Started 1 yr 4 mo ago
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Success Build #626 (Jan 19, 2023 2:38:59 PM)

Started by GitLab push by Giacomo Bernini
Build Artifacts
  1. update API versions in SOL003 (detail)
  2. update API versions in SOL002 (detail)
  3. add HTTP conditional requests for SOL002 (detail)
  4. update SOL002VNFLifecycleManagement (detail)
  5. update SOL002VNFPerformanceManagement (detail)
  6. fix Location header in responses (detail)
  7. update SOL002VNFFaultManagement (detail)
  8. update SOL002VNFIndicator (detail)
  9. update SOL002 to v3.7.1 (detail)
  10. Updated SOL003 APIs (detail)
  11. fix issues in SOL003 APIs (detail)
  12. update refercing in VNFFaultMgmt interface Notification endpoint (detail)
  13. update SOL003VNFLifecycleManagement (detail)
  14. fix conflict in VNF performance Mgmt API of SOL003 (detail)
  15. update SOL003 (detail)
  16. Separate common SOL002 LCM definitions (detail)
  17. Separate common SOL003 LCM definitions (detail)
  18. Add SOL003 HTTP conditional requests (detail)
  19. separate common definitions files for SOL002 and SOL003 (detail)
  20. separate common definitions files for SOL002 and SOL003 (detail)
  21. fix data model references (detail)
  22. separate notification definitions files for SOL002 and SOL003 (detail)
  23. Update SOL003 HTTP section (detail)
  24. update descriptions in SOL003 (detail)
  25. resolve issues in SOL002 and SOL003 (detail)
  26. resolve issues raised by Vlademir in SOL002 and SOL003 v3.7.1 (detail)
  27. Update (detail)

Started by GitLab push by Giacomo Bernini

Revision: 9dcd59aaedc041fc9f257fcc5fbb83690a9f9728
  • origin/3.7.1-dev