*** Settings *** Documentation This resource represents subscriptions. The client can use this resource to subscribe to notifications related to VNF ... performance management and to query its subscriptions. Library JSONSchemaLibrary schemas/ Resource environment/generic.txt # Generic Parameters Library REST ${VNFM_SCHEMA}://${VNFM_HOST}:${VNFM_PORT} Library OperatingSystem Library JSONLibrary Resource environment/subscriptions.txt *** Test Cases *** GET Subscription [Documentation] The client can use this method to query the list of active subscriptions to Performance management notifications ... subscribed by the client. ... This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and for URI query parameters, ... request and response data structures, and response codes. Set headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${VNFM_AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization": ${VNFM_AUTHENTICATION}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/subscriptions Integer response status 200 Log Received a 200 OK as expected ${contentType}= Output response headers Content-Type Should Contain ${contentType} application/json ${result}= Output response body ${json}= evaluate json.loads('''${result}''') json Validate Json PmSubscriptions.schema.json ${json} Log Validated PmSubscription schema GET Subscription - Filter [Documentation] The client can use this method to query the list of active subscriptions to Performance management notifications ... subscribed by the client. ... This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and for URI query parameters, ... request and response data structures, and response codes. Set headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${VNFM_AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization": ${VNFM_AUTHENTICATION}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/subscriptions?${filter_ok} Integer response status 200 Log Received a 200 OK as expected ${contentType}= Output response headers Content-Type Should Contain ${contentType} application/json ${result}= Output response body ${json}= evaluate json.loads('''${result}''') json Validate Json PmSubscriptions.schema.json ${json} Log Validated PmSubscription schema GET Subscription - Negative Filter (Erroneous filter) [Documentation] The client can use this method to query the list of active subscriptions to Performance management notifications ... subscribed by the client. ... This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and for URI query parameters, ... request and response data structures, and response codes. Set headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${VNFM_AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization": ${VNFM_AUTHENTICATION}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/subscriptions?${filter_ko} Integer response status 400 Log Received a 400 Bad Request as expected ${contentType}= Output response headers Content-Type Should Contain ${contentType} application/json ${result}= Output response body ${json}= evaluate json.loads('''${result}''') json Validate Json ProblemDetails.schema.json ${json} Log Validated ProblemDetails schema GET Subscription - Negative (Not Found) [Documentation] The client can use this method to query the list of active subscriptions to Performance management notifications ... subscribed by the client. ... This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and for URI query parameters, ... request and response data structures, and response codes. Set headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${VNFM_AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization": ${VNFM_AUTHENTICATION}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/subscription Integer response status 404 Log Received a 404 Not found as expected ${contentType}= Output response headers Content-Type Should Contain ${contentType} application/json ${result}= Output response body ${json}= evaluate json.loads('''${result}''') json Validate Json ProblemDetails.schema.json ${json} Log Validated ProblemDetails schema POST Subscription [Documentation] The POST method creates a new subscription. ... This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and for URI query parameters, ... request and response data structures, and response codes. ... Creation of two subscription resources with the same callbackURI and the same filter can result in performance ... degradation and will provide duplicates of notifications to the EM or VNF, and might make sense only in very rare use ... cases. Consequently, the VNFM may either allow creating a subscription resource if another subscription resource with ... the same filter and callbackUri already exists (in which case it shall return the "201 Created" response code), or may ... decide to not create a duplicate subscription resource (in which case it shall return a "303 See Other" response code ... referencing the existing subscription resource with the same filter and callbackUri). Set headers {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE_JSON}"} Set headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${VNFM_AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization": ${VNFM_AUTHENTICATION}"} ${body_request}= Get File jsons/subscriptions.json POST ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/subscriptions ${body_request} Integer response status 201 Log Received a 201 Created as expected ${contentType}= Output response headers Content-Type Should Contain ${contentType} application/json ${result}= Output response body ${json}= evaluate json.loads('''${result}''') json Validate Json PmSubscriptions.schema.json ${json} Log Validated PmSubscription schema Log Trying to validate the Location header ${headers}= Output response headers Should Contain ${headers} Location POST Subscription - DUPLICATION [Documentation] The POST method creates a new subscription. ... This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and for URI query parameters, ... request and response data structures, and response codes. ... Creation of two subscription resources with the same callbackURI and the same filter can result in performance ... degradation and will provide duplicates of notifications to the EM or VNF, and might make sense only in very rare use ... cases. Consequently, the VNFM may either allow creating a subscription resource if another subscription resource with ... the same filter and callbackUri already exists (in which case it shall return the "201 Created" response code), or may ... decide to not create a duplicate subscription resource (in which case it shall return a "303 See Other" response code ... referencing the existing subscription resource with the same filter and callbackUri). Pass Execution If ${VNFM_DUPLICATION} == 1 VNFM is permitting duplication. Skipping the test Set headers {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE_JSON}"} Set headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${VNFM_AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization": ${VNFM_AUTHENTICATION}"} ${body_request}= Get File jsons/subscriptions.json POST ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/subscriptions ${body_request} Integer response status 303 Log Received a 303 See other as expected ${contentType}= Output response headers Content-Type Should Contain ${contentType} application/json ${result}= Output response body Should Be Empty ${result} Log Body is empty Log Trying to validate the Location header ${headers}= Output response headers Should Contain ${headers} Location POST Subscription - NO DUPLICATION [Documentation] The POST method creates a new subscription. ... This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and for URI query parameters, ... request and response data structures, and response codes. ... Creation of two subscription resources with the same callbackURI and the same filter can result in performance ... degradation and will provide duplicates of notifications to the EM or VNF, and might make sense only in very rare use ... cases. Consequently, the VNFM may either allow creating a subscription resource if another subscription resource with ... the same filter and callbackUri already exists (in which case it shall return the "201 Created" response code), or may ... decide to not create a duplicate subscription resource (in which case it shall return a "303 See Other" response code ... referencing the existing subscription resource with the same filter and callbackUri). Pass Execution If ${VNFM_DUPLICATION} == 0 VNFM is not permitting duplication. Skipping the test Set headers {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE_JSON}"} Set headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"} Run Keyword If ${VNFM_AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization": ${VNFM_AUTHENTICATION}"} ${body_request}= Get File jsons/subscriptions.json POST ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/subscriptions ${body_request} Integer response status 201 Log Received a 201 Created as expected ${contentType}= Output response headers Content-Type Should Contain ${contentType} application/json ${result}= Output response body ${json}= evaluate json.loads('''${result}''') json Validate Json PmSubscriptions.schema.json ${json} Log Validated PmSubscription schema Log Trying to validate the Location header ${headers}= Output response headers Should Contain ${headers} Location PUT Subscription - (Method not implemented) [Documentation] This method is not supported. When this method is requested on this resource, the VNFM shall return a "405 Method ... Not Allowed" response as defined in clause Run Keyword If ${VNFM_AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization": "${VNFM_AUTHENTICATION}"} PUT ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/subscriptions Integer response status 405 Log Received 405 Method not implemented as expected PATCH Subscription - (Method not implemented) [Documentation] This method is not supported. When this method is requested on this resource, the VNFM shall return a "405 Method ... Not Allowed" response as defined in clause Run Keyword If ${VNFM_AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization": "${VNFM_AUTHENTICATION}"} PATCH ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/subscriptions Integer response status 405 Log Received 405 Method not implemented as expected DELETE Subscription - (Method not implemented) [Documentation] This method is not supported. When this method is requested on this resource, the VNFM shall return a "405 Method ... Not Allowed" response as defined in clause Run Keyword If ${VNFM_AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization": "${VNFM_AUTHENTICATION}"} DELETE ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/subscriptions Integer response status 405 Log Received 405 Method not implemented as expected