*** Settings *** Resource environment/variables.txt Resource VnfLcmOperationKeywords.robot Library REST ${VNFM_SCHEMA}://${VNFM_HOST}:${VNFM_PORT} Library OperatingSystem Library JSONLibrary Library JSONSchemaLibrary schemas/ Suite Setup Check resource existance *** Test Cases *** POST Change external VNF connectivity [Documentation] Test ID: ... Test title: POST Change external VNF connectivity ... Test objective: The objective is to test that POST method trigger a change in VNF external connectivity ... Pre-conditions: none ... Reference: section - SOL002 v2.4.1 ... Config ID: Config_prod_VE ... Applicability: none ... Post-Conditions: in response header Location shall not be null POST Change External VNF Connectivity Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 202 Check Operation Occurrence Id GET Change external VNF connectivity - Method not implemented [Documentation] Test ID: ... Test title: GET Change external VNF connectivity - Method not implemented ... Test objective: The objective is to test that GET method is not implemented ... Pre-conditions: none ... Reference: section - SOL002 v2.4.1 ... Config ID: Config_prod_VE ... Applicability: none ... Post-Conditions: none GET Change External VNF Connectivity Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 405 PUT Change external VNF connectivity - Method not implemented [Documentation] Test ID: ... Test title: PUT Change external VNF connectivity - Method not implemented ... Test objective: The objective is to test that PUT method is not implemented ... Pre-conditions: none ... Reference: section - SOL002 v2.4.1 ... Config ID: Config_prod_VE ... Applicability: none ... Post-Conditions: none PUT Change External VNF Connectivity Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 405 PATCH Change external VNF connectivity - Method not implemented [Documentation] Test ID: ... Test title: PATCH Change external VNF connectivity - Method not implemented ... Test objective: The objective is to test that PATCH method is not implemented ... Pre-conditions: none ... Reference: section - SOL002 v2.4.1 ... Config ID: Config_prod_VE ... Applicability: none ... Post-Conditions: none PATCH Change External VNF Connectivity Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 405 DELETE Change external VNF connectivity - Method not implemented [Documentation] Test ID: ... Test title: DELETE Change external VNF connectivity - Method not implemented ... Test objective: The objective is to test that DELETE method is not implemented ... Pre-conditions: none ... Reference: section - SOL002 v2.4.1 ... Config ID: Config_prod_VE ... Applicability: none ... Post-Conditions: none DELETE Change External VNF Connectivity Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 405 *** Keywords *** Check resource existance Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"} Set Headers {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"} Get ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId} Integer response status 200 Launch another LCM operation Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"} Set Headers {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"} ${body}= Get File jsons/scaleVnfRequest.json Post ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId}/scale ${body} Integer response status 202