#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import argparse # parse arguments import os.path # getting extension from file import sys # output and stuff import re # for regular expressions if (sys.version_info > (3, 0)): import urllib.parse # else: import urllib # ## extract doxygen-tag namespace RE_MODULE = re.compile( r'^\s*([A-Z][\w-]*)\s*({.*?})?\s*DEFINITIONS.*?::=\s*?BEGIN(.*)END', re.VERBOSE | re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) RE_SPACES = re.compile(r'\s+') RE_COMMENTS = re.compile(r'^\s*--.*?\n|--.*?(?:--|$)|/\*.*?\*/[\t ]*\n?', re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL) RE_BASIC_TYPES = re.compile(r'^OCTET\s+STRING|BIT\s+STRING|BOOLEAN|INTEGER|FLOAT|SEQUENCE|SET|NULL') RE_TYPE_BODY = re.compile(r'.*?{(.*)}\s*(?:\(.*?\)|\s*$)', re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL) #RE_FIELDS = re.compile(r'^\s*(?:/\*\*.*?\*/)|^\s*([\w-]+?)\s+(OCTET\s+STRING|BIT\s+STRING|[A-Z][.\w-]+)?(.*?)(?:,((?:\s*--!?<.*?\n)*)|((?:--!?<.*?\n)*)$)', re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL| re.VERBOSE) RE_FIELDS = re.compile(r'^\s*/\*.*?\*/|^\s*--\!.*?\n|^\s*([\w-]+)\s+(OCTET\s+STRING|BIT\s+STRING|[A-Z][\w-]+)?((?:{[^}]*}|\([^)]*\)|.)*?)(?:,|(--)|$)', re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) RE_EXPORTS = re.compile(r'^\s*EXPORTS.*?;', re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE) RE_IMPORTS = re.compile(r'^\s*IMPORTS\s*(.*?);', re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE) RE_IMPORT_ELEMENTS = re.compile(r'^([,\s\w-]*?)FROM\s*([\w-]+)\s*({[^}]*}(?:\s+WITH\s+SUCCESSORS)?)?', re.MULTILINE) RE_IMPORT_ELEMENT_TYPE = re.compile(r'[^,\s]+') RE_DOXY_COMMENTS = re.compile(r'^\s*--[-!#](:?$|\s(.*))', re.MULTILINE) RE_DOXY_C_COMMENTS = re.compile(r'^\s*/\*\*\s(.*?)\*/', re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) RE_DOXY_C_COMMENTS_I = re.compile(r'\s*\*+') RE_DOXY_REF = re.compile(r'@ref\s+([\w-]+)') RE_DOXY_CLASS = re.compile(r'@class\s+([\w-]+)') RE_DOXY_STRIP_SINGLE_TAG = re.compile(r'@(?:brief|url)\s+') RE_DOXY_DETAILS = re.compile(r'@details\s+[\w-]+') RE_DOXY_STRIP_TAG = re.compile(r'@(?:details|class|struct)\s+[\w-]+') RE_DOXY_UNIT = re.compile(r'@unit\s+(.+)', re.MULTILINE) RE_DOXY_BRIEF = re.compile(r'@brief\s+(.+)\n', re.MULTILINE) RE_DOXY_CATEGORY = re.compile(r'@category:\s+(.+)', re.MULTILINE) RE_DOXY_PARAM = re.compile(r'^\s*@(?:param|field)\s+([\w-]+)\s*(.*?)\n\s*$', re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) # RE_TYPE = re.compile(r'(([A-Z][\w-]*)\s*::=[\w \t]+(?:{+(.*?)}+)?.*?)\n\s*\n', re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) RE_TYPE = re.compile(r'^\s*([A-Z][\w-]*)?\s*([{} \t:\w-]*?)?::=([\w \t]+.*?)\n\s*\n', re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) extTypes = {} cpos = 0 o_args = [] def urlquote(s): if (sys.version_info > (3, 0)): return urllib.parse.quote_plus(s) else: return urllib.quote_plus(s) def parseText(content, indent=None): s_unit='' def repl_ref(m): return '[**{0}**]({1}#{0})'.format(m.group(1), extTypes.get(m.group(1),'')) c = RE_DOXY_REF.sub(repl_ref, content) if c is not None: content = c c = RE_DOXY_STRIP_TAG.sub('', content) if c is not None: content = c c = RE_DOXY_STRIP_SINGLE_TAG.sub('', content) if c is not None: content = c def repl_category(m): ret = '\n    **Categories**: ' for l in m.group(1).split(','): ret += '[{0}](#{1}) '.format(l.strip(), urlquote(l.strip())) return ret + '\n\n' c = RE_DOXY_CATEGORY.sub(repl_category, content) if c is not None: content = c def repl_unit(m): nonlocal s_unit s_unit = '\n    **Unit**: _' + m.group(1).strip() + '_' return '' c = RE_DOXY_UNIT.sub(repl_unit, content) if c is not None: content = c return content + s_unit def parseInlineComments(content:str, indent=None): # keep into account only '--<' comments lines = content.splitlines() content = '' for l in lines: l = l.lstrip() if l.startswith('--< '): content += l[4:] + '\n' elif l.startswith('--!< '): content += l[5:] + '\n' else: continue return parseText(content, indent) def parseDoxyComments(content:str, indent=None): # keep only '--! ' and /** */ comments # convert '--! ' comments to C-style c = RE_DOXY_COMMENTS.sub(r'/** \g<1>*/', content) if c is not None: content = c ret = '' for m in RE_DOXY_C_COMMENTS.finditer(content): lines = m.group(1).splitlines() for l in lines: l = l.strip().lstrip('*') ret += ''.ljust(indent or 0) + l + '\n' return parseText(ret, indent) def parseModule(mname, content): global cpos cpos = 0 ret = '' m = RE_IMPORTS.search(content) if m is not None: pos = 0 if m.group(1) is not None: ret += '## Imports:\n' s = m.group(1) for fm in RE_IMPORT_ELEMENTS.finditer(s): imName = fm.group(2) for im in RE_IMPORT_ELEMENT_TYPE.finditer(fm.group(1)): extTypes[im.group(0)] = imName+'.md' ret += ' * **[{0}]({0}.md)** *{1}*
\n'.format(imName, RE_SPACES.sub(' ', fm.group(3) or '')) ret += parseDoxyComments(s[pos:fm.start()], 3)+'\n' pos = fm.end() ret += parseDoxyComments(s[pos:]) cpos = m.end() m = RE_EXPORTS.search(content) if m is not None: if cpos < m.end(): cpos = m.end() # parse types def repl_type (m, doc): title = t = m.group(1) if doc : # non None and not empty def repl_brief (m): nonlocal title title = m.group(1) return '\n' if o_args.brief_as_title: doc = RE_DOXY_BRIEF.sub(repl_brief, doc, 1) doc = parseDoxyComments(doc) + '\n\n' else: doc = '' ret = '' if t is not None: # parse out @params f_params = {} def repl_param (m): nonlocal f_params if m.group(1) is not None and m.group(2) is not None: l = m.group(2).lstrip(":, \t\n") if len(l): f_params[m.group(1)] = l return '' doc = RE_DOXY_PARAM.sub(repl_param, doc) ret = '### {1}\n\n'.format(t, title) + doc # parse fields and get out fields descriptions if m.group(3) is not None: # check if contain fields fm = RE_TYPE_BODY.search(m.group(3)) if fm is not None and fm.group(1) is not None: typeBody = fm.group(1).strip() if typeBody is not None: fTitle = '' fields = '' pos = 0 for fm in RE_FIELDS.finditer(typeBody): if fm.group(1) is not None: # add description to the previous type fields += parseInlineComments(fm.string[pos:fm.start()], 3) f = fm.group(1).strip() ext = fm.group(3) or '' if fm.group(2) is not None: fTitle = 'Fields:\n' t = fm.group(2).strip() if RE_BASIC_TYPES.match(t) is not None: fields += '* {0} **{1}** {2}
\n'.format(f, t, ext) else: fields += '* {0} [**{1}**]({2}#{1}) {3}
\n'.format(f, t, extTypes.get(t,''), ext) else: fTitle = 'Values:\n' fields += '* **{0}** {1}
\n'.format(f, ext) if f in f_params: fields += f_params[f] + '\n\n' fields += parseDoxyComments(fm.string[pos:fm.start()], 3) pos = fm.end() if fm.group(4) is not None: # keep '--' for the next round pos -= 2 fields += parseInlineComments(typeBody[pos:], 3) if len(fields): ret = ret.strip() + '\n\n' + fTitle + fields else: if title: ret = '### {}\n\n'.format(title) ret += parseDoxyComments(doc) + '\n\n' return ret + '```asn1\n' + RE_COMMENTS.sub('', m.group(0).strip()) +'\n```\n\n' pos = 0 ret += '## Data Elements:\n' for m in RE_TYPE.finditer(content[cpos:]): ret += repl_type (m, m.string[pos:m.start()]) pos = m.end() return ret def parseAsn(outDir, content) : # iterate modules in the file pos= 0 cnt = 0 for m in RE_MODULE.finditer(content): ret = '# ASN.1 module {}\n OID: _{}_\n'.format(m.group(1), RE_SPACES.sub(' ', m.group(2))) ret += parseDoxyComments(content[pos:m.start()]) + '\n' if m.group(3) is not None: ret += parseModule(m.group(1), m.group(3)) ret += '\n\n' open(outDir + '/' + m.group(1) + '.md', "w").write(ret) pos = m.end() cnt += 1 return cnt def main(): global o_args ap = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='ASN.1 to markdown converter') ap.add_argument('--out', '-o', type=str, default='.', help='output directory') ap.add_argument('--brief-as-title', '-B', default=False, action='store_true', help='Do not treat @brief line as type header') ap.add_argument('modules', action='store', nargs='+', help='ASN.1 files') o_args = ap.parse_args() if not o_args.modules: ap.print_help() exit(1) cnt = 0 for a in o_args.modules: try: content = open(a).read() cnt += parseAsn(o_args.out, content) except IOError as e: sys.stderr.write(e[1]+"\n") print("{} modules porcessed\n".format(cnt)) if __name__ == '__main__': main()