diff --git a/SOL002/VNFIndicatorNotification-API/VnfIndicatorNotification.robot b/SOL002/VNFIndicatorNotification-API/VnfIndicatorNotification.robot
index 4545ea7d521a46bd5a4377a5589ae50c4ae2e767..3f077f50d66467ceac28fe8b57bf44e23ad82ebf 100644
--- a/SOL002/VNFIndicatorNotification-API/VnfIndicatorNotification.robot
+++ b/SOL002/VNFIndicatorNotification-API/VnfIndicatorNotification.robot
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 *** Setting ***
-Resource    environment/variables.txt 
+Resource	environment/variables.txt
 Suite Setup    Create Sessions
 Suite Teardown    Terminate All Processes    kill=true
 Library    MockServerLibrary
@@ -11,81 +11,56 @@ Library    String
 *** Test Cases ***
-Check Notification Endpoint
-    &{req}=  Create Mock Request Matcher	GET  ${callback_endpoint}    
-    &{rsp}=  Create Mock Response	headers="Content-Type: application/json"  status_code=204
-    Create Mock Expectation  ${req}  ${rsp}
-    Sleep  ${sleep_interval}
-    Verify Mock Expectation  ${req}
-    Clear Requests  ${callback_endpoint}
-Post VNF Indicator Notification
-    ${json}=	Get File	schemas/VnfIndicatorValueChangeNotification.schema.json
-    ${BODY}=	evaluate	json.loads('''${json}''')	json
-    Log  Creating mock request and response to handle VNF Indicator Notification
-    &{req}=  Create Mock Request Matcher	POST  ${callback_endpoint}  body_type="JSON_SCHEMA"    body=${BODY}
-    &{rsp}=  Create Mock Response	headers="Content-Type: application/json"  status_code=204
-    Create Mock Expectation  ${req}  ${rsp}
-    Sleep  ${sleep_interval}
-    Log  Verifying results
-    Verify Mock Expectation  ${req}
-    Log  Cleaning the endpoint
-    Clear Requests  ${callback_endpoint}
+VNF Indicator Value Change Notification
+    [Documentation]    Test ID:
+    ...    Test title: VNF Indicator Value Change Notification
+    ...    Test objective: The objective is to test the dispatch of VNF Indicator Value Change Notification when new indicator values are available in the VNF, and perform a JSON schema and content validation of the delivered notification
+    ...    Pre-conditions: A VNF is instantiated, and a subscription for indicator value change notifications is available in the VNF.
+    ...    Reference:  section - SOL002 v2.4.1
+    ...    Config ID: Config_prod_VNF
+    ...    Applicability: none
+    ...    Post-Conditions: none 
+    Trigger the availability of new indicator value in the VNF (external action) 
+    Check Indicator Value Change Notification Http POST Request Body Json Schema Is    VnfIndicatorValueChangeNotification
+    Check Indicator Value Change Notification Http POST Request Body notificationType attribute Is    VnfIndicatorValueChangeNotification
-Post VNF Indicator Notification Negative 404 
-    ${json}=	Get File	schemas/ProblemDetails.schema.json
-    ${BODY}=	evaluate	json.loads('''${json}''')	json
-    Log  Creating mock request and response to handle VNF Indicator Notification to handle 404 error
-    &{req}=  Create Mock Request Matcher	POST  ${callback_endpoint_error}  body_type="JSON_SCHEMA"    body=${BODY}
-    &{rsp}=  Create Mock Response	headers="Content-Type: application/json"  status_code=404
-    Create Mock Expectation  ${req}  ${rsp}
-    Sleep  ${sleep_interval}
-    Log  Verifying results
-    Verify Mock Expectation  ${req}
-    Log  Cleaning the endpoint
-    Clear Requests  ${callback_endpoint}
-PUT VNF Indicator Notification 
-    Log  PUT Method not implemented
-    &{req}=  Create Mock Request Matcher	PUT  ${callback_endpoint}
-    &{rsp}=  Create Mock Response  status_code=405
-    Create Mock Expectation  ${req}  ${rsp}
-    Sleep  ${sleep_interval}
-    Log  Verifying results
-    Verify Mock Expectation  ${req}
-    Log  Cleaning the endpoint
-    Clear Requests  ${callback_endpoint}
-PATCH VNF Indicator Notification 
-    Log  PATCH Method not implemented
-    &{req}=  Create Mock Request Matcher	PATCH  ${callback_endpoint}
-    &{rsp}=  Create Mock Response  status_code=405
-    Create Mock Expectation  ${req}  ${rsp}
-    Sleep  ${sleep_interval}
-    Log  Verifying results
-    Verify Mock Expectation  ${req}
-    Log  Cleaning the endpoint
-    Clear Requests  ${callback_endpoint}
-DELETE VNF Indicator Notification 
-    Log  PATCH Method not implemented
-    &{req}=  Create Mock Request Matcher	DELETE  ${callback_endpoint}
-    &{rsp}=  Create Mock Response  status_code=405
-    Create Mock Expectation  ${req}  ${rsp}
-    Sleep  ${sleep_interval}
-    Log  Verifying results
-    Verify Mock Expectation  ${req}
-    Log  Cleaning the endpoint
-    Clear Requests  ${callback_endpoint}
 *** Keywords ***
+Trigger the availability of new indicator value in the VNF (external action) 
+    #do nothing
+    Log    do nothing
+Check Indicator Value Change Notification Http POST Request Body Json Schema Is    
+    [Arguments]    ${element}
+    ${schema}=	Get File	schemas/${element}.schema.json
+    Configure Notification Forward    ${schema}    ${callback_endpoint}    ${callback_endpoint_fwd}
+Check Indicator Value Change Notification Http POST Request Body notificationType attribute Is
+    [Arguments]    ${type}
+    Configure Notification Indicator Value Change Handler    ${callback_endpoint_fwd}    ${type}
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    2 min   10 sec   Verify Mock Expectation    ${notification_request}
+    Clear Requests    ${callback_endpoint}
+    Clear Requests    ${callback_endpoint_fwd}  
+Configure Notification Indicator Value Change Handler
+    [Arguments]    ${endpoint}    ${type}
+    ${json}=    evaluate    {}
+    set to dictionary    ${json}    notificationType    ${type}    
+    ${BODY}=    evaluate    json.dumps(${json})    json
+    Log  Creating mock request and response to handle status notification
+    &{notification_request}=  Create Mock Request Matcher	POST  ${endpoint}  body_type="JSON"    body=${BODY}
+    &{notification_response}=  Create Mock Response	headers="Content-Type: application/json"  status_code=204
+    Create Mock Expectation  ${notification_request}  ${notification_response}
+Configure Notification Forward
+    [Arguments]    ${schema}    ${endpoint}    ${endpoint_fwd}    
+    Log  Creating mock Http POST forward to handle ${schema}
+    &{notification_tmp}=  Create Mock Request Matcher	POST  ${endpoint}  body_type="JSON_SCHEMA"    body=${schema}
+    &{notification_fwd}=  Create Mock Http Forward	${endpoint_fwd}
+    Create Mock Expectation With Http Forward  ${notification_tmp}  ${notification_fwd}
 Create Sessions
-    Start Process  java  -jar  ${MOCK_SERVER_JAR}    -serverPort  ${callback_port}  alias=mockInstance
+    Start Process  java  -jar  ${MOCK_SERVER_JAR}  -serverPort  ${callback_port}  alias=mockInstance
     Wait For Process  handle=mockInstance  timeout=5s  on_timeout=continue
-    Create Mock Session  ${callback_uri}:${callback_port}
\ No newline at end of file
+    Create Mock Session  ${callback_uri}:${callback_port}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/SOL002/VNFIndicatorNotification-API/environment/variables.txt b/SOL002/VNFIndicatorNotification-API/environment/variables.txt
index 5820ea0b376bfaec4cc9d318d91a9c588cac559d..ad6eeadd74ce12230b7ec31dff825c9d9a40f711 100644
--- a/SOL002/VNFIndicatorNotification-API/environment/variables.txt
+++ b/SOL002/VNFIndicatorNotification-API/environment/variables.txt
@@ -2,6 +2,13 @@
 ${callback_uri}    http://localhost
 ${callback_port}    9091
 ${callback_endpoint}    /endpoint
+${callback_endpoint_fwd}    /endpoint/check
 ${callback_endpoint_error}    /endpoint_404
 ${sleep_interval}    20s
-${MOCK_SERVER_JAR}    ../../../bin/mockserver-netty-5.5.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar
\ No newline at end of file
+${total_polling_time}   2 min
+${polling_interval}     10 sec
+${notification_request}    []
+${notification_response}    []
+${MOCK_SERVER_JAR}    ../../../bin/mockserver-netty-5.5.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar
diff --git a/SOL003/VNFIndicator-API/VnfIndicatorNotification.robot b/SOL003/VNFIndicator-API/VnfIndicatorNotification.robot
index 48b1c901133f54bda7c6a1839ed6c05bad081834..c9b359d537b7fd55c109eff1e3cd36ff9378f578 100644
--- a/SOL003/VNFIndicator-API/VnfIndicatorNotification.robot
+++ b/SOL003/VNFIndicator-API/VnfIndicatorNotification.robot
@@ -11,73 +11,56 @@ Library    String
 *** Test Cases ***
-Post VNF Indicator Notification
-    ${json}=	Get File	schemas/VnfIndicatorValueChangeNotification.schema.json
-    ${BODY}=	evaluate	json.loads('''${json}''')	json
-    Log  Creating mock request and response to handle VNF Indicator Notification
-    &{req}=  Create Mock Request Matcher	POST  ${callback_endpoint}  body_type="JSON_SCHEMA"    body=${BODY}
-    &{rsp}=  Create Mock Response	headers="Content-Type: application/json"  status_code=204
-    Create Mock Expectation  ${req}  ${rsp}
-    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${total_polling_time}   ${polling_interval}   Verify Mock Expectation    ${req}
-    Log  Verifying results
-    Verify Mock Expectation  ${req}
-    Log  Cleaning the endpoint
-    Clear Requests  ${callback_endpoint}
+VNF Indicator Value Change Notification
+    [Documentation]    Test ID:
+    ...    Test title: VNF Indicator Value Change Notification
+    ...    Test objective: The objective is to test the dispatch of VNF Indicator Value Change Notification when new indicator values are available in the VNFM, and perform a JSON schema and content validation of the delivered notification
+    ...    Pre-conditions: A VNF is instantiated, and a subscription for indicator value change notifications is available in the VNFM.
+    ...    Reference:  section - SOL003 v2.4.1
+    ...    Config ID: Config_prod_VNFM
+    ...    Applicability: none
+    ...    Post-Conditions: none 
+    Trigger the availability of new indicator value in the VNFM (external action) 
+    Check Indicator Value Change Notification Http POST Request Body Json Schema Is    VnfIndicatorValueChangeNotification
+    Check Indicator Value Change Notification Http POST Request Body notificationType attribute Is    VnfIndicatorValueChangeNotification
-Post VNF Indicator Notification Negative 404 
-    ${json}=	Get File	schemas/ProblemDetails.schema.json
-    ${BODY}=	evaluate	json.loads('''${json}''')	json
-    Log  Creating mock request and response to handle VNF Indicator Notification to handle 404 error
-    &{req}=  Create Mock Request Matcher	POST  ${callback_endpoint_error}  body_type="JSON_SCHEMA"    body=${BODY}
-    &{rsp}=  Create Mock Response	headers="Content-Type: application/json"  status_code=404
-    Create Mock Expectation  ${req}  ${rsp}
-    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${total_polling_time}   ${polling_interval}   Verify Mock Expectation    ${req}
-    Log  Verifying results
-    Verify Mock Expectation  ${req}
-    Log  Cleaning the endpoint
-    Clear Requests  ${callback_endpoint}
-Put VNF Indicator Notification 
-    Log  PUT Method not implemented
-    &{req}=  Create Mock Request Matcher	PUT  ${callback_endpoint}
-    &{rsp}=  Create Mock Response  status_code=405
-    Create Mock Expectation  ${req}  ${rsp}
-    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${total_polling_time}   ${polling_interval}   Verify Mock Expectation    ${req}
-    Log  Verifying results
-    Verify Mock Expectation  ${req}
-    Log  Cleaning the endpoint
-    Clear Requests  ${callback_endpoint}
-Patch VNF Indicator Notification 
-    Log  PATCH Method not implemented
-    &{req}=  Create Mock Request Matcher	PATCH  ${callback_endpoint}
-    &{rsp}=  Create Mock Response  status_code=405
-    Create Mock Expectation  ${req}  ${rsp}
-    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${total_polling_time}   ${polling_interval}   Verify Mock Expectation    ${req}
-    Log  Verifying results
-    Verify Mock Expectation  ${req}
-    Log  Cleaning the endpoint
-    Clear Requests  ${callback_endpoint}
-Delete VNF Indicator Notification 
-    Log  DELETE Method not implemented
-    &{req}=  Create Mock Request Matcher	DELETE  ${callback_endpoint}
-    &{rsp}=  Create Mock Response  status_code=405
-    Create Mock Expectation  ${req}  ${rsp}
-    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${total_polling_time}   ${polling_interval}   Verify Mock Expectation    ${req}
-    Log  Verifying results
-    Verify Mock Expectation  ${req}
-    Log  Cleaning the endpoint
-    Clear Requests  ${callback_endpoint}
 *** Keywords ***
+Trigger the availability of new indicator value in the VNFM (external action) 
+    #do nothing
+    Log    do nothing
+Check Indicator Value Change Notification Http POST Request Body Json Schema Is    
+    [Arguments]    ${element}
+    ${schema}=	Get File	schemas/${element}.schema.json
+    Configure Notification Forward    ${schema}    ${callback_endpoint}    ${callback_endpoint_fwd}
+Check Indicator Value Change Notification Http POST Request Body notificationType attribute Is
+    [Arguments]    ${type}
+    Configure Notification Indicator Value Change Handler    ${callback_endpoint_fwd}    ${type}
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    2 min   10 sec   Verify Mock Expectation    ${notification_request}
+    Clear Requests    ${callback_endpoint}
+    Clear Requests    ${callback_endpoint_fwd}  
+Configure Notification Indicator Value Change Handler
+    [Arguments]    ${endpoint}    ${type}
+    ${json}=    evaluate    {}
+    set to dictionary    ${json}    notificationType    ${type}    
+    ${BODY}=    evaluate    json.dumps(${json})    json
+    Log  Creating mock request and response to handle status notification
+    &{notification_request}=  Create Mock Request Matcher	POST  ${endpoint}  body_type="JSON"    body=${BODY}
+    &{notification_response}=  Create Mock Response	headers="Content-Type: application/json"  status_code=204
+    Create Mock Expectation  ${notification_request}  ${notification_response}
+Configure Notification Forward
+    [Arguments]    ${schema}    ${endpoint}    ${endpoint_fwd}    
+    Log  Creating mock Http POST forward to handle ${schema}
+    &{notification_tmp}=  Create Mock Request Matcher	POST  ${endpoint}  body_type="JSON_SCHEMA"    body=${schema}
+    &{notification_fwd}=  Create Mock Http Forward	${endpoint_fwd}
+    Create Mock Expectation With Http Forward  ${notification_tmp}  ${notification_fwd}
 Create Sessions
-    Start Process  java  -jar  ${MOCK_SERVER_JAR}    -serverPort  ${callback_port}  alias=mockInstance
+    Start Process  java  -jar  ${MOCK_SERVER_JAR}  -serverPort  ${callback_port}  alias=mockInstance
     Wait For Process  handle=mockInstance  timeout=5s  on_timeout=continue
-    Create Mock Session  ${callback_uri}
\ No newline at end of file
+    Create Mock Session  ${callback_uri}:${callback_port}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/SOL003/VNFIndicator-API/environment/variables.txt b/SOL003/VNFIndicator-API/environment/variables.txt
index 6fe8d3117d49640b672d112f2ac0d3ede582589a..5949e3c1705175a263265b4d48ded922513de472 100644
--- a/SOL003/VNFIndicator-API/environment/variables.txt
+++ b/SOL003/VNFIndicator-API/environment/variables.txt
@@ -20,10 +20,16 @@ ${VNFM_ALLOWS_DUPLICATE_SUBS}    1
+${callback_uri}    http://localhost
 ${callback_port}    9091
-${callback_endpoint}    /vnfind/subscriptions
-${callback_endpoint_error}    /subs_404
+${callback_endpoint}    /endpoint
+${callback_endpoint_fwd}    /endpoint/check
+${callback_endpoint_error}    /endpoint_404
+${sleep_interval}    20s
 ${total_polling_time}   2 min
 ${polling_interval}     10 sec
+${notification_request}    []
+${notification_response}    []
 ${MOCK_SERVER_JAR}    ../../../bin/mockserver-netty-5.5.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar
\ No newline at end of file