*** Settings *** Resource environment/configuration.txt Resource environment/variables.txt Resource environment/scaleVariables.txt Resource VnfLcmMntOperationKeywords.robot Resource SubscriptionKeywords.robot Library REST ${VNFM_SCHEMA}://${VNFM_HOST}:${VNFM_PORT} ... spec=SOL003-VNFLifecycleManagement-API.yaml Library OperatingSystem Library BuiltIn Library Collections Library JSONLibrary Library Process Suite Setup Initialize System Suite Teardown Terminate All Processes kill=true *** Test Cases *** VNF Instance Scale Out [Documentation] Test ID: ... Test title: VNF Instance Scale Out worflow ... Test objective: The objective is to test the workflow for the scaling out a VNF instance ... Pre-conditions: VNF instance in INSTANTIATED state (Test ID: NFVO is subscribed to VNF LCM Operation Occurrence notifications (Test ID: ... Reference: section 5.4.5 - SOL003 v2.4.1 ... Config ID: Config_prod_VNFM ... Applicability: NFVO is able to receive notifications from VNFM. Scale operation is supported for the VNF (as capability in the VNFD) ... Post-Conditions: VNF instance still in INSTANTIATED state and VNF is scaled out Send VNF Scale Out Request Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 202 Check HTTP Response Header Contains Location Check Operation Occurrence Id Check Operation Notification For Scale STARTING Check Operation Notification For Scale PROCESSING Check Operation Notification For Scale COMPLETED Check Postcondition VNF SCALE_OUT #Create a new Grant - Sync - Scale REMOVED *** Keywords *** Initialize System Create Sessions ${scaleInfo}= Get Vnf Scale Info ${vnfInstanceId} Precondition Checks Check resource instantiated ${LccnSubscriptions}= Check subscriptions about one VNFInstance and operation type ${vnfInstanceId} VnfLcmOperationOccurrenceNotification operationType=SCALE ${scaleInfo}= Get Vnf Scale Info ${vnfInstanceId} Check Postcondition VNF [Arguments] ${operation} Check resource instantiated ${newScaleInfo}= Get Vnf Scale Info ${vnfInstanceId} Compare ScaleInfos ${operation} ${scaleInfo} ${newScaleInfo} Compare ScaleInfos [Arguments] ${type} ${old_scaleinfo} ${new_scaleinfo} FOR ${element} IN ${old_scaleinfo} ${old_level}= Set Variable If ${element.aspectId}==${aspectId} ${element.scaleLevel} ${old_level_value}= Convert To Integer ${old_level} END FOR ${element} IN ${new_scaleinfo} ${new_level}= Set Variable If ${element.aspectId}==${aspectId} ${element.scaleLevel} ${new_level_value}= Convert To Integer ${new_level} END Run Keyword If ${type}==SCALE_OUT Should Be True ${old_level_value}<${new_level_value} ... ELSE Should Be True ${old_level_value}<${new_level_value} Create a new Grant - Sync - Scale Create a new Grant - Synchronous mode ${vnfInstanceId} ${vnfLcmOpOccId} SCALE Check Operation Notification For Scale [Arguments] ${status} Check Operation Notification VnfLcmOperationOccurrenceNotification ${status}