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#include <stdexcept>
#include <regex>
#include <string>

#include "codec_stack_builder.hh"

#include "http_codec.hh"

#include "loggers.hh"

#include "LibItsHttp_TypesAndValues.hh"
#include "LibItsHttp_MessageBodyTypes.hh"
#include "LibItsHttp_XmlMessageBodyTypes.hh"

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#include "http_etsi_ieee1609dot2_codec.hh"

int http_codec::encode (const LibItsHttp__TypesAndValues::HttpMessage& msg, OCTETSTRING& data)
  loggers::get_instance().log_msg(">>> http_codec::encode: ", (const Base_Type&)msg);
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  loggers::get_instance().log(">>> http_codec::encode: %p", this);

  TTCN_Buffer encoding_buffer;


  int result;
  if (msg.ischosen(LibItsHttp__TypesAndValues::HttpMessage::ALT_request)) {
    result = encode_request(msg.request(), encoding_buffer);
  } else if (msg.ischosen(LibItsHttp__TypesAndValues::HttpMessage::ALT_response)) {
    result = encode_response(msg.response(), encoding_buffer);
  } else {
    loggers::get_instance().warning("http_codec::encode: Unbound HttpMessage");
    return -1;

  data = OCTETSTRING(encoding_buffer.get_len(), encoding_buffer.get_data());

  loggers::get_instance().log_msg("<<< http_codec::encode: data=", data);
  return result;

int http_codec::decode (const OCTETSTRING& data, LibItsHttp__TypesAndValues::HttpMessage& msg, params* params)
  loggers::get_instance().log_msg(">>> http_codec::decode: data=", data);

  TTCN_Buffer decoding_buffer(data);
  loggers::get_instance().log_to_hexa("http_codec::decode: decoding_buffer=", decoding_buffer);


  _params = params;

  // Get the first line (e.g. HTTP/1.1 302 Found or POST / HTTP/1.1)
  CHARSTRING message_id;
  if (get_line(decoding_buffer, message_id) == -1) {
    return -1;
  loggers::get_instance().log_msg("http_codec::decode: message_id: ", message_id);
  // Extract parameters
  try {
    std::string str(static_cast<const char*>(message_id));
    std::regex rgx ("\\s*(\\w+)/");
    std::sregex_iterator begin(str.cbegin(), str.cend(), rgx);
    std::smatch m = *begin;
    loggers::get_instance().log("http_codec::decode: %d - %s", m.size(), m[0].str().c_str());
    if (m[0].str().compare("HTTP/") == 0) { // HTTP response
      LibItsHttp__TypesAndValues::Response response;
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      std::regex rgx ("\\s*HTTP/(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)\\s+(\\d+)\\s+([\\w\\s\\t\\v\\f]+)*");
      std::sregex_iterator begin(str.cbegin(), str.cend(), rgx);
      std::smatch m = *begin;
      loggers::get_instance().log("http_codec::decode: Process response: %d", m.size());
      if (m.size() != 5) {
        loggers::get_instance().error("http_codec::decode: Unsupported tag");
        return -1;
      response.version__major() = std::stoi(m[1].str().c_str());
      response.version__minor() = std::stoi(m[2].str().c_str());
      response.statuscode() = std::stoi(m[3].str().c_str());
      response.statustext() = CHARSTRING(m[4].str().c_str());
      LibItsHttp__TypesAndValues::HeaderLines headers;
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      std::string content_type;
      decode_headers(decoding_buffer, headers, content_type);
      response.header() = headers;
      loggers::get_instance().log_to_hexa("Before decoding Body: ", decoding_buffer);
      LibItsHttp__MessageBodyTypes::HttpMessageBody body;
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      if (decode_body(decoding_buffer, body, content_type) == -1) {
      } else {
        response.body() = OPTIONAL<LibItsHttp__MessageBodyTypes::HttpMessageBody>(body);
       msg.response() = response;
    } else { // HTTP request
      LibItsHttp__TypesAndValues::Request request;
      std::regex rgx ("\\s*(\\w+)\\s+(.+)\\s+HTTP/(\\d)\\.(\\d)");
      std::sregex_iterator begin(str.cbegin(), str.cend(), rgx);
      std::smatch m = *begin;
      if (m.size() != 5) {
        loggers::get_instance().error("http_codec::decode: Unsupported tag");
        return -1;
      request.method() = CHARSTRING(m[1].str().c_str());
      request.uri() = CHARSTRING(m[2].str().c_str());
      request.version__major() = std::stoi(m[3].str().c_str());
      request.version__minor() = std::stoi(m[4].str().c_str());
      LibItsHttp__TypesAndValues::HeaderLines headers;
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      std::string content_type;
      decode_headers(decoding_buffer, headers, content_type);
      request.header() = headers;
      OPTIONAL<LibItsHttp__MessageBodyTypes::HttpMessageBody> body;
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      if (decode_body(decoding_buffer, body, content_type) == -1) {
      } else {
        request.body() = body;
      msg.request() = request;

    loggers::get_instance().log_msg("<<< http_codec::decode: ", (const Base_Type&)msg);
    return 0;
  catch(const std::logic_error& e) {
    return -1;

int http_codec::encode_request(const LibItsHttp__TypesAndValues::Request& p_request, TTCN_Buffer& p_encoding_buffer)
  loggers::get_instance().log_msg(">>> http_codec::encode_request: ", (const Base_Type&)p_request);
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  // Encode generic part
  p_encoding_buffer.put_c(' ');
  p_encoding_buffer.put_cs(" HTTP/");
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  // Encode headers excepeted the Content-Length
  const LibItsHttp__TypesAndValues::HeaderLines& headers = p_request.header();
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  std::string content_type;
  for (int i = 0; i < headers.size_of(); i++) {
    const LibItsHttp__TypesAndValues::HeaderLine& header = headers[i];
    loggers::get_instance().log_msg("http_codec::encode_request: Processing header ", header.header__name());
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    if (std::string(static_cast<const char*>(header.header__name())).compare("Content-Length") == 0) { // Skip it, processed later
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      loggers::get_instance().log("http_codec::encode_request: Skip it");
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      p_encoding_buffer.put_cs(": ");
      const OPTIONAL<LibItsHttp__TypesAndValues::charstring__list>& o = header.header__value();
      if (o.ispresent()) {
        const LibItsHttp__TypesAndValues::charstring__list& v = dynamic_cast<const OPTIONAL<LibItsHttp__TypesAndValues::charstring__list> &>(o);
        if (v.size_of() > 0) {
          loggers::get_instance().log_msg("http_codec::encode_request: Processing value ", v[0]);
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          if (std::string(static_cast<const char*>(header.header__name())).compare("Content-Type") == 0) { // Store it for HTTP body payload encoding
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            loggers::get_instance().log("http_codec::encode_request: Storing Content-Type");
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            int j = 0;
            while (j < v.size_of()) {
              content_type += v[j++];
            } // End of 'while' statement
          int j = 1;
          while (j < v.size_of()) {
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            p_encoding_buffer.put_cs(", ");
            loggers::get_instance().log_msg("http_codec::encode_request: Processing value ", v[j]);
          } // End of 'while' statement
      } // else, do not include it
  } // End of 'for' statement
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  // Encode message body
  const OPTIONAL<LibItsHttp__MessageBodyTypes::HttpMessageBody>& v = p_request.body();
  if (v.ispresent()) {
    const LibItsHttp__MessageBodyTypes::HttpMessageBody& body = static_cast<const LibItsHttp__MessageBodyTypes::HttpMessageBody&>(*v.get_opt_value());
    loggers::get_instance().log_msg("http_codec::encode_request: body: ", body);
    if (encode_body(body, os, content_type) == -1) {
      loggers::get_instance().warning("http_codec::encode_request: Failed to encode HTTP body");
      _ec.length = 0;
      _ec.is_content_length_present = 0x00;
    } else {
      _ec.length = os.lengthof();
      _ec.is_content_length_present = 0x01;
    loggers::get_instance().log("http_codec::encode_request: length=%d", _ec.length);
  } else {
    loggers::get_instance().log("http_codec::encode_request: HTTP body field not present");
    _ec.length = 0;
    _ec.is_content_length_present = 0x00;

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  // Encode Content-Length header
  p_encoding_buffer.put_cs("Content-Length: ");
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  if (_ec.length != 0) {
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    loggers::get_instance().log("http_codec::encode_request: Content-Length: %s", static_cast<const char*>(int2str(_ec.length + 2/*Stand for the last CRLF*/)));
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    p_encoding_buffer.put_cs(static_cast<const char*>(int2str(_ec.length + 2/*Stand for the last CRLF*/)));
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    _ec.is_content_length_present = 0x01;
  } else {
    _ec.is_content_length_present = 0x00;
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  // Add message body
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  if (_ec.is_content_length_present == 0x01) {
    loggers::get_instance().log_msg("http_codec::encode_request: Add body ", os);
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  loggers::get_instance().log_to_hexa("<<< http_codec::encode_request: ", p_encoding_buffer);
  return 0;

int http_codec::encode_response (const LibItsHttp__TypesAndValues::Response& p_response, TTCN_Buffer& p_encoding_buffer) {
  loggers::get_instance().log_msg(">>> http_codec::encode_response: ", (const Base_Type&)p_response);

  // Encode generic part
  p_encoding_buffer.put_cs(" ");
  p_encoding_buffer.put_cs(" ");
  if (p_response.statustext().lengthof() != 0) {
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  // Encode headers excepeted the Content-Length
  const LibItsHttp__TypesAndValues::HeaderLines& headers = p_response.header();
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  std::string content_type;
  for (int i = 0; i < headers.size_of(); i++) {
    const LibItsHttp__TypesAndValues::HeaderLine& header = headers[i];
    loggers::get_instance().log_msg("http_codec::encode_response: Processing header ", header.header__name());
    p_encoding_buffer.put_cs(": ");
    if (std::string(static_cast<const char*>(header.header__name())).compare("Content-Length") == 0) {
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    } else {
      const OPTIONAL<LibItsHttp__TypesAndValues::charstring__list>& o = header.header__value();
      if (o.ispresent()) {
        const LibItsHttp__TypesAndValues::charstring__list& v = dynamic_cast<const OPTIONAL<LibItsHttp__TypesAndValues::charstring__list> &>(o);
        if (v.size_of() > 0) {
          loggers::get_instance().log_msg("http_codec::encode_response: Processing value ", v[0]);
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          if (std::string(static_cast<const char*>(header.header__name())).compare("Content-Type") == 0) { // Store it for HTTP body payload encoding
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            int j = 1;
            while (j < v.size_of()) {
              content_type += v[j++];
            } // End of 'while' statement
          int j = 1;
          while (j < v.size_of()) {
                p_encoding_buffer.put_cs(", ");
                loggers::get_instance().log_msg("http_codec::encode_response: Processing value ", v[j]);
                j += 1;
          } // End of 'while' statement
      } // else, do not include it
  } // End of 'for' statement

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  // Encode message body
  const OPTIONAL<LibItsHttp__MessageBodyTypes::HttpMessageBody>& v = p_response.body();
  if (v.ispresent()) {
    const LibItsHttp__MessageBodyTypes::HttpMessageBody& body = static_cast<const LibItsHttp__MessageBodyTypes::HttpMessageBody&>(*v.get_opt_value());
    loggers::get_instance().log_msg("http_codec::encode_response: body: ", body);
    if (encode_body(body, os, content_type) == -1) {
      _ec.length = 0;
      _ec.is_content_length_present = 0x00;
    } else {
      _ec.length = os.lengthof();
      _ec.is_content_length_present = 0x01;
    loggers::get_instance().log("http_codec::encode_request: length=%d", _ec.length);
  } else {
    loggers::get_instance().log("http_codec::encode_request: HTTP body field not present");
    _ec.length = 0;
    _ec.is_content_length_present = 0x00;

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  // Encode Content-Length header
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  if (_ec.length != 0) {
    p_encoding_buffer.put_cs(int2str(_ec.length + 2/*Stand for the last CRLF*/));
    _ec.is_content_length_present = 0x01;
  } else {
    _ec.is_content_length_present = 0x00;
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  loggers::get_instance().log("http_codec::encode_response: Content-Length: %d - %x", _ec.length, _ec.is_content_length_present);
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  if (_ec.length != 0) {
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int http_codec::decode_headers(TTCN_Buffer& decoding_buffer, LibItsHttp__TypesAndValues::HeaderLines& headers, std::string& p_content_type) {
  loggers::get_instance().log(">>> http_codec::decode_headers");
  loggers::get_instance().log_to_hexa("http_codec::decode_headers", decoding_buffer);

  int i = 0;
  while (true) {
    switch(get_line(decoding_buffer, cstr, true)) {
      case 0: {
          loggers::get_instance().log_msg("http_codec::decode_headers: ", cstr);
          LibItsHttp__TypesAndValues::HeaderLine header;
          if (decode_header(cstr, header) == -1) {
            loggers::get_instance().warning("http_codec::decode_headers: Failed to decode header %s", static_cast<const char*>(cstr));
            return -1;
          headers[i++] = header;
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          if (std::string(static_cast<const char*>(header.header__name())).compare("Content-Type") == 0) {
            if (header.header__value().is_present() != 0) {
              const PreGenRecordOf::PREGEN__RECORD__OF__CHARSTRING& l = static_cast<const PreGenRecordOf::PREGEN__RECORD__OF__CHARSTRING&>(*header.header__value().get_opt_value());
              p_content_type = static_cast<const char*>(l[0]);
            } else {
              p_content_type = "";
      case 1:
        loggers::get_instance().log_msg("<<< http_codec::decode_headers: ", headers);
        return 0;
      case -1:
        loggers::get_instance().warning("http_codec::decode_headers: Failed to decode headers");
        return -1;
    } // End of 'switch' statement
  } // End of 'while' statement

int http_codec::decode_header(CHARSTRING& header_line, LibItsHttp__TypesAndValues::HeaderLine& header) {
  loggers::get_instance().log_msg(">>> http_codec::decode_header", header_line);

  try {
    std::string str(static_cast<const char*>(header_line));
    std::regex rgx ("([0-9a-zA-Z-]+)\\:\\s+(.+)(,(.+))*");
    std::sregex_iterator begin(str.cbegin(), str.cend(), rgx);
    std::smatch m = *begin;
    if (m.size() < 5) {
      loggers::get_instance().warning("http_codec::decode_header: Failed to decode header %s", str.c_str());
      return -1;
    loggers::get_instance().log("http_codec::decode_header: %d", m.size());
    header.header__name() = CHARSTRING(m[1].str().c_str());
    LibItsHttp__TypesAndValues::charstring__list v;
    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < m.size(); j++) {
      if (m[j + 2].str().length() == 0) {
      v[j] = CHARSTRING(m[j + 2].str().c_str());
    } // End of 'for' statement
    header.header__value() = OPTIONAL<LibItsHttp__TypesAndValues::charstring__list>(v);

    if (m[1].str().compare("Content-Length") == 0) {
      // Save the the body length
      loggers::get_instance().log("http_codec::decode_header: decoded Content-Length %s", m[2].str().c_str());
      _dc.length = std::stoi(m[2].str());
    } else if (m[1].str().compare("Transfer-Encoding") == 0) {
      if (m[2].str().find("chunked") != std::string::npos) {
        _dc.chunked = true;
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        loggers::get_instance().log("http_codec::decode_header: decoded Transfer-Encoding %x", _dc.chunked);
    return 0;
  catch(const std::logic_error& e) {
      return -1;

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int http_codec::encode_body(const LibItsHttp__MessageBodyTypes::HttpMessageBody& p_message_body, OCTETSTRING& p_encoding_buffer, const std::string& p_content_type) {
  loggers::get_instance().log_msg(">>> http_codec::encode_body: ", (const Base_Type&)p_message_body);
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  // Sanity check
  if (p_content_type.empty()) {
    loggers::get_instance().warning("http_codec::encode_body: Failed to select a codec for  HTTP body payload");
    return -1;
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  if (p_message_body.ischosen(LibItsHttp__MessageBodyTypes::HttpMessageBody::ALT_binary__body)) {
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    const LibItsHttp__BinaryMessageBodyTypes::BinaryBody& binary_body = p_message_body.binary__body();
    if (binary_body.ischosen(LibItsHttp__BinaryMessageBodyTypes::BinaryBody::ALT_raw)) {
      p_encoding_buffer = OCTETSTRING(binary_body.raw().lengthof(), (unsigned char*)static_cast<const unsigned char*>(binary_body.raw()));
    } else {
      std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<codec<Record_Type, Record_Type> > >::const_iterator it;
      bool processed = false;
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      if (p_content_type.find("x-its") != std::string::npos) {
        loggers::get_instance().log("http_codec::encode_body: Find x-its");
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        it = _codecs.find("http_its"); // TODO Use params
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        if (it != _codecs.cend()) {
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          loggers::get_instance().log("http_codec::encode_body: Call '%s'", it->first.c_str());
          _codecs["http_its"]->encode((Record_Type&)binary_body.ieee1609dot2__data(), p_encoding_buffer); // TODO Use params
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          processed = true;
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      } // TODO Add new HTTP message codec here
      if (!processed) {
        loggers::get_instance().warning("http_codec::encode_body: Unsupported HTTP codec, use raw field as default");
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        p_encoding_buffer = OCTETSTRING(0, nullptr);
  } else if (p_message_body.ischosen(LibItsHttp__MessageBodyTypes::HttpMessageBody::ALT_html__body)) {
    p_encoding_buffer = OCTETSTRING(p_message_body.html__body().lengthof(), (unsigned char*)static_cast<const char*>(p_message_body.html__body()));
  } else if (p_message_body.ischosen(LibItsHttp__MessageBodyTypes::HttpMessageBody::ALT_text__body)) {
    p_encoding_buffer = OCTETSTRING(p_message_body.text__body().lengthof(), (unsigned char*)static_cast<const char*>(p_message_body.text__body()));
  } else if (p_message_body.ischosen(LibItsHttp__MessageBodyTypes::HttpMessageBody::ALT_xml__body)) {
    const LibItsHttp__XmlMessageBodyTypes::XmlBody& xml_body = p_message_body.xml__body();
    if (xml_body.ischosen(LibItsHttp__XmlMessageBodyTypes::XmlBody::ALT_raw)) {
      p_encoding_buffer = OCTETSTRING(xml_body.raw().lengthof(), (unsigned char*)static_cast<const char*>(xml_body.raw()));
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    } else {
      std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<codec<Record_Type, Record_Type> > >::const_iterator it;
      bool processed = false;
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      loggers::get_instance().log("http_codec::encode_body: Content-Type:'%s'", p_content_type.c_str());
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      if (p_content_type.find("held") != std::string::npos) {
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        it = _codecs.find("held"); // TODO Use params
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        if (it != _codecs.cend()) {
          loggers::get_instance().log("http_codec::encode_body: Call 'held_codec'");
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          _codecs["held"]->encode((Record_Type&)xml_body, p_encoding_buffer); // TODO Use params
          processed = true;
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      } else if (p_content_type.find("lost") != std::string::npos) {
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        it = _codecs.find("lost"); // TODO Use params
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        if (it != _codecs.cend()) {
          loggers::get_instance().log("http_codec::encode_body: Call 'lost_codec'");
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          _codecs["lost"]->encode((Record_Type&)xml_body, p_encoding_buffer); // TODO Use params
          processed = true;
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      } // TODO Add new HTTP message codec here
      if (!processed) {
        loggers::get_instance().warning("http_codec::encode_body: Unsupported HTTP codec, use raw field as default");
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        p_encoding_buffer = OCTETSTRING(0, nullptr);
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    loggers::get_instance().warning("http_codec::encode_body: Failed to encode HTTP message body");
    return -1;
  loggers::get_instance().log_msg("http_codec::encode_body: HTTP message ", p_encoding_buffer);
  _ec.length = p_encoding_buffer.lengthof();
  loggers::get_instance().log("http_codec::encode_body: HTTP message length: %d", _ec.length);

  return 0;

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int http_codec::decode_body(TTCN_Buffer& decoding_buffer, LibItsHttp__MessageBodyTypes::HttpMessageBody& message_body, const std::string& p_content_type) {
  loggers::get_instance().log(">>> http_codec::decode_body");
  loggers::get_instance().log_to_hexa("http_codec::decode_body", decoding_buffer);
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  loggers::get_instance().log("http_codec::decode_body: # of codecs=%d - %p", _codecs.size(), this);
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  loggers::get_instance().log("http_codec::decode_body: Content-Type=%s", p_content_type.c_str());
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  // Sanity checks
  if (decoding_buffer.get_len() - decoding_buffer.get_pos() <= 0) {
    return -1;
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  /* TODO Uncommentif (p_content_type.empty()) {
    loggers::get_instance().warning("http_codec::encode_body: Failed to select a codec for  HTTP body payload");
    return -1;

  OCTETSTRING s(decoding_buffer.get_len() - decoding_buffer.get_pos(), decoding_buffer.get_data() + decoding_buffer.get_pos());
  loggers::get_instance().log_msg("http_codec::decode_body: raw body=", s);
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  // Align the payload length with the specified Content-Lenght value
  loggers::get_instance().log("http_codec::decode_body: _dc.length=%d - body length=%d", _dc.length, s.lengthof());
  if (_dc.length != 0) {
    const unsigned char* p = static_cast<const unsigned char *>(s);
    if ((unsigned int)s.lengthof() <= _dc.length) {
      body = OCTETSTRING(s.lengthof(), p);
    } else {
      body = OCTETSTRING(_dc.length, p);
  } else {
    loggers::get_instance().warning("http_codec::decode_body: No Conten-Length header, process all remaining bytes");
    body = s;
  loggers::get_instance().log_msg("http_codec::decode_body: Aligned body=", body);
  // Remove CRLF if any
  int counter = 0;
  if ((body[body.lengthof() - 1].get_octet() == 0x0d) || (body[body.lengthof() - 1].get_octet() == 0x0a)) {
    counter += 1;
    if ((body[body.lengthof() - 2].get_octet() == 0x0d) || (body[body.lengthof() - 2].get_octet() == 0x0a)) {
      counter += 1;
  loggers::get_instance().log("http_codec::decode_body: counter=%d", counter);
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  loggers::get_instance().log("http_codec::decode_body: body length=%d", body.lengthof());
  body = OCTETSTRING(body.lengthof() - counter, static_cast<const unsigned char*>(body));
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  if (_dc.chunked){
    counter = 0;
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    int prev = 0;
    OCTETSTRING os(0, nullptr);
    do {
      while (counter < body.lengthof()) { // Extract the size of the chunk <chunk size>\r[\n]
        if ((body[counter].get_octet() == '\r') || (body[counter].get_octet() == '\n')) {
        counter += 1;
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      } // End of 'while' statement
      loggers::get_instance().log("http_codec::decode_body: Chunked(0): prev = %d, counter=%d / %d", prev, counter, body.lengthof());
      if (counter < body.lengthof()) {
        int idx = counter - prev;
        OCTETSTRING trunk(idx, static_cast<const unsigned char*>(body));
        loggers::get_instance().log_msg("http_codec::decode_body: trunk: ", trunk);
        std::string str((const char*)static_cast<const unsigned char*>(trunk), idx);
        loggers::get_instance().log("http_codec::decode_body: str: '%s'", str.c_str());
        int len = std::stoi(str, nullptr, 16);//converter::get_instance().string_to_int(str);
        loggers::get_instance().log("http_codec::decode_body: Chunk len: %d", len);
        while (counter < body.lengthof() && ((body[counter].get_octet() == '\r') || (body[counter].get_octet() == '\n'))) { // Skip additional \n
          counter += 1;
        } // End of 'while' statement
        if (counter < body.lengthof()) {
          loggers::get_instance().log("http_codec::decode_body: Chunked (1): prev = %d, counter=%d / %d", prev, counter, body.lengthof());
          os += OCTETSTRING(len, counter + static_cast<const unsigned char*>(body));
          loggers::get_instance().log_msg("http_codec::decode_body: os=", os);
          counter += len;
          loggers::get_instance().log("http_codec::decode_body: Chunked: %02x %02x %02x", body[counter].get_octet(), body[counter + 1].get_octet(), body[counter + 2].get_octet());
          loggers::get_instance().log("http_codec::decode_body: Chunked (2): prev = %d, counter=%d / %d", prev, counter, body.lengthof());
          while (counter < body.lengthof() && ((body[counter].get_octet() == '\r') || (body[counter].get_octet() == '\n'))) { // Skip additional \n
            counter += 1;
          } // End of 'while' statement
          prev = counter;
          loggers::get_instance().log("http_codec::decode_body: Chunked (3): prev = %d, counter=%d / %d", prev, counter, body.lengthof());
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    } while (counter < body.lengthof()); // Process next chunk if any
    body = os;
  loggers::get_instance().log_msg("http_codec::decode_body: Finalised body=", body);
  // Check if HTTP message body contains binary characters
  for (int i = 0; i < body.lengthof(); i++) {
    unsigned char c = body[i].get_octet();
    if (!std::isprint(c) && !std::isspace(c) && !std::ispunct(c)) {
      loggers::get_instance().log("http_codec::decode_body: Byte #%d is not printable: 0x%02x", i, body[i].get_octet());
      _dc.is_binary = 0x01;
  } // End of 'for' statement
  loggers::get_instance().log("http_codec::decode_body: Binary mode: %x", _dc.is_binary);
  LibItsHttp__MessageBodyTypes::HttpMessageBody v;
  if (_dc.is_binary == 0x01) {
    LibItsHttp__BinaryMessageBodyTypes::BinaryBody binary_body;
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    std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<codec<Record_Type, Record_Type> > >::const_iterator it;
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    bool processed = false;
    // TODO To be refined adding a string identifier to check which codec to use. E.g. returns "xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:geopriv:held\">"
    if (p_content_type.find("x-its") != std::string::npos) {
      loggers::get_instance().log("http_codec::decode_body: Find 'x-its'");
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      it = _codecs.cbegin();//_codecs.find("http_its");
      if (it != _codecs.cend()) {
            This code generate a codedump, I don't undertsand the reason.
            The same code works file for Ng112 HELD & LOST codec. Ununderstandable!!!!
            ==> Use a patch
            if (_codecs["http_its"].get() != nullptr) {
            loggers::get_instance().log("http_codec::decode_body: Call 'http_etsi_ieee1609dot2_codec'");
            if (_codecs["http_its"]->decode(body, (Record_Type&)binary_body) == 0) {
            processed = true;
        loggers::get_instance().log("http_codec::decode_body: Call '%s'", it->first.c_str());
        http_etsi_ieee1609dot2_codec* codec = new http_etsi_ieee1609dot2_codec();
        if (codec->decode(body, binary_body.ieee1609dot2__data()) == 0) {
          message_body.binary__body() = binary_body;
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        delete codec;
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    } // TODO Add new HTTP message codec here
    if (!processed) {
      loggers::get_instance().warning("http_codec::decode_body: Unsupported HTTP codec, use raw field as default");
      binary_body.raw() = body;
      message_body.binary__body() = binary_body;
  } else {
    // Convert into string
    params p;
    p["decode_str"] = std::string(static_cast<const unsigned char*>(body), body.lengthof() + static_cast<const unsigned char*>(body));
    loggers::get_instance().log("http_codec::decode_body: decode_str: %s", p["decode_str"].c_str());
    // Try to identify xml
    if (p["decode_str"].find("<?xml version=") != std::string::npos) {
       loggers::get_instance().log("http_codec::decode_body: Find xml message");
       LibItsHttp__XmlMessageBodyTypes::XmlBody xml_body;
       // TODO To be refined adding a string identifier to check which codec to use. E.g. returns "xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:geopriv:held\">"
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       if (
           (p["decode_str"].find("=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:geopriv:held\"") != std::string::npos) ||
           (p["decode_str"].find("=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:pidf\"") != std::string::npos)
           ) {
         loggers::get_instance().log("http_codec::decode_body: Find 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:geopriv:held'");
         if (_codecs["held"].get() != nullptr) {
           loggers::get_instance().log("http_codec::decode_body: Call 'held_codec'");
           if (_codecs["held"]->decode(body, (Record_Type&)xml_body, &p) == -1) {
             loggers::get_instance().warning("http_codec::decode_body: Failed to decode HELD message");
             xml_body.raw() = CHARSTRING(body.lengthof(), (char*)static_cast<const unsigned char*>(body));
           } else {
             loggers::get_instance().log_msg("http_codec::decode_body: Decoded message:", xml_body);
             message_body.xml__body() = xml_body;
         } else {
           loggers::get_instance().warning("http_codec::decode_body: No codec for HELD");
           xml_body.raw() = CHARSTRING(body.lengthof(), (char*)static_cast<const unsigned char*>(body));
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         message_body.xml__body() = xml_body;
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       } else if (p["decode_str"].find("=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:lost1\"") != std::string::npos) {
         loggers::get_instance().log("http_codec::decode_body: Find 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:lost1'");
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         if (_codecs["lost"].get() != nullptr) {
           loggers::get_instance().log("http_codec::decode_body: Call 'lost_codec'");
           if (_codecs["lost"]->decode(body, (Record_Type&)xml_body, &p) == -1) {
             loggers::get_instance().warning("http_codec::decode_body: Failed to decode LOST message");
             xml_body.raw() = CHARSTRING(body.lengthof(), (char*)static_cast<const unsigned char*>(body));
           } else {
             loggers::get_instance().log_msg("http_codec::decode_body: Decoded message:", xml_body);
             message_body.xml__body() = xml_body;
         } else {
           loggers::get_instance().warning("http_codec::decode_body: No codec for LOST");
           xml_body.raw() = CHARSTRING(body.lengthof(), (char*)static_cast<const unsigned char*>(body));
         message_body.xml__body() = xml_body;
       } else {
         loggers::get_instance().warning("http_codec::decode_body: No XML codec found");
         xml_body.raw() = CHARSTRING(body.lengthof(), (char*)static_cast<const unsigned char*>(body));
         message_body.xml__body() = xml_body;
    } else if (p["decode_str"].find("<html>") != std::string::npos) { // Try to identify HTML
      loggers::get_instance().log("http_codec::decode_body: Find html message");
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      LibItsHttp__MessageBodyTypes::HtmlBody html_body;
      message_body.html__body() = CHARSTRING(body.lengthof(), (char*)static_cast<const unsigned char*>(body));
    } else {
      loggers::get_instance().log("http_codec::decode_body: Use textBdy as default");
      LibItsHttp__MessageBodyTypes::TextBody text_body;
      message_body.text__body() = CHARSTRING(body.lengthof(), (char*)static_cast<const unsigned char*>(body));
  return 0;

int http_codec::get_line(TTCN_Buffer& buffer, CHARSTRING& to, const bool concatenate_header_lines) {
    unsigned int i = 0;
    const unsigned char *cc_to = buffer.get_read_data();

    // Sanity checks
    if(buffer.get_read_len() == 0) {
        return -1;

    while (true) {
      // Skip spaces, and empty lines
        for( ; i < buffer.get_read_len() && cc_to[i] != '\0' && cc_to[i] != '\r' && cc_to[i] != '\n'; i++);
        if(i >= buffer.get_read_len()) { // No more characters to process
            to = CHARSTRING("");
            return -1;
        } else if(cc_to[i] == '\n') { // New line found, we don't care is '\r' is missing
        if ((i > 0) && ((i + 1) < buffer.get_read_len()) && concatenate_header_lines && ((cc_to[i + 1] == ' ') || (cc_to[i + 1] == '\t'))) {
          i += 1; // Skip it
        } else {
            to = CHARSTRING(i, (const char*)cc_to);
            buffer.set_pos(buffer.get_pos() + i + 1);
            return i == 0 ? 1 : 0;
      } else {
        if ((i + 1) < buffer.get_read_len() && cc_to[i + 1] != '\n') {
             return -1;
        } else if(i > 0 && (i + 2) < buffer.get_read_len() && concatenate_header_lines && (cc_to[i+2] == ' ' || cc_to[i+2] == '\t')) {
             i += 2;
        } else {
            to = CHARSTRING(i, (const char*)cc_to);
            buffer.set_pos(buffer.get_pos() + i + 2);
            return i == 0 ? 1 : 0;
    } // End of 'while' statement

void http_codec::set_payload_codecs(const std::string& p_codecs) {
  loggers::get_instance().log(">>> http_codec::set_payload_codecs: %s", p_codecs.c_str());
  // Sanity check
  if (p_codecs.length() == 0) {
  // Extract codecs
  try {
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    std::regex rgx("(\\w+):(\\w+)(;(\\w+):(\\w+))*");
    std::sregex_iterator begin(p_codecs.cbegin(), p_codecs.cend(), rgx);
    std::sregex_iterator end = std::sregex_iterator();
    // E.g. 9 - xml - :held_codec - held_codec - ;html:html_codec - html:html_codec - html - :html_codec - html_codec
    for (std::sregex_iterator it = begin; it != end; ++it) {
      std::smatch m = *it;
      loggers::get_instance().log("http_codec::set_payload_codecs: %d - %s - %s - %s - %s - %s - %s - %s - %s", m.size(), m[1].str().c_str(), m[2].str().c_str(), m[3].str().c_str(), m[4].str().c_str(), m[5].str().c_str(), m[6].str().c_str(), m[7].str().c_str(), m[8].str().c_str());
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      for (unsigned int j = 1; j < m.size() - 1; j += 3) { // Exclude m[0]
        loggers::get_instance().log("http_codec::set_payload_codecs: insert (%s, %s), j = %d", m[j].str().c_str(), m[j + 1].str().c_str(), j);
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        if (m[j].str().empty()) {
        std::string key(m[j].str());
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        _codecs.insert(std::make_pair(key, std::unique_ptr<codec<Record_Type, Record_Type> >(codec_stack_builder::get_instance()->get_codec(m[j + 1].str().c_str()))));
      } // End of 'for' statement
    } // End of 'for' statement
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    loggers::get_instance().log("http_codec::set_payload_codecs: _codecs length=%d - %p", _codecs.size(), this);
  catch(const std::logic_error& e){
    loggers::get_instance().warning("http_codec::set_payload_codecs: std::logic_error: %s", e.what());