From 1c61c5265ba2f07b9f16f263afb7a40932013374 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Giacomo Bernini <>
Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2018 11:42:30 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] added mock server library patch

 extensions/mockserverlibrary.patch | 75 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 75 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 extensions/mockserverlibrary.patch

diff --git a/extensions/mockserverlibrary.patch b/extensions/mockserverlibrary.patch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..117fee00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/mockserverlibrary.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+diff --git a/src/MockServerLibrary/ b/src/MockServerLibrary/
+index a9e6227..7208e61 100644
+--- a/src/MockServerLibrary/
++++ b/src/MockServerLibrary/
+@@ -68,6 +68,31 @@ class MockServerLibrary(object):
+         return req
++    def create_mock_request_matcher_schema(self, method, path, body_type='JSON_SCHEMA', body=None):
++        """Creates a mock request matcher to be used by mockserver.
++        Returns the request matcher in a dictionary format.
++        `method` is the HTTP method of the mocked endpoint
++        `path` is the url of the mocked endpoint, e.g. /api
++        `body_type` is the type of the request body, e.g. JSON
++        `body` is a dictionary of the json attribute(s) to match
++        `exact` is a boolean value which specifies whether the body should match fully (=true),
++        or if only specified fields should match (=false)
++        """
++        req = {}
++        req['method'] = method
++        req['path'] = path
++        req['body'] = {'type': body_type, 'jsonSchema': json.dumps(body)}
++        return req	
+     def create_mock_response(self, status_code, headers=None, body_type='JSON', body=None):
+         """Creates a mock response to be used by mockserver.
+@@ -97,6 +122,37 @@ class MockServerLibrary(object):
+         return rsp
++    def create_mock_response_schema(self, status_code, headers=None, body_type='JSON_SCHEMA', body=None):
++        """Creates a mock response to be used by mockserver.
++        Returns the response in a dictionary format.
++        `status_code` is the HTTP status code of the response
++        `headers` is a dictionary of headers to be added to the response
++        `body_type` is the type of the response body, e.g. JSON
++        `body` is a dictonary of JSON attribute(s) to be added to the response body
++        """
++        rsp = {}
++        rsp['statusCode'] = int(status_code)
++        if headers:
++            rsp['headers'] = []
++            for key, value in headers.items():
++                header = {'name': key, 'values': value.split(",")}
++                rsp['headers'].append(header)
++                logger.debug("Add header - header: {}".format(header))
++        if body_type is 'JSON_SCHEMA' and body:
++            rsp['body'] = json.dumps(body)
++        return rsp
+     def create_mock_expectation(self, request, response, count=1, unlimited=True):
+         """Creates a mock expectation to be used by mockserver.