diff --git a/SOL009/NFVMANOPerformanceManagement-API/SOL009-NFVMANOPerformanceManagement-API.yaml b/SOL009/NFVMANOPerformanceManagement-API/SOL009-NFVMANOPerformanceManagement-API.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 38e44fa0caa6c44bb07896cdcdf429adaeb2d3a4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/SOL009/NFVMANOPerformanceManagement-API/SOL009-NFVMANOPerformanceManagement-API.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20940 +0,0 @@
-openapi: 3.0.2
-  version: '1.0.0-impl:etsi.org:ETSI_NFV_OpenAPI:1'
-  title: SOL009 - NFV-MANO Performance Management Interface
-  description: >
-    SOL009 - NFV-MANO Performance Management Interface
-    IMPORTANT: Please note that this file might be not aligned to the current
-    version of the ETSI Group Specification it refers to and has not been
-    approved by the ETSI NFV ISG. In case of discrepancies the published ETSI
-    Group Specification takes precedence. Please report bugs to
-    https://forge.etsi.org/bugzilla/buglist.cgi?component=Nfv-Openapis
-  license:
-    name: ETSI Forge copyright notice
-    url: 'https://forge.etsi.org/etsi-forge-copyright-notice.txt'
-  contact:
-    name: NFV-SOL WG
-  description: ETSI GS NFV-SOL 009 V3.3.1
-  url: >-
-    https://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi_gs/NFV-SOL/001_099/009/03.03.01_60/gs_NFV-SOL009v030301p.pdf
-  - url: ''
-    description: |
-      API HTTP Server
-  - url: ''
-    description: |
-      API HTTPS Server
-  /api_versions:
-    parameters:
-      - name: Version
-        description: |
-          Version of the API requested to use when responding to this request.
-        in: header
-        required: false
-        schema:
-          type: string
-      - name: Authorization
-        description: 'The authorization token for the request. Reference: IETF RFC 7235'
-        in: header
-        required: false
-        schema:
-          type: string
-    get:
-      summary: Retrieve API version information
-      description: >
-        The GET method reads API version information. This method shall follow
-        the provisions specified in table for request and response
-        data structures, and response codes. URI query parameters are not
-        supported.
-      responses:
-        '200':
-          description: >
-            200 OK
-            API version information was read successfully. The response body
-            shall contain 4.4 API version information, as defined in clause
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: |
-                  This type represents API version information.
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - uriPrefix
-                  - apiVersions
-                properties:
-                  uriPrefix:
-                    description: >
-                      Specifies the URI prefix for the API, in the following
-                      form {apiRoot}/{apiName}/{apiMajorVersion}/.
-                    type: string
-                  apiVersions:
-                    description: >
-                      Version(s) supported for the API signaled by the uriPrefix
-                      attribute.
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      required:
-                        - version
-                      properties:
-                        version:
-                          description: >
-                            Identifies a supported version. The value of the
-                            version attribute shall be a version identifier as
-                            specified in clause 9.1 (SOL013).
-                          type: string
-                        isDeprecated:
-                          description: >
-                            If such information is available, this attribute
-                            indicates whether use of the version signaled by the
-                            version attribute is deprecated (true) or not
-                            (false).
-                            A deprecated version is still supported by the API
-                            producer but is recommended not to be used any
-                            longer. When a version is no longer supported, it
-                            does not appear in the response body.
-                          type: boolean
-                        retirementDate:
-                          description: >
-                            Date-time stamp. Representation: String formatted
-                            according to IETF RFC 3339.
-                          type: string
-                          format: date-time
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: The used API version.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-        '400':
-          description: >
-            400 BAD REQUEST
-            400 code can be returned in the following specified cases, the
-            specific cause has to be proper specified in the "ProblemDetails"
-            structure to be returned.
-            If the request is malformed or syntactically incorrect (e.g. if the
-            request URI contains incorrect query parameters or the payload body
-            contains a syntactically incorrect data structure), the API producer
-            shall respond with this response code. The "ProblemDetails"
-            structure shall be provided, and should include in the "detail"
-            attribute more information about the source of the problem.
-            If the response to a GET request which queries a container resource
-            would be so big that the performance of the API producer is
-            adversely affected, and the API producer does not support paging for
-            the affected resource, it shall respond with this response code. The
-            "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided, and should include in
-            the "detail" attribute more information about the source of the
-            problem.
-            If there is an application error related to the client's input that
-            cannot be easily mapped to any other HTTP response code ("catch all
-            error"), the API producer shall respond with this response code. The
-            "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided, and shall include in
-            the "detail" attribute more information about the source of the
-            problem.
-            If the request contains a malformed access token, the API producer
-            should respond with this response. The details of the error shall be
-            returned in the WWW Authenticate HTTP header, as defined in IETF RFC
-            6750 and IETF RFC 7235. The ProblemDetails structure may be
-            provided.
-            The use of this HTTP error response code described above is
-            applicable to the use of the OAuth 2.0 for the authorization of API
-            requests and notifications, as defined in clauses and
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '401':
-          description: >
-            401 UNAUTHORIZED
-            If the request contains no access token even though one is required,
-            or if the request contains an authorization token that is invalid
-            (e.g. expired or revoked), the API producer should respond with this
-            response. The details of the error shall be returned in the
-            WWW-Authenticate HTTP header, as defined in IETF RFC 6750 and IETF
-            RFC 7235. The ProblemDetails structure may be provided.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '403':
-          description: >
-            403 FORBIDDEN
-            If the API consumer is not allowed to perform a particular request
-            to a particular resource, the API producer shall respond with this
-            response code. The "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided. It
-            should include in the "detail" attribute information about the
-            source of the problem, and may indicate how to solve it.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '404':
-          description: >
-            404 NOT FOUND
-            If the API producer did not find a current representation for the
-            resource addressed by the URI passed in the request or is not
-            willing to disclose that one exists, it shall respond with this
-            response code. The "ProblemDetails" structure may be provided,
-            including in the "detail" attribute information about the source of
-            the problem, e.g. a wrong resource URI variable.
-            This response code is not appropriate in case the resource addressed
-            by the URI is a container resource which is designed to contain
-            child resources, but does not contain any child resource at the time
-            the request is received. For a GET request to an existing empty
-            container resource, a typical response contains a 200 OK response
-            code and a payload body with an empty array.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '405':
-          description: >
-            405 METHOD NOT ALLOWED
-            If a particular HTTP method is not supported for a particular
-            resource, the API producer shall respond with this response code.
-            The "ProblemDetails" structure may be omitted.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '406':
-          description: >
-            406 NOT ACCEPTABLE
-            If the "Accept" HTTP header does not contain at least one name of a
-            content type that is acceptable to the API producer, the API
-            producer shall respond with this response code. The "ProblemDetails"
-            structure may be omitted.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '413':
-          description: >
-            413 PAYLOAD TOO LARGE
-            If the payload body of a request is larger than the amount of data
-            the API producer is willing or able to process, it shall respond
-            with this response code, following the provisions in IETF RFC 7231
-            for the use of the "Retry-After" HTTP header and for closing the
-            connection. The "ProblemDetails" structure may be omitted.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '414':
-          description: >
-            414 URI TOO LONG
-            If the request URI of a request is longer than the API producer is
-            willing or able to process, it shall respond with this response
-            code. This condition can e.g. be caused by passing long queries in
-            the request URI of a GET request. The "ProblemDetails" structure may
-            be omitted.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '416':
-          description: |
-            416 Range Not Satisfiable
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '422':
-          description: >
-            If the payload body of a request contains syntactically correct data
-            (e.g. well-formed JSON) but the data cannot be processed (e.g.
-            because it fails validation against a schema), the API producer
-            shall respond with this response code. The "ProblemDetails"
-            structure shall be provided, and should include in the "detail"
-            attribute more information about the source of the problem.
-            This error response code is only applicable for methods that have a
-            request body.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '429':
-          description: >
-            429 TOO MANY REQUESTS
-            If the API consumer has sent too many requests in a defined period
-            of time and the API producer is able to detect that condition ("rate
-            limiting"), the API producer shall respond with this response code,
-            following the provisions in IETF RFC 6585 [17] for the use of the
-            "Retry-After" HTTP header. The "ProblemDetails" structure shall be
-            provided and shall include in the "detail" attribute more
-            information about the source of the problem.
-            The period of time and allowed number of requests are configured
-            within the API producer by means outside the scope of the present
-            document.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '500':
-          description: >
-            500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR
-            If there is an application error not related to the client's input
-            that cannot be easily mapped to any other HTTP response code ("catch
-            all error"), the API producer shall respond with this response code.
-            The "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided, and shall include
-            in the "detail" attribute more information about the source of the
-            problem.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '503':
-          description: >
-            503 SERVICE UNAVAILABLE
-            If the API producer encounters an internal overload situation of
-            itself or of a system it relies on, it should respond with this
-            response code, following the provisions in IETF RFC 7231 for the use
-            of the "Retry-After" HTTP header and for the alternative to refuse
-            the connection. The "ProblemDetails" structure may be omitted.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '504':
-          description: >
-            504 GATEWAY TIMEOUT
-            If the API producer encounters a timeout while waiting for a
-            response from an upstream server (i.e. a server that the API
-            producer communicates with when fulfilling a request), it should
-            respond with this response code.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-  /pm_jobs:
-    post:
-      description: >
-        Creates a PM job.
-        This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables 
- and for URI query parameters, request and 
-        response data structures, and response codes.
-      parameters:
-        - name: Version
-          description: |
-            Version of the API requested to use when responding to this request.
-          in: header
-          required: true
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        - name: Accept
-          description: >
-            Content-Types that are acceptable for the response. Reference: IETF
-            RFC 7231.
-          in: header
-          required: true
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        - name: Authorization
-          description: |
-            The authorization token for the request. Reference: IETF RFC 7235.
-          in: header
-          required: false
-          schema:
-            type: string
-      requestBody:
-        description: |
-          PM job creation request.
-        content:
-          application/json:
-            schema:
-              description: |
-                This type represents a request to create a PM job. 
-              type: object
-              properties:
-                objectType:
-                  description: >
-                    Type of measured object. The applicable measured object type
-                    for a measurement  is defined in clause 8.2 of ETSI GS
-                    NFV-IFA 031.
-                  type: string
-                objectInstanceIds:
-                  description: >
-                    Identifiers of the measured object instance for which
-                    performance information  is requested to be collected. This
-                    attribute shall contain the identifier of  the instance of
-                    the measure object according to their type. See also
-                    definitions in clause 8.2 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031. If more
-                    than one identifier is provided, values shall all refer to
-                    measured  object instances of the same type, for which the
-                    same criteria is then applicable.
-                  type: array
-                  items:
-                    description: |
-                      An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
-                    type: string
-                  minItems: 1
-                subObjectInstanceIds:
-                  description: >
-                    Identifiers of the sub-object instances of the measured
-                    object instance for  which performance information is
-                    requested to be collected.  May be present if a sub-object
-                    is defined in clause 8.2 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031 for the
-                    related measured object type. If this attribute is present,
-                    the cardinality of the "objectInstanceIds"  attribute shall
-                    be 1. If this attribute is absent and a sub-object is
-                    defined in clause 8.2 of  ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031 for the
-                    related measured object type, measurements will  be taken
-                    for all sub-object instances of the measured object
-                    instance.
-                  type: array
-                  items:
-                    description: >
-                      An identifier that is unique for the respective type
-                      within a NFV-MANO functional entity, but that need not be
-                      globally unique. Representation: string of variable
-                      length..
-                    type: string
-                criteria:
-                  description: |
-                    This type represents collection criteria for PM jobs.
-                  type: object
-                  properties:
-                    performanceMetric:
-                      description: >
-                        This defines the types of performance metrics for the
-                        specified measured  object(s). This attribute’s value
-                        shall contain the related "Measurement Name"  values as
-                        defined in clause 8.4 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031.  At least
-                        one of the two attributes (performance metric or group)
-                        shall be present.
-                      type: array
-                      items:
-                        type: string
-                    performanceMetricGroup:
-                      description: >
-                        Group of performance metrics. A metric group is a
-                        pre-defined list of metrics, known to the producer that
-                        it  can decompose to individual metrics. This
-                        attribute’s value shall contain the  related
-                        "Measurement Group" values as defined in clause 8.4 of
-                        ETSI GS  NFV-IFA 031. At least one of the two attributes
-                        (performance metric or group) shall be present.
-                      type: array
-                      items:
-                        type: string
-                    collectionPeriod:
-                      description: >
-                        Specifies the periodicity at which the producer will
-                        collect performance  information. The unit shall be
-                        seconds. 
-                        At the end of each reportingPeriod, the producer will
-                        inform the API consumer  about availability of the
-                        performance data collected for each completed 
-                        collection period during this reportingPeriod. The
-                        reportingPeriod should  be equal to or a multiple of the
-                        collectionPeriod. In the latter case, the  performance
-                        data for the collection periods within one reporting
-                        period  are reported together. 
-                        In particular when choosing short collection and
-                        reporting periods, the  number of PM jobs that can be
-                        supported depends on the capability of the  producing
-                        entity.
-                      type: integer
-                    reportingPeriod:
-                      description: >
-                        Specifies the periodicity at which the producer will
-                        report to the API consumer  about performance
-                        information. The unit shall be seconds.
-                        At the end of each reportingPeriod, the producer will
-                        inform the API consumer  about availability of the
-                        performance data collected for each completed 
-                        collection period during this reportingPeriod. The
-                        reportingPeriod should  be equal to or a multiple of the
-                        collectionPeriod. In the latter case, the  performance
-                        data for the collection periods within one reporting
-                        period  are reported together. 
-                        In particular when choosing short collection and
-                        reporting periods, the  number of PM jobs that can be
-                        supported depends on the capability of the  producing
-                        entity.
-                      type: integer
-                    reportingBoundary:
-                      description: >
-                        Date-time stamp. Representation: String formatted
-                        according to IETF RFC 3339.
-                      type: string
-                      format: date-time
-                  required:
-                    - collectionPeriod
-                    - reportingPeriod
-              required:
-                - objectType
-                - objectInstanceIds
-                - criteria
-        required: true
-      responses:
-        '201':
-          description: >
-            201 CREATED
-            Shall be returned when the PM job has been created successfully.
-            The response body shall contain a representation of the created 
-            "Individual PM job" resource, as defined in clause
-            The HTTP response shall include a "Location" HTTP header that 
-            points to the created "Individual PM job" resource.
-          headers:
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: |
-                  This type represents a PM job. 
-                type: object
-                properties:
-                  id:
-                    description: |
-                      An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
-                    type: string
-                  objectType:
-                    description: >
-                      Type of measured object. The applicable measured object
-                      type for a measurement is  defined in clause 8.2 of ETSI
-                      GS NFV-IFA 031.
-                    type: string
-                  objectInstanceIds:
-                    description: >
-                      Identifiers of the measured object instance for which
-                      performance information  is collected. This attribute
-                      shall contain the identifier of the instance of  the
-                      measure object according to their type. See also
-                      definitions in clause 8.2 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031.
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      description: >
-                        An identifier with the intention of being globally
-                        unique.
-                      type: string
-                    minItems: 1
-                  subObjectInstanceIds:
-                    description: >
-                      Identifiers of the sub-object instances of the measured
-                      object instance for  which performance information is
-                      requested to be collected.  May be present if a sub-object
-                      is defined in clause 8.2 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031 for the
-                      related measured object type. If this attribute is
-                      present, the cardinality of the "objectInstanceIds" 
-                      attribute shall be 1. If this attribute is absent and a
-                      sub-object is defined in clause 8.2 of  ETSI GS NFV-IFA
-                      031 for the related measured object type, measurements
-                      will  be taken for all sub-object instances of the
-                      measured object instance.
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      description: >
-                        An identifier that is unique for the respective type
-                        within a NFV-MANO functional entity, but that need not
-                        be globally unique. Representation: string of variable
-                        length..
-                      type: string
-                  criteria:
-                    description: |
-                      This type represents collection criteria for PM jobs.
-                    type: object
-                    properties:
-                      performanceMetric:
-                        description: >
-                          This defines the types of performance metrics for the
-                          specified measured  object(s). This attribute’s value
-                          shall contain the related "Measurement Name"  values
-                          as defined in clause 8.4 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031.  At
-                          least one of the two attributes (performance metric or
-                          group) shall be present.
-                        type: array
-                        items:
-                          type: string
-                      performanceMetricGroup:
-                        description: >
-                          Group of performance metrics. A metric group is a
-                          pre-defined list of metrics, known to the producer
-                          that it  can decompose to individual metrics. This
-                          attribute’s value shall contain the  related
-                          "Measurement Group" values as defined in clause 8.4 of
-                          ETSI GS  NFV-IFA 031. At least one of the two
-                          attributes (performance metric or group) shall be
-                          present.
-                        type: array
-                        items:
-                          type: string
-                      collectionPeriod:
-                        description: >
-                          Specifies the periodicity at which the producer will
-                          collect performance  information. The unit shall be
-                          seconds. 
-                          At the end of each reportingPeriod, the producer will
-                          inform the API consumer  about availability of the
-                          performance data collected for each completed 
-                          collection period during this reportingPeriod. The
-                          reportingPeriod should  be equal to or a multiple of
-                          the collectionPeriod. In the latter case, the 
-                          performance data for the collection periods within one
-                          reporting period  are reported together. 
-                          In particular when choosing short collection and
-                          reporting periods, the  number of PM jobs that can be
-                          supported depends on the capability of the  producing
-                          entity.
-                        type: integer
-                      reportingPeriod:
-                        description: >
-                          Specifies the periodicity at which the producer will
-                          report to the API consumer  about performance
-                          information. The unit shall be seconds.
-                          At the end of each reportingPeriod, the producer will
-                          inform the API consumer  about availability of the
-                          performance data collected for each completed 
-                          collection period during this reportingPeriod. The
-                          reportingPeriod should  be equal to or a multiple of
-                          the collectionPeriod. In the latter case, the 
-                          performance data for the collection periods within one
-                          reporting period  are reported together. 
-                          In particular when choosing short collection and
-                          reporting periods, the  number of PM jobs that can be
-                          supported depends on the capability of the  producing
-                          entity.
-                        type: integer
-                      reportingBoundary:
-                        description: >
-                          Date-time stamp. Representation: String formatted
-                          according to IETF RFC 3339.
-                        type: string
-                        format: date-time
-                    required:
-                      - collectionPeriod
-                      - reportingPeriod
-                  reports:
-                    description: >
-                      Information about available reports collected by this PM
-                      job.
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        href:
-                          description: |
-                            String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.
-                          type: string
-                        readyTime:
-                          description: >
-                            Date-time stamp. Representation: String formatted
-                            according to IETF RFC 3339.
-                          type: string
-                          format: date-time
-                        expiryTime:
-                          description: >
-                            Date-time stamp. Representation: String formatted
-                            according to IETF RFC 3339.
-                          type: string
-                          format: date-time
-                        fileSize:
-                          description: |
-                            Unsigned integer
-                          type: number
-                      required:
-                        - href
-                        - readyTime
-                  _links:
-                    description: |
-                      Links for this resource.
-                    type: object
-                    properties:
-                      self:
-                        description: >
-                          This type represents a link to a resource using an
-                          absolute URI.
-                        type: object
-                        required:
-                          - href
-                        properties:
-                          href:
-                            description: |
-                              String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.
-                            type: string
-                      objects:
-                        description: >
-                          Links to resources representing the measured object
-                          instances for which  performance information is
-                          collected. Shall be present if the measured  object
-                          instance information is accessible as a resource.
-                        type: array
-                        items:
-                          description: >
-                            This type represents a link to a resource using an
-                            absolute URI.
-                          type: object
-                          required:
-                            - href
-                          properties:
-                            href:
-                              description: |
-                                String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.
-                              type: string
-                    required:
-                      - self
-                required:
-                  - id
-                  - objectType
-                  - objectInstanceIds
-                  - criteria
-                  - _links
-        '400':
-          description: >
-            400 BAD REQUEST
-            400 code can be returned in the following specified cases, the
-            specific cause has to be proper specified in the "ProblemDetails"
-            structure to be returned.
-            If the request is malformed or syntactically incorrect (e.g. if the
-            request URI contains incorrect query parameters or the payload body
-            contains a syntactically incorrect data structure), the API producer
-            shall respond with this response code. The "ProblemDetails"
-            structure shall be provided, and should include in the "detail"
-            attribute more information about the source of the problem.
-            If the response to a GET request which queries a container resource
-            would be so big that the performance of the API producer is
-            adversely affected, and the API producer does not support paging for
-            the affected resource, it shall respond with this response code. The
-            "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided, and should include in
-            the "detail" attribute more information about the source of the
-            problem.
-            If there is an application error related to the client's input that
-            cannot be easily mapped to any other HTTP response code ("catch all
-            error"), the API producer shall respond with this response code. The
-            "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided, and shall include in
-            the "detail" attribute more information about the source of the
-            problem.
-            If the request contains a malformed access token, the API producer
-            should respond with this response. The details of the error shall be
-            returned in the WWW Authenticate HTTP header, as defined in IETF RFC
-            6750 and IETF RFC 7235. The ProblemDetails structure may be
-            provided.
-            The use of this HTTP error response code described above is
-            applicable to the use of the OAuth 2.0 for the authorization of API
-            requests and notifications, as defined in clauses and
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '401':
-          description: >
-            401 UNAUTHORIZED
-            If the request contains no access token even though one is required,
-            or if the request contains an authorization token that is invalid
-            (e.g. expired or revoked), the API producer should respond with this
-            response. The details of the error shall be returned in the
-            WWW-Authenticate HTTP header, as defined in IETF RFC 6750 and IETF
-            RFC 7235. The ProblemDetails structure may be provided.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '403':
-          description: >
-            403 FORBIDDEN
-            If the API consumer is not allowed to perform a particular request
-            to a particular resource, the API producer shall respond with this
-            response code. The "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided. It
-            should include in the "detail" attribute information about the
-            source of the problem, and may indicate how to solve it.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '404':
-          description: >
-            404 NOT FOUND
-            If the API producer did not find a current representation for the
-            resource addressed by the URI passed in the request or is not
-            willing to disclose that one exists, it shall respond with this
-            response code. The "ProblemDetails" structure may be provided,
-            including in the "detail" attribute information about the source of
-            the problem, e.g. a wrong resource URI variable.
-            This response code is not appropriate in case the resource addressed
-            by the URI is a container resource which is designed to contain
-            child resources, but does not contain any child resource at the time
-            the request is received. For a GET request to an existing empty
-            container resource, a typical response contains a 200 OK response
-            code and a payload body with an empty array.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '405':
-          description: >
-            405 METHOD NOT ALLOWED
-            If a particular HTTP method is not supported for a particular
-            resource, the API producer shall respond with this response code.
-            The "ProblemDetails" structure may be omitted.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '406':
-          description: >
-            406 NOT ACCEPTABLE
-            If the "Accept" HTTP header does not contain at least one name of a
-            content type that is acceptable to the API producer, the API
-            producer shall respond with this response code. The "ProblemDetails"
-            structure may be omitted.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '422':
-          description: >
-            If the payload body of a request contains syntactically correct data
-            (e.g. well-formed JSON) but the data cannot be processed (e.g.
-            because it fails validation against a schema), the API producer
-            shall respond with this response code. The "ProblemDetails"
-            structure shall be provided, and should include in the "detail"
-            attribute more information about the source of the problem.
-            This error response code is only applicable for methods that have a
-            request body.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '500':
-          description: >
-            500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR
-            If there is an application error not related to the client's input
-            that cannot be easily mapped to any other HTTP response code ("catch
-            all error"), the API producer shall respond with this response code.
-            The "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided, and shall include
-            in the "detail" attribute more information about the source of the
-            problem.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '503':
-          description: >
-            503 SERVICE UNAVAILABLE
-            If the API producer encounters an internal overload situation of
-            itself or of a system it relies on, it should respond with this
-            response code, following the provisions in IETF RFC 7231 for the use
-            of the "Retry-After" HTTP header and for the alternative to refuse
-            the connection. The "ProblemDetails" structure may be omitted.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '504':
-          description: >
-            504 GATEWAY TIMEOUT
-            If the API producer encounters a timeout while waiting for a
-            response from an upstream server (i.e. a server that the API
-            producer communicates with when fulfilling a request), it should
-            respond with this response code.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-    get:
-      description: |
-        The client can use this method to retrieve information about PM jobs.
-      parameters:
-        - name: filter
-          description: >
-            Attribute-based filtering expression according to clause 5.2 of 
-            ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013. 
-            The NFV-MANO functional entity shall support receiving this
-            parameter  as part of the URI query string. The API consumer may
-            supply this  parameter. 
-            All attribute names that appear in the PmJob  and in data  types
-            referenced from it shall be supported by the NFV-MANO functional 
-            entity in the expression. 
-          in: query
-          required: false
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        - name: all_fields
-          description: >
-            Include all complex attributes in the response. See clause  5.3 of
-            ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013. The NFV-MANO functional entity  shall support
-            this parameter.
-          in: query
-          required: false
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        - name: fields
-          description: >
-            Complex attributes to be included into the response. See clause  5.3
-            of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013 for details. The NFV-MANO functional  entity
-            should support this parameter.
-          in: query
-          required: false
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        - name: exclude_fields
-          description: >
-            Complex attributes to be excluded from the response. See clause  5.3
-            of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013 for details. The NFV-MANO functional  entity
-            should support this parameter.
-          in: query
-          required: false
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        - name: exclude_default
-          description: >
-            Indicates to exclude the following complex attributes from the 
-            response. See clause 5.3 of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013 for details.  The
-            NFV-MANO functional entity shall support this parameter.
-            The following attributes shall be excluded from the PmJob  structure
-            in the response body if this parameter is provided, or none of  the
-            parameters "all_fields," "fields", "exclude_fields",
-            "exclude_default"  are provided: - none
-          in: query
-          required: false
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        - name: nextpage_opaque_marker
-          description: >
-            Marker to obtain the next page of a paged response. Shall be
-            supported by  the NFV-MANO functional entity if the entity supports
-            alternative 2 (paging)  according to clause of ETSI GS
-            NFV-SOL 013 for this resource.
-          in: query
-          required: false
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        - name: Version
-          description: |
-            Version of the API requested to use when responding to this request.
-          in: header
-          required: true
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        - name: Accept
-          description: >
-            Content-Types that are acceptable for the response. Reference: IETF
-            RFC 7231.
-          in: header
-          required: true
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        - name: Authorization
-          description: |
-            The authorization token for the request. Reference: IETF RFC 7235.
-          in: header
-          required: false
-          schema:
-            type: string
-      responses:
-        '200':
-          description: >
-            200 OK
-            Shall be returned when information about zero or more PM jobs has 
-            been queried successfully.
-            The response body shall contain in an array the representations  of
-            zero or more PM jobs, as defined in clause
-            If the "filter" URI parameter or one of the "all_fields", "fields" 
-            (if supported), "exclude_fields" (if supported) or
-            "exclude_default"  URI parameters was supplied in the request, the
-            data in the response  body shall have been transformed according to
-            the rules specified in  clauses 5.2.2 and 5.3.2 of ETSI GS NFV-SOL
-            013, respectively.
-            If the NFV-MANO functional entity supports alternative 2 (paging) 
-            according to clause of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013 for this 
-            resource, inclusion of the Link HTTP header in this response shall 
-            follow the provisions in clause of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013 .
-          headers:
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-            Link:
-              description: >
-                Reference to other resources. Link HTTP header in this response 
-                shall follow the provisions in clause of ETSI GS NFV-SOL
-                013.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                minimum: 0
-                maximum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                type: array
-                items:
-                  description: |
-                    This type represents a PM job. 
-                  type: object
-                  properties:
-                    id:
-                      description: >
-                        An identifier with the intention of being globally
-                        unique.
-                      type: string
-                    objectType:
-                      description: >
-                        Type of measured object. The applicable measured object
-                        type for a measurement is  defined in clause 8.2 of ETSI
-                        GS NFV-IFA 031.
-                      type: string
-                    objectInstanceIds:
-                      description: >
-                        Identifiers of the measured object instance for which
-                        performance information  is collected. This attribute
-                        shall contain the identifier of the instance of  the
-                        measure object according to their type. See also
-                        definitions in clause 8.2 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031.
-                      type: array
-                      items:
-                        description: >
-                          An identifier with the intention of being globally
-                          unique.
-                        type: string
-                      minItems: 1
-                    subObjectInstanceIds:
-                      description: >
-                        Identifiers of the sub-object instances of the measured
-                        object instance for  which performance information is
-                        requested to be collected.  May be present if a
-                        sub-object is defined in clause 8.2 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA
-                        031 for the related measured object type. If this
-                        attribute is present, the cardinality of the
-                        "objectInstanceIds"  attribute shall be 1. If this
-                        attribute is absent and a sub-object is defined in
-                        clause 8.2 of  ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031 for the related
-                        measured object type, measurements will  be taken for
-                        all sub-object instances of the measured object
-                        instance.
-                      type: array
-                      items:
-                        description: >
-                          An identifier that is unique for the respective type
-                          within a NFV-MANO functional entity, but that need not
-                          be globally unique. Representation: string of variable
-                          length..
-                        type: string
-                    criteria:
-                      description: |
-                        This type represents collection criteria for PM jobs.
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        performanceMetric:
-                          description: >
-                            This defines the types of performance metrics for
-                            the specified measured  object(s). This attribute’s
-                            value shall contain the related "Measurement Name" 
-                            values as defined in clause 8.4 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA
-                            031.  At least one of the two attributes
-                            (performance metric or group) shall be present.
-                          type: array
-                          items:
-                            type: string
-                        performanceMetricGroup:
-                          description: >
-                            Group of performance metrics. A metric group is a
-                            pre-defined list of metrics, known to the producer
-                            that it  can decompose to individual metrics. This
-                            attribute’s value shall contain the  related
-                            "Measurement Group" values as defined in clause 8.4
-                            of ETSI GS  NFV-IFA 031. At least one of the two
-                            attributes (performance metric or group) shall be
-                            present.
-                          type: array
-                          items:
-                            type: string
-                        collectionPeriod:
-                          description: >
-                            Specifies the periodicity at which the producer will
-                            collect performance  information. The unit shall be
-                            seconds. 
-                            At the end of each reportingPeriod, the producer
-                            will inform the API consumer  about availability of
-                            the performance data collected for each completed 
-                            collection period during this reportingPeriod. The
-                            reportingPeriod should  be equal to or a multiple of
-                            the collectionPeriod. In the latter case, the 
-                            performance data for the collection periods within
-                            one reporting period  are reported together. 
-                            In particular when choosing short collection and
-                            reporting periods, the  number of PM jobs that can
-                            be supported depends on the capability of the 
-                            producing entity.
-                          type: integer
-                        reportingPeriod:
-                          description: >
-                            Specifies the periodicity at which the producer will
-                            report to the API consumer  about performance
-                            information. The unit shall be seconds.
-                            At the end of each reportingPeriod, the producer
-                            will inform the API consumer  about availability of
-                            the performance data collected for each completed 
-                            collection period during this reportingPeriod. The
-                            reportingPeriod should  be equal to or a multiple of
-                            the collectionPeriod. In the latter case, the 
-                            performance data for the collection periods within
-                            one reporting period  are reported together. 
-                            In particular when choosing short collection and
-                            reporting periods, the  number of PM jobs that can
-                            be supported depends on the capability of the 
-                            producing entity.
-                          type: integer
-                        reportingBoundary:
-                          description: >
-                            Date-time stamp. Representation: String formatted
-                            according to IETF RFC 3339.
-                          type: string
-                          format: date-time
-                      required:
-                        - collectionPeriod
-                        - reportingPeriod
-                    reports:
-                      description: >
-                        Information about available reports collected by this PM
-                        job.
-                      type: array
-                      items:
-                        type: object
-                        properties:
-                          href:
-                            description: |
-                              String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.
-                            type: string
-                          readyTime:
-                            description: >
-                              Date-time stamp. Representation: String formatted
-                              according to IETF RFC 3339.
-                            type: string
-                            format: date-time
-                          expiryTime:
-                            description: >
-                              Date-time stamp. Representation: String formatted
-                              according to IETF RFC 3339.
-                            type: string
-                            format: date-time
-                          fileSize:
-                            description: |
-                              Unsigned integer
-                            type: number
-                        required:
-                          - href
-                          - readyTime
-                    _links:
-                      description: |
-                        Links for this resource.
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        self:
-                          description: >
-                            This type represents a link to a resource using an
-                            absolute URI.
-                          type: object
-                          required:
-                            - href
-                          properties:
-                            href:
-                              description: |
-                                String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.
-                              type: string
-                        objects:
-                          description: >
-                            Links to resources representing the measured object
-                            instances for which  performance information is
-                            collected. Shall be present if the measured  object
-                            instance information is accessible as a resource.
-                          type: array
-                          items:
-                            description: >
-                              This type represents a link to a resource using an
-                              absolute URI.
-                            type: object
-                            required:
-                              - href
-                            properties:
-                              href:
-                                description: |
-                                  String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.
-                                type: string
-                      required:
-                        - self
-                  required:
-                    - id
-                    - objectType
-                    - objectInstanceIds
-                    - criteria
-                    - _links
-        '400':
-          description: |
-            400 BAD REQUEST
-            Shall be returned upon the following errors: 
-              - Invalid attribute-based filtering expression.
-                The response body shall contain a ProblemDetails structure, in which 
-                the "detail" attribute should convey more information about the error.
-              - Invalid attribute selector.
-                The response body shall contain a ProblemDetails structure, in which 
-                the "detail" attribute should convey more information about the error.
-              - Response too big.
-                If the NFV-MANO functional entity supports alternative N°1 (error) 
-                according to clause of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013 for this resource, 
-                this error response shall follow the provisions in clause of 
-                ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013.
-          headers:
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '401':
-          description: >
-            401 UNAUTHORIZED
-            If the request contains no access token even though one is required,
-            or if the request contains an authorization token that is invalid
-            (e.g. expired or revoked), the API producer should respond with this
-            response. The details of the error shall be returned in the
-            WWW-Authenticate HTTP header, as defined in IETF RFC 6750 and IETF
-            RFC 7235. The ProblemDetails structure may be provided.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '403':
-          description: >
-            403 FORBIDDEN
-            If the API consumer is not allowed to perform a particular request
-            to a particular resource, the API producer shall respond with this
-            response code. The "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided. It
-            should include in the "detail" attribute information about the
-            source of the problem, and may indicate how to solve it.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '404':
-          description: >
-            404 NOT FOUND
-            If the API producer did not find a current representation for the
-            resource addressed by the URI passed in the request or is not
-            willing to disclose that one exists, it shall respond with this
-            response code. The "ProblemDetails" structure may be provided,
-            including in the "detail" attribute information about the source of
-            the problem, e.g. a wrong resource URI variable.
-            This response code is not appropriate in case the resource addressed
-            by the URI is a container resource which is designed to contain
-            child resources, but does not contain any child resource at the time
-            the request is received. For a GET request to an existing empty
-            container resource, a typical response contains a 200 OK response
-            code and a payload body with an empty array.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '405':
-          description: >
-            405 METHOD NOT ALLOWED
-            If a particular HTTP method is not supported for a particular
-            resource, the API producer shall respond with this response code.
-            The "ProblemDetails" structure may be omitted.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '406':
-          description: >
-            406 NOT ACCEPTABLE
-            If the "Accept" HTTP header does not contain at least one name of a
-            content type that is acceptable to the API producer, the API
-            producer shall respond with this response code. The "ProblemDetails"
-            structure may be omitted.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '422':
-          description: >
-            If the payload body of a request contains syntactically correct data
-            (e.g. well-formed JSON) but the data cannot be processed (e.g.
-            because it fails validation against a schema), the API producer
-            shall respond with this response code. The "ProblemDetails"
-            structure shall be provided, and should include in the "detail"
-            attribute more information about the source of the problem.
-            This error response code is only applicable for methods that have a
-            request body.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '500':
-          description: >
-            500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR
-            If there is an application error not related to the client's input
-            that cannot be easily mapped to any other HTTP response code ("catch
-            all error"), the API producer shall respond with this response code.
-            The "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided, and shall include
-            in the "detail" attribute more information about the source of the
-            problem.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '503':
-          description: >
-            503 SERVICE UNAVAILABLE
-            If the API producer encounters an internal overload situation of
-            itself or of a system it relies on, it should respond with this
-            response code, following the provisions in IETF RFC 7231 for the use
-            of the "Retry-After" HTTP header and for the alternative to refuse
-            the connection. The "ProblemDetails" structure may be omitted.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '504':
-          description: >
-            504 GATEWAY TIMEOUT
-            If the API producer encounters a timeout while waiting for a
-            response from an upstream server (i.e. a server that the API
-            producer communicates with when fulfilling a request), it should
-            respond with this response code.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-  '/pm_jobs/{pmJobId}':
-    parameters:
-      - name: pmJobId
-        in: path
-        description: Identifier of the PM Job
-        required: true
-        schema:
-          description: |
-            An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
-          type: string
-    get:
-      description: |
-        The client can use this method for reading an individual PM job. 
-      parameters:
-        - name: Version
-          description: |
-            Version of the API requested to use when responding to this request.
-          in: header
-          required: true
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        - name: Accept
-          description: >
-            Content-Types that are acceptable for the response. Reference: IETF
-            RFC 7231.
-          in: header
-          required: true
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        - name: Authorization
-          description: |
-            The authorization token for the request. Reference: IETF RFC 7235.
-          in: header
-          required: false
-          schema:
-            type: string
-      responses:
-        '200':
-          description: >
-            200 OK
-            Shall be returned when information about an individual PM job  has
-            been read successfully.
-            The response body shall contain a representation of the "Individual
-            PM job" resource, as defined in clause
-          headers:
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: |
-                  This type represents a PM job. 
-                type: object
-                properties:
-                  id:
-                    description: |
-                      An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
-                    type: string
-                  objectType:
-                    description: >
-                      Type of measured object. The applicable measured object
-                      type for a measurement is  defined in clause 8.2 of ETSI
-                      GS NFV-IFA 031.
-                    type: string
-                  objectInstanceIds:
-                    description: >
-                      Identifiers of the measured object instance for which
-                      performance information  is collected. This attribute
-                      shall contain the identifier of the instance of  the
-                      measure object according to their type. See also
-                      definitions in clause 8.2 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031.
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      description: >
-                        An identifier with the intention of being globally
-                        unique.
-                      type: string
-                    minItems: 1
-                  subObjectInstanceIds:
-                    description: >
-                      Identifiers of the sub-object instances of the measured
-                      object instance for  which performance information is
-                      requested to be collected.  May be present if a sub-object
-                      is defined in clause 8.2 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031 for the
-                      related measured object type. If this attribute is
-                      present, the cardinality of the "objectInstanceIds" 
-                      attribute shall be 1. If this attribute is absent and a
-                      sub-object is defined in clause 8.2 of  ETSI GS NFV-IFA
-                      031 for the related measured object type, measurements
-                      will  be taken for all sub-object instances of the
-                      measured object instance.
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      description: >
-                        An identifier that is unique for the respective type
-                        within a NFV-MANO functional entity, but that need not
-                        be globally unique. Representation: string of variable
-                        length..
-                      type: string
-                  criteria:
-                    description: |
-                      This type represents collection criteria for PM jobs.
-                    type: object
-                    properties:
-                      performanceMetric:
-                        description: >
-                          This defines the types of performance metrics for the
-                          specified measured  object(s). This attribute’s value
-                          shall contain the related "Measurement Name"  values
-                          as defined in clause 8.4 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031.  At
-                          least one of the two attributes (performance metric or
-                          group) shall be present.
-                        type: array
-                        items:
-                          type: string
-                      performanceMetricGroup:
-                        description: >
-                          Group of performance metrics. A metric group is a
-                          pre-defined list of metrics, known to the producer
-                          that it  can decompose to individual metrics. This
-                          attribute’s value shall contain the  related
-                          "Measurement Group" values as defined in clause 8.4 of
-                          ETSI GS  NFV-IFA 031. At least one of the two
-                          attributes (performance metric or group) shall be
-                          present.
-                        type: array
-                        items:
-                          type: string
-                      collectionPeriod:
-                        description: >
-                          Specifies the periodicity at which the producer will
-                          collect performance  information. The unit shall be
-                          seconds. 
-                          At the end of each reportingPeriod, the producer will
-                          inform the API consumer  about availability of the
-                          performance data collected for each completed 
-                          collection period during this reportingPeriod. The
-                          reportingPeriod should  be equal to or a multiple of
-                          the collectionPeriod. In the latter case, the 
-                          performance data for the collection periods within one
-                          reporting period  are reported together. 
-                          In particular when choosing short collection and
-                          reporting periods, the  number of PM jobs that can be
-                          supported depends on the capability of the  producing
-                          entity.
-                        type: integer
-                      reportingPeriod:
-                        description: >
-                          Specifies the periodicity at which the producer will
-                          report to the API consumer  about performance
-                          information. The unit shall be seconds.
-                          At the end of each reportingPeriod, the producer will
-                          inform the API consumer  about availability of the
-                          performance data collected for each completed 
-                          collection period during this reportingPeriod. The
-                          reportingPeriod should  be equal to or a multiple of
-                          the collectionPeriod. In the latter case, the 
-                          performance data for the collection periods within one
-                          reporting period  are reported together. 
-                          In particular when choosing short collection and
-                          reporting periods, the  number of PM jobs that can be
-                          supported depends on the capability of the  producing
-                          entity.
-                        type: integer
-                      reportingBoundary:
-                        description: >
-                          Date-time stamp. Representation: String formatted
-                          according to IETF RFC 3339.
-                        type: string
-                        format: date-time
-                    required:
-                      - collectionPeriod
-                      - reportingPeriod
-                  reports:
-                    description: >
-                      Information about available reports collected by this PM
-                      job.
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        href:
-                          description: |
-                            String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.
-                          type: string
-                        readyTime:
-                          description: >
-                            Date-time stamp. Representation: String formatted
-                            according to IETF RFC 3339.
-                          type: string
-                          format: date-time
-                        expiryTime:
-                          description: >
-                            Date-time stamp. Representation: String formatted
-                            according to IETF RFC 3339.
-                          type: string
-                          format: date-time
-                        fileSize:
-                          description: |
-                            Unsigned integer
-                          type: number
-                      required:
-                        - href
-                        - readyTime
-                  _links:
-                    description: |
-                      Links for this resource.
-                    type: object
-                    properties:
-                      self:
-                        description: >
-                          This type represents a link to a resource using an
-                          absolute URI.
-                        type: object
-                        required:
-                          - href
-                        properties:
-                          href:
-                            description: |
-                              String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.
-                            type: string
-                      objects:
-                        description: >
-                          Links to resources representing the measured object
-                          instances for which  performance information is
-                          collected. Shall be present if the measured  object
-                          instance information is accessible as a resource.
-                        type: array
-                        items:
-                          description: >
-                            This type represents a link to a resource using an
-                            absolute URI.
-                          type: object
-                          required:
-                            - href
-                          properties:
-                            href:
-                              description: |
-                                String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.
-                              type: string
-                    required:
-                      - self
-                required:
-                  - id
-                  - objectType
-                  - objectInstanceIds
-                  - criteria
-                  - _links
-        '400':
-          description: >
-            400 BAD REQUEST
-            400 code can be returned in the following specified cases, the
-            specific cause has to be proper specified in the "ProblemDetails"
-            structure to be returned.
-            If the request is malformed or syntactically incorrect (e.g. if the
-            request URI contains incorrect query parameters or the payload body
-            contains a syntactically incorrect data structure), the API producer
-            shall respond with this response code. The "ProblemDetails"
-            structure shall be provided, and should include in the "detail"
-            attribute more information about the source of the problem.
-            If the response to a GET request which queries a container resource
-            would be so big that the performance of the API producer is
-            adversely affected, and the API producer does not support paging for
-            the affected resource, it shall respond with this response code. The
-            "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided, and should include in
-            the "detail" attribute more information about the source of the
-            problem.
-            If there is an application error related to the client's input that
-            cannot be easily mapped to any other HTTP response code ("catch all
-            error"), the API producer shall respond with this response code. The
-            "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided, and shall include in
-            the "detail" attribute more information about the source of the
-            problem.
-            If the request contains a malformed access token, the API producer
-            should respond with this response. The details of the error shall be
-            returned in the WWW Authenticate HTTP header, as defined in IETF RFC
-            6750 and IETF RFC 7235. The ProblemDetails structure may be
-            provided.
-            The use of this HTTP error response code described above is
-            applicable to the use of the OAuth 2.0 for the authorization of API
-            requests and notifications, as defined in clauses and
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '401':
-          description: >
-            401 UNAUTHORIZED
-            If the request contains no access token even though one is required,
-            or if the request contains an authorization token that is invalid
-            (e.g. expired or revoked), the API producer should respond with this
-            response. The details of the error shall be returned in the
-            WWW-Authenticate HTTP header, as defined in IETF RFC 6750 and IETF
-            RFC 7235. The ProblemDetails structure may be provided.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '403':
-          description: >
-            403 FORBIDDEN
-            If the API consumer is not allowed to perform a particular request
-            to a particular resource, the API producer shall respond with this
-            response code. The "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided. It
-            should include in the "detail" attribute information about the
-            source of the problem, and may indicate how to solve it.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '404':
-          description: >
-            404 NOT FOUND
-            If the API producer did not find a current representation for the
-            resource addressed by the URI passed in the request or is not
-            willing to disclose that one exists, it shall respond with this
-            response code. The "ProblemDetails" structure may be provided,
-            including in the "detail" attribute information about the source of
-            the problem, e.g. a wrong resource URI variable.
-            This response code is not appropriate in case the resource addressed
-            by the URI is a container resource which is designed to contain
-            child resources, but does not contain any child resource at the time
-            the request is received. For a GET request to an existing empty
-            container resource, a typical response contains a 200 OK response
-            code and a payload body with an empty array.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '405':
-          description: >
-            405 METHOD NOT ALLOWED
-            If a particular HTTP method is not supported for a particular
-            resource, the API producer shall respond with this response code.
-            The "ProblemDetails" structure may be omitted.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '406':
-          description: >
-            406 NOT ACCEPTABLE
-            If the "Accept" HTTP header does not contain at least one name of a
-            content type that is acceptable to the API producer, the API
-            producer shall respond with this response code. The "ProblemDetails"
-            structure may be omitted.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '422':
-          description: >
-            If the payload body of a request contains syntactically correct data
-            (e.g. well-formed JSON) but the data cannot be processed (e.g.
-            because it fails validation against a schema), the API producer
-            shall respond with this response code. The "ProblemDetails"
-            structure shall be provided, and should include in the "detail"
-            attribute more information about the source of the problem.
-            This error response code is only applicable for methods that have a
-            request body.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '500':
-          description: >
-            500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR
-            If there is an application error not related to the client's input
-            that cannot be easily mapped to any other HTTP response code ("catch
-            all error"), the API producer shall respond with this response code.
-            The "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided, and shall include
-            in the "detail" attribute more information about the source of the
-            problem.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '503':
-          description: >
-            503 SERVICE UNAVAILABLE
-            If the API producer encounters an internal overload situation of
-            itself or of a system it relies on, it should respond with this
-            response code, following the provisions in IETF RFC 7231 for the use
-            of the "Retry-After" HTTP header and for the alternative to refuse
-            the connection. The "ProblemDetails" structure may be omitted.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '504':
-          description: >
-            504 GATEWAY TIMEOUT
-            If the API producer encounters a timeout while waiting for a
-            response from an upstream server (i.e. a server that the API
-            producer communicates with when fulfilling a request), it should
-            respond with this response code.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-    delete:
-      description: |
-        This method terminates an individual PM job.
-      parameters:
-        - name: Version
-          description: |
-            Version of the API requested to use when responding to this request.
-          in: header
-          required: true
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        - name: Accept
-          description: >
-            Content-Types that are acceptable for the response. Reference: IETF
-            RFC 7231.
-          in: header
-          required: true
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        - name: Authorization
-          description: |
-            The authorization token for the request. Reference: IETF RFC 7235.
-          in: header
-          required: false
-          schema:
-            type: string
-      responses:
-        '204':
-          description: |
-            204 NO CONTENT
-            Shall be returned when the PM job has been deleted successfully.
-            The response body shall be empty.
-          headers:
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-        '400':
-          description: >
-            400 BAD REQUEST
-            400 code can be returned in the following specified cases, the
-            specific cause has to be proper specified in the "ProblemDetails"
-            structure to be returned.
-            If the request is malformed or syntactically incorrect (e.g. if the
-            request URI contains incorrect query parameters or the payload body
-            contains a syntactically incorrect data structure), the API producer
-            shall respond with this response code. The "ProblemDetails"
-            structure shall be provided, and should include in the "detail"
-            attribute more information about the source of the problem.
-            If the response to a GET request which queries a container resource
-            would be so big that the performance of the API producer is
-            adversely affected, and the API producer does not support paging for
-            the affected resource, it shall respond with this response code. The
-            "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided, and should include in
-            the "detail" attribute more information about the source of the
-            problem.
-            If there is an application error related to the client's input that
-            cannot be easily mapped to any other HTTP response code ("catch all
-            error"), the API producer shall respond with this response code. The
-            "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided, and shall include in
-            the "detail" attribute more information about the source of the
-            problem.
-            If the request contains a malformed access token, the API producer
-            should respond with this response. The details of the error shall be
-            returned in the WWW Authenticate HTTP header, as defined in IETF RFC
-            6750 and IETF RFC 7235. The ProblemDetails structure may be
-            provided.
-            The use of this HTTP error response code described above is
-            applicable to the use of the OAuth 2.0 for the authorization of API
-            requests and notifications, as defined in clauses and
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '401':
-          description: >
-            401 UNAUTHORIZED
-            If the request contains no access token even though one is required,
-            or if the request contains an authorization token that is invalid
-            (e.g. expired or revoked), the API producer should respond with this
-            response. The details of the error shall be returned in the
-            WWW-Authenticate HTTP header, as defined in IETF RFC 6750 and IETF
-            RFC 7235. The ProblemDetails structure may be provided.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '403':
-          description: >
-            403 FORBIDDEN
-            If the API consumer is not allowed to perform a particular request
-            to a particular resource, the API producer shall respond with this
-            response code. The "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided. It
-            should include in the "detail" attribute information about the
-            source of the problem, and may indicate how to solve it.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '404':
-          description: >
-            404 NOT FOUND
-            If the API producer did not find a current representation for the
-            resource addressed by the URI passed in the request or is not
-            willing to disclose that one exists, it shall respond with this
-            response code. The "ProblemDetails" structure may be provided,
-            including in the "detail" attribute information about the source of
-            the problem, e.g. a wrong resource URI variable.
-            This response code is not appropriate in case the resource addressed
-            by the URI is a container resource which is designed to contain
-            child resources, but does not contain any child resource at the time
-            the request is received. For a GET request to an existing empty
-            container resource, a typical response contains a 200 OK response
-            code and a payload body with an empty array.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '405':
-          description: >
-            405 METHOD NOT ALLOWED
-            If a particular HTTP method is not supported for a particular
-            resource, the API producer shall respond with this response code.
-            The "ProblemDetails" structure may be omitted.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '406':
-          description: >
-            406 NOT ACCEPTABLE
-            If the "Accept" HTTP header does not contain at least one name of a
-            content type that is acceptable to the API producer, the API
-            producer shall respond with this response code. The "ProblemDetails"
-            structure may be omitted.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '422':
-          description: >
-            If the payload body of a request contains syntactically correct data
-            (e.g. well-formed JSON) but the data cannot be processed (e.g.
-            because it fails validation against a schema), the API producer
-            shall respond with this response code. The "ProblemDetails"
-            structure shall be provided, and should include in the "detail"
-            attribute more information about the source of the problem.
-            This error response code is only applicable for methods that have a
-            request body.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '500':
-          description: >
-            500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR
-            If there is an application error not related to the client's input
-            that cannot be easily mapped to any other HTTP response code ("catch
-            all error"), the API producer shall respond with this response code.
-            The "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided, and shall include
-            in the "detail" attribute more information about the source of the
-            problem.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '503':
-          description: >
-            503 SERVICE UNAVAILABLE
-            If the API producer encounters an internal overload situation of
-            itself or of a system it relies on, it should respond with this
-            response code, following the provisions in IETF RFC 7231 for the use
-            of the "Retry-After" HTTP header and for the alternative to refuse
-            the connection. The "ProblemDetails" structure may be omitted.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '504':
-          description: >
-            504 GATEWAY TIMEOUT
-            If the API producer encounters a timeout while waiting for a
-            response from an upstream server (i.e. a server that the API
-            producer communicates with when fulfilling a request), it should
-            respond with this response code.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-  '/pm_jobs/{pmJobId}/reports/{reportId}':
-    parameters:
-      - name: pmJobId
-        in: path
-        description: Identifier of the PM Job
-        required: true
-        schema:
-          description: |
-            An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
-          type: string
-      - name: reportId
-        in: path
-        description: Identifier of the PM report
-        required: true
-        schema:
-          description: |
-            An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
-          type: string
-    get:
-      description: >
-        The client can use this method for reading an individual  performance
-        report. 
-      parameters:
-        - name: Version
-          description: |
-            Version of the API requested to use when responding to this request.
-          in: header
-          required: true
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        - name: Accept
-          description: >
-            Content-Types that are acceptable for the response. Reference: IETF
-            RFC 7231.
-          in: header
-          required: true
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        - name: Authorization
-          description: |
-            The authorization token for the request. Reference: IETF RFC 7235.
-          in: header
-          required: false
-          schema:
-            type: string
-      responses:
-        '200':
-          description: >
-            200 OK
-            Shall be returned when information of an individual performance 
-            report has been read successfully.
-            The response body shall contain a representation of the  "Individual
-            performance report" resource, as defined  in clause
-          headers:
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  This type defines the format of a performance report provided
-                  by the NFV-MANO functional  entity to the API consumer as a
-                  result of collecting performance information as part  of a PM
-                  job. 
-                type: object
-                properties:
-                  entries:
-                    description: >
-                      List of performance information entries. Each performance
-                      report entry is for a given  metric of a given object
-                      (i.e. measured object instance) corresponding to the
-                      related  measured object types, but can include multiple
-                      collected values.
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        objectType:
-                          description: >
-                            Type of measured object. The applicable measured
-                            object type for a measurement is  defined in clause
-                            8.2 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031.
-                          type: string
-                        objectInstanceId:
-                          description: >
-                            This type represents the identifier to reference a
-                            managed object of a  particular type. 
-                          type: object
-                          properties:
-                            type:
-                              description: >
-                                Indicates the type of managed object. Permitted
-                                values:
-                                  - MANO_ENTITY
-                                  - MANO_SERVICE
-                                  - MANO_SERVICE_IF
-                                  - CONSUMED_MANO_IF
-                                  - MANO_ENTITY_COMPONENT
-                                The "MANO_ENTITY COMPONENT" is only applicable
-                                if attribute "manoEntityComponents" in
-                                "ManoEntity" is supported by the API producer.
-                              type: string
-                              enum:
-                                - MANO_ENTITY
-                                - MANO_SERVICE
-                                - MANO_SERVICE_IF
-                                - CONSUMED_MANO_IF
-                                - MANO_ENTITY_COMPONENT
-                            objectId:
-                              description: >
-                                An identifier with the intention of being
-                                globally unique.
-                              type: string
-                            subObjectId:
-                              description: >
-                                An identifier that is unique for the respective
-                                type within a NFV-MANO functional entity, but
-                                that need not be globally unique.
-                                Representation: string of variable length..
-                              type: string
-                          required:
-                            - type
-                            - objectId
-                        subObjectInstanceId:
-                          description: >
-                            An identifier that is unique for the respective type
-                            within a NFV-MANO functional entity, but that need
-                            not be globally unique. Representation: string of
-                            variable length..
-                          type: string
-                        performanceMetric:
-                          description: >
-                            Name of the metric collected. This attribute shall
-                            contain the related  "Measurement Name" value as
-                            defined in clause 8.4 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031.
-                          type: string
-                        performanceValues:
-                          description: >
-                            List of performance values with associated
-                            timestamp.
-                          type: array
-                          items:
-                            type: object
-                            properties:
-                              timeStamp:
-                                description: >
-                                  Date-time stamp. Representation: String
-                                  formatted according to IETF RFC 3339.
-                                type: string
-                                format: date-time
-                              value:
-                                description: >
-                                  Value of the metric collected. The type of
-                                  this attribute shall correspond to  the
-                                  related "Measurement Unit" as defined in
-                                  clause 8.4 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031.
-                              context:
-                                description: >
-                                  This type represents a list of key-value
-                                  pairs. The order of the pairs in the list is
-                                  not significant. In JSON, a set of keyvalue
-                                  pairs is represented as an object. It shall
-                                  comply with the provisions defined in clause 4
-                                  of IETF RFC 8259. In the following example, a
-                                  list of key-value pairs with four keys
-                                  ("aString", "aNumber", "anArray" and
-                                  "anObject") is provided to illustrate that the
-                                  values associated with different keys can be
-                                  of different type.
-                                type: object
-                            required:
-                              - timeStamp
-                              - value
-                          minItems: 1
-                      required:
-                        - objectType
-                        - objectInstanceId
-                        - performanceMetric
-                        - performanceValues
-                    minItems: 1
-                required:
-                  - entries
-        '400':
-          description: >
-            400 BAD REQUEST
-            400 code can be returned in the following specified cases, the
-            specific cause has to be proper specified in the "ProblemDetails"
-            structure to be returned.
-            If the request is malformed or syntactically incorrect (e.g. if the
-            request URI contains incorrect query parameters or the payload body
-            contains a syntactically incorrect data structure), the API producer
-            shall respond with this response code. The "ProblemDetails"
-            structure shall be provided, and should include in the "detail"
-            attribute more information about the source of the problem.
-            If the response to a GET request which queries a container resource
-            would be so big that the performance of the API producer is
-            adversely affected, and the API producer does not support paging for
-            the affected resource, it shall respond with this response code. The
-            "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided, and should include in
-            the "detail" attribute more information about the source of the
-            problem.
-            If there is an application error related to the client's input that
-            cannot be easily mapped to any other HTTP response code ("catch all
-            error"), the API producer shall respond with this response code. The
-            "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided, and shall include in
-            the "detail" attribute more information about the source of the
-            problem.
-            If the request contains a malformed access token, the API producer
-            should respond with this response. The details of the error shall be
-            returned in the WWW Authenticate HTTP header, as defined in IETF RFC
-            6750 and IETF RFC 7235. The ProblemDetails structure may be
-            provided.
-            The use of this HTTP error response code described above is
-            applicable to the use of the OAuth 2.0 for the authorization of API
-            requests and notifications, as defined in clauses and
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '401':
-          description: >
-            401 UNAUTHORIZED
-            If the request contains no access token even though one is required,
-            or if the request contains an authorization token that is invalid
-            (e.g. expired or revoked), the API producer should respond with this
-            response. The details of the error shall be returned in the
-            WWW-Authenticate HTTP header, as defined in IETF RFC 6750 and IETF
-            RFC 7235. The ProblemDetails structure may be provided.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '403':
-          description: >
-            403 FORBIDDEN
-            If the API consumer is not allowed to perform a particular request
-            to a particular resource, the API producer shall respond with this
-            response code. The "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided. It
-            should include in the "detail" attribute information about the
-            source of the problem, and may indicate how to solve it.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '404':
-          description: >
-            404 NOT FOUND
-            If the API producer did not find a current representation for the
-            resource addressed by the URI passed in the request or is not
-            willing to disclose that one exists, it shall respond with this
-            response code. The "ProblemDetails" structure may be provided,
-            including in the "detail" attribute information about the source of
-            the problem, e.g. a wrong resource URI variable.
-            This response code is not appropriate in case the resource addressed
-            by the URI is a container resource which is designed to contain
-            child resources, but does not contain any child resource at the time
-            the request is received. For a GET request to an existing empty
-            container resource, a typical response contains a 200 OK response
-            code and a payload body with an empty array.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '405':
-          description: >
-            405 METHOD NOT ALLOWED
-            If a particular HTTP method is not supported for a particular
-            resource, the API producer shall respond with this response code.
-            The "ProblemDetails" structure may be omitted.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '406':
-          description: >
-            406 NOT ACCEPTABLE
-            If the "Accept" HTTP header does not contain at least one name of a
-            content type that is acceptable to the API producer, the API
-            producer shall respond with this response code. The "ProblemDetails"
-            structure may be omitted.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '422':
-          description: >
-            If the payload body of a request contains syntactically correct data
-            (e.g. well-formed JSON) but the data cannot be processed (e.g.
-            because it fails validation against a schema), the API producer
-            shall respond with this response code. The "ProblemDetails"
-            structure shall be provided, and should include in the "detail"
-            attribute more information about the source of the problem.
-            This error response code is only applicable for methods that have a
-            request body.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '500':
-          description: >
-            500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR
-            If there is an application error not related to the client's input
-            that cannot be easily mapped to any other HTTP response code ("catch
-            all error"), the API producer shall respond with this response code.
-            The "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided, and shall include
-            in the "detail" attribute more information about the source of the
-            problem.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '503':
-          description: >
-            503 SERVICE UNAVAILABLE
-            If the API producer encounters an internal overload situation of
-            itself or of a system it relies on, it should respond with this
-            response code, following the provisions in IETF RFC 7231 for the use
-            of the "Retry-After" HTTP header and for the alternative to refuse
-            the connection. The "ProblemDetails" structure may be omitted.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '504':
-          description: >
-            504 GATEWAY TIMEOUT
-            If the API producer encounters a timeout while waiting for a
-            response from an upstream server (i.e. a server that the API
-            producer communicates with when fulfilling a request), it should
-            respond with this response code.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-  /thresholds:
-    post:
-      description: |
-        The POST method can be used by the client to create a threshold.
-      parameters:
-        - name: Version
-          description: |
-            Version of the API requested to use when responding to this request.
-          in: header
-          required: true
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        - name: Accept
-          description: >
-            Content-Types that are acceptable for the response. Reference: IETF
-            RFC 7231.
-          in: header
-          required: true
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        - name: Authorization
-          description: |
-            The authorization token for the request. Reference: IETF RFC 7235.
-          in: header
-          required: false
-          schema:
-            type: string
-      requestBody:
-        description: |
-          Request parameters to create a threshold. 
-        content:
-          application/json:
-            schema:
-              description: |
-                This type represents a request to create a threshold. 
-              type: object
-              properties:
-                objectType:
-                  description: >
-                    Type of measured object. The applicable measured object type
-                    for a measurement  is defined in clause 8.2 of ETSI GS
-                    NFV-IFA 031.
-                  type: string
-                objectInstanceId:
-                  description: |
-                    An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
-                  type: string
-                subjObjectInstanceIds:
-                  description: >
-                    Identifiers of the sub-object instances of the measured
-                    object instance  associated with this threshold.  May be
-                    present if a sub-object is defined in clause 8.2 of ETSI GS
-                    NFV-IFA 031 for the related measured object type. If this
-                    attribute is absent and a sub-object is defined in clause
-                    8.2 of ETSI  GS NFV-IFA 031 for the related measured object
-                    type, thresholds will be set  for all sub-object instances
-                    of the measured object instance.
-                  type: array
-                  items:
-                    description: >
-                      An identifier that is unique for the respective type
-                      within a NFV-MANO functional entity, but that need not be
-                      globally unique. Representation: string of variable
-                      length..
-                    type: string
-                criteria:
-                  description: |
-                    This type represents criteria that define a threshold.
-                  type: object
-                  properties:
-                    performanceMetric:
-                      description: >
-                        Defines the performance metric associated with the
-                        threshold.  This attribute’s value shall contain the
-                        related "Measurement Name" values  as defined in clause
-                        8.4 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031 
-                      type: string
-                    thresholdType:
-                      description: >
-                        Type of threshold. This attribute determines which other
-                        attributes are  present in the data structure. Permitted
-                        values:
-                          - SIMPLE: Single-valued static threshold
-                        In the present document, simple thresholds are defined.
-                        The definition  of additional threshold types is left
-                        for future specification.
-                      type: string
-                      enum:
-                        - SIMPLE
-                    simpleThresholdDetails:
-                      description: >
-                        Details of a simple threshold. Shall be present if
-                        thresholdType="SIMPLE".
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        thresholdValue:
-                          description: |
-                            A number defined in IETF RFC 8259.
-                          type: number
-                        hysteresis:
-                          description: |
-                            A number defined in IETF RFC 8259.
-                          type: number
-                      required:
-                        - thresholdValue
-                        - hysteresis
-                  required:
-                    - performanceMetric
-                    - thresholdType
-              required:
-                - objectType
-                - objectInstanceId
-                - criteria
-        required: true
-      responses:
-        '201':
-          description: >
-            201 CREATED
-            Shall be returned when a threshold has been created successfully. 
-            The response body shall contain a representation of the created 
-            "Individual threshold" resource, as defined in clause
-            The HTTP response shall include a "Location" HTTP header that 
-            contains the resource URI of the created "Individual threshold" 
-            resource.
-          headers:
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-            Location:
-              description: >
-                The resource URI of the created "Individual change state 
-                operation occurence" resource.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                format: url
-                minimum: 1
-                maximum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: ''
-                type: object
-                properties:
-                  id:
-                    description: |
-                      An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
-                    type: string
-                  objectType:
-                    description: >-
-                      Type of measured object. The applicable measured object
-                      type for a measurement is defined in clause 8.2 of ETSI GS
-                      NFV-IFA 031.
-                    type: string
-                  objectInstanceId:
-                    description: |
-                      An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
-                    type: string
-                  subjObjectInstanceIds:
-                    description: >
-                      Identifiers of the sub-object instances of the measured
-                      object instance  associated with this threshold.  May be
-                      present if a sub-object is defined in clause 8.2 of ETSI
-                      GS NFV-IFA 031 for the related measured object type. If
-                      this attribute is absent and a sub-object is defined in
-                      clause 8.2 of ETSI  GS NFV-IFA 031 for the related
-                      measured object type, thresholds are set for  all
-                      sub-object instances of the measured object instance.
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      description: >
-                        An identifier that is unique for the respective type
-                        within a NFV-MANO functional entity, but that need not
-                        be globally unique. Representation: string of variable
-                        length..
-                      type: string
-                  criteria:
-                    description: |
-                      This type represents criteria that define a threshold.
-                    type: object
-                    properties:
-                      performanceMetric:
-                        description: >
-                          Defines the performance metric associated with the
-                          threshold.  This attribute’s value shall contain the
-                          related "Measurement Name" values  as defined in
-                          clause 8.4 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031 
-                        type: string
-                      thresholdType:
-                        description: >
-                          Type of threshold. This attribute determines which
-                          other attributes are  present in the data structure.
-                          Permitted values:
-                            - SIMPLE: Single-valued static threshold
-                          In the present document, simple thresholds are
-                          defined. The definition  of additional threshold types
-                          is left for future specification.
-                        type: string
-                        enum:
-                          - SIMPLE
-                      simpleThresholdDetails:
-                        description: >
-                          Details of a simple threshold. Shall be present if
-                          thresholdType="SIMPLE".
-                        type: object
-                        properties:
-                          thresholdValue:
-                            description: |
-                              A number defined in IETF RFC 8259.
-                            type: number
-                          hysteresis:
-                            description: |
-                              A number defined in IETF RFC 8259.
-                            type: number
-                        required:
-                          - thresholdValue
-                          - hysteresis
-                    required:
-                      - performanceMetric
-                      - thresholdType
-                  _links:
-                    description: |
-                      Links for this resource.
-                    type: object
-                    properties:
-                      self:
-                        description: >
-                          This type represents a link to a resource using an
-                          absolute URI.
-                        type: object
-                        required:
-                          - href
-                        properties:
-                          href:
-                            description: |
-                              String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.
-                            type: string
-                      object:
-                        description: >
-                          This type represents a link to a resource using an
-                          absolute URI.
-                        type: object
-                        required:
-                          - href
-                        properties:
-                          href:
-                            description: |
-                              String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.
-                            type: string
-                    required:
-                      - self
-                required:
-                  - id
-                  - objectType
-                  - objectInstanceId
-                  - subjObjectInstanceIds
-                  - criteria
-                  - _links
-        '400':
-          description: >
-            400 BAD REQUEST
-            400 code can be returned in the following specified cases, the
-            specific cause has to be proper specified in the "ProblemDetails"
-            structure to be returned.
-            If the request is malformed or syntactically incorrect (e.g. if the
-            request URI contains incorrect query parameters or the payload body
-            contains a syntactically incorrect data structure), the API producer
-            shall respond with this response code. The "ProblemDetails"
-            structure shall be provided, and should include in the "detail"
-            attribute more information about the source of the problem.
-            If the response to a GET request which queries a container resource
-            would be so big that the performance of the API producer is
-            adversely affected, and the API producer does not support paging for
-            the affected resource, it shall respond with this response code. The
-            "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided, and should include in
-            the "detail" attribute more information about the source of the
-            problem.
-            If there is an application error related to the client's input that
-            cannot be easily mapped to any other HTTP response code ("catch all
-            error"), the API producer shall respond with this response code. The
-            "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided, and shall include in
-            the "detail" attribute more information about the source of the
-            problem.
-            If the request contains a malformed access token, the API producer
-            should respond with this response. The details of the error shall be
-            returned in the WWW Authenticate HTTP header, as defined in IETF RFC
-            6750 and IETF RFC 7235. The ProblemDetails structure may be
-            provided.
-            The use of this HTTP error response code described above is
-            applicable to the use of the OAuth 2.0 for the authorization of API
-            requests and notifications, as defined in clauses and
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '401':
-          description: >
-            401 UNAUTHORIZED
-            If the request contains no access token even though one is required,
-            or if the request contains an authorization token that is invalid
-            (e.g. expired or revoked), the API producer should respond with this
-            response. The details of the error shall be returned in the
-            WWW-Authenticate HTTP header, as defined in IETF RFC 6750 and IETF
-            RFC 7235. The ProblemDetails structure may be provided.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '403':
-          description: >
-            403 FORBIDDEN
-            If the API consumer is not allowed to perform a particular request
-            to a particular resource, the API producer shall respond with this
-            response code. The "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided. It
-            should include in the "detail" attribute information about the
-            source of the problem, and may indicate how to solve it.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '404':
-          description: >
-            404 NOT FOUND
-            If the API producer did not find a current representation for the
-            resource addressed by the URI passed in the request or is not
-            willing to disclose that one exists, it shall respond with this
-            response code. The "ProblemDetails" structure may be provided,
-            including in the "detail" attribute information about the source of
-            the problem, e.g. a wrong resource URI variable.
-            This response code is not appropriate in case the resource addressed
-            by the URI is a container resource which is designed to contain
-            child resources, but does not contain any child resource at the time
-            the request is received. For a GET request to an existing empty
-            container resource, a typical response contains a 200 OK response
-            code and a payload body with an empty array.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '405':
-          description: >
-            405 METHOD NOT ALLOWED
-            If a particular HTTP method is not supported for a particular
-            resource, the API producer shall respond with this response code.
-            The "ProblemDetails" structure may be omitted.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '406':
-          description: >
-            406 NOT ACCEPTABLE
-            If the "Accept" HTTP header does not contain at least one name of a
-            content type that is acceptable to the API producer, the API
-            producer shall respond with this response code. The "ProblemDetails"
-            structure may be omitted.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '422':
-          description: >
-            If the payload body of a request contains syntactically correct data
-            (e.g. well-formed JSON) but the data cannot be processed (e.g.
-            because it fails validation against a schema), the API producer
-            shall respond with this response code. The "ProblemDetails"
-            structure shall be provided, and should include in the "detail"
-            attribute more information about the source of the problem.
-            This error response code is only applicable for methods that have a
-            request body.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '500':
-          description: >
-            500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR
-            If there is an application error not related to the client's input
-            that cannot be easily mapped to any other HTTP response code ("catch
-            all error"), the API producer shall respond with this response code.
-            The "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided, and shall include
-            in the "detail" attribute more information about the source of the
-            problem.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '503':
-          description: >
-            503 SERVICE UNAVAILABLE
-            If the API producer encounters an internal overload situation of
-            itself or of a system it relies on, it should respond with this
-            response code, following the provisions in IETF RFC 7231 for the use
-            of the "Retry-After" HTTP header and for the alternative to refuse
-            the connection. The "ProblemDetails" structure may be omitted.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '504':
-          description: >
-            504 GATEWAY TIMEOUT
-            If the API producer encounters a timeout while waiting for a
-            response from an upstream server (i.e. a server that the API
-            producer communicates with when fulfilling a request), it should
-            respond with this response code.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-    get:
-      description: |
-        The client can use this method to query information about thresholds.
-      parameters:
-        - name: filter
-          description: >
-            Attribute-based filtering expression according to clause 5.2 of 
-            ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013. 
-            The NFV-MANO functional entity shall support receiving this
-            parameter  as part of the URI query string. The API consumer may
-            supply this  parameter. 
-            All attribute names that appear in the Threshold  and in data  types
-            referenced from it shall be supported by the NFV-MANO functional 
-            entity in the expression. 
-          in: query
-          required: false
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        - name: nextpage_opaque_marker
-          description: >
-            Marker to obtain the next page of a paged response. Shall be
-            supported by  the NFV-MANO functional entity if the entity supports
-            alternative 2 (paging)  according to clause of ETSI GS
-            NFV-SOL 013 for this resource.
-          in: query
-          required: false
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        - name: Version
-          description: |
-            Version of the API requested to use when responding to this request.
-          in: header
-          required: true
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        - name: Accept
-          description: >
-            Content-Types that are acceptable for the response. Reference: IETF
-            RFC 7231.
-          in: header
-          required: true
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        - name: Authorization
-          description: |
-            The authorization token for the request. Reference: IETF RFC 7235.
-          in: header
-          required: false
-          schema:
-            type: string
-      responses:
-        '200':
-          description: >
-            200 OK
-            Shall be returned when information about zero or more thresholds 
-            has been queried successfully.
-            The response body shall contain in an array the representations  of
-            zero or more thresholds, as defined in clause
-            If the "filter" URI parameter was supplied in the request, the  data
-            in the response body shall have been transformed according  to the
-            rules specified in clause 5.2.2 of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013.
-            If the NFV-MANO functional entity supports alternative 2 (paging) 
-            according to clause of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013 for this
-            resource,  inclusion of the Link HTTP header in this response shall
-            follow the  provisions in clause of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013.
-          headers:
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                type: array
-                items:
-                  description: ''
-                  type: object
-                  properties:
-                    id:
-                      description: >
-                        An identifier with the intention of being globally
-                        unique.
-                      type: string
-                    objectType:
-                      description: >-
-                        Type of measured object. The applicable measured object
-                        type for a measurement is defined in clause 8.2 of ETSI
-                        GS NFV-IFA 031.
-                      type: string
-                    objectInstanceId:
-                      description: >
-                        An identifier with the intention of being globally
-                        unique.
-                      type: string
-                    subjObjectInstanceIds:
-                      description: >
-                        Identifiers of the sub-object instances of the measured
-                        object instance  associated with this threshold.  May be
-                        present if a sub-object is defined in clause 8.2 of ETSI
-                        GS NFV-IFA 031 for the related measured object type. If
-                        this attribute is absent and a sub-object is defined in
-                        clause 8.2 of ETSI  GS NFV-IFA 031 for the related
-                        measured object type, thresholds are set for  all
-                        sub-object instances of the measured object instance.
-                      type: array
-                      items:
-                        description: >
-                          An identifier that is unique for the respective type
-                          within a NFV-MANO functional entity, but that need not
-                          be globally unique. Representation: string of variable
-                          length..
-                        type: string
-                    criteria:
-                      description: |
-                        This type represents criteria that define a threshold.
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        performanceMetric:
-                          description: >
-                            Defines the performance metric associated with the
-                            threshold.  This attribute’s value shall contain the
-                            related "Measurement Name" values  as defined in
-                            clause 8.4 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031 
-                          type: string
-                        thresholdType:
-                          description: >
-                            Type of threshold. This attribute determines which
-                            other attributes are  present in the data structure.
-                            Permitted values:
-                              - SIMPLE: Single-valued static threshold
-                            In the present document, simple thresholds are
-                            defined. The definition  of additional threshold
-                            types is left for future specification.
-                          type: string
-                          enum:
-                            - SIMPLE
-                        simpleThresholdDetails:
-                          description: >
-                            Details of a simple threshold. Shall be present if
-                            thresholdType="SIMPLE".
-                          type: object
-                          properties:
-                            thresholdValue:
-                              description: |
-                                A number defined in IETF RFC 8259.
-                              type: number
-                            hysteresis:
-                              description: |
-                                A number defined in IETF RFC 8259.
-                              type: number
-                          required:
-                            - thresholdValue
-                            - hysteresis
-                      required:
-                        - performanceMetric
-                        - thresholdType
-                    _links:
-                      description: |
-                        Links for this resource.
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        self:
-                          description: >
-                            This type represents a link to a resource using an
-                            absolute URI.
-                          type: object
-                          required:
-                            - href
-                          properties:
-                            href:
-                              description: |
-                                String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.
-                              type: string
-                        object:
-                          description: >
-                            This type represents a link to a resource using an
-                            absolute URI.
-                          type: object
-                          required:
-                            - href
-                          properties:
-                            href:
-                              description: |
-                                String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.
-                              type: string
-                      required:
-                        - self
-                  required:
-                    - id
-                    - objectType
-                    - objectInstanceId
-                    - subjObjectInstanceIds
-                    - criteria
-                    - _links
-        '400':
-          description: |
-            400 BAD REQUEST
-            Shall be returned upon the following errors: 
-              - Invalid attribute-based filtering expression.
-                The response body shall contain a ProblemDetails structure, in which 
-                the "detail" attribute should convey more information about the error.
-              - Response too big.
-                If the NFV-MANO functional entity supports alternative N°1 (error) 
-                according to clause of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013 for this resource, 
-                this error response shall follow the provisions in clause of 
-                ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013.
-          headers:
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '401':
-          description: >
-            401 UNAUTHORIZED
-            If the request contains no access token even though one is required,
-            or if the request contains an authorization token that is invalid
-            (e.g. expired or revoked), the API producer should respond with this
-            response. The details of the error shall be returned in the
-            WWW-Authenticate HTTP header, as defined in IETF RFC 6750 and IETF
-            RFC 7235. The ProblemDetails structure may be provided.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '403':
-          description: >
-            403 FORBIDDEN
-            If the API consumer is not allowed to perform a particular request
-            to a particular resource, the API producer shall respond with this
-            response code. The "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided. It
-            should include in the "detail" attribute information about the
-            source of the problem, and may indicate how to solve it.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '404':
-          description: >
-            404 NOT FOUND
-            If the API producer did not find a current representation for the
-            resource addressed by the URI passed in the request or is not
-            willing to disclose that one exists, it shall respond with this
-            response code. The "ProblemDetails" structure may be provided,
-            including in the "detail" attribute information about the source of
-            the problem, e.g. a wrong resource URI variable.
-            This response code is not appropriate in case the resource addressed
-            by the URI is a container resource which is designed to contain
-            child resources, but does not contain any child resource at the time
-            the request is received. For a GET request to an existing empty
-            container resource, a typical response contains a 200 OK response
-            code and a payload body with an empty array.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '405':
-          description: >
-            405 METHOD NOT ALLOWED
-            If a particular HTTP method is not supported for a particular
-            resource, the API producer shall respond with this response code.
-            The "ProblemDetails" structure may be omitted.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '406':
-          description: >
-            406 NOT ACCEPTABLE
-            If the "Accept" HTTP header does not contain at least one name of a
-            content type that is acceptable to the API producer, the API
-            producer shall respond with this response code. The "ProblemDetails"
-            structure may be omitted.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '422':
-          description: >
-            If the payload body of a request contains syntactically correct data
-            (e.g. well-formed JSON) but the data cannot be processed (e.g.
-            because it fails validation against a schema), the API producer
-            shall respond with this response code. The "ProblemDetails"
-            structure shall be provided, and should include in the "detail"
-            attribute more information about the source of the problem.
-            This error response code is only applicable for methods that have a
-            request body.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '500':
-          description: >
-            500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR
-            If there is an application error not related to the client's input
-            that cannot be easily mapped to any other HTTP response code ("catch
-            all error"), the API producer shall respond with this response code.
-            The "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided, and shall include
-            in the "detail" attribute more information about the source of the
-            problem.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '503':
-          description: >
-            503 SERVICE UNAVAILABLE
-            If the API producer encounters an internal overload situation of
-            itself or of a system it relies on, it should respond with this
-            response code, following the provisions in IETF RFC 7231 for the use
-            of the "Retry-After" HTTP header and for the alternative to refuse
-            the connection. The "ProblemDetails" structure may be omitted.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '504':
-          description: >
-            504 GATEWAY TIMEOUT
-            If the API producer encounters a timeout while waiting for a
-            response from an upstream server (i.e. a server that the API
-            producer communicates with when fulfilling a request), it should
-            respond with this response code.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-  '/thresholds/{thresholdId}':
-    parameters:
-      - name: thresholdId
-        in: path
-        description: Identifier of the PM threshold
-        required: true
-        schema:
-          description: |
-            An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
-          type: string
-    get:
-      description: |
-        The client can use this method for reading an individual threshold 
-      parameters:
-        - name: Version
-          description: |
-            Version of the API requested to use when responding to this request.
-          in: header
-          required: true
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        - name: Accept
-          description: >
-            Content-Types that are acceptable for the response. Reference: IETF
-            RFC 7231.
-          in: header
-          required: true
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        - name: Authorization
-          description: |
-            The authorization token for the request. Reference: IETF RFC 7235.
-          in: header
-          required: false
-          schema:
-            type: string
-      responses:
-        '200':
-          description: >
-            200 OK
-            Shall be returned when information about an individual threshold 
-            has been read successfully.
-            The response body shall contain a representation of the threshold, 
-            as defined in clause
-          headers:
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: ''
-                type: object
-                properties:
-                  id:
-                    description: |
-                      An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
-                    type: string
-                  objectType:
-                    description: >-
-                      Type of measured object. The applicable measured object
-                      type for a measurement is defined in clause 8.2 of ETSI GS
-                      NFV-IFA 031.
-                    type: string
-                  objectInstanceId:
-                    description: |
-                      An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
-                    type: string
-                  subjObjectInstanceIds:
-                    description: >
-                      Identifiers of the sub-object instances of the measured
-                      object instance  associated with this threshold.  May be
-                      present if a sub-object is defined in clause 8.2 of ETSI
-                      GS NFV-IFA 031 for the related measured object type. If
-                      this attribute is absent and a sub-object is defined in
-                      clause 8.2 of ETSI  GS NFV-IFA 031 for the related
-                      measured object type, thresholds are set for  all
-                      sub-object instances of the measured object instance.
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      description: >
-                        An identifier that is unique for the respective type
-                        within a NFV-MANO functional entity, but that need not
-                        be globally unique. Representation: string of variable
-                        length..
-                      type: string
-                  criteria:
-                    description: |
-                      This type represents criteria that define a threshold.
-                    type: object
-                    properties:
-                      performanceMetric:
-                        description: >
-                          Defines the performance metric associated with the
-                          threshold.  This attribute’s value shall contain the
-                          related "Measurement Name" values  as defined in
-                          clause 8.4 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031 
-                        type: string
-                      thresholdType:
-                        description: >
-                          Type of threshold. This attribute determines which
-                          other attributes are  present in the data structure.
-                          Permitted values:
-                            - SIMPLE: Single-valued static threshold
-                          In the present document, simple thresholds are
-                          defined. The definition  of additional threshold types
-                          is left for future specification.
-                        type: string
-                        enum:
-                          - SIMPLE
-                      simpleThresholdDetails:
-                        description: >
-                          Details of a simple threshold. Shall be present if
-                          thresholdType="SIMPLE".
-                        type: object
-                        properties:
-                          thresholdValue:
-                            description: |
-                              A number defined in IETF RFC 8259.
-                            type: number
-                          hysteresis:
-                            description: |
-                              A number defined in IETF RFC 8259.
-                            type: number
-                        required:
-                          - thresholdValue
-                          - hysteresis
-                    required:
-                      - performanceMetric
-                      - thresholdType
-                  _links:
-                    description: |
-                      Links for this resource.
-                    type: object
-                    properties:
-                      self:
-                        description: >
-                          This type represents a link to a resource using an
-                          absolute URI.
-                        type: object
-                        required:
-                          - href
-                        properties:
-                          href:
-                            description: |
-                              String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.
-                            type: string
-                      object:
-                        description: >
-                          This type represents a link to a resource using an
-                          absolute URI.
-                        type: object
-                        required:
-                          - href
-                        properties:
-                          href:
-                            description: |
-                              String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.
-                            type: string
-                    required:
-                      - self
-                required:
-                  - id
-                  - objectType
-                  - objectInstanceId
-                  - subjObjectInstanceIds
-                  - criteria
-                  - _links
-        '400':
-          description: >
-            400 BAD REQUEST
-            400 code can be returned in the following specified cases, the
-            specific cause has to be proper specified in the "ProblemDetails"
-            structure to be returned.
-            If the request is malformed or syntactically incorrect (e.g. if the
-            request URI contains incorrect query parameters or the payload body
-            contains a syntactically incorrect data structure), the API producer
-            shall respond with this response code. The "ProblemDetails"
-            structure shall be provided, and should include in the "detail"
-            attribute more information about the source of the problem.
-            If the response to a GET request which queries a container resource
-            would be so big that the performance of the API producer is
-            adversely affected, and the API producer does not support paging for
-            the affected resource, it shall respond with this response code. The
-            "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided, and should include in
-            the "detail" attribute more information about the source of the
-            problem.
-            If there is an application error related to the client's input that
-            cannot be easily mapped to any other HTTP response code ("catch all
-            error"), the API producer shall respond with this response code. The
-            "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided, and shall include in
-            the "detail" attribute more information about the source of the
-            problem.
-            If the request contains a malformed access token, the API producer
-            should respond with this response. The details of the error shall be
-            returned in the WWW Authenticate HTTP header, as defined in IETF RFC
-            6750 and IETF RFC 7235. The ProblemDetails structure may be
-            provided.
-            The use of this HTTP error response code described above is
-            applicable to the use of the OAuth 2.0 for the authorization of API
-            requests and notifications, as defined in clauses and
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '401':
-          description: >
-            401 UNAUTHORIZED
-            If the request contains no access token even though one is required,
-            or if the request contains an authorization token that is invalid
-            (e.g. expired or revoked), the API producer should respond with this
-            response. The details of the error shall be returned in the
-            WWW-Authenticate HTTP header, as defined in IETF RFC 6750 and IETF
-            RFC 7235. The ProblemDetails structure may be provided.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '403':
-          description: >
-            403 FORBIDDEN
-            If the API consumer is not allowed to perform a particular request
-            to a particular resource, the API producer shall respond with this
-            response code. The "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided. It
-            should include in the "detail" attribute information about the
-            source of the problem, and may indicate how to solve it.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '404':
-          description: >
-            404 NOT FOUND
-            If the API producer did not find a current representation for the
-            resource addressed by the URI passed in the request or is not
-            willing to disclose that one exists, it shall respond with this
-            response code. The "ProblemDetails" structure may be provided,
-            including in the "detail" attribute information about the source of
-            the problem, e.g. a wrong resource URI variable.
-            This response code is not appropriate in case the resource addressed
-            by the URI is a container resource which is designed to contain
-            child resources, but does not contain any child resource at the time
-            the request is received. For a GET request to an existing empty
-            container resource, a typical response contains a 200 OK response
-            code and a payload body with an empty array.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '405':
-          description: >
-            405 METHOD NOT ALLOWED
-            If a particular HTTP method is not supported for a particular
-            resource, the API producer shall respond with this response code.
-            The "ProblemDetails" structure may be omitted.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '406':
-          description: >
-            406 NOT ACCEPTABLE
-            If the "Accept" HTTP header does not contain at least one name of a
-            content type that is acceptable to the API producer, the API
-            producer shall respond with this response code. The "ProblemDetails"
-            structure may be omitted.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '422':
-          description: >
-            If the payload body of a request contains syntactically correct data
-            (e.g. well-formed JSON) but the data cannot be processed (e.g.
-            because it fails validation against a schema), the API producer
-            shall respond with this response code. The "ProblemDetails"
-            structure shall be provided, and should include in the "detail"
-            attribute more information about the source of the problem.
-            This error response code is only applicable for methods that have a
-            request body.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '500':
-          description: >
-            500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR
-            If there is an application error not related to the client's input
-            that cannot be easily mapped to any other HTTP response code ("catch
-            all error"), the API producer shall respond with this response code.
-            The "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided, and shall include
-            in the "detail" attribute more information about the source of the
-            problem.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '503':
-          description: >
-            503 SERVICE UNAVAILABLE
-            If the API producer encounters an internal overload situation of
-            itself or of a system it relies on, it should respond with this
-            response code, following the provisions in IETF RFC 7231 for the use
-            of the "Retry-After" HTTP header and for the alternative to refuse
-            the connection. The "ProblemDetails" structure may be omitted.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '504':
-          description: >
-            504 GATEWAY TIMEOUT
-            If the API producer encounters a timeout while waiting for a
-            response from an upstream server (i.e. a server that the API
-            producer communicates with when fulfilling a request), it should
-            respond with this response code.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-    delete:
-      description: |
-        This method allows to delete a threshold.
-      parameters:
-        - name: Version
-          description: |
-            Version of the API requested to use when responding to this request.
-          in: header
-          required: true
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        - name: Accept
-          description: >
-            Content-Types that are acceptable for the response. Reference: IETF
-            RFC 7231.
-          in: header
-          required: true
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        - name: Authorization
-          description: |
-            The authorization token for the request. Reference: IETF RFC 7235.
-          in: header
-          required: false
-          schema:
-            type: string
-      responses:
-        '204':
-          description: |
-            204 NO CONTENT
-            Shall be returned when the threshold has been deleted successfully.
-            The response body shall be empty.
-          headers:
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-        '400':
-          description: >
-            400 BAD REQUEST
-            400 code can be returned in the following specified cases, the
-            specific cause has to be proper specified in the "ProblemDetails"
-            structure to be returned.
-            If the request is malformed or syntactically incorrect (e.g. if the
-            request URI contains incorrect query parameters or the payload body
-            contains a syntactically incorrect data structure), the API producer
-            shall respond with this response code. The "ProblemDetails"
-            structure shall be provided, and should include in the "detail"
-            attribute more information about the source of the problem.
-            If the response to a GET request which queries a container resource
-            would be so big that the performance of the API producer is
-            adversely affected, and the API producer does not support paging for
-            the affected resource, it shall respond with this response code. The
-            "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided, and should include in
-            the "detail" attribute more information about the source of the
-            problem.
-            If there is an application error related to the client's input that
-            cannot be easily mapped to any other HTTP response code ("catch all
-            error"), the API producer shall respond with this response code. The
-            "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided, and shall include in
-            the "detail" attribute more information about the source of the
-            problem.
-            If the request contains a malformed access token, the API producer
-            should respond with this response. The details of the error shall be
-            returned in the WWW Authenticate HTTP header, as defined in IETF RFC
-            6750 and IETF RFC 7235. The ProblemDetails structure may be
-            provided.
-            The use of this HTTP error response code described above is
-            applicable to the use of the OAuth 2.0 for the authorization of API
-            requests and notifications, as defined in clauses and
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '401':
-          description: >
-            401 UNAUTHORIZED
-            If the request contains no access token even though one is required,
-            or if the request contains an authorization token that is invalid
-            (e.g. expired or revoked), the API producer should respond with this
-            response. The details of the error shall be returned in the
-            WWW-Authenticate HTTP header, as defined in IETF RFC 6750 and IETF
-            RFC 7235. The ProblemDetails structure may be provided.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '403':
-          description: >
-            403 FORBIDDEN
-            If the API consumer is not allowed to perform a particular request
-            to a particular resource, the API producer shall respond with this
-            response code. The "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided. It
-            should include in the "detail" attribute information about the
-            source of the problem, and may indicate how to solve it.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '404':
-          description: >
-            404 NOT FOUND
-            If the API producer did not find a current representation for the
-            resource addressed by the URI passed in the request or is not
-            willing to disclose that one exists, it shall respond with this
-            response code. The "ProblemDetails" structure may be provided,
-            including in the "detail" attribute information about the source of
-            the problem, e.g. a wrong resource URI variable.
-            This response code is not appropriate in case the resource addressed
-            by the URI is a container resource which is designed to contain
-            child resources, but does not contain any child resource at the time
-            the request is received. For a GET request to an existing empty
-            container resource, a typical response contains a 200 OK response
-            code and a payload body with an empty array.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '405':
-          description: >
-            405 METHOD NOT ALLOWED
-            If a particular HTTP method is not supported for a particular
-            resource, the API producer shall respond with this response code.
-            The "ProblemDetails" structure may be omitted.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '406':
-          description: >
-            406 NOT ACCEPTABLE
-            If the "Accept" HTTP header does not contain at least one name of a
-            content type that is acceptable to the API producer, the API
-            producer shall respond with this response code. The "ProblemDetails"
-            structure may be omitted.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '422':
-          description: >
-            If the payload body of a request contains syntactically correct data
-            (e.g. well-formed JSON) but the data cannot be processed (e.g.
-            because it fails validation against a schema), the API producer
-            shall respond with this response code. The "ProblemDetails"
-            structure shall be provided, and should include in the "detail"
-            attribute more information about the source of the problem.
-            This error response code is only applicable for methods that have a
-            request body.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '500':
-          description: >
-            500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR
-            If there is an application error not related to the client's input
-            that cannot be easily mapped to any other HTTP response code ("catch
-            all error"), the API producer shall respond with this response code.
-            The "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided, and shall include
-            in the "detail" attribute more information about the source of the
-            problem.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '503':
-          description: >
-            503 SERVICE UNAVAILABLE
-            If the API producer encounters an internal overload situation of
-            itself or of a system it relies on, it should respond with this
-            response code, following the provisions in IETF RFC 7231 for the use
-            of the "Retry-After" HTTP header and for the alternative to refuse
-            the connection. The "ProblemDetails" structure may be omitted.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '504':
-          description: >
-            504 GATEWAY TIMEOUT
-            If the API producer encounters a timeout while waiting for a
-            response from an upstream server (i.e. a server that the API
-            producer communicates with when fulfilling a request), it should
-            respond with this response code.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-  /subscriptions:
-    post:
-      description: |
-        The POST method creates a new subscription.
-      parameters:
-        - name: Version
-          description: |
-            Version of the API requested to use when responding to this request.
-          in: header
-          required: true
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        - name: Accept
-          description: >
-            Content-Types that are acceptable for the response. Reference: IETF
-            RFC 7231.
-          in: header
-          required: true
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        - name: Authorization
-          description: |
-            The authorization token for the request. Reference: IETF RFC 7235.
-          in: header
-          required: false
-          schema:
-            type: string
-      requestBody:
-        description: |
-          Details of the subscription to be created.
-        content:
-          application/json:
-            schema:
-              description: |
-                This type represents a subscription request. 
-              type: object
-              properties:
-                filter:
-                  description: >
-                    This type represents a filter that can be used to subscribe
-                    for notifications  related to performance management
-                    events.  At a particular nesting level in the filter
-                    structure, the following applies:  All attributes shall
-                    match in order for the filter to match (logical "and"
-                    between  different filter attributes). If an attribute is an
-                    array, the attribute shall  match if at least one of the
-                    values in the array matches (logical "or" between the 
-                    values of one filter attribute).
-                  type: object
-                  properties:
-                    pmSubscriptionFilter:
-                      description: >
-                        This type represents subscription filter criteria to
-                        match NFV-MANO functional  entities and their associated
-                        managed objects. 
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        manoEntityId:
-                          description: >
-                            An identifier with the intention of being globally
-                            unique.
-                          type: string
-                        manoServiceIds:
-                          description: "manoServiceIds\tIdentifierInManoEntity\t0..N\tIf present, match NFV-MANO  services with an instance identifier listed in this attribute.\nThe attributes \"manoServiceIds\" and \"manoServiceNames\" are alternatives  to reference to NFV-MANO services in a filter. They should not be used  together in the same filter instance, but one alternative should be chosen.\n"
-                          type: array
-                          items:
-                            description: >
-                              An identifier that is unique for the respective
-                              type within a NFV-MANO functional entity, but that
-                              need not be globally unique. Representation:
-                              string of variable length..
-                            type: string
-                        manoServiceNames:
-                          description: >
-                            If present, match NFV-MANO services with an NFV-MANO
-                            service name listed  in this attribute.
-                            The attributes "manoServiceIds" and
-                            "manoServiceNames" are alternatives  to reference to
-                            NFV-MANO services in a filter. They should not be
-                            used  together in the same filter instance, but one
-                            alternative should be chosen.
-                          type: array
-                          items:
-                            type: string
-                        manoServiceInterfaceIds:
-                          description: >
-                            If present, match NFV-MANO functional entity
-                            produced interfaces with an  instance identifier
-                            listed in this attribute.
-                            The attributes "manoServiceInterfaceIds" and
-                            "manoServiceInterfaceNames"  are alternatives to
-                            reference to NFV-MANO functional entity produced 
-                            interfaces in a filter. They should not be used both
-                            in the same filter  instance, but one alternative
-                            should be chosen.
-                          type: array
-                          items:
-                            description: >
-                              An identifier that is unique for the respective
-                              type within a NFV-MANO functional entity, but that
-                              need not be globally unique. Representation:
-                              string of variable length..
-                            type: string
-                        manoServiceInterfaceNames:
-                          description: >
-                            If present, match NFV-MANO functional entity
-                            produced interfaces with an  instance Name listed in
-                            this attribute.
-                            The attributes "manoServiceInterfaceIds" and
-                            "manoServiceInterfaceNames"  are alternatives to
-                            reference to NFV-MANO functional entity produced 
-                            interfaces in a filter. They should not be used both
-                            in the same filter  instance, but one alternative
-                            should be chosen.
-                          type: array
-                          items:
-                            type: string
-                        consumedManoInterfaceIds:
-                          description: >
-                            If present, match NFV-MANO functional entity
-                            consumed interfaces with an  instance identifier
-                            listed in this attribute.
-                            The attributes "consumedManoInterfaceIds" and
-                            "consumedManoInterfaceNames"  are alternatives to
-                            reference to NFV-MANO functional entity consumed 
-                            interfaces in a filter. They should not be used both
-                            in the same filter  instance, but one alternative
-                            should be chosen.
-                          type: array
-                          items:
-                            description: >
-                              An identifier with the intention of being globally
-                              unique.
-                            type: string
-                        consumedManoInterfaceNames:
-                          description: >
-                            If present, match NFV-MANO functional entity
-                            consumed interfaces with an  instance Name listed in
-                            this attribute.
-                            The attributes "consumedManoInterfaceIds" and
-                            "consumedManoInterfaceNames"  are alternatives to
-                            reference to NFV-MANO functional entity consumed 
-                            interfaces in a filter. They should not be used both
-                            in the same filter  instance, but one alternative
-                            should be chosen.
-                          type: array
-                          items:
-                            type: string
-                    notificationTypes:
-                      description: >
-                        Match particular notification types.  Permitted values:
-                          - ThresholdCrossedNotification
-                          - PerformanceInformationAvailableNotification
-                        The permitted values of the "notificationTypes"
-                        attribute are spelled exactly  as the names of the
-                        notification types to facilitate automated code
-                        generation  systems.
-                      type: string
-                      enum:
-                        - ThresholdCrossedNotification
-                        - PerformanceInformationAvailableNotification
-                callbackUri:
-                  description: |
-                    String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.
-                  type: string
-                authentication:
-                  type: object
-                  required:
-                    - authType
-                  properties:
-                    authType:
-                      description: >
-                        Defines the types of Authentication / Authorization
-                        which the API consumer is willing to accept when
-                        receiving a notification. Permitted values: * BASIC: In
-                        every HTTP request to the notification endpoint, use
-                          HTTP Basic authentication with the client credentials.
-                        * OAUTH2_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS: In every HTTP request to
-                        the
-                          notification endpoint, use an OAuth 2.0 Bearer token, obtained
-                          using the client credentials grant type.
-                        * TLS_CERT: Every HTTP request to the notification
-                        endpoint is sent
-                          over a mutually authenticated TLS session, i.e. not only the
-                          server is authenticated, but also the client is authenticated
-                          during the TLS tunnel setup.
-                      type: array
-                      items:
-                        type: string
-                        enum:
-                          - BASIC
-                          - OAUTH2_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS
-                          - TLS_CERT
-                    paramsBasic:
-                      description: >
-                        Parameters for authentication/authorization using BASIC.
-                        Shall be present if authType is "BASIC" and the
-                        contained information has not been provisioned out of
-                        band. Shall be absent otherwise.
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        userName:
-                          description: >
-                            Username to be used in HTTP Basic authentication.
-                            Shall be present if it has not been provisioned out
-                            of band.
-                          type: string
-                        password:
-                          description: >
-                            Password to be used in HTTP Basic authentication.
-                            Shall be present if it has not been provisioned out
-                            of band.
-                          type: string
-                    paramsOauth2ClientCredentials:
-                      description: >
-                        Parameters for authentication/authorization using
-                        OAUTH2_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS. Shall be present if authType
-                        is "OAUTH2_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS" and the contained
-                        information has not been provisioned out of band. Shall
-                        be absent otherwise.
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        clientId:
-                          description: >
-                            Client identifier to be used in the access token
-                            request of the OAuth 2.0 client credentials grant
-                            type. Shall be present if it has not been
-                            provisioned out of band. The clientId and
-                            clientPassword passed in a subscription shall not be
-                            the same as the clientId and clientPassword that are
-                            used to obtain authorization for API requests.
-                            Client credentials may differ between subscriptions.
-                            The value of clientPassword should be generated by a
-                            random process.
-                          type: string
-                        clientPassword:
-                          description: >
-                            Client password to be used in the access token
-                            request of the OAuth 2.0 client credentials grant
-                            type. Shall be present if it has not been
-                            provisioned out of band. The clientId and
-                            clientPassword passed in a subscription shall not be
-                            the same as the clientId and clientPassword that are
-                            used to obtain authorization for API requests.
-                            Client credentials may differ between subscriptions.
-                            The value of clientPassword should be generated by a
-                            random process.
-                          type: string
-                        tokenEndpoint:
-                          description: |
-                            String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.
-                          type: string
-              required:
-                - callbackUri
-        required: true
-      responses:
-        '201':
-          description: >
-            201 CREATED 
-            Shall be returned when the subscription has been created
-            successfully.
-            A representation of the created subscription resource shall be
-            returned  in the response body, as defined in clause
-            The HTTP response shall include a "Location" HTTP header that
-            contains  the resource URI of the created "Individual subscription"
-            resource.
-          headers:
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-            Location:
-              description: >
-                The resource URI of the created "Individual change state 
-                operation occurence" resource.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                format: url
-                minimum: 1
-                maximum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: |
-                  This type represents a subscription. 
-                type: object
-                properties:
-                  id:
-                    description: |
-                      An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
-                    type: string
-                  filter:
-                    description: >
-                      This type represents a filter that can be used to
-                      subscribe for notifications  related to performance
-                      management events.  At a particular nesting level in the
-                      filter structure, the following applies:  All attributes
-                      shall match in order for the filter to match (logical
-                      "and" between  different filter attributes). If an
-                      attribute is an array, the attribute shall  match if at
-                      least one of the values in the array matches (logical "or"
-                      between the  values of one filter attribute).
-                    type: object
-                    properties:
-                      pmSubscriptionFilter:
-                        description: >
-                          This type represents subscription filter criteria to
-                          match NFV-MANO functional  entities and their
-                          associated managed objects. 
-                        type: object
-                        properties:
-                          manoEntityId:
-                            description: >
-                              An identifier with the intention of being globally
-                              unique.
-                            type: string
-                          manoServiceIds:
-                            description: "manoServiceIds\tIdentifierInManoEntity\t0..N\tIf present, match NFV-MANO  services with an instance identifier listed in this attribute.\nThe attributes \"manoServiceIds\" and \"manoServiceNames\" are alternatives  to reference to NFV-MANO services in a filter. They should not be used  together in the same filter instance, but one alternative should be chosen.\n"
-                            type: array
-                            items:
-                              description: >
-                                An identifier that is unique for the respective
-                                type within a NFV-MANO functional entity, but
-                                that need not be globally unique.
-                                Representation: string of variable length..
-                              type: string
-                          manoServiceNames:
-                            description: >
-                              If present, match NFV-MANO services with an
-                              NFV-MANO service name listed  in this attribute.
-                              The attributes "manoServiceIds" and
-                              "manoServiceNames" are alternatives  to reference
-                              to NFV-MANO services in a filter. They should not
-                              be used  together in the same filter instance, but
-                              one alternative should be chosen.
-                            type: array
-                            items:
-                              type: string
-                          manoServiceInterfaceIds:
-                            description: >
-                              If present, match NFV-MANO functional entity
-                              produced interfaces with an  instance identifier
-                              listed in this attribute.
-                              The attributes "manoServiceInterfaceIds" and
-                              "manoServiceInterfaceNames"  are alternatives to
-                              reference to NFV-MANO functional entity produced 
-                              interfaces in a filter. They should not be used
-                              both in the same filter  instance, but one
-                              alternative should be chosen.
-                            type: array
-                            items:
-                              description: >
-                                An identifier that is unique for the respective
-                                type within a NFV-MANO functional entity, but
-                                that need not be globally unique.
-                                Representation: string of variable length..
-                              type: string
-                          manoServiceInterfaceNames:
-                            description: >
-                              If present, match NFV-MANO functional entity
-                              produced interfaces with an  instance Name listed
-                              in this attribute.
-                              The attributes "manoServiceInterfaceIds" and
-                              "manoServiceInterfaceNames"  are alternatives to
-                              reference to NFV-MANO functional entity produced 
-                              interfaces in a filter. They should not be used
-                              both in the same filter  instance, but one
-                              alternative should be chosen.
-                            type: array
-                            items:
-                              type: string
-                          consumedManoInterfaceIds:
-                            description: >
-                              If present, match NFV-MANO functional entity
-                              consumed interfaces with an  instance identifier
-                              listed in this attribute.
-                              The attributes "consumedManoInterfaceIds" and
-                              "consumedManoInterfaceNames"  are alternatives to
-                              reference to NFV-MANO functional entity consumed 
-                              interfaces in a filter. They should not be used
-                              both in the same filter  instance, but one
-                              alternative should be chosen.
-                            type: array
-                            items:
-                              description: >
-                                An identifier with the intention of being
-                                globally unique.
-                              type: string
-                          consumedManoInterfaceNames:
-                            description: >
-                              If present, match NFV-MANO functional entity
-                              consumed interfaces with an  instance Name listed
-                              in this attribute.
-                              The attributes "consumedManoInterfaceIds" and
-                              "consumedManoInterfaceNames"  are alternatives to
-                              reference to NFV-MANO functional entity consumed 
-                              interfaces in a filter. They should not be used
-                              both in the same filter  instance, but one
-                              alternative should be chosen.
-                            type: array
-                            items:
-                              type: string
-                      notificationTypes:
-                        description: >
-                          Match particular notification types.  Permitted
-                          values:
-                            - ThresholdCrossedNotification
-                            - PerformanceInformationAvailableNotification
-                          The permitted values of the "notificationTypes"
-                          attribute are spelled exactly  as the names of the
-                          notification types to facilitate automated code
-                          generation  systems.
-                        type: string
-                        enum:
-                          - ThresholdCrossedNotification
-                          - PerformanceInformationAvailableNotification
-                  callbackUri:
-                    description: |
-                      The URI of the endpoint to send the notification to.
-                    type: object
-                    properties:
-                      links:
-                        description: |
-                          String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.
-                        type: string
-                      self:
-                        description: >
-                          This type represents a link to a resource using an
-                          absolute URI.
-                        type: object
-                        required:
-                          - href
-                        properties:
-                          href:
-                            description: |
-                              String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.
-                            type: string
-                    required:
-                      - links
-                      - self
-                required:
-                  - id
-                  - callbackUri
-        '303':
-          description: >
-            303 SEE OTHER
-            Shall be returned when a subscription with the same callbackURI and 
-            the same filter already exists and the policy of the NFV-MANO
-            functional  entity is to not create redundant subscriptions.
-            The HTTP response shall include a "Location" HTTP header that
-            contains  the resource URI of the existing "Individual subscription"
-            resource.
-            The response body shall be empty.
-          headers:
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-            Location:
-              description: >
-                The resource URI of the created "Individual change state 
-                operation occurence" resource.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                format: url
-                minimum: 1
-                maximum: 1
-        '400':
-          description: >
-            400 BAD REQUEST
-            400 code can be returned in the following specified cases, the
-            specific cause has to be proper specified in the "ProblemDetails"
-            structure to be returned.
-            If the request is malformed or syntactically incorrect (e.g. if the
-            request URI contains incorrect query parameters or the payload body
-            contains a syntactically incorrect data structure), the API producer
-            shall respond with this response code. The "ProblemDetails"
-            structure shall be provided, and should include in the "detail"
-            attribute more information about the source of the problem.
-            If the response to a GET request which queries a container resource
-            would be so big that the performance of the API producer is
-            adversely affected, and the API producer does not support paging for
-            the affected resource, it shall respond with this response code. The
-            "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided, and should include in
-            the "detail" attribute more information about the source of the
-            problem.
-            If there is an application error related to the client's input that
-            cannot be easily mapped to any other HTTP response code ("catch all
-            error"), the API producer shall respond with this response code. The
-            "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided, and shall include in
-            the "detail" attribute more information about the source of the
-            problem.
-            If the request contains a malformed access token, the API producer
-            should respond with this response. The details of the error shall be
-            returned in the WWW Authenticate HTTP header, as defined in IETF RFC
-            6750 and IETF RFC 7235. The ProblemDetails structure may be
-            provided.
-            The use of this HTTP error response code described above is
-            applicable to the use of the OAuth 2.0 for the authorization of API
-            requests and notifications, as defined in clauses and
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '401':
-          description: >
-            401 UNAUTHORIZED
-            If the request contains no access token even though one is required,
-            or if the request contains an authorization token that is invalid
-            (e.g. expired or revoked), the API producer should respond with this
-            response. The details of the error shall be returned in the
-            WWW-Authenticate HTTP header, as defined in IETF RFC 6750 and IETF
-            RFC 7235. The ProblemDetails structure may be provided.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '403':
-          description: >
-            403 FORBIDDEN
-            If the API consumer is not allowed to perform a particular request
-            to a particular resource, the API producer shall respond with this
-            response code. The "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided. It
-            should include in the "detail" attribute information about the
-            source of the problem, and may indicate how to solve it.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '404':
-          description: >
-            404 NOT FOUND
-            If the API producer did not find a current representation for the
-            resource addressed by the URI passed in the request or is not
-            willing to disclose that one exists, it shall respond with this
-            response code. The "ProblemDetails" structure may be provided,
-            including in the "detail" attribute information about the source of
-            the problem, e.g. a wrong resource URI variable.
-            This response code is not appropriate in case the resource addressed
-            by the URI is a container resource which is designed to contain
-            child resources, but does not contain any child resource at the time
-            the request is received. For a GET request to an existing empty
-            container resource, a typical response contains a 200 OK response
-            code and a payload body with an empty array.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '405':
-          description: >
-            405 METHOD NOT ALLOWED
-            If a particular HTTP method is not supported for a particular
-            resource, the API producer shall respond with this response code.
-            The "ProblemDetails" structure may be omitted.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '406':
-          description: >
-            406 NOT ACCEPTABLE
-            If the "Accept" HTTP header does not contain at least one name of a
-            content type that is acceptable to the API producer, the API
-            producer shall respond with this response code. The "ProblemDetails"
-            structure may be omitted.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '422':
-          description: >
-            If the payload body of a request contains syntactically correct data
-            (e.g. well-formed JSON) but the data cannot be processed (e.g.
-            because it fails validation against a schema), the API producer
-            shall respond with this response code. The "ProblemDetails"
-            structure shall be provided, and should include in the "detail"
-            attribute more information about the source of the problem.
-            This error response code is only applicable for methods that have a
-            request body.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '500':
-          description: >
-            500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR
-            If there is an application error not related to the client's input
-            that cannot be easily mapped to any other HTTP response code ("catch
-            all error"), the API producer shall respond with this response code.
-            The "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided, and shall include
-            in the "detail" attribute more information about the source of the
-            problem.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '503':
-          description: >
-            503 SERVICE UNAVAILABLE
-            If the API producer encounters an internal overload situation of
-            itself or of a system it relies on, it should respond with this
-            response code, following the provisions in IETF RFC 7231 for the use
-            of the "Retry-After" HTTP header and for the alternative to refuse
-            the connection. The "ProblemDetails" structure may be omitted.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '504':
-          description: >
-            504 GATEWAY TIMEOUT
-            If the API producer encounters a timeout while waiting for a
-            response from an upstream server (i.e. a server that the API
-            producer communicates with when fulfilling a request), it should
-            respond with this response code.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-    get:
-      description: >
-        The client can use this method to query the list of active
-        subscriptions  to performance management notifications subscribed by the
-        client.
-      parameters:
-        - name: filter
-          description: >
-            Attribute-based filtering expression according to clause 5.2 of 
-            ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013. 
-            The NFV-MANO functional entity shall support receiving this
-            parameter  as part of the URI query string. The API consumer may
-            supply this  parameter. 
-            All attribute names that appear in the PmSubscription  and in data 
-            types referenced from it shall be supported by the NFV-MANO
-            functional  entity in the expression. 
-          in: query
-          required: false
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        - name: nextpage_opaque_marker
-          description: >
-            Marker to obtain the next page of a paged response. Shall be
-            supported by  the NFV-MANO functional entity if the entity supports
-            alternative 2 (paging)  according to clause of ETSI GS
-            NFV-SOL 013 for this resource.
-          in: query
-          required: false
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        - name: Version
-          description: |
-            Version of the API requested to use when responding to this request.
-          in: header
-          required: true
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        - name: Accept
-          description: >
-            Content-Types that are acceptable for the response. Reference: IETF
-            RFC 7231.
-          in: header
-          required: true
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        - name: Authorization
-          description: |
-            The authorization token for the request. Reference: IETF RFC 7235.
-          in: header
-          required: false
-          schema:
-            type: string
-      responses:
-        '200':
-          description: >
-            Shall be returned when the list of subscriptions has been queried 
-            successfully.
-            The response body shall contain in an array the representations  of
-            all active subscriptions of the functional block that invokes  the
-            method, i.e. zero or more representations of PM subscriptions  as
-            defined in clause
-            If the "filter" URI parameter was supplied in the request, the data 
-            in the response body shall have been transformed according to the 
-            rules specified in clause 5.2.2 of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013.
-            If the NFV-MANO functional entity supports alternative 2 (paging) 
-            according to clause of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013 for this
-            resource,  inclusion of the Link HTTP header in this response shall
-            follow the  provisions in clause of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013.
-          headers:
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                type: array
-                items:
-                  description: |
-                    This type represents a subscription. 
-                  type: object
-                  properties:
-                    id:
-                      description: >
-                        An identifier with the intention of being globally
-                        unique.
-                      type: string
-                    filter:
-                      description: >
-                        This type represents a filter that can be used to
-                        subscribe for notifications  related to performance
-                        management events.  At a particular nesting level in the
-                        filter structure, the following applies:  All attributes
-                        shall match in order for the filter to match (logical
-                        "and" between  different filter attributes). If an
-                        attribute is an array, the attribute shall  match if at
-                        least one of the values in the array matches (logical
-                        "or" between the  values of one filter attribute).
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        pmSubscriptionFilter:
-                          description: >
-                            This type represents subscription filter criteria to
-                            match NFV-MANO functional  entities and their
-                            associated managed objects. 
-                          type: object
-                          properties:
-                            manoEntityId:
-                              description: >
-                                An identifier with the intention of being
-                                globally unique.
-                              type: string
-                            manoServiceIds:
-                              description: "manoServiceIds\tIdentifierInManoEntity\t0..N\tIf present, match NFV-MANO  services with an instance identifier listed in this attribute.\nThe attributes \"manoServiceIds\" and \"manoServiceNames\" are alternatives  to reference to NFV-MANO services in a filter. They should not be used  together in the same filter instance, but one alternative should be chosen.\n"
-                              type: array
-                              items:
-                                description: >
-                                  An identifier that is unique for the
-                                  respective type within a NFV-MANO functional
-                                  entity, but that need not be globally unique.
-                                  Representation: string of variable length..
-                                type: string
-                            manoServiceNames:
-                              description: >
-                                If present, match NFV-MANO services with an
-                                NFV-MANO service name listed  in this attribute.
-                                The attributes "manoServiceIds" and
-                                "manoServiceNames" are alternatives  to
-                                reference to NFV-MANO services in a filter. They
-                                should not be used  together in the same filter
-                                instance, but one alternative should be chosen.
-                              type: array
-                              items:
-                                type: string
-                            manoServiceInterfaceIds:
-                              description: >
-                                If present, match NFV-MANO functional entity
-                                produced interfaces with an  instance identifier
-                                listed in this attribute.
-                                The attributes "manoServiceInterfaceIds" and
-                                "manoServiceInterfaceNames"  are alternatives to
-                                reference to NFV-MANO functional entity
-                                produced  interfaces in a filter. They should
-                                not be used both in the same filter  instance,
-                                but one alternative should be chosen.
-                              type: array
-                              items:
-                                description: >
-                                  An identifier that is unique for the
-                                  respective type within a NFV-MANO functional
-                                  entity, but that need not be globally unique.
-                                  Representation: string of variable length..
-                                type: string
-                            manoServiceInterfaceNames:
-                              description: >
-                                If present, match NFV-MANO functional entity
-                                produced interfaces with an  instance Name
-                                listed in this attribute.
-                                The attributes "manoServiceInterfaceIds" and
-                                "manoServiceInterfaceNames"  are alternatives to
-                                reference to NFV-MANO functional entity
-                                produced  interfaces in a filter. They should
-                                not be used both in the same filter  instance,
-                                but one alternative should be chosen.
-                              type: array
-                              items:
-                                type: string
-                            consumedManoInterfaceIds:
-                              description: >
-                                If present, match NFV-MANO functional entity
-                                consumed interfaces with an  instance identifier
-                                listed in this attribute.
-                                The attributes "consumedManoInterfaceIds" and
-                                "consumedManoInterfaceNames"  are alternatives
-                                to reference to NFV-MANO functional entity
-                                consumed  interfaces in a filter. They should
-                                not be used both in the same filter  instance,
-                                but one alternative should be chosen.
-                              type: array
-                              items:
-                                description: >
-                                  An identifier with the intention of being
-                                  globally unique.
-                                type: string
-                            consumedManoInterfaceNames:
-                              description: >
-                                If present, match NFV-MANO functional entity
-                                consumed interfaces with an  instance Name
-                                listed in this attribute.
-                                The attributes "consumedManoInterfaceIds" and
-                                "consumedManoInterfaceNames"  are alternatives
-                                to reference to NFV-MANO functional entity
-                                consumed  interfaces in a filter. They should
-                                not be used both in the same filter  instance,
-                                but one alternative should be chosen.
-                              type: array
-                              items:
-                                type: string
-                        notificationTypes:
-                          description: >
-                            Match particular notification types.  Permitted
-                            values:
-                              - ThresholdCrossedNotification
-                              - PerformanceInformationAvailableNotification
-                            The permitted values of the "notificationTypes"
-                            attribute are spelled exactly  as the names of the
-                            notification types to facilitate automated code
-                            generation  systems.
-                          type: string
-                          enum:
-                            - ThresholdCrossedNotification
-                            - PerformanceInformationAvailableNotification
-                    callbackUri:
-                      description: |
-                        The URI of the endpoint to send the notification to.
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        links:
-                          description: |
-                            String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.
-                          type: string
-                        self:
-                          description: >
-                            This type represents a link to a resource using an
-                            absolute URI.
-                          type: object
-                          required:
-                            - href
-                          properties:
-                            href:
-                              description: |
-                                String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.
-                              type: string
-                      required:
-                        - links
-                        - self
-                  required:
-                    - id
-                    - callbackUri
-        '400':
-          description: |
-            400 BAD REQUEST
-            Shall be returned upon the following errors: 
-              - Invalid attribute-based filtering expression.
-                The response body shall contain a ProblemDetails structure, in which 
-                the "detail" attribute should convey more information about the error.
-              - Response too big.
-                If the NFV-MANO functional entity supports alternative N°1 (error) 
-                according to clause of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013 for this resource, 
-                this error response shall follow the provisions in clause of 
-                ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013.
-          headers:
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '401':
-          description: >
-            401 UNAUTHORIZED
-            If the request contains no access token even though one is required,
-            or if the request contains an authorization token that is invalid
-            (e.g. expired or revoked), the API producer should respond with this
-            response. The details of the error shall be returned in the
-            WWW-Authenticate HTTP header, as defined in IETF RFC 6750 and IETF
-            RFC 7235. The ProblemDetails structure may be provided.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '403':
-          description: >
-            403 FORBIDDEN
-            If the API consumer is not allowed to perform a particular request
-            to a particular resource, the API producer shall respond with this
-            response code. The "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided. It
-            should include in the "detail" attribute information about the
-            source of the problem, and may indicate how to solve it.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '404':
-          description: >
-            404 NOT FOUND
-            If the API producer did not find a current representation for the
-            resource addressed by the URI passed in the request or is not
-            willing to disclose that one exists, it shall respond with this
-            response code. The "ProblemDetails" structure may be provided,
-            including in the "detail" attribute information about the source of
-            the problem, e.g. a wrong resource URI variable.
-            This response code is not appropriate in case the resource addressed
-            by the URI is a container resource which is designed to contain
-            child resources, but does not contain any child resource at the time
-            the request is received. For a GET request to an existing empty
-            container resource, a typical response contains a 200 OK response
-            code and a payload body with an empty array.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '405':
-          description: >
-            405 METHOD NOT ALLOWED
-            If a particular HTTP method is not supported for a particular
-            resource, the API producer shall respond with this response code.
-            The "ProblemDetails" structure may be omitted.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '406':
-          description: >
-            406 NOT ACCEPTABLE
-            If the "Accept" HTTP header does not contain at least one name of a
-            content type that is acceptable to the API producer, the API
-            producer shall respond with this response code. The "ProblemDetails"
-            structure may be omitted.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '422':
-          description: >
-            If the payload body of a request contains syntactically correct data
-            (e.g. well-formed JSON) but the data cannot be processed (e.g.
-            because it fails validation against a schema), the API producer
-            shall respond with this response code. The "ProblemDetails"
-            structure shall be provided, and should include in the "detail"
-            attribute more information about the source of the problem.
-            This error response code is only applicable for methods that have a
-            request body.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '500':
-          description: >
-            500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR
-            If there is an application error not related to the client's input
-            that cannot be easily mapped to any other HTTP response code ("catch
-            all error"), the API producer shall respond with this response code.
-            The "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided, and shall include
-            in the "detail" attribute more information about the source of the
-            problem.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '503':
-          description: >
-            503 SERVICE UNAVAILABLE
-            If the API producer encounters an internal overload situation of
-            itself or of a system it relies on, it should respond with this
-            response code, following the provisions in IETF RFC 7231 for the use
-            of the "Retry-After" HTTP header and for the alternative to refuse
-            the connection. The "ProblemDetails" structure may be omitted.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '504':
-          description: >
-            504 GATEWAY TIMEOUT
-            If the API producer encounters a timeout while waiting for a
-            response from an upstream server (i.e. a server that the API
-            producer communicates with when fulfilling a request), it should
-            respond with this response code.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-  '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}':
-    parameters:
-      - name: subscriptionId
-        in: path
-        description: Identifier of the subscription
-        required: true
-        schema:
-          description: |
-            An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
-          type: string
-    get:
-      description: >
-        The client can use this method for reading an individual subscription 
-        about performance management notifications subscribed by the client.
-      parameters:
-        - name: Version
-          description: |
-            Version of the API requested to use when responding to this request.
-          in: header
-          required: true
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        - name: Accept
-          description: >
-            Content-Types that are acceptable for the response. Reference: IETF
-            RFC 7231.
-          in: header
-          required: true
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        - name: Authorization
-          description: |
-            The authorization token for the request. Reference: IETF RFC 7235.
-          in: header
-          required: false
-          schema:
-            type: string
-      responses:
-        '200':
-          description: >
-            200 OK
-            Shall be returned when the subscription has been read successfully.
-            The response body shall contain a representation of the  "Individual
-            subscription" resource, as defined in clause
-          headers:
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: |
-                  This type represents a subscription. 
-                type: object
-                properties:
-                  id:
-                    description: |
-                      An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
-                    type: string
-                  filter:
-                    description: >
-                      This type represents a filter that can be used to
-                      subscribe for notifications  related to performance
-                      management events.  At a particular nesting level in the
-                      filter structure, the following applies:  All attributes
-                      shall match in order for the filter to match (logical
-                      "and" between  different filter attributes). If an
-                      attribute is an array, the attribute shall  match if at
-                      least one of the values in the array matches (logical "or"
-                      between the  values of one filter attribute).
-                    type: object
-                    properties:
-                      pmSubscriptionFilter:
-                        description: >
-                          This type represents subscription filter criteria to
-                          match NFV-MANO functional  entities and their
-                          associated managed objects. 
-                        type: object
-                        properties:
-                          manoEntityId:
-                            description: >
-                              An identifier with the intention of being globally
-                              unique.
-                            type: string
-                          manoServiceIds:
-                            description: "manoServiceIds\tIdentifierInManoEntity\t0..N\tIf present, match NFV-MANO  services with an instance identifier listed in this attribute.\nThe attributes \"manoServiceIds\" and \"manoServiceNames\" are alternatives  to reference to NFV-MANO services in a filter. They should not be used  together in the same filter instance, but one alternative should be chosen.\n"
-                            type: array
-                            items:
-                              description: >
-                                An identifier that is unique for the respective
-                                type within a NFV-MANO functional entity, but
-                                that need not be globally unique.
-                                Representation: string of variable length..
-                              type: string
-                          manoServiceNames:
-                            description: >
-                              If present, match NFV-MANO services with an
-                              NFV-MANO service name listed  in this attribute.
-                              The attributes "manoServiceIds" and
-                              "manoServiceNames" are alternatives  to reference
-                              to NFV-MANO services in a filter. They should not
-                              be used  together in the same filter instance, but
-                              one alternative should be chosen.
-                            type: array
-                            items:
-                              type: string
-                          manoServiceInterfaceIds:
-                            description: >
-                              If present, match NFV-MANO functional entity
-                              produced interfaces with an  instance identifier
-                              listed in this attribute.
-                              The attributes "manoServiceInterfaceIds" and
-                              "manoServiceInterfaceNames"  are alternatives to
-                              reference to NFV-MANO functional entity produced 
-                              interfaces in a filter. They should not be used
-                              both in the same filter  instance, but one
-                              alternative should be chosen.
-                            type: array
-                            items:
-                              description: >
-                                An identifier that is unique for the respective
-                                type within a NFV-MANO functional entity, but
-                                that need not be globally unique.
-                                Representation: string of variable length..
-                              type: string
-                          manoServiceInterfaceNames:
-                            description: >
-                              If present, match NFV-MANO functional entity
-                              produced interfaces with an  instance Name listed
-                              in this attribute.
-                              The attributes "manoServiceInterfaceIds" and
-                              "manoServiceInterfaceNames"  are alternatives to
-                              reference to NFV-MANO functional entity produced 
-                              interfaces in a filter. They should not be used
-                              both in the same filter  instance, but one
-                              alternative should be chosen.
-                            type: array
-                            items:
-                              type: string
-                          consumedManoInterfaceIds:
-                            description: >
-                              If present, match NFV-MANO functional entity
-                              consumed interfaces with an  instance identifier
-                              listed in this attribute.
-                              The attributes "consumedManoInterfaceIds" and
-                              "consumedManoInterfaceNames"  are alternatives to
-                              reference to NFV-MANO functional entity consumed 
-                              interfaces in a filter. They should not be used
-                              both in the same filter  instance, but one
-                              alternative should be chosen.
-                            type: array
-                            items:
-                              description: >
-                                An identifier with the intention of being
-                                globally unique.
-                              type: string
-                          consumedManoInterfaceNames:
-                            description: >
-                              If present, match NFV-MANO functional entity
-                              consumed interfaces with an  instance Name listed
-                              in this attribute.
-                              The attributes "consumedManoInterfaceIds" and
-                              "consumedManoInterfaceNames"  are alternatives to
-                              reference to NFV-MANO functional entity consumed 
-                              interfaces in a filter. They should not be used
-                              both in the same filter  instance, but one
-                              alternative should be chosen.
-                            type: array
-                            items:
-                              type: string
-                      notificationTypes:
-                        description: >
-                          Match particular notification types.  Permitted
-                          values:
-                            - ThresholdCrossedNotification
-                            - PerformanceInformationAvailableNotification
-                          The permitted values of the "notificationTypes"
-                          attribute are spelled exactly  as the names of the
-                          notification types to facilitate automated code
-                          generation  systems.
-                        type: string
-                        enum:
-                          - ThresholdCrossedNotification
-                          - PerformanceInformationAvailableNotification
-                  callbackUri:
-                    description: |
-                      The URI of the endpoint to send the notification to.
-                    type: object
-                    properties:
-                      links:
-                        description: |
-                          String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.
-                        type: string
-                      self:
-                        description: >
-                          This type represents a link to a resource using an
-                          absolute URI.
-                        type: object
-                        required:
-                          - href
-                        properties:
-                          href:
-                            description: |
-                              String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.
-                            type: string
-                    required:
-                      - links
-                      - self
-                required:
-                  - id
-                  - callbackUri
-        '400':
-          description: >
-            400 BAD REQUEST
-            400 code can be returned in the following specified cases, the
-            specific cause has to be proper specified in the "ProblemDetails"
-            structure to be returned.
-            If the request is malformed or syntactically incorrect (e.g. if the
-            request URI contains incorrect query parameters or the payload body
-            contains a syntactically incorrect data structure), the API producer
-            shall respond with this response code. The "ProblemDetails"
-            structure shall be provided, and should include in the "detail"
-            attribute more information about the source of the problem.
-            If the response to a GET request which queries a container resource
-            would be so big that the performance of the API producer is
-            adversely affected, and the API producer does not support paging for
-            the affected resource, it shall respond with this response code. The
-            "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided, and should include in
-            the "detail" attribute more information about the source of the
-            problem.
-            If there is an application error related to the client's input that
-            cannot be easily mapped to any other HTTP response code ("catch all
-            error"), the API producer shall respond with this response code. The
-            "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided, and shall include in
-            the "detail" attribute more information about the source of the
-            problem.
-            If the request contains a malformed access token, the API producer
-            should respond with this response. The details of the error shall be
-            returned in the WWW Authenticate HTTP header, as defined in IETF RFC
-            6750 and IETF RFC 7235. The ProblemDetails structure may be
-            provided.
-            The use of this HTTP error response code described above is
-            applicable to the use of the OAuth 2.0 for the authorization of API
-            requests and notifications, as defined in clauses and
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '401':
-          description: >
-            401 UNAUTHORIZED
-            If the request contains no access token even though one is required,
-            or if the request contains an authorization token that is invalid
-            (e.g. expired or revoked), the API producer should respond with this
-            response. The details of the error shall be returned in the
-            WWW-Authenticate HTTP header, as defined in IETF RFC 6750 and IETF
-            RFC 7235. The ProblemDetails structure may be provided.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '403':
-          description: >
-            403 FORBIDDEN
-            If the API consumer is not allowed to perform a particular request
-            to a particular resource, the API producer shall respond with this
-            response code. The "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided. It
-            should include in the "detail" attribute information about the
-            source of the problem, and may indicate how to solve it.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '404':
-          description: >
-            404 NOT FOUND
-            If the API producer did not find a current representation for the
-            resource addressed by the URI passed in the request or is not
-            willing to disclose that one exists, it shall respond with this
-            response code. The "ProblemDetails" structure may be provided,
-            including in the "detail" attribute information about the source of
-            the problem, e.g. a wrong resource URI variable.
-            This response code is not appropriate in case the resource addressed
-            by the URI is a container resource which is designed to contain
-            child resources, but does not contain any child resource at the time
-            the request is received. For a GET request to an existing empty
-            container resource, a typical response contains a 200 OK response
-            code and a payload body with an empty array.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '405':
-          description: >
-            405 METHOD NOT ALLOWED
-            If a particular HTTP method is not supported for a particular
-            resource, the API producer shall respond with this response code.
-            The "ProblemDetails" structure may be omitted.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '406':
-          description: >
-            406 NOT ACCEPTABLE
-            If the "Accept" HTTP header does not contain at least one name of a
-            content type that is acceptable to the API producer, the API
-            producer shall respond with this response code. The "ProblemDetails"
-            structure may be omitted.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '422':
-          description: >
-            If the payload body of a request contains syntactically correct data
-            (e.g. well-formed JSON) but the data cannot be processed (e.g.
-            because it fails validation against a schema), the API producer
-            shall respond with this response code. The "ProblemDetails"
-            structure shall be provided, and should include in the "detail"
-            attribute more information about the source of the problem.
-            This error response code is only applicable for methods that have a
-            request body.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '500':
-          description: >
-            500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR
-            If there is an application error not related to the client's input
-            that cannot be easily mapped to any other HTTP response code ("catch
-            all error"), the API producer shall respond with this response code.
-            The "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided, and shall include
-            in the "detail" attribute more information about the source of the
-            problem.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '503':
-          description: >
-            503 SERVICE UNAVAILABLE
-            If the API producer encounters an internal overload situation of
-            itself or of a system it relies on, it should respond with this
-            response code, following the provisions in IETF RFC 7231 for the use
-            of the "Retry-After" HTTP header and for the alternative to refuse
-            the connection. The "ProblemDetails" structure may be omitted.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '504':
-          description: >
-            504 GATEWAY TIMEOUT
-            If the API producer encounters a timeout while waiting for a
-            response from an upstream server (i.e. a server that the API
-            producer communicates with when fulfilling a request), it should
-            respond with this response code.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-    delete:
-      description: |
-        This method terminates an individual subscription.
-      parameters:
-        - name: Version
-          description: |
-            Version of the API requested to use when responding to this request.
-          in: header
-          required: true
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        - name: Accept
-          description: >
-            Content-Types that are acceptable for the response. Reference: IETF
-            RFC 7231.
-          in: header
-          required: true
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        - name: Authorization
-          description: |
-            The authorization token for the request. Reference: IETF RFC 7235.
-          in: header
-          required: false
-          schema:
-            type: string
-      responses:
-        '204':
-          description: >
-            204 NO CONTENT
-            Shall be returned when the "Individual subscription" resource has 
-            been deleted successfully.
-            The response body shall be empty.
-          headers:
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-        '400':
-          description: >
-            400 BAD REQUEST
-            400 code can be returned in the following specified cases, the
-            specific cause has to be proper specified in the "ProblemDetails"
-            structure to be returned.
-            If the request is malformed or syntactically incorrect (e.g. if the
-            request URI contains incorrect query parameters or the payload body
-            contains a syntactically incorrect data structure), the API producer
-            shall respond with this response code. The "ProblemDetails"
-            structure shall be provided, and should include in the "detail"
-            attribute more information about the source of the problem.
-            If the response to a GET request which queries a container resource
-            would be so big that the performance of the API producer is
-            adversely affected, and the API producer does not support paging for
-            the affected resource, it shall respond with this response code. The
-            "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided, and should include in
-            the "detail" attribute more information about the source of the
-            problem.
-            If there is an application error related to the client's input that
-            cannot be easily mapped to any other HTTP response code ("catch all
-            error"), the API producer shall respond with this response code. The
-            "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided, and shall include in
-            the "detail" attribute more information about the source of the
-            problem.
-            If the request contains a malformed access token, the API producer
-            should respond with this response. The details of the error shall be
-            returned in the WWW Authenticate HTTP header, as defined in IETF RFC
-            6750 and IETF RFC 7235. The ProblemDetails structure may be
-            provided.
-            The use of this HTTP error response code described above is
-            applicable to the use of the OAuth 2.0 for the authorization of API
-            requests and notifications, as defined in clauses and
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '401':
-          description: >
-            401 UNAUTHORIZED
-            If the request contains no access token even though one is required,
-            or if the request contains an authorization token that is invalid
-            (e.g. expired or revoked), the API producer should respond with this
-            response. The details of the error shall be returned in the
-            WWW-Authenticate HTTP header, as defined in IETF RFC 6750 and IETF
-            RFC 7235. The ProblemDetails structure may be provided.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '403':
-          description: >
-            403 FORBIDDEN
-            If the API consumer is not allowed to perform a particular request
-            to a particular resource, the API producer shall respond with this
-            response code. The "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided. It
-            should include in the "detail" attribute information about the
-            source of the problem, and may indicate how to solve it.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '404':
-          description: >
-            404 NOT FOUND
-            If the API producer did not find a current representation for the
-            resource addressed by the URI passed in the request or is not
-            willing to disclose that one exists, it shall respond with this
-            response code. The "ProblemDetails" structure may be provided,
-            including in the "detail" attribute information about the source of
-            the problem, e.g. a wrong resource URI variable.
-            This response code is not appropriate in case the resource addressed
-            by the URI is a container resource which is designed to contain
-            child resources, but does not contain any child resource at the time
-            the request is received. For a GET request to an existing empty
-            container resource, a typical response contains a 200 OK response
-            code and a payload body with an empty array.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '405':
-          description: >
-            405 METHOD NOT ALLOWED
-            If a particular HTTP method is not supported for a particular
-            resource, the API producer shall respond with this response code.
-            The "ProblemDetails" structure may be omitted.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '406':
-          description: >
-            406 NOT ACCEPTABLE
-            If the "Accept" HTTP header does not contain at least one name of a
-            content type that is acceptable to the API producer, the API
-            producer shall respond with this response code. The "ProblemDetails"
-            structure may be omitted.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '422':
-          description: >
-            If the payload body of a request contains syntactically correct data
-            (e.g. well-formed JSON) but the data cannot be processed (e.g.
-            because it fails validation against a schema), the API producer
-            shall respond with this response code. The "ProblemDetails"
-            structure shall be provided, and should include in the "detail"
-            attribute more information about the source of the problem.
-            This error response code is only applicable for methods that have a
-            request body.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '500':
-          description: >
-            500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR
-            If there is an application error not related to the client's input
-            that cannot be easily mapped to any other HTTP response code ("catch
-            all error"), the API producer shall respond with this response code.
-            The "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided, and shall include
-            in the "detail" attribute more information about the source of the
-            problem.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '503':
-          description: >
-            503 SERVICE UNAVAILABLE
-            If the API producer encounters an internal overload situation of
-            itself or of a system it relies on, it should respond with this
-            response code, following the provisions in IETF RFC 7231 for the use
-            of the "Retry-After" HTTP header and for the alternative to refuse
-            the connection. The "ProblemDetails" structure may be omitted.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-        '504':
-          description: >
-            504 GATEWAY TIMEOUT
-            If the API producer encounters a timeout while waiting for a
-            response from an upstream server (i.e. a server that the API
-            producer communicates with when fulfilling a request), it should
-            respond with this response code.
-          headers:
-            Content-Type:
-              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-            WWW-Authenticate:
-              description: >
-                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
-                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 0
-            Version:
-              description: |
-                Version of the API used in the response.
-              schema:
-                type: string
-                maximum: 1
-                minimum: 1
-          content:
-            application/json:
-              schema:
-                description: >
-                  The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure
-                  from IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure.
-                  Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807
-                  [19], the "status" and "detail" attributes are mandated to be
-                  included by the present document, to ensure that the response
-                  contains additional textual information about an error. IETF
-                  RFC 7807 [19] foresees extensibility of the "ProblemDetails"
-                  type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
-                  document, or particular implementations, define extensions to
-                  define additional attributes that provide more information
-                  about the error. The description column only provides some
-                  explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the
-                  design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807 [19].
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - status
-                  - detail
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that
-                      identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI
-                      provides human-readable documentation for the problem
-                      (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is
-                      not present, its value is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-                  title:
-                    description: >
-                      A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It
-                      should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the
-                      problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is
-                      given and other than "about:blank", this attribute shall
-                      also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the
-                      problem type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to
-                      occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of
-                      localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation;
-                      see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                    type: string
-                  status:
-                    description: >
-                      The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
-                      The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by
-                      the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                    type: integer
-                  detail:
-                    description: >
-                      A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence
-                      of the problem.
-                    type: string
-                  instance:
-                    description: >
-                      A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of
-                      the problem. It may yield further information if
-                      dereferenced.
-                    type: string
-                    format: URI
-  schemas:
-    PmSubscriptionRequest:
-      description: |
-        This type represents a subscription request. 
-      type: object
-      properties:
-        filter:
-          description: >
-            This type represents a filter that can be used to subscribe for
-            notifications  related to performance management events.  At a
-            particular nesting level in the filter structure, the following
-            applies:  All attributes shall match in order for the filter to
-            match (logical "and" between  different filter attributes). If an
-            attribute is an array, the attribute shall  match if at least one of
-            the values in the array matches (logical "or" between the  values of
-            one filter attribute).
-          type: object
-          properties:
-            pmSubscriptionFilter:
-              description: >
-                This type represents subscription filter criteria to match
-                NFV-MANO functional  entities and their associated managed
-                objects. 
-              type: object
-              properties:
-                manoEntityId:
-                  description: |
-                    An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
-                  type: string
-                manoServiceIds:
-                  description: "manoServiceIds\tIdentifierInManoEntity\t0..N\tIf present, match NFV-MANO  services with an instance identifier listed in this attribute.\nThe attributes \"manoServiceIds\" and \"manoServiceNames\" are alternatives  to reference to NFV-MANO services in a filter. They should not be used  together in the same filter instance, but one alternative should be chosen.\n"
-                  type: array
-                  items:
-                    description: >
-                      An identifier that is unique for the respective type
-                      within a NFV-MANO functional entity, but that need not be
-                      globally unique. Representation: string of variable
-                      length..
-                    type: string
-                manoServiceNames:
-                  description: >
-                    If present, match NFV-MANO services with an NFV-MANO service
-                    name listed  in this attribute.
-                    The attributes "manoServiceIds" and "manoServiceNames" are
-                    alternatives  to reference to NFV-MANO services in a filter.
-                    They should not be used  together in the same filter
-                    instance, but one alternative should be chosen.
-                  type: array
-                  items:
-                    type: string
-                manoServiceInterfaceIds:
-                  description: >
-                    If present, match NFV-MANO functional entity produced
-                    interfaces with an  instance identifier listed in this
-                    attribute.
-                    The attributes "manoServiceInterfaceIds" and
-                    "manoServiceInterfaceNames"  are alternatives to reference
-                    to NFV-MANO functional entity produced  interfaces in a
-                    filter. They should not be used both in the same filter 
-                    instance, but one alternative should be chosen.
-                  type: array
-                  items:
-                    description: >
-                      An identifier that is unique for the respective type
-                      within a NFV-MANO functional entity, but that need not be
-                      globally unique. Representation: string of variable
-                      length..
-                    type: string
-                manoServiceInterfaceNames:
-                  description: >
-                    If present, match NFV-MANO functional entity produced
-                    interfaces with an  instance Name listed in this attribute.
-                    The attributes "manoServiceInterfaceIds" and
-                    "manoServiceInterfaceNames"  are alternatives to reference
-                    to NFV-MANO functional entity produced  interfaces in a
-                    filter. They should not be used both in the same filter 
-                    instance, but one alternative should be chosen.
-                  type: array
-                  items:
-                    type: string
-                consumedManoInterfaceIds:
-                  description: >
-                    If present, match NFV-MANO functional entity consumed
-                    interfaces with an  instance identifier listed in this
-                    attribute.
-                    The attributes "consumedManoInterfaceIds" and
-                    "consumedManoInterfaceNames"  are alternatives to reference
-                    to NFV-MANO functional entity consumed  interfaces in a
-                    filter. They should not be used both in the same filter 
-                    instance, but one alternative should be chosen.
-                  type: array
-                  items:
-                    description: |
-                      An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
-                    type: string
-                consumedManoInterfaceNames:
-                  description: >
-                    If present, match NFV-MANO functional entity consumed
-                    interfaces with an  instance Name listed in this attribute.
-                    The attributes "consumedManoInterfaceIds" and
-                    "consumedManoInterfaceNames"  are alternatives to reference
-                    to NFV-MANO functional entity consumed  interfaces in a
-                    filter. They should not be used both in the same filter 
-                    instance, but one alternative should be chosen.
-                  type: array
-                  items:
-                    type: string
-            notificationTypes:
-              description: >
-                Match particular notification types.  Permitted values:
-                  - ThresholdCrossedNotification
-                  - PerformanceInformationAvailableNotification
-                The permitted values of the "notificationTypes" attribute are
-                spelled exactly  as the names of the notification types to
-                facilitate automated code generation  systems.
-              type: string
-              enum:
-                - ThresholdCrossedNotification
-                - PerformanceInformationAvailableNotification
-        callbackUri:
-          description: |
-            String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.
-          type: string
-        authentication:
-          type: object
-          required:
-            - authType
-          properties:
-            authType:
-              description: >
-                Defines the types of Authentication / Authorization which the
-                API consumer is willing to accept when receiving a notification.
-                Permitted values: * BASIC: In every HTTP request to the
-                notification endpoint, use
-                  HTTP Basic authentication with the client credentials.
-                * OAUTH2_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS: In every HTTP request to the
-                  notification endpoint, use an OAuth 2.0 Bearer token, obtained
-                  using the client credentials grant type.
-                * TLS_CERT: Every HTTP request to the notification endpoint is
-                sent
-                  over a mutually authenticated TLS session, i.e. not only the
-                  server is authenticated, but also the client is authenticated
-                  during the TLS tunnel setup.
-              type: array
-              items:
-                type: string
-                enum:
-                  - BASIC
-                  - OAUTH2_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS
-                  - TLS_CERT
-            paramsBasic:
-              description: >
-                Parameters for authentication/authorization using BASIC. Shall
-                be present if authType is "BASIC" and the contained information
-                has not been provisioned out of band. Shall be absent otherwise.
-              type: object
-              properties:
-                userName:
-                  description: >
-                    Username to be used in HTTP Basic authentication. Shall be
-                    present if it has not been provisioned out of band.
-                  type: string
-                password:
-                  description: >
-                    Password to be used in HTTP Basic authentication. Shall be
-                    present if it has not been provisioned out of band.
-                  type: string
-            paramsOauth2ClientCredentials:
-              description: >
-                Parameters for authentication/authorization using
-                OAUTH2_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS. Shall be present if authType is
-                "OAUTH2_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS" and the contained information has
-                not been provisioned out of band. Shall be absent otherwise.
-              type: object
-              properties:
-                clientId:
-                  description: >
-                    Client identifier to be used in the access token request of
-                    the OAuth 2.0 client credentials grant type. Shall be
-                    present if it has not been provisioned out of band. The
-                    clientId and clientPassword passed in a subscription shall
-                    not be the same as the clientId and clientPassword that are
-                    used to obtain authorization for API requests. Client
-                    credentials may differ between subscriptions. The value of
-                    clientPassword should be generated by a random process.
-                  type: string
-                clientPassword:
-                  description: >
-                    Client password to be used in the access token request of
-                    the OAuth 2.0 client credentials grant type. Shall be
-                    present if it has not been provisioned out of band. The
-                    clientId and clientPassword passed in a subscription shall
-                    not be the same as the clientId and clientPassword that are
-                    used to obtain authorization for API requests. Client
-                    credentials may differ between subscriptions. The value of
-                    clientPassword should be generated by a random process.
-                  type: string
-                tokenEndpoint:
-                  description: |
-                    String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.
-                  type: string
-      required:
-        - callbackUri
-    PmSubscription:
-      description: |
-        This type represents a subscription. 
-      type: object
-      properties:
-        id:
-          description: |
-            An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
-          type: string
-        filter:
-          description: >
-            This type represents a filter that can be used to subscribe for
-            notifications  related to performance management events.  At a
-            particular nesting level in the filter structure, the following
-            applies:  All attributes shall match in order for the filter to
-            match (logical "and" between  different filter attributes). If an
-            attribute is an array, the attribute shall  match if at least one of
-            the values in the array matches (logical "or" between the  values of
-            one filter attribute).
-          type: object
-          properties:
-            pmSubscriptionFilter:
-              description: >
-                This type represents subscription filter criteria to match
-                NFV-MANO functional  entities and their associated managed
-                objects. 
-              type: object
-              properties:
-                manoEntityId:
-                  description: |
-                    An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
-                  type: string
-                manoServiceIds:
-                  description: "manoServiceIds\tIdentifierInManoEntity\t0..N\tIf present, match NFV-MANO  services with an instance identifier listed in this attribute.\nThe attributes \"manoServiceIds\" and \"manoServiceNames\" are alternatives  to reference to NFV-MANO services in a filter. They should not be used  together in the same filter instance, but one alternative should be chosen.\n"
-                  type: array
-                  items:
-                    description: >
-                      An identifier that is unique for the respective type
-                      within a NFV-MANO functional entity, but that need not be
-                      globally unique. Representation: string of variable
-                      length..
-                    type: string
-                manoServiceNames:
-                  description: >
-                    If present, match NFV-MANO services with an NFV-MANO service
-                    name listed  in this attribute.
-                    The attributes "manoServiceIds" and "manoServiceNames" are
-                    alternatives  to reference to NFV-MANO services in a filter.
-                    They should not be used  together in the same filter
-                    instance, but one alternative should be chosen.
-                  type: array
-                  items:
-                    type: string
-                manoServiceInterfaceIds:
-                  description: >
-                    If present, match NFV-MANO functional entity produced
-                    interfaces with an  instance identifier listed in this
-                    attribute.
-                    The attributes "manoServiceInterfaceIds" and
-                    "manoServiceInterfaceNames"  are alternatives to reference
-                    to NFV-MANO functional entity produced  interfaces in a
-                    filter. They should not be used both in the same filter 
-                    instance, but one alternative should be chosen.
-                  type: array
-                  items:
-                    description: >
-                      An identifier that is unique for the respective type
-                      within a NFV-MANO functional entity, but that need not be
-                      globally unique. Representation: string of variable
-                      length..
-                    type: string
-                manoServiceInterfaceNames:
-                  description: >
-                    If present, match NFV-MANO functional entity produced
-                    interfaces with an  instance Name listed in this attribute.
-                    The attributes "manoServiceInterfaceIds" and
-                    "manoServiceInterfaceNames"  are alternatives to reference
-                    to NFV-MANO functional entity produced  interfaces in a
-                    filter. They should not be used both in the same filter 
-                    instance, but one alternative should be chosen.
-                  type: array
-                  items:
-                    type: string
-                consumedManoInterfaceIds:
-                  description: >
-                    If present, match NFV-MANO functional entity consumed
-                    interfaces with an  instance identifier listed in this
-                    attribute.
-                    The attributes "consumedManoInterfaceIds" and
-                    "consumedManoInterfaceNames"  are alternatives to reference
-                    to NFV-MANO functional entity consumed  interfaces in a
-                    filter. They should not be used both in the same filter 
-                    instance, but one alternative should be chosen.
-                  type: array
-                  items:
-                    description: |
-                      An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
-                    type: string
-                consumedManoInterfaceNames:
-                  description: >
-                    If present, match NFV-MANO functional entity consumed
-                    interfaces with an  instance Name listed in this attribute.
-                    The attributes "consumedManoInterfaceIds" and
-                    "consumedManoInterfaceNames"  are alternatives to reference
-                    to NFV-MANO functional entity consumed  interfaces in a
-                    filter. They should not be used both in the same filter 
-                    instance, but one alternative should be chosen.
-                  type: array
-                  items:
-                    type: string
-            notificationTypes:
-              description: >
-                Match particular notification types.  Permitted values:
-                  - ThresholdCrossedNotification
-                  - PerformanceInformationAvailableNotification
-                The permitted values of the "notificationTypes" attribute are
-                spelled exactly  as the names of the notification types to
-                facilitate automated code generation  systems.
-              type: string
-              enum:
-                - ThresholdCrossedNotification
-                - PerformanceInformationAvailableNotification
-        callbackUri:
-          description: |
-            The URI of the endpoint to send the notification to.
-          type: object
-          properties:
-            links:
-              description: |
-                String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.
-              type: string
-            self:
-              description: |
-                This type represents a link to a resource using an absolute URI.
-              type: object
-              required:
-                - href
-              properties:
-                href:
-                  description: |
-                    String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.
-                  type: string
-          required:
-            - links
-            - self
-      required:
-        - id
-        - callbackUri
-    CreatePmJobRequest:
-      description: |
-        This type represents a request to create a PM job. 
-      type: object
-      properties:
-        objectType:
-          description: >
-            Type of measured object. The applicable measured object type for a
-            measurement  is defined in clause 8.2 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031.
-          type: string
-        objectInstanceIds:
-          description: >
-            Identifiers of the measured object instance for which performance
-            information  is requested to be collected. This attribute shall
-            contain the identifier of  the instance of the measure object
-            according to their type. See also definitions in clause 8.2 of ETSI
-            GS NFV-IFA 031. If more than one identifier is provided, values
-            shall all refer to measured  object instances of the same type, for
-            which the same criteria is then applicable.
-          type: array
-          items:
-            description: |
-              An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
-            type: string
-          minItems: 1
-        subObjectInstanceIds:
-          description: >
-            Identifiers of the sub-object instances of the measured object
-            instance for  which performance information is requested to be
-            collected.  May be present if a sub-object is defined in clause 8.2
-            of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031 for the related measured object type. If this
-            attribute is present, the cardinality of the "objectInstanceIds" 
-            attribute shall be 1. If this attribute is absent and a sub-object
-            is defined in clause 8.2 of  ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031 for the related
-            measured object type, measurements will  be taken for all sub-object
-            instances of the measured object instance.
-          type: array
-          items:
-            description: >
-              An identifier that is unique for the respective type within a
-              NFV-MANO functional entity, but that need not be globally unique.
-              Representation: string of variable length..
-            type: string
-        criteria:
-          description: |
-            This type represents collection criteria for PM jobs.
-          type: object
-          properties:
-            performanceMetric:
-              description: >
-                This defines the types of performance metrics for the specified
-                measured  object(s). This attribute’s value shall contain the
-                related "Measurement Name"  values as defined in clause 8.4 of
-                ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031.  At least one of the two attributes
-                (performance metric or group) shall be present.
-              type: array
-              items:
-                type: string
-            performanceMetricGroup:
-              description: >
-                Group of performance metrics. A metric group is a pre-defined
-                list of metrics, known to the producer that it  can decompose to
-                individual metrics. This attribute’s value shall contain the 
-                related "Measurement Group" values as defined in clause 8.4 of
-                ETSI GS  NFV-IFA 031. At least one of the two attributes
-                (performance metric or group) shall be present.
-              type: array
-              items:
-                type: string
-            collectionPeriod:
-              description: >
-                Specifies the periodicity at which the producer will collect
-                performance  information. The unit shall be seconds. 
-                At the end of each reportingPeriod, the producer will inform the
-                API consumer  about availability of the performance data
-                collected for each completed  collection period during this
-                reportingPeriod. The reportingPeriod should  be equal to or a
-                multiple of the collectionPeriod. In the latter case, the 
-                performance data for the collection periods within one reporting
-                period  are reported together. 
-                In particular when choosing short collection and reporting
-                periods, the  number of PM jobs that can be supported depends on
-                the capability of the  producing entity.
-              type: integer
-            reportingPeriod:
-              description: >
-                Specifies the periodicity at which the producer will report to
-                the API consumer  about performance information. The unit shall
-                be seconds.
-                At the end of each reportingPeriod, the producer will inform the
-                API consumer  about availability of the performance data
-                collected for each completed  collection period during this
-                reportingPeriod. The reportingPeriod should  be equal to or a
-                multiple of the collectionPeriod. In the latter case, the 
-                performance data for the collection periods within one reporting
-                period  are reported together. 
-                In particular when choosing short collection and reporting
-                periods, the  number of PM jobs that can be supported depends on
-                the capability of the  producing entity.
-              type: integer
-            reportingBoundary:
-              description: >
-                Date-time stamp. Representation: String formatted according to
-                IETF RFC 3339.
-              type: string
-              format: date-time
-          required:
-            - collectionPeriod
-            - reportingPeriod
-      required:
-        - objectType
-        - objectInstanceIds
-        - criteria
-    PmJob:
-      description: |
-        This type represents a PM job. 
-      type: object
-      properties:
-        id:
-          description: |
-            An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
-          type: string
-        objectType:
-          description: >
-            Type of measured object. The applicable measured object type for a
-            measurement is  defined in clause 8.2 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031.
-          type: string
-        objectInstanceIds:
-          description: >
-            Identifiers of the measured object instance for which performance
-            information  is collected. This attribute shall contain the
-            identifier of the instance of  the measure object according to their
-            type. See also definitions in clause 8.2 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031.
-          type: array
-          items:
-            description: |
-              An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
-            type: string
-          minItems: 1
-        subObjectInstanceIds:
-          description: >
-            Identifiers of the sub-object instances of the measured object
-            instance for  which performance information is requested to be
-            collected.  May be present if a sub-object is defined in clause 8.2
-            of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031 for the related measured object type. If this
-            attribute is present, the cardinality of the "objectInstanceIds" 
-            attribute shall be 1. If this attribute is absent and a sub-object
-            is defined in clause 8.2 of  ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031 for the related
-            measured object type, measurements will  be taken for all sub-object
-            instances of the measured object instance.
-          type: array
-          items:
-            description: >
-              An identifier that is unique for the respective type within a
-              NFV-MANO functional entity, but that need not be globally unique.
-              Representation: string of variable length..
-            type: string
-        criteria:
-          description: |
-            This type represents collection criteria for PM jobs.
-          type: object
-          properties:
-            performanceMetric:
-              description: >
-                This defines the types of performance metrics for the specified
-                measured  object(s). This attribute’s value shall contain the
-                related "Measurement Name"  values as defined in clause 8.4 of
-                ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031.  At least one of the two attributes
-                (performance metric or group) shall be present.
-              type: array
-              items:
-                type: string
-            performanceMetricGroup:
-              description: >
-                Group of performance metrics. A metric group is a pre-defined
-                list of metrics, known to the producer that it  can decompose to
-                individual metrics. This attribute’s value shall contain the 
-                related "Measurement Group" values as defined in clause 8.4 of
-                ETSI GS  NFV-IFA 031. At least one of the two attributes
-                (performance metric or group) shall be present.
-              type: array
-              items:
-                type: string
-            collectionPeriod:
-              description: >
-                Specifies the periodicity at which the producer will collect
-                performance  information. The unit shall be seconds. 
-                At the end of each reportingPeriod, the producer will inform the
-                API consumer  about availability of the performance data
-                collected for each completed  collection period during this
-                reportingPeriod. The reportingPeriod should  be equal to or a
-                multiple of the collectionPeriod. In the latter case, the 
-                performance data for the collection periods within one reporting
-                period  are reported together. 
-                In particular when choosing short collection and reporting
-                periods, the  number of PM jobs that can be supported depends on
-                the capability of the  producing entity.
-              type: integer
-            reportingPeriod:
-              description: >
-                Specifies the periodicity at which the producer will report to
-                the API consumer  about performance information. The unit shall
-                be seconds.
-                At the end of each reportingPeriod, the producer will inform the
-                API consumer  about availability of the performance data
-                collected for each completed  collection period during this
-                reportingPeriod. The reportingPeriod should  be equal to or a
-                multiple of the collectionPeriod. In the latter case, the 
-                performance data for the collection periods within one reporting
-                period  are reported together. 
-                In particular when choosing short collection and reporting
-                periods, the  number of PM jobs that can be supported depends on
-                the capability of the  producing entity.
-              type: integer
-            reportingBoundary:
-              description: >
-                Date-time stamp. Representation: String formatted according to
-                IETF RFC 3339.
-              type: string
-              format: date-time
-          required:
-            - collectionPeriod
-            - reportingPeriod
-        reports:
-          description: |
-            Information about available reports collected by this PM job.
-          type: array
-          items:
-            type: object
-            properties:
-              href:
-                description: |
-                  String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.
-                type: string
-              readyTime:
-                description: >
-                  Date-time stamp. Representation: String formatted according to
-                  IETF RFC 3339.
-                type: string
-                format: date-time
-              expiryTime:
-                description: >
-                  Date-time stamp. Representation: String formatted according to
-                  IETF RFC 3339.
-                type: string
-                format: date-time
-              fileSize:
-                description: |
-                  Unsigned integer
-                type: number
-            required:
-              - href
-              - readyTime
-        _links:
-          description: |
-            Links for this resource.
-          type: object
-          properties:
-            self:
-              description: |
-                This type represents a link to a resource using an absolute URI.
-              type: object
-              required:
-                - href
-              properties:
-                href:
-                  description: |
-                    String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.
-                  type: string
-            objects:
-              description: >
-                Links to resources representing the measured object instances
-                for which  performance information is collected. Shall be
-                present if the measured  object instance information is
-                accessible as a resource.
-              type: array
-              items:
-                description: >
-                  This type represents a link to a resource using an absolute
-                  URI.
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - href
-                properties:
-                  href:
-                    description: |
-                      String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.
-                    type: string
-          required:
-            - self
-      required:
-        - id
-        - objectType
-        - objectInstanceIds
-        - criteria
-        - _links
-    CreateThresholdRequest:
-      description: |
-        This type represents a request to create a threshold. 
-      type: object
-      properties:
-        objectType:
-          description: >
-            Type of measured object. The applicable measured object type for a
-            measurement  is defined in clause 8.2 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031.
-          type: string
-        objectInstanceId:
-          description: |
-            An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
-          type: string
-        subjObjectInstanceIds:
-          description: >
-            Identifiers of the sub-object instances of the measured object
-            instance  associated with this threshold.  May be present if a
-            sub-object is defined in clause 8.2 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031 for the
-            related measured object type. If this attribute is absent and a
-            sub-object is defined in clause 8.2 of ETSI  GS NFV-IFA 031 for the
-            related measured object type, thresholds will be set  for all
-            sub-object instances of the measured object instance.
-          type: array
-          items:
-            description: >
-              An identifier that is unique for the respective type within a
-              NFV-MANO functional entity, but that need not be globally unique.
-              Representation: string of variable length..
-            type: string
-        criteria:
-          description: |
-            This type represents criteria that define a threshold.
-          type: object
-          properties:
-            performanceMetric:
-              description: >
-                Defines the performance metric associated with the threshold. 
-                This attribute’s value shall contain the related "Measurement
-                Name" values  as defined in clause 8.4 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031 
-              type: string
-            thresholdType:
-              description: >
-                Type of threshold. This attribute determines which other
-                attributes are  present in the data structure. Permitted values:
-                  - SIMPLE: Single-valued static threshold
-                In the present document, simple thresholds are defined. The
-                definition  of additional threshold types is left for future
-                specification.
-              type: string
-              enum:
-                - SIMPLE
-            simpleThresholdDetails:
-              description: >
-                Details of a simple threshold. Shall be present if
-                thresholdType="SIMPLE".
-              type: object
-              properties:
-                thresholdValue:
-                  description: |
-                    A number defined in IETF RFC 8259.
-                  type: number
-                hysteresis:
-                  description: |
-                    A number defined in IETF RFC 8259.
-                  type: number
-              required:
-                - thresholdValue
-                - hysteresis
-          required:
-            - performanceMetric
-            - thresholdType
-      required:
-        - objectType
-        - objectInstanceId
-        - criteria
-    Threshold:
-      description: ''
-      type: object
-      properties:
-        id:
-          description: |
-            An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
-          type: string
-        objectType:
-          description: >-
-            Type of measured object. The applicable measured object type for a
-            measurement is defined in clause 8.2 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031.
-          type: string
-        objectInstanceId:
-          description: |
-            An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
-          type: string
-        subjObjectInstanceIds:
-          description: >
-            Identifiers of the sub-object instances of the measured object
-            instance  associated with this threshold.  May be present if a
-            sub-object is defined in clause 8.2 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031 for the
-            related measured object type. If this attribute is absent and a
-            sub-object is defined in clause 8.2 of ETSI  GS NFV-IFA 031 for the
-            related measured object type, thresholds are set for  all sub-object
-            instances of the measured object instance.
-          type: array
-          items:
-            description: >
-              An identifier that is unique for the respective type within a
-              NFV-MANO functional entity, but that need not be globally unique.
-              Representation: string of variable length..
-            type: string
-        criteria:
-          description: |
-            This type represents criteria that define a threshold.
-          type: object
-          properties:
-            performanceMetric:
-              description: >
-                Defines the performance metric associated with the threshold. 
-                This attribute’s value shall contain the related "Measurement
-                Name" values  as defined in clause 8.4 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031 
-              type: string
-            thresholdType:
-              description: >
-                Type of threshold. This attribute determines which other
-                attributes are  present in the data structure. Permitted values:
-                  - SIMPLE: Single-valued static threshold
-                In the present document, simple thresholds are defined. The
-                definition  of additional threshold types is left for future
-                specification.
-              type: string
-              enum:
-                - SIMPLE
-            simpleThresholdDetails:
-              description: >
-                Details of a simple threshold. Shall be present if
-                thresholdType="SIMPLE".
-              type: object
-              properties:
-                thresholdValue:
-                  description: |
-                    A number defined in IETF RFC 8259.
-                  type: number
-                hysteresis:
-                  description: |
-                    A number defined in IETF RFC 8259.
-                  type: number
-              required:
-                - thresholdValue
-                - hysteresis
-          required:
-            - performanceMetric
-            - thresholdType
-        _links:
-          description: |
-            Links for this resource.
-          type: object
-          properties:
-            self:
-              description: |
-                This type represents a link to a resource using an absolute URI.
-              type: object
-              required:
-                - href
-              properties:
-                href:
-                  description: |
-                    String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.
-                  type: string
-            object:
-              description: |
-                This type represents a link to a resource using an absolute URI.
-              type: object
-              required:
-                - href
-              properties:
-                href:
-                  description: |
-                    String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.
-                  type: string
-          required:
-            - self
-      required:
-        - id
-        - objectType
-        - objectInstanceId
-        - subjObjectInstanceIds
-        - criteria
-        - _links
-    PerformanceReport:
-      description: >
-        This type defines the format of a performance report provided by the
-        NFV-MANO functional  entity to the API consumer as a result of
-        collecting performance information as part  of a PM job. 
-      type: object
-      properties:
-        entries:
-          description: >
-            List of performance information entries. Each performance report
-            entry is for a given  metric of a given object (i.e. measured object
-            instance) corresponding to the related  measured object types, but
-            can include multiple collected values.
-          type: array
-          items:
-            type: object
-            properties:
-              objectType:
-                description: >
-                  Type of measured object. The applicable measured object type
-                  for a measurement is  defined in clause 8.2 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA
-                  031.
-                type: string
-              objectInstanceId:
-                description: >
-                  This type represents the identifier to reference a managed
-                  object of a  particular type. 
-                type: object
-                properties:
-                  type:
-                    description: >
-                      Indicates the type of managed object. Permitted values:
-                        - MANO_ENTITY
-                        - MANO_SERVICE
-                        - MANO_SERVICE_IF
-                        - CONSUMED_MANO_IF
-                        - MANO_ENTITY_COMPONENT
-                      The "MANO_ENTITY COMPONENT" is only applicable if
-                      attribute "manoEntityComponents" in "ManoEntity" is
-                      supported by the API producer.
-                    type: string
-                    enum:
-                      - MANO_ENTITY
-                      - MANO_SERVICE
-                      - MANO_SERVICE_IF
-                      - CONSUMED_MANO_IF
-                      - MANO_ENTITY_COMPONENT
-                  objectId:
-                    description: |
-                      An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
-                    type: string
-                  subObjectId:
-                    description: >
-                      An identifier that is unique for the respective type
-                      within a NFV-MANO functional entity, but that need not be
-                      globally unique. Representation: string of variable
-                      length..
-                    type: string
-                required:
-                  - type
-                  - objectId
-              subObjectInstanceId:
-                description: >
-                  An identifier that is unique for the respective type within a
-                  NFV-MANO functional entity, but that need not be globally
-                  unique. Representation: string of variable length..
-                type: string
-              performanceMetric:
-                description: >
-                  Name of the metric collected. This attribute shall contain the
-                  related  "Measurement Name" value as defined in clause 8.4 of
-                  ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031.
-                type: string
-              performanceValues:
-                description: |
-                  List of performance values with associated timestamp.
-                type: array
-                items:
-                  type: object
-                  properties:
-                    timeStamp:
-                      description: >
-                        Date-time stamp. Representation: String formatted
-                        according to IETF RFC 3339.
-                      type: string
-                      format: date-time
-                    value:
-                      description: >
-                        Value of the metric collected. The type of this
-                        attribute shall correspond to  the related "Measurement
-                        Unit" as defined in clause 8.4 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031.
-                    context:
-                      description: >
-                        This type represents a list of key-value pairs. The
-                        order of the pairs in the list is not significant. In
-                        JSON, a set of keyvalue pairs is represented as an
-                        object. It shall comply with the provisions defined in
-                        clause 4 of IETF RFC 8259. In the following example, a
-                        list of key-value pairs with four keys ("aString",
-                        "aNumber", "anArray" and "anObject") is provided to
-                        illustrate that the values associated with different
-                        keys can be of different type.
-                      type: object
-                  required:
-                    - timeStamp
-                    - value
-                minItems: 1
-            required:
-              - objectType
-              - objectInstanceId
-              - performanceMetric
-              - performanceValues
-          minItems: 1
-      required:
-        - entries
-    PmNotificationsFilter:
-      description: >
-        This type represents a filter that can be used to subscribe for
-        notifications  related to performance management events.  At a
-        particular nesting level in the filter structure, the following
-        applies:  All attributes shall match in order for the filter to match
-        (logical "and" between  different filter attributes). If an attribute is
-        an array, the attribute shall  match if at least one of the values in
-        the array matches (logical "or" between the  values of one filter
-        attribute).
-      type: object
-      properties:
-        pmSubscriptionFilter:
-          description: >
-            This type represents subscription filter criteria to match NFV-MANO
-            functional  entities and their associated managed objects. 
-          type: object
-          properties:
-            manoEntityId:
-              description: |
-                An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
-              type: string
-            manoServiceIds:
-              description: "manoServiceIds\tIdentifierInManoEntity\t0..N\tIf present, match NFV-MANO  services with an instance identifier listed in this attribute.\nThe attributes \"manoServiceIds\" and \"manoServiceNames\" are alternatives  to reference to NFV-MANO services in a filter. They should not be used  together in the same filter instance, but one alternative should be chosen.\n"
-              type: array
-              items:
-                description: >
-                  An identifier that is unique for the respective type within a
-                  NFV-MANO functional entity, but that need not be globally
-                  unique. Representation: string of variable length..
-                type: string
-            manoServiceNames:
-              description: >
-                If present, match NFV-MANO services with an NFV-MANO service
-                name listed  in this attribute.
-                The attributes "manoServiceIds" and "manoServiceNames" are
-                alternatives  to reference to NFV-MANO services in a filter.
-                They should not be used  together in the same filter instance,
-                but one alternative should be chosen.
-              type: array
-              items:
-                type: string
-            manoServiceInterfaceIds:
-              description: >
-                If present, match NFV-MANO functional entity produced interfaces
-                with an  instance identifier listed in this attribute.
-                The attributes "manoServiceInterfaceIds" and
-                "manoServiceInterfaceNames"  are alternatives to reference to
-                NFV-MANO functional entity produced  interfaces in a filter.
-                They should not be used both in the same filter  instance, but
-                one alternative should be chosen.
-              type: array
-              items:
-                description: >
-                  An identifier that is unique for the respective type within a
-                  NFV-MANO functional entity, but that need not be globally
-                  unique. Representation: string of variable length..
-                type: string
-            manoServiceInterfaceNames:
-              description: >
-                If present, match NFV-MANO functional entity produced interfaces
-                with an  instance Name listed in this attribute.
-                The attributes "manoServiceInterfaceIds" and
-                "manoServiceInterfaceNames"  are alternatives to reference to
-                NFV-MANO functional entity produced  interfaces in a filter.
-                They should not be used both in the same filter  instance, but
-                one alternative should be chosen.
-              type: array
-              items:
-                type: string
-            consumedManoInterfaceIds:
-              description: >
-                If present, match NFV-MANO functional entity consumed interfaces
-                with an  instance identifier listed in this attribute.
-                The attributes "consumedManoInterfaceIds" and
-                "consumedManoInterfaceNames"  are alternatives to reference to
-                NFV-MANO functional entity consumed  interfaces in a filter.
-                They should not be used both in the same filter  instance, but
-                one alternative should be chosen.
-              type: array
-              items:
-                description: |
-                  An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
-                type: string
-            consumedManoInterfaceNames:
-              description: >
-                If present, match NFV-MANO functional entity consumed interfaces
-                with an  instance Name listed in this attribute.
-                The attributes "consumedManoInterfaceIds" and
-                "consumedManoInterfaceNames"  are alternatives to reference to
-                NFV-MANO functional entity consumed  interfaces in a filter.
-                They should not be used both in the same filter  instance, but
-                one alternative should be chosen.
-              type: array
-              items:
-                type: string
-        notificationTypes:
-          description: >
-            Match particular notification types.  Permitted values:
-              - ThresholdCrossedNotification
-              - PerformanceInformationAvailableNotification
-            The permitted values of the "notificationTypes" attribute are
-            spelled exactly  as the names of the notification types to
-            facilitate automated code generation  systems.
-          type: string
-          enum:
-            - ThresholdCrossedNotification
-            - PerformanceInformationAvailableNotification
-    PmJobCriteria:
-      description: |
-        This type represents collection criteria for PM jobs.
-      type: object
-      properties:
-        performanceMetric:
-          description: >
-            This defines the types of performance metrics for the specified
-            measured  object(s). This attribute’s value shall contain the
-            related "Measurement Name"  values as defined in clause 8.4 of ETSI
-            GS NFV-IFA 031.  At least one of the two attributes (performance
-            metric or group) shall be present.
-          type: array
-          items:
-            type: string
-        performanceMetricGroup:
-          description: >
-            Group of performance metrics. A metric group is a pre-defined list
-            of metrics, known to the producer that it  can decompose to
-            individual metrics. This attribute’s value shall contain the 
-            related "Measurement Group" values as defined in clause 8.4 of ETSI
-            GS  NFV-IFA 031. At least one of the two attributes (performance
-            metric or group) shall be present.
-          type: array
-          items:
-            type: string
-        collectionPeriod:
-          description: >
-            Specifies the periodicity at which the producer will collect
-            performance  information. The unit shall be seconds. 
-            At the end of each reportingPeriod, the producer will inform the API
-            consumer  about availability of the performance data collected for
-            each completed  collection period during this reportingPeriod. The
-            reportingPeriod should  be equal to or a multiple of the
-            collectionPeriod. In the latter case, the  performance data for the
-            collection periods within one reporting period  are reported
-            together. 
-            In particular when choosing short collection and reporting periods,
-            the  number of PM jobs that can be supported depends on the
-            capability of the  producing entity.
-          type: integer
-        reportingPeriod:
-          description: >
-            Specifies the periodicity at which the producer will report to the
-            API consumer  about performance information. The unit shall be
-            seconds.
-            At the end of each reportingPeriod, the producer will inform the API
-            consumer  about availability of the performance data collected for
-            each completed  collection period during this reportingPeriod. The
-            reportingPeriod should  be equal to or a multiple of the
-            collectionPeriod. In the latter case, the  performance data for the
-            collection periods within one reporting period  are reported
-            together. 
-            In particular when choosing short collection and reporting periods,
-            the  number of PM jobs that can be supported depends on the
-            capability of the  producing entity.
-          type: integer
-        reportingBoundary:
-          description: >
-            Date-time stamp. Representation: String formatted according to IETF
-            RFC 3339.
-          type: string
-          format: date-time
-      required:
-        - collectionPeriod
-        - reportingPeriod
-    ThresholdCriteria:
-      description: |
-        This type represents criteria that define a threshold.
-      type: object
-      properties:
-        performanceMetric:
-          description: >
-            Defines the performance metric associated with the threshold.  This
-            attribute’s value shall contain the related "Measurement Name"
-            values  as defined in clause 8.4 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031 
-          type: string
-        thresholdType:
-          description: >
-            Type of threshold. This attribute determines which other attributes
-            are  present in the data structure. Permitted values:
-              - SIMPLE: Single-valued static threshold
-            In the present document, simple thresholds are defined. The
-            definition  of additional threshold types is left for future
-            specification.
-          type: string
-          enum:
-            - SIMPLE
-        simpleThresholdDetails:
-          description: >
-            Details of a simple threshold. Shall be present if
-            thresholdType="SIMPLE".
-          type: object
-          properties:
-            thresholdValue:
-              description: |
-                A number defined in IETF RFC 8259.
-              type: number
-            hysteresis:
-              description: |
-                A number defined in IETF RFC 8259.
-              type: number
-          required:
-            - thresholdValue
-            - hysteresis
-      required:
-        - performanceMetric
-        - thresholdType
-  responses:
-    pm_jobs.post.201:
-      description: >
-        201 CREATED
-        Shall be returned when the PM job has been created successfully.
-        The response body shall contain a representation of the created 
-        "Individual PM job" resource, as defined in clause
-        The HTTP response shall include a "Location" HTTP header that  points to
-        the created "Individual PM job" resource.
-      headers:
-        WWW-Authenticate:
-          description: >
-            Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-            authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request
-            has provided an invalid authorization token.
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        Version:
-          description: |
-            Version of the API used in the response.
-          schema:
-            type: string
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            description: |
-              This type represents a PM job. 
-            type: object
-            properties:
-              id:
-                description: |
-                  An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
-                type: string
-              objectType:
-                description: >
-                  Type of measured object. The applicable measured object type
-                  for a measurement is  defined in clause 8.2 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA
-                  031.
-                type: string
-              objectInstanceIds:
-                description: >
-                  Identifiers of the measured object instance for which
-                  performance information  is collected. This attribute shall
-                  contain the identifier of the instance of  the measure object
-                  according to their type. See also definitions in clause 8.2 of
-                  ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031.
-                type: array
-                items:
-                  description: |
-                    An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
-                  type: string
-                minItems: 1
-              subObjectInstanceIds:
-                description: >
-                  Identifiers of the sub-object instances of the measured object
-                  instance for  which performance information is requested to be
-                  collected.  May be present if a sub-object is defined in
-                  clause 8.2 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031 for the related measured
-                  object type. If this attribute is present, the cardinality of
-                  the "objectInstanceIds"  attribute shall be 1. If this
-                  attribute is absent and a sub-object is defined in clause 8.2
-                  of  ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031 for the related measured object type,
-                  measurements will  be taken for all sub-object instances of
-                  the measured object instance.
-                type: array
-                items:
-                  description: >
-                    An identifier that is unique for the respective type within
-                    a NFV-MANO functional entity, but that need not be globally
-                    unique. Representation: string of variable length..
-                  type: string
-              criteria:
-                description: |
-                  This type represents collection criteria for PM jobs.
-                type: object
-                properties:
-                  performanceMetric:
-                    description: >
-                      This defines the types of performance metrics for the
-                      specified measured  object(s). This attribute’s value
-                      shall contain the related "Measurement Name"  values as
-                      defined in clause 8.4 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031.  At least
-                      one of the two attributes (performance metric or group)
-                      shall be present.
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: string
-                  performanceMetricGroup:
-                    description: >
-                      Group of performance metrics. A metric group is a
-                      pre-defined list of metrics, known to the producer that
-                      it  can decompose to individual metrics. This attribute’s
-                      value shall contain the  related "Measurement Group"
-                      values as defined in clause 8.4 of ETSI GS  NFV-IFA 031.
-                      At least one of the two attributes (performance metric or
-                      group) shall be present.
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: string
-                  collectionPeriod:
-                    description: >
-                      Specifies the periodicity at which the producer will
-                      collect performance  information. The unit shall be
-                      seconds. 
-                      At the end of each reportingPeriod, the producer will
-                      inform the API consumer  about availability of the
-                      performance data collected for each completed  collection
-                      period during this reportingPeriod. The reportingPeriod
-                      should  be equal to or a multiple of the collectionPeriod.
-                      In the latter case, the  performance data for the
-                      collection periods within one reporting period  are
-                      reported together. 
-                      In particular when choosing short collection and reporting
-                      periods, the  number of PM jobs that can be supported
-                      depends on the capability of the  producing entity.
-                    type: integer
-                  reportingPeriod:
-                    description: >
-                      Specifies the periodicity at which the producer will
-                      report to the API consumer  about performance information.
-                      The unit shall be seconds.
-                      At the end of each reportingPeriod, the producer will
-                      inform the API consumer  about availability of the
-                      performance data collected for each completed  collection
-                      period during this reportingPeriod. The reportingPeriod
-                      should  be equal to or a multiple of the collectionPeriod.
-                      In the latter case, the  performance data for the
-                      collection periods within one reporting period  are
-                      reported together. 
-                      In particular when choosing short collection and reporting
-                      periods, the  number of PM jobs that can be supported
-                      depends on the capability of the  producing entity.
-                    type: integer
-                  reportingBoundary:
-                    description: >
-                      Date-time stamp. Representation: String formatted
-                      according to IETF RFC 3339.
-                    type: string
-                    format: date-time
-                required:
-                  - collectionPeriod
-                  - reportingPeriod
-              reports:
-                description: |
-                  Information about available reports collected by this PM job.
-                type: array
-                items:
-                  type: object
-                  properties:
-                    href:
-                      description: |
-                        String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.
-                      type: string
-                    readyTime:
-                      description: >
-                        Date-time stamp. Representation: String formatted
-                        according to IETF RFC 3339.
-                      type: string
-                      format: date-time
-                    expiryTime:
-                      description: >
-                        Date-time stamp. Representation: String formatted
-                        according to IETF RFC 3339.
-                      type: string
-                      format: date-time
-                    fileSize:
-                      description: |
-                        Unsigned integer
-                      type: number
-                  required:
-                    - href
-                    - readyTime
-              _links:
-                description: |
-                  Links for this resource.
-                type: object
-                properties:
-                  self:
-                    description: >
-                      This type represents a link to a resource using an
-                      absolute URI.
-                    type: object
-                    required:
-                      - href
-                    properties:
-                      href:
-                        description: |
-                          String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.
-                        type: string
-                  objects:
-                    description: >
-                      Links to resources representing the measured object
-                      instances for which  performance information is collected.
-                      Shall be present if the measured  object instance
-                      information is accessible as a resource.
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      description: >
-                        This type represents a link to a resource using an
-                        absolute URI.
-                      type: object
-                      required:
-                        - href
-                      properties:
-                        href:
-                          description: |
-                            String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.
-                          type: string
-                required:
-                  - self
-            required:
-              - id
-              - objectType
-              - objectInstanceIds
-              - criteria
-              - _links
-    pm_jobs.get.200:
-      description: >
-        200 OK
-        Shall be returned when information about zero or more PM jobs has  been
-        queried successfully.
-        The response body shall contain in an array the representations  of zero
-        or more PM jobs, as defined in clause
-        If the "filter" URI parameter or one of the "all_fields", "fields"  (if
-        supported), "exclude_fields" (if supported) or "exclude_default"  URI
-        parameters was supplied in the request, the data in the response  body
-        shall have been transformed according to the rules specified in  clauses
-        5.2.2 and 5.3.2 of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013, respectively.
-        If the NFV-MANO functional entity supports alternative 2 (paging) 
-        according to clause of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013 for this  resource,
-        inclusion of the Link HTTP header in this response shall  follow the
-        provisions in clause of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013 .
-      headers:
-        WWW-Authenticate:
-          description: >
-            Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-            authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request
-            has provided an invalid authorization token.
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        Version:
-          description: |
-            Version of the API used in the response.
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        Link:
-          description: >
-            Reference to other resources. Link HTTP header in this response 
-            shall follow the provisions in clause of ETSI GS NFV-SOL
-            013.
-          schema:
-            type: string
-            minimum: 0
-            maximum: 1
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            type: array
-            items:
-              description: |
-                This type represents a PM job. 
-              type: object
-              properties:
-                id:
-                  description: |
-                    An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
-                  type: string
-                objectType:
-                  description: >
-                    Type of measured object. The applicable measured object type
-                    for a measurement is  defined in clause 8.2 of ETSI GS
-                    NFV-IFA 031.
-                  type: string
-                objectInstanceIds:
-                  description: >
-                    Identifiers of the measured object instance for which
-                    performance information  is collected. This attribute shall
-                    contain the identifier of the instance of  the measure
-                    object according to their type. See also definitions in
-                    clause 8.2 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031.
-                  type: array
-                  items:
-                    description: |
-                      An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
-                    type: string
-                  minItems: 1
-                subObjectInstanceIds:
-                  description: >
-                    Identifiers of the sub-object instances of the measured
-                    object instance for  which performance information is
-                    requested to be collected.  May be present if a sub-object
-                    is defined in clause 8.2 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031 for the
-                    related measured object type. If this attribute is present,
-                    the cardinality of the "objectInstanceIds"  attribute shall
-                    be 1. If this attribute is absent and a sub-object is
-                    defined in clause 8.2 of  ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031 for the
-                    related measured object type, measurements will  be taken
-                    for all sub-object instances of the measured object
-                    instance.
-                  type: array
-                  items:
-                    description: >
-                      An identifier that is unique for the respective type
-                      within a NFV-MANO functional entity, but that need not be
-                      globally unique. Representation: string of variable
-                      length..
-                    type: string
-                criteria:
-                  description: |
-                    This type represents collection criteria for PM jobs.
-                  type: object
-                  properties:
-                    performanceMetric:
-                      description: >
-                        This defines the types of performance metrics for the
-                        specified measured  object(s). This attribute’s value
-                        shall contain the related "Measurement Name"  values as
-                        defined in clause 8.4 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031.  At least
-                        one of the two attributes (performance metric or group)
-                        shall be present.
-                      type: array
-                      items:
-                        type: string
-                    performanceMetricGroup:
-                      description: >
-                        Group of performance metrics. A metric group is a
-                        pre-defined list of metrics, known to the producer that
-                        it  can decompose to individual metrics. This
-                        attribute’s value shall contain the  related
-                        "Measurement Group" values as defined in clause 8.4 of
-                        ETSI GS  NFV-IFA 031. At least one of the two attributes
-                        (performance metric or group) shall be present.
-                      type: array
-                      items:
-                        type: string
-                    collectionPeriod:
-                      description: >
-                        Specifies the periodicity at which the producer will
-                        collect performance  information. The unit shall be
-                        seconds. 
-                        At the end of each reportingPeriod, the producer will
-                        inform the API consumer  about availability of the
-                        performance data collected for each completed 
-                        collection period during this reportingPeriod. The
-                        reportingPeriod should  be equal to or a multiple of the
-                        collectionPeriod. In the latter case, the  performance
-                        data for the collection periods within one reporting
-                        period  are reported together. 
-                        In particular when choosing short collection and
-                        reporting periods, the  number of PM jobs that can be
-                        supported depends on the capability of the  producing
-                        entity.
-                      type: integer
-                    reportingPeriod:
-                      description: >
-                        Specifies the periodicity at which the producer will
-                        report to the API consumer  about performance
-                        information. The unit shall be seconds.
-                        At the end of each reportingPeriod, the producer will
-                        inform the API consumer  about availability of the
-                        performance data collected for each completed 
-                        collection period during this reportingPeriod. The
-                        reportingPeriod should  be equal to or a multiple of the
-                        collectionPeriod. In the latter case, the  performance
-                        data for the collection periods within one reporting
-                        period  are reported together. 
-                        In particular when choosing short collection and
-                        reporting periods, the  number of PM jobs that can be
-                        supported depends on the capability of the  producing
-                        entity.
-                      type: integer
-                    reportingBoundary:
-                      description: >
-                        Date-time stamp. Representation: String formatted
-                        according to IETF RFC 3339.
-                      type: string
-                      format: date-time
-                  required:
-                    - collectionPeriod
-                    - reportingPeriod
-                reports:
-                  description: >
-                    Information about available reports collected by this PM
-                    job.
-                  type: array
-                  items:
-                    type: object
-                    properties:
-                      href:
-                        description: |
-                          String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.
-                        type: string
-                      readyTime:
-                        description: >
-                          Date-time stamp. Representation: String formatted
-                          according to IETF RFC 3339.
-                        type: string
-                        format: date-time
-                      expiryTime:
-                        description: >
-                          Date-time stamp. Representation: String formatted
-                          according to IETF RFC 3339.
-                        type: string
-                        format: date-time
-                      fileSize:
-                        description: |
-                          Unsigned integer
-                        type: number
-                    required:
-                      - href
-                      - readyTime
-                _links:
-                  description: |
-                    Links for this resource.
-                  type: object
-                  properties:
-                    self:
-                      description: >
-                        This type represents a link to a resource using an
-                        absolute URI.
-                      type: object
-                      required:
-                        - href
-                      properties:
-                        href:
-                          description: |
-                            String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.
-                          type: string
-                    objects:
-                      description: >
-                        Links to resources representing the measured object
-                        instances for which  performance information is
-                        collected. Shall be present if the measured  object
-                        instance information is accessible as a resource.
-                      type: array
-                      items:
-                        description: >
-                          This type represents a link to a resource using an
-                          absolute URI.
-                        type: object
-                        required:
-                          - href
-                        properties:
-                          href:
-                            description: |
-                              String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.
-                            type: string
-                  required:
-                    - self
-              required:
-                - id
-                - objectType
-                - objectInstanceIds
-                - criteria
-                - _links
-    pm_jobs.get.400:
-      description: |
-        400 BAD REQUEST
-        Shall be returned upon the following errors: 
-          - Invalid attribute-based filtering expression.
-            The response body shall contain a ProblemDetails structure, in which 
-            the "detail" attribute should convey more information about the error.
-          - Invalid attribute selector.
-            The response body shall contain a ProblemDetails structure, in which 
-            the "detail" attribute should convey more information about the error.
-          - Response too big.
-            If the NFV-MANO functional entity supports alternative N°1 (error) 
-            according to clause of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013 for this resource, 
-            this error response shall follow the provisions in clause of 
-            ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013.
-      headers:
-        WWW-Authenticate:
-          description: >
-            Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-            authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request
-            has provided an invalid authorization token.
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        Version:
-          description: |
-            Version of the API used in the response.
-          schema:
-            type: string
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            description: >
-              The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure from
-              IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the
-              general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807 [19], the "status" and
-              "detail" attributes are mandated to be included by the present
-              document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual
-              information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 [19] foresees
-              extensibility of the "ProblemDetails" type. It is possible that
-              particular APIs in the present document, or particular
-              implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes
-              that provide more information about the error. The description
-              column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate
-              understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC
-              7807 [19].
-            type: object
-            required:
-              - status
-              - detail
-            properties:
-              type:
-                description: >
-                  A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that identifies
-                  the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides
-                  human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML)
-                  when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value
-                  is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                type: string
-                format: URI
-              title:
-                description: >
-                  A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should
-                  not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem,
-                  except for purposes of localization. If type is given and
-                  other than "about:blank", this attribute shall also be
-                  provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem
-                  type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of
-                  the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using
-                  proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                type: string
-              status:
-                description: >
-                  The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The
-                  HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the
-                  origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                type: integer
-              detail:
-                description: >
-                  A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of
-                  the problem.
-                type: string
-              instance:
-                description: >
-                  A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the
-                  problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.
-                type: string
-                format: URI
-    pm_job.get.200:
-      description: >
-        200 OK
-        Shall be returned when information about an individual PM job  has been
-        read successfully.
-        The response body shall contain a representation of the "Individual PM
-        job" resource, as defined in clause
-      headers:
-        WWW-Authenticate:
-          description: >
-            Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-            authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request
-            has provided an invalid authorization token.
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        Version:
-          description: |
-            Version of the API used in the response.
-          schema:
-            type: string
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            description: |
-              This type represents a PM job. 
-            type: object
-            properties:
-              id:
-                description: |
-                  An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
-                type: string
-              objectType:
-                description: >
-                  Type of measured object. The applicable measured object type
-                  for a measurement is  defined in clause 8.2 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA
-                  031.
-                type: string
-              objectInstanceIds:
-                description: >
-                  Identifiers of the measured object instance for which
-                  performance information  is collected. This attribute shall
-                  contain the identifier of the instance of  the measure object
-                  according to their type. See also definitions in clause 8.2 of
-                  ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031.
-                type: array
-                items:
-                  description: |
-                    An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
-                  type: string
-                minItems: 1
-              subObjectInstanceIds:
-                description: >
-                  Identifiers of the sub-object instances of the measured object
-                  instance for  which performance information is requested to be
-                  collected.  May be present if a sub-object is defined in
-                  clause 8.2 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031 for the related measured
-                  object type. If this attribute is present, the cardinality of
-                  the "objectInstanceIds"  attribute shall be 1. If this
-                  attribute is absent and a sub-object is defined in clause 8.2
-                  of  ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031 for the related measured object type,
-                  measurements will  be taken for all sub-object instances of
-                  the measured object instance.
-                type: array
-                items:
-                  description: >
-                    An identifier that is unique for the respective type within
-                    a NFV-MANO functional entity, but that need not be globally
-                    unique. Representation: string of variable length..
-                  type: string
-              criteria:
-                description: |
-                  This type represents collection criteria for PM jobs.
-                type: object
-                properties:
-                  performanceMetric:
-                    description: >
-                      This defines the types of performance metrics for the
-                      specified measured  object(s). This attribute’s value
-                      shall contain the related "Measurement Name"  values as
-                      defined in clause 8.4 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031.  At least
-                      one of the two attributes (performance metric or group)
-                      shall be present.
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: string
-                  performanceMetricGroup:
-                    description: >
-                      Group of performance metrics. A metric group is a
-                      pre-defined list of metrics, known to the producer that
-                      it  can decompose to individual metrics. This attribute’s
-                      value shall contain the  related "Measurement Group"
-                      values as defined in clause 8.4 of ETSI GS  NFV-IFA 031.
-                      At least one of the two attributes (performance metric or
-                      group) shall be present.
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: string
-                  collectionPeriod:
-                    description: >
-                      Specifies the periodicity at which the producer will
-                      collect performance  information. The unit shall be
-                      seconds. 
-                      At the end of each reportingPeriod, the producer will
-                      inform the API consumer  about availability of the
-                      performance data collected for each completed  collection
-                      period during this reportingPeriod. The reportingPeriod
-                      should  be equal to or a multiple of the collectionPeriod.
-                      In the latter case, the  performance data for the
-                      collection periods within one reporting period  are
-                      reported together. 
-                      In particular when choosing short collection and reporting
-                      periods, the  number of PM jobs that can be supported
-                      depends on the capability of the  producing entity.
-                    type: integer
-                  reportingPeriod:
-                    description: >
-                      Specifies the periodicity at which the producer will
-                      report to the API consumer  about performance information.
-                      The unit shall be seconds.
-                      At the end of each reportingPeriod, the producer will
-                      inform the API consumer  about availability of the
-                      performance data collected for each completed  collection
-                      period during this reportingPeriod. The reportingPeriod
-                      should  be equal to or a multiple of the collectionPeriod.
-                      In the latter case, the  performance data for the
-                      collection periods within one reporting period  are
-                      reported together. 
-                      In particular when choosing short collection and reporting
-                      periods, the  number of PM jobs that can be supported
-                      depends on the capability of the  producing entity.
-                    type: integer
-                  reportingBoundary:
-                    description: >
-                      Date-time stamp. Representation: String formatted
-                      according to IETF RFC 3339.
-                    type: string
-                    format: date-time
-                required:
-                  - collectionPeriod
-                  - reportingPeriod
-              reports:
-                description: |
-                  Information about available reports collected by this PM job.
-                type: array
-                items:
-                  type: object
-                  properties:
-                    href:
-                      description: |
-                        String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.
-                      type: string
-                    readyTime:
-                      description: >
-                        Date-time stamp. Representation: String formatted
-                        according to IETF RFC 3339.
-                      type: string
-                      format: date-time
-                    expiryTime:
-                      description: >
-                        Date-time stamp. Representation: String formatted
-                        according to IETF RFC 3339.
-                      type: string
-                      format: date-time
-                    fileSize:
-                      description: |
-                        Unsigned integer
-                      type: number
-                  required:
-                    - href
-                    - readyTime
-              _links:
-                description: |
-                  Links for this resource.
-                type: object
-                properties:
-                  self:
-                    description: >
-                      This type represents a link to a resource using an
-                      absolute URI.
-                    type: object
-                    required:
-                      - href
-                    properties:
-                      href:
-                        description: |
-                          String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.
-                        type: string
-                  objects:
-                    description: >
-                      Links to resources representing the measured object
-                      instances for which  performance information is collected.
-                      Shall be present if the measured  object instance
-                      information is accessible as a resource.
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      description: >
-                        This type represents a link to a resource using an
-                        absolute URI.
-                      type: object
-                      required:
-                        - href
-                      properties:
-                        href:
-                          description: |
-                            String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.
-                          type: string
-                required:
-                  - self
-            required:
-              - id
-              - objectType
-              - objectInstanceIds
-              - criteria
-              - _links
-    pm_job.delete.204:
-      description: |
-        204 NO CONTENT
-        Shall be returned when the PM job has been deleted successfully.
-        The response body shall be empty.
-      headers:
-        WWW-Authenticate:
-          description: >
-            Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-            authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request
-            has provided an invalid authorization token.
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        Version:
-          description: |
-            Version of the API used in the response.
-          schema:
-            type: string
-    pm_job.report.get.200:
-      description: >
-        200 OK
-        Shall be returned when information of an individual performance  report
-        has been read successfully.
-        The response body shall contain a representation of the  "Individual
-        performance report" resource, as defined  in clause
-      headers:
-        WWW-Authenticate:
-          description: >
-            Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-            authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request
-            has provided an invalid authorization token.
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        Version:
-          description: |
-            Version of the API used in the response.
-          schema:
-            type: string
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            description: >
-              This type defines the format of a performance report provided by
-              the NFV-MANO functional  entity to the API consumer as a result of
-              collecting performance information as part  of a PM job. 
-            type: object
-            properties:
-              entries:
-                description: >
-                  List of performance information entries. Each performance
-                  report entry is for a given  metric of a given object (i.e.
-                  measured object instance) corresponding to the related 
-                  measured object types, but can include multiple collected
-                  values.
-                type: array
-                items:
-                  type: object
-                  properties:
-                    objectType:
-                      description: >
-                        Type of measured object. The applicable measured object
-                        type for a measurement is  defined in clause 8.2 of ETSI
-                        GS NFV-IFA 031.
-                      type: string
-                    objectInstanceId:
-                      description: >
-                        This type represents the identifier to reference a
-                        managed object of a  particular type. 
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        type:
-                          description: >
-                            Indicates the type of managed object. Permitted
-                            values:
-                              - MANO_ENTITY
-                              - MANO_SERVICE
-                              - MANO_SERVICE_IF
-                              - CONSUMED_MANO_IF
-                              - MANO_ENTITY_COMPONENT
-                            The "MANO_ENTITY COMPONENT" is only applicable if
-                            attribute "manoEntityComponents" in "ManoEntity" is
-                            supported by the API producer.
-                          type: string
-                          enum:
-                            - MANO_ENTITY
-                            - MANO_SERVICE
-                            - MANO_SERVICE_IF
-                            - CONSUMED_MANO_IF
-                            - MANO_ENTITY_COMPONENT
-                        objectId:
-                          description: >
-                            An identifier with the intention of being globally
-                            unique.
-                          type: string
-                        subObjectId:
-                          description: >
-                            An identifier that is unique for the respective type
-                            within a NFV-MANO functional entity, but that need
-                            not be globally unique. Representation: string of
-                            variable length..
-                          type: string
-                      required:
-                        - type
-                        - objectId
-                    subObjectInstanceId:
-                      description: >
-                        An identifier that is unique for the respective type
-                        within a NFV-MANO functional entity, but that need not
-                        be globally unique. Representation: string of variable
-                        length..
-                      type: string
-                    performanceMetric:
-                      description: >
-                        Name of the metric collected. This attribute shall
-                        contain the related  "Measurement Name" value as defined
-                        in clause 8.4 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031.
-                      type: string
-                    performanceValues:
-                      description: |
-                        List of performance values with associated timestamp.
-                      type: array
-                      items:
-                        type: object
-                        properties:
-                          timeStamp:
-                            description: >
-                              Date-time stamp. Representation: String formatted
-                              according to IETF RFC 3339.
-                            type: string
-                            format: date-time
-                          value:
-                            description: >
-                              Value of the metric collected. The type of this
-                              attribute shall correspond to  the related
-                              "Measurement Unit" as defined in clause 8.4 of
-                              ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031.
-                          context:
-                            description: >
-                              This type represents a list of key-value pairs.
-                              The order of the pairs in the list is not
-                              significant. In JSON, a set of keyvalue pairs is
-                              represented as an object. It shall comply with the
-                              provisions defined in clause 4 of IETF RFC 8259.
-                              In the following example, a list of key-value
-                              pairs with four keys ("aString", "aNumber",
-                              "anArray" and "anObject") is provided to
-                              illustrate that the values associated with
-                              different keys can be of different type.
-                            type: object
-                        required:
-                          - timeStamp
-                          - value
-                      minItems: 1
-                  required:
-                    - objectType
-                    - objectInstanceId
-                    - performanceMetric
-                    - performanceValues
-                minItems: 1
-            required:
-              - entries
-    thresholds.post.201:
-      description: >
-        201 CREATED
-        Shall be returned when a threshold has been created successfully. 
-        The response body shall contain a representation of the created 
-        "Individual threshold" resource, as defined in clause
-        The HTTP response shall include a "Location" HTTP header that  contains
-        the resource URI of the created "Individual threshold"  resource.
-      headers:
-        WWW-Authenticate:
-          description: >
-            Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-            authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request
-            has provided an invalid authorization token.
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        Version:
-          description: |
-            Version of the API used in the response.
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        Location:
-          description: >
-            The resource URI of the created "Individual change state  operation
-            occurence" resource.
-          schema:
-            type: string
-            format: url
-            minimum: 1
-            maximum: 1
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            description: ''
-            type: object
-            properties:
-              id:
-                description: |
-                  An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
-                type: string
-              objectType:
-                description: >-
-                  Type of measured object. The applicable measured object type
-                  for a measurement is defined in clause 8.2 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA
-                  031.
-                type: string
-              objectInstanceId:
-                description: |
-                  An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
-                type: string
-              subjObjectInstanceIds:
-                description: >
-                  Identifiers of the sub-object instances of the measured object
-                  instance  associated with this threshold.  May be present if a
-                  sub-object is defined in clause 8.2 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031 for
-                  the related measured object type. If this attribute is absent
-                  and a sub-object is defined in clause 8.2 of ETSI  GS NFV-IFA
-                  031 for the related measured object type, thresholds are set
-                  for  all sub-object instances of the measured object instance.
-                type: array
-                items:
-                  description: >
-                    An identifier that is unique for the respective type within
-                    a NFV-MANO functional entity, but that need not be globally
-                    unique. Representation: string of variable length..
-                  type: string
-              criteria:
-                description: |
-                  This type represents criteria that define a threshold.
-                type: object
-                properties:
-                  performanceMetric:
-                    description: >
-                      Defines the performance metric associated with the
-                      threshold.  This attribute’s value shall contain the
-                      related "Measurement Name" values  as defined in clause
-                      8.4 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031 
-                    type: string
-                  thresholdType:
-                    description: >
-                      Type of threshold. This attribute determines which other
-                      attributes are  present in the data structure. Permitted
-                      values:
-                        - SIMPLE: Single-valued static threshold
-                      In the present document, simple thresholds are defined.
-                      The definition  of additional threshold types is left for
-                      future specification.
-                    type: string
-                    enum:
-                      - SIMPLE
-                  simpleThresholdDetails:
-                    description: >
-                      Details of a simple threshold. Shall be present if
-                      thresholdType="SIMPLE".
-                    type: object
-                    properties:
-                      thresholdValue:
-                        description: |
-                          A number defined in IETF RFC 8259.
-                        type: number
-                      hysteresis:
-                        description: |
-                          A number defined in IETF RFC 8259.
-                        type: number
-                    required:
-                      - thresholdValue
-                      - hysteresis
-                required:
-                  - performanceMetric
-                  - thresholdType
-              _links:
-                description: |
-                  Links for this resource.
-                type: object
-                properties:
-                  self:
-                    description: >
-                      This type represents a link to a resource using an
-                      absolute URI.
-                    type: object
-                    required:
-                      - href
-                    properties:
-                      href:
-                        description: |
-                          String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.
-                        type: string
-                  object:
-                    description: >
-                      This type represents a link to a resource using an
-                      absolute URI.
-                    type: object
-                    required:
-                      - href
-                    properties:
-                      href:
-                        description: |
-                          String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.
-                        type: string
-                required:
-                  - self
-            required:
-              - id
-              - objectType
-              - objectInstanceId
-              - subjObjectInstanceIds
-              - criteria
-              - _links
-    thresholds.get.200:
-      description: >
-        200 OK
-        Shall be returned when information about zero or more thresholds  has
-        been queried successfully.
-        The response body shall contain in an array the representations  of zero
-        or more thresholds, as defined in clause
-        If the "filter" URI parameter was supplied in the request, the  data in
-        the response body shall have been transformed according  to the rules
-        specified in clause 5.2.2 of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013.
-        If the NFV-MANO functional entity supports alternative 2 (paging) 
-        according to clause of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013 for this resource, 
-        inclusion of the Link HTTP header in this response shall follow the 
-        provisions in clause of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013.
-      headers:
-        WWW-Authenticate:
-          description: >
-            Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-            authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request
-            has provided an invalid authorization token.
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        Version:
-          description: |
-            Version of the API used in the response.
-          schema:
-            type: string
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            type: array
-            items:
-              description: ''
-              type: object
-              properties:
-                id:
-                  description: |
-                    An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
-                  type: string
-                objectType:
-                  description: >-
-                    Type of measured object. The applicable measured object type
-                    for a measurement is defined in clause 8.2 of ETSI GS
-                    NFV-IFA 031.
-                  type: string
-                objectInstanceId:
-                  description: |
-                    An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
-                  type: string
-                subjObjectInstanceIds:
-                  description: >
-                    Identifiers of the sub-object instances of the measured
-                    object instance  associated with this threshold.  May be
-                    present if a sub-object is defined in clause 8.2 of ETSI GS
-                    NFV-IFA 031 for the related measured object type. If this
-                    attribute is absent and a sub-object is defined in clause
-                    8.2 of ETSI  GS NFV-IFA 031 for the related measured object
-                    type, thresholds are set for  all sub-object instances of
-                    the measured object instance.
-                  type: array
-                  items:
-                    description: >
-                      An identifier that is unique for the respective type
-                      within a NFV-MANO functional entity, but that need not be
-                      globally unique. Representation: string of variable
-                      length..
-                    type: string
-                criteria:
-                  description: |
-                    This type represents criteria that define a threshold.
-                  type: object
-                  properties:
-                    performanceMetric:
-                      description: >
-                        Defines the performance metric associated with the
-                        threshold.  This attribute’s value shall contain the
-                        related "Measurement Name" values  as defined in clause
-                        8.4 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031 
-                      type: string
-                    thresholdType:
-                      description: >
-                        Type of threshold. This attribute determines which other
-                        attributes are  present in the data structure. Permitted
-                        values:
-                          - SIMPLE: Single-valued static threshold
-                        In the present document, simple thresholds are defined.
-                        The definition  of additional threshold types is left
-                        for future specification.
-                      type: string
-                      enum:
-                        - SIMPLE
-                    simpleThresholdDetails:
-                      description: >
-                        Details of a simple threshold. Shall be present if
-                        thresholdType="SIMPLE".
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        thresholdValue:
-                          description: |
-                            A number defined in IETF RFC 8259.
-                          type: number
-                        hysteresis:
-                          description: |
-                            A number defined in IETF RFC 8259.
-                          type: number
-                      required:
-                        - thresholdValue
-                        - hysteresis
-                  required:
-                    - performanceMetric
-                    - thresholdType
-                _links:
-                  description: |
-                    Links for this resource.
-                  type: object
-                  properties:
-                    self:
-                      description: >
-                        This type represents a link to a resource using an
-                        absolute URI.
-                      type: object
-                      required:
-                        - href
-                      properties:
-                        href:
-                          description: |
-                            String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.
-                          type: string
-                    object:
-                      description: >
-                        This type represents a link to a resource using an
-                        absolute URI.
-                      type: object
-                      required:
-                        - href
-                      properties:
-                        href:
-                          description: |
-                            String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.
-                          type: string
-                  required:
-                    - self
-              required:
-                - id
-                - objectType
-                - objectInstanceId
-                - subjObjectInstanceIds
-                - criteria
-                - _links
-    thresholds.get.400:
-      description: |
-        400 BAD REQUEST
-        Shall be returned upon the following errors: 
-          - Invalid attribute-based filtering expression.
-            The response body shall contain a ProblemDetails structure, in which 
-            the "detail" attribute should convey more information about the error.
-          - Response too big.
-            If the NFV-MANO functional entity supports alternative N°1 (error) 
-            according to clause of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013 for this resource, 
-            this error response shall follow the provisions in clause of 
-            ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013.
-      headers:
-        WWW-Authenticate:
-          description: >
-            Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-            authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request
-            has provided an invalid authorization token.
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        Version:
-          description: |
-            Version of the API used in the response.
-          schema:
-            type: string
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            description: >
-              The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure from
-              IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the
-              general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807 [19], the "status" and
-              "detail" attributes are mandated to be included by the present
-              document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual
-              information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 [19] foresees
-              extensibility of the "ProblemDetails" type. It is possible that
-              particular APIs in the present document, or particular
-              implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes
-              that provide more information about the error. The description
-              column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate
-              understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC
-              7807 [19].
-            type: object
-            required:
-              - status
-              - detail
-            properties:
-              type:
-                description: >
-                  A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that identifies
-                  the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides
-                  human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML)
-                  when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value
-                  is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                type: string
-                format: URI
-              title:
-                description: >
-                  A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should
-                  not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem,
-                  except for purposes of localization. If type is given and
-                  other than "about:blank", this attribute shall also be
-                  provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem
-                  type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of
-                  the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using
-                  proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                type: string
-              status:
-                description: >
-                  The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The
-                  HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the
-                  origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                type: integer
-              detail:
-                description: >
-                  A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of
-                  the problem.
-                type: string
-              instance:
-                description: >
-                  A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the
-                  problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.
-                type: string
-                format: URI
-    threshold.get.200:
-      description: >
-        200 OK
-        Shall be returned when information about an individual threshold  has
-        been read successfully.
-        The response body shall contain a representation of the threshold,  as
-        defined in clause
-      headers:
-        WWW-Authenticate:
-          description: >
-            Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-            authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request
-            has provided an invalid authorization token.
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        Version:
-          description: |
-            Version of the API used in the response.
-          schema:
-            type: string
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            description: ''
-            type: object
-            properties:
-              id:
-                description: |
-                  An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
-                type: string
-              objectType:
-                description: >-
-                  Type of measured object. The applicable measured object type
-                  for a measurement is defined in clause 8.2 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA
-                  031.
-                type: string
-              objectInstanceId:
-                description: |
-                  An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
-                type: string
-              subjObjectInstanceIds:
-                description: >
-                  Identifiers of the sub-object instances of the measured object
-                  instance  associated with this threshold.  May be present if a
-                  sub-object is defined in clause 8.2 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031 for
-                  the related measured object type. If this attribute is absent
-                  and a sub-object is defined in clause 8.2 of ETSI  GS NFV-IFA
-                  031 for the related measured object type, thresholds are set
-                  for  all sub-object instances of the measured object instance.
-                type: array
-                items:
-                  description: >
-                    An identifier that is unique for the respective type within
-                    a NFV-MANO functional entity, but that need not be globally
-                    unique. Representation: string of variable length..
-                  type: string
-              criteria:
-                description: |
-                  This type represents criteria that define a threshold.
-                type: object
-                properties:
-                  performanceMetric:
-                    description: >
-                      Defines the performance metric associated with the
-                      threshold.  This attribute’s value shall contain the
-                      related "Measurement Name" values  as defined in clause
-                      8.4 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031 
-                    type: string
-                  thresholdType:
-                    description: >
-                      Type of threshold. This attribute determines which other
-                      attributes are  present in the data structure. Permitted
-                      values:
-                        - SIMPLE: Single-valued static threshold
-                      In the present document, simple thresholds are defined.
-                      The definition  of additional threshold types is left for
-                      future specification.
-                    type: string
-                    enum:
-                      - SIMPLE
-                  simpleThresholdDetails:
-                    description: >
-                      Details of a simple threshold. Shall be present if
-                      thresholdType="SIMPLE".
-                    type: object
-                    properties:
-                      thresholdValue:
-                        description: |
-                          A number defined in IETF RFC 8259.
-                        type: number
-                      hysteresis:
-                        description: |
-                          A number defined in IETF RFC 8259.
-                        type: number
-                    required:
-                      - thresholdValue
-                      - hysteresis
-                required:
-                  - performanceMetric
-                  - thresholdType
-              _links:
-                description: |
-                  Links for this resource.
-                type: object
-                properties:
-                  self:
-                    description: >
-                      This type represents a link to a resource using an
-                      absolute URI.
-                    type: object
-                    required:
-                      - href
-                    properties:
-                      href:
-                        description: |
-                          String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.
-                        type: string
-                  object:
-                    description: >
-                      This type represents a link to a resource using an
-                      absolute URI.
-                    type: object
-                    required:
-                      - href
-                    properties:
-                      href:
-                        description: |
-                          String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.
-                        type: string
-                required:
-                  - self
-            required:
-              - id
-              - objectType
-              - objectInstanceId
-              - subjObjectInstanceIds
-              - criteria
-              - _links
-    threshold.delete.204:
-      description: |
-        204 NO CONTENT
-        Shall be returned when the threshold has been deleted successfully.
-        The response body shall be empty.
-      headers:
-        WWW-Authenticate:
-          description: >
-            Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-            authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request
-            has provided an invalid authorization token.
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        Version:
-          description: |
-            Version of the API used in the response.
-          schema:
-            type: string
-    subscriptions.post.201:
-      description: >
-        201 CREATED 
-        Shall be returned when the subscription has been created successfully.
-        A representation of the created subscription resource shall be returned 
-        in the response body, as defined in clause
-        The HTTP response shall include a "Location" HTTP header that contains 
-        the resource URI of the created "Individual subscription" resource.
-      headers:
-        WWW-Authenticate:
-          description: >
-            Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-            authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request
-            has provided an invalid authorization token.
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        Version:
-          description: |
-            Version of the API used in the response.
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        Location:
-          description: >
-            The resource URI of the created "Individual change state  operation
-            occurence" resource.
-          schema:
-            type: string
-            format: url
-            minimum: 1
-            maximum: 1
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            description: |
-              This type represents a subscription. 
-            type: object
-            properties:
-              id:
-                description: |
-                  An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
-                type: string
-              filter:
-                description: >
-                  This type represents a filter that can be used to subscribe
-                  for notifications  related to performance management events. 
-                  At a particular nesting level in the filter structure, the
-                  following applies:  All attributes shall match in order for
-                  the filter to match (logical "and" between  different filter
-                  attributes). If an attribute is an array, the attribute shall 
-                  match if at least one of the values in the array matches
-                  (logical "or" between the  values of one filter attribute).
-                type: object
-                properties:
-                  pmSubscriptionFilter:
-                    description: >
-                      This type represents subscription filter criteria to match
-                      NFV-MANO functional  entities and their associated managed
-                      objects. 
-                    type: object
-                    properties:
-                      manoEntityId:
-                        description: >
-                          An identifier with the intention of being globally
-                          unique.
-                        type: string
-                      manoServiceIds:
-                        description: "manoServiceIds\tIdentifierInManoEntity\t0..N\tIf present, match NFV-MANO  services with an instance identifier listed in this attribute.\nThe attributes \"manoServiceIds\" and \"manoServiceNames\" are alternatives  to reference to NFV-MANO services in a filter. They should not be used  together in the same filter instance, but one alternative should be chosen.\n"
-                        type: array
-                        items:
-                          description: >
-                            An identifier that is unique for the respective type
-                            within a NFV-MANO functional entity, but that need
-                            not be globally unique. Representation: string of
-                            variable length..
-                          type: string
-                      manoServiceNames:
-                        description: >
-                          If present, match NFV-MANO services with an NFV-MANO
-                          service name listed  in this attribute.
-                          The attributes "manoServiceIds" and "manoServiceNames"
-                          are alternatives  to reference to NFV-MANO services in
-                          a filter. They should not be used  together in the
-                          same filter instance, but one alternative should be
-                          chosen.
-                        type: array
-                        items:
-                          type: string
-                      manoServiceInterfaceIds:
-                        description: >
-                          If present, match NFV-MANO functional entity produced
-                          interfaces with an  instance identifier listed in this
-                          attribute.
-                          The attributes "manoServiceInterfaceIds" and
-                          "manoServiceInterfaceNames"  are alternatives to
-                          reference to NFV-MANO functional entity produced 
-                          interfaces in a filter. They should not be used both
-                          in the same filter  instance, but one alternative
-                          should be chosen.
-                        type: array
-                        items:
-                          description: >
-                            An identifier that is unique for the respective type
-                            within a NFV-MANO functional entity, but that need
-                            not be globally unique. Representation: string of
-                            variable length..
-                          type: string
-                      manoServiceInterfaceNames:
-                        description: >
-                          If present, match NFV-MANO functional entity produced
-                          interfaces with an  instance Name listed in this
-                          attribute.
-                          The attributes "manoServiceInterfaceIds" and
-                          "manoServiceInterfaceNames"  are alternatives to
-                          reference to NFV-MANO functional entity produced 
-                          interfaces in a filter. They should not be used both
-                          in the same filter  instance, but one alternative
-                          should be chosen.
-                        type: array
-                        items:
-                          type: string
-                      consumedManoInterfaceIds:
-                        description: >
-                          If present, match NFV-MANO functional entity consumed
-                          interfaces with an  instance identifier listed in this
-                          attribute.
-                          The attributes "consumedManoInterfaceIds" and
-                          "consumedManoInterfaceNames"  are alternatives to
-                          reference to NFV-MANO functional entity consumed 
-                          interfaces in a filter. They should not be used both
-                          in the same filter  instance, but one alternative
-                          should be chosen.
-                        type: array
-                        items:
-                          description: >
-                            An identifier with the intention of being globally
-                            unique.
-                          type: string
-                      consumedManoInterfaceNames:
-                        description: >
-                          If present, match NFV-MANO functional entity consumed
-                          interfaces with an  instance Name listed in this
-                          attribute.
-                          The attributes "consumedManoInterfaceIds" and
-                          "consumedManoInterfaceNames"  are alternatives to
-                          reference to NFV-MANO functional entity consumed 
-                          interfaces in a filter. They should not be used both
-                          in the same filter  instance, but one alternative
-                          should be chosen.
-                        type: array
-                        items:
-                          type: string
-                  notificationTypes:
-                    description: >
-                      Match particular notification types.  Permitted values:
-                        - ThresholdCrossedNotification
-                        - PerformanceInformationAvailableNotification
-                      The permitted values of the "notificationTypes" attribute
-                      are spelled exactly  as the names of the notification
-                      types to facilitate automated code generation  systems.
-                    type: string
-                    enum:
-                      - ThresholdCrossedNotification
-                      - PerformanceInformationAvailableNotification
-              callbackUri:
-                description: |
-                  The URI of the endpoint to send the notification to.
-                type: object
-                properties:
-                  links:
-                    description: |
-                      String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.
-                    type: string
-                  self:
-                    description: >
-                      This type represents a link to a resource using an
-                      absolute URI.
-                    type: object
-                    required:
-                      - href
-                    properties:
-                      href:
-                        description: |
-                          String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.
-                        type: string
-                required:
-                  - links
-                  - self
-            required:
-              - id
-              - callbackUri
-    subscriptions.post.303:
-      description: >
-        303 SEE OTHER
-        Shall be returned when a subscription with the same callbackURI and  the
-        same filter already exists and the policy of the NFV-MANO functional 
-        entity is to not create redundant subscriptions.
-        The HTTP response shall include a "Location" HTTP header that contains 
-        the resource URI of the existing "Individual subscription" resource.
-        The response body shall be empty.
-      headers:
-        WWW-Authenticate:
-          description: >
-            Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-            authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request
-            has provided an invalid authorization token.
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        Version:
-          description: |
-            Version of the API used in the response.
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        Location:
-          description: >
-            The resource URI of the created "Individual change state  operation
-            occurence" resource.
-          schema:
-            type: string
-            format: url
-            minimum: 1
-            maximum: 1
-    subscriptions.get.200:
-      description: >
-        Shall be returned when the list of subscriptions has been queried 
-        successfully.
-        The response body shall contain in an array the representations  of all
-        active subscriptions of the functional block that invokes  the method,
-        i.e. zero or more representations of PM subscriptions  as defined in
-        clause
-        If the "filter" URI parameter was supplied in the request, the data  in
-        the response body shall have been transformed according to the  rules
-        specified in clause 5.2.2 of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013.
-        If the NFV-MANO functional entity supports alternative 2 (paging) 
-        according to clause of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013 for this resource, 
-        inclusion of the Link HTTP header in this response shall follow the 
-        provisions in clause of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013.
-      headers:
-        WWW-Authenticate:
-          description: >
-            Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-            authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request
-            has provided an invalid authorization token.
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        Version:
-          description: |
-            Version of the API used in the response.
-          schema:
-            type: string
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            type: array
-            items:
-              description: |
-                This type represents a subscription. 
-              type: object
-              properties:
-                id:
-                  description: |
-                    An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
-                  type: string
-                filter:
-                  description: >
-                    This type represents a filter that can be used to subscribe
-                    for notifications  related to performance management
-                    events.  At a particular nesting level in the filter
-                    structure, the following applies:  All attributes shall
-                    match in order for the filter to match (logical "and"
-                    between  different filter attributes). If an attribute is an
-                    array, the attribute shall  match if at least one of the
-                    values in the array matches (logical "or" between the 
-                    values of one filter attribute).
-                  type: object
-                  properties:
-                    pmSubscriptionFilter:
-                      description: >
-                        This type represents subscription filter criteria to
-                        match NFV-MANO functional  entities and their associated
-                        managed objects. 
-                      type: object
-                      properties:
-                        manoEntityId:
-                          description: >
-                            An identifier with the intention of being globally
-                            unique.
-                          type: string
-                        manoServiceIds:
-                          description: "manoServiceIds\tIdentifierInManoEntity\t0..N\tIf present, match NFV-MANO  services with an instance identifier listed in this attribute.\nThe attributes \"manoServiceIds\" and \"manoServiceNames\" are alternatives  to reference to NFV-MANO services in a filter. They should not be used  together in the same filter instance, but one alternative should be chosen.\n"
-                          type: array
-                          items:
-                            description: >
-                              An identifier that is unique for the respective
-                              type within a NFV-MANO functional entity, but that
-                              need not be globally unique. Representation:
-                              string of variable length..
-                            type: string
-                        manoServiceNames:
-                          description: >
-                            If present, match NFV-MANO services with an NFV-MANO
-                            service name listed  in this attribute.
-                            The attributes "manoServiceIds" and
-                            "manoServiceNames" are alternatives  to reference to
-                            NFV-MANO services in a filter. They should not be
-                            used  together in the same filter instance, but one
-                            alternative should be chosen.
-                          type: array
-                          items:
-                            type: string
-                        manoServiceInterfaceIds:
-                          description: >
-                            If present, match NFV-MANO functional entity
-                            produced interfaces with an  instance identifier
-                            listed in this attribute.
-                            The attributes "manoServiceInterfaceIds" and
-                            "manoServiceInterfaceNames"  are alternatives to
-                            reference to NFV-MANO functional entity produced 
-                            interfaces in a filter. They should not be used both
-                            in the same filter  instance, but one alternative
-                            should be chosen.
-                          type: array
-                          items:
-                            description: >
-                              An identifier that is unique for the respective
-                              type within a NFV-MANO functional entity, but that
-                              need not be globally unique. Representation:
-                              string of variable length..
-                            type: string
-                        manoServiceInterfaceNames:
-                          description: >
-                            If present, match NFV-MANO functional entity
-                            produced interfaces with an  instance Name listed in
-                            this attribute.
-                            The attributes "manoServiceInterfaceIds" and
-                            "manoServiceInterfaceNames"  are alternatives to
-                            reference to NFV-MANO functional entity produced 
-                            interfaces in a filter. They should not be used both
-                            in the same filter  instance, but one alternative
-                            should be chosen.
-                          type: array
-                          items:
-                            type: string
-                        consumedManoInterfaceIds:
-                          description: >
-                            If present, match NFV-MANO functional entity
-                            consumed interfaces with an  instance identifier
-                            listed in this attribute.
-                            The attributes "consumedManoInterfaceIds" and
-                            "consumedManoInterfaceNames"  are alternatives to
-                            reference to NFV-MANO functional entity consumed 
-                            interfaces in a filter. They should not be used both
-                            in the same filter  instance, but one alternative
-                            should be chosen.
-                          type: array
-                          items:
-                            description: >
-                              An identifier with the intention of being globally
-                              unique.
-                            type: string
-                        consumedManoInterfaceNames:
-                          description: >
-                            If present, match NFV-MANO functional entity
-                            consumed interfaces with an  instance Name listed in
-                            this attribute.
-                            The attributes "consumedManoInterfaceIds" and
-                            "consumedManoInterfaceNames"  are alternatives to
-                            reference to NFV-MANO functional entity consumed 
-                            interfaces in a filter. They should not be used both
-                            in the same filter  instance, but one alternative
-                            should be chosen.
-                          type: array
-                          items:
-                            type: string
-                    notificationTypes:
-                      description: >
-                        Match particular notification types.  Permitted values:
-                          - ThresholdCrossedNotification
-                          - PerformanceInformationAvailableNotification
-                        The permitted values of the "notificationTypes"
-                        attribute are spelled exactly  as the names of the
-                        notification types to facilitate automated code
-                        generation  systems.
-                      type: string
-                      enum:
-                        - ThresholdCrossedNotification
-                        - PerformanceInformationAvailableNotification
-                callbackUri:
-                  description: |
-                    The URI of the endpoint to send the notification to.
-                  type: object
-                  properties:
-                    links:
-                      description: |
-                        String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.
-                      type: string
-                    self:
-                      description: >
-                        This type represents a link to a resource using an
-                        absolute URI.
-                      type: object
-                      required:
-                        - href
-                      properties:
-                        href:
-                          description: |
-                            String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.
-                          type: string
-                  required:
-                    - links
-                    - self
-              required:
-                - id
-                - callbackUri
-    subscriptions.get.400:
-      description: |
-        400 BAD REQUEST
-        Shall be returned upon the following errors: 
-          - Invalid attribute-based filtering expression.
-            The response body shall contain a ProblemDetails structure, in which 
-            the "detail" attribute should convey more information about the error.
-          - Response too big.
-            If the NFV-MANO functional entity supports alternative N°1 (error) 
-            according to clause of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013 for this resource, 
-            this error response shall follow the provisions in clause of 
-            ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013.
-      headers:
-        WWW-Authenticate:
-          description: >
-            Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-            authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request
-            has provided an invalid authorization token.
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        Version:
-          description: |
-            Version of the API used in the response.
-          schema:
-            type: string
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            description: >
-              The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure from
-              IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the
-              general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807 [19], the "status" and
-              "detail" attributes are mandated to be included by the present
-              document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual
-              information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 [19] foresees
-              extensibility of the "ProblemDetails" type. It is possible that
-              particular APIs in the present document, or particular
-              implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes
-              that provide more information about the error. The description
-              column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate
-              understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC
-              7807 [19].
-            type: object
-            required:
-              - status
-              - detail
-            properties:
-              type:
-                description: >
-                  A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that identifies
-                  the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides
-                  human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML)
-                  when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value
-                  is assumed to be "about:blank".
-                type: string
-                format: URI
-              title:
-                description: >
-                  A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should
-                  not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem,
-                  except for purposes of localization. If type is given and
-                  other than "about:blank", this attribute shall also be
-                  provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem
-                  type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of
-                  the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using
-                  proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
-                type: string
-              status:
-                description: >
-                  The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The
-                  HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the
-                  origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
-                type: integer
-              detail:
-                description: >
-                  A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of
-                  the problem.
-                type: string
-              instance:
-                description: >
-                  A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the
-                  problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.
-                type: string
-                format: URI
-    subscription.get.200:
-      description: >
-        200 OK
-        Shall be returned when the subscription has been read successfully.
-        The response body shall contain a representation of the  "Individual
-        subscription" resource, as defined in clause
-      headers:
-        WWW-Authenticate:
-          description: >
-            Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-            authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request
-            has provided an invalid authorization token.
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        Version:
-          description: |
-            Version of the API used in the response.
-          schema:
-            type: string
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            description: |
-              This type represents a subscription. 
-            type: object
-            properties:
-              id:
-                description: |
-                  An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
-                type: string
-              filter:
-                description: >
-                  This type represents a filter that can be used to subscribe
-                  for notifications  related to performance management events. 
-                  At a particular nesting level in the filter structure, the
-                  following applies:  All attributes shall match in order for
-                  the filter to match (logical "and" between  different filter
-                  attributes). If an attribute is an array, the attribute shall 
-                  match if at least one of the values in the array matches
-                  (logical "or" between the  values of one filter attribute).
-                type: object
-                properties:
-                  pmSubscriptionFilter:
-                    description: >
-                      This type represents subscription filter criteria to match
-                      NFV-MANO functional  entities and their associated managed
-                      objects. 
-                    type: object
-                    properties:
-                      manoEntityId:
-                        description: >
-                          An identifier with the intention of being globally
-                          unique.
-                        type: string
-                      manoServiceIds:
-                        description: "manoServiceIds\tIdentifierInManoEntity\t0..N\tIf present, match NFV-MANO  services with an instance identifier listed in this attribute.\nThe attributes \"manoServiceIds\" and \"manoServiceNames\" are alternatives  to reference to NFV-MANO services in a filter. They should not be used  together in the same filter instance, but one alternative should be chosen.\n"
-                        type: array
-                        items:
-                          description: >
-                            An identifier that is unique for the respective type
-                            within a NFV-MANO functional entity, but that need
-                            not be globally unique. Representation: string of
-                            variable length..
-                          type: string
-                      manoServiceNames:
-                        description: >
-                          If present, match NFV-MANO services with an NFV-MANO
-                          service name listed  in this attribute.
-                          The attributes "manoServiceIds" and "manoServiceNames"
-                          are alternatives  to reference to NFV-MANO services in
-                          a filter. They should not be used  together in the
-                          same filter instance, but one alternative should be
-                          chosen.
-                        type: array
-                        items:
-                          type: string
-                      manoServiceInterfaceIds:
-                        description: >
-                          If present, match NFV-MANO functional entity produced
-                          interfaces with an  instance identifier listed in this
-                          attribute.
-                          The attributes "manoServiceInterfaceIds" and
-                          "manoServiceInterfaceNames"  are alternatives to
-                          reference to NFV-MANO functional entity produced 
-                          interfaces in a filter. They should not be used both
-                          in the same filter  instance, but one alternative
-                          should be chosen.
-                        type: array
-                        items:
-                          description: >
-                            An identifier that is unique for the respective type
-                            within a NFV-MANO functional entity, but that need
-                            not be globally unique. Representation: string of
-                            variable length..
-                          type: string
-                      manoServiceInterfaceNames:
-                        description: >
-                          If present, match NFV-MANO functional entity produced
-                          interfaces with an  instance Name listed in this
-                          attribute.
-                          The attributes "manoServiceInterfaceIds" and
-                          "manoServiceInterfaceNames"  are alternatives to
-                          reference to NFV-MANO functional entity produced 
-                          interfaces in a filter. They should not be used both
-                          in the same filter  instance, but one alternative
-                          should be chosen.
-                        type: array
-                        items:
-                          type: string
-                      consumedManoInterfaceIds:
-                        description: >
-                          If present, match NFV-MANO functional entity consumed
-                          interfaces with an  instance identifier listed in this
-                          attribute.
-                          The attributes "consumedManoInterfaceIds" and
-                          "consumedManoInterfaceNames"  are alternatives to
-                          reference to NFV-MANO functional entity consumed 
-                          interfaces in a filter. They should not be used both
-                          in the same filter  instance, but one alternative
-                          should be chosen.
-                        type: array
-                        items:
-                          description: >
-                            An identifier with the intention of being globally
-                            unique.
-                          type: string
-                      consumedManoInterfaceNames:
-                        description: >
-                          If present, match NFV-MANO functional entity consumed
-                          interfaces with an  instance Name listed in this
-                          attribute.
-                          The attributes "consumedManoInterfaceIds" and
-                          "consumedManoInterfaceNames"  are alternatives to
-                          reference to NFV-MANO functional entity consumed 
-                          interfaces in a filter. They should not be used both
-                          in the same filter  instance, but one alternative
-                          should be chosen.
-                        type: array
-                        items:
-                          type: string
-                  notificationTypes:
-                    description: >
-                      Match particular notification types.  Permitted values:
-                        - ThresholdCrossedNotification
-                        - PerformanceInformationAvailableNotification
-                      The permitted values of the "notificationTypes" attribute
-                      are spelled exactly  as the names of the notification
-                      types to facilitate automated code generation  systems.
-                    type: string
-                    enum:
-                      - ThresholdCrossedNotification
-                      - PerformanceInformationAvailableNotification
-              callbackUri:
-                description: |
-                  The URI of the endpoint to send the notification to.
-                type: object
-                properties:
-                  links:
-                    description: |
-                      String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.
-                    type: string
-                  self:
-                    description: >
-                      This type represents a link to a resource using an
-                      absolute URI.
-                    type: object
-                    required:
-                      - href
-                    properties:
-                      href:
-                        description: |
-                          String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.
-                        type: string
-                required:
-                  - links
-                  - self
-            required:
-              - id
-              - callbackUri
-    subscription.delete.204:
-      description: >
-        204 NO CONTENT
-        Shall be returned when the "Individual subscription" resource has  been
-        deleted successfully.
-        The response body shall be empty.
-      headers:
-        WWW-Authenticate:
-          description: >
-            Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
-            authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request
-            has provided an invalid authorization token.
-          schema:
-            type: string
-        Version:
-          description: |
-            Version of the API used in the response.
-          schema:
-            type: string
-  parameters:
-    filter.PmJob:
-      name: filter
-      description: >
-        Attribute-based filtering expression according to clause 5.2 of  ETSI GS
-        NFV-SOL 013. 
-        The NFV-MANO functional entity shall support receiving this parameter 
-        as part of the URI query string. The API consumer may supply this 
-        parameter. 
-        All attribute names that appear in the PmJob  and in data  types
-        referenced from it shall be supported by the NFV-MANO functional  entity
-        in the expression. 
-      in: query
-      required: false
-      schema:
-        type: string
-    filter.Threshold:
-      name: filter
-      description: >
-        Attribute-based filtering expression according to clause 5.2 of  ETSI GS
-        NFV-SOL 013. 
-        The NFV-MANO functional entity shall support receiving this parameter 
-        as part of the URI query string. The API consumer may supply this 
-        parameter. 
-        All attribute names that appear in the Threshold  and in data  types
-        referenced from it shall be supported by the NFV-MANO functional  entity
-        in the expression. 
-      in: query
-      required: false
-      schema:
-        type: string
-    filter.PmSubscription:
-      name: filter
-      description: >
-        Attribute-based filtering expression according to clause 5.2 of  ETSI GS
-        NFV-SOL 013. 
-        The NFV-MANO functional entity shall support receiving this parameter 
-        as part of the URI query string. The API consumer may supply this 
-        parameter. 
-        All attribute names that appear in the PmSubscription  and in data 
-        types referenced from it shall be supported by the NFV-MANO functional 
-        entity in the expression. 
-      in: query
-      required: false
-      schema:
-        type: string
-    exclude_default.PmJob:
-      name: exclude_default
-      description: >
-        Indicates to exclude the following complex attributes from the 
-        response. See clause 5.3 of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013 for details.  The
-        NFV-MANO functional entity shall support this parameter.
-        The following attributes shall be excluded from the PmJob  structure in
-        the response body if this parameter is provided, or none of  the
-        parameters "all_fields," "fields", "exclude_fields", "exclude_default" 
-        are provided: - none
-      in: query
-      required: false
-      schema:
-        type: string
-    subscriptionId:
-      name: subscriptionId
-      in: path
-      description: Identifier of the subscription
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        description: |
-          An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
-        type: string
-    pmJobId:
-      name: pmJobId
-      in: path
-      description: Identifier of the PM Job
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        description: |
-          An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
-        type: string
-    reportId:
-      name: reportId
-      in: path
-      description: Identifier of the PM report
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        description: |
-          An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
-        type: string
-    thresholdId:
-      name: thresholdId
-      in: path
-      description: Identifier of the PM threshold
-      required: true
-      schema:
-        description: |
-          An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
-        type: string
-  requestBodies:
-    CreatePMJobRequest:
-      description: |
-        PM job creation request.
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            description: |
-              This type represents a request to create a PM job. 
-            type: object
-            properties:
-              objectType:
-                description: >
-                  Type of measured object. The applicable measured object type
-                  for a measurement  is defined in clause 8.2 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA
-                  031.
-                type: string
-              objectInstanceIds:
-                description: >
-                  Identifiers of the measured object instance for which
-                  performance information  is requested to be collected. This
-                  attribute shall contain the identifier of  the instance of the
-                  measure object according to their type. See also definitions
-                  in clause 8.2 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031. If more than one
-                  identifier is provided, values shall all refer to measured 
-                  object instances of the same type, for which the same criteria
-                  is then applicable.
-                type: array
-                items:
-                  description: |
-                    An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
-                  type: string
-                minItems: 1
-              subObjectInstanceIds:
-                description: >
-                  Identifiers of the sub-object instances of the measured object
-                  instance for  which performance information is requested to be
-                  collected.  May be present if a sub-object is defined in
-                  clause 8.2 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031 for the related measured
-                  object type. If this attribute is present, the cardinality of
-                  the "objectInstanceIds"  attribute shall be 1. If this
-                  attribute is absent and a sub-object is defined in clause 8.2
-                  of  ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031 for the related measured object type,
-                  measurements will  be taken for all sub-object instances of
-                  the measured object instance.
-                type: array
-                items:
-                  description: >
-                    An identifier that is unique for the respective type within
-                    a NFV-MANO functional entity, but that need not be globally
-                    unique. Representation: string of variable length..
-                  type: string
-              criteria:
-                description: |
-                  This type represents collection criteria for PM jobs.
-                type: object
-                properties:
-                  performanceMetric:
-                    description: >
-                      This defines the types of performance metrics for the
-                      specified measured  object(s). This attribute’s value
-                      shall contain the related "Measurement Name"  values as
-                      defined in clause 8.4 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031.  At least
-                      one of the two attributes (performance metric or group)
-                      shall be present.
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: string
-                  performanceMetricGroup:
-                    description: >
-                      Group of performance metrics. A metric group is a
-                      pre-defined list of metrics, known to the producer that
-                      it  can decompose to individual metrics. This attribute’s
-                      value shall contain the  related "Measurement Group"
-                      values as defined in clause 8.4 of ETSI GS  NFV-IFA 031.
-                      At least one of the two attributes (performance metric or
-                      group) shall be present.
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: string
-                  collectionPeriod:
-                    description: >
-                      Specifies the periodicity at which the producer will
-                      collect performance  information. The unit shall be
-                      seconds. 
-                      At the end of each reportingPeriod, the producer will
-                      inform the API consumer  about availability of the
-                      performance data collected for each completed  collection
-                      period during this reportingPeriod. The reportingPeriod
-                      should  be equal to or a multiple of the collectionPeriod.
-                      In the latter case, the  performance data for the
-                      collection periods within one reporting period  are
-                      reported together. 
-                      In particular when choosing short collection and reporting
-                      periods, the  number of PM jobs that can be supported
-                      depends on the capability of the  producing entity.
-                    type: integer
-                  reportingPeriod:
-                    description: >
-                      Specifies the periodicity at which the producer will
-                      report to the API consumer  about performance information.
-                      The unit shall be seconds.
-                      At the end of each reportingPeriod, the producer will
-                      inform the API consumer  about availability of the
-                      performance data collected for each completed  collection
-                      period during this reportingPeriod. The reportingPeriod
-                      should  be equal to or a multiple of the collectionPeriod.
-                      In the latter case, the  performance data for the
-                      collection periods within one reporting period  are
-                      reported together. 
-                      In particular when choosing short collection and reporting
-                      periods, the  number of PM jobs that can be supported
-                      depends on the capability of the  producing entity.
-                    type: integer
-                  reportingBoundary:
-                    description: >
-                      Date-time stamp. Representation: String formatted
-                      according to IETF RFC 3339.
-                    type: string
-                    format: date-time
-                required:
-                  - collectionPeriod
-                  - reportingPeriod
-            required:
-              - objectType
-              - objectInstanceIds
-              - criteria
-      required: true
-    CreateThesholdRequest:
-      description: |
-        Request parameters to create a threshold. 
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            description: |
-              This type represents a request to create a threshold. 
-            type: object
-            properties:
-              objectType:
-                description: >
-                  Type of measured object. The applicable measured object type
-                  for a measurement  is defined in clause 8.2 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA
-                  031.
-                type: string
-              objectInstanceId:
-                description: |
-                  An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
-                type: string
-              subjObjectInstanceIds:
-                description: >
-                  Identifiers of the sub-object instances of the measured object
-                  instance  associated with this threshold.  May be present if a
-                  sub-object is defined in clause 8.2 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031 for
-                  the related measured object type. If this attribute is absent
-                  and a sub-object is defined in clause 8.2 of ETSI  GS NFV-IFA
-                  031 for the related measured object type, thresholds will be
-                  set  for all sub-object instances of the measured object
-                  instance.
-                type: array
-                items:
-                  description: >
-                    An identifier that is unique for the respective type within
-                    a NFV-MANO functional entity, but that need not be globally
-                    unique. Representation: string of variable length..
-                  type: string
-              criteria:
-                description: |
-                  This type represents criteria that define a threshold.
-                type: object
-                properties:
-                  performanceMetric:
-                    description: >
-                      Defines the performance metric associated with the
-                      threshold.  This attribute’s value shall contain the
-                      related "Measurement Name" values  as defined in clause
-                      8.4 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031 
-                    type: string
-                  thresholdType:
-                    description: >
-                      Type of threshold. This attribute determines which other
-                      attributes are  present in the data structure. Permitted
-                      values:
-                        - SIMPLE: Single-valued static threshold
-                      In the present document, simple thresholds are defined.
-                      The definition  of additional threshold types is left for
-                      future specification.
-                    type: string
-                    enum:
-                      - SIMPLE
-                  simpleThresholdDetails:
-                    description: >
-                      Details of a simple threshold. Shall be present if
-                      thresholdType="SIMPLE".
-                    type: object
-                    properties:
-                      thresholdValue:
-                        description: |
-                          A number defined in IETF RFC 8259.
-                        type: number
-                      hysteresis:
-                        description: |
-                          A number defined in IETF RFC 8259.
-                        type: number
-                    required:
-                      - thresholdValue
-                      - hysteresis
-                required:
-                  - performanceMetric
-                  - thresholdType
-            required:
-              - objectType
-              - objectInstanceId
-              - criteria
-      required: true
-    CreateSubscriptionRequest:
-      description: |
-        Details of the subscription to be created.
-      content:
-        application/json:
-          schema:
-            description: |
-              This type represents a subscription request. 
-            type: object
-            properties:
-              filter:
-                description: >
-                  This type represents a filter that can be used to subscribe
-                  for notifications  related to performance management events. 
-                  At a particular nesting level in the filter structure, the
-                  following applies:  All attributes shall match in order for
-                  the filter to match (logical "and" between  different filter
-                  attributes). If an attribute is an array, the attribute shall 
-                  match if at least one of the values in the array matches
-                  (logical "or" between the  values of one filter attribute).
-                type: object
-                properties:
-                  pmSubscriptionFilter:
-                    description: >
-                      This type represents subscription filter criteria to match
-                      NFV-MANO functional  entities and their associated managed
-                      objects. 
-                    type: object
-                    properties:
-                      manoEntityId:
-                        description: >
-                          An identifier with the intention of being globally
-                          unique.
-                        type: string
-                      manoServiceIds:
-                        description: "manoServiceIds\tIdentifierInManoEntity\t0..N\tIf present, match NFV-MANO  services with an instance identifier listed in this attribute.\nThe attributes \"manoServiceIds\" and \"manoServiceNames\" are alternatives  to reference to NFV-MANO services in a filter. They should not be used  together in the same filter instance, but one alternative should be chosen.\n"
-                        type: array
-                        items:
-                          description: >
-                            An identifier that is unique for the respective type
-                            within a NFV-MANO functional entity, but that need
-                            not be globally unique. Representation: string of
-                            variable length..
-                          type: string
-                      manoServiceNames:
-                        description: >
-                          If present, match NFV-MANO services with an NFV-MANO
-                          service name listed  in this attribute.
-                          The attributes "manoServiceIds" and "manoServiceNames"
-                          are alternatives  to reference to NFV-MANO services in
-                          a filter. They should not be used  together in the
-                          same filter instance, but one alternative should be
-                          chosen.
-                        type: array
-                        items:
-                          type: string
-                      manoServiceInterfaceIds:
-                        description: >
-                          If present, match NFV-MANO functional entity produced
-                          interfaces with an  instance identifier listed in this
-                          attribute.
-                          The attributes "manoServiceInterfaceIds" and
-                          "manoServiceInterfaceNames"  are alternatives to
-                          reference to NFV-MANO functional entity produced 
-                          interfaces in a filter. They should not be used both
-                          in the same filter  instance, but one alternative
-                          should be chosen.
-                        type: array
-                        items:
-                          description: >
-                            An identifier that is unique for the respective type
-                            within a NFV-MANO functional entity, but that need
-                            not be globally unique. Representation: string of
-                            variable length..
-                          type: string
-                      manoServiceInterfaceNames:
-                        description: >
-                          If present, match NFV-MANO functional entity produced
-                          interfaces with an  instance Name listed in this
-                          attribute.
-                          The attributes "manoServiceInterfaceIds" and
-                          "manoServiceInterfaceNames"  are alternatives to
-                          reference to NFV-MANO functional entity produced 
-                          interfaces in a filter. They should not be used both
-                          in the same filter  instance, but one alternative
-                          should be chosen.
-                        type: array
-                        items:
-                          type: string
-                      consumedManoInterfaceIds:
-                        description: >
-                          If present, match NFV-MANO functional entity consumed
-                          interfaces with an  instance identifier listed in this
-                          attribute.
-                          The attributes "consumedManoInterfaceIds" and
-                          "consumedManoInterfaceNames"  are alternatives to
-                          reference to NFV-MANO functional entity consumed 
-                          interfaces in a filter. They should not be used both
-                          in the same filter  instance, but one alternative
-                          should be chosen.
-                        type: array
-                        items:
-                          description: >
-                            An identifier with the intention of being globally
-                            unique.
-                          type: string
-                      consumedManoInterfaceNames:
-                        description: >
-                          If present, match NFV-MANO functional entity consumed
-                          interfaces with an  instance Name listed in this
-                          attribute.
-                          The attributes "consumedManoInterfaceIds" and
-                          "consumedManoInterfaceNames"  are alternatives to
-                          reference to NFV-MANO functional entity consumed 
-                          interfaces in a filter. They should not be used both
-                          in the same filter  instance, but one alternative
-                          should be chosen.
-                        type: array
-                        items:
-                          type: string
-                  notificationTypes:
-                    description: >
-                      Match particular notification types.  Permitted values:
-                        - ThresholdCrossedNotification
-                        - PerformanceInformationAvailableNotification
-                      The permitted values of the "notificationTypes" attribute
-                      are spelled exactly  as the names of the notification
-                      types to facilitate automated code generation  systems.
-                    type: string
-                    enum:
-                      - ThresholdCrossedNotification
-                      - PerformanceInformationAvailableNotification
-              callbackUri:
-                description: |
-                  String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.
-                type: string
-              authentication:
-                type: object
-                required:
-                  - authType
-                properties:
-                  authType:
-                    description: >
-                      Defines the types of Authentication / Authorization which
-                      the API consumer is willing to accept when receiving a
-                      notification. Permitted values: * BASIC: In every HTTP
-                      request to the notification endpoint, use
-                        HTTP Basic authentication with the client credentials.
-                      * OAUTH2_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS: In every HTTP request to the
-                        notification endpoint, use an OAuth 2.0 Bearer token, obtained
-                        using the client credentials grant type.
-                      * TLS_CERT: Every HTTP request to the notification
-                      endpoint is sent
-                        over a mutually authenticated TLS session, i.e. not only the
-                        server is authenticated, but also the client is authenticated
-                        during the TLS tunnel setup.
-                    type: array
-                    items:
-                      type: string
-                      enum:
-                        - BASIC
-                        - OAUTH2_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS
-                        - TLS_CERT
-                  paramsBasic:
-                    description: >
-                      Parameters for authentication/authorization using BASIC.
-                      Shall be present if authType is "BASIC" and the contained
-                      information has not been provisioned out of band. Shall be
-                      absent otherwise.
-                    type: object
-                    properties:
-                      userName:
-                        description: >
-                          Username to be used in HTTP Basic authentication.
-                          Shall be present if it has not been provisioned out of
-                          band.
-                        type: string
-                      password:
-                        description: >
-                          Password to be used in HTTP Basic authentication.
-                          Shall be present if it has not been provisioned out of
-                          band.
-                        type: string
-                  paramsOauth2ClientCredentials:
-                    description: >
-                      Parameters for authentication/authorization using
-                      OAUTH2_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS. Shall be present if authType is
-                      "OAUTH2_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS" and the contained information
-                      has not been provisioned out of band. Shall be absent
-                      otherwise.
-                    type: object
-                    properties:
-                      clientId:
-                        description: >
-                          Client identifier to be used in the access token
-                          request of the OAuth 2.0 client credentials grant
-                          type. Shall be present if it has not been provisioned
-                          out of band. The clientId and clientPassword passed in
-                          a subscription shall not be the same as the clientId
-                          and clientPassword that are used to obtain
-                          authorization for API requests. Client credentials may
-                          differ between subscriptions. The value of
-                          clientPassword should be generated by a random
-                          process.
-                        type: string
-                      clientPassword:
-                        description: >
-                          Client password to be used in the access token request
-                          of the OAuth 2.0 client credentials grant type. Shall
-                          be present if it has not been provisioned out of band.
-                          The clientId and clientPassword passed in a
-                          subscription shall not be the same as the clientId and
-                          clientPassword that are used to obtain authorization
-                          for API requests. Client credentials may differ
-                          between subscriptions. The value of clientPassword
-                          should be generated by a random process.
-                        type: string
-                      tokenEndpoint:
-                        description: |
-                          String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.
-                        type: string
-            required:
-              - callbackUri
-      required: true