*** Settings *** Library JSONSchemaLibrary schemas/ Resource environment/variables.txt # Generic Parameters Resource environment/vnfPackageContent.txt Library JSONLibrary Library OperatingSystem Library REST ${NFVO_SCHEMA}://${NFVO_HOST}:${NFVO_PORT} *** Test Cases *** GET VNF Package Content Log Trying to get a VNF Package Content Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization": "${AUTHORIZATION}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPkgId}/package_content Integer response status 200 ${contentType}= Output response headers Content-Type Should Contain ${contentType} ${CONTENT_TYPE_ZIP} GET VNF Package Content - Range Log Trying to get a VNF Package Content using RANGE using an NFVO that can handle it Pass Execution If ${NFVO_RANGE_OK} == 0 Skipping this test as NFVO is not able to handle partial Requests. Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Set Headers {"Range": "${range}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization": "${AUTHORIZATION}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPkgId}/package_content Integer response status 206 Log Received 206 Partial Content as expected. ${headers}= Output response headers Should Contain ${headers} Content-Range Log Header Content-Range is present Should Contain ${headers} Content-Length Log Header Content-Length is present GET VNF Package Content - Range NFVO No RANGE Log Trying to get a VNF Package Content using RANGE using an NFVO that can handle it Pass Execution If ${NFVO_RANGE_OK} == 1 Skipping this test as NFVO is able to handle partial Requests. Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Set Headers {"Range": "${range}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization": "${AUTHORIZATION}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPkgId}/package_content Integer response status 200 Log Received 200 OK as expected. The content is all available on this request. RANGE request has been ignored. GET VNF Package Content - Negative Range Log Trying to get a range of bytes of the limit of the VNF Package Pass Execution If ${NFVO_RANGE_OK} == 0 Skipping this test as NFVO is not able to handle partial Requests. Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Set Headers {"Range": "${erroneousRange}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization": "${AUTHORIZATION}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPkgId}/package_content Integer response status 416 Log Received 416 Range not satisfiable as expected. ${contentType}= Output response headers Content-Type Should Contain ${contentType} ${CONTENT_TYPE_JSON} Log Trying to validate ProblemDetails ${problemDetails}= Output response body Validate Json ProblemDetails.schema.json ${problemDetails} Log Validation OK GET VNF Package Content - Negative (Not Found) Log Trying to perform a negative get, using an erroneous package ID Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization": "${AUTHORIZATION}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_packages/${erroneousVnfPkgId}/package_content Integer response status 404 Log Received 404 Not Found as expected ${contentType}= Output response headers Content-Type Should Contain ${contentType} ${CONTENT_TYPE_JSON} Log Trying to validate ProblemDetails ${problemDetails}= Output response body Validate Json ProblemDetails.schema.json ${problemDetails} Log Validation OK GET VNF Package Content - Negative (onboardingState issue) Log Trying to get a VNF Package content present in the NFVO Catalogue, but not in ONBOARDED operationalStatus Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization": "${AUTHORIZATION}"} GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_packages/${onboardingStateVnfPkgId}/package_content Integer response status 409 Log Received 409 Conflict as expected ${contentType}= Output response headers Content-Type Should Contain ${contentType} ${CONTENT_TYPE_JSON} Log Trying to validate ProblemDetails ${problemDetails}= Output response body Validate Json ProblemDetails.schema.json ${problemDetails} Log Validation OK PUT VNF Package Content Log Trying to perform a PUT. This method uploads the content of a VNF package. Set Headers {"Contet-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization": "${AUTHORIZATION}"} ${content}= Get Binary File files/vnfPackage.zip PUT ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/package_content ${content} Integer response status 202 Log Received 202 Accepted as expected Log Verification of body. Should be empty ${body}= Output response body Should Be Empty ${body} Log Verified empty body OK PUT VNF Package Content - Negative (Conflict on onboarding status not in CREATED) Log Trying to perform a PUT. This method uploads the content of a VNF package. Set Headers {"Contet-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization": "${AUTHORIZATION}"} ${content}= Get Binary File files/vnfPackage.zip PUT ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_packages/${creatingVnfPackageId}/package_content ${content} Integer response status 409 Log Received 409 Conflict as expected Log Trying to validate ProblemDetails ${problemDetails}= Output response body Validate Json ProblemDetails.schema.json ${problemDetails} Log Validation OK POST VNF Package Content - (Method not implemented) Pass Execution If ${testOptionalMethods} == 0 optional methods are not implemented on the FUT. Skipping test. Log Trying to perform a POST (method should not be implemented) Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization": "${AUTHORIZATION}"} POST ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/package_content Integer response status 405 Log Received 405 Method not implemented as expected PATCH VNF Package Content - (Method not implemented) Pass Execution If ${testOptionalMethods} == 0 optional methods are not implemented on the FUT. Skipping test. Log Trying to perform a PATCH. This method should not be implemented Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization": "${AUTHORIZATION}"} PATCH ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/package_content Integer response status 405 Log Received 405 Method not implemented as expected DELETE VNF Package Content - (Method not implemented) Pass Execution If ${testOptionalMethods} == 0 optional methods are not implemented on the FUT. Skipping test. Log Trying to perform a DELETE. This method should not be implemented Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization": "${AUTHORIZATION}"} DELETE ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/package_content Integer response status 405 Log Received 405 Method not implemented as expected