ItsSecurity_TestCases.ttcn 1.46 MB
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                                        mw_signerIdentifier_certificate // containing certificate
                    ))) {
                        log("*** " & testcasename() & ": INFO: Initial conditions: First CAM message with certificate received ***");
                        // Send secured message from unknown ITS-S
                        f_sendSecuredCam(cc_taCert_B, valueof(m_headerInfo_cam(-, f_computeGnTimestamp())), valueof(m_signerIdentifier_digest));
                        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictPreamble(c_prDone, e_success);
                    [] tc_ac.timeout {
                        log("*** " & testcasename() & ": INCONC: Initial conditions: CAM message with certificate not received ***");
                        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictPreamble("error", e_timeout);
                // Test Body
                alt {
                    [] geoNetworkingPort.receive(
                                        mw_signerIdentifier_certificate // containing certificate
                    ))) {
                        log("*** " & testcasename() & ": PASS: Generation of CAM messages including certificate was successful ***");
                        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_success);
                    [] geoNetworkingPort.receive(
                    ))) {
                    [] t_maxTransInterval.timeout {
                        log("*** " & testcasename() & ": FAIL: CAM was transmited w/o unrecognized request header ***"); 
                        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_error);
                    [] tc_ac.timeout {
                        log("*** " & testcasename() & ": INCONC: Expected CAM not received ***");
                        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_timeout);
                } // End of 'alt' statement
                // Postamble
            } // End of testcase TC_SEC_ITSS_SND_CAM_08_BV
//            /**
//             * @desc    Check that IUT restart the certificate sending timer when the certificate has been sent
//             * <pre>
//             * Pics Selection: PICS_GN_SECURITY
//             * Config Id: CF01
//             * Initial conditions:
//             *  with {
//             *      the IUT being in the 'authorized' state
//             *      and the IUT is configured to send more then one CAM per second
//             *      and the IUT having already sent CAM at TIME_1
//             *          containing header_fields['signer_info'].signer.type
//             *              indicating 'certificate'
//             *      and the IUT having received a CAM at TIME_2 (TIME_1 +0.3sec)
//             *          containing header_fields['request_unrecognized_certificate']
//             *              containing digests
//             *                  containing HashedId3 value
//             *                      referencing to the the IUT certificate
//             *      and the IUT having sent CAM at TIME_3 (TIME_3 > TIME_2)
//             *          containing header_fields['signer_info'].signer.type
//             *              indicating 'certificate'
//             *  }
//             *  ensure that {
//             *      when {
//             *          the IUT is sending the next CAM at TIME_4
//             *              containing header_fields['signer_info'].signer.type
//             *                  indicating 'certificate'
//             *      } then {
//             *          the difference between TIME_4 and TIME_3 is about of 1sec
//             *      }
//             *  }
//             * </pre>
//             *
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
//             * @see          ETSI TS 103 096-2 v1.3.2 TP_SEC_ITSS_SND_CAM_07_01_TI
//             * @reference    ETSI TS 103 097 [1], clause 7.1
//             */
//            testcase TC_SEC_ITSS_SND_CAM_07_01_TI() runs on ItsGeoNetworking system ItsSecSystem {
//                // Local variables
//                const float c_certificateGenerationTime := 1.0;
//                timer t_maxTransInterval := c_certificateGenerationTime * 0.9;
//                var GeoNetworkingInd v_geoNwInd;
//                var SignerInfo v_signerInfo;
//                var ItsCam v_component;
//                var boolean v_firstCertReceived := false;
//                // Test control
//                if (not(PICS_GN_SECURITY)) {
//                    log("*** " & testcasename() & ": ERROR: 'PICS_GN_SECURITY' required for executing the TC ***");
//                    stop;
//                }
//                // Test component configuration
//                f_cf01Up();
//                // Test adapter configuration
//                // Preamble
//                f_prNeighbour();
//                v_component := f_setCamFrequencyGreatherThan1Hz();
//                tc_ac.start;
//                alt {
//                    [v_firstCertReceived == false] geoNetworkingPort.receive(
//                                                    mw_geoNwInd(
//                                                        mw_geoNwSecPdu(
//                                                            mw_ieee1609Dot2Data_CAMs(
//                                                                mw_header_info_signer_info_certificate
//                    )))) -> value v_geoNwInd {
//                        log("*** " & testcasename() & ": INFO: Initial conditions: The first CAM with certificate is received ***");
//                        v_firstCertReceived := true;
//                        f_sleep(0.3);
//                        // Send secured message with request for unrecognized certificate
//                        f_getMsgSignerInfo(f_getSecuredMessage(v_geoNwInd.msgIn), v_signerInfo);
//                        f_sendSecuredCam(
//                            cc_taCert_F,
//                            {
//                                m_header_info_unrecognised_certificate(
//                                    f_HashedId3FromHashedId8(
//                                       f_calculateDigestFromCertificate(
//                                           v_signerInfo.signerInfo.certificate
//                                       )
//                                    )
//                                )
//                            },
//                            e_certificate_digest_with_sha256
//                        );
//                        repeat;
//                    }
//                    [v_firstCertReceived == true] geoNetworkingPort.receive(
//                                                    mw_geoNwInd(
//                                                        mw_geoNwSecPdu(
//                                                            mw_ieee1609Dot2Data_CAMs(
//                                                                mw_header_info_signer_info_certificate
//                    )))) {
//                        tc_ac.stop;
//                        // start a timeout of one second to check
//                        // that the next cert will be received after this timeout
//                        t_maxTransInterval.start;
//                        log("*** " & testcasename() & ": INFO: Initial conditions: The requested CAM with certificate is received ***");
//                        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictPreamble(c_prDone, e_success);
//                    }
//                    [] tc_ac.timeout {
//                        log("*** " & testcasename() & ": INCONC: Initial conditions: CAM message with certificate not received ***");
//                        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictPreamble("error", e_timeout);
//                    }
//                } // End of 'alt' statement
//                // Test Body
//                tc_ac.start;
//                alt {
//                    [] geoNetworkingPort.receive(
//                        mw_geoNwInd(
//                            mw_geoNwSecPdu(
//                                mw_ieee1609Dot2Data_CAMs(
//                                    mw_header_info_signer_info_certificate
//                    )))) {
//                        tc_ac.stop;
//                        t_maxTransInterval.stop;
//                        log("*** " & testcasename() & ": FAIL: CAM certificate inclusion time wasn't restarted ***");
//                        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_error);
//                    }
//                    [] geoNetworkingPort.receive(
//                        mw_geoNwInd(
//                            mw_geoNwSecPdu(
//                                mw_ieee1609Dot2Data_CAMs
//                    ))) {
//                        log("*** " & testcasename() & ": INFO: CAM retransmission w/o certificate ***"); 
//                        repeat;
//                    }
//                    [] t_maxTransInterval.timeout {
//                        tc_ac.stop;
//                        log("*** " & testcasename() & ": PASS: The CAM certificate inclusion timer has been restarted ***");
//                        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_success);
//                    }
//                    [] tc_ac.timeout {
//                        log("*** " & testcasename() & ": INCONC: Expected CAM not received ***");
//                        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_timeout);
//                    }
//                } // End of 'alt' statement
//                // Postamble
//                f_terminateCam(v_component);
//                f_poNeighbour();
//                f_cf01Down();
//            } // End of testcase TC_SEC_ITSS_SND_CAM_07_01_TI
//            /**
//             * @desc    Check that the IUT sends the Secured CAM containing the signer_info of type certificate 
//             *          when it received a CAM containing a request of unrecognized certificate that matches 
//             *          with the currently used AT certificate ID of the IUT 
//             * <pre>
//             * Pics Selection: PICS_GN_SECURITY
//             * Config Id: CF01
//             * Initial conditions:
//             *  with {
//             *      the IUT being in the 'authorized' state
//             *      and the IUT is configured to send more than one CAM per second
//             *      and the IUT having already sent CAM at TIME_1
//             *          containing header_fields['signer_info'].signer.type
//             *              indicating 'certificate' 
//             *      and the IUT having received a Ieee1609Dot2Data at TIME_2 (TIME_1 < TIME_2 < TIME_1 + 1sec)
//             *          containing header_fields['request_unrecognized_certificate']
//             *              containing digests {
//             *                  containing HashedId3 value
//             *                      referencing to the AT certificate
//             *                  and not containing HashedId3 value
//             *                      referencing to the AA certificate
//             *              }
//             *  }
//             *  ensure that {
//             *      when {
//             *          the IUT is requested to send a CAM at TIME_3 (TIME_1 < TIME_2 < TIME_3 < TIME_1 + 1sec)
//             *      } then {
//             *          the IUT sends a Ieee1609Dot2Data
//             *              containing header_fields['signer_info']
//             *                  containing signer
//             *                      containing type
//             *                          indicating 'certificate'
//             *                      containing certificate
//             *                          referenced by the requested digest 
//             *      }
//             *  }
//             * </pre>
//             *
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
//             * @see          ETSI TS 103 096-2 v1.3.2 TP_SEC_ITSS_SND_CAM_08_01_BV
//             * @reference    ETSI TS 103 097 [1], clause 7.1
//             */
//            testcase TC_SEC_ITSS_SND_CAM_08_01_BV() runs on ItsGeoNetworking system ItsSecSystem {
//                // Local variables
//                const float c_certificateGenerationTime := 1.0;
//                timer t_maxTransInterval := c_certificateGenerationTime * 0.9;
//                var GeoNetworkingInd v_geoNwInd;
//                var ItsCam v_component;
//                var SignerInfo v_si;
//                // Test control
//                if (not(PICS_GN_SECURITY)) {
//                    log("*** " & testcasename() & ": ERROR: 'PICS_GN_SECURITY' required for executing the TC ***");
//                    stop;
//                }
//                // Test component configuration
//                f_cf01Up();
//                // Test adapter configuration
//                // Preamble
//                f_prNeighbour();
//                geoNetworkingPort.clear;
//                v_component := f_setCamFrequencyGreatherThan1Hz();
//                tc_ac.start;
//                alt {
//                    [] geoNetworkingPort.receive(
//                        mw_geoNwInd(
//                            mw_geoNwSecPdu(
//                                mw_ieee1609Dot2Data_CAMs(
//                                    mw_header_info_signer_info_certificate
//                    )))) -> value v_geoNwInd {
//                        tc_ac.stop;
//                        t_maxTransInterval.start;
//                        f_getMsgSignerInfo(f_getSecuredMessage(v_geoNwInd.msgIn),v_si);
//                        log("*** " & testcasename() & ": INFO: Initial conditions: First CAM message with certificate received ***");
//                        // Send secured message with request for unrecognized certificate
//                        f_sendSecuredCam(
//                            cc_taCert_A,
//                            {
//                                m_header_info_unrecognised_certificate(                // containing digests
//                                    f_HashedId3FromHashedId8(                           // containing HashedId3 value
//                                        f_calculateDigestFromCertificate(
//                                            v_si.signerInfo.certificate                 //     referencing to the AT certificate
//                                        )
//                                    )    
//                                                                                        // and not containing HashedId3 value referencing to the AA certificate
//                                )
//                            },
//                            e_certificate
//                        );
//                        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictPreamble(c_prDone, e_success);
//                    }
//                    [] tc_ac.timeout {
//                        log("*** " & testcasename() & ": INCONC: Initial conditions: CAM message with certificate not received ***");
//                        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictPreamble("error", e_timeout);
//                    }
//                } // End of 'alt' statement
//                // Test Body
//                tc_ac.start;
//                alt {
//                    [] geoNetworkingPort.receive(
//                        mw_geoNwInd(
//                            mw_geoNwSecPdu(
//                                mw_ieee1609Dot2Data_CAMs(
//                                    mw_header_info_signer_info_certificate(
//                                        v_si.signerInfo.certificate
//                                    )
//                    )))) {
//                        tc_ac.stop; 
//                        t_maxTransInterval.stop;
//                        log("*** " & testcasename() & ": PASS: Generation of CAM messages including certificate was successful ***");
//                        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_success); 
//                    }
//                    [] geoNetworkingPort.receive(
//                        mw_geoNwInd(
//                            mw_geoNwSecPdu(
//                                mw_ieee1609Dot2Data_CAMs
//                    ))) {
//                        log("*** " & testcasename() & ": INFO: CAM retransmission w/o certificate ***"); 
//                        repeat;
//                    }
//                    [] t_maxTransInterval.timeout {
//                        tc_ac.stop; 
//                        log("*** " & testcasename() & ": FAIL: Requested certificate was not received ***");
//                        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_error);
//                    }
//                    [] tc_ac.timeout {
//                        log("*** " & testcasename() & ": INCONC: Expected CAM not received ***");
//                        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_timeout);
//                    }
//                } // End of 'alt' statement
//                // Postamble
//                f_terminateCam(v_component);
//                f_poNeighbour();
//                f_cf01Down();
//            } // End of testcase TC_SEC_ITSS_SND_CAM_08_01_BV
//            /**
//             * @desc    Check that the sent secured CAM contains the signer_info of type certificate_chain 
//             *          when the ITS-S has received a CAM containing a request of unrecognized certificate that matches 
//             *          with the AA certificate ID that issued its currently used AT certificate ID of the IUT
//             * <pre>
//             * Pics Selection: PICS_GN_SECURITY
//             * Config Id: CF01
//             * Initial conditions:
//             *  with {
//             *      the IUT being in the 'authorized' state
//             *      and the IUT is configured to send more than one CAM per second
//             *      and the IUT having already sent a CAM
//             *          containing header_fields['signer_info'].signer.type
//             *              indicating 'certificate'
//             *          at TIME_1
//             *      and the IUT having received a Ieee1609Dot2Data
//             *          containing header_fields['request_unrecognized_certificate'] {
//             *              containing digests {
//             *                  containing HashedId3 value
//             *                      referencing to the AA certificate
//             *              }
//             *          }
//             *          at TIME_2 (TIME_1 < TIME_2 < TIME_1+ 1sec)
//             *  }
//             *  ensure that {
//             *      when {
//             *          the IUT is requested to send a CAM
//             *              at TIME_3 (TIME_1 < TIME_2 < TIME_3 < TIME_1+ 1sec)
//             *      } then {
//             *          the IUT sends a Ieee1609Dot2Data
//             *              containing header_fields['signer_info']
//             *                  containing signer
//             *                      containing type
//             *                          indicating 'certificate_chain'
//             *                      containing certificates[last]
//             *                          indicating the AT certificate
//             *                      containing certificates[last-1]
//             *                          indicating the AA certificate
//             *      }
//             *  }
//             * </pre>
//             *
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
//             * @see          ETSI TS 103 096-2 v1.3.2 TP_SEC_ITSS_SND_CAM_09_01_BV
1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 1438 1439 1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 1478 1479 1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 1600 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 1622 1623 1624 1625 1626 1627 1628 1629 1630 1631 1632 1633 1634 1635 1636 1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 1642 1643 1644 1645 1646 1647 1648 1649 1650 1651 1652 1653 1654 1655 1656 1657 1658 1659 1660 1661 1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 1707 1708 1709 1710 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 1721 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 1731 1732 1733 1734 1735 1736 1737 1738 1739 1740 1741
//             * @reference    ETSI TS 103 097 [1], clause 7.1
//             */
//            testcase TC_SEC_ITSS_SND_CAM_09_01_BV() runs on ItsGeoNetworking system ItsSecSystem {
//                // Local variables
//                const float c_certificateGenerationTime := 1.0;
//                timer t_maxTransInterval := c_certificateGenerationTime * 0.9;
//                var GeoNetworkingInd v_geoNwInd;
//                var ItsCam v_component;
//                var SignerInfo v_si;
//                // Test control
//                if (not(PICS_GN_SECURITY)) {
//                    log("*** " & testcasename() & ": ERROR: 'PICS_GN_SECURITY' required for executing the TC ***");
//                    stop;
//                }
//                // Test component configuration
//                f_cf01Up();
//                // Test adapter configuration
//                // Preamble
//                f_prNeighbour();
//                geoNetworkingPort.clear;
//                v_component := f_setCamFrequencyGreatherThan1Hz();
//                tc_ac.start;
//                alt {
//                    [] geoNetworkingPort.receive(
//                        mw_geoNwInd(
//                            mw_geoNwSecPdu(
//                                mw_ieee1609Dot2Data_CAMs(
//                                    mw_header_info_signer_info_certificate
//                    ))))  -> value v_geoNwInd { 
//                        tc_ac.stop;
//                        t_maxTransInterval.start;
//                        f_getMsgSignerInfo(f_getSecuredMessage(v_geoNwInd.msgIn),v_si);
//                        f_getCertificateSignerInfo(v_si.signerInfo.certificate, v_si);
//                        log("*** " & testcasename() & ": INFO: Initial conditions: First CAM message with certificate received ***");
//                        // Send secured message with request for unrecognized certificate
//                        f_sendSecuredCam(
//                            cc_taCert_A,
//                            {
//                                m_header_info_unrecognised_certificate(                    // containing digests
//                                    f_HashedId3FromHashedId8(                               //     containing HashedId3 value
//                                        v_si.signerInfo.digest                              //         referencing to the AA certificate
//                                    )
//                                )
//                            });
//                        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictPreamble(c_prDone, e_success);
//                    }
//                    [] tc_ac.timeout {
//                        log("*** " & testcasename() & ": INCONC: Initial conditions: CAM message with certificate not received ***");
//                        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictPreamble("error", e_timeout);
//                    }
//                } // End of 'alt' statement
//                // Test Body
//                tc_ac.start;
//                alt {
//                    [] geoNetworkingPort.receive(
//                        mw_geoNwInd(
//                            mw_geoNwSecPdu(
//                                mw_ieee1609Dot2Data_CAMs(
//                                    mw_header_info_signer_info_certificate_chain
//                    )))) -> value v_geoNwInd {
//                        var SignerInfo v_signerInfo;
//                        var SequenceOfCertificate v_certificates;
//                        var integer v_certificateChainLength;
//                        tc_ac.stop; 
//                        t_maxTransInterval.stop;
//                        // Extract certificate chain
//                        f_getMsgSignerInfo(v_geoNwInd.msgIn.gnPacket.securedMsg, v_signerInfo);
//                        v_certificates := v_signerInfo.signerInfo.certificates;
//                        v_certificateChainLength := lengthof(v_certificates);
//                        if (v_certificateChainLength >= 2) { // Check length
//                            if ( // Check Content
//                                not(
//                                    (v_certificates[0].subject_info.subject_type == e_authorization_authority) and 
//                                        // Check the certificate chain contains certificates[last] indicating the AT certificate
//                                    (v_certificates[1].subject_info.subject_type == e_authorization_ticket)
//                                        // Check the certificate chain contains certificates[last-1] indicating the AA certificate
//                            )) {
//                                log("*** " & testcasename() & ": FAIL: Unexpected certificate chain content ***");
//                                f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_error); 
//                            } else {
//                                log("*** " & testcasename() & ": PASS: Generation of CAM messages including certificate chain was successful ***");
//                                f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_success);
//                            } 
//                        } else {
//                            log("*** " & testcasename() & ": FAIL: Unexpected certificate chain content length ***");
//                            f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_error); 
//                        }
//                    }
//                    [] geoNetworkingPort.receive(
//                        mw_geoNwInd(
//                            mw_geoNwSecPdu(
//                                mw_ieee1609Dot2Data_CAMs
//                    ))) {
//                        log("*** " & testcasename() & ": INFO: CAM retransmission w/o certificate chain ***"); 
//                        repeat;
//                    }
//                    [] t_maxTransInterval.timeout {
//                        tc_ac.stop; 
//                        log("*** " & testcasename() & ": FAIL: The certificate chain has not been received during 1 sec ***");
//                        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_error);
//                    }
//                    [] tc_ac.timeout {
//                        log("*** " & testcasename() & ": INCONC: Expected CAM not received ***");
//                        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_timeout);
//                    }
//                } // End of 'alt' statement
//                // Postamble
//                f_terminateCam(v_component);
//                f_poNeighbour();
//                f_cf01Down();
//            } // End of testcase TC_SEC_ITSS_SND_CAM_09_01_BV
//            /**
//             * @desc    Check that the IUT doesn't send a secured CAM contains the signer_info of type certificate_chain
//             *           when the AA certificate was previously requested and already received from another ITS-S 
//             * <pre>
//             * Pics Selection: PICS_GN_SECURITY PICS_PLUGTEST_VERSION
//             * Config Id: CF01
//             * Initial conditions:
//             * </pre>
//             * with
//             *     the IUT being in the 'authorized' state
//             *     and the IUT is configured to send more than one CAM per second
//             *     and the IUT having already sent a CAM
//             *         containing header_fields['signer_info'].signer.type
//             *             indicating 'certificate'
//             *         at TIME_1
//             *     and the IUT having received a Ieee1609Dot2Data
//             *         containing header_fields['request_unrecognized_certificate']
//             *             containing digests
//             *                 containing HashedId3 value (HASH1)
//             *                     referencing to the AA certificate
//             *         at TIME_2 (TIME_1 < TIME_2 < TIME_1+1sec)
//             *     and the IUT having received a Ieee1609Dot2Data
//             *         containing header_fields['signer_info'].signer.type
//             *             indicating 'certificate_chain'
//             *                 containing AA certificate
//             *                     having HashedId3 value of HASH1
//             *         at TIME_3 (TIME_2 < TIME_3 < TIME_2+0.1sec)
//             * ensure that
//             *     when
//             *         the IUT is requested to send a CAM
//             *             at TIME_3 (TIME_1 < TIME_2 < TIME_3 < TIME_1+1sec)
//             *     then
//             *         the IUT sends a Ieee1609Dot2Data
//             *             and containing header_fields['signer_info']
//             *                 containing signer
//             *                     containing type
//             *                         indicating 'digest'
//             *                         or indicating 'certificate'
//             *
//             * @see          ETSI TS 103 096-2 v1.3.3 TP_SEC_ITSS_SND_CAM_09_02_BV
//             * @reference    ETSI TS 103 097 [1], clause 7.1
//             */
//            testcase TC_SEC_ITSS_SND_CAM_09_02_BV() runs on ItsGeoNetworking system ItsSecSystem {
//                // Local variables
//                const float c_certificateGenerationTime := 1.0;
//                timer t_maxTransInterval := c_certificateGenerationTime * 1.1;
//                var GeoNetworkingInd v_geoNwInd;
//                var ItsCam v_component;
//                var SignerInfo v_si;
//                var boolean f_CamReceived := false;
//                // Test control
//                if (not(PICS_GN_SECURITY)) {
//                    log("*** " & testcasename() & ": ERROR: 'PICS_GN_SECURITY' required for executing the TC ***");
//                    stop;
//                }
//                if (not(PICS_PLUGTEST_VERSION)) {
//                    log("*** " & testcasename() & ": ERROR: 'PICS_PLUGTEST_VERSION' required for executing the TC ***");
//                    stop;
//                }
//                // Test component configuration
//                f_cf01Up(); // init IUT with CERT_IUT_A_AT signed with CERT_TS_A_AA
//                // Test adapter configuration
//                // Preamble
//                f_prNeighbour();
//                geoNetworkingPort.clear;
//                v_component := f_setCamFrequencyGreatherThan1Hz();
//                tc_ac.start;
//                alt {
//                    [] geoNetworkingPort.receive(
//                        mw_geoNwInd(
//                            mw_geoNwSecPdu(
//                                mw_ieee1609Dot2Data_CAMs(
//                                    mw_header_info_signer_info_certificate
//                    ))))  -> value v_geoNwInd { 
//                        tc_ac.stop;
//                        t_maxTransInterval.start;
//                        f_getMsgSignerInfo(f_getSecuredMessage(v_geoNwInd.msgIn),v_si);
//                        f_getCertificateSignerInfo(v_si.signerInfo.certificate, v_si);
//                        log("*** " & testcasename() & ": INFO: Initial conditions: First CAM message with certificate received ***");
//                        // Send secured message with request for unrecognized certificate
//                        f_sendSecuredCam(
//                            cc_taCert_B1 , // certificate signed with CERT_TS_B_AA
//                            {
//                                m_header_info_unrecognised_certificate(                    // containing digests
//                                    f_HashedId3FromHashedId8(                               //     containing HashedId3 value
//                                        v_si.signerInfo.digest                              //         referencing to the CERT_TS_A_AA certificate
//                                    )
//                                )
//                            });
//                        // Send secured message signed with certificate_chain
//                        f_sendSecuredCam(
//                            cc_taCert_A, // sign message with CERT_TS_A_AT signed with CERT_TS_A_AA
//                            omit,
//                            e_certificate_chain // and send both certs in the chain
//                        );
//                        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictPreamble(c_prDone, e_success);
//                    }
//                    [] tc_ac.timeout {
//                        log("*** " & testcasename() & ": INCONC: Initial conditions: CAM message with certificate not received ***");
//                        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictPreamble("error", e_timeout);
//                    }
//                } // End of 'alt' statement
//                // Test Body
//                tc_ac.start;
//                alt {
//                    [] geoNetworkingPort.receive(
//                        mw_geoNwInd(
//                            mw_geoNwSecPdu(
//                                mw_ieee1609Dot2Data_CAMs(
//                                    mw_header_info_signer_info_certificate_chain
//                    )))) {
//                        log("*** " & testcasename() & ": FAIL: CAM retransmition with unexpected certificate_chain ***");
//                            f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_error); 
//                    }
//                    [] geoNetworkingPort.receive(
//                        mw_geoNwInd(
//                            mw_geoNwSecPdu(
//                                mw_ieee1609Dot2Data_CAMs
//                    ))) {
//                        log("*** " & testcasename() & ": INFO: CAM retransmission w/o certificate chain ***"); 
//                        f_CamReceived := true;
//                        repeat;
//                    }
//                    [f_CamReceived] t_maxTransInterval.timeout {
//                        tc_ac.stop; 
//                        log("*** " & testcasename() & ": PASS: Generation of CAM messages including certificate chain was successfully skipped ***");
//                        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_success);
//                    }
//                    [] t_maxTransInterval.timeout {
//                        tc_ac.stop;
//                        log("*** " & testcasename() & ": INCONC: Expected CAM not received ***");
//                        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_timeout);
//                    }
//                    [] tc_ac.timeout {
//                        log("*** " & testcasename() & ": INCONC: Expected CAM not received ***");
//                        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_timeout);
//                    }
//                } // End of 'alt' statement
//                // Postamble
//                f_terminateCam(v_component);
//                f_poNeighbour();
//                f_cf01Down();
//            } // End of testcase TC_SEC_ITSS_SND_CAM_09_02_BV
//            /**
//             * @desc    Check that the sent secured CAM contains exactly one HeaderInfo generation_time which is inside 
//             *          the validity time of the certificate referenced by the signer_info
//             * <pre>
//             * Pics Selection: PICS_GN_SECURITY
//             * Config Id: CF01
//             * Initial conditions:
//             *  with {
//             *      the IUT being in the 'authorized' state
//             *      the IUT being requested to include certificate in the next CAM 
//             *  }
//             *  ensure that {
//             *      when {
//             *          the IUT is requested to send CAM
//             *      } then {
//             *          the IUT sends a Ieee1609Dot2Data 
//             *              containing security_profile
//             *                  indicating '1'
//             *              containing header_fields ['generation_time'] 
//             *                  containing generation_time
//             *                      indicating TIME_1 (CUR_TIME - 5min <= TIME_1 <= CUR_TIME + 5min)
//             *              containing header_fields ['signer_info'] 
//             *                  containing signer 
//             *                      containing type
//             *                          indicating 'certificate'
//             *                      and containing certificate 
//             *                          containing validity_restrictions['time_end']
//             *                              containing end_validity
//             *                                  indicating value > GEN_TIME
//             *                          or containing validity_restrictions['time_start_and_end']
//             *                              containing start_validity
//             *                                  indicating value <= GEN_TIME
//             *                              and containing end_validity
//             *                                  indicating value > GEN_TIME
//             *                          or containing validity_restrictions['time_start_and_duration']
//             *                              containing start_validity (X_START_VALIDITY)
//             *                                  indicating value <= GEN_TIME
//             *                              and containing duration
//             *                                  indicating value > GEN_TIME - X_START_VALIDITY 
//             *      }
//             *  }
//             * </pre>
//             *
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
//             * @see          ETSI TS 103 096-2 v1.3.2 TP_SEC_ITSS_SND_CAM_10_01_BV
//             * @reference    ETSI TS 103 097 [1], clauses 5.4 and 7.1
//             */
//            testcase TC_SEC_ITSS_SND_CAM_10_01_BV() runs on ItsGeoNetworking system ItsSecSystem {
//                // Local variables
//                const integer c_timeThreshold := 1000 * 60; /** Time threshold in milliseconds */
//                var GeoNetworkingInd v_geoNwInd;
//                var SignerInfo v_signerInfo;
//                var Certificate v_certificate;
//                var HeaderInfo v_headerField;
//                var Time64 v_generationTime;
//                var ValidityRestriction v_validity;
//                var integer v_currentTime, v_lowerBound, v_upperBound;
//                // Test control
//                if (not(PICS_GN_SECURITY)) {
//                    log("*** " & testcasename() & ": ERROR: 'PICS_GN_SECURITY' required for executing the TC ***");
//                    stop;
//                }
//                // Test component configuration
//                f_cf01Up();
//                // Test adapter configuration
//                // Preamble
//                f_prNeighbour();
//                // Test Body
//                tc_ac.start;
//                alt {
//                    [] geoNetworkingPort.receive(
//                        mw_geoNwInd(
//                            mw_geoNwSecPdu(
//                                mw_securedMessage(
//                                    superset(
//                                        mw_header_info_generation_time, 
//                                        mw_header_info_signer_info_certificate,
//                                        mw_header_info_its_aid_CAM
//                    ))))) -> value v_geoNwInd {
//                        tc_ac.stop; 
//                        log("*** " & testcasename() & ": INFO: CAM transmission with certificate ***");
//                        v_currentTime := f_getCurrentTime();
//                        log("v_currentTime (us)=", v_currentTime * 1000);
//                        v_lowerBound := (v_currentTime - c_timeThreshold) * 1000;
//                        v_upperBound := (v_currentTime + c_timeThreshold) * 1000;
//                        // Extract generation_time
//                        f_getMsgHeaderField(v_geoNwInd.msgIn.gnPacket.securedMsg, e_generation_time, v_headerField);
//                        v_generationTime := v_headerField.headerField.generation_time;
//                        // Extract certificate
//                        f_getMsgSignerInfo(v_geoNwInd.msgIn.gnPacket.securedMsg, v_signerInfo);
//                        v_certificate := v_signerInfo.signerInfo.certificate;
//                        // Check current time 
//                        if (match(v_generationTime, (v_lowerBound .. v_upperBound))) {
//                            log("*** " & testcasename() & ": PASS: Generation time matches current time ***");
//                            f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_success); 
//                        } else {
//                            log("*** " & testcasename() & ": FAIL: Generation time does not match current time " & int2str(v_currentTime-v_lowerBound) & " / " & int2str(v_upperBound - v_currentTime) & " . ***");
//                            f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_error);
//                        }   
//                        // Check generation_time validity
//                        if (
//                            (f_getCertificateValidityRestriction(v_certificate, e_time_start_and_end, v_validity) == true) and 
//                            (v_generationTime >= (v_validity.validity.time_start_and_end.start_validity * 1000000) and 
//                            (v_generationTime < (v_validity.validity.time_start_and_end.end_validity * 1000000)))
//                        ) {
//                            log("*** " & testcasename() & ": PASS: Generation time within certificate validity/time_start_and_end ***");
//                            f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_success); 
//                        } else if (
//                            (f_getCertificateValidityRestriction(v_certificate, e_time_end, v_validity) == true) and 
//                            (v_generationTime < (v_validity.validity.end_validity * 1000000))
//                        ) {
//                            log("*** " & testcasename() & ": PASS: Generation time within certificate validity ***");
//                            f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_success); 
//                        } else if (f_getCertificateValidityRestriction(v_certificate, e_time_start_and_duration, v_validity) == true) {
//                            if (PICS_PLUGTEST_VERSION) {
//                                log("*** " & testcasename() & ": FAIL: Usage of time_start_and_duration is forbidden in TS103097 v1.2.5 ***");
//                                f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_error);
//                            }
//                            if ((v_generationTime >= (v_validity.validity.time_start_and_duration.start_validity * 1000000)) and 
//                                (v_generationTime < (f_duration2time(v_validity.validity.time_start_and_duration.duration_) * 1000000))
//                            ) {
//                                log("*** " & testcasename() & ": PASS: Generation time within certificate validity ***");
//                                f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_success); 
//                            }
//                        } else {
//                            log("*** " & testcasename() & ": FAIL: Generation time not within certificate validity ***");
//                            f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_error);
//                        }
//                    }
//                    [] geoNetworkingPort.receive(
//                        mw_geoNwInd(
//                            mw_geoNwSecPdu(
//                                mw_ieee1609Dot2Data_CAMs
//                    ))) {
//                        log("*** " & testcasename() & ": INFO: CAM retransmission w/o certificate  ***"); 
//                        repeat;
//                    }
//                    [] tc_ac.timeout {
//                        log("*** " & testcasename() & ": INCONC: Expected CAM not received ***");
//                        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_timeout);
//                    }
//                } // End of 'alt' statement
//                // Postamble
//                f_poNeighbour();
//                f_cf01Down();
//            } // End of testcase TC_SEC_ITSS_SND_CAM_10_01_BV
//            /**
//             * @desc    Check that the IUT sends certificate request when it receives a message from unknown station
//             * <pre>
//             * Pics Selection: PICS_GN_SECURITY
//             * Config Id: CF01
//             * Initial conditions:
//             *  with {
//             *      the IUT being in the 'authorized' state
//             *      and the IUT has receiving a Ieee1609Dot2Data
//             *          containing header_fields['signer_info'].signer
//             *              containing type
//             *                  indicating 'certificate_digest_with_sha256'
//             *              containing digest
//             *                  indicating HashedId3 value DIGEST_A
//             *                      referenced to unknown certificate
//             *  }
//             *  ensure that {
//             *      when {
//             *          the IUT is requested to send CAM
//             *      } then {
//             *          the IUT sends a Ieee1609Dot2Data
//             *              containing header_fields['request_unrecognized_certificate']
//             *                  containing digests
//             *                      containing HashedId3 value
//             *                          indicating DIGEST_A
//             *      }
//             *  }
//             * </pre>
//             *
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
//             * @see          ETSI TS 103 096-2 v1.3.2 TP_SEC_ITSS_SND_CAM_12_01_BV
//             * @reference    ETSI TS 103 097 [1], clause 7.1
//             */
//            testcase TC_SEC_ITSS_SND_CAM_12_01_BV() runs on ItsGeoNetworking system ItsSecSystem {
//                // Local variables
//                var HashedId8 v_expectedHashedId8;
//                var HashedId3 v_expectedHashedId3;
//                var GeoNetworkingPdu v_securedGnPduToBeSent;
//                // Test control
//                if (not(PICS_GN_SECURITY)) {
//                    log("*** " & testcasename() & ":ERROR: 'PICS_GN_SECURITY' required for executing the TC ***");
//                    stop;
//                }
//                // Send secured message from unknown ITS-S
//                // Test component configuration
//                f_cf01Up();
//                // Test adapter configuration
//                // Preamble
//                f_prNeighbour();
//                f_getCertificateDigest(
//                    cc_taCert_F,
//                    v_expectedHashedId8
//                );
//                v_expectedHashedId3 := f_HashedId3FromHashedId8(v_expectedHashedId8);
//                // preamble: waiting for CAM with certificate and send a CAM with unknown digest right after that
//                v_securedGnPduToBeSent := f_prepareSecuredCam(cc_taCert_F);
//                geoNetworkingPort.clear;
//                tc_ac.start;
//                alt {
//                    [] geoNetworkingPort.receive
//                    {
//                        f_sendGeoNetMessage(valueof(m_geoNwReq_linkLayerBroadcast(v_securedGnPduToBeSent)));
//                        tc_ac.stop;
//                        log("*** " & testcasename() & ": INFO: Initial conditions: First CAM message with certificate received ***");
//                        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictPreamble(c_prDone, e_success);
//                    }                        
//                    [] tc_ac.timeout {
//                        log("*** " & testcasename() & ": INCONC: Initial conditions: CAM message with certificate not received ***");
//                        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictPreamble("error", e_timeout);
//                    }
//                } // End of preamble 'alt' statement
//                // Test Body
//                tc_ac.start;
//                alt {
//                    [] geoNetworkingPort.receive(
//                        mw_geoNwInd(
//                            mw_geoNwSecPdu(
//                                mw_ieee1609Dot2Data_CAMs(
//                                    mw_header_info_request_unrecognized_certificate(
//                                        { v_expectedHashedId3 }
//                    ))))) {
//                        tc_ac.stop;
//                        log("*** " & testcasename() & ": PASS: CAM received with request for unrecognized certificate");
//                        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_success);
//                    }
//                    [] geoNetworkingPort.receive(
//                        mw_geoNwInd(
//                            mw_geoNwSecPdu(
//                                mw_ieee1609Dot2Data_CAMs
//                    ))) {
//                        log("*** " & testcasename() & ": FAIL: CAM received without request for unrecognized certificate ***"); 
//                        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_error);
//                    }
//                    [] tc_ac.timeout {
//                        log("*** " & testcasename() & ": INCONC: Expected CAM not received ***");
//                        f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdictTestBody(c_tbDone, e_timeout);
//                    }
//                } // End of 'alt' statement
//                // Postamble
//                f_poNeighbour();
//                f_cf01Down();
//            } // End of testcase TC_SEC_ITSS_SND_CAM_12_01_BV
//            /**
//             * @desc    Check that the Secured CAM contains non-empty payload of type signed
//             * <pre>
//             * Pics Selection: PICS_GN_SECURITY
//             * Config Id: CF01
//             * Initial conditions:
//             *  with {
//             *      the IUT being in the 'authorized' state
//             *  }
//             *  ensure that {
//             *      when {
//             *          the IUT is requested to send a CAM
//             *      } then {
//             *          the IUT sends a Ieee1609Dot2Data
//             *              containing payload_field
//             *                  containing exactly one element of type Payload
//             *                      containing type
//             *                          indicating 'signed'
//             *                      containing not-empty data
//             *      }
//             *  }
//             * </pre>
//             *
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
//             * @see          ETSI TS 103 096-2 v1.3.2 TP_SEC_ITSS_SND_CAM_14_01_BV
//             * @reference    ETSI TS 103 097 [1], clause 7.1
//             */
//            testcase TC_SEC_ITSS_SND_CAM_14_01_BV() runs on ItsGeoNetworking system ItsSecSystem {
//                // Local variables
//                // Test control
//                if (not(PICS_GN_SECURITY)) {