Started 1 yr 5 mo ago
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Success Build #7 (Jan 19, 2023 2:43:58 PM)

Started by GitLab push by Giacomo Bernini
Build Artifacts
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  1. SOL009_001->SOL009_017: SOL009 v030506 (detail)
  2. Minor fix in Configuration and Information mgmt interface (detail)
  3. fixed issue#4 (detail)
  4. fixed issue#2 for NFVManoConfigurationAndInformationManagement (detail)
  5. fixed issue#2 for NFVManoConfigurationAndInformationManagement (detail)
  6. reverted fix issue#2 for NFVManoConfigurationAndInformationManagement (detail)
  7. updated ref in externalDocs (detail)
  8. updated references to schemas definition (detail)
  9. fixed issue #2 (detail)
  10. re-fixed issue #2 (detail)
  11. SOL009 issue#3 fixed (detail)
  12. Update (detail)
  13. v030604 (detail)
  14. addressed comments from SOL WG review (detail)

Started by GitLab push by Giacomo Bernini

Revision: 08cc532ff0b3eb7b6f0f6213ee44c823f5e124d7
  • origin/master