Started 2 yr 7 mo ago
Took 3 min 2 sec on

Success Build #760 (Oct 5, 2021 11:56:10 AM)

Started by GitLab push by bernini
  1. fixed test IDs (detail)
  2. resolved the inconsistency in SOL003 indexes (detail)
  3. Triggering CI/CD of Robot Hive Tap Test Tools project for 'plu' branches (detail)
  4. fix comments from TST WG on (detail)
  5. fix SOL005 index (detail)
  6. added void clauses for removed endpoints (detail)
  7. changed the notation for list type environment/variables (detail)
  8. internal variables to ignore while building the HIVE-TAP GUI (detail)
  9. added some missing internal variables to be removed from TAP GUI (detail)
  10. fixed issues #90 and #190 in 2.8.1 (detail)
  11. ../SOL003/VNFPackageManagement-API/VNFPackageManagementKeywords.robot (detail)
  12. Fixing issue #153 (detail)
  13. CI/CD enhancements (detail)
  14. fixed issue #191 in 2.8.1-fix-plu (detail)
  15. fixed issue #192 in 2.8.1-fix-plu (detail)
  16. fixed VNFD parsing in SOL002 VNF-LCM-API (detail)
  17. fixed VNFD parsing in SOL003 APIs (detail)
  18. fixed VNFD parsing in SOL005 APIs (detail)
  19. minor fix in VNFD parsing for SOL003 APIs (detail)
  20. added some missing internal variables to be removed from TAP GUI (detail)
  21. updated version in SOL002 VNF-LCM-API descriptors (detail)
  22. Fix issue #193 (detail)
  23. fixed issue #194 in 2.8.1-fix-plu (detail)
  24. Update Adding missing parameter to run-container script (detail)

Started by GitLab push by bernini

Revision: dde654fdd1d597889cf519f83432b3001143cca1
  • origin/2.8.1-fix-plu