*** Settings *** Resource environment/variables.txt Library REST ${EM-VNF_SCHEMA}://${EM-VNF_HOST}:${EM-VNF_PORT} Library JSONLibrary Library JSONSchemaLibrary schemas/ Library OperatingSystem Library DependencyLibrary *** Test Cases *** Set new VNF Configuration [Documentation] Test ID: ... Test title: Set a new VNF Configuration ... Test objective: The objective is to test the creation of a new VNF configuration and perform a JSON schema validation of the returned configuration data structure ... Pre-conditions: A VNF instance is instantiated ... Reference: section - SOL002 v2.4.1 ... Config ID: Config_prod_VE ... Applicability: The VNF supports the generation of HTTP Etag opaque identifiers ... Post-Conditions: The configuration is successfully set in the VNF and it matches the issued configuration Send VNF configuration Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 200 Check HTTP Response Header Contains ETag Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema Is vnfConfigModifications Check Postcondition VNF Is Configured Get information about a VNF configuration [Tags] no-etag [Documentation] Test ID: ... Test title: Get information about a VNF configuration ... Test objective: The objective is to test the retrieval of an existing VNF instance configuration and perform a JSON schema validation of the collected configuration data structure ... Pre-conditions: A VNF instance is instantiated. The VNF instance is already configured. ... Reference: section - SOL002 v2.4.1 ... Config ID: Config_prod_VE ... Applicability: none ... Post-Conditions: none Get VNF configuration Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 200 Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema Is vnfConfiguration Get information about a VNF configuration with HTTP Etag [Tags] etag [Documentation] Test ID: ... Test title: Get information about a VNF configuration with HTTP Etag ... Test objective: The objective is to test the retrieval of an existing VNF instance configuration, check the generation by the VNF of an HTTP Etag opaque identifier, and perform a JSON schema validation of the collected configuration data structure ... Pre-conditions: A VNF instance is instantiated. The VNF instance is already configured ... Reference: section - SOL002 v2.4.1 ... Config ID: Config_prod_VE ... Applicability: The VNF supports the generation of HTTP Etag opaque identifiers ... Post-Conditions: none Get VNF configuration Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 200 Check HTTP Response Header Contains ETag Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema Is vnfConfiguration Set new VNF Configuration - HTTP Etag precondition unsuccessful [Tags] etag [Documentation] Test ID: ... Test title: Set a new VNF Configuration - HTTP Etag precondition unsuccessful ... Test objective: The objective is to test the unsuccess in setting a duplication of VNF configuration identified by an already used HTTP Etag identifier. The test also checks the JSON schema of the unsuccessful operation HTTP response. ... Pre-conditions: A VNF instance is instantiated. The VNF instance is already configured (Test ID with a given HTTP Etag identifier. ... Reference: section - SOL002 v2.4.1 ... Config ID: Config_prod_VE ... Applicability: The VNF supports the generation of HTTP Etag opaque identifiers ... Post-Conditions: The VNF configuration is not modified by the unsuccessful operation and it matches the configuration issued in Test ID Send Duplicated VNF configuration Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 412 Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema Is ProblemDetails Check Postcondition VNF Configuration Unmodified (Implicit) POST VNF Configuration - Method not implemented [Documentation] Test ID: ... Test title: POST VNF Configuration - Method not implemented ... Test objective: The objective is to test that POST method is not allowed to create a new VNF configuration ... Pre-conditions: A VNF instance is instantiated. The VNF instance is alrseady configured ... Reference: section - SOL002 v2.4.1 ... Config ID: Config_prod_VE ... Applicability: none ... Post-Conditions: none Send POST Request for VNF Configuration Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 405 PUT VNF Configuration - Method not implemented [Documentation] Test ID: ... Test title: PUT VNF Configuration - Method not implemented ... Test objective: The objective is to test that PUT method is not allowed to modify an existing VNF configuration ... Pre-conditions: A VNF instance is instantiated. The VNF instance is already configured ... Reference: section - SOL002 v2.4.1 ... Config ID: Config_prod_VE ... Applicability: none ... Post-Conditions: none Send PUT Request for VNF Configuration Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 405 DELETE VNF Configuration - Method not implemented [Documentation] Test ID: ... Test title: Delete VNF Configuration - Method not implemented ... Test objective: The objective is to test that DELETE method is not allowed to delete an existing VNF configuration ... Pre-conditions: A VNF instance is instantiated. The VNF instance is already configured ... Reference: section - SOL002 v2.4.1 ... Config ID: Config_prod_VE ... Applicability: none ... Post-Conditions: The VNF configuration is not deleted by the unsuccessful operation Send DELETE Request for VNF Configuration Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 405 Check Postcondition VNF Configuration Exists *** Keywords *** Get VNF configuration Log Query VNF The GET method queries information about a configuration. Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"} Set Headers {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"} Log Execute Query and validate response Get ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/configuration ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable @{response} ${output} Send VNF configuration log Trying to perform a PATCH. This method modifies the configuration Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"} Set Headers {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"} ${body}= Get File jsons/vnfConfigModifications.json Patch ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/configuration ${body} Set Suite Variable &{etag} ${response[0]['headers']['ETag']} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable @{response} ${output} Check HTTP Response Status Code Is [Arguments] ${expected_status} ${status}= Convert To Integer ${expected_status} Should Be Equal ${response[0]['status']} ${status} Log Status code validated Check HTTP Response Header Contains [Arguments] ${CONTENT_TYPE} Log ${response[0]['headers']} Should Contain ${response[0]['headers']} ${CONTENT_TYPE} Log Header is present Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema Is [Arguments] ${input} Should Contain ${response[0]['headers']['Content-Type']} application/json ${schema} = Catenate ${input} .schema.json Validate Json ${schema} ${response[0]['body']} Log Json Schema Validation OK Check Postcondition VNF Configuration Unmodified (Implicit) Log Check Implicit Postcondition Check Postcondition VNF Is Configured Check Postcondition VNF Configuration Exists Log Check Postcondition VNF exists Check Postcondition VNF Is Configured Check Postcondition VNF Is Configured Log Check Postcondition for VNF Configuration Get VNF configuration ${input_file}= Get File jsons/vnfConfigModifications.json ${input}= evaluate json.loads('''${input_file}''') json Should Be Equal ${response[0]['body']} ${input} Send Duplicated VNF configuration Depends On Test Send VNF configuration # If the previous test scceeded, it means that Etag has been modified log Trying to perform a PATCH. This method modifies an individual alarm resource Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"} Set Headers {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE}"} Set Headers {"If-Match": "${etag[0]}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"} ${body}= Get File jsons/vnfConfigModifications.json Patch ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/configuration ${body} ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable @{response} ${output} Send POST Request for VNF Configuration log Trying to perform a POST. This method should not be implemented Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"} Post ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/configuration ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable @{response} ${output} Send PUT Request for VNF Configuration log Trying to perform a POST. This method should not be implemented Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"} Put ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/configuration ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable @{response} ${output} Send DELETE Request for VNF Configuration log Trying to perform a POST. This method should not be implemented Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"} Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"} Delete ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/configuration ${output}= Output response Set Suite Variable @{response} ${output}