Started 4 yr 11 mo ago
Took 2.6 sec on Build 3

Failed Build #1320 (May 7, 2019 4:00:43 PM)

Started by GitLab push by Walter Featherstone
  1. Converted Mp1 API description to OpenAPI 3, without the split directory (detail)
  2. Updated URIs to point to develop branch (detail)
  3. ID attributes in Path parameters should just be String, not URI String (detail)
  4. The type Href should not be readOnly, even though the containing (detail)
  5. Bug86 . replacement with _ for each operationId (detail)
  6. Change content type to text/plain of rEmpty schema to avoid potential (detail)
  7. Single apostrophe for string. Traffic Filter within TrafficRule changed (detail)
  8. subscriptionType in path has only 2 possibilities (detail)
  9. oAuth2Info is not a required parameter & used oneOf for endpoint (detail)
  10. oAuth2Info is not a required parameter & used oneOf for endpoint (detail)
  11. correct used oneOf for endpoint (detail)
  12. host and port are required for an EndPointInfo addresses array instance (detail)
  13. Removed transportId from ServieInfo examples (detail)
  14. Sepeated ServiceInfo POST message body (detail)

Started by GitLab push by Walter Featherstone

Revision: 7e21cc6ea681486e42d65ea666f512850021cde9
  • origin/master