SuccessConsole Output

14:27:47 Started by GitLab push by f.moscatelli
14:27:47 Building remotely on (docker) in workspace /home/jenkins/workspace/NFV - Network Functions Virtualisation/sol005
14:27:47 using credential f9a9fd70-ea8b-4872-a9d5-d1fb1cf8123e
14:27:47  > git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree # timeout=10
14:27:47 Fetching changes from the remote Git repository
14:27:47  > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10
14:27:47 Fetching upstream changes from
14:27:47  > git --version # timeout=10
14:27:47 using GIT_SSH to set credentials 
14:27:47  > git fetch --tags --progress +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
14:27:48  > git rev-parse remotes/origin/2.8.1-dev^{commit} # timeout=10
14:27:48  > git branch -a -v --no-abbrev --contains f8671fbc6a6c157cb58f9caefafa4ee978c19769 # timeout=10
14:27:48 Checking out Revision f8671fbc6a6c157cb58f9caefafa4ee978c19769 (origin/2.8.1-dev)
14:27:48  > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10
14:27:48  > git checkout -f f8671fbc6a6c157cb58f9caefafa4ee978c19769
14:27:48 Commit message: "SOL005: v2.8.1 review fixes"
14:27:48  > git rev-list --no-walk 72ff312135e0d5c47287190de5e8b2936e371259 # timeout=10
14:27:49 [sol005] $ /bin/bash /tmp/
14:27:49 ./ line 7: proxy: command not found
14:27:49 http_proxy is not set
14:27:49 Proxy set to 
14:27:49 Sending build context to Docker daemon  13.31kB

14:27:49 Step 1/24 : FROM alpine:3.6
14:27:50 3.6: Pulling from library/alpine
14:27:50 Digest: sha256:66790a2b79e1ea3e1dabac43990c54aca5d1ddf268d9a5a0285e4167c8b24475
14:27:50 Status: Downloaded newer image for alpine:3.6
14:27:50  ---> 43773d1dba76
14:27:50 Step 2/24 : RUN env
14:27:50  ---> Using cache
14:27:50  ---> 880f6362180a
14:27:50 Step 3/24 : RUN apk update
14:27:50  ---> Using cache
14:27:50  ---> 82b8f430bea0
14:27:50 Step 4/24 : RUN apk add bash
14:27:50  ---> Using cache
14:27:50  ---> 2fd5d5e33596
14:27:50 Step 5/24 : RUN apk add nodejs
14:27:50  ---> Using cache
14:27:50  ---> f32768702700
14:27:50 Step 6/24 : RUN apk add nodejs-npm
14:27:50  ---> Using cache
14:27:50  ---> 35099e75c142
14:27:50 Step 7/24 : RUN apk add asciidoctor
14:27:50  ---> Using cache
14:27:50  ---> 51afd6741c30
14:27:50 Step 8/24 : RUN apk add openjdk8
14:27:50  ---> Using cache
14:27:50  ---> ff53c8a5a5f7
14:27:50 Step 9/24 : RUN apk add ca-certificates wget && update-ca-certificates
14:27:50  ---> Using cache
14:27:50  ---> 49489b602de2
14:27:50 Step 10/24 : RUN apk add openssl
14:27:50  ---> Using cache
14:27:50  ---> 00f580176b8c
14:27:50 Step 11/24 : RUN gem install rdoc --pre || gem install rdoc --pre
14:27:50  ---> Using cache
14:27:50  ---> 77cabbb2ffb9
14:27:50 Step 12/24 : RUN gem install asciidoctor-pdf-cjk
14:27:50  ---> Using cache
14:27:50  ---> 2ab40be11750
14:27:50 Step 13/24 : RUN wget
14:27:50  ---> Using cache
14:27:50  ---> 15c9f9b37466
14:27:50 Step 14/24 : RUN npm config set proxy $http_proxy
14:27:50  ---> Using cache
14:27:50  ---> 1703c82844d8
14:27:50 Step 15/24 : RUN npm install -g swagger-tools@0.10.3
14:27:50  ---> Using cache
14:27:50  ---> ef82146245d8
14:27:50 Step 16/24 : RUN npm install -g json-refs@3.0.2
14:27:51  ---> Running in 18098ffbbb62
14:27:52 npm WARN invalid config proxy=""
14:27:52 npm WARN invalid config Must be a full url with 'http://'
14:27:52 /usr/bin/json-refs -> /usr/lib/node_modules/json-refs/bin/json-refs
14:28:00 /usr/lib
14:28:00 `-- json-refs@3.0.2 
14:28:00   +-- commander@2.20.3 
14:28:00   +-- graphlib@2.1.8 
14:28:00   +-- js-yaml@3.14.1 
14:28:00   | +-- argparse@1.0.10 
14:28:00   | | `-- sprintf-js@1.0.3 
14:28:00   | `-- esprima@4.0.1 
14:28:00   +-- lodash@4.17.21 
14:28:00   +-- native-promise-only@0.8.1 
14:28:00   +-- path-loader@1.0.10 
14:28:00   | `-- superagent@3.8.3 
14:28:00   |   +-- component-emitter@1.3.0 
14:28:00   |   +-- cookiejar@2.1.2 
14:28:00   |   +-- debug@3.2.7 
14:28:00   |   | `-- ms@2.1.3 
14:28:00   |   +-- extend@3.0.2 
14:28:00   |   +-- form-data@2.5.1 
14:28:00   |   | +-- asynckit@0.4.0 
14:28:00   |   | +-- combined-stream@1.0.8 
14:28:00   |   | | `-- delayed-stream@1.0.0 
14:28:00   |   | `-- mime-types@2.1.30 
14:28:00   |   |   `-- mime-db@1.47.0 
14:28:00   |   +-- formidable@1.2.2 
14:28:00   |   +-- methods@1.1.2 
14:28:00   |   +-- mime@1.6.0 
14:28:00   |   +-- qs@6.10.1 
14:28:00   |   | `-- side-channel@1.0.4 
14:28:00   |   |   +-- call-bind@1.0.2 
14:28:00   |   |   | `-- function-bind@1.1.1 
14:28:00   |   |   +-- get-intrinsic@1.1.1 
14:28:00   |   |   | +-- has@1.0.3 
14:28:00   |   |   | `-- has-symbols@1.0.2 
14:28:00   |   |   `-- object-inspect@1.9.0 
14:28:00   |   `-- readable-stream@2.3.7 
14:28:00   |     +-- core-util-is@1.0.2 
14:28:00   |     +-- inherits@2.0.4 
14:28:00   |     +-- isarray@1.0.0 
14:28:00   |     +-- process-nextick-args@2.0.1 
14:28:00   |     +-- safe-buffer@5.1.2 
14:28:00   |     +-- string_decoder@1.1.1 
14:28:00   |     `-- util-deprecate@1.0.2 
14:28:00   +-- slash@1.0.0 
14:28:00   `-- uri-js@3.0.2 
14:28:00     `-- punycode@2.1.1 
14:28:01  ---> c31d89bc0dff
14:28:01 Removing intermediate container 18098ffbbb62
14:28:01 Step 17/24 : RUN npm install -g yamljs@0.3.0
14:28:01  ---> Running in 2dd0b1f9921b
14:28:02 npm WARN invalid config proxy=""
14:28:02 npm WARN invalid config Must be a full url with 'http://'
14:28:02 /usr/bin/yaml2json -> /usr/lib/node_modules/yamljs/bin/yaml2json
14:28:04 /usr/bin/json2yaml -> /usr/lib/node_modules/yamljs/bin/json2yaml
14:28:04 /usr/lib
14:28:04 `-- yamljs@0.3.0 
14:28:04   +-- argparse@1.0.10 
14:28:04   | `-- sprintf-js@1.0.3 
14:28:04   `-- glob@7.1.6 
14:28:04     +-- fs.realpath@1.0.0 
14:28:04     +-- inflight@1.0.6 
14:28:04     | `-- wrappy@1.0.2 
14:28:04     +-- inherits@2.0.4 
14:28:04     +-- minimatch@3.0.4 
14:28:04     | `-- brace-expansion@1.1.11 
14:28:04     |   +-- balanced-match@1.0.2 
14:28:04     |   `-- concat-map@0.0.1 
14:28:04     +-- once@1.4.0 
14:28:04     `-- path-is-absolute@1.0.1 
14:28:04  ---> d038d1a2ddc0
14:28:04 Removing intermediate container 2dd0b1f9921b
14:28:04 Step 18/24 : ADD /
14:28:05  ---> 605483d0e406
14:28:05 Removing intermediate container fa190b73d6a2
14:28:05 Step 19/24 : RUN chmod +x /
14:28:05  ---> Running in 8c53dcaa37ac
14:28:05  ---> 73eac66b3759
14:28:05 Removing intermediate container 8c53dcaa37ac
14:28:05 Step 20/24 : ADD swg2mrkup /bin/swg2mrkup
14:28:06  ---> c54aa28f6439
14:28:06 Removing intermediate container ac1baa24930e
14:28:06 Step 21/24 : RUN chmod +x /bin/swg2mrkup
14:28:06  ---> Running in 444fb2efa88c
14:28:06  ---> b3bb383fb1a6
14:28:06 Removing intermediate container 444fb2efa88c
14:28:06 Step 22/24 : ADD oas2pdf /bin/oas2pdf
14:28:07  ---> 2ea1d866fa1f
14:28:07 Removing intermediate container c82aaf87a5ed
14:28:07 Step 23/24 : RUN chmod +x /bin/oas2pdf
14:28:07  ---> Running in 107bece5fa30
14:28:07  ---> 8fb5d62a2064
14:28:07 Removing intermediate container 107bece5fa30
14:28:07 Step 24/24 : ENTRYPOINT /
14:28:07  ---> Running in 4ec4c3e00a9f
14:28:07  ---> f3733e609d3c
14:28:07 Removing intermediate container 4ec4c3e00a9f
14:28:07 Successfully built f3733e609d3c
14:28:07 Successfully tagged openapivalidator:latest
14:28:07 Mounting dir /home/jenkins/workspace/NFV - Network Functions Virtualisation/sol005 as /work
14:28:07 mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/var/www/html/api/nfv/sol005/239’: Permission denied
14:28:07 Mounting dir /var/www/html/api/nfv/sol005/239 as /storage
14:28:08 Using filter ''
14:28:08 Entering dir /work/src
14:28:08 -- Will validate: ./SOL005/NSLifecycleManagementNotification/NSLifecycleManagementNotification.yaml (api: NSLifecycleManagementNotification) (deliverable:SOL005)
14:28:08 --- Merging file.
14:28:09 --- Create PDF...
14:28:28 --- Validating ../build/SOL005-NSLifecycleManagementNotification-API.yaml
14:28:30 --- Validation done (0).
14:28:30 '../build/SOL005-NSLifecycleManagementNotification-API.yaml' -> '/storage/SOL005-NSLifecycleManagementNotification-API.yaml'
14:28:30 '../build/SOL005-NSLifecycleManagementNotification-API.json' -> '/storage/SOL005-NSLifecycleManagementNotification-API.json'
14:28:30 '../build/SOL005-NSLifecycleManagementNotification-API.pdf' -> '/storage/SOL005-NSLifecycleManagementNotification-API.pdf'
14:28:30 -- Will validate: ./SOL005/VNFPackageManagementNotification/VNFPackageManagementNotification.yaml (api: VNFPackageManagementNotification) (deliverable:SOL005)
14:28:30 --- Merging file.
14:28:31 --- Create PDF...
14:28:40 --- Validating ../build/SOL005-VNFPackageManagementNotification-API.yaml
14:28:42 --- Validation done (0).
14:28:42 '../build/SOL005-VNFPackageManagementNotification-API.yaml' -> '/storage/SOL005-VNFPackageManagementNotification-API.yaml'
14:28:42 '../build/SOL005-VNFPackageManagementNotification-API.json' -> '/storage/SOL005-VNFPackageManagementNotification-API.json'
14:28:42 '../build/SOL005-VNFPackageManagementNotification-API.pdf' -> '/storage/SOL005-VNFPackageManagementNotification-API.pdf'
14:28:42 -- Will validate: ./SOL005/NSDManagement/NSDManagement.yaml (api: NSDManagement) (deliverable:SOL005)
14:28:42 --- Merging file.
14:28:44 --- Create PDF...
14:29:50 --- Validating ../build/SOL005-NSDManagement-API.yaml
14:29:52 --- Validation done (0).
14:29:52 '../build/SOL005-NSDManagement-API.yaml' -> '/storage/SOL005-NSDManagement-API.yaml'
14:29:52 '../build/SOL005-NSDManagement-API.json' -> '/storage/SOL005-NSDManagement-API.json'
14:29:52 '../build/SOL005-NSDManagement-API.pdf' -> '/storage/SOL005-NSDManagement-API.pdf'
14:29:52 -- Will validate: ./SOL005/APIVersion/APIVersion.yaml (api: APIVersion) (deliverable:SOL005)
14:29:52 --- Merging file.
14:29:53 --- Create PDF...
14:30:16 --- Validating ../build/SOL005-APIVersion-API.yaml
14:30:18 --- Validation done (0).
14:30:18 '../build/SOL005-APIVersion-API.yaml' -> '/storage/SOL005-APIVersion-API.yaml'
14:30:18 '../build/SOL005-APIVersion-API.json' -> '/storage/SOL005-APIVersion-API.json'
14:30:18 '../build/SOL005-APIVersion-API.pdf' -> '/storage/SOL005-APIVersion-API.pdf'
14:30:18 -- Will validate: ./SOL005/NSPerformanceManagement/NSPerformanceManagement.yaml (api: NSPerformanceManagement) (deliverable:SOL005)
14:30:18 --- Merging file.
14:30:19 --- Create PDF...
14:30:55 --- Validating ../build/SOL005-NSPerformanceManagement-API.yaml
14:30:56 --- Validation done (0).
14:30:56 '../build/SOL005-NSPerformanceManagement-API.yaml' -> '/storage/SOL005-NSPerformanceManagement-API.yaml'
14:30:56 '../build/SOL005-NSPerformanceManagement-API.json' -> '/storage/SOL005-NSPerformanceManagement-API.json'
14:30:56 '../build/SOL005-NSPerformanceManagement-API.pdf' -> '/storage/SOL005-NSPerformanceManagement-API.pdf'
14:30:56 -- Will validate: ./SOL005/NSDManagementNotification/NSDManagementNotification.yaml (api: NSDManagementNotification) (deliverable:SOL005)
14:30:56 --- Merging file.
14:30:58 --- Create PDF...
14:31:31 --- Validating ../build/SOL005-NSDManagementNotification-API.yaml
14:31:32 --- Validation done (0).
14:31:32 '../build/SOL005-NSDManagementNotification-API.yaml' -> '/storage/SOL005-NSDManagementNotification-API.yaml'
14:31:32 '../build/SOL005-NSDManagementNotification-API.json' -> '/storage/SOL005-NSDManagementNotification-API.json'
14:31:32 '../build/SOL005-NSDManagementNotification-API.pdf' -> '/storage/SOL005-NSDManagementNotification-API.pdf'
14:31:32 -- Will validate: ./SOL005/NSFaultManagement/NSFaultManagement.yaml (api: NSFaultManagement) (deliverable:SOL005)
14:31:32 --- Merging file.
14:31:34 --- Create PDF...
14:31:58 --- Validating ../build/SOL005-NSFaultManagement-API.yaml
14:32:00 --- Validation done (0).
14:32:00 '../build/SOL005-NSFaultManagement-API.yaml' -> '/storage/SOL005-NSFaultManagement-API.yaml'
14:32:00 '../build/SOL005-NSFaultManagement-API.json' -> '/storage/SOL005-NSFaultManagement-API.json'
14:32:00 '../build/SOL005-NSFaultManagement-API.pdf' -> '/storage/SOL005-NSFaultManagement-API.pdf'
14:32:00 -- Will validate: ./SOL005/VNFPackageManagement/VNFPackageManagement.yaml (api: VNFPackageManagement) (deliverable:SOL005)
14:32:00 --- Merging file.
14:32:02 --- Create PDF...
14:33:00 --- Validating ../build/SOL005-VNFPackageManagement-API.yaml
14:33:02 --- Validation done (0).
14:33:02 '../build/SOL005-VNFPackageManagement-API.yaml' -> '/storage/SOL005-VNFPackageManagement-API.yaml'
14:33:02 '../build/SOL005-VNFPackageManagement-API.json' -> '/storage/SOL005-VNFPackageManagement-API.json'
14:33:02 '../build/SOL005-VNFPackageManagement-API.pdf' -> '/storage/SOL005-VNFPackageManagement-API.pdf'
14:33:02 -- Will validate: ./SOL005/NSLifecycleManagement/NSLifecycleManagement.yaml (api: NSLifecycleManagement) (deliverable:SOL005)
14:33:02 --- Merging file.
14:33:06 --- Create PDF...
14:34:44 --- Validating ../build/SOL005-NSLifecycleManagement-API.yaml
14:34:47 --- Validation done (0).
14:34:47 '../build/SOL005-NSLifecycleManagement-API.yaml' -> '/storage/SOL005-NSLifecycleManagement-API.yaml'
14:34:47 '../build/SOL005-NSLifecycleManagement-API.json' -> '/storage/SOL005-NSLifecycleManagement-API.json'
14:34:47 '../build/SOL005-NSLifecycleManagement-API.pdf' -> '/storage/SOL005-NSLifecycleManagement-API.pdf'
14:34:47 -- Will validate: ./SOL005/NSFaultManagementNotification/NSFaultManagementNotification.yaml (api: NSFaultManagementNotification) (deliverable:SOL005)
14:34:47 --- Merging file.
14:34:48 --- Create PDF...
14:35:03 --- Validating ../build/SOL005-NSFaultManagementNotification-API.yaml
14:35:04 --- Validation done (0).
14:35:04 '../build/SOL005-NSFaultManagementNotification-API.yaml' -> '/storage/SOL005-NSFaultManagementNotification-API.yaml'
14:35:04 '../build/SOL005-NSFaultManagementNotification-API.json' -> '/storage/SOL005-NSFaultManagementNotification-API.json'
14:35:04 '../build/SOL005-NSFaultManagementNotification-API.pdf' -> '/storage/SOL005-NSFaultManagementNotification-API.pdf'
14:35:04 -- Will validate: ./SOL005/NSPerformanceManagementNotification/NSPerformanceManagementNotification.yaml (api: NSPerformanceManagementNotification) (deliverable:SOL005)
14:35:04 --- Merging file.
14:35:05 --- Create PDF...
14:35:17 --- Validating ../build/SOL005-NSPerformanceManagementNotification-API.yaml
14:35:19 --- Validation done (0).
14:35:19 '../build/SOL005-NSPerformanceManagementNotification-API.yaml' -> '/storage/SOL005-NSPerformanceManagementNotification-API.yaml'
14:35:19 '../build/SOL005-NSPerformanceManagementNotification-API.json' -> '/storage/SOL005-NSPerformanceManagementNotification-API.json'
14:35:19 '../build/SOL005-NSPerformanceManagementNotification-API.pdf' -> '/storage/SOL005-NSPerformanceManagementNotification-API.pdf'
14:35:19 -- Final validator returns 0.
14:35:19 Archiving artifacts
14:35:21 Finished: SUCCESS