

  1. Rapporteur Update TS29549_SS_NetworkResourceAdaptation.yaml (details)
Commit 6e1a518967b69c27da174212c8e916723ed1ac21 by n.tangudu
Rapporteur Update TS29549_SS_NetworkResourceAdaptation.yaml
"deliveryMode" attribute is of type DeliveryMode, defined in the API and
not from other yaml file. This clarification is made after the CT3#108e
meeting with the author of the pCR author.  deliveryMode:         
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/DeliveryMode' Changed
to  deliveryMode:           $ref: '#/components/schemas/DeliveryMode'
The file was modifiedTS29549_SS_NetworkResourceAdaptation.yaml


  1. Rapporteur Update TS29549_SS_NetworkResourceAdaptation.yaml (details)
Commit 6e1a518967b69c27da174212c8e916723ed1ac21 by n.tangudu
Rapporteur Update TS29549_SS_NetworkResourceAdaptation.yaml
"deliveryMode" attribute is of type DeliveryMode, defined in the API and
not from other yaml file. This clarification is made after the CT3#108e
meeting with the author of the pCR author.  deliveryMode:         
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/DeliveryMode' Changed
to  deliveryMode:           $ref: '#/components/schemas/DeliveryMode'
The file was modifiedTS29549_SS_NetworkResourceAdaptation.yaml