ItsDenm_TestCases.ttcn 83.1 KB
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        testcase TC_DEN_KAFW_BV_10() runs on ItsDenm system ItsDenmSystem {
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        } // end TC_DEN_KAFW_BV_10
         * @desc    Check that forwarding ITS-S does not forward DENM is transmissionInterval is not present
         * <pre>
         * PICS Selection: PICS_KAF 
         * Initial conditions:
         *  with {
         *      the IUT being in the "initial state"
         *  }
         * Expected behaviour:
         *  ensure that {
         *      when {
         *          the IUT receives a DENM
         *          	containing actionID
         *          		indicating ACTION_ID1
         *          	and not containing transmissionInterval
         *      }
         *      then {
         *          the IUT does not reconstruct and send the DENM associated with ACTION_ID1
         *      }
         *  }
         * </pre>
         * @see     ETSI TS 102 869-2 v1.4.1 TP/DEN/KAFW/BV-10, ETSI EN 302 637-3, clause 8.2.2
        testcase TC_DEN_KAFW_BV_11() runs on ItsDenm system ItsDenmSystem {

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    } // end denKeepAliveForwarding
} // end ItsDenm_TestCases