AtsPki_Atos.cfg_ 8.17 KB
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# This section shall contain the values of all parameters that are defined in your TTCN-3 modules.

# The GeoNetworking address of the IUT.
LibItsGeoNetworking_Pics.PICS_GN_LOCAL_GN_ADDR := {                                                                                                           typeOfAddress := e_manual,
  stationType := e_passengerCar,
  stationCountryCode := 0,
  mid := '000000000001'O
#  typeOfAddress := e_initial,
#  stationType := e_unknown, #e_roadSideUnit,
#  stationCountryCode := 0, #33,
#  mid := '4C5E0C14D2EA'O

LibItsGeoNetworking_Pixits.PX_GN_UPPER_LAYER := e_btpB
LibItsGeoNetworking_Pixits.PX_NEIGHBOUR_DISCOVERY_DELAY := 2.0

LibItsHttp_Pics.PICS_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE := "application/x-its-request"

LibItsHttp_Pics.PICS_HEADER_HOST := ""
LibItsPki_Pics.PICS_HTTP_POST_URI := "/"

LibItsPki_Pics.PICS_HTTP_POST_URI := "/its"
#LibItsSecurity_Pics.PICS_SEC_FIXED_KEYS := true # Seed

# Enable Security support
LibItsGeoNetworking_Pics.PICS_GN_SECURITY := true
# Root path to access certificate stored in files, identified by certficate ID
LibItsSecurity_Pixits.PX_CERTIFICATE_POOL_PATH := "/home/vagrant/tmp"
# Configuration sub-directory to access certificate stored in files
LibItsSecurity_Pixits.PX_IUT_SEC_CONFIG_NAME := "asn1c_cert"

LibItsPki_Pics.PICS_ITS_S_SIGN_NITSP256_PRIVATE_KEY        := '5C25F97607DFC62972A147FAD8B7A7C939569F0F95ECD4C641724A68B51836E5'O
LibItsPki_Pics.PICS_ITS_S_SIGN_NISTP256_PUBLIC_KEY         := '020144E5174B0AFDA86BDB8B643B68D40030F5BDB9A9F090C64852CC3C20C9D5AD'O
LibItsPki_Pics.PICS_ITS_S_ENC_NITSP256_PRIVATE_KEY         := 'EDEBEADCAA9514CD4B30256126FB7DF958B911C6EB58CCF702983C3DCD3DECBD'O
LibItsPki_Pics.PICS_ITS_S_ENC_BRAINPOOLP256r1_PRIVATE_KEY  := '9F155D40B6C920BA45D8027093C8ADADAF3AA6F9F71F0CC0F8279FF0146A8A48'O
LibItsPki_Pics.PICS_ITS_S_ENC_BRAINPOOLP256r1_PUBLIC_KEY   := '038602F468BD334EA4D2BA416295E204D58BD1F42C85FB9BE57237C74544F6A69A'O
LibItsPki_Pics.PICS_ITS_S_SIGN_BRAINPOOLP256r1_PUBLIC_KEY  := '02A92BA3B770B040B8D958D5BD2CC9B537212D6963F50EA3E4784FEFA5D0454C12'O
LibItsPki_Pics.PICS_ITS_S_ENC_BRAINPOOLP384r1_PRIVATE_KEY  := '6B4B4392511B252C904801466F5DA0A7F28E038E6656800CBB0CDCB3D32F862CA4D59CBDC1A19E98E9191582AF1DB3D7'O
LibItsPki_Pics.PICS_ITS_S_SIGN_BRAINPOOLP384r1_PRIVATE_KEY := '3CD977195A579787C84D5900F4CB6341E0C3D2750B140C5380E6F03CE3FBA0022F7541DEABDCED4790D313ED8F56ACA8'O
LibItsPki_Pics.PICS_ITS_S_SIGN_BRAINPOOLP384r1_PUBLIC_KEY  := '0243FF5C96984C2C3F5FD5C5F6551C90F5FAEE1E5E8301763E4AF1E9D627F3474E554B82EE98EC4B49808DFF61B35F8313'O
LibItsPki_Pics.PICS_ITS_S_CANONICAL_ID                     := '1B4CA1210123AE900BBE6C3EBAE7E87DA20DBDAB1E7B2EC0691C51C1021900AA'O

# In this section you can specify the name of the log file and the classes of events
# you want to log into the file or display on console (standard error).

LogFile := "../logs/%e.%h-%r.%s"
LogSourceInfo := Stack
LogEntityName:= Yes
LogEventTypes:= Yes
#TimeStampFormat := DateTime

# In this section you can specify parameters that are passed to Test Ports.
# CAM Layer
#   next_header     : btpA|btpB (overwrite BTP.type)
#   header_type     : tsb|gbc
#   header_sub_type : sh (single hop)
# DENM Layer
#   next_header     : btpA|btpB (overwrite BTP.type)
#   header_type     : tsb|gbc
# BTP Layer
#   type            : btpA|btpB
#   destination port: dst_port
#   source port     : src_port
#   device_mode     : Set to 1 if the layer shall encapsulate upper layer PDU
#   device_mode     : Set to 1 if the layer shall encapsulate upper layer PDU
# GN Layer
#   ll_address             : GeoNetworking address of the Test System
#   latitude               : latitude of the Test System
#   longitude              : longitude of the Test System
#   beaconing              : Set to 1 if GnLayer shall start beaconing
#   Beaconing timer expiry: expiry (ms)
#   device_mode            : Set to 1 if the layer shall encapsulate upper layer PDU
#   secured_mode           : Set to 1 if message exchanges shall be signed
#   encrypted_mode         : Set to 1 if message exchanges shall be encrypted
#                            NOTE: For signed & encrypted message exchanges, both secured_mode and encrypted_mode shall be set to 1
#   sec_db_path            : Path to the certificates and keys storage location
#   hash                   : Hash algorithm to be used when secured mode is set
#                            Authorized values are SHA-256 or SHA-384
#                            Default: SHA-256
#   signature              : Signature algorithm to be used when secured mode is set
#                            Authorized values are NISTP-256, NISTP-384, BP-256 and BP-384
#                            Default: NISTP-256
#   cypher                 : Cyphering algorithm to be used when secured mode is set
#                            Authorized values are NISTP-256, BP-256 and BP-384
#                            Default: NISTP-256
# Pki layer
#   certificate            : Certificate to be used by the Test System for signature and encryption. Default: CERT_TS_A_AT
#   peer_certificate       : Certificate to be used by the IUT for signature and encryption. Default: CERT_IUT_A_AT
# Ethernet layer
#   mac_src  :Source MAC address
#   mac_bc   :Broadcast address
#   eth_type : Ethernet type
# Commsignia layer
#   mac_src     : Device MAC address, used to discard packets
#                 To indicate no filering, use the value 000000000000
#   mac_bc      : Broadcast address
#   eth_type    : Ethernet type, used to discard packets
#   target_host : Device address
#   target_port : Device port
#   source_port : Test System port
#   interface_id: Interface id, used to discard packets
#   tx_power    : TX power (dB)
# UDP layer (IP/UDP based on Pcap)
#   dst_ip  : destination IPv4 address (
#   dst_port: destination port
#   src_ip  : source IPv4 address (
#   src_port: source port
# Pcap layer
#   mac_src    : Source MAC address, used to exclude from capture the acket sent by the Test System
#   filter     : Pcap filter (compliant with tcpdump syntax) 
#   Online mode:
#     nic: Local NIC
#          If set, online mode is used
#   Offline mode (nic is present but not set):
#     file        : File to read
#     frame_offset: Frame offset, used to skip packets with frame number < frame_offset
#     time_offset : Time offset, used to skip packets with time offset < time_offset
#     save_mode   : 1 to save sent packet, 0 otherwise

# Single GeoNetworking component port
system.httpPort.params := "HTTP(codecs=http_its:http_etsi_ieee1609dot2_codec)/TCP(,port=80,use_ssl=0)"

# GeoNetworking UpperTester port based on UDP
system.utPort.params := "UT_PKI/UDP(dst_ip=,dst_port=8000)"


# The options herein control the behavior of MC.
KillTimer := 10.0
LocalAddress :=
TCPPort := 12000
NumHCs := 1