1. 05 Nov, 2014 2 commits
    • mogos's avatar
      added messageIdentifier validation · 61629d1b
      mogos authored
    • mogos's avatar
      * ALL TCS: verify that messageIdentifier is correctly set · ad28251a
      mogos authored
      * CTP_1_1_2_2 receive template accepts any automatic eCall message
      * CTP_1_1_3_2 receive template accepts any manual eCall message
      * CTP_1_1_10_3 checks the time difference between the first send signal and the last instead of between call establishment and last send signal
      * CTP_1_1_16_1 wait before clearing down to ensure that the ivs has received the AL-ACK
      * CTP_1_1_17_3 
          a) use network clear down instead of AL-ACK clear down
      	b) on the call back the IVS should switch to voice
  2. 10 Oct, 2014 1 commit
  3. 03 Oct, 2014 1 commit
  4. 02 Oct, 2014 4 commits
  5. 01 Oct, 2014 1 commit
  6. 30 Sep, 2014 5 commits
  7. 29 Sep, 2014 3 commits
  8. 17 Sep, 2014 3 commits
  9. 15 Sep, 2014 2 commits