*** Settings *** Resource environment/variables.txt Library REST ${NFVO_SCHEMA}://${NFVO_HOST}:${NFVO_PORT} ssl_verify=false Library MockServerLibrary Library OperatingSystem Library BuiltIn Library JSONLibrary Library Collections Library JSONSchemaLibrary schemas/ Library Process Library String Variables descriptors/SOL001/VNFD/vnfd_SOL001.yaml Variables descriptors/SOL006/VNFD/vnfd_SOL006.yaml *** Keywords *** Get all VNF Packages Log Trying to get all VNF Packages present in the NFVO Catalogue Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Check HTTP Response Body Does Not Contain softwareImages Log Checking that field element is missing ${softwareImages}= Get Value From Json ${response['body']} $..softwareImages Should Be Empty ${softwareImages} Log Element is empty as expected Check HTTP Response Body Does Not Contain additionalArtifacts Log Checking that field element is missing ${additionalArtifacts}= Get Value From Json ${response['body']} $..additionalArtifacts Should Be Empty ${additionalArtifacts} Log Element is empty as expected Check HTTP Response Body Does Not Contain userDefinedData Log Checking that field element is missing ${userDefinedData}= Get Value From Json ${response['body']} $..userDefinedData Should Be Empty ${userDefinedData} Log Element is empty as expected GET VNF Packages with attribute-based filter Log Trying to get all VNF Packages present in the NFVO Catalogue, using filter params Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages?${POS_FILTER} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Check HTTP Response Body VnfPkgsInfo Matches the requested Attribute-Based Filter Log Checking that attribute-based filter is matched @{attr} = Split String ${POS_FILTER} ,${VAR_SEPERATOR} @{var_id} = Split String @{attr}[0] ,${SEPERATOR} @{var_provider} = Split String @{attr}[1] ,${SEPERATOR} Should Be True "${response['body'][0]['vnfdId']}"=="@{var_id}[1]" and "${response['body'][0]['vnfProvider']}"=="@{var_provider}[1]" GET VNF Packages with invalid attribute-based filter Log Trying to perform a negative get, filtering by the inexistent filter 'nfvId' Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages?${NEG_FILTER} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} GET VNF Packages with all_fields attribute selector Log Trying to get all VNF Packages present in the NFVO Catalogue, using filter params Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages?all_fields ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Check HTTP Response Body VnfPkgsInfo Matches the requested all_fields selector Log Trying to validate softwareImages schema ${softwareImages}= Get Value From Json ${response['body']} $..softwareImages Validate Json softwareImage.schema.json ${softwareImages[0]} Log Validation for softwareImage schema OK Log Trying to validate additionalArtifacts schema ${additional_artifacts}= Get Value From Json ${response['body']} $..additionalArtifacts Validate Json additionalArtifacts.schema.json ${additional_artifacts[0]} Log Validation for additionalArtifacts schema OK ${links}= Get Value From Json ${response['body']} $.._links Validate Json links.schema.json ${links[0]} Log Validation for _links schema OK GET VNF Packages with exclude_default attribute selector Log Trying to get all VNF Packages present in the NFVO Catalogue, using exclude_default filter. Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages?exclude_default ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Check HTTP Response Body VnfPkgsInfo Matches the requested exclude_default selector Log Checking missing information for softwareImages element ${softwareImages}= Get Value From Json ${response['body']} $..softwareImages Should Be Empty ${softwareImages} Log softwareImages element is missing as excepted Log Checking missing information for additionalArtifact element ${additional_artifacts}= Get Value From Json ${response['body']} $..additionalArtifacts Should Be Empty ${additional_artifacts} Log additionalArtifact element is missing as excepted GET VNF Packages with fields attribute selector Log Trying to get all VNF Packages present in the NFVO Catalogue, using fields Pass Execution If ${NFVO_FIELDS} == 0 The NFVO is not able to use fields parameter Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages?fields=${fields} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Check HTTP Response Body vnfPkgsInfo Matches the requested fields selector Log Trying to validate softwareImages schema ${softwareImages}= Get Value From Json ${response['body']} $..softwareImages Validate Json softwareImage.schema.json ${softwareImages[0]} Log Validation for softwareImage schema OK Log Trying to validate additionalArtifacts schema ${additional_artifacts}= Get Value From Json ${response['body']} $..additionalArtifacts Validate Json additionalArtifacts.schema.json ${additional_artifacts[0]} Log Validation for additionalArtifacts schema OK GET VNF Packages with fields and exclude_default attribute selector Log Trying to get all VNF Packages present in the NFVO Catalogue, using fields Pass Execution If ${NFVO_FIELDS} == 0 The NFVO is not able to use fields parameter Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages?fields=${fields}&exclude_default ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Check HTTP Response Body vnfPkgsInfo Matches the requested fields and exclude_default selector Log Trying to validate softwareImages schema ${softwareImages}= Get Value From Json ${response['body']} $..softwareImages Validate Json softwareImage.schema.json ${softwareImages[0]} Log Validation for softwareImage schema OK Log Trying to validate additionalArtifacts schema ${additional_artifacts}= Get Value From Json ${response['body']} $..additionalArtifacts Validate Json additionalArtifacts.schema.json ${additional_artifacts[0]} Log Validation for additionalArtifacts schema OK GET VNF Packages with exclude_fields attribute selector Log Trying to get all VNF Packages present in the NFVO Catalogue, using fields Pass Execution If ${NFVO_FIELDS} == 0 The NFVO is not able to use fields parameter Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages?exclude_fields=${fields} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Check HTTP Response Body vnfPkgsInfo Matches the requested exclude_fields selector Log Checking missing information for softwareImages element ${softwareImages}= Get Value From Json ${response['body']} $..softwareImages Should Be Empty ${softwareImages} Log softwareImages element is missing as excepted Log Checking missing information for additionalArtifact element ${additional_artifacts}= Get Value From Json ${response['body']} $..additionalArtifacts Should Be Empty ${additional_artifacts} Log additionalArtifact element is missing as excepted GET all VNF Packages with invalid resource endpoint Log Trying to perform a GET on a erroneous URI Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_package ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send POST Request for all VNF Packages Log Trying to perform a POST (method should not be implemented) Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} POST ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send PUT Request for all VNF Packages Log Trying to perform a PUT (method should not be implemented) Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} PUT ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send PATCH Request for all VNF Packages Log Trying to perform a PATCH (method should not be implemented) Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} PATCH ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send DELETE Request for all VNF Packages Log Trying to perform a DELETE (method should not be implemented) Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} DELETE ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} GET Individual VNF Package Log Trying to get a VNF Package present in the NFVO Catalogue Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Check HTTP Response Body vnfPkgInfo Identifier matches the requested VNF Package Log Going to validate pacakge info retrieved Should Be Equal ${response['body']['id']} ${vnfPackageId} Log Pacakge identifier as expected GET Individual VNF Package with invalid resource identifier Log Trying to perform a negative get, using wrong authorization bearer Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${erroneousVnfPackageId} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send POST Request for individual VNF Package Log Trying to perform a POST (method should not be implemented) Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} POST ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send PUT Request for individual VNF Package Log Trying to perform a PUT (method should not be implemented) Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} PUT ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send PATCH Request for individual VNF Package Log Trying to perform a PATCH (method should not be implemented) Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} PATCH ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send DELETE Request for individual VNF Package Log Trying to perform a DELETE (method should not be implemented) Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} DELETE ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} GET Individual VNF Package Content Log Trying to get a VNF Package Content Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/package_content ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Check HTTP Response Header Content-Type Is [Arguments] ${header} Should Contain ${response['headers']['Content-Type']} ${header} GET Individual VNF Package Content with Range Request Log Trying to get a VNF Package Content using RANGE using an NFVO that can handle it Pass Execution If ${NFVO_RANGE_OK} == 0 Skipping this test as NFVO is not able to handle partial Requests. Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Set Headers {"Range": "${range}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/package_content ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} GET Individual VNF Package Content with explicit Range Request Log Trying to get a VNF Package Content using RANGE using an NFVO that can handle it Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Set Headers {"Range": "${range}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/package_content ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Check HTTP Response Header Content-Range Is Present and Matches the requested range Log Check Content-Range HTTP Header Should Contain ${response['headers']} Content-Range Should Be Equal As Strings ${response['headers']['Content-Range']} ${range}/${full_size} Log Header Content-Range is present Check HTTP Response Header Content-Length Is Present and Matches the requested range length Log Check Content-Length HTTP Header Should Contain ${response['headers']} Content-Length Should Be Equal As Integers ${response['headers']['Content-Length']} ${length} Log Header Content-Length is present GET Individual VNF Package Content with invalid Range Request Log Trying to get a range of bytes of the limit of the VNF Package Pass Execution If ${NFVO_RANGE_OK} == 0 Skipping this test as NFVO is not able to handle partial Requests. Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Set Headers {"Range": "${erroneousRange}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/package_content ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} GET Individual VNF Package Content with invalid resource identifier Log Trying to perform a negative get, using an erroneous package ID Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${erroneousVnfPkgId}/package_content ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} GET Content for VNF Package in onboarding state different from ONBOARDED Log Trying to get a VNF Package content present in the NFVO Catalogue, but not in ONBOARDED operationalStatus Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${onboardingStateVnfPkgId}/package_content ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send POST Request for individual VNF Package Content Log Trying to perform a POST (method should not be implemented) Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} POST ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/package_content ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send PUT Request for individual VNF Package Content Log Trying to perform a PUT (method should not be implemented) Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} PUT ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/package_content ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send PATCH Request for individual VNF Package Content Log Trying to perform a PATCH (method should not be implemented) Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} PATCH ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/package_content ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send DELETE Request for individual VNF Package Content Log Trying to perform a DELETE (method should not be implemented) Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} DELETE ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/package_content ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Get all VNF Package Subscriptions Log Trying to get the list of subscriptions Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/subscriptions ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Get VNF Package Subscriptions with attribute-based filters Log Trying to get the list of subscriptions using filters Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/subscriptions?${filter_ok} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Get VNF Package Subscriptions with invalid attribute-based filters Log Trying to get the list of subscriptions using filters with wrong attribute name Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/subscriptions?${filter_ko} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Get VNF Package Subscriptions with invalid resource endpoint Log Trying to perform a request on a Uri which doesn't exist Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/subscription ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send Post Request for VNF Package Subscription Log Trying to create a new subscription Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Set Headers {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE_JSON}"} ${template}= Get File jsons/subscriptions.json ${body}= Format String ${template} callback_uri=${callback_uri} callback_port=${callback_port} callback_uri=${callback_endpoint} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} Log Creating mock request and response to handle GET operation on notification endpoint &{notification_request}= Create Mock Request Matcher GET ${callback_endpoint} &{notification_response}= Create Mock Response status_code=204 Log Issue the subscription request Create Mock Expectation ${notification_request} ${notification_response} Post ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/subscriptions ${body} ${output}= Output response Set Global Variable ${response} ${output} Clear Requests ${callback_endpoint} #Run Keyword If ${NFVO_CHECKS_NOTIF_ENDPOINT} == 1 #removed as the check of notif endpoint is done by NFVO while processing subscription reques #... Check Notification Endpoint Send Post Request for Duplicated VNF Package Subscription Log Trying to create a subscription with an already created content Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Set Headers {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE_JSON}"} ${template}= Get File jsons/subscriptions.json ${body}= Format String ${template} callback_uri=${callback_uri} callback_port=${callback_port} callback_uri=${callback_endpoint} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} Log Creating mock request and response to handle GET operation on notification endpoint &{notification_request}= Create Mock Request Matcher GET ${callback_endpoint} &{notification_response}= Create Mock Response status_code=204 Log Issue the subscription request Create Mock Expectation ${notification_request} ${notification_response} Post ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/subscriptions ${body} ${output}= Output response Set Global Variable ${response} ${output} Clear Requests ${callback_endpoint} #Run Keyword If ${NFVO_CHECKS_NOTIF_ENDPOINT} == 1 #removed as the check of notif endpoint is done by NFVO while processing subscription reques #... Check Notification Endpoint Send Put Request for VNF Package Subscriptions Log Trying to perform a PUT. This method should not be implemented Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} PUT ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/subscriptions ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send Patch Request for VNF Package Subscriptions Log Trying to perform a PATCH. This method should not be implemented Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} PATCH ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/subscriptions ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send Delete Request for VNF Package Subscriptions Log Trying to perform a DELETE. This method should not be implemented Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} DELETE ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/subscriptions ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Get single file VNFD in Individual VNF Package in Plain Format Log Trying to get a VNFD from a given VNF Package present in the NFVO Catalogue Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_PLAIN}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPkgPlainVNFD}/vnfd ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Get VNFD in Individual VNF Package in Zip Format Log Trying to get a VNFD from a given VNF Package present in the NFVO Catalogue Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPkgZipVNFD}/vnfd ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Get single file VNFD in Individual VNF Package in Plain or Zip Format Log Trying to get a VNFD from a given VNF Package present in the NFVO Catalogue Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_PLAIN}"} Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPkgPlainVNFD}/vnfd ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Get multi file VNFD in Individual VNF Package in Plain or Zip Format Log Trying to get a VNFD from a given VNF Package present in the NFVO Catalogue Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_PLAIN}"} Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPkgZipVNFD}/vnfd ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Check HTTP Response Header Content-Type Is Any of [Arguments] ${header1} ${header2} Should Contain Any ${response['headers']['Content-Type']} ${header1} ${header2} Get multi file VNFD in Individual VNF Package in Plain Format Log Trying to get a negative case performing a get on a VNFD from a given VNF Package present in the NFVO Catalogue. Accept will be text/plain but VNFD is composed my multiple files. Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_PLAIN}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPkgZipVNFD}/vnfd ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Get VNFD in Individual VNF Package with invalid resource identifier Log Trying to perform a negative get, using an erroneous package ID Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_PLAIN}"} Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${erroneousVnfPkgId}/vnfd ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Get VNFD in Individual VNF Package Content with conflict due to onboarding state Log Trying to get a VNFD from a given VNF Package present in the NFVO Catalogue Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_PLAIN}"} Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${onboardingStateVnfPkgId}/vnfd ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send POST Request for VNFD in individual VNF Package Log Trying to perform a POST. This method should not be implemented Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} POST ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/vnfd ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send PUT Request for VNFD in individual VNF Package Log Trying to perform a PUT. This method should not be implemented Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} PUT ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/vnfd ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send PATCH Request for VNFD in individual VNF Package Log Trying to perform a PATCH. This method should not be implemented Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} PATCH ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/vnfd ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send DELETE Request for VNFD in individual VNF Package Log Trying to perform a DELETE. This method should not be implemented Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} DELETE ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPkgZipVNFD}/vnfd ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} GET Individual VNF Package Artifact Log Trying to get a VNF Package Artifact Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts/${artifactPath} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} GET Individual VNF Package Artifact in octet stream format Log Trying to get a VNF Package Artifact Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageOctetStreamId}/artifacts/${artifactPath} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} GET Individual VNF Package Artifact with Range Request Log Trying to get an Artifact using RANGE Header and using an NFVO that can handle it Pass Execution If ${NFVO_RANGE_OK} == 0 Skipping this test as NFVO is not able to handle partial Requests. Set Headers {"Range": "${range}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts/${artifactPath} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} GET Individual VNF Package Artifact with invalid Range Request Log Trying to get a range of bytes of the limit of the VNF Package Pass Execution If ${NFVO_RANGE_OK} == 0 Skipping this test as NFVO is not able to handle partial Requests. Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Set Headers {"Range": "${erroneousRange}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts/${artifactPath} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} GET Individual VNF Package Artifact with invalid resource identifier Log Trying to perform a negative get, using an erroneous package ID Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${erroneousVnfPkgId}/artifacts/${artifactPath} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} GET Artifact for VNF Package in onboarding state different from ONBOARDED Log Trying to get a VNF Package artifact present in the NFVO Catalogue, but not in ONBOARDED operationalStatus Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${onboardingStateVnfPkgId}/artifacts/${artifactPath} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send POST Request for individual VNF Package Artifact Log Trying to perform a POST (method should not be implemented) Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} POST ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts/${artifactPath} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send PUT Request for individual VNF Package Artifact Log Trying to perform a PUT (method should not be implemented) Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} PUT ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts/${artifactPath} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send PATCH Request for individual VNF Package Artifact Log Trying to perform a PATCH (method should not be implemented) Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} PATCH ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts/${artifactPath} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send DELETE Request for individual VNF Package Artifact Log Trying to perform a DELETE (method should not be implemented) Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} DELETE ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts/${artifactPath} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Check HTTP Response Status Code Is [Arguments] ${expected_status} Should Be Equal As Strings ${response['status']} ${expected_status} Log Status code validated Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema Is [Arguments] ${input} Should Contain ${response['headers']['Content-Type']} application/json ${schema} = Catenate SEPARATOR= ${input} .schema.json Validate Json ${schema} ${response['body']} Log Json Schema Validation OK Check HTTP Response Body Is Empty Should Be Empty ${response['body']} Log No json schema is provided. Validation OK Check HTTP Response Body Subscriptions Match the requested Attribute-Based Filter Log Check Response includes VNF Package Management according to filter @{words} = Split String ${filter_ok} ,${SEPERATOR} Should Be Equal As Strings ${response['body'][0]['callbackUri']} @{words}[1] Check HTTP Response Body PkgmSubscription Attributes Values Match the Issued Subscription Log Check Response matches subscription ${body}= Get File jsons/subscriptions.json ${subscription}= evaluate json.loads('''${body}''') json Should Be Equal ${response['body']['callbackUri']} ${subscription['callbackUri']} Check Postcondition VNF Package Subscription Is Set [Arguments] ${location}="" Log Check Postcondition subscription exist Log Trying to get the subscription Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} Run Keyword If ${location} == Location ... GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/subscriptions/${response['body']['id']} Run Keyword If ${location} == Location ... GET ${response['headers']['Location']} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 200 Check Postcondition Subscription Resource Returned in Location Header Is Available Log Going to check postcondition Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${response['headers']['Location']} Integer response status 200 Log Received a 200 OK as expected ${contentType}= Output response headers Content-Type Should Contain ${contentType} application/json ${result}= Output response body Validate Json PkgmSubscription.schema.json ${result} Log Validated PkgmSubscription schema ${body}= Get File jsons/subscriptions.json ${subscription}= evaluate json.loads('''${body}''') json Should Be Equal ${result['callbackUri']} ${subscription['callbackUri']} Log Validated Issued subscription is same as original Get Individual VNF Package Subscription Log Trying to get a single subscription identified by subscriptionId Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/subscriptions/${subscriptionId} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} GET individual VNF Package Subscription with invalid resource identifier Log Trying to perform a request on a subscriptionID which doesn't exist Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/subscriptions/${erroneousSubscriptionId} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send Delete request for individual VNF Package Subscription Log Trying to perform a DELETE on a subscriptionId Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} DELETE ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/subscriptions/${subscriptionId} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send Delete request for individual VNF Package Subscription with invalid resource identifier Log Trying to perform a DELETE on a subscriptionId which doesn't exist Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} DELETE ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/subscriptions/${erroneousSubscriptionId} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send Post request for individual VNF Package Subscription Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} POST ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/subscriptions/${newSubscriptionId} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send Put request for individual VNF Package Subscription Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/subscriptions/${subscriptionId} ${origOutput}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${origResponse} ${origOutput} PUT ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/subscriptions/${subscriptionId} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send Patch request for individual VNF Package Subscription Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/subscriptions/${subscriptionId} ${origOutput}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${origResponse} ${origOutput} PATCH ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/subscriptions/${subscriptionId} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Check HTTP Response Header Contains [Arguments] ${CONTENT_TYPE} Should Contain ${response['headers']} ${CONTENT_TYPE} Log Header is present Check HTTP Response Body Subscription Identifier matches the requested Subscription Log Trying to check response ID Should Be Equal ${response['body']['id']} ${subscriptionId} Log Subscription identifier as expected Create Sessions Pass Execution If ${NFVO_CHECKS_NOTIF_ENDPOINT} == 0 MockServer not started as NFVO is not checking the notification endpoint Start Process java -jar ${MOCK_SERVER_JAR} -serverPort ${callback_port} alias=mockInstance Wait For Process handle=mockInstance timeout=5s on_timeout=continue Create Mock Session ${callback_uri}:${callback_port} Check Notification Endpoint &{notification_request}= Create Mock Request Matcher GET ${callback_endpoint} &{notification_response}= Create Mock Response headers="Content-Type: application/json" status_code=204 Create Mock Expectation ${notification_request} ${notification_response} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${total_polling_time} ${polling_interval} Verify Mock Expectation ${notification_request} Clear Requests ${callback_endpoint} Check HTTP Response Header Contain Link ${linkURL}= Get Value From Json ${response['headers']} $..Link Should Not Be Empty ${linkURL} Get all OnBoarded VNF Packages Log Trying to get all OnBoarded VNF Packages present in the NFVO Catalogue Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} GET OnBoarded VNF Packages with attribute-based filter Log Trying to get all OnBoarded VNF Packages present in the NFVO Catalogue, using filter params Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages?${POS_FILTER} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} GET OnBoarded VNF Packages with invalid attribute-based filter Log Trying to perform a negative get, filtering by the inexistent filter 'nfvId' Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages?${NEG_FILTER} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} GET OnBoarded VNF Packages with all_fields attribute selector Log Trying to get all OnBoarded VNF Packages present in the NFVO Catalogue, using filter params Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages?all_fields ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} GET OnBoarded VNF Packages with exclude_default attribute selector Log Trying to get all OnBoarded VNF Packages present in the NFVO Catalogue, using exclude_default filter. Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages?exclude_default ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} GET OnBoarded VNF Packages with fields attribute selector Log Trying to get all OnBoarded VNF Packages present in the NFVO Catalogue, using fields Pass Execution If ${NFVO_FIELDS} == 0 The NFVO is not able to use fields parameter Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages?fields=${fields} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} GET OnBoarded VNF Packages with exclude_fields attribute selector Log Trying to get all OnBoarded VNF Packages present in the NFVO Catalogue, using fields Pass Execution If ${NFVO_FIELDS} == 0 The NFVO is not able to use fields parameter Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages?exclude_fields=${fields} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} GET OnBoarded all VNF Packages with invalid resource endpoint Log Trying to perform a GET on a erroneous URI Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_package ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send OnBoarded POST Request for all VNF Packages Log Trying to perform a POST (method should not be implemented) Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} POST ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send OnBoarded PUT Request for all VNF Packages Log Trying to perform a PUT (method should not be implemented) Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} PUT ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send OnBoarded PATCH Request for all VNF Packages Log Trying to perform a PATCH (method should not be implemented) Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} PATCH ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send OnBoarded DELETE Request for all VNF Packages Log Trying to perform a DELETE (method should not be implemented) Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} DELETE ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} GET Individual OnBoarded VNF Package Log Trying to get a OnBoarded VNF Package present in the NFVO Catalogue Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vndId} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} GET Individual OnBoarded VNF Package with invalid resource identifier Log Trying to perform a negative get, using wrong authorization bearer Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${erroneousVnfdId} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send POST Request for individual OnBoarded VNF Package Log Trying to perform a POST (method should not be implemented) Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} POST ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vndId} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send PUT Request for individual OnBoarded VNF Package Log Trying to perform a PUT (method should not be implemented) Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} PUT ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vndId} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send PATCH Request for individual OnBoarded VNF Package Log Trying to perform a PATCH (method should not be implemented) Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} PATCH ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vndId} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send DELETE Request for individual OnBoarded VNF Package Log Trying to perform a DELETE (method should not be implemented) Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} DELETE ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vndId} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Get single file VNFD in Individual OnBoarded VNF Package in Plain Format Log Trying to get a VNFD from a given OnBoarded VNF Package present in the NFVO Catalogue Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_PLAIN}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vndId}/vnfd ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Get VNFD in Individual OnBoarded VNF Package in Zip Format Log Trying to get a VNFD from a given OnBoarded VNF Package present in the NFVO Catalogue Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vndId}/vnfd ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Get single file VNFD in Individual OnBoarded VNF Package in Plain or Zip Format Log Trying to get a VNFD from a given OnBoarded VNF Package present in the NFVO Catalogue Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_PLAIN}"} Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vndId}/vnfd ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Get multi file VNFD in Individual OnBoarded VNF Package in Plain or Zip Format Log Trying to get a VNFD from a given OnBoarded VNF Package present in the NFVO Catalogue Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_PLAIN}"} Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vndId}/vnfd ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Get multi file VNFD in Individual OnBoarded VNF Package in Plain Format Log Trying to get a negative case performing a get on a VNFD from a given VNF Package present in the NFVO Catalogue. Accept will be text/plain but VNFD is composed my multiple files. Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_PLAIN}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vndIdZipVnfd}/vnfd ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Get VNFD in Individual OnBoarded VNF Package with invalid resource identifier Log Trying to perform a negative get, using an erroneous package ID Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_PLAIN}"} Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${erroneousVnfdId}/vnfd ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Get VNFD in Individual OnBoarded VNF Package Content with conflict due to onboarding state Log Trying to get a VNFD from a given OnBoarded VNF Package present in the NFVO Catalogue Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_PLAIN}"} Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${onboardingStateVnfdId}/vnfd ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send POST Request for VNFD in individual OnBoarded VNF Package Log Trying to perform a POST. This method should not be implemented Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} POST ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vndId}/vnfd ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send PUT Request for VNFD in individual OnBoarded VNF Package Log Trying to perform a PUT. This method should not be implemented Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} PUT ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vndId}/vnfd ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send PATCH Request for VNFD in individual OnBoarded VNF Package Log Trying to perform a PATCH. This method should not be implemented Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} PATCH ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vndId}/vnfd ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send DELETE Request for VNFD in individual OnBoarded VNF Package Log Trying to perform a DELETE. This method should not be implemented Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} DELETE ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vndIdZipVnfd}/vnfd ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} GET Individual OnBoarded VNF Package Content Log Trying to get a VNF Package Content Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vndId}/package_content ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} GET Individual OnBoarded VNF Package Content with Range Request Log Trying to get a VNF Package Content using RANGE using an NFVO that can handle it Pass Execution If ${NFVO_RANGE_OK} == 0 Skipping this test as NFVO is not able to handle partial Requests. Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Set Headers {"Range": "${range}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vndId}/package_content ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} GET Individual OnBoarded VNF Package Content with invalid Range Request Log Trying to get a range of bytes of the limit of the VNF Package Pass Execution If ${NFVO_RANGE_OK} == 0 Skipping this test as NFVO is not able to handle partial Requests. Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Set Headers {"Range": "${erroneousRange}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vndId}/package_content ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} GET Individual OnBoarded VNF Package Content with invalid resource identifier Log Trying to perform a negative get, using an erroneous package ID Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${erroneousVnfdId}/package_content ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} GET Content for OnBoarded VNF Package in onboarding state different from ONBOARDED Log Trying to get a VNF Package content present in the NFVO Catalogue, but not in ONBOARDED operationalStatus Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${onboardingStateVnfdId}/package_content ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} GET Individual OnBoarded VNF Package Artifact Log Trying to get a VNF Package Artifact Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vndId}/artifacts/${artifactPath} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} GET Individual OnBoarded VNF Package Artifact in octet stream format Log Trying to get a VNF Package Artifact Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vnfdOctetStreamId}/artifacts/${artifactPath} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} GET Individual OnBoarded VNF Package Artifact with Range Request Log Trying to get an Artifact using RANGE Header and using an NFVO that can handle it Pass Execution If ${NFVO_RANGE_OK} == 0 Skipping this test as NFVO is not able to handle partial Requests. Set Headers {"Range": "${range}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vndId}/artifacts/${artifactPath} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} GET Individual OnBoarded VNF Package Artifact with invalid Range Request Log Trying to get a range of bytes of the limit of the VNF Package Pass Execution If ${NFVO_RANGE_OK} == 0 Skipping this test as NFVO is not able to handle partial Requests. Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Set Headers {"Range": "${erroneousRange}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vndId}/artifacts/${artifactPath} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} GET Individual OnBoarded VNF Package Artifact with invalid resource identifier Log Trying to perform a negative get, using an erroneous package ID Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${erroneousVnfdId}/artifacts/${artifactPath} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} GET Artifact for OnBoarded VNF Package in onboarding state different from ONBOARDED Log Trying to get a VNF Package artifact present in the NFVO Catalogue, but not in ONBOARDED operationalStatus Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${onboardingStateVnfdId}/artifacts/${artifactPath} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send POST Request for individual OnBoarded VNF Package Artifact Log Trying to perform a POST (method should not be implemented) Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} POST ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vndId}/artifacts/${artifactPath} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send PUT Request for individual OnBoarded VNF Package Artifact Log Trying to perform a PUT (method should not be implemented) Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} PUT ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vndId}/artifacts/${artifactPath} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send PATCH Request for individual OnBoarded VNF Package Artifact Log Trying to perform a PATCH (method should not be implemented) Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} PATCH ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vndId}/artifacts/${artifactPath} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send DELETE Request for individual OnBoarded VNF Package Artifact Log Trying to perform a DELETE (method should not be implemented) Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} DELETE ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vndId}/artifacts/${artifactPath} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Get multi file VNFD in Individual OnBoarded VNF Package with security information Log Trying to get a VNFD from a given OnBoarded VNF Package present in the NFVO Catalogue Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_PLAIN}"} Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vndId}/vnfd/include_signatures ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Get multi file VNFD in Individual VNF Package with security information Log Trying to get a VNFD from a given VNF Package present in the NFVO Catalogue Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_PLAIN}"} Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPkgZipVNFD}/vnfd/include_signatures ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} GET Individual VNF Package Artifact with security information Log Trying to get a VNF Package Artifact Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vndId}/artifacts/${artifactPath}/include_signatures ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} GET Individual OnBoarded VNF Package Artifact with security information Log Trying to get a VNF Package Artifact Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vndId}/artifacts/${artifactPath}/include_signatures ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} GET Individual VNF Package Artifact with encrypted artifact Log Trying to get a VNF Package Artifact Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vndEncryptedArtifactID}/artifacts/${artifactPath} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} GET Individual OnBoarded VNF Package Artifact with encrypted artifact Log Trying to get a VNF Package Artifact Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vndEncryptedArtifactID}/artifacts/${artifactPath} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} GET Individual VNF Package Artifact with incompatable header Log Trying to get a VNF Package Artifact Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_PLAIN}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vndId}/artifacts/${artifactPath}/include_signatures ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} GET Individual OnBoarded VNF Package Artifact with incompatable header Log Trying to get a VNF Package Artifact Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_PLAIN}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vndId}/artifacts/${artifactPath}/include_signatures ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Get Manifest in Individual VNF Package Log Trying to get content of manifest file from a given VNF Package present in the NFVO Catalogue Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/manifest ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Get Manifest in Individual VNF Package with security information Log Trying to get a manifest from a given VNF Package present in the NFVO Catalogue with security certificates Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_PLAIN}"} Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/manifest/include_signatures ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Get Manifest in Individual VNF Package with conflict due to onboarding state Log Trying to get a manifest from a given VNF Package present in the NFVO Catalogue Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_PLAIN}"} Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${onboardingStateVnfPkgId}/manifest ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send POST Request for Manifest in individual VNF Package Log Trying to perform a POST. This method should not be implemented Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} POST ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/manifest ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send PUT Request for Manifest in individual VNF Package Log Trying to perform a PUT. This method should not be implemented Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} PUT ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/manifest ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send PATCH Request for Manifest in individual VNF Package Log Trying to perform a PATCH. This method should not be implemented Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} PATCH ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/manifest ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send DELETE Request for Manifest in individual VNF Package Log Trying to perform a DELETE. This method should not be implemented Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} DELETE ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/manifest ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Get Manifest in Individual OnBoarded VNF Package Log Trying to get content of manifest file from a given OnBoarded VNF Package present in the NFVO Catalogue Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vndId}/manifest ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Get Manifest in Individual OnBoarded VNF Package with security information Log Trying to get a manifest from a given OnBoarded VNF Package present in the NFVO Catalogue with security certificates Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_PLAIN}"} Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vndIdZipVnfd}/manifest/include_signatures ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Get Manifest in Individual OnBoarded VNF Package with conflict due to onboarding state Log Trying to get a manifest from a given OnBoarded VNF Package present in the NFVO Catalogue Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_PLAIN}"} Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${onboardingStateVnfdId}/manifest ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send POST Request for Manifest in individual OnBoarded VNF Package Log Trying to perform a POST. This method should not be implemented Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} POST ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vndId}/manifest ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send PUT Request for Manifest in individual OnBoarded VNF Package Log Trying to perform a PUT. This method should not be implemented Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} PUT ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vndId}/manifest ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send PATCH Request for Manifest in individual OnBoarded VNF Package Log Trying to perform a PATCH. This method should not be implemented Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} PATCH ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vndId}/manifest ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send DELETE Request for Manifest in individual OnBoarded VNF Package Log Trying to perform a DELETE. This method should not be implemented Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} DELETE ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vndId}/manifest ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Get Artifact in VNF Package Log Trying to get Artifact in VNF Package Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Get Artifact in VNF Package with exclude_all_mano_artifacts parameter Log Trying to get Artifact in VNF Package with exclude_all_mano_artifacts Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts/exclude_all_mano_artifacts ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Get Artifact in VNF Package with include_external_artifacts parameter Log Trying to get Artifact in VNF Package with include_external_artifacts Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts/include_external_artifacts ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Get Artifact in VNF Package with exclude_all_non_mano_artifacts parameter Log Trying to get Artifact in VNF Package with security certificates Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts/exclude_all_non_mano_artifacts ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Get Artifact in VNF Package with select_non_mano_artifact_sets parameter Log Trying to get Artifact in VNF Package with security certificates Pass Execution If ${NFVO_non-MANO_OK} == 0 Skipping this test as NFVO is not able to handle partial Requests. Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts/select_non_mano_artifact_sets=${non_mano_artifact_sets} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Get Artifact in VNF Package with include_signatures parameter Log Trying to get Artifact in VNF Package with security certificates Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts/include_signatures ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Get Artifact in VNF Package with Range Request Log Trying to get an Artifact using RANGE Header and using an NFVO that can handle it Pass Execution If ${NFVO_RANGE_OK} == 0 Skipping this test as NFVO is not able to handle partial Requests. Set Headers {"Range": "${range}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Get Artifact in VNF Package with exclude_all_non_mano_artifacts and select_non_mano_artifact_sets Log Trying to get Artifact in VNF Package Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts/exclude_all_non_mano_artifacts&select_non_mano_artifact_sets=${non_mano_artifact_sets} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Get Artifact in VNF Package with exclude_all_non_mano_artifacts and exclude_all_mano_artifacts Log Trying to get Artifact in VNF Package Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts/exclude_all_non_mano_artifacts&exclude_all_non_mano_artifacts ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} GET Artifact of VNF Package in onboarding state different from ONBOARDED Log Trying to get a VNF Package artifact present in the NFVO Catalogue, but not in ONBOARDED operationalStatus Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${onboardingStateVnfPkgId}/artifacts ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} GET VNF Package Artifact with invalid Range Request Log Trying to get a range of bytes of the limit of the VNF Package Pass Execution If ${NFVO_RANGE_OK} == 0 Skipping this test as NFVO is not able to handle partial Requests. Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Set Headers {"Range": "${erroneousRange}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send POST Request for VNF Package Artifact Log Trying to perform a POST (method should not be implemented) Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} POST ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send PUT Request for VNF Package Artifact Log Trying to perform a PUT (method should not be implemented) Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} PUT ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send PATCH Request for VNF Package Artifact Log Trying to perform a PATCH (method should not be implemented) Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} PATCH ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send DELETE Request for VNF Package Artifact Log Trying to perform a DELETE (method should not be implemented) Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} DELETE ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Get Artifact in OnBoarded VNF Package Log Trying to get Artifact in OnBoarded VNF Package Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Get Artifact in OnBoarded VNF Package with exclude_all_mano_artifacts parameter Log Trying to get Artifact in OnBoarded VNF Package with exclude_all_mano_artifacts Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts/exclude_all_mano_artifacts ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Get Artifact in OnBoarded VNF Package with exclude_all_non_mano_artifacts parameter Log Trying to get Artifact in OnBoarded VNF Package with security certificates Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts/exclude_all_non_mano_artifacts ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Get Artifact in OnBoarded VNF Package with include_external_artifacts parameter Log Trying to get Artifact in OnBoarded VNF Package with include_external_artifacts Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts/include_external_artifacts ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Get Artifact in OnBoarded VNF Package with select_non_mano_artifact_sets parameter Log Trying to get Artifact in OnBoarded VNF Package with security certificates Pass Execution If ${NFVO_non-MANO_OK} == 0 Skipping this test as NFVO is not able to handle partial Requests. Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts/select_non_mano_artifact_sets=${non_mano_artifact_sets} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Get Artifact in OnBoarded VNF Package with include_signatures parameter Log Trying to get Artifact in OnBoarded VNF Package with security certificates Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts/include_signatures ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Get Artifact in OnBoarded VNF Package with Range Request Log Trying to get an Artifact using RANGE Header and using an NFVO that can handle it Pass Execution If ${NFVO_RANGE_OK} == 0 Skipping this test as NFVO is not able to handle partial Requests. Set Headers {"Range": "${range}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Get Artifact in OnBoarded VNF Package with exclude_all_non_mano_artifacts and select_non_mano_artifact_sets Log Trying to get Artifact in OnBoarded VNF Package Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts/exclude_all_non_mano_artifacts&select_non_mano_artifact_sets=${non_mano_artifact_sets} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Get Artifact in OnBoarded VNF Package with exclude_all_non_mano_artifacts and exclude_all_mano_artifacts Log Trying to get Artifact in OnBoarded VNF Package Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts/exclude_all_non_mano_artifacts&exclude_all_non_mano_artifacts ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} GET Artifact of OnBoarded VNF Package in onboarding state different from ONBOARDED Log Trying to get a OnBoarded VNF Package artifact present in the NFVO Catalogue, but not in ONBOARDED operationalStatus Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${onboardingStateVnfPkgId}/artifacts ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} GET OnBoarded VNF Package Artifact with invalid Range Request Log Trying to get a range of bytes of the limit of the OnBoarded VNF Package Pass Execution If ${NFVO_RANGE_OK} == 0 Skipping this test as NFVO is not able to handle partial Requests. Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Set Headers {"Range": "${erroneousRange}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send POST Request for OnBoarded VNF Package Artifact Log Trying to perform a POST (method should not be implemented) Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} POST ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send PUT Request for OnBoarded VNF Package Artifact Log Trying to perform a PUT (method should not be implemented) Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} PUT ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send PATCH Request for OnBoarded VNF Package Artifact Log Trying to perform a PATCH (method should not be implemented) Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} PATCH ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Send DELETE Request for OnBoarded VNF Package Artifact Log Trying to perform a DELETE (method should not be implemented) Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} DELETE ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} GET OnBoarded VNF Packages with fields and exclude_default attribute selector Log Trying to get all OnBoarded VNF Packages present in the NFVO Catalogue, using fields Pass Execution If ${NFVO_FIELDS} == 0 The NFVO is not able to use fields parameter Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages?fields=${fields}&exclude_default ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output} Check Postcondition VNF Package Subscription is Deleted Log Check Postcondition Subscription is deleted GET individual VNF Package Subscription Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 404 Check HTTP Response Body of Individual VNF Package content against VNF Descriptor Run Keyword If ${check_descriptors} == 1 Check Individual VNF Package Content Check Individual VNF Package Content PARSE the Descriptor File Match the VNF Package Response Attributes with Descriptors PARSE the Descriptor File Run Keyword If '${descriptorType}'=='SOL001' Fetch Information from SOL001 descriptor file ELSE Fetch Information from SOL006 descriptor file Fetch Information from SOL001 descriptor file ${descriptor_id}= Get Variable Value ${topology_template.node_templates.properties.descriptor_id} ${provider}= Get Variable Value ${topology_template.node_templates.properties.provider} ${product_name}= Get Variable Value ${topology_template.node_templates.properties.product_name} ${software_version}= Get Variable Value ${topology_template.node_templates.properties.software_version} ${descriptor_version}= Get Variable Value ${topology_template.node_templates.properties.descriptor_version} Set Global Variable ${Descriptor_ID} ${descriptor_id} Set Global Variable ${Provider} ${provider} Set Global Variable ${Product_Name} ${product_name} Set Global Variable ${Software_Version} ${software_version} Set Global Variable ${Descriptor_Version} ${descriptor_version} Fetch Information from SOL006 descriptor file ${descriptor_id}= Get Variable Value ${nfv.vnfd[0].id} ${provider}= Get Variable Value ${nfv.vnfd[0].provider} ${product_name}= Get Variable Value ${nfv.vnfd[0]['product-name']} ${software_version}= Get Variable Value ${nfv.vnfd[0]['software-version']} ${descriptor_version}= Get Variable Value ${nfv.vnfd[0].version} Set Global Variable ${Descriptor_ID} ${descriptor_id} Set Global Variable ${Provider} ${provider} Set Global Variable ${Product_Name} ${product_name} Set Global Variable ${Software_Version} ${software_version} Set Global Variable ${Descriptor_Version} ${descriptor_version} Match the VNF Package Response Attributes with Descriptors #Checking Response attributes with VNF Descriptors Should Be Equal As Strings ${response['body']['vnfdId']} ${Descriptor_ID} Should Be Equal As Strings ${response['body']['vnfProvider']} ${Provider} Should Be Equal As Strings ${response['body']['vnfProductName']} ${Product_Name} Should Be Equal As Strings ${response['body']['vnfSoftwareVersion']} ${Software_Version} Should Be Equal As Strings ${response['body']['vnfdVersion']} ${Descriptor_Version} Check HTTP Response Body of Individual Subscription content against VNF Descriptor Run Keyword If ${check_descriptors} == 1 Check Individual VNF Subscription Content Check Individual VNF Subscription Content PARSE the Descriptor File Match the VNF subscription Response Attributes with Descriptors Match the VNF subscription Response Attributes with Descriptors #Checking Response attributes with VNF Descriptors Should Be Equal As Strings ${response['body']['filter']['vnfdId']} ${Descriptor_ID} Should Be Equal As Strings ${response['body']['filter']['vnfProductsFromProviders'][0]['vnfProvider']} ${Provider} Should Be Equal As Strings ${response['body']['filter']['vnfProductsFromProviders'][0]['vnfProducts'][0]['vnfProductName']} ${Product_Name} Should Be Equal As Strings ${response['body']['filter']['vnfProductsFromProviders'][0]['vnfProducts']['versions'][0]['vnfSoftwareVersion']} ${Software_Version} Should Be Equal As Strings ${response['body']['filter']['vnfProductsFromProviders'][0]['vnfProducts']['versions'][0]['vnfdVersion']} ${Descriptor_Version}