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* protectedZoneType [**ProtectedZoneType**](#ProtectedZoneType) <br>
  type of the protected zone. 

* expiryTime [**TimestampIts**](#TimestampIts)  OPTIONAL<br>
  optional time at which the validity of the protected communication zone will expire.

* protectedZoneLatitude [**Latitude**](#Latitude) <br>
  latitude of the centre point of the protected communication zone.

* protectedZoneLongitude [**Longitude**](#Longitude) <br>
  longitude of the centre point of the protected communication zone.

* protectedZoneRadius [**ProtectedZoneRadius**](#ProtectedZoneRadius)  OPTIONAL<br>
  optional radius of the protected communication zone in metres.

* protectedZoneID [**ProtectedZoneID**](#ProtectedZoneID)  OPTIONAL<br>
  the optional ID of the protected communication zone.


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Infrastructure information Communication information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_

NOTE: A protected communication zone may be defined around a CEN DSRC road side equipment.
ProtectedCommunicationZone ::= SEQUENCE {
    protectedZoneType         ProtectedZoneType,
    expiryTime                TimestampIts OPTIONAL,
    protectedZoneLatitude     Latitude,
    protectedZoneLongitude    Longitude,
    protectedZoneRadius       ProtectedZoneRadius OPTIONAL,
    protectedZoneID           ProtectedZoneID OPTIONAL,

### <a name="ProtectedCommunicationZonesRSU"></a>ProtectedCommunicationZonesRSU
 This DF consist of a list of [**ProtectedCommunicationZone**](#ProtectedCommunicationZone) provided by a road side ITS-S (Road Side Unit RSU).

 It may provide up to 16 protected communication zones information.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Infrastructure information Communication information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
ProtectedCommunicationZonesRSU ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..16)) OF ProtectedCommunicationZone

### <a name="PtActivation"></a>PtActivation
 This DF represents activation data for real-time systems designed for operations control, traffic light priorities, track switches, barriers, etc.
 using a range of activation devices equipped in public transport vehicles.

 The activation of the corresponding equipment is triggered by the approach or passage of a public transport
 vehicle at a certain point (e.g. a beacon).

 Today there are different payload variants defined for public transport activation-data. The R09.x is one of
 the industry standard used by public transport vehicles (e.g. buses, trams) in Europe (e.g. Germany Austria)
 for controlling traffic lights, barriers, bollards, etc. This DF includes information like route, course,
 destination, priority, etc.
 The R09.x content is defined in VDV recommendation 420 [i.8]. It includes following information:
 - Priority Request Information (pre-request, request, ready to start)
 - End of Prioritization procedure
 - Priority request direction
 - Public Transport line number
 - Priority of public transport
 - Route line identifier of the public transport
 - Route number identification
 - Destination of public transport vehicle

 Other countries may use different message sets defined by the local administration.

* ptActivationType [**PtActivationType**](#PtActivationType) <br>
  type of activation. 

* ptActivationData [**PtActivationData**](#PtActivationData) <br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
PtActivation ::= SEQUENCE {
    ptActivationType    PtActivationType,
    ptActivationData    PtActivationData

### <a name="RadialShape"></a>RadialShape
 This DF describes a radial shape. The triangular or cone-shaped volume is
 constructed by sweeping the provided range about the reference point  or about the offset
 point (if provided) between a horizontal start and a horizontal end angle in positive angular direction of the WGS84
 coordinate system. A vertical opening angle may be provided in a Cartesian coordinate system with
 the x-axis located in the North-East plane of the WGS84 coordinate system. The sensor height may
 be provided to reflect characteristics of sensors mounted at an altitude (e.g. sensors mounted
 above intersections).

 It includes the following components:

* offsetPoint [**CartesianPosition3d**](#CartesianPosition3d)  OPTIONAL<br>
* range [**StandardLength12b**](#StandardLength12b) <br>
  the radial range of the sensor from the reference point or sensor point offset. 

* stationaryHorizontalOpeningAngleStart [**Wgs84AngleValue**](#Wgs84AngleValue) <br>
  the orientation indicating the beginning of the 
   stationary sensor's horizontal opening angle in positive angular direction with respect to the 
   WGS84 coordinate system.

* stationaryHorizontalOpeningAngleEnd [**Wgs84AngleValue**](#Wgs84AngleValue) <br>
  The orientation indicating the end of the stationary 
   sensor's horizontal opening angle in positive angular direction with respect to the WGS84 coordinate 

* verticalOpeningAngleStart [**CartesianAngleValue**](#CartesianAngleValue)  OPTIONAL<br>
  optional orientation indicating the beginning of the stationary sensor's 
   vertical opening angle in positive angular direction of a Cartesian coordinate system with its x-axis 
     located in the north-east plane of the WGS84 coordinate system.

* verticalOpeningAngleEnd [**CartesianAngleValue**](#CartesianAngleValue)  OPTIONAL<br>
  optional orientation indicating the end of the stationary sensor's 
   vertical opening angle in positive angular direction of a Cartesian coordinate system with its x-axis 
   located in the north-east plane of the WGS84 coordinate system using the DE CartesianAngleValue. 


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Sensing information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _created in V2.1.1_
RadialShape ::= SEQUENCE { 
    offsetPoint                              CartesianPosition3d OPTIONAL,
    range                                    StandardLength12b,
    stationaryHorizontalOpeningAngleStart    Wgs84AngleValue, 
    stationaryHorizontalOpeningAngleEnd      Wgs84AngleValue, 
    verticalOpeningAngleStart                CartesianAngleValue OPTIONAL,
    verticalOpeningAngleEnd                  CartesianAngleValue OPTIONAL,

### <a name="RadialShapes"></a>RadialShapes
 This DF describes a list of radial shapes. 

 It includes the following components:

* refPointId [**Identifier1B**](#Identifier1B) <br>
  the identification of the reference point in case of a sensor mounted to trailer. Defaults to ITS ReferencePoint (0).

* xCoordinate [**CartesianCoordinateSmall**](#CartesianCoordinateSmall) <br>
  the x-coordinate of the offset point.

* yCoordinate [**CartesianCoordinateSmall**](#CartesianCoordinateSmall) <br>
  the y-coordinate of the offset point.

    -- tbd: is this along the positive or the negative x axis?
* zCoordinate [**CartesianCoordinateSmall**](#CartesianCoordinateSmall)  OPTIONAL<br>
  the optional z-coordinate of the offset point.

* radialShapesList [**RadialShapesList**](#RadialShapesList) <br>
  the list of radial shape details.


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Georeference information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _created in V2.1.1_
RadialShapes ::= SEQUENCE {
    refPointId          Identifier1B,
    xCoordinate         CartesianCoordinateSmall, 
    yCoordinate         CartesianCoordinateSmall,
    zCoordinate         CartesianCoordinateSmall OPTIONAL,
    radialShapesList    RadialShapesList,

### <a name="RadialShapesList"></a>RadialShapesList
 The DF contains a list of [**RadialShapeDetails**](#RadialShapeDetails).

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Georeference information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _created in V2.1.1_
RadialShapesList ::= SEQUENCE SIZE(1..16,...) OF RadialShapeDetails

### <a name="RadialShapeDetails"></a>RadialShapeDetails
 This DF describes a radial shape details. The triangular or cone-shaped volume is
 constructed by sweeping the provided range about the reference point  or about the offset
 point (if provided) between a horizontal start and a horizontal end angle in positive angular direction of the WGS84
 coordinate system. A vertical opening angle may be provided in a Cartesian coordinate system with
 the x-axis located in the North-East plane of the WGS84 coordinate system. The sensor height may
 be provided to reflect characteristics of sensors mounted at an altitude (e.g. sensors mounted
 above intersections).

 It includes the following components:

* range [**StandardLength12b**](#StandardLength12b) <br>
  the radial range of the sensor from the reference point or sensor point offset. 

* horizontalOpeningAngleStart [**CartesianAngleValue**](#CartesianAngleValue) <br>
* horizontalOpeningAngleEnd [**CartesianAngleValue**](#CartesianAngleValue) <br>
* verticalOpeningAngleStart [**CartesianAngleValue**](#CartesianAngleValue)  OPTIONAL<br>
  optional orientation indicating the beginning of the stationary sensor's 
   vertical opening angle in positive angular direction of a Cartesian coordinate system with its x-axis 
     located in the north-east plane of the WGS84 coordinate system.

* verticalOpeningAngleEnd [**CartesianAngleValue**](#CartesianAngleValue)  OPTIONAL<br>
  optional orientation indicating the end of the stationary sensor's 
   vertical opening angle in positive angular direction of a Cartesian coordinate system with its x-axis 
   located in the north-east plane of the WGS84 coordinate system. 


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Georeference information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _created in V2.1.1_
RadialShapeDetails ::= SEQUENCE {
    range                          StandardLength12b,
    horizontalOpeningAngleStart    CartesianAngleValue,
    horizontalOpeningAngleEnd      CartesianAngleValue,
    verticalOpeningAngleStart      CartesianAngleValue OPTIONAL,
    verticalOpeningAngleEnd        CartesianAngleValue OPTIONAL,

### <a name="RectangularShape"></a>RectangularShape
 This DF represents the shape of a rectangular area or a right rectangular prism that is centred on a reference position defined outside of the context of this DF. 

 It includes the following components:

* centerPoint [**CartesianPosition3d**](#CartesianPosition3d)  OPTIONAL<br>
  represents an optional offset point which the rectangle is centred on with respect to the reference position.

* semiLength [**StandardLength12b**](#StandardLength12b) <br>
  represents half the length of the rectangle.

* semiBreadth [**StandardLength12b**](#StandardLength12b) <br>
  represents half the breadth of the rectangle.

* orientation [**Wgs84AngleValue**](#Wgs84AngleValue)  OPTIONAL<br>
  represents the optional orientation of the lenght of the rectangle in the WGS84 coordinate system.

* height [**StandardLength12b**](#StandardLength12b)  OPTIONAL<br>
  represents the optional height, present if the shape is a right rectangular prism with height extending in the positive z-axis.


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: GeoReference information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _created in V2.1.1_
RectangularShape ::= SEQUENCE { 
    centerPoint    CartesianPosition3d OPTIONAL,
    semiLength     StandardLength12b,
    semiBreadth    StandardLength12b,
    orientation    Wgs84AngleValue OPTIONAL,
    height         StandardLength12b OPTIONAL 

### <a name="ReferencePosition"></a>ReferencePosition
 A position within a geographic coordinate system together with a confidence indication. 

 It includes the following components:

* latitude [**Latitude**](#Latitude) <br>
  the latitude of the geographical point.

* longitude [**Longitude**](#Longitude) <br>
  the longitude of the geographical point.

* positionConfidenceEllipse [**PosConfidenceEllipse**](#PosConfidenceEllipse) <br>
  the accuracy of the geographical position.

* altitude [**Altitude**](#Altitude) <br>
  the altitude and an altitude accuracy of the geographical point.


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: GeoReference information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _description updated in V2.1.1_
ReferencePosition ::= SEQUENCE {
    latitude                     Latitude,
    longitude                    Longitude,
    positionConfidenceEllipse    PosConfidenceEllipse,
    altitude                     Altitude

### <a name="RestrictedTypes"></a>RestrictedTypes
 This DF consist of a list of [**StationType**](#StationType). to which a certain traffic restriction, e.g. the speed limit, applies.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Infrastructure information Traffic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
RestrictedTypes ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..3, ...)) OF StationType

### <a name="RoadSegmentReferenceId"></a>RoadSegmentReferenceId
 This DF represents a unique id for a road segment

 It includes the following components:

* region [**Identifier2B**](#Identifier2B)  OPTIONAL<br>
  the optional identifier of the entity that is responsible for the region in which the road segment is placed.
   It is the duty of that entity to guarantee that the [**Id**](#Id) is unique within the region.

* id [**Identifier2B**](#Identifier2B) <br>
  the identifier of the road segment


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: GeoReference information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _created in V2.1.1_

NOTE: when the RoadRegulatorID is present, the RoadSegmentReferenceID is guaranteed to be globally unique.
RoadSegmentReferenceId ::= SEQUENCE {
    region    Identifier2B OPTIONAL,
    id        Identifier2B

### <a name="SafeDistanceIndication"></a>SafeDistanceIndication
 This DF provides the safe distance indication of a traffic participant with other traffic participant(s).

 It includes the following components:

* subjectStation [**StationID**](#StationID)  OPTIONAL<br>
  optionally indicates one "other" traffic participant identified by its ITS-S.

* safeDistanceIndicator [**SafeDistanceIndicator**](#SafeDistanceIndicator) <br>
  indicates whether the distance between the ego ITS-S and the traffic participant(s) is safe.
   If subjectStation is present than it indicates whether the distance between the ego ITS-S and the traffic participant inidcated in the component subjectStation is safe. 

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* timeToCollision [**DeltaTimeTenthOfSecond**](#DeltaTimeTenthOfSecond)  OPTIONAL<br>
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  optionally indicated the time-to-collision calculated as sqrt(LaDi<sup>2</sup> + LoDi<sup>2</sup> + VDi<sup>2</sup>)/relative speed 
   and represented in  the  nearest 100  ms. This component may be present only if subjectStation is present. 


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Traffic information Kinematics information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _created in V2.1.1_
SafeDistanceIndication ::= SEQUENCE {
    subjectStation           StationID OPTIONAL,
    safeDistanceIndicator    SafeDistanceIndicator,
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    timeToCollision          DeltaTimeTenthOfSecond OPTIONAL,
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### <a name="SequenceOfCartesianPosition3d"></a>SequenceOfCartesianPosition3d
 This DF represents a list of  maximum `16` [**CartesianPosition3d**](#CartesianPosition3d).

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: GeoReference information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _created in V2.1.1_
SequenceOfCartesianPosition3d ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..16, ...)) OF CartesianPosition3d

### <a name="SequenceOfIdentifier1B"></a>SequenceOfIdentifier1B
 The DF contains a list of identifiers.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Basic information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _created in V2.1.1_
SequenceOfIdentifier1B ::= SEQUENCE SIZE(1..128, ...) OF Identifier1B

### <a name="SequenceOfSafeDistanceIndication"></a>SequenceOfSafeDistanceIndication
 The DF contains a list of DF  SafeDistanceIndication.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Traffic information Kinematics information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _created in V2.1.1_
SequenceOfSafeDistanceIndication ::= SEQUENCE(SIZE(1..9,...)) OF SafeDistanceIndication

### <a name="SequenceOfTrajectoryInterceptionIndication"></a>SequenceOfTrajectoryInterceptionIndication
 The DF contains a list of DF  TrajectoryInterceptionIndication.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Traffic information Kinematics information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _created in V2.1.1_
SequenceOfTrajectoryInterceptionIndication ::=  SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..9,...)) OF TrajectoryInterceptionIndication

### <a name="Shape"></a>Shape
 This DF provides the definition of a geographical area or volume, based on different options.

 It includes the following components:

* rectangle [**RectangularShape**](#RectangularShape) <br>
  definition of an rectangular area or a right rectangular prism (with a rectangular base) also called a cuboid, or informally a rectangular box.

* circle [**CircularShape**](#CircularShape) <br>
  definition of an area of circular shape or a right circular cylinder.

* polygon [**PolygonalShape**](#PolygonalShape) <br>
  definition of an area of polygonal shape or a right prism.

* ellipse [**EllipticalShape**](#EllipticalShape) <br>
  definition of an area of elliptical shape or a right elliptical cylinder.

* radial [**RadialShape**](#RadialShape) <br>
  definition of a radial shape.

* radialShapes [**RadialShapes**](#RadialShapes) <br>
  definition of list of radial shapes.


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: GeoReference information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
Shape::= CHOICE {
   rectangle       RectangularShape,
   circle          CircularShape, 
   polygon         PolygonalShape,
   ellipse         EllipticalShape,
   radial          RadialShape,
   radialShapes    RadialShapes,

### <a name="Speed"></a>Speed
 This DF describes the speed and corresponding accuracy of the speed information for a moving object (e.g. vehicle).

 It includes the following components:

* speedValue [**SpeedValue**](#SpeedValue) <br>
  the speed value.

* speedConfidence [**SpeedConfidence**](#SpeedConfidence) <br>
  the accuracy of the reported speed value.


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Kinematics information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
Speed ::= SEQUENCE {
    speedValue         SpeedValue,
    speedConfidence    SpeedConfidence

### <a name="SpeedExtended"></a>SpeedExtended
 This DF describes the extended speed and corresponding accuracy of the speed information for a moving object (e.g. vehicle).

 It includes the following components:

* speedValue [**SpeedValueExtended**](#SpeedValueExtended) <br>
  the extended speed value.

* speedConfidence [**SpeedConfidence**](#SpeedConfidence) <br>
  the accuracy of the reported speed value.


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Kinematics information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V2.1.1_
SpeedExtended ::= SEQUENCE {
    speedValue         SpeedValueExtended,
    speedConfidence    SpeedConfidence

### <a name="StabilityChangeIndication"></a>StabilityChangeIndication
 This DF  provides the  indication of  change in stability.

 It includes the following components:

* lossProbability [**StabilityLossProbability**](#StabilityLossProbability) <br>
  the probability of stability loss. 

* actionDeltaTime [**DeltaTimeTenthOfSecond**](#DeltaTimeTenthOfSecond) <br>
  accuracy of the reported speed value.


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Kinematics information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V2.1.1_
StabilityChangeIndication ::= SEQUENCE {
    lossProbability     StabilityLossProbability,
    actionDeltaTime     DeltaTimeTenthOfSecond,

### <a name="SteeringWheelAngle"></a>SteeringWheelAngle
 This DF represents the steering wheel angle of the vehicle at certain point in time.

 It includes the following components:

* steeringWheelAngleValue [**SteeringWheelAngleValue**](#SteeringWheelAngleValue) <br>
  steering wheel angle value.

* steeringWheelAngleConfidence [**SteeringWheelAngleConfidence**](#SteeringWheelAngleConfidence) <br>
  accuracy of the reported steering wheel angle value.


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
SteeringWheelAngle ::= SEQUENCE {
    steeringWheelAngleValue         SteeringWheelAngleValue,
    steeringWheelAngleConfidence    SteeringWheelAngleConfidence

### <a name="Traces"></a>Traces
 This DF represents one or more paths using [**PathHistory**](#PathHistory).

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: GeoReference information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Description revised in V2.1.1. Is is now based on Path and not on PathHistory_
Traces ::= SEQUENCE SIZE(1..7) OF Path

### <a name="TrafficIslandPosition"></a>TrafficIslandPosition
 Ths DF represents the a position on a traffic island between two lanes. 

 It includes the following components:

* oneSide [**LanePositionAndType**](#LanePositionAndType) <br>
  represents one lane.

* otherSide [**LanePositionAndType**](#LanePositionAndType) <br>
  represents the other lane.


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Road Topology information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
TrafficIslandPosition ::= SEQUENCE {
    oneSide      LanePositionAndType,
    otherSide    LanePositionAndType,

### <a name="TrailerData"></a>TrailerData
 This DF provides detailed information about an attached trailer.

 It includes the following components:

* refPointId [**Identifier1B**](#Identifier1B) <br>
  identifier of the reference point of the trailer.

* hitchPointOffset [**StandardLength1B**](#StandardLength1B) <br>
  optional position of the hitch point in negative x-direction (according to ISO 8855) from the
   vehicle Reference Point.

* frontOverhang [**StandardLength1B**](#StandardLength1B) <br>
  Length of the trailer overhang in the positive x direction (according to ISO 8855) from the
   trailer Reference Point indicated by the refPointID. The value defaults to 0 in case the trailer
   is not overhanging to the front with respect to the trailer reference point.

    -- tbd is the value unavailable needed?
* rearOverhang [**StandardLength1B**](#StandardLength1B) <br>
  Length of the trailer overhang in the negative x direction (according to ISO 8855) from the
   trailer Reference Point indicated by the refPointID.

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* trailerWidth [**VehicleWidth**](#VehicleWidth) <br>
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  optional width of the trailer.

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* hitchAngle [**CartesianAngle**](#CartesianAngle) <br>
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  optional Value and confidence of the angle between the trailer orientation (corresponding to the x
   direction of the ISO 8855 [i.2] coordinate system centered on the trailer) and the direction of
   the segment having as end points the reference point of the trailer and the reference point of
   the pulling vehicle, which can be another trailer or a vehicle looking on the horizontal plane
   xy, described in the local Cartesian coordinate system of the preceding reference point. The
   angle is measured with negative values considering the trailer orientation turning clockwise
   starting from the segment direction. The angle value accuracy is provided with the
   confidence level of 95 %.

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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
TrailerData ::= SEQUENCE { 
    refPointId          Identifier1B,
    hitchPointOffset    StandardLength1B, 
    frontOverhang       StandardLength1B, 
    rearOverhang        StandardLength1B, 
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    trailerWidth        VehicleWidth,
    hitchAngle          CartesianAngle,
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### <a name="TrajectoryInterceptionIndication"></a>TrajectoryInterceptionIndication
 This DF  provides the trajectory  interception  indication  of  ego-VRU  ITS-S  with another ITS-Ss. 

 It includes the following components:

* subjectStation [**StationID**](#StationID)  OPTIONAL<br>
  indicates the subject station.

* trajectoryInterceptionProbability [**TrajectoryInterceptionProbability**](#TrajectoryInterceptionProbability) <br>
  indicates the propbability of the interception of the subject station trajectory 
   with the trajectory of the station indicated in the component subjectStation.

* trajectoryInterceptionConfidence [**TrajectoryInterceptionConfidence**](#TrajectoryInterceptionConfidence)  OPTIONAL<br>
  indicates the confidence of interception of the subject station trajectory 
   with the trajectory of the station indicated in the component subjectStation.


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
TrajectoryInterceptionIndication  ::= SEQUENCE {
        subjectStation                       StationID OPTIONAL, 
        trajectoryInterceptionProbability    TrajectoryInterceptionProbability,
        trajectoryInterceptionConfidence     TrajectoryInterceptionConfidence OPTIONAL,

### <a name="VarLengthNumber"></a>VarLengthNumber
 This DF together with its sub DFs Ext1, Ext2 and the DE Ext3 provides the custom (i.e. not ASN.1 standard) definition of an integer with variable lenght, that can be used for example to encode the ITS-AID. 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
	content	    [0] INTEGER(0..127), 
	extension	[1]	Ext1
	content	    [0]	INTEGER(128..16511), 
	extension	[1]	Ext2
	content	    [0]	INTEGER(16512..2113663), 
	extension	[1]	Ext3
Ext3::= INTEGER(2113664..270549119,...) 

### <a name="VerticalAcceleration"></a>VerticalAcceleration
 This DF indicates the vehicle acceleration at vertical direction and the accuracy of the vertical acceleration.

 It includes the following components:

* verticalAccelerationValue [**VerticalAccelerationValue**](#VerticalAccelerationValue) <br>
  vertical acceleration value at a point in time.

* verticalAccelerationConfidence [**AccelerationConfidence**](#AccelerationConfidence) <br>
  accuracy of the reported vertical acceleration value with a predefined confidence level.


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_

NOTE: this DF is kept forbackwards compatibility reasons only. It is recommended to use [**Acceleration1d**](#Acceleration1d) instead
VerticalAcceleration ::= SEQUENCE {
    verticalAccelerationValue         VerticalAccelerationValue,
    verticalAccelerationConfidence    AccelerationConfidence

### <a name="VehicleIdentification"></a>VehicleIdentification
 This DF provides information related to the identification of a vehicle.

 It includes the following components:

* wMInumber [**WMInumber**](#WMInumber)  OPTIONAL<br>
  World Manufacturer Identifier (WMI) code.

* vDS [**VDS**](#VDS)  OPTIONAL<br>
  Vehicle Descriptor Section (VDS). 


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
VehicleIdentification ::= SEQUENCE {
    wMInumber    WMInumber OPTIONAL,
    vDS          VDS OPTIONAL,

### <a name="VehicleLength"></a>VehicleLength
 This DF represents the length of vehicle and accuracy indication information.

 It includes the following components:

* vehicleLengthValue [**VehicleLengthValue**](#VehicleLengthValue) <br>
  length of vehicle. 

* vehicleLengthConfidenceIndication [**VehicleLengthConfidenceIndication**](#VehicleLengthConfidenceIndication) <br>
  indication of reported length value confidence.


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_
VehicleLength ::= SEQUENCE {
    vehicleLengthValue                   VehicleLengthValue,
    vehicleLengthConfidenceIndication    VehicleLengthConfidenceIndication

### <a name="VruClusterInformation"></a>VruClusterInformation
 This DF provides information about a VRU cluster.

 It includes the following components:

* clusterId [**ClusterId**](#ClusterId)  OPTIONAL<br>
  optional identifier of a VRU cluster .

* clusterBoundingBoxShape [**Shape**](#Shape)  (WITH COMPONENTS{..., ellipse ABSENT, radial ABSENT, radialShapes ABSENT}) OPTIONAL<br>
  optionally indicates the shape of the cluster bounding box.

* clusterCardinalitySize [**ClusterCardinalitySize**](#ClusterCardinalitySize) <br>
  indicates an estimation of the number of VRUs in the group.

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* clusterProfiles [**VruClusterProfiles**](#VruClusterProfiles)  OPTIONAL<br>
  optionally identifies all the VRU profile types that are believed to be within the cluster.
   if this component is absent it means that the information is unavailable. 
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: VRU information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
VruClusterInformation ::= SEQUENCE { 
   clusterId                  ClusterId OPTIONAL,
   clusterBoundingBoxShape    Shape (WITH COMPONENTS{..., ellipse ABSENT, radial ABSENT, radialShapes ABSENT}) OPTIONAL,
   clusterCardinalitySize     ClusterCardinalitySize,
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   clusterProfiles            VruClusterProfiles OPTIONAL,
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### <a name="VruProfileAndSubprofile"></a>VruProfileAndSubprofile
 This DF indicates the profile of a VRU including sub-profile information
 It identifies four options corresponding to the four types of VRU profiles specified in ETSI TS 103 300-2 [i.22]:

* pedestrian [**VruSubProfilePedestrian**](#VruSubProfilePedestrian) <br>
  VRU Profile 1 - Pedestrian.

* bicyclistAndLightVruVehicle [**VruSubProfileBicyclist**](#VruSubProfileBicyclist) <br>
  VRU Profile  2 - Bicyclist.

* motorcylist [**VruSubProfileMotorcyclist**](#VruSubProfileMotorcyclist) <br>
* animal [**VruSubProfileAnimal**](#VruSubProfileAnimal) <br>
  VRU Profile  4 -  Animals.


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: VRU information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
VruProfileAndSubprofile ::= CHOICE {
   pedestrian                     VruSubProfilePedestrian,
   bicyclistAndLightVruVehicle    VruSubProfileBicyclist,
   motorcylist                    VruSubProfileMotorcyclist,
   animal                         VruSubProfileAnimal,

### <a name="Wgs84Angle"></a>Wgs84Angle
 This DF represents an angular component along with a confidence in the WGS84 coordinate system.

 It includes the following components:

* value [**Wgs84AngleValue**](#Wgs84AngleValue) <br>
  the angle value which can be estimated as the mean of the current distribution.

* confidence [**Wgs84AngleConfidence**](#Wgs84AngleConfidence) <br>
  the accuracy associated to the provided value.


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: GeoReference information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _Created in V2.1.1_
Wgs84Angle ::= SEQUENCE {
    value         Wgs84AngleValue,
    confidence    Wgs84AngleConfidence

### <a name="YawRate"></a>YawRate
 This DF represents a yaw rate of vehicle at a point in time.

 It includes the following components:

* yawRateValue [**YawRateValue**](#YawRateValue) <br>
  yaw rate value at a point in time.

* yawRateConfidence [**YawRateConfidence**](#YawRateConfidence) <br>
  accuracy of reported yaw rate value.


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories**: Vehicle Information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision**: _V1.3.1_