### <a name="InterferenceManagementInfo"></a>InterferenceManagementInfo
 This DF consists of a list of up to 16 definitions containing interference management information, per affected frequency channels.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Communication information. 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _created in V2.1.1_
InterferenceManagementInfo::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..16,...)) OF InterferenceManagementInfoPerChannel

### <a name="InterferenceManagementInfoPerChannel"></a>InterferenceManagementInfoPerChannel
 This DF contains interference management information for one affected frequency channel.

 It includes the following components:

* interferenceManagementChannel [**InterferenceManagementChannel**](#InterferenceManagementChannel) <br>
  frequency channel for which the zone should be applied interference management 

* interferenceManagementZoneType [**InterferenceManagementZoneType**](#InterferenceManagementZoneType) <br>
  type of the interference management zone. 

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* interferenceManagementMitigationType [**MitigationForTechnologies**](#MitigationForTechnologies)  OPTIONAL<br>
  optional type of the mitigation to be used in the interference management zone. 
   In the case where no mitigation should be applied by the ITS-S, this is indicated by the field interferenceManagementMitigationType being absent.
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* expiryTime [**TimestampIts**](#TimestampIts)  OPTIONAL<br>
  optional time at which the validity of the interference management communication zone will expire. 
   This component is present when the interference management is temporarily valid


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Communication information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _created in V2.1.1_
InterferenceManagementInfoPerChannel ::= SEQUENCE {
    interferenceManagementChannel           InterferenceManagementChannel,
    interferenceManagementZoneType          InterferenceManagementZoneType,
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    interferenceManagementMitigationType    MitigationForTechnologies OPTIONAL,
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    expiryTime                              TimestampIts OPTIONAL, 

### <a name="InterferenceManagementZones"></a>InterferenceManagementZones
 This DF consist of a list of up to 16 interference  management zones.  

 **EXAMPLE**: An interference management communication zone may be defined around a CEN DSRC road side equipment or an urban rail operational area.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Communication information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _created in V2.1.1_
InterferenceManagementZones ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..16), ...) OF InterferenceManagementZone

### <a name="IntersectionReferenceId"></a>IntersectionReferenceId
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 This DF represents a unique id for an intersection, in accordance with ETSI TS 103 301 [i.15].
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 It includes the following components:

* region [**Identifier2B**](#Identifier2B)  OPTIONAL<br>
  the optional identifier of the entity that is responsible for the region in which the intersection is placed.
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   It is the duty of that entity to guarantee that the [**Id**](#Id) is unique within the region.
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* id [**Identifier2B**](#Identifier2B) <br>
  the identifier of the intersection


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Road topology information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _created in V2.1.1_

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NOTE: when the component region is present, the IntersectionReferenceId is guaranteed to be globally unique.
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IntersectionReferenceId ::= SEQUENCE {
    region    Identifier2B OPTIONAL,
    id        Identifier2B

### <a name="ItineraryPath"></a>ItineraryPath
 This DF consists of  a list of waypoints [**ReferencePosition**](#ReferencePosition).

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: GeoReference information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Editorial update in V2.1.1_
ItineraryPath ::= SEQUENCE SIZE(1..40) OF ReferencePosition

### <a name="ItsPduHeader"></a>ItsPduHeader
 This DF represents a common message header for application and facilities layer messages.
 It is included at the beginning of an ITS message as the message header.

 It includes the following components:

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* protocolVersion [**OrdinalNumber1B**](#OrdinalNumber1B) <br>
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  version of the ITS message.

* messageId [**MessageId**](#MessageId) <br>
  type of the ITS message.

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* stationId [**StationId**](#StationId) <br>
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  the identifier of the ITS-S that generates the ITS message in question.


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Communication information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _update in V2.1.1: messageID and stationID changed to messageId and stationId; messageId is of type MessageId._
ItsPduHeader ::= SEQUENCE {
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    protocolVersion    OrdinalNumber1B,
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    messageId          MessageId,
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    stationId          StationId
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### <a name="LanePositionAndType"></a>LanePositionAndType
 This DF indicates a transversal position in resolution of lanes and the associated lane type.

 It includes the following components:

* transversalPosition [**LanePosition**](#LanePosition) <br>
  the transversal position.

* laneType [**LaneType**](#LaneType) <br>
  the type of the lane identified in the component transversalPosition.


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: GeoReference information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
LanePositionAndType::= SEQUENCE {
    transversalPosition    LanePosition,
    laneType               LaneType,

### <a name="LateralAcceleration"></a>LateralAcceleration
 This DF indicates the vehicle acceleration at lateral direction and the accuracy of the lateral acceleration.

 It includes the following components:

* lateralAccelerationValue [**LateralAccelerationValue**](#LateralAccelerationValue) <br>
  lateral acceleration value at a point in time.

* lateralAccelerationConfidence [**AccelerationConfidence**](#AccelerationConfidence) <br>
  accuracy of the reported lateral acceleration value.


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_

NOTE: this DF is kept forbackwards compatibility reasons only. It is recommended to use [**Acceleration1d**](#Acceleration1d) instead.
LateralAcceleration ::= SEQUENCE {
    lateralAccelerationValue         LateralAccelerationValue,
    lateralAccelerationConfidence    AccelerationConfidence

### <a name="LongitudinalAcceleration"></a>LongitudinalAcceleration
 This DF indicates the vehicle acceleration at longitudinal direction and the accuracy of the longitudinal acceleration.

 It includes the following components:

* longitudinalAccelerationValue [**LongitudinalAccelerationValue**](#LongitudinalAccelerationValue) <br>
  longitudinal acceleration value at a point in time.

* longitudinalAccelerationConfidence [**AccelerationConfidence**](#AccelerationConfidence) <br>
  accuracy of the reported longitudinal acceleration value with a predefined


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_

NOTE: this DF is kept forbackwards compatibility reasons only. It is recommended to use [**Acceleration1d**](#Acceleration1d) instead.
LongitudinalAcceleration ::= SEQUENCE {
    longitudinalAccelerationValue         LongitudinalAccelerationValue,
    longitudinalAccelerationConfidence    AccelerationConfidence

### <a name="LongitudinalLanePosition"></a>LongitudinalLanePosition
 This DF represents the estimated position along the longitudinal length of a particular lane. 

 It includes the following components:

* longitudinalLanePositionValue [**LongitudinalLanePositionValue**](#LongitudinalLanePositionValue) <br>
  the mean value of the longitudinal position within a particular length.

* longitudinalLanePositionConfidence [**LongitudinalLanePositionConfidence**](#LongitudinalLanePositionConfidence) <br>
  The confidence associated to the provided value.


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Road topology information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _created in V2.1.1_
LongitudinalLanePosition ::= SEQUENCE {
    longitudinalLanePositionValue         LongitudinalLanePositionValue,
    longitudinalLanePositionConfidence    LongitudinalLanePositionConfidence

### <a name="LowerTriangularPositiveSemidefiniteMatrix"></a>LowerTriangularPositiveSemidefiniteMatrix
 This DF represents the elements of a lower triangular positive semi-definite matrix, not including the main diagonal elements of the matrix.
 Given a matrix "A" of size n x n, the number of columns [**CorrelationColumn**](#CorrelationColumn) to be included in the lower triangular matrix is k=n-1.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
LowerTriangularPositiveSemidefiniteMatrix ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..21) OF CorrelationColumn

### <a name="MapPosition"></a>MapPosition
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 This DF indicates a position on a topology description transmitted in a MAPEM according to ETSI TS 103 301 [i.15].
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 It includes the following components:

* mapReference [**MapReference**](#MapReference)  OPTIONAL<br>
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  optionally identifies the MAPEM containing the topology information.
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   It is absent if the MAPEM topology is known from the context.

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* laneId [**Identifier1B**](#Identifier1B)  OPTIONAL<br>
  optionally identifies the lane in the road segment or intersection topology on which the position is located.
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* connectionId [**Identifier1B**](#Identifier1B)  OPTIONAL<br>
  optionally identifies the connection inside the conflict area of an intersection, i.e. it identifies a trajectory for travelling through the
   conflict area of an intersection which connects e.g an ingress with an egress lane.
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* longitudinalLanePosition [**LongitudinalLanePosition**](#LongitudinalLanePosition)  OPTIONAL<br>
  optionally indicates the longitudinal offset of the map-matched position of the object along the lane or connection.
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Road topology information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
MapPosition ::= SEQUENCE {
    mapReference                MapReference OPTIONAL,
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    laneId                      Identifier1B OPTIONAL,
    connectionId                Identifier1B OPTIONAL, 
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    longitudinalLanePosition    LongitudinalLanePosition OPTIONAL,
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   ((WITH COMPONENTS {..., laneId PRESENT, connectionId ABSENT }) |
    (WITH COMPONENTS {..., laneId ABSENT, connectionId PRESENT }))
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### <a name="MapReference"></a>MapReference
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 This DF provides the reference to the information contained in a MAPEM according to ETSI TS 103 301 [i.15]. 
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 The following options are provided:

* roadsegment [**RoadSegmentReferenceId**](#RoadSegmentReferenceId) <br>
  option that identifies the description of a road segment contained in a MAPEM.

* intersection [**IntersectionReferenceId**](#IntersectionReferenceId) <br>
  option that identifies the description of an intersection contained in a MAPEM.


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Road topology information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
MapReference::= CHOICE {
	roadsegment     RoadSegmentReferenceId,
	intersection    IntersectionReferenceId

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### <a name="MessageSegmentationInfo"></a>MessageSegmentationInfo
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 This DF provides information about a message with respect to the segmentation process at the sender.

 It includes the following components:

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* totalMsgNo [**CardinalNumber1B**](#CardinalNumber1B)  (1..255)<br>
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  indicates the total number of messages that has been used on the transmitter side to encode the information.

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* thisMsgNo [**OrdinalNumber1B**](#OrdinalNumber1B)  (1..255)<br>
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  indicates the position of the message within of the total set of messages.
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MessageSegmentationInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
    totalMsgNo  CardinalNumber1B (1..255),
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    thisMsgNo   OrdinalNumber1B (1..255)
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### <a name="MitigationForTechnologies"></a>MitigationForTechnologies
 This DF represents a list of [**MitigationPerTechnologyClass**](#MitigationPerTechnologyClass).

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Communication information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
MitigationForTechnologies ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..8)) OF MitigationPerTechnologyClass

### <a name="MitigationPerTechnologyClass"></a>MitigationPerTechnologyClass
 This DF represents a set of mitigation parameters for a specific technology, as specified in ETSI TS 103 724 [i.24], clause 7.

 It includes the following components:

* accessTechnologyClass [**AccessTechnologyClass**](#AccessTechnologyClass) <br>
  channel access technology to which this mitigation is applied.

* lowDutyCycle **INTEGER**  (0 .. 10000) OPTIONAL<br>
  duty cycle limit.

* powerReduction **INTEGER**  (0 .. 30) OPTIONAL<br>
  the delta value of power to be reduced.

* dmcToffLimit **INTEGER**  (0 .. 1200) OPTIONAL<br>
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  idle time limit as defined in ETSI TS 103 175 [i.21].
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* dmcTonLimit **INTEGER**  (0 .. 20) OPTIONAL<br>
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  Transmission duration limit, as defined in ETSI EN 302 571 [i.22].
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit**: _ms_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Communication information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_

NOTE: All parameters are optional, as they may not apply to some of the technologies or
 interference management zone types. Specification details are in ETSI TS 103 724 [i.24], clause 7.
MitigationPerTechnologyClass ::= SEQUENCE {
   accessTechnologyClass    AccessTechnologyClass, 
   lowDutyCycle             INTEGER (0 .. 10000) OPTIONAL, 
   powerReduction           INTEGER (0 .. 30) OPTIONAL,
   dmcToffLimit             INTEGER (0 .. 1200) OPTIONAL,   
   dmcTonLimit              INTEGER (0 .. 20) OPTIONAL,   

### <a name="ObjectClass"></a>ObjectClass
 This DF indicates both the class and associated subclass that best describes an object.

 The following options are available:

* vehicleSubClass [**VehicleSubClass**](#VehicleSubClass) <br>
  the object is a road vehicle.

* vruSubClass [**VruProfileAndSubprofile**](#VruProfileAndSubprofile) <br>
  the object is a VRU.

* groupSubClass [**VruClusterInformation**](#VruClusterInformation)  (WITH COMPONENTS{..., clusterBoundingBoxShape ABSENT})<br>
  the object is a VRU group or cluster.

* otherSubClass [**OtherSubClass**](#OtherSubClass) <br>
  the object is of a different types as the above.


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Sensing information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
ObjectClass ::= CHOICE {
    vehicleSubClass    VehicleSubClass,
    vruSubClass        VruProfileAndSubprofile,
    groupSubClass      VruClusterInformation (WITH COMPONENTS{..., clusterBoundingBoxShape ABSENT}),
    otherSubClass      OtherSubClass,

### <a name="ObjectClassDescription"></a>ObjectClassDescription
 This DF consist of a list of object classes.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Sensing information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
ObjectClassDescription ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..8)) OF ObjectClassWithConfidence

### <a name="ObjectClassWithConfidence"></a>ObjectClassWithConfidence
 This DF represents the classification of a detected object together with a confidence indication.

 It includes the following components:

* objectClass [**ObjectClass**](#ObjectClass) <br>
  the class of the object.

* confidence [**ConfidenceLevel**](#ConfidenceLevel) <br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Sensing information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
ObjectClassWithConfidence ::= SEQUENCE {
    objectClass    ObjectClass,
    confidence     ConfidenceLevel
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### <a name="ObjectDimension"></a>ObjectDimension
 This DF represents a dimension of an object together with a confidence indication.

 It includes the following components:

* value [**ObjectDimensionValue**](#ObjectDimensionValue) <br>
* confidence [**ObjectDimensionConfidence**](#ObjectDimensionConfidence) <br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Sensing information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
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ObjectDimension ::= SEQUENCE {
    value         ObjectDimensionValue,
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    confidence    ObjectDimensionConfidence
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### <a name="Path"></a>Path
 This DF that represents a path with a set of path points.
 It may contain up to `40` [**PathPoint**](#PathPoint). 
 The first PathPoint presents an offset delta position with regards to an external reference position.
 Each other PathPoint presents an offset delta position and optionally an offset travel time with regards to the previous PathPoint. 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: GeoReference information Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _created in V2.1.1 based on PathHistory_
Path::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(0..40)) OF PathPoint

### <a name="PathHistory"></a>PathHistory
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 This DF that represents a path history with a set of path points.
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 It may contain up to `40` [**PathPoint**](#PathPoint). 
 The first PathPoint presents an offset delta position with regards to an external reference position.
 Each other PathPoint presents an offset delta position and optionally an offset travel time with regards to the previous PathPoint. 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: GeoReference information Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _semantics updated in V2.1.1_

NOTE: this DF is kept for backwards compatibility reasons only. It is recommended to use [**Path**](#Path) instead
PathHistory::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(0..40)) OF PathPoint

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### <a name="PathPredicted"></a>PathPredicted
 This DF that represents a predicted path with a set of path points.
 It may contain up to `15` [**PathPoint**](#PathPoint). 
 The first PathPoint presents an offset delta position with regards to an external reference position.
 Each other PathPoint presents an offset delta position and optionally an offset travel time with regards to the previous PathPoint. 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: GeoReference information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _created in V2.1.1 based on PathHistory_
PathPredicted::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(0..15,...)) OF PathPointPredicted

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### <a name="PathPoint"></a>PathPoint
 This DF  defines an offset waypoint position within a path.

 It includes the following components:

* pathPosition [**DeltaReferencePosition**](#DeltaReferencePosition) <br>
  The waypoint position defined as an offset position with regards to a pre-defined reference position. 

* pathDeltaTime [**PathDeltaTime**](#PathDeltaTime)  OPTIONAL<br>
  The optional travel time separated from a waypoint to the predefined reference position.


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: GeoReference information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _semantics updated in V2.1.1_
PathPoint ::= SEQUENCE {
    pathPosition     DeltaReferencePosition,
    pathDeltaTime    PathDeltaTime OPTIONAL

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### <a name="PathPointPredicted"></a>PathPointPredicted
 This DF  defines a predicted offset waypoint position within a path.
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 It includes the following components:

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* deltaLatitude [**DeltaLatitude**](#DeltaLatitude) <br>
  an offset latitude with regards to a pre-defined reference position. 
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* deltaLongitude [**DeltaLongitude**](#DeltaLongitude) <br>
  an offset longitude with regards to a pre-defined reference position. 

* horizontalPositionConfidence [**PosConfidenceEllipse**](#PosConfidenceEllipse)  OPTIONAL<br>
  the accuracy of the horizontal geographical position.

* deltaAltitude [**DeltaAltitude**](#DeltaAltitude)  DEFAULT unavailable<br>
  an offset altitude with regards to a pre-defined reference position. 

* altitudeConfidence [**AltitudeConfidence**](#AltitudeConfidence)  DEFAULT unavailable<br>
  the accuracy of the altitude value of the geographical position.

* pathDeltaTime [**DeltaTimeTenthOfSecond**](#DeltaTimeTenthOfSecond) <br>
  The  travel time separated from the waypoint to the predefined reference position.
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: GeoReference information 

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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _semantics updated in V2.1.1_
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PathPointPredicted::= SEQUENCE {
  deltaLatitude                 DeltaLatitude,      
  deltaLongitude                DeltaLongitude, 
  horizontalPositionConfidence  PosConfidenceEllipse OPTIONAL,   
  deltaAltitude                 DeltaAltitude DEFAULT unavailable, 
  altitudeConfidence            AltitudeConfidence DEFAULT unavailable,
  pathDeltaTime                 DeltaTimeTenthOfSecond,
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### <a name="PerceivedObject"></a>PerceivedObject
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 This DF contains information about a perceived object including its kinematic state and attitude vector in a pre-defined coordinate system.
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 It includes the following components:

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* objectId [**Identifier2B**](#Identifier2B)  OPTIONAL<br>
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  optional identifier assigned to a detected object.

* timeOfMeasurement [**DeltaTimeMilliSecondPosNeg**](#DeltaTimeMilliSecondPosNeg) <br>
  the time difference from a reference time to the time of the  measurement of the object using the DE DeltaTime. 
   Negative values indicate that the provided object state refers to a point in time after the reference time.

* xCoordinate [**CartesianCoordinateWithConfidence**](#CartesianCoordinateWithConfidence) <br>
  X Coordinate, i.e. distance to detected object from the origin of the coordinate system to the object reference point in x-direction at the time
   of measurement, with the associated variance.

* yCoordinate [**CartesianCoordinateWithConfidence**](#CartesianCoordinateWithConfidence) <br>
  Y Coordinate, i.e. distance to detected object from the origin of the coordinate system to the object reference point in y-direction at the time
   of measurement, with the associated variance.

* zCoordinate [**CartesianCoordinateWithConfidence**](#CartesianCoordinateWithConfidence)  OPTIONAL<br>
  optional Z Coordinate, i.e. distance to detected object from the origin of the coordinate system to the object reference point in z-direction 
   at the time of measurement, with the associated variance.

* velocityMagnitude [**SpeedExtended**](#SpeedExtended)  OPTIONAL<br>
  magnitude of the velocity vector of the detected object in the X-Y plane at the time of measurement, with the associated variance. 
   Negative magnitude values indicate movement backwards

* velocityDirection [**CartesianAngle**](#CartesianAngle)  OPTIONAL<br>
  polar angle of the velocity vector of the detected object in the X-Y plane at the time of measurement, with the associated variance.

* xVelocity [**SpeedExtended**](#SpeedExtended)  OPTIONAL<br>
  velocity component of the detected object in x-direction at the time of measurement, with the associated variance.

* yVelocity [**SpeedExtended**](#SpeedExtended)  OPTIONAL<br>
  velocity component of the detected object in y-direction at the time of measurement, with the associated variance.

* zVelocity [**SpeedExtended**](#SpeedExtended)  OPTIONAL<br>
  optional velocity component of the detected object in z-direction at the time of measurement, with the associated variance.

* accelerationMagnitude [**Acceleration1d**](#Acceleration1d)  OPTIONAL<br>
  magnitude of the acceleration vector of the detected object in the X-Y plane at the time of measurement, with the associated variance. 
   Negative magnitude values indicate accelerating backwards.

* accelerationDirection [**CartesianAngle**](#CartesianAngle)  OPTIONAL<br>
  polar angle of the acceleration vector of the detected object in the X-Y plane at the time of measurement, with the associated variance.

* xAcceleration [**Acceleration1d**](#Acceleration1d)  OPTIONAL<br>
  optional Acceleration of the detected object in x-direction at the time of measurement, with the associated variance.

* yAcceleration [**Acceleration1d**](#Acceleration1d)  OPTIONAL<br>
  optional Acceleration of the detected object in y-direction at the time of measurement, with the associated variance.

* zAcceleration [**Acceleration1d**](#Acceleration1d)  OPTIONAL<br>
  optional Acceleration of the detected object in z-direction at the time of measurement, with the associated variance.

* rollAngle [**CartesianAngle**](#CartesianAngle)  OPTIONAL<br>
  optional Roll angle of object at the time of measurement with the associated variance.
   The angle is measured with positive values considering the object orientation turning counter-clockwise around the x-axis.

* pitchAngle [**CartesianAngle**](#CartesianAngle)  OPTIONAL<br>
  optional Pitch angle of object at the time of measurement with the associated variance.    
   The angle is measured with positive values considering the object orientation turning counter-clockwise around the y-axis.

* yawAngle [**CartesianAngle**](#CartesianAngle)  OPTIONAL<br>
  optional Yaw angle of object at the time of measurement, with the associated variance.
   The angle is measured with positive values considering the object orientation turning counter-clockwise around the z-axis.

* rollSpeed [**CartesianAngularSpeed**](#CartesianAngularSpeed)  OPTIONAL<br>
  optional Roll speed of the object at the time of measurement, with the associated variance.
   The angular rate is measured with positive values considering the object orientation turning counter-clockwise around the x-axis.

* pitchSpeed [**CartesianAngularSpeed**](#CartesianAngularSpeed)  OPTIONAL<br>
  optional Pitch speed of the object at the time of measurement, with the associated variance.
   The angular rate is measured with positive values considering the object orientation turning counter-clockwise around the y-axis.

* yawSpeed [**CartesianAngularSpeed**](#CartesianAngularSpeed)  OPTIONAL<br>
  optional Yaw speed of the object at the time of measurement, with the associated variance.
   The angular rate is measured with positive values considering the object orientation turning counter-clockwise around the z-axis.

* rollAcceleration [**CartesianAngularAcceleration**](#CartesianAngularAcceleration)  OPTIONAL<br>
  optional Roll acceleration of the object at the time of measurement, with the associated variance.
   The angular acceleration is measured with positive values considering the object orientation turning counter-clockwise around the x-axis.

* pitchAcceleration [**CartesianAngularAcceleration**](#CartesianAngularAcceleration)  OPTIONAL<br>
  optional Pitch acceleration of the object at the time of measurement, with the associated variance. 
   The angular acceleration is measured with positive values considering the object orientation turning counter-clockwise around the y-axis.

* yawAcceleration [**CartesianAngularAcceleration**](#CartesianAngularAcceleration)  OPTIONAL<br>
  optional Yaw acceleration of the object at the time of measurement, with the associated variance.
   The angular acceleration is measured with positive values considering the object orientation turning counter-clockwise around the z-axis.

* lowerTriangularCorrelationMatrixColumns [**LowerTriangularPositiveSemidefiniteMatrix**](#LowerTriangularPositiveSemidefiniteMatrix)  OPTIONAL<br>
  optional set of columns of a lower triangular correlation matrix for the provided kinematic state and attitude vector.
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   The kinematic and attitude vector is composed of the xCoordinate, yCoordinate and zero or more of the other components listed immediately before this component (i.e. from zCoordinate to yawAcceleration).
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   The columns and rows of the correlation matrix indicate the value components of the vector (i.e. without variance) to which the covariance entries apply and are ordered as follows:
         - xCoordinate 
         - yCoordinate 
         - zCoordinate
         - velocityMagnitude
         - velocityDirection
         - xVelocity
         - yVelocity
         - zVelocityComponent
         - accelerationMagnitude
         - accelerationDirection
         - xAcceleration
         - yAcceleration
         - zAcceleration
         - rollAngle
         - pitchAngle
         - yawAngle
         - rollSpeed
         - pitchSpeed
         - yawSpeed
         - rollAcceleration
         - pitchAcceleration
         - yawAcceleration
     The number of lowerTriangularCorrelationMatrixColumns to be included "k" is thereby the number of provided
     components "n" of the kinematic state and attitude vector minus 1: k = n-1.
     Each column "i" of the lowerTriangularCorrelationMatrixColumns contains k-(i-1) values.
     In case certain values of the kinematic state and attitude vector are not provided, they are omitted from
     the lowerTriangularCorrelationMatrixColumns.

* planarObjectDimension1 [**ObjectDimension**](#ObjectDimension)  OPTIONAL<br>
  optional first dimension of object as provided by the sensor or environment model. 
   This dimension is always contained in the plane which is oriented perpendicular to the direction of the angle
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   indicated by the yawAngle and which contains the object's reference point. 
   This component can only be present if the component yawAngle is present.
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* planarObjectDimension2 [**ObjectDimension**](#ObjectDimension)  OPTIONAL<br>
  optional second dimension of the object as provided by the sensor environment model. 
   This dimension is contained in the plane oriented in the direction of the angle indicated by the yawAngle and the object's reference point.
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   This component can only be present if the component yawAngle is present.
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* verticalObjectDimension [**ObjectDimension**](#ObjectDimension)  OPTIONAL<br>
  optional vertical dimension of object as provided by the sensor or object model.

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* objectRefPoint [**ObjectRefPoint**](#ObjectRefPoint)  DEFAULT 4<br>
  the reference point on the perceived object. 
   The point is located on the object´s face that is perpendicular to the direction of the object's [**yawAngleValue**](#yawAngleValue).
   The kinematic attitude and state data provided for this object are valid for this reference point of the object. 
   In case no object reference point can be determined, it is assumed to be the center point of the detected object.
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* objectAge [**DeltaTimeMilliSecondPosNeg**](#DeltaTimeMilliSecondPosNeg)  (0..1500) OPTIONAL<br>
  optional age of the detected and described object, i.e. the difference in time between the moment 
   it has been first detected and the reference time of the message. Value `1500` indicates that the object has been observed for more than 1.5s.

* objectConfidence [**ObjectConfidence**](#ObjectConfidence)  OPTIONAL<br>
  optional confidence associated to the object. The computation of the object confidence is based on a sensor's or
   fusion system's specific detection confidence, the binary detection success that is, if an object
   has been successfully detected by the last measurement and the object age.

* sensorIdList [**SequenceOfIdentifier1B**](#SequenceOfIdentifier1B)  OPTIONAL<br>
  optional list of sensor-IDs which provided the measurement data. 

* dynamicStatus [**ObjectDynamicStatus**](#ObjectDynamicStatus)  OPTIONAL<br>
  optional dynamic capabilities of a detected object.

* classification [**ObjectClassDescription**](#ObjectClassDescription)  OPTIONAL<br>
  optional classification of the described object

* mapPosition [**MapPosition**](#MapPosition)  OPTIONAL<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Sensing information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _created in V2.1.1_
PerceivedObject ::= SEQUENCE {
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    objectId                                          Identifier2B OPTIONAL,
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    timeOfMeasurement                                 DeltaTimeMilliSecondPosNeg,
    xCoordinate                                       CartesianCoordinateWithConfidence, 
    yCoordinate                                       CartesianCoordinateWithConfidence,
    zCoordinate                                       CartesianCoordinateWithConfidence OPTIONAL,
    velocityMagnitude                                 SpeedExtended OPTIONAL, 
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    velocityDirection                                 CartesianAngle OPTIONAL, 
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    xVelocity                                         SpeedExtended OPTIONAL,
    yVelocity                                         SpeedExtended OPTIONAL,
    zVelocity                                         SpeedExtended OPTIONAL,
    accelerationMagnitude                             Acceleration1d OPTIONAL,
    accelerationDirection                             CartesianAngle OPTIONAL,
    xAcceleration                                     Acceleration1d OPTIONAL,
    yAcceleration                                     Acceleration1d OPTIONAL,
    zAcceleration                                     Acceleration1d OPTIONAL,
    rollAngle                                         CartesianAngle OPTIONAL,
    pitchAngle                                        CartesianAngle OPTIONAL,
    yawAngle                                          CartesianAngle OPTIONAL,
    rollSpeed                                         CartesianAngularSpeed OPTIONAL,
    pitchSpeed                                        CartesianAngularSpeed OPTIONAL,
    yawSpeed                                          CartesianAngularSpeed OPTIONAL,
    rollAcceleration                                  CartesianAngularAcceleration OPTIONAL,
    pitchAcceleration                                 CartesianAngularAcceleration OPTIONAL,
    yawAcceleration                                   CartesianAngularAcceleration OPTIONAL,
    lowerTriangularCorrelationMatrixColumns           LowerTriangularPositiveSemidefiniteMatrix OPTIONAL,
    planarObjectDimension1                            ObjectDimension OPTIONAL,
    planarObjectDimension2                            ObjectDimension OPTIONAL,
    verticalObjectDimension                           ObjectDimension OPTIONAL,
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    objectRefPoint                                    ObjectRefPoint DEFAULT 4,
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    objectAge                                         DeltaTimeMilliSecondPosNeg (0..1500) OPTIONAL,
    objectConfidence                                  ObjectConfidence OPTIONAL,
    sensorIdList                                      SequenceOfIdentifier1B OPTIONAL,
    dynamicStatus                                     ObjectDynamicStatus OPTIONAL,
    classification                                    ObjectClassDescription OPTIONAL,
    mapPosition                                       MapPosition OPTIONAL,

### <a name="PolygonalShape"></a>PolygonalShape
 This DF represents the shape of a polygonal area or of a right prism.

 It includes the following components:

* polygon [**SequenceOfCartesianPosition3d**](#SequenceOfCartesianPosition3d)  (SIZE(3..16,...))<br>
  the polygonal area and consist of a list of minimum `3` to maximum `16` [**CartesianPosition3d**](#CartesianPosition3d).

* height [**StandardLength12b**](#StandardLength12b)  OPTIONAL<br>
  the optional height, present if the shape is a right prism extending in the positive z-axis.


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: GeoReference information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _created in V2.1.1_
PolygonalShape ::= SEQUENCE {
   polygon    SequenceOfCartesianPosition3d (SIZE(3..16,...)),
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   height     StandardLength12b OPTIONAL,
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### <a name="PosConfidenceEllipse"></a>PosConfidenceEllipse
 This DF provides the horizontal position accuracy in a shape of ellipse with a 
 confidence level of 95 %. The centre of the ellipse shape corresponds to the reference
 position point for which the position accuracy is evaluated.

 It includes the following components:

* semiMajorConfidence [**SemiAxisLength**](#SemiAxisLength) <br>
  half of length of the major axis, i.e. distance between the centre point
   and major axis point of the position accuracy ellipse. 

* semiMinorConfidence [**SemiAxisLength**](#SemiAxisLength) <br>
  half of length of the minor axis, i.e. distance between the centre point
   and minor axis point of the position accuracy ellipse. 

* semiMajorOrientation [**Wgs84AngleValue**](#Wgs84AngleValue) <br>
  orientation direction of the ellipse major axis of the position accuracy
   ellipse with regards to the WGS84 north. 


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: GeoReference information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
PosConfidenceEllipse ::= SEQUENCE {
    semiMajorConfidence     SemiAxisLength,
    semiMinorConfidence     SemiAxisLength,
    semiMajorOrientation    Wgs84AngleValue

### <a name="PositionOfPillars"></a>PositionOfPillars
 This DF contains a list of distances [**PosPillar**](#PosPillar) that refer to the perpendicular distance between centre of vehicle front bumper
 and vehicle pillar A, between neighbour pillars until the last pillar of the vehicle.

 Vehicle pillars refer to the vertical or near vertical support of vehicle,
 designated respectively as the A, B, C or D and other pillars moving in side profile view from the front to rear.
 The first value of the DF refers to the perpendicular distance from the centre of vehicle front bumper to 
 vehicle A pillar. The second value refers to the perpendicular distance from the centre position of A pillar
 to the B pillar of vehicle and so on until the last pillar.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
PositionOfPillars ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..3, ...)) OF PosPillar

### <a name="ProtectedCommunicationZone"></a>ProtectedCommunicationZone
 This DF describes a zone of protection inside which the ITSG5 communication should be restricted.

 It includes the following components:

* protectedZoneType [**ProtectedZoneType**](#ProtectedZoneType) <br>
  type of the protected zone. 

* expiryTime [**TimestampIts**](#TimestampIts)  OPTIONAL<br>
  optional time at which the validity of the protected communication zone will expire.

* protectedZoneLatitude [**Latitude**](#Latitude) <br>
  latitude of the centre point of the protected communication zone.

* protectedZoneLongitude [**Longitude**](#Longitude) <br>
  longitude of the centre point of the protected communication zone.

* protectedZoneRadius [**ProtectedZoneRadius**](#ProtectedZoneRadius)  OPTIONAL<br>
  optional radius of the protected communication zone in metres.

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* protectedZoneId [**ProtectedZoneId**](#ProtectedZoneId)  OPTIONAL<br>
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  the optional ID of the protected communication zone.


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Infrastructure information Communication information 

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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _revised in V2.1.1 (changed protectedZoneID to protectedZoneId)_
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NOTE: A protected communication zone may be defined around a CEN DSRC road side equipment.
ProtectedCommunicationZone ::= SEQUENCE {
    protectedZoneType         ProtectedZoneType,
    expiryTime                TimestampIts OPTIONAL,
    protectedZoneLatitude     Latitude,
    protectedZoneLongitude    Longitude,
    protectedZoneRadius       ProtectedZoneRadius OPTIONAL,
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    protectedZoneId           ProtectedZoneId OPTIONAL,
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### <a name="ProtectedCommunicationZonesRSU"></a>ProtectedCommunicationZonesRSU
 This DF consist of a list of [**ProtectedCommunicationZone**](#ProtectedCommunicationZone) provided by a road side ITS-S (Road Side Unit RSU).

 It may provide up to 16 protected communication zones information.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Infrastructure information Communication information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
ProtectedCommunicationZonesRSU ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..16)) OF ProtectedCommunicationZone

### <a name="PtActivation"></a>PtActivation
 This DF represents activation data for real-time systems designed for operations control, traffic light priorities, track switches, barriers, etc.
 using a range of activation devices equipped in public transport vehicles.

 The activation of the corresponding equipment is triggered by the approach or passage of a public transport
 vehicle at a certain point (e.g. a beacon).

 Today there are different payload variants defined for public transport activation-data. The R09.x is one of
 the industry standard used by public transport vehicles (e.g. buses, trams) in Europe (e.g. Germany Austria)
 for controlling traffic lights, barriers, bollards, etc. This DF includes information like route, course,
 destination, priority, etc.
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 The R09.x content is defined in VDV recommendation 420 [i.7]. It includes following information:
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 - Priority Request Information (pre-request, request, ready to start)
 - End of Prioritization procedure
 - Priority request direction
 - Public Transport line number
 - Priority of public transport
 - Route line identifier of the public transport
 - Route number identification
 - Destination of public transport vehicle

 Other countries may use different message sets defined by the local administration.

* ptActivationType [**PtActivationType**](#PtActivationType) <br>
  type of activation. 

* ptActivationData [**PtActivationData**](#PtActivationData) <br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
PtActivation ::= SEQUENCE {
    ptActivationType    PtActivationType,
    ptActivationData    PtActivationData

### <a name="RadialShape"></a>RadialShape
 This DF describes a radial shape. The triangular or cone-shaped volume is
 constructed by sweeping the provided range about the reference point  or about the offset
 point (if provided) between a horizontal start and a horizontal end angle in positive angular direction of the WGS84
 coordinate system. A vertical opening angle may be provided in a Cartesian coordinate system with
 the x-axis located in the North-East plane of the WGS84 coordinate system. The sensor height may
 be provided to reflect characteristics of sensors mounted at an altitude (e.g. sensors mounted
 above intersections).

 It includes the following components:

* offsetPoint [**CartesianPosition3d**](#CartesianPosition3d)  OPTIONAL<br>
* range [**StandardLength12b**](#StandardLength12b) <br>
  the radial range of the sensor from the reference point or sensor point offset. 

* stationaryHorizontalOpeningAngleStart [**Wgs84AngleValue**](#Wgs84AngleValue) <br>
  the orientation indicating the beginning of the 
   stationary sensor's horizontal opening angle in positive angular direction with respect to the 
   WGS84 coordinate system.

* stationaryHorizontalOpeningAngleEnd [**Wgs84AngleValue**](#Wgs84AngleValue) <br>
  The orientation indicating the end of the stationary 
   sensor's horizontal opening angle in positive angular direction with respect to the WGS84 coordinate 

* verticalOpeningAngleStart [**CartesianAngleValue**](#CartesianAngleValue)  OPTIONAL<br>
  optional orientation indicating the beginning of the stationary sensor's 
   vertical opening angle in positive angular direction of a Cartesian coordinate system with its x-axis 
     located in the north-east plane of the WGS84 coordinate system.

* verticalOpeningAngleEnd [**CartesianAngleValue**](#CartesianAngleValue)  OPTIONAL<br>
  optional orientation indicating the end of the stationary sensor's 
   vertical opening angle in positive angular direction of a Cartesian coordinate system with its x-axis 
   located in the north-east plane of the WGS84 coordinate system using the DE CartesianAngleValue. 


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Sensing information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _created in V2.1.1_
RadialShape ::= SEQUENCE { 
    offsetPoint                              CartesianPosition3d OPTIONAL,
    range                                    StandardLength12b,
    stationaryHorizontalOpeningAngleStart    Wgs84AngleValue, 
    stationaryHorizontalOpeningAngleEnd      Wgs84AngleValue, 
    verticalOpeningAngleStart                CartesianAngleValue OPTIONAL,
    verticalOpeningAngleEnd                  CartesianAngleValue OPTIONAL,

### <a name="RadialShapes"></a>RadialShapes
 This DF describes a list of radial shapes. 

 It includes the following components:

* refPointId [**Identifier1B**](#Identifier1B) <br>
  the identification of the reference point in case of a sensor mounted to trailer. Defaults to ITS ReferencePoint (0).

* xCoordinate [**CartesianCoordinateSmall**](#CartesianCoordinateSmall) <br>
  the x-coordinate of the offset point.

* yCoordinate [**CartesianCoordinateSmall**](#CartesianCoordinateSmall) <br>
  the y-coordinate of the offset point.

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* zCoordinate [**CartesianCoordinateSmall**](#CartesianCoordinateSmall)  OPTIONAL<br>
  the optional z-coordinate of the offset point.

* radialShapesList [**RadialShapesList**](#RadialShapesList) <br>
  the list of radial shape details.


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Georeference information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _created in V2.1.1_
RadialShapes ::= SEQUENCE {
    refPointId          Identifier1B,
    xCoordinate         CartesianCoordinateSmall, 
    yCoordinate         CartesianCoordinateSmall,
    zCoordinate         CartesianCoordinateSmall OPTIONAL,
    radialShapesList    RadialShapesList,

### <a name="RadialShapesList"></a>RadialShapesList
 The DF contains a list of [**RadialShapeDetails**](#RadialShapeDetails).

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Georeference information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _created in V2.1.1_
RadialShapesList ::= SEQUENCE SIZE(1..16,...) OF RadialShapeDetails

### <a name="RadialShapeDetails"></a>RadialShapeDetails
 This DF describes a radial shape details. The triangular or cone-shaped volume is
 constructed by sweeping the provided range about the reference point  or about the offset
 point (if provided) between a horizontal start and a horizontal end angle in positive angular direction of the WGS84
 coordinate system. A vertical opening angle may be provided in a Cartesian coordinate system with
 the x-axis located in the North-East plane of the WGS84 coordinate system. The sensor height may
 be provided to reflect characteristics of sensors mounted at an altitude (e.g. sensors mounted
 above intersections).

 It includes the following components:

* range [**StandardLength12b**](#StandardLength12b) <br>
  the radial range of the sensor from the reference point or sensor point offset. 

* horizontalOpeningAngleStart [**CartesianAngleValue**](#CartesianAngleValue) <br>
* horizontalOpeningAngleEnd [**CartesianAngleValue**](#CartesianAngleValue) <br>
* verticalOpeningAngleStart [**CartesianAngleValue**](#CartesianAngleValue)  OPTIONAL<br>
  optional orientation indicating the beginning of the stationary sensor's 
   vertical opening angle in positive angular direction of a Cartesian coordinate system with its x-axis 
     located in the north-east plane of the WGS84 coordinate system.

* verticalOpeningAngleEnd [**CartesianAngleValue**](#CartesianAngleValue)  OPTIONAL<br>
  optional orientation indicating the end of the stationary sensor's 
   vertical opening angle in positive angular direction of a Cartesian coordinate system with its x-axis 
   located in the north-east plane of the WGS84 coordinate system. 


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Georeference information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _created in V2.1.1_
RadialShapeDetails ::= SEQUENCE {
    range                          StandardLength12b,
    horizontalOpeningAngleStart    CartesianAngleValue,
    horizontalOpeningAngleEnd      CartesianAngleValue,
    verticalOpeningAngleStart      CartesianAngleValue OPTIONAL,
    verticalOpeningAngleEnd        CartesianAngleValue OPTIONAL,

### <a name="RectangularShape"></a>RectangularShape
 This DF represents the shape of a rectangular area or a right rectangular prism that is centred on a reference position defined outside of the context of this DF. 

 It includes the following components:

* centerPoint [**CartesianPosition3d**](#CartesianPosition3d)  OPTIONAL<br>
  represents an optional offset point which the rectangle is centred on with respect to the reference position.

* semiLength [**StandardLength12b**](#StandardLength12b) <br>
  represents half the length of the rectangle.

* semiBreadth [**StandardLength12b**](#StandardLength12b) <br>
  represents half the breadth of the rectangle.

* orientation [**Wgs84AngleValue**](#Wgs84AngleValue)  OPTIONAL<br>
  represents the optional orientation of the lenght of the rectangle in the WGS84 coordinate system.

* height [**StandardLength12b**](#StandardLength12b)  OPTIONAL<br>
  represents the optional height, present if the shape is a right rectangular prism with height extending in the positive z-axis.


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: GeoReference information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _created in V2.1.1_
RectangularShape ::= SEQUENCE { 
    centerPoint    CartesianPosition3d OPTIONAL,
    semiLength     StandardLength12b,
    semiBreadth    StandardLength12b,
    orientation    Wgs84AngleValue OPTIONAL,
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    height         StandardLength12b OPTIONAL,
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### <a name="ReferencePosition"></a>ReferencePosition
 A position within a geographic coordinate system together with a confidence indication. 

 It includes the following components:

* latitude [**Latitude**](#Latitude) <br>
  the latitude of the geographical point.

* longitude [**Longitude**](#Longitude) <br>
  the longitude of the geographical point.

* positionConfidenceEllipse [**PosConfidenceEllipse**](#PosConfidenceEllipse) <br>
  the accuracy of the geographical position.

* altitude [**Altitude**](#Altitude) <br>
  the altitude and an altitude accuracy of the geographical point.


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: GeoReference information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _description updated in V2.1.1_
ReferencePosition ::= SEQUENCE {
    latitude                     Latitude,
    longitude                    Longitude,
    positionConfidenceEllipse    PosConfidenceEllipse,
    altitude                     Altitude

### <a name="RestrictedTypes"></a>RestrictedTypes
 This DF consist of a list of [**StationType**](#StationType). to which a certain traffic restriction, e.g. the speed limit, applies.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Infrastructure information Traffic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
RestrictedTypes ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..3, ...)) OF StationType

### <a name="RoadSegmentReferenceId"></a>RoadSegmentReferenceId
 This DF represents a unique id for a road segment

 It includes the following components:

* region [**Identifier2B**](#Identifier2B)  OPTIONAL<br>
  the optional identifier of the entity that is responsible for the region in which the road segment is placed.
   It is the duty of that entity to guarantee that the [**Id**](#Id) is unique within the region.

* id [**Identifier2B**](#Identifier2B) <br>
  the identifier of the road segment


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: GeoReference information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _created in V2.1.1_

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NOTE: when the component region is present, the RoadSegmentReferenceId is guaranteed to be globally unique.
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RoadSegmentReferenceId ::= SEQUENCE {
    region    Identifier2B OPTIONAL,
    id        Identifier2B

### <a name="SafeDistanceIndication"></a>SafeDistanceIndication
 This DF provides the safe distance indication of a traffic participant with other traffic participant(s).

 It includes the following components:

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* subjectStation [**StationId**](#StationId)  OPTIONAL<br>
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  optionally indicates one "other" traffic participant identified by its ITS-S.

* safeDistanceIndicator [**SafeDistanceIndicator**](#SafeDistanceIndicator) <br>
  indicates whether the distance between the ego ITS-S and the traffic participant(s) is safe.
   If subjectStation is present than it indicates whether the distance between the ego ITS-S and the traffic participant inidcated in the component subjectStation is safe. 

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* timeToCollision [**DeltaTimeTenthOfSecond**](#DeltaTimeTenthOfSecond)  OPTIONAL<br>
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  optionally indicated the time-to-collision calculated as sqrt(LaDi<sup>2</sup> + LoDi<sup>2</sup> + VDi<sup>2</sup>)/relative speed 
   and represented in  the  nearest 100  ms. This component may be present only if subjectStation is present. 


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Traffic information Kinematics information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _created in V2.1.1_
SafeDistanceIndication ::= SEQUENCE {
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    subjectStation           StationId OPTIONAL,
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    safeDistanceIndicator    SafeDistanceIndicator,
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    timeToCollision          DeltaTimeTenthOfSecond OPTIONAL,
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### <a name="SequenceOfCartesianPosition3d"></a>SequenceOfCartesianPosition3d
 This DF represents a list of  maximum `16` [**CartesianPosition3d**](#CartesianPosition3d).

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: GeoReference information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _created in V2.1.1_
SequenceOfCartesianPosition3d ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..16, ...)) OF CartesianPosition3d

### <a name="SequenceOfIdentifier1B"></a>SequenceOfIdentifier1B
 The DF contains a list of identifiers.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Basic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _created in V2.1.1_
SequenceOfIdentifier1B ::= SEQUENCE SIZE(1..128, ...) OF Identifier1B

### <a name="SequenceOfSafeDistanceIndication"></a>SequenceOfSafeDistanceIndication
 The DF contains a list of DF  SafeDistanceIndication.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Traffic information Kinematics information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _created in V2.1.1_
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SequenceOfSafeDistanceIndication ::= SEQUENCE(SIZE(1..8,...)) OF SafeDistanceIndication
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### <a name="SequenceOfTrajectoryInterceptionIndication"></a>SequenceOfTrajectoryInterceptionIndication
 The DF contains a list of DF  TrajectoryInterceptionIndication.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Traffic information Kinematics information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _created in V2.1.1_
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SequenceOfTrajectoryInterceptionIndication ::=  SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..8,...)) OF TrajectoryInterceptionIndication
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### <a name="Shape"></a>Shape
 This DF provides the definition of a geographical area or volume, based on different options.

 It includes the following components:

* rectangle [**RectangularShape**](#RectangularShape) <br>
  definition of an rectangular area or a right rectangular prism (with a rectangular base) also called a cuboid, or informally a rectangular box.

* circle [**CircularShape**](#CircularShape) <br>
  definition of an area of circular shape or a right circular cylinder.

* polygon [**PolygonalShape**](#PolygonalShape) <br>
  definition of an area of polygonal shape or a right prism.

* ellipse [**EllipticalShape**](#EllipticalShape) <br>
  definition of an area of elliptical shape or a right elliptical cylinder.

* radial [**RadialShape**](#RadialShape) <br>
  definition of a radial shape.

* radialShapes [**RadialShapes**](#RadialShapes) <br>
  definition of list of radial shapes.


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: GeoReference information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
Shape::= CHOICE {
   rectangle       RectangularShape,
   circle          CircularShape, 
   polygon         PolygonalShape,
   ellipse         EllipticalShape,
   radial          RadialShape,
   radialShapes    RadialShapes,

### <a name="Speed"></a>Speed
 This DF describes the speed and corresponding accuracy of the speed information for a moving object (e.g. vehicle).

 It includes the following components:

* speedValue [**SpeedValue**](#SpeedValue) <br>
  the speed value.

* speedConfidence [**SpeedConfidence**](#SpeedConfidence) <br>
  the accuracy of the reported speed value.


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Kinematics information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
Speed ::= SEQUENCE {
    speedValue         SpeedValue,
    speedConfidence    SpeedConfidence

### <a name="SpeedExtended"></a>SpeedExtended
 This DF describes the extended speed and corresponding accuracy of the speed information for a moving object (e.g. vehicle).

 It includes the following components:

* speedValue [**SpeedValueExtended**](#SpeedValueExtended) <br>
  the extended speed value.

* speedConfidence [**SpeedConfidence**](#SpeedConfidence) <br>
  the accuracy of the reported speed value.


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Kinematics information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V2.1.1_
SpeedExtended ::= SEQUENCE {
    speedValue         SpeedValueExtended,
    speedConfidence    SpeedConfidence

### <a name="StabilityChangeIndication"></a>StabilityChangeIndication
 This DF  provides the  indication of  change in stability.

 It includes the following components:

* lossProbability [**StabilityLossProbability**](#StabilityLossProbability) <br>
  the probability of stability loss. 

* actionDeltaTime [**DeltaTimeTenthOfSecond**](#DeltaTimeTenthOfSecond) <br>
  accuracy of the reported speed value.


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Kinematics information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V2.1.1_
StabilityChangeIndication ::= SEQUENCE {
    lossProbability     StabilityLossProbability,
    actionDeltaTime     DeltaTimeTenthOfSecond,

### <a name="SteeringWheelAngle"></a>SteeringWheelAngle
 This DF represents the steering wheel angle of the vehicle at certain point in time.

 It includes the following components:

* steeringWheelAngleValue [**SteeringWheelAngleValue**](#SteeringWheelAngleValue) <br>
  steering wheel angle value.

* steeringWheelAngleConfidence [**SteeringWheelAngleConfidence**](#SteeringWheelAngleConfidence) <br>
  accuracy of the reported steering wheel angle value.


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
SteeringWheelAngle ::= SEQUENCE {
    steeringWheelAngleValue         SteeringWheelAngleValue,
    steeringWheelAngleConfidence    SteeringWheelAngleConfidence

### <a name="Traces"></a>Traces
 This DF represents one or more paths using [**PathHistory**](#PathHistory).

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: GeoReference information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Description revised in V2.1.1. Is is now based on Path and not on PathHistory_
Traces ::= SEQUENCE SIZE(1..7) OF Path

### <a name="TrafficIslandPosition"></a>TrafficIslandPosition
 Ths DF represents the a position on a traffic island between two lanes. 

 It includes the following components:

* oneSide [**LanePositionAndType**](#LanePositionAndType) <br>
  represents one lane.

* otherSide [**LanePositionAndType**](#LanePositionAndType) <br>
  represents the other lane.


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Road Topology information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
TrafficIslandPosition ::= SEQUENCE {
    oneSide      LanePositionAndType,
    otherSide    LanePositionAndType,

### <a name="TrailerData"></a>TrailerData
 This DF provides detailed information about an attached trailer.

 It includes the following components:

* refPointId [**Identifier1B**](#Identifier1B) <br>
  identifier of the reference point of the trailer.

* hitchPointOffset [**StandardLength1B**](#StandardLength1B) <br>
  optional position of the hitch point in negative x-direction (according to ISO 8855) from the
   vehicle Reference Point.

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* frontOverhang [**StandardLength1B**](#StandardLength1B)  OPTIONAL<br>
  optional length of the trailer overhang in the positive x direction (according to ISO 8855) from the
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   trailer Reference Point indicated by the refPointID. The value defaults to 0 in case the trailer
   is not overhanging to the front with respect to the trailer reference point.

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* rearOverhang [**StandardLength1B**](#StandardLength1B)  OPTIONAL<br>
  optional length of the trailer overhang in the negative x direction (according to ISO 8855) from the
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   trailer Reference Point indicated by the refPointID.

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* trailerWidth [**VehicleWidth**](#VehicleWidth)  OPTIONAL<br>
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  optional width of the trailer.

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* hitchAngle [**CartesianAngle**](#CartesianAngle) <br>
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  optional Value and confidence of the angle between the trailer orientation (corresponding to the x
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   direction of the ISO 8855 [2] coordinate system centered on the trailer) and the direction of
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   the segment having as end points the reference point of the trailer and the reference point of
   the pulling vehicle, which can be another trailer or a vehicle looking on the horizontal plane
   xy, described in the local Cartesian coordinate system of the preceding reference point. The
   angle is measured with negative values considering the trailer orientation turning clockwise
   starting from the segment direction. The angle value accuracy is provided with the
   confidence level of 95 %.

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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
TrailerData ::= SEQUENCE { 
    refPointId          Identifier1B,
    hitchPointOffset    StandardLength1B, 
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    frontOverhang       StandardLength1B OPTIONAL, 
    rearOverhang        StandardLength1B OPTIONAL, 
    trailerWidth        VehicleWidth OPTIONAL,
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    hitchAngle          CartesianAngle,
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### <a name="TrajectoryInterceptionIndication"></a>TrajectoryInterceptionIndication
 This DF  provides the trajectory  interception  indication  of  ego-VRU  ITS-S  with another ITS-Ss. 

 It includes the following components:

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* subjectStation [**StationId**](#StationId)  OPTIONAL<br>
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  indicates the subject station.

* trajectoryInterceptionProbability [**TrajectoryInterceptionProbability**](#TrajectoryInterceptionProbability) <br>
  indicates the propbability of the interception of the subject station trajectory 
   with the trajectory of the station indicated in the component subjectStation.

* trajectoryInterceptionConfidence [**TrajectoryInterceptionConfidence**](#TrajectoryInterceptionConfidence)  OPTIONAL<br>
  indicates the confidence of interception of the subject station trajectory 
   with the trajectory of the station indicated in the component subjectStation.


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
TrajectoryInterceptionIndication  ::= SEQUENCE {
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   subjectStation                     StationId OPTIONAL, 
   trajectoryInterceptionProbability  TrajectoryInterceptionProbability,
   trajectoryInterceptionConfidence   TrajectoryInterceptionConfidence OPTIONAL,
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### <a name="VarLengthNumber"></a>VarLengthNumber
 This DF together with its sub DFs Ext1, Ext2 and the DE Ext3 provides the custom (i.e. not ASN.1 standard) definition of an integer with variable lenght, that can be used for example to encode the ITS-AID. 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
	content	    [0] INTEGER(0..127), 
	extension	[1]	Ext1
	content	    [0]	INTEGER(128..16511), 
	extension	[1]	Ext2
	content	    [0]	INTEGER(16512..2113663), 
	extension	[1]	Ext3
Ext3::= INTEGER(2113664..270549119,...) 

### <a name="VerticalAcceleration"></a>VerticalAcceleration
 This DF indicates the vehicle acceleration at vertical direction and the accuracy of the vertical acceleration.

 It includes the following components:

* verticalAccelerationValue [**VerticalAccelerationValue**](#VerticalAccelerationValue) <br>
  vertical acceleration value at a point in time.

* verticalAccelerationConfidence [**AccelerationConfidence**](#AccelerationConfidence) <br>
  accuracy of the reported vertical acceleration value with a predefined confidence level.


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_

NOTE: this DF is kept forbackwards compatibility reasons only. It is recommended to use [**Acceleration1d**](#Acceleration1d) instead
VerticalAcceleration ::= SEQUENCE {
    verticalAccelerationValue         VerticalAccelerationValue,
    verticalAccelerationConfidence    AccelerationConfidence

### <a name="VehicleIdentification"></a>VehicleIdentification
 This DF provides information related to the identification of a vehicle.

 It includes the following components:

* wMInumber [**WMInumber**](#WMInumber)  OPTIONAL<br>
  World Manufacturer Identifier (WMI) code.

* vDS [**VDS**](#VDS)  OPTIONAL<br>
  Vehicle Descriptor Section (VDS). 


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
VehicleIdentification ::= SEQUENCE {
    wMInumber    WMInumber OPTIONAL,
    vDS          VDS OPTIONAL,

### <a name="VehicleLength"></a>VehicleLength
 This DF represents the length of vehicle and accuracy indication information.

 It includes the following components:

* vehicleLengthValue [**VehicleLengthValue**](#VehicleLengthValue) <br>
  length of vehicle. 

* vehicleLengthConfidenceIndication [**VehicleLengthConfidenceIndication**](#VehicleLengthConfidenceIndication) <br>
  indication of reported length value confidence.


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
VehicleLength ::= SEQUENCE {
    vehicleLengthValue                   VehicleLengthValue,
    vehicleLengthConfidenceIndication    VehicleLengthConfidenceIndication

### <a name="VruClusterInformation"></a>VruClusterInformation
 This DF provides information about a VRU cluster.

 It includes the following components:

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* clusterId [**Identifier1B**](#Identifier1B)  OPTIONAL<br>
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  optional identifier of a VRU cluster .

* clusterBoundingBoxShape [**Shape**](#Shape)  (WITH COMPONENTS{..., ellipse ABSENT, radial ABSENT, radialShapes ABSENT}) OPTIONAL<br>
  optionally indicates the shape of the cluster bounding box.

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* clusterCardinalitySize [**CardinalNumber1B**](#CardinalNumber1B) <br>
  indicates an estimation of the number of VRUs in the group, i.e. the known members in the cluster + 1 (for the cluster leader) .
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* clusterProfiles [**VruClusterProfiles**](#VruClusterProfiles)  OPTIONAL<br>
  optionally identifies all the VRU profile types that are believed to be within the cluster.
   if this component is absent it means that the information is unavailable. 
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: VRU information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
VruClusterInformation ::= SEQUENCE { 
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   clusterId                  Identifier1B OPTIONAL,
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   clusterBoundingBoxShape    Shape (WITH COMPONENTS{..., ellipse ABSENT, radial ABSENT, radialShapes ABSENT}) OPTIONAL,
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   clusterCardinalitySize     CardinalNumber1B,
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   clusterProfiles            VruClusterProfiles OPTIONAL,
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### <a name="VruProfileAndSubprofile"></a>VruProfileAndSubprofile
 This DF indicates the profile of a VRU including sub-profile information
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 It identifies four options corresponding to the four types of VRU profiles specified in ETSI TS 103 300-2 [i.20]:
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* pedestrian [**VruSubProfilePedestrian**](#VruSubProfilePedestrian) <br>
  VRU Profile 1 - Pedestrian.

* bicyclistAndLightVruVehicle [**VruSubProfileBicyclist**](#VruSubProfileBicyclist) <br>
  VRU Profile  2 - Bicyclist.

* motorcylist [**VruSubProfileMotorcyclist**](#VruSubProfileMotorcyclist) <br>
* animal [**VruSubProfileAnimal**](#VruSubProfileAnimal) <br>
  VRU Profile  4 -  Animals.


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: VRU information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
VruProfileAndSubprofile ::= CHOICE {
   pedestrian                     VruSubProfilePedestrian,
   bicyclistAndLightVruVehicle    VruSubProfileBicyclist,
   motorcylist                    VruSubProfileMotorcyclist,
   animal                         VruSubProfileAnimal,

### <a name="Wgs84Angle"></a>Wgs84Angle
 This DF represents an angular component along with a confidence in the WGS84 coordinate system.

 It includes the following components:

* value [**Wgs84AngleValue**](#Wgs84AngleValue) <br>
  the angle value which can be estimated as the mean of the current distribution.

* confidence [**Wgs84AngleConfidence**](#Wgs84AngleConfidence) <br>
  the accuracy associated to the provided value.


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: GeoReference information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
Wgs84Angle ::= SEQUENCE {
    value         Wgs84AngleValue,
    confidence    Wgs84AngleConfidence

### <a name="YawRate"></a>YawRate
 This DF represents a yaw rate of vehicle at a point in time.

 It includes the following components:

* yawRateValue [**YawRateValue**](#YawRateValue) <br>
  yaw rate value at a point in time.

* yawRateConfidence [**YawRateConfidence**](#YawRateConfidence) <br>
  accuracy of reported yaw rate value.


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle Information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
YawRate::= SEQUENCE {
    yawRateValue         YawRateValue,
    yawRateConfidence    YawRateConfidence