*** Settings *** Resource environment/configuration.txt Resource environment/variables.txt Library REST ${VNFM_SCHEMA}://${VNFM_HOST}:${VNFM_PORT} Library DependencyLibrary Library JSONLibrary Library JSONSchemaLibrary schemas/ Resource VnfLcmMntOperationKeywords.robot Documentation This task resource represents the "Fail operation" operation. ... The client can use this resource to mark a VNF lifecycle management operation occurrence as "finally failed", ... i.e. change the state of the related VNF LCM operation occurrence resource to "FAILED", if it is not assumed that a subsequent retry or rollback will succeed. ... Once the operation is marked as "finally failed", it cannot be retried or rolled back anymore. Suite Setup Check resource existance *** Test Cases *** Post Fail operation task [Documentation] Test ID: ... Test title: Post Fail operation task ... Test objective: The objective is to test that POST method mark as "finally failed" a VNF lifecycle operation if that operation has experienced a temporary failure ... Pre-conditions: the related "VNF LCM operation occurrence" resource is in "FAILED_TEMP" state. ... Reference: section - SOL003 v2.4.1 ... Config ID: Config_prod_VNFM ... Applicability: none ... Post-Conditions: none Depends on test Check resource FAILED_TEMP Post Fail operation Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 202 Check Operation Occurrence Id Post Fail operation task Conflict (Not-FAILED_TEMP) # TODO: Need to set the pre-condition of the test. VNF instance shall be in INSTANTIATED state [Documentation] Test ID: ... Test title: Post Fail operation task ... Test objective: The objective is to test that POST method cannot mark as "finally failed" a VNF lifecycle operation if that operation has experienced a temporary failure ... Pre-conditions: the related "VNF LCM operation occurrence" resource is not in "FAILED_TEMP" state. ... Reference: section - SOL003 v2.4.1 ... Config ID: Config_prod_VNFM ... Applicability: none ... Post-Conditions: none Depends on test failure Check resource FAILED_TEMP Post Fail operation Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 409 Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema Is ProblemDetails Post Fail operation task Not Found # TODO: Need to create a vnfInstance which's instantiatedVnfInfo.scaleStatus is absent [Documentation] Test ID: ... Test title: Post Fail operation task ... Test objective: The objective is to test that POST method cannot mark as "finally failed" a VNF lifecycle operation because the operation is not supported ... Pre-conditions: ... Reference: section - SOL003 v2.4.1 ... Config ID: Config_prod_VNFM ... Applicability: none ... Post-Conditions: none [Setup] Check Fail not supported Post Fail operation Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 404 GET Fail operation task - Method not implemented [Documentation] Test ID: ... Test title: GET Fail operation task- Method not implemented ... Test objective: The objective is to verify that the method is not implemented ... Pre-conditions: none ... Reference: section - SOL003 v2.4.1 ... Config ID: Config_prod_VNFM ... Applicability: none ... Post-Conditions: Get Fail operation Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 405 PUT Fail operation task - Method not implemented [Documentation] Test ID: ... Test title: PUT Fail operation task- Method not implemented ... Test objective: The objective is to verify that the method is not implemented ... Pre-conditions: none ... Reference: section - SOL003 v2.4.1 ... Config ID: Config_prod_VNFM ... Applicability: none ... Post-Conditions: Put Fail operation Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 405 PATCH Fail operation task - Method not implemented [Documentation] Test ID: ... Test title: GET Fail operation task- Method not implemented ... Test objective: The objective is to verify that the method is not implemented ... Pre-conditions: none ... Reference: section - SOL003 v2.4.1 ... Config ID: Config_prod_VNFM ... Applicability: none ... Post-Conditions: Patch Fail operation Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 405 DELETE Fail operation task - Method not implemented [Documentation] Test ID: ... Test title: DELETE Fail operation task- Method not implemented ... Test objective: The objective is to verify that the method is not implemented ... Pre-conditions: none ... Reference: section - SOL003 v2.4.1 ... Config ID: Config_prod_VNFM ... Applicability: none ... Post-Conditions: Delete Fail operation Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 405 *** Keywords *** Check resource existance Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"} Get ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_lcm_op_occs/${vnfLcmOpOccId} Integer response status 200 Launch another error handling action Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"} Post ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_lcm_op_occs/${vnfLcmOpOccId}/retry Integer response status 202 Check Fail not supported Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"} Get ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_lcm_op_occs/${vnfLcmOpOccId} # how to check if Fail is not supported? Check resource FAILED_TEMP Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"} Get ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_lcm_op_occs/${vnfLcmOpOccId} String response body operationState FAILED_TEMP