{ "description": "Information about VNF package artifacts that are software images. This attribute shall not be present before the VNF package content is on-boarded. Otherwise, this attribute shall be present unless it has been requested to be excluded per attribute selector.\n", "type": "array", "items": { "description": "This type represents an artifact contained in a VNF package which represents a software image.\n", "type": "object", "required": ["id", "name", "provider", "version", "checksum", "containerFormat", "diskFormat", "createdAt", "minDisk", "minRam", "size", "imagePath"], "properties": { "id": { "description": "An identifier that is unique within a VNF descriptor.\n", "type": "string" }, "name": { "description": "Name of the software image.\n", "type": "string" }, "provider": { "description": "Provider of the software image.\n", "type": "string" }, "version": { "description": "A Version.\n", "type": "string" }, "checksum": { "description": "This type represents the checksum of a VNF package or an artifact file.\n", "type": "object", "required": ["algorithm", "hash"], "properties": { "algorithm": { "description": "Name of the algorithm used to generate the checksum, as defined in ETSI GS NFV-SOL 004. For example, SHA-256, SHA-512.\n", "type": "string" }, "hash": { "description": "The hexadecimal value of the checksum.\n", "type": "string" } } }, "containerFormat": { "description": "Container format indicates whether the software image is in a file format that also contains metadata about the actual software. Permitted values: - AKI: a kernel image format - AMI: a machine image format - ARI: a ramdisk image format - BARE: the image does not have a container or metadata envelope - DOCKER: docker container format - OVA: OVF package in a tarfile - OVF: OVF container format The list of permitted values was taken from \"Container formats\" in http://docs.openstack.org/image-guide/image-formats.html\n", "type": "string", "enum": ["AKI", "AMI", "ARI", "BARE", "DOCKER", "OVA", "OVF"] }, "diskFormat": { "description": "Disk format of a software image is the format of the underlying disk image. Permitted values: - AKI: a kernel image format - AMI: a machine image format - ARI: a ramdisk image format - ISO: an archive format for the data contents of an optical disc, such as CD-ROM\n- QCOW2: a common disk image format, which can expand dynamically and supports copy on write\n- RAW: an unstructured disk image format - VDI: a common disk image format - VHD: a common disk image format - VHDX: enhanced version of VHD format - VMDK: a common disk image format The list of permitted values was adapted from \"Disk formats\" in http://docs.openstack.org/image-guide/image-formats.html\n", "type": "string", "enum": ["AKI", "AMI", "ISO", "QCOW2", "RAW", "VDI", "VHD", "VHDX", "VMDK"] }, "createdAt": { "description": "Date-time stamp. Representation: String formatted according to IETF RFC 3339.\n", "type": "string", "format": "date-time" }, "minDisk": { "description": "The minimal disk for this software image in bytes.\n", "type": "integer" }, "minRam": { "description": "The minimal RAM for this software image in bytes.\n", "type": "integer" }, "size": { "description": "Size of this software image in bytes.\n", "type": "integer" }, "userMetadata": { "description": "This type represents a list of key-value pairs. The order of the pairs in the list is not significant. In JSON, a set of key- value pairs is represented as an object. It shall comply with the provisions defined in clause 4 of IETF RFC 7159.\n", "type": "object" }, "imagePath": { "description": "Path in the VNF package, which identifies the image artifact and also allows to access a copy of the image artifact.\n", "type": "string" } } } }