Started 5 yr 2 mo ago
Took 5 min 11 sec on

Success Build #42 (Mar 25, 2019 6:53:19 PM)

Started by GitLab push by bernini
Build Artifacts
SOL005-NSDManagement-API.json914.58 KB view
SOL005-NSDManagement-API.pdf7.57 MB view
SOL005-NSDManagement-API.yaml1.24 MB view
SOL005-NSFaultManagement-API.json273.16 KB view
SOL005-NSFaultManagement-API.pdf2.39 MB view
SOL005-NSFaultManagement-API.yaml394.33 KB view
SOL005-NSLifecycleManagement-API.json1.24 MB view
SOL005-NSLifecycleManagement-API.pdf13.67 MB view
SOL005-NSLifecycleManagement-API.yaml2.25 MB view
SOL005-NSPerformanceManagement-API.json364.90 KB view
SOL005-NSPerformanceManagement-API.pdf3.26 MB view
SOL005-NSPerformanceManagement-API.yaml516.41 KB view
SOL005-VNFPackageManagement-API.json460.66 KB view
SOL005-VNFPackageManagement-API.pdf4.00 MB view
SOL005-VNFPackageManagement-API.yaml654.11 KB view
  1. NFV-SOL005-NS Lifecycle Management-Swagger-Files (detail)
  2. Replace SOL005NSLifecycleManagement_def.yaml (detail)
  3. Replace NSLifecycleManagement_def.yaml (detail)
  4. Replace SOL005_def.yaml (detail)
  5. Replace NSLifecycleManagement_resp.yaml (detail)
  6. Replace SOL005_resp.yaml (detail)
  7. Replace NSLifecycleManagement_def.yaml (detail)
  8. Update NSLifecycleManagement.yaml (detail)
  9. Fixing build script (detail)
  10. SOL005 2.4.1 - Fixed reference issues in spec files, generated while (detail)
  11. Merge Request Issue.     Re committing NSD Files. (detail)
  12. Merge Request Issue. Re committing NSFM files. (detail)
  13. Merge Request issue. Re committing NSLCM files. (detail)
  14. Merge Request issue. Re committing NSPM files. (detail)
  15. Merge Request issue. Re committing VNFPM files. (detail)
  16. Fixed SOL005 v2.4.1 Review issues. (detail)
  17. Fixed SOL005 v2.4.1 Review issues. (detail)
  18. Fixed SOL005 v2.4.1 Review issues. (detail)
  19. Fixed SOL005 v2.4.1 Review issues. (detail)
  20. Fixed SOL005 v2.4.1 Review issues. (detail)
  21. Fixed SOL005 v2.4.1 Review issues. (detail)
  22. Fixed SOL005 v2.4.1 Review issues. (detail)
  23. Fixed SOL005 v2.4.1 Review issues. (detail)
  24. Fixed SOL005 v2.4.1 Review issues. (detail)
  25. Fixed SOL005 v2.4.1 Review issues. (detail)
  26. Renamed NS Performance Management API for compliance with build script (detail)
  27. fix: replaced type unsignedInt with type integer and mimimum value 0 (detail)
  28. added minimum value 0 requirement where SOL005 specifies UnsignedInt (detail)

Started by GitLab push by bernini

Revision: 5267857fca522e64922e706e76c8dffda7eb1573
  • origin/2.5.1-dev
  • origin/master