This page acts as a centralized location for software developers to view and download source code of TTCN-3 Test Suites and Test Platforms.
The credentials to download the source code are:
 Username: svnusers
 Password: svnusers
Bugs can be reported via the ETSI Bug Tracker Tool.
To download the complete set of test specifications (PICS, TSS&TP and ATS) please refer to TTCN-3 Public Test Suites.

ETSI's Source Repositories

DiameterCxDx Rev 151 2016-02-12 12:52:48 pintar
DiameterGx Rev 122 2014-06-18 06:04:17 garciay
DiameterRfRo Rev 80 2016-12-21 10:19:11 admchv
DiameterRx Rev 71 2014-01-16 13:08:29 filatov
DiameterS6a Rev 112 2015-11-18 09:22:58 pintar
DiameterS9 Rev 76 2015-02-26 17:47:42 pintar
DMR (Digital Mobile Radio) Rev 3 2013-12-17 10:59:14 filatov
dPMR (Digital Peer-to-Peer Mobile Radio) Rev 92 2014-01-07 15:18:16 filatov
ePassport Readers Interoperability Support Rev 193 2013-10-01 09:46:22 filatov
Evolved Packet Core
NAS Rev 72 2017-11-09 14:24:27 garciay
S1AP Rev 168 2017-11-09 07:09:00 garciay
GPRS Tunneling Protocol (GTP) Rev 34 2015-11-20 14:32:23 schmitting
Basic Call Rev 95 2014-03-21 13:00:00 garciay
IMS Interoperability Tests Rev 1032 2013-10-16 16:01:06 filatov
IMS ISUP Interworking Rev 240 2013-10-17 17:15:07 filatov
IMS ISUP Interworking, profile C Rev 52 2014-01-24 14:17:03 filatov
Network Integration Testing SIP-SIP Rev 127 2013-10-14 12:32:25 filatov
Supplimentary Services Rev 322 2013-10-11 14:15:21 filatov
6LoWPAN Rev 14 2013-12-17 10:16:21 filatov
IPv6 Rev 547 2014-04-01 10:51:55 mullers
DSRC_HDR Rev 1 2014-01-24 16:26:33 filatov
ECall_HLAP Rev 79 2015-02-12 12:47:12 mullers
ITS ASN.1 modules Rev 36 2018-06-26 13:22:42 berge
ITS-S Rev 3361 2019-08-19 08:10:31 TEPELMANND
ITS-S DSRC Coexistence Rev 34 2014-01-27 10:05:52 filatov
Wireshark plugin for ITS Rev 69 2016-11-16 21:25:38 garciay
LibCommon Rev 68 2018-07-05 09:03:48 garciay
LibDiameter Rev 226 2016-12-01 13:57:35 pintar
LibGtpv2C Rev 20 2015-09-30 14:20:43 garciay
LibIms Rev 213 2016-12-01 13:54:28 pintar
LibIPv6 Rev 416 2014-08-14 12:48:20 tepelmann
LibIts Rev 1449 2019-08-15 10:13:07 TEPELMANND
LibSip Rev 658 2018-06-14 07:44:44 genoudoli
MEC Modules Rev 2 2017-06-12 10:37:19 mullers
TTCN-3 Compiler Tests
TTCN-3 Part 1 Rev 1044 2018-06-27 10:44:54 urbant
TTCN-3 Part 9 Rev 363 2018-06-27 10:30:30 urbant