diff --git a/SOL003/VNFFaultManagement-API_egm/Alarms.robot b/SOL003/VNFFaultManagement-API_egm/Alarms.robot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2f3ca9303c59c2d70164492b4c07c3d7f6d3a050
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOL003/VNFFaultManagement-API_egm/Alarms.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+*** Settings ***
+# Suite setup     Expect spec    SOL003-VNFLifecycleManagement-API.yaml
+Resource    variables.txt 
+Library    REST    http://${VNFM_HOST}:${VNFM_PORT} 
+...        spec=SOL003-VNFFaultManagement-API.yaml
+*** Test cases ***
+POST Alarms - Method not implemented
+    log    Trying to perform a PUT. This method should not be implemented
+    Set Headers  {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}  
+    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
+    Post    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/alarms
+    Log    Validate Status code
+    Output    response
+    Integer    response status    405
+Get information about multiple alarms  
+    Log    Query VNF The GET method queries information about multiple alarms.
+    Set Headers  {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}  
+    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
+    Log    Execute Query and validate response
+    Get    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/alarms
+    Output    response
+    Log    Validate Status code
+    Integer    response status    200
+Get information about multiple alarms with filters 
+    Log    Query VNF The GET method queries information about multiple alarms with filters.
+    Set Headers  {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}  
+    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
+    Log    Execute Query and validate response
+    Get    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/alarms?${alarm_filter}=${managedObjectId} 
+    Output    response
+    Log    Validate Status code
+    Integer    response status    200
+Get information about multiple alarms Bad Request Invalid attribute-based filtering parameters
+    Log    Query VNF The GET method queries information about multiple VNF instances.
+    Set Headers  {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}  
+    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"} 
+    Get    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/alarms?${invalid_alarm_filter}=${managedObjectId} 
+    Log    Validate Status code
+    Output    response
+    Integer    response status    400
+PUT Alarms - Method not implemented
+    log    Trying to perform a PUT. This method should not be implemented
+    Set Headers  {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}  
+    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
+    Put    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/alarms
+    Log    Validate Status code
+    Output    response
+    Integer    response status    405
+PATCH Alarms - Method not implemented
+    log    Trying to perform a PATCH. This method should not be implemented
+    Set Headers  {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}  
+    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
+    Patch    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/alarms
+    Log    Validate Status code
+    Output    response
+    Integer    response status    405
+DELETE Alarms - Method not implemented
+    log    Trying to perform a DELETE. This method should not be implemented
+    Set Headers  {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}  
+    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
+    Delete    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/alarms
+    Log    Validate Status code
+    Output    response
+    Integer    response status    405
diff --git a/SOL003/VNFFaultManagement-API_egm/IndividualAlarm.robot b/SOL003/VNFFaultManagement-API_egm/IndividualAlarm.robot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..404984d52e54512b5d079e12d77716c2dbc8013f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOL003/VNFFaultManagement-API_egm/IndividualAlarm.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+*** Settings ***
+# Suite setup     Expect spec    SOL003-VNFLifecycleManagement-API.yaml
+Resource    variables.txt 
+Library    REST    http://${VNFM_HOST}:${VNFM_PORT} 
+...        spec=SOL003-VNFFaultManagement-API.yaml
+Library     OperatingSystem
+Library    DependencyLibrary
+*** Variables ***
+${Etag}=    an etag
+${Etag_modified}=    a modified etag
+*** Test cases ***
+POST Alarm - Method not implemented
+    log    Trying to perform a PUT. This method should not be implemented
+    Set Headers  {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}  
+    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
+    Post    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/alarms/${alarmId}
+    Log    Validate Status code
+    Output    response
+    Integer    response status    405
+Get information about an alarm  
+    Log    Query VNF The GET method queries information about multiple alarms.
+    Set Headers  {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}  
+    Set Headers  {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE}"}
+    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
+    Log    Execute Query and validate response
+    Get    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/alarms/${alarmId}
+    Output    response
+    ${Etag}=    Output    response headers Etag
+    Log    Validate Status code
+    Integer    response status    200
+PUT Alarm - Method not implemented
+    log    Trying to perform a PUT. This method should not be implemented
+    Set Headers  {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}  
+    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
+    Put    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/alarms/${alarmId}
+    Log    Validate Status code
+    Output    response
+    Integer    response status    405
+PATCH Alarm
+    [Documentation]    This method modifies an individual alarm resource
+    log    Trying to perform a PATCH. This method modifies an individual alarm resource
+    Set Headers  {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"} 
+    Set Headers  {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE_PATCH}"} 
+    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
+    ${body}=    Get File    json/alarmModifications.json
+    Patch    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/alarms/${alarmId}    ${body}
+    Log    Validate Status code
+    Output    response
+    ${Etag_modified}=    Output    response headers Etag
+    Integer    response status    200
+PATCH Alarm - Conflict
+    [Documentation]    Conflict
+    ...    The operation cannot be executed currently, due to a conflict with the state of the “Individual alarm” resource. 
+    ...    Typically, this is due to the fact that the alarm is already in the state that is requested to be set (such as trying to acknowledge an already-acknowledged alarm). 
+    ...    The response body shall contain a ProblemDetails structure, in which the “detail” attribute should convey more information about the error.
+    Depends On Test    PATCH Alarm    # If the previous test scceeded, it means that the alarm is in ackownledged state
+    log    Trying to perform a PATCH. This method modifies an individual alarm resource
+    Set Headers  {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"} 
+    Set Headers  {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE_PATCH}"} 
+    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
+    ${body}=    Get File    json/alarmModifications.json
+    Patch    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/alarms/${alarmId}    ${body}
+    Log    Validate Status code
+    Output    response
+    Integer    response status    409
+PATCH Alarm - Precondition failed
+    [Documentation]    Precondition Failed
+    ...    A precondition given in an HTTP request header is not fulfilled. Typically, this is due to an ETag mismatch, 
+    ...    indicating that the resource was modified by another entity. The response body should contain a ProblemDetails structure, 
+    ...    in which the “detail” attribute should convey more information about the error.
+    Depends On Test    PATCH Alarm    # If the previous test scceeded, it means that Etag has been modified
+    log    Trying to perform a PATCH. This method modifies an individual alarm resource
+    Set Headers  {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"} 
+    Set Headers  {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE_PATCH}"} 
+    Set Headers    {"If-Match": "${Etag}"}
+    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
+    ${body}=    Get File    json/alarmModifications.json
+    Patch    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/alarms/${alarmId}    ${body}
+    Log    Validate Status code
+    Output    response
+    Integer    response status    412
+DELETE Alarm - Method not implemented
+    log    Trying to perform a DELETE. This method should not be implemented
+    Set Headers  {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}  
+    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
+    Delete    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/alarms/${alarmId}
+    Log    Validate Status code
+    Output    response
+    Integer    response status    405   
diff --git a/SOL003/VNFFaultManagement-API_egm/SOL003-VNFFaultManagement-API.yaml b/SOL003/VNFFaultManagement-API_egm/SOL003-VNFFaultManagement-API.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b362b74e768554bbf2c8b7f499afc5ac00b8bd56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOL003/VNFFaultManagement-API_egm/SOL003-VNFFaultManagement-API.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,5219 @@
+swagger: '2.0'
+  version: 1.1.1
+  title: SOL003 - VNF Fault Management interface
+  description: >
+    SOL003 - VNF Fault Management interface
+    IMPORTANT: Please note that this file might be not aligned to the current
+    version of the ETSI Group Specification it refers to. In case of
+    discrepancies the published ETSI Group Specification takes precedence.
+    In clause 4.3.2 of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 003 v2.4.1, an attribute-based filtering
+    mechanism is defined. This mechanism is currently not included in the
+    corresponding OpenAPI design for this GS version. Changes to the
+    attribute-based filtering mechanism are being considered in v2.5.1 of this
+    GS for inclusion in the corresponding future ETSI NFV OpenAPI design.
+    Please report bugs to
+    https://forge.etsi.org/bugzilla/buglist.cgi?component=Nfv-Openapis&list_id=61&product=NFV&resolution=
+  license:
+    name: ETSI Forge copyright notice
+    url: 'https://forge.etsi.org/etsi-forge-copyright-notice.txt'
+  description: ETSI GS NFV-SOL 003 V2.4.1
+  url: >-
+    http://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi_gs/NFV-SOL/001_099/003/02.04.01_60/gs_NFV-SOL003v020401p.pdf
+basePath: /vnffm/v1
+  - https
+  - application/json
+  - application/json
+  /alarms:
+    get:
+      description: >
+        Get Alarm List
+        The client can use this method to retrieve information about the alarm
+        list.
+      parameters:
+        - name: Accept
+          description: >
+            Content-Types that are acceptable for the response. Reference: IETF
+            RFC 7231
+          in: header
+          required: true
+          type: string
+        - name: Authorization
+          description: |
+            The authorization token for the request. Reference: IETF RFC 7235
+          in: header
+          required: false
+          type: string
+      responses:
+        '200':
+          description: >
+            OK
+            The request has succeeded. The response body shall contain the list
+            of related alarms.
+          headers:
+            Content-Type:
+              description: >
+                The MIME type of the body of the request. Reference: IETF RFC
+                7231
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 1
+          schema:
+            $ref: '#/definitions/Alarm'
+        '400':
+          description: >
+            Bad Request
+            Invalid attribute-based filtering parameters or Invalid attribute
+            selector. It fhe request is malformed or syntactically incorrect
+            (e.g. if the request URI contains incorrect query parameters or a
+            syntactically incorrect payload body), the API producer shall
+            respond with this response code. The "ProblemDetails" structure
+            shall be provided, and should include in the "detail" attribute more
+            information about the source of the problem. If the request contains
+            a malformed access token, the API producer should respond with this
+            response. The details of the error shall be returned in the
+            WWW-Authenticate HTTP header, as defined in IETF RFC 6750 and IETF
+            RFC 7235. The ProblemDetails structure may be provided. If there is
+            an application error related to the client's input that cannot be
+            easily mapped to any other HTTP response code ("catch all error"),
+            the API producer shall respond with this response code.The
+            "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided, and shall include in
+            the "detail" attribute more information about the source of the
+            problem.
+          headers:
+            Content-Type:
+              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 1
+            WWW-Authenticate:
+              description: >
+                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
+                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
+                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
+              type: string
+          schema:
+            description: >
+              The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure from
+              IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the
+              general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807 [19], the "status" and
+              "detail" attributes are mandated to be included by the present
+              document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual
+              information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 [19] foresees
+              extensibility of the "ProblemDetails" type. It is possible that
+              particular APIs in the present document, or particular
+              implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes
+              that provide more information about the error. The description
+              column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate
+              understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC
+              7807 [19].
+            type: object
+            required:
+              - status
+              - detail
+            properties:
+              type:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that identifies
+                  the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides
+                  human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML)
+                  when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value
+                  is assumed to be "about:blank".
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+              title:
+                description: >
+                  A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should
+                  not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem,
+                  except for purposes of localization. If type is given and
+                  other than "about:blank", this attribute shall also be
+                  provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem
+                  type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of
+                  the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using
+                  proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
+                type: string
+              status:
+                description: >
+                  The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The
+                  HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the
+                  origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
+                type: integer
+              detail:
+                description: >
+                  A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of
+                  the problem.
+                type: string
+              instance:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the
+                  problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+        '401':
+          description: >
+            Unauthorized
+            If the request contains no access token even though one is required,
+            or if the request contains an authorization token that is invalid
+            (e.g. expired or revoked), the API producer should respond with this
+            response. The details of the error shall be returned in the
+            WWW-Authenticate HTTP header, as defined in IETF RFC 6750 and IETF
+            RFC 7235. The ProblemDetails structure may be provided.
+          headers:
+            Content-Type:
+              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 1
+            WWW-Authenticate:
+              description: >
+                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
+                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
+                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 0
+          schema:
+            description: >
+              The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure from
+              IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the
+              general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807 [19], the "status" and
+              "detail" attributes are mandated to be included by the present
+              document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual
+              information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 [19] foresees
+              extensibility of the "ProblemDetails" type. It is possible that
+              particular APIs in the present document, or particular
+              implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes
+              that provide more information about the error. The description
+              column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate
+              understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC
+              7807 [19].
+            type: object
+            required:
+              - status
+              - detail
+            properties:
+              type:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that identifies
+                  the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides
+                  human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML)
+                  when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value
+                  is assumed to be "about:blank".
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+              title:
+                description: >
+                  A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should
+                  not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem,
+                  except for purposes of localization. If type is given and
+                  other than "about:blank", this attribute shall also be
+                  provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem
+                  type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of
+                  the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using
+                  proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
+                type: string
+              status:
+                description: >
+                  The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The
+                  HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the
+                  origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
+                type: integer
+              detail:
+                description: >
+                  A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of
+                  the problem.
+                type: string
+              instance:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the
+                  problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+        '403':
+          description: >
+            Forbidden
+            If the API consumer is not allowed to perform a particular request
+            to a particular resource, the API producer shall respond with this
+            response code. The "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided.  It
+            should include in the "detail" attribute information about the
+            source of the problem, and may indicate how to solve it.
+          headers:
+            Content-Type:
+              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 1
+          schema:
+            description: >
+              The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure from
+              IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the
+              general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807 [19], the "status" and
+              "detail" attributes are mandated to be included by the present
+              document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual
+              information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 [19] foresees
+              extensibility of the "ProblemDetails" type. It is possible that
+              particular APIs in the present document, or particular
+              implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes
+              that provide more information about the error. The description
+              column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate
+              understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC
+              7807 [19].
+            type: object
+            required:
+              - status
+              - detail
+            properties:
+              type:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that identifies
+                  the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides
+                  human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML)
+                  when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value
+                  is assumed to be "about:blank".
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+              title:
+                description: >
+                  A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should
+                  not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem,
+                  except for purposes of localization. If type is given and
+                  other than "about:blank", this attribute shall also be
+                  provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem
+                  type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of
+                  the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using
+                  proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
+                type: string
+              status:
+                description: >
+                  The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The
+                  HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the
+                  origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
+                type: integer
+              detail:
+                description: >
+                  A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of
+                  the problem.
+                type: string
+              instance:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the
+                  problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+        '405':
+          description: >
+            Method Not Allowed
+            If a particular HTTP method is not supported for a particular
+            resource, the API producer shall respond with this response code.
+            The "ProblemDetails" structure may be omitted in that case.
+          headers:
+            Content-Type:
+              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 1
+          schema:
+            description: >
+              The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure from
+              IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the
+              general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807 [19], the "status" and
+              "detail" attributes are mandated to be included by the present
+              document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual
+              information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 [19] foresees
+              extensibility of the "ProblemDetails" type. It is possible that
+              particular APIs in the present document, or particular
+              implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes
+              that provide more information about the error. The description
+              column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate
+              understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC
+              7807 [19].
+            type: object
+            required:
+              - status
+              - detail
+            properties:
+              type:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that identifies
+                  the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides
+                  human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML)
+                  when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value
+                  is assumed to be "about:blank".
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+              title:
+                description: >
+                  A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should
+                  not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem,
+                  except for purposes of localization. If type is given and
+                  other than "about:blank", this attribute shall also be
+                  provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem
+                  type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of
+                  the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using
+                  proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
+                type: string
+              status:
+                description: >
+                  The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The
+                  HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the
+                  origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
+                type: integer
+              detail:
+                description: >
+                  A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of
+                  the problem.
+                type: string
+              instance:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the
+                  problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+        '406':
+          description: >
+            Not Acceptable
+            If the "Accept" HTTP header does not contain at least one name of a
+            content type that is acceptable to the API producer, the API
+            producer shall respond with this response code. The "ProblemDetails"
+            structure may be omitted in that case.        
+          headers:
+            Content-Type:
+              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 1
+          schema:
+            description: >
+              The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure from
+              IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the
+              general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807 [19], the "status" and
+              "detail" attributes are mandated to be included by the present
+              document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual
+              information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 [19] foresees
+              extensibility of the "ProblemDetails" type. It is possible that
+              particular APIs in the present document, or particular
+              implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes
+              that provide more information about the error. The description
+              column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate
+              understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC
+              7807 [19].
+            type: object
+            required:
+              - status
+              - detail
+            properties:
+              type:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that identifies
+                  the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides
+                  human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML)
+                  when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value
+                  is assumed to be "about:blank".
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+              title:
+                description: >
+                  A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should
+                  not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem,
+                  except for purposes of localization. If type is given and
+                  other than "about:blank", this attribute shall also be
+                  provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem
+                  type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of
+                  the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using
+                  proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
+                type: string
+              status:
+                description: >
+                  The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The
+                  HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the
+                  origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
+                type: integer
+              detail:
+                description: >
+                  A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of
+                  the problem.
+                type: string
+              instance:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the
+                  problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+        '500':
+          description: >
+            Internal Server Error
+            If there is an application error not related to the client's input
+            that cannot be easily mapped to any other HTTP response code ("catch
+            all error"), the API producer shall respond withthis response code.
+            The "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided, and shall include
+            in the "detail" attribute more information about the source of the
+            problem.
+          headers:
+            Content-Type:
+              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 1
+          schema:
+            description: >
+              The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure from
+              IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the
+              general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807 [19], the "status" and
+              "detail" attributes are mandated to be included by the present
+              document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual
+              information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 [19] foresees
+              extensibility of the "ProblemDetails" type. It is possible that
+              particular APIs in the present document, or particular
+              implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes
+              that provide more information about the error. The description
+              column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate
+              understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC
+              7807 [19].
+            type: object
+            required:
+              - status
+              - detail
+            properties:
+              type:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that identifies
+                  the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides
+                  human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML)
+                  when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value
+                  is assumed to be "about:blank".
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+              title:
+                description: >
+                  A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should
+                  not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem,
+                  except for purposes of localization. If type is given and
+                  other than "about:blank", this attribute shall also be
+                  provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem
+                  type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of
+                  the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using
+                  proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
+                type: string
+              status:
+                description: >
+                  The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The
+                  HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the
+                  origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
+                type: integer
+              detail:
+                description: >
+                  A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of
+                  the problem.
+                type: string
+              instance:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the
+                  problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+        '503':
+          description: >
+            Service Unavailable
+            If the API producer encounters an internal overload situation of
+            itself or of a system it relies on, it should respond with this
+            response code, following the provisions in IETF RFC 7231 [13] for
+            the use of the "Retry-After" HTTP header and for the alternative to
+            refuse the connection. The "ProblemDetails" structure may be
+            omitted.
+          headers:
+            Content-Type:
+              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 1
+          schema:
+            description: >
+              The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure from
+              IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the
+              general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807 [19], the "status" and
+              "detail" attributes are mandated to be included by the present
+              document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual
+              information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 [19] foresees
+              extensibility of the "ProblemDetails" type. It is possible that
+              particular APIs in the present document, or particular
+              implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes
+              that provide more information about the error. The description
+              column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate
+              understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC
+              7807 [19].
+            type: object
+            required:
+              - status
+              - detail
+            properties:
+              type:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that identifies
+                  the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides
+                  human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML)
+                  when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value
+                  is assumed to be "about:blank".
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+              title:
+                description: >
+                  A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should
+                  not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem,
+                  except for purposes of localization. If type is given and
+                  other than "about:blank", this attribute shall also be
+                  provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem
+                  type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of
+                  the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using
+                  proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
+                type: string
+              status:
+                description: >
+                  The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The
+                  HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the
+                  origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
+                type: integer
+              detail:
+                description: >
+                  A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of
+                  the problem.
+                type: string
+              instance:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the
+                  problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+  '/alarms/{alarmId}':
+    parameters:
+      - name: alarmId
+        description: >
+          Identifier of the alarm. This identifier can be retrieved from the
+          "id" attribute of the "alarm" attribute in the AlarmNotification or
+          AlarmClearedNotification. It can also be retrieved from the "id"
+          attribute of the applicable array element in the payload body of the
+          response to a GET request to the "Alarms" resource.
+        in: path
+        type: string
+        required: true
+    get:
+      description: |
+        The client can use this method to read an individual alarm.
+      parameters:
+        - name: Accept
+          description: >
+            Content-Types that are acceptable for the response. Reference: IETF
+            RFC 7231
+          in: header
+          required: true
+          type: string
+        - name: Content-Type
+          description: |
+            The MIME type of the body of the request. Reference: IETF RFC 7231
+          in: header
+          required: true
+          type: string
+        - name: Authorization
+          description: |
+            The authorization token for the request. Reference: IETF RFC 7235
+          in: header
+          required: false
+          type: string
+      responses:
+        '200':
+          description: >
+            OK
+            Information about an individual alarm was read successfully. The
+            response body shall contain a representation of the individual
+            alarm.
+          headers:
+            Content-Type:
+              description: >
+                The MIME type of the body of the request. Reference: IETF RFC
+                7231
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 1
+          schema:
+            $ref: '#/definitions/Alarm'
+        '400':
+          description: >
+            Bad Request
+            If the request is malformed or syntactically incorrect (e.g. if the
+            request URI contains incorrect query parameters or a syntactically
+            incorrect payload body), the API producer shall respond with this
+            response code. The "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided, and
+            should include in the "detail" attribute more information about the
+            source of the problem.
+             ---
+            If the request contains a malformed access token, the API producer
+            should respond with this response. The details of the error shall be
+            returned in the WWW-Authenticate HTTP header, as defined in IETF RFC
+            6750 and IETF RFC 7235. The ProblemDetails structure may be
+            provided.
+             ---
+            If there is an application error related to the client's input that
+            cannot be easily mapped to any other HTTP response code ("catch all
+            error"), the API producer shall respond with this response code.The
+            "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided, and shall include in
+            the "detail" attribute more information about the source of the
+            problem.
+          headers:
+            Content-Type:
+              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 1
+            WWW-Authenticate:
+              description: >
+                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
+                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
+                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 0
+          schema:
+            description: >
+              The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure from
+              IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the
+              general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807 [19], the "status" and
+              "detail" attributes are mandated to be included by the present
+              document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual
+              information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 [19] foresees
+              extensibility of the "ProblemDetails" type. It is possible that
+              particular APIs in the present document, or particular
+              implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes
+              that provide more information about the error. The description
+              column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate
+              understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC
+              7807 [19].
+            type: object
+            required:
+              - status
+              - detail
+            properties:
+              type:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that identifies
+                  the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides
+                  human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML)
+                  when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value
+                  is assumed to be "about:blank".
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+              title:
+                description: >
+                  A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should
+                  not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem,
+                  except for purposes of localization. If type is given and
+                  other than "about:blank", this attribute shall also be
+                  provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem
+                  type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of
+                  the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using
+                  proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
+                type: string
+              status:
+                description: >
+                  The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The
+                  HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the
+                  origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
+                type: integer
+              detail:
+                description: >
+                  A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of
+                  the problem.
+                type: string
+              instance:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the
+                  problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+        '401':
+          description: >
+            Unauthorized
+            If the request contains no access token even though one is required,
+            or if the request contains an authorization token that is invalid
+            (e.g. expired or revoked), the API producer should respond with this
+            response. The details of the error shall be returned in the
+            WWW-Authenticate HTTP header, as defined in IETF RFC 6750 and IETF
+            RFC 7235. The ProblemDetails structure may be provided.
+          headers:
+            Content-Type:
+              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 1
+            WWW-Authenticate:
+              description: >
+                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
+                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
+                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 0
+          schema:
+            description: >
+              The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure from
+              IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the
+              general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807 [19], the "status" and
+              "detail" attributes are mandated to be included by the present
+              document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual
+              information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 [19] foresees
+              extensibility of the "ProblemDetails" type. It is possible that
+              particular APIs in the present document, or particular
+              implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes
+              that provide more information about the error. The description
+              column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate
+              understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC
+              7807 [19].
+            type: object
+            required:
+              - status
+              - detail
+            properties:
+              type:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that identifies
+                  the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides
+                  human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML)
+                  when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value
+                  is assumed to be "about:blank".
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+              title:
+                description: >
+                  A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should
+                  not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem,
+                  except for purposes of localization. If type is given and
+                  other than "about:blank", this attribute shall also be
+                  provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem
+                  type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of
+                  the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using
+                  proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
+                type: string
+              status:
+                description: >
+                  The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The
+                  HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the
+                  origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
+                type: integer
+              detail:
+                description: >
+                  A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of
+                  the problem.
+                type: string
+              instance:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the
+                  problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+        '403':
+          description: >
+            Forbidden
+            If the API consumer is not allowed to perform a particular request
+            to a particular resource, the API producer shall respond with this
+            response code. The "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided.  It
+            should include in the "detail" attribute information about the
+            source of the problem, and may indicate how to solve it.
+          headers:
+            Content-Type:
+              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 1
+          schema:
+            description: >
+              The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure from
+              IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the
+              general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807 [19], the "status" and
+              "detail" attributes are mandated to be included by the present
+              document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual
+              information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 [19] foresees
+              extensibility of the "ProblemDetails" type. It is possible that
+              particular APIs in the present document, or particular
+              implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes
+              that provide more information about the error. The description
+              column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate
+              understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC
+              7807 [19].
+            type: object
+            required:
+              - status
+              - detail
+            properties:
+              type:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that identifies
+                  the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides
+                  human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML)
+                  when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value
+                  is assumed to be "about:blank".
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+              title:
+                description: >
+                  A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should
+                  not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem,
+                  except for purposes of localization. If type is given and
+                  other than "about:blank", this attribute shall also be
+                  provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem
+                  type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of
+                  the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using
+                  proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
+                type: string
+              status:
+                description: >
+                  The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The
+                  HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the
+                  origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
+                type: integer
+              detail:
+                description: >
+                  A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of
+                  the problem.
+                type: string
+              instance:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the
+                  problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+        '405':
+          description: >
+            Method Not Allowed
+            If a particular HTTP method is not supported for a particular
+            resource, the API producer shall respond with this response code.
+            The "ProblemDetails" structure may be omitted in that case.
+          headers:
+            Content-Type:
+              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 1
+          schema:
+            description: >
+              The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure from
+              IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the
+              general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807 [19], the "status" and
+              "detail" attributes are mandated to be included by the present
+              document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual
+              information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 [19] foresees
+              extensibility of the "ProblemDetails" type. It is possible that
+              particular APIs in the present document, or particular
+              implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes
+              that provide more information about the error. The description
+              column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate
+              understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC
+              7807 [19].
+            type: object
+            required:
+              - status
+              - detail
+            properties:
+              type:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that identifies
+                  the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides
+                  human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML)
+                  when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value
+                  is assumed to be "about:blank".
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+              title:
+                description: >
+                  A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should
+                  not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem,
+                  except for purposes of localization. If type is given and
+                  other than "about:blank", this attribute shall also be
+                  provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem
+                  type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of
+                  the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using
+                  proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
+                type: string
+              status:
+                description: >
+                  The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The
+                  HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the
+                  origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
+                type: integer
+              detail:
+                description: >
+                  A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of
+                  the problem.
+                type: string
+              instance:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the
+                  problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+        '406':
+          description: >
+            Not Acceptable
+            If the "Accept" HTTP header does not contain at least one name of a
+            content type that is acceptable to the API producer, the API
+            producer shall respond with this response code. The "ProblemDetails"
+            structure may be omitted in that case.        
+          headers:
+            Content-Type:
+              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 1
+          schema:
+            description: >
+              The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure from
+              IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the
+              general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807 [19], the "status" and
+              "detail" attributes are mandated to be included by the present
+              document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual
+              information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 [19] foresees
+              extensibility of the "ProblemDetails" type. It is possible that
+              particular APIs in the present document, or particular
+              implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes
+              that provide more information about the error. The description
+              column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate
+              understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC
+              7807 [19].
+            type: object
+            required:
+              - status
+              - detail
+            properties:
+              type:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that identifies
+                  the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides
+                  human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML)
+                  when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value
+                  is assumed to be "about:blank".
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+              title:
+                description: >
+                  A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should
+                  not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem,
+                  except for purposes of localization. If type is given and
+                  other than "about:blank", this attribute shall also be
+                  provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem
+                  type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of
+                  the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using
+                  proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
+                type: string
+              status:
+                description: >
+                  The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The
+                  HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the
+                  origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
+                type: integer
+              detail:
+                description: >
+                  A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of
+                  the problem.
+                type: string
+              instance:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the
+                  problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+        '500':
+          description: >
+            Internal Server Error
+            If there is an application error not related to the client's input
+            that cannot be easily mapped to any other HTTP response code ("catch
+            all error"), the API producer shall respond withthis response code.
+            The "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided, and shall include
+            in the "detail" attribute more information about the source of the
+            problem.
+          headers:
+            Content-Type:
+              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 1
+          schema:
+            description: >
+              The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure from
+              IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the
+              general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807 [19], the "status" and
+              "detail" attributes are mandated to be included by the present
+              document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual
+              information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 [19] foresees
+              extensibility of the "ProblemDetails" type. It is possible that
+              particular APIs in the present document, or particular
+              implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes
+              that provide more information about the error. The description
+              column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate
+              understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC
+              7807 [19].
+            type: object
+            required:
+              - status
+              - detail
+            properties:
+              type:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that identifies
+                  the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides
+                  human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML)
+                  when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value
+                  is assumed to be "about:blank".
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+              title:
+                description: >
+                  A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should
+                  not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem,
+                  except for purposes of localization. If type is given and
+                  other than "about:blank", this attribute shall also be
+                  provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem
+                  type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of
+                  the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using
+                  proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
+                type: string
+              status:
+                description: >
+                  The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The
+                  HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the
+                  origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
+                type: integer
+              detail:
+                description: >
+                  A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of
+                  the problem.
+                type: string
+              instance:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the
+                  problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+        '503':
+          description: >
+            Service Unavailable
+            If the API producer encounters an internal overload situation of
+            itself or of a system it relies on, it should respond with this
+            response code, following the provisions in IETF RFC 7231 [13] for
+            the use of the "Retry-After" HTTP header and for the alternative to
+            refuse the connection. The "ProblemDetails" structure may be
+            omitted.
+          headers:
+            Content-Type:
+              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 1
+          schema:
+            description: >
+              The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure from
+              IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the
+              general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807 [19], the "status" and
+              "detail" attributes are mandated to be included by the present
+              document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual
+              information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 [19] foresees
+              extensibility of the "ProblemDetails" type. It is possible that
+              particular APIs in the present document, or particular
+              implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes
+              that provide more information about the error. The description
+              column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate
+              understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC
+              7807 [19].
+            type: object
+            required:
+              - status
+              - detail
+            properties:
+              type:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that identifies
+                  the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides
+                  human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML)
+                  when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value
+                  is assumed to be "about:blank".
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+              title:
+                description: >
+                  A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should
+                  not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem,
+                  except for purposes of localization. If type is given and
+                  other than "about:blank", this attribute shall also be
+                  provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem
+                  type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of
+                  the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using
+                  proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
+                type: string
+              status:
+                description: >
+                  The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The
+                  HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the
+                  origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
+                type: integer
+              detail:
+                description: >
+                  A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of
+                  the problem.
+                type: string
+              instance:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the
+                  problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+    patch:
+      description: |
+        Acknowledge Alarm
+        This method modifies an individual alarm resource.
+      parameters:
+        - name: AlarmModifications
+          description: The VNF creation parameters
+          in: body
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            $ref: '#/definitions/AlarmModifications'
+        - name: Accept
+          description: >
+            Content-Types that are acceptable for the response. Reference: IETF
+            RFC 7231
+          in: header
+          required: true
+          type: string
+        - name: Authorization
+          description: |
+            The authorization token for the request. Reference: IETF RFC 7235
+          in: header
+          required: false
+          type: string
+        - name: Content-Type
+          description: >
+            The Content-Type header shall be set to
+            "application/merge-patch+json" according to IETF RFC 7396.
+          in: header
+          required: true
+          type: string
+          enum:
+            - application/merge-patch+json
+      responses:
+        '200':
+          description: >
+            OK
+            The request was accepted and completed. The response body shall
+            contain attribute modifications for an ‘Individual alarm’ resource.
+          headers:
+            Content-Type:
+              description: >
+                The MIME type of the body of the request. Reference: IETF RFC
+                7231
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 1
+            WWW-Authenticate:
+              description: >
+                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
+                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
+                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 0
+          schema:
+            $ref: '#/definitions/AlarmModifications'
+        '400':
+          description: >
+            Bad Request
+            If the request is malformed or syntactically incorrect (e.g. if the
+            request URI contains incorrect query parameters or a syntactically
+            incorrect payload body), the API producer shall respond with this
+            response code. The "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided, and
+            should include in the "detail" attribute more information about the
+            source of the problem.
+             ---
+            If the request contains a malformed access token, the API producer
+            should respond with this response. The details of the error shall be
+            returned in the WWW-Authenticate HTTP header, as defined in IETF RFC
+            6750 and IETF RFC 7235. The ProblemDetails structure may be
+            provided.
+             ---
+            If there is an application error related to the client's input that
+            cannot be easily mapped to any other HTTP response code ("catch all
+            error"), the API producer shall respond with this response code.The
+            "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided, and shall include in
+            the "detail" attribute more information about the source of the
+            problem.
+          headers:
+            Content-Type:
+              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 1
+            WWW-Authenticate:
+              description: >
+                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
+                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
+                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 0
+          schema:
+            description: >
+              The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure from
+              IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the
+              general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807 [19], the "status" and
+              "detail" attributes are mandated to be included by the present
+              document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual
+              information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 [19] foresees
+              extensibility of the "ProblemDetails" type. It is possible that
+              particular APIs in the present document, or particular
+              implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes
+              that provide more information about the error. The description
+              column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate
+              understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC
+              7807 [19].
+            type: object
+            required:
+              - status
+              - detail
+            properties:
+              type:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that identifies
+                  the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides
+                  human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML)
+                  when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value
+                  is assumed to be "about:blank".
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+              title:
+                description: >
+                  A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should
+                  not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem,
+                  except for purposes of localization. If type is given and
+                  other than "about:blank", this attribute shall also be
+                  provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem
+                  type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of
+                  the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using
+                  proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
+                type: string
+              status:
+                description: >
+                  The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The
+                  HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the
+                  origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
+                type: integer
+              detail:
+                description: >
+                  A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of
+                  the problem.
+                type: string
+              instance:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the
+                  problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+        '401':
+          description: >
+            Unauthorized
+            If the request contains no access token even though one is required,
+            or if the request contains an authorization token that is invalid
+            (e.g. expired or revoked), the API producer should respond with this
+            response. The details of the error shall be returned in the
+            WWW-Authenticate HTTP header, as defined in IETF RFC 6750 and IETF
+            RFC 7235. The ProblemDetails structure may be provided.
+          headers:
+            Content-Type:
+              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 1
+            WWW-Authenticate:
+              description: >
+                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
+                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
+                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 0
+          schema:
+            description: >
+              The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure from
+              IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the
+              general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807 [19], the "status" and
+              "detail" attributes are mandated to be included by the present
+              document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual
+              information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 [19] foresees
+              extensibility of the "ProblemDetails" type. It is possible that
+              particular APIs in the present document, or particular
+              implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes
+              that provide more information about the error. The description
+              column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate
+              understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC
+              7807 [19].
+            type: object
+            required:
+              - status
+              - detail
+            properties:
+              type:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that identifies
+                  the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides
+                  human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML)
+                  when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value
+                  is assumed to be "about:blank".
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+              title:
+                description: >
+                  A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should
+                  not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem,
+                  except for purposes of localization. If type is given and
+                  other than "about:blank", this attribute shall also be
+                  provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem
+                  type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of
+                  the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using
+                  proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
+                type: string
+              status:
+                description: >
+                  The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The
+                  HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the
+                  origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
+                type: integer
+              detail:
+                description: >
+                  A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of
+                  the problem.
+                type: string
+              instance:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the
+                  problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+        '403':
+          description: >
+            Forbidden
+            If the API consumer is not allowed to perform a particular request
+            to a particular resource, the API producer shall respond with this
+            response code. The "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided.  It
+            should include in the "detail" attribute information about the
+            source of the problem, and may indicate how to solve it.
+          headers:
+            Content-Type:
+              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 1
+          schema:
+            description: >
+              The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure from
+              IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the
+              general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807 [19], the "status" and
+              "detail" attributes are mandated to be included by the present
+              document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual
+              information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 [19] foresees
+              extensibility of the "ProblemDetails" type. It is possible that
+              particular APIs in the present document, or particular
+              implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes
+              that provide more information about the error. The description
+              column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate
+              understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC
+              7807 [19].
+            type: object
+            required:
+              - status
+              - detail
+            properties:
+              type:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that identifies
+                  the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides
+                  human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML)
+                  when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value
+                  is assumed to be "about:blank".
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+              title:
+                description: >
+                  A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should
+                  not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem,
+                  except for purposes of localization. If type is given and
+                  other than "about:blank", this attribute shall also be
+                  provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem
+                  type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of
+                  the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using
+                  proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
+                type: string
+              status:
+                description: >
+                  The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The
+                  HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the
+                  origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
+                type: integer
+              detail:
+                description: >
+                  A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of
+                  the problem.
+                type: string
+              instance:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the
+                  problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+        '405':
+          description: >
+            Method Not Allowed
+            If a particular HTTP method is not supported for a particular
+            resource, the API producer shall respond with this response code.
+            The "ProblemDetails" structure may be omitted in that case.
+          headers:
+            Content-Type:
+              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 1
+          schema:
+            description: >
+              The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure from
+              IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the
+              general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807 [19], the "status" and
+              "detail" attributes are mandated to be included by the present
+              document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual
+              information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 [19] foresees
+              extensibility of the "ProblemDetails" type. It is possible that
+              particular APIs in the present document, or particular
+              implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes
+              that provide more information about the error. The description
+              column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate
+              understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC
+              7807 [19].
+            type: object
+            required:
+              - status
+              - detail
+            properties:
+              type:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that identifies
+                  the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides
+                  human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML)
+                  when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value
+                  is assumed to be "about:blank".
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+              title:
+                description: >
+                  A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should
+                  not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem,
+                  except for purposes of localization. If type is given and
+                  other than "about:blank", this attribute shall also be
+                  provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem
+                  type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of
+                  the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using
+                  proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
+                type: string
+              status:
+                description: >
+                  The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The
+                  HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the
+                  origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
+                type: integer
+              detail:
+                description: >
+                  A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of
+                  the problem.
+                type: string
+              instance:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the
+                  problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+        '406':
+          description: >
+            Not Acceptable
+            If the "Accept" HTTP header does not contain at least one name of a
+            content type that is acceptable to the API producer, the API
+            producer shall respond with this response code. The "ProblemDetails"
+            structure may be omitted in that case.        
+          headers:
+            Content-Type:
+              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 1
+          schema:
+            description: >
+              The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure from
+              IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the
+              general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807 [19], the "status" and
+              "detail" attributes are mandated to be included by the present
+              document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual
+              information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 [19] foresees
+              extensibility of the "ProblemDetails" type. It is possible that
+              particular APIs in the present document, or particular
+              implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes
+              that provide more information about the error. The description
+              column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate
+              understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC
+              7807 [19].
+            type: object
+            required:
+              - status
+              - detail
+            properties:
+              type:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that identifies
+                  the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides
+                  human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML)
+                  when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value
+                  is assumed to be "about:blank".
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+              title:
+                description: >
+                  A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should
+                  not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem,
+                  except for purposes of localization. If type is given and
+                  other than "about:blank", this attribute shall also be
+                  provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem
+                  type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of
+                  the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using
+                  proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
+                type: string
+              status:
+                description: >
+                  The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The
+                  HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the
+                  origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
+                type: integer
+              detail:
+                description: >
+                  A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of
+                  the problem.
+                type: string
+              instance:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the
+                  problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+        '409':
+          description: >
+            Conflict
+            The operation cannot be executed currently, due to a conflict with
+            the state of the "Individual alarm" resource. Typically, this is due
+            to the fact that the alarm is already in the state that is requested
+            to be set (such as trying to acknowledge an already-acknowledged
+            alarm). The response body shall contain a ProblemDetails structure,
+            in which the "detail" attribute should convey more information about
+            the error.
+          headers:
+            Content-Type:
+              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 1
+            WWW-Authenticate:
+              description: >
+                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
+                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
+                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 0
+          schema:
+            description: >
+              The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure from
+              IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the
+              general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807 [19], the "status" and
+              "detail" attributes are mandated to be included by the present
+              document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual
+              information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 [19] foresees
+              extensibility of the "ProblemDetails" type. It is possible that
+              particular APIs in the present document, or particular
+              implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes
+              that provide more information about the error. The description
+              column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate
+              understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC
+              7807 [19].
+            type: object
+            required:
+              - status
+              - detail
+            properties:
+              type:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that identifies
+                  the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides
+                  human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML)
+                  when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value
+                  is assumed to be "about:blank".
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+              title:
+                description: >
+                  A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should
+                  not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem,
+                  except for purposes of localization. If type is given and
+                  other than "about:blank", this attribute shall also be
+                  provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem
+                  type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of
+                  the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using
+                  proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
+                type: string
+              status:
+                description: >
+                  The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The
+                  HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the
+                  origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
+                type: integer
+              detail:
+                description: >
+                  A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of
+                  the problem.
+                type: string
+              instance:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the
+                  problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+        '412':
+          description: >
+            Precondition Failed
+            A precondition given in an HTTP request header is not fulfilled.
+            Typically, this is due to an ETag mismatch, indicating that the
+            resource was modified by another entity. The response body should
+            contain a ProblemDetails structure, in which the "detail" attribute
+            should convey more information about the error.
+          headers:
+            Content-Type:
+              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 1
+          schema:
+            description: >
+              The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure from
+              IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the
+              general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807 [19], the "status" and
+              "detail" attributes are mandated to be included by the present
+              document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual
+              information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 [19] foresees
+              extensibility of the "ProblemDetails" type. It is possible that
+              particular APIs in the present document, or particular
+              implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes
+              that provide more information about the error. The description
+              column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate
+              understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC
+              7807 [19].
+            type: object
+            required:
+              - status
+              - detail
+            properties:
+              type:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that identifies
+                  the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides
+                  human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML)
+                  when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value
+                  is assumed to be "about:blank".
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+              title:
+                description: >
+                  A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should
+                  not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem,
+                  except for purposes of localization. If type is given and
+                  other than "about:blank", this attribute shall also be
+                  provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem
+                  type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of
+                  the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using
+                  proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
+                type: string
+              status:
+                description: >
+                  The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The
+                  HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the
+                  origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
+                type: integer
+              detail:
+                description: >
+                  A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of
+                  the problem.
+                type: string
+              instance:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the
+                  problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+        '500':
+          description: >
+            Internal Server Error
+            If there is an application error not related to the client's input
+            that cannot be easily mapped to any other HTTP response code ("catch
+            all error"), the API producer shall respond withthis response code.
+            The "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided, and shall include
+            in the "detail" attribute more information about the source of the
+            problem.
+          headers:
+            Content-Type:
+              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 1
+          schema:
+            description: >
+              The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure from
+              IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the
+              general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807 [19], the "status" and
+              "detail" attributes are mandated to be included by the present
+              document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual
+              information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 [19] foresees
+              extensibility of the "ProblemDetails" type. It is possible that
+              particular APIs in the present document, or particular
+              implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes
+              that provide more information about the error. The description
+              column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate
+              understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC
+              7807 [19].
+            type: object
+            required:
+              - status
+              - detail
+            properties:
+              type:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that identifies
+                  the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides
+                  human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML)
+                  when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value
+                  is assumed to be "about:blank".
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+              title:
+                description: >
+                  A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should
+                  not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem,
+                  except for purposes of localization. If type is given and
+                  other than "about:blank", this attribute shall also be
+                  provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem
+                  type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of
+                  the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using
+                  proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
+                type: string
+              status:
+                description: >
+                  The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The
+                  HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the
+                  origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
+                type: integer
+              detail:
+                description: >
+                  A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of
+                  the problem.
+                type: string
+              instance:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the
+                  problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+        '503':
+          description: >
+            Service Unavailable
+            If the API producer encounters an internal overload situation of
+            itself or of a system it relies on, it should respond with this
+            response code, following the provisions in IETF RFC 7231 [13] for
+            the use of the "Retry-After" HTTP header and for the alternative to
+            refuse the connection. The "ProblemDetails" structure may be
+            omitted.
+          headers:
+            Content-Type:
+              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 1
+          schema:
+            description: >
+              The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure from
+              IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the
+              general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807 [19], the "status" and
+              "detail" attributes are mandated to be included by the present
+              document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual
+              information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 [19] foresees
+              extensibility of the "ProblemDetails" type. It is possible that
+              particular APIs in the present document, or particular
+              implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes
+              that provide more information about the error. The description
+              column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate
+              understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC
+              7807 [19].
+            type: object
+            required:
+              - status
+              - detail
+            properties:
+              type:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that identifies
+                  the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides
+                  human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML)
+                  when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value
+                  is assumed to be "about:blank".
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+              title:
+                description: >
+                  A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should
+                  not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem,
+                  except for purposes of localization. If type is given and
+                  other than "about:blank", this attribute shall also be
+                  provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem
+                  type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of
+                  the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using
+                  proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
+                type: string
+              status:
+                description: >
+                  The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The
+                  HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the
+                  origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
+                type: integer
+              detail:
+                description: >
+                  A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of
+                  the problem.
+                type: string
+              instance:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the
+                  problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+  /subscriptions:
+    post:
+      description: >
+        Subscribe
+        The POST method creates a new subscription. Creation of two subscription
+        resources with the same callbackURI and the same filter can result in
+        performance degradation and will provide duplicates of notifications to
+        the NFVO, and might make sense only in very rare use cases.
+        Consequently, the VNFM may either allow creating a subscription resource
+        if another subscription resource with the same filter and callbackUri
+        already exists (in which case it shall return the “201 Created” response
+        code), or may decide to not create a duplicate subscription resource (in
+        which case it shall return a “303 See Other” response code referencing
+        the existing subscription resource with the same filter and
+        callbackUri).
+      parameters:
+        - name: FmSubscriptionRequest
+          description: The VNF creation parameters
+          in: body
+          required: true
+          schema:
+            $ref: '#/definitions/FmSubscriptionRequest'
+        - name: Accept
+          description: >
+            Content-Types that are acceptable for the response. Reference: IETF
+            RFC 7231
+          in: header
+          required: true
+          type: string
+        - name: Authorization
+          description: |
+            The authorization token for the request. Reference: IETF RFC 7235
+          in: header
+          required: false
+          type: string
+        - name: Content-Type
+          description: |
+            The MIME type of the body of the request. Reference: IETF RFC 7231
+          in: header
+          required: true
+          type: string
+      responses:
+        '201':
+          description: >
+            Created
+            The subscription was created successfully. The response body shall
+            contain a representation of the created subscription resource. The
+            HTTP response shall include a "Location:" HTTP header that points to
+            the created subscription resource.
+          headers:
+            Content-Type:
+              description: >
+                The MIME type of the body of the request. Reference: IETF RFC
+                7231
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 1
+            Location:
+              description: |
+                The resource URI of the created subscription resource.
+              type: string
+              format: url
+            WWW-Authenticate:
+              description: >
+                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
+                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
+                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 0
+          schema:
+            $ref: '#/definitions/FmSubscription'
+        '303':
+          description: >
+            See Other
+            A subscription with the same callbackURI and the same filter already
+            exists and the policy of the VNFM is to not create redundant
+            subscriptions. The HTTP response shall include a "Location" HTTP
+            header that contains the resource URI of the existing subscription
+            resource. The response body shall be empty.
+        '400':
+          description: >
+            Bad Request
+            If the request is malformed or syntactically incorrect (e.g. if the
+            request URI contains incorrect query parameters or a syntactically
+            incorrect payload body), the API producer shall respond with this
+            response code. The "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided, and
+            should include in the "detail" attribute more information about the
+            source of the problem.
+             ---
+            If the request contains a malformed access token, the API producer
+            should respond with this response. The details of the error shall be
+            returned in the WWW-Authenticate HTTP header, as defined in IETF RFC
+            6750 and IETF RFC 7235. The ProblemDetails structure may be
+            provided.
+             ---
+            If there is an application error related to the client's input that
+            cannot be easily mapped to any other HTTP response code ("catch all
+            error"), the API producer shall respond with this response code.The
+            "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided, and shall include in
+            the "detail" attribute more information about the source of the
+            problem.
+          headers:
+            Content-Type:
+              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 1
+            WWW-Authenticate:
+              description: >
+                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
+                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
+                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 0
+          schema:
+            description: >
+              The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure from
+              IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the
+              general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807 [19], the "status" and
+              "detail" attributes are mandated to be included by the present
+              document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual
+              information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 [19] foresees
+              extensibility of the "ProblemDetails" type. It is possible that
+              particular APIs in the present document, or particular
+              implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes
+              that provide more information about the error. The description
+              column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate
+              understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC
+              7807 [19].
+            type: object
+            required:
+              - status
+              - detail
+            properties:
+              type:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that identifies
+                  the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides
+                  human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML)
+                  when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value
+                  is assumed to be "about:blank".
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+              title:
+                description: >
+                  A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should
+                  not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem,
+                  except for purposes of localization. If type is given and
+                  other than "about:blank", this attribute shall also be
+                  provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem
+                  type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of
+                  the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using
+                  proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
+                type: string
+              status:
+                description: >
+                  The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The
+                  HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the
+                  origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
+                type: integer
+              detail:
+                description: >
+                  A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of
+                  the problem.
+                type: string
+              instance:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the
+                  problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+        '401':
+          description: >
+            Unauthorized
+            If the request contains no access token even though one is required,
+            or if the request contains an authorization token that is invalid
+            (e.g. expired or revoked), the API producer should respond with this
+            response. The details of the error shall be returned in the
+            WWW-Authenticate HTTP header, as defined in IETF RFC 6750 and IETF
+            RFC 7235. The ProblemDetails structure may be provided.
+          headers:
+            Content-Type:
+              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 1
+            WWW-Authenticate:
+              description: >
+                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
+                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
+                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 0
+          schema:
+            description: >
+              The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure from
+              IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the
+              general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807 [19], the "status" and
+              "detail" attributes are mandated to be included by the present
+              document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual
+              information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 [19] foresees
+              extensibility of the "ProblemDetails" type. It is possible that
+              particular APIs in the present document, or particular
+              implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes
+              that provide more information about the error. The description
+              column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate
+              understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC
+              7807 [19].
+            type: object
+            required:
+              - status
+              - detail
+            properties:
+              type:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that identifies
+                  the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides
+                  human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML)
+                  when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value
+                  is assumed to be "about:blank".
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+              title:
+                description: >
+                  A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should
+                  not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem,
+                  except for purposes of localization. If type is given and
+                  other than "about:blank", this attribute shall also be
+                  provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem
+                  type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of
+                  the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using
+                  proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
+                type: string
+              status:
+                description: >
+                  The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The
+                  HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the
+                  origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
+                type: integer
+              detail:
+                description: >
+                  A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of
+                  the problem.
+                type: string
+              instance:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the
+                  problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+        '403':
+          description: >
+            Forbidden
+            If the API consumer is not allowed to perform a particular request
+            to a particular resource, the API producer shall respond with this
+            response code. The "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided.  It
+            should include in the "detail" attribute information about the
+            source of the problem, and may indicate how to solve it.
+          headers:
+            Content-Type:
+              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 1
+          schema:
+            description: >
+              The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure from
+              IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the
+              general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807 [19], the "status" and
+              "detail" attributes are mandated to be included by the present
+              document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual
+              information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 [19] foresees
+              extensibility of the "ProblemDetails" type. It is possible that
+              particular APIs in the present document, or particular
+              implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes
+              that provide more information about the error. The description
+              column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate
+              understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC
+              7807 [19].
+            type: object
+            required:
+              - status
+              - detail
+            properties:
+              type:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that identifies
+                  the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides
+                  human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML)
+                  when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value
+                  is assumed to be "about:blank".
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+              title:
+                description: >
+                  A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should
+                  not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem,
+                  except for purposes of localization. If type is given and
+                  other than "about:blank", this attribute shall also be
+                  provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem
+                  type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of
+                  the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using
+                  proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
+                type: string
+              status:
+                description: >
+                  The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The
+                  HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the
+                  origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
+                type: integer
+              detail:
+                description: >
+                  A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of
+                  the problem.
+                type: string
+              instance:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the
+                  problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+        '405':
+          description: >
+            Method Not Allowed
+            If a particular HTTP method is not supported for a particular
+            resource, the API producer shall respond with this response code.
+            The "ProblemDetails" structure may be omitted in that case.
+          headers:
+            Content-Type:
+              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 1
+          schema:
+            description: >
+              The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure from
+              IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the
+              general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807 [19], the "status" and
+              "detail" attributes are mandated to be included by the present
+              document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual
+              information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 [19] foresees
+              extensibility of the "ProblemDetails" type. It is possible that
+              particular APIs in the present document, or particular
+              implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes
+              that provide more information about the error. The description
+              column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate
+              understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC
+              7807 [19].
+            type: object
+            required:
+              - status
+              - detail
+            properties:
+              type:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that identifies
+                  the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides
+                  human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML)
+                  when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value
+                  is assumed to be "about:blank".
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+              title:
+                description: >
+                  A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should
+                  not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem,
+                  except for purposes of localization. If type is given and
+                  other than "about:blank", this attribute shall also be
+                  provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem
+                  type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of
+                  the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using
+                  proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
+                type: string
+              status:
+                description: >
+                  The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The
+                  HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the
+                  origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
+                type: integer
+              detail:
+                description: >
+                  A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of
+                  the problem.
+                type: string
+              instance:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the
+                  problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+        '406':
+          description: >
+            Not Acceptable
+            If the "Accept" HTTP header does not contain at least one name of a
+            content type that is acceptable to the API producer, the API
+            producer shall respond with this response code. The "ProblemDetails"
+            structure may be omitted in that case.        
+          headers:
+            Content-Type:
+              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 1
+          schema:
+            description: >
+              The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure from
+              IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the
+              general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807 [19], the "status" and
+              "detail" attributes are mandated to be included by the present
+              document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual
+              information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 [19] foresees
+              extensibility of the "ProblemDetails" type. It is possible that
+              particular APIs in the present document, or particular
+              implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes
+              that provide more information about the error. The description
+              column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate
+              understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC
+              7807 [19].
+            type: object
+            required:
+              - status
+              - detail
+            properties:
+              type:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that identifies
+                  the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides
+                  human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML)
+                  when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value
+                  is assumed to be "about:blank".
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+              title:
+                description: >
+                  A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should
+                  not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem,
+                  except for purposes of localization. If type is given and
+                  other than "about:blank", this attribute shall also be
+                  provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem
+                  type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of
+                  the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using
+                  proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
+                type: string
+              status:
+                description: >
+                  The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The
+                  HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the
+                  origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
+                type: integer
+              detail:
+                description: >
+                  A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of
+                  the problem.
+                type: string
+              instance:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the
+                  problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+        '500':
+          description: >
+            Internal Server Error
+            If there is an application error not related to the client's input
+            that cannot be easily mapped to any other HTTP response code ("catch
+            all error"), the API producer shall respond withthis response code.
+            The "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided, and shall include
+            in the "detail" attribute more information about the source of the
+            problem.
+          headers:
+            Content-Type:
+              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 1
+          schema:
+            description: >
+              The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure from
+              IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the
+              general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807 [19], the "status" and
+              "detail" attributes are mandated to be included by the present
+              document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual
+              information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 [19] foresees
+              extensibility of the "ProblemDetails" type. It is possible that
+              particular APIs in the present document, or particular
+              implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes
+              that provide more information about the error. The description
+              column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate
+              understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC
+              7807 [19].
+            type: object
+            required:
+              - status
+              - detail
+            properties:
+              type:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that identifies
+                  the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides
+                  human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML)
+                  when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value
+                  is assumed to be "about:blank".
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+              title:
+                description: >
+                  A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should
+                  not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem,
+                  except for purposes of localization. If type is given and
+                  other than "about:blank", this attribute shall also be
+                  provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem
+                  type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of
+                  the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using
+                  proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
+                type: string
+              status:
+                description: >
+                  The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The
+                  HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the
+                  origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
+                type: integer
+              detail:
+                description: >
+                  A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of
+                  the problem.
+                type: string
+              instance:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the
+                  problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+        '503':
+          description: >
+            Service Unavailable
+            If the API producer encounters an internal overload situation of
+            itself or of a system it relies on, it should respond with this
+            response code, following the provisions in IETF RFC 7231 [13] for
+            the use of the "Retry-After" HTTP header and for the alternative to
+            refuse the connection. The "ProblemDetails" structure may be
+            omitted.
+          headers:
+            Content-Type:
+              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 1
+          schema:
+            description: >
+              The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure from
+              IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the
+              general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807 [19], the "status" and
+              "detail" attributes are mandated to be included by the present
+              document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual
+              information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 [19] foresees
+              extensibility of the "ProblemDetails" type. It is possible that
+              particular APIs in the present document, or particular
+              implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes
+              that provide more information about the error. The description
+              column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate
+              understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC
+              7807 [19].
+            type: object
+            required:
+              - status
+              - detail
+            properties:
+              type:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that identifies
+                  the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides
+                  human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML)
+                  when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value
+                  is assumed to be "about:blank".
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+              title:
+                description: >
+                  A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should
+                  not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem,
+                  except for purposes of localization. If type is given and
+                  other than "about:blank", this attribute shall also be
+                  provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem
+                  type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of
+                  the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using
+                  proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
+                type: string
+              status:
+                description: >
+                  The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The
+                  HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the
+                  origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
+                type: integer
+              detail:
+                description: >
+                  A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of
+                  the problem.
+                type: string
+              instance:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the
+                  problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+    get:
+      description: >
+        Query Subscription Information
+        The client can use this method to retrieve the list of active
+        subscriptions for VNF alarms subscribed by the client. It can be used
+        e.g. for resynchronization after error situations.
+      parameters:
+        - name: Accept
+          description: >
+            Content-Types that are acceptable for the response. Reference: IETF
+            RFC 7231
+          in: header
+          required: true
+          type: string
+        - name: Authorization
+          description: |
+            The authorization token for the request. Reference: IETF RFC 7235
+          in: header
+          required: false
+          type: string
+        - name: Content-Type
+          description: |
+            The MIME type of the body of the request. Reference: IETF RFC 7231
+          in: header
+          required: true
+          type: string
+      responses:
+        '200':
+          description: >
+            OK
+            The list of subscriptions was queried successfully. The response
+            body shall contain the representations of all active subscriptions
+            of the functional block that invokes the method.
+          headers:
+            Content-Type:
+              description: >
+                The MIME type of the body of the request. Reference: IETF RFC
+                7231
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 1
+            WWW-Authenticate:
+              description: >
+                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
+                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
+                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 0
+          schema:
+            $ref: '#/definitions/FmSubscription'
+        '400':
+          description: >
+            Bad Request
+            Invalid attribute-based filtering parameters or Invalid attribute
+            selector. It fhe request is malformed or syntactically incorrect
+            (e.g. if the request URI contains incorrect query parameters or a
+            syntactically incorrect payload body), the API producer shall
+            respond with this response code. The "ProblemDetails" structure
+            shall be provided, and should include in the "detail" attribute more
+            information about the source of the problem. If the request contains
+            a malformed access token, the API producer should respond with this
+            response. The details of the error shall be returned in the
+            WWW-Authenticate HTTP header, as defined in IETF RFC 6750 and IETF
+            RFC 7235. The ProblemDetails structure may be provided. If there is
+            an application error related to the client's input that cannot be
+            easily mapped to any other HTTP response code ("catch all error"),
+            the API producer shall respond with this response code.The
+            "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided, and shall include in
+            the "detail" attribute more information about the source of the
+            problem.
+          headers:
+            Content-Type:
+              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 1
+            WWW-Authenticate:
+              description: >
+                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
+                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
+                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
+              type: string
+          schema:
+            description: >
+              The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure from
+              IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the
+              general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807 [19], the "status" and
+              "detail" attributes are mandated to be included by the present
+              document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual
+              information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 [19] foresees
+              extensibility of the "ProblemDetails" type. It is possible that
+              particular APIs in the present document, or particular
+              implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes
+              that provide more information about the error. The description
+              column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate
+              understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC
+              7807 [19].
+            type: object
+            required:
+              - status
+              - detail
+            properties:
+              type:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that identifies
+                  the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides
+                  human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML)
+                  when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value
+                  is assumed to be "about:blank".
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+              title:
+                description: >
+                  A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should
+                  not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem,
+                  except for purposes of localization. If type is given and
+                  other than "about:blank", this attribute shall also be
+                  provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem
+                  type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of
+                  the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using
+                  proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
+                type: string
+              status:
+                description: >
+                  The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The
+                  HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the
+                  origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
+                type: integer
+              detail:
+                description: >
+                  A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of
+                  the problem.
+                type: string
+              instance:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the
+                  problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+        '401':
+          description: >
+            Unauthorized
+            If the request contains no access token even though one is required,
+            or if the request contains an authorization token that is invalid
+            (e.g. expired or revoked), the API producer should respond with this
+            response. The details of the error shall be returned in the
+            WWW-Authenticate HTTP header, as defined in IETF RFC 6750 and IETF
+            RFC 7235. The ProblemDetails structure may be provided.
+          headers:
+            Content-Type:
+              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 1
+            WWW-Authenticate:
+              description: >
+                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
+                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
+                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 0
+          schema:
+            description: >
+              The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure from
+              IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the
+              general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807 [19], the "status" and
+              "detail" attributes are mandated to be included by the present
+              document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual
+              information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 [19] foresees
+              extensibility of the "ProblemDetails" type. It is possible that
+              particular APIs in the present document, or particular
+              implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes
+              that provide more information about the error. The description
+              column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate
+              understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC
+              7807 [19].
+            type: object
+            required:
+              - status
+              - detail
+            properties:
+              type:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that identifies
+                  the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides
+                  human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML)
+                  when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value
+                  is assumed to be "about:blank".
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+              title:
+                description: >
+                  A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should
+                  not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem,
+                  except for purposes of localization. If type is given and
+                  other than "about:blank", this attribute shall also be
+                  provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem
+                  type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of
+                  the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using
+                  proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
+                type: string
+              status:
+                description: >
+                  The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The
+                  HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the
+                  origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
+                type: integer
+              detail:
+                description: >
+                  A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of
+                  the problem.
+                type: string
+              instance:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the
+                  problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+        '403':
+          description: >
+            Forbidden
+            If the API consumer is not allowed to perform a particular request
+            to a particular resource, the API producer shall respond with this
+            response code. The "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided.  It
+            should include in the "detail" attribute information about the
+            source of the problem, and may indicate how to solve it.
+          headers:
+            Content-Type:
+              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 1
+          schema:
+            description: >
+              The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure from
+              IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the
+              general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807 [19], the "status" and
+              "detail" attributes are mandated to be included by the present
+              document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual
+              information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 [19] foresees
+              extensibility of the "ProblemDetails" type. It is possible that
+              particular APIs in the present document, or particular
+              implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes
+              that provide more information about the error. The description
+              column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate
+              understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC
+              7807 [19].
+            type: object
+            required:
+              - status
+              - detail
+            properties:
+              type:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that identifies
+                  the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides
+                  human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML)
+                  when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value
+                  is assumed to be "about:blank".
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+              title:
+                description: >
+                  A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should
+                  not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem,
+                  except for purposes of localization. If type is given and
+                  other than "about:blank", this attribute shall also be
+                  provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem
+                  type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of
+                  the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using
+                  proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
+                type: string
+              status:
+                description: >
+                  The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The
+                  HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the
+                  origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
+                type: integer
+              detail:
+                description: >
+                  A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of
+                  the problem.
+                type: string
+              instance:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the
+                  problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+        '405':
+          description: >
+            Method Not Allowed
+            If a particular HTTP method is not supported for a particular
+            resource, the API producer shall respond with this response code.
+            The "ProblemDetails" structure may be omitted in that case.
+          headers:
+            Content-Type:
+              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 1
+          schema:
+            description: >
+              The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure from
+              IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the
+              general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807 [19], the "status" and
+              "detail" attributes are mandated to be included by the present
+              document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual
+              information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 [19] foresees
+              extensibility of the "ProblemDetails" type. It is possible that
+              particular APIs in the present document, or particular
+              implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes
+              that provide more information about the error. The description
+              column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate
+              understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC
+              7807 [19].
+            type: object
+            required:
+              - status
+              - detail
+            properties:
+              type:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that identifies
+                  the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides
+                  human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML)
+                  when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value
+                  is assumed to be "about:blank".
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+              title:
+                description: >
+                  A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should
+                  not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem,
+                  except for purposes of localization. If type is given and
+                  other than "about:blank", this attribute shall also be
+                  provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem
+                  type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of
+                  the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using
+                  proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
+                type: string
+              status:
+                description: >
+                  The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The
+                  HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the
+                  origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
+                type: integer
+              detail:
+                description: >
+                  A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of
+                  the problem.
+                type: string
+              instance:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the
+                  problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+        '406':
+          description: >
+            Not Acceptable
+            If the "Accept" HTTP header does not contain at least one name of a
+            content type that is acceptable to the API producer, the API
+            producer shall respond with this response code. The "ProblemDetails"
+            structure may be omitted in that case.        
+          headers:
+            Content-Type:
+              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 1
+          schema:
+            description: >
+              The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure from
+              IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the
+              general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807 [19], the "status" and
+              "detail" attributes are mandated to be included by the present
+              document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual
+              information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 [19] foresees
+              extensibility of the "ProblemDetails" type. It is possible that
+              particular APIs in the present document, or particular
+              implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes
+              that provide more information about the error. The description
+              column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate
+              understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC
+              7807 [19].
+            type: object
+            required:
+              - status
+              - detail
+            properties:
+              type:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that identifies
+                  the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides
+                  human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML)
+                  when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value
+                  is assumed to be "about:blank".
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+              title:
+                description: >
+                  A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should
+                  not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem,
+                  except for purposes of localization. If type is given and
+                  other than "about:blank", this attribute shall also be
+                  provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem
+                  type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of
+                  the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using
+                  proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
+                type: string
+              status:
+                description: >
+                  The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The
+                  HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the
+                  origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
+                type: integer
+              detail:
+                description: >
+                  A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of
+                  the problem.
+                type: string
+              instance:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the
+                  problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+        '412':
+          description: >
+            Precondition Failed
+            A precondition given in an HTTP request header is not fulfilled.
+            Typically, this is due to an ETag mismatch, indicating that the
+            resource was modified by another entity. The response body should
+            contain a ProblemDetails structure, in which the "detail" attribute
+            should convey more information about the error.
+          headers:
+            Content-Type:
+              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 1
+          schema:
+            description: >
+              The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure from
+              IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the
+              general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807 [19], the "status" and
+              "detail" attributes are mandated to be included by the present
+              document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual
+              information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 [19] foresees
+              extensibility of the "ProblemDetails" type. It is possible that
+              particular APIs in the present document, or particular
+              implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes
+              that provide more information about the error. The description
+              column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate
+              understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC
+              7807 [19].
+            type: object
+            required:
+              - status
+              - detail
+            properties:
+              type:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that identifies
+                  the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides
+                  human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML)
+                  when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value
+                  is assumed to be "about:blank".
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+              title:
+                description: >
+                  A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should
+                  not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem,
+                  except for purposes of localization. If type is given and
+                  other than "about:blank", this attribute shall also be
+                  provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem
+                  type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of
+                  the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using
+                  proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
+                type: string
+              status:
+                description: >
+                  The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The
+                  HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the
+                  origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
+                type: integer
+              detail:
+                description: >
+                  A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of
+                  the problem.
+                type: string
+              instance:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the
+                  problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+        '500':
+          description: >
+            Internal Server Error
+            If there is an application error not related to the client's input
+            that cannot be easily mapped to any other HTTP response code ("catch
+            all error"), the API producer shall respond withthis response code.
+            The "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided, and shall include
+            in the "detail" attribute more information about the source of the
+            problem.
+          headers:
+            Content-Type:
+              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 1
+          schema:
+            description: >
+              The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure from
+              IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the
+              general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807 [19], the "status" and
+              "detail" attributes are mandated to be included by the present
+              document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual
+              information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 [19] foresees
+              extensibility of the "ProblemDetails" type. It is possible that
+              particular APIs in the present document, or particular
+              implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes
+              that provide more information about the error. The description
+              column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate
+              understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC
+              7807 [19].
+            type: object
+            required:
+              - status
+              - detail
+            properties:
+              type:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that identifies
+                  the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides
+                  human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML)
+                  when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value
+                  is assumed to be "about:blank".
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+              title:
+                description: >
+                  A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should
+                  not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem,
+                  except for purposes of localization. If type is given and
+                  other than "about:blank", this attribute shall also be
+                  provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem
+                  type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of
+                  the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using
+                  proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
+                type: string
+              status:
+                description: >
+                  The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The
+                  HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the
+                  origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
+                type: integer
+              detail:
+                description: >
+                  A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of
+                  the problem.
+                type: string
+              instance:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the
+                  problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+        '503':
+          description: >
+            Service Unavailable
+            If the API producer encounters an internal overload situation of
+            itself or of a system it relies on, it should respond with this
+            response code, following the provisions in IETF RFC 7231 [13] for
+            the use of the "Retry-After" HTTP header and for the alternative to
+            refuse the connection. The "ProblemDetails" structure may be
+            omitted.
+          headers:
+            Content-Type:
+              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 1
+          schema:
+            description: >
+              The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure from
+              IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the
+              general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807 [19], the "status" and
+              "detail" attributes are mandated to be included by the present
+              document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual
+              information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 [19] foresees
+              extensibility of the "ProblemDetails" type. It is possible that
+              particular APIs in the present document, or particular
+              implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes
+              that provide more information about the error. The description
+              column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate
+              understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC
+              7807 [19].
+            type: object
+            required:
+              - status
+              - detail
+            properties:
+              type:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that identifies
+                  the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides
+                  human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML)
+                  when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value
+                  is assumed to be "about:blank".
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+              title:
+                description: >
+                  A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should
+                  not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem,
+                  except for purposes of localization. If type is given and
+                  other than "about:blank", this attribute shall also be
+                  provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem
+                  type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of
+                  the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using
+                  proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
+                type: string
+              status:
+                description: >
+                  The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The
+                  HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the
+                  origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
+                type: integer
+              detail:
+                description: >
+                  A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of
+                  the problem.
+                type: string
+              instance:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the
+                  problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+  '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}':
+    parameters:
+      - name: subscriptionId
+        description: >
+          Identifier of this subscription. This identifier can be retrieved from
+          the resource referenced by the "Location" HTTP header in the response
+          to a POST request creating a new subscription resource. It can also be
+          retrieved from the "id" attribute in the payload body of that
+          response.
+        in: path
+        type: string
+        required: true
+    get:
+      description: >
+        Query Subscription Information
+        The client can use this method for reading an individual subscription
+        for VNF alarms subscribed by the client.
+      parameters:
+        - name: Accept
+          description: >
+            Content-Types that are acceptable for the response. Reference: IETF
+            RFC 7231
+          in: header
+          required: true
+          type: string
+        - name: Authorization
+          description: |
+            The authorization token for the request. Reference: IETF RFC 7235
+          in: header
+          required: false
+          type: string
+        - name: Content-Type
+          description: |
+            The MIME type of the body of the request. Reference: IETF RFC 7231
+          in: header
+          required: true
+          type: string
+      responses:
+        '200':
+          description: >
+            OK
+            The operation has completed successfully. The response body shall
+            contain a representation of the subscription resource.
+          headers:
+            Content-Type:
+              description: >
+                The MIME type of the body of the request. Reference: IETF RFC
+                7231
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 1
+            WWW-Authenticate:
+              description: >
+                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
+                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
+                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 0
+          schema:
+            $ref: '#/definitions/FmSubscription'
+        '400':
+          description: >
+            Bad Request
+            If the request is malformed or syntactically incorrect (e.g. if the
+            request URI contains incorrect query parameters or a syntactically
+            incorrect payload body), the API producer shall respond with this
+            response code. The "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided, and
+            should include in the "detail" attribute more information about the
+            source of the problem.
+             ---
+            If the request contains a malformed access token, the API producer
+            should respond with this response. The details of the error shall be
+            returned in the WWW-Authenticate HTTP header, as defined in IETF RFC
+            6750 and IETF RFC 7235. The ProblemDetails structure may be
+            provided.
+             ---
+            If there is an application error related to the client's input that
+            cannot be easily mapped to any other HTTP response code ("catch all
+            error"), the API producer shall respond with this response code.The
+            "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided, and shall include in
+            the "detail" attribute more information about the source of the
+            problem.
+          headers:
+            Content-Type:
+              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 1
+            WWW-Authenticate:
+              description: >
+                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
+                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
+                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 0
+          schema:
+            description: >
+              The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure from
+              IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the
+              general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807 [19], the "status" and
+              "detail" attributes are mandated to be included by the present
+              document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual
+              information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 [19] foresees
+              extensibility of the "ProblemDetails" type. It is possible that
+              particular APIs in the present document, or particular
+              implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes
+              that provide more information about the error. The description
+              column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate
+              understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC
+              7807 [19].
+            type: object
+            required:
+              - status
+              - detail
+            properties:
+              type:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that identifies
+                  the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides
+                  human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML)
+                  when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value
+                  is assumed to be "about:blank".
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+              title:
+                description: >
+                  A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should
+                  not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem,
+                  except for purposes of localization. If type is given and
+                  other than "about:blank", this attribute shall also be
+                  provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem
+                  type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of
+                  the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using
+                  proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
+                type: string
+              status:
+                description: >
+                  The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The
+                  HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the
+                  origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
+                type: integer
+              detail:
+                description: >
+                  A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of
+                  the problem.
+                type: string
+              instance:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the
+                  problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+        '401':
+          description: >
+            Unauthorized
+            If the request contains no access token even though one is required,
+            or if the request contains an authorization token that is invalid
+            (e.g. expired or revoked), the API producer should respond with this
+            response. The details of the error shall be returned in the
+            WWW-Authenticate HTTP header, as defined in IETF RFC 6750 and IETF
+            RFC 7235. The ProblemDetails structure may be provided.
+          headers:
+            Content-Type:
+              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 1
+            WWW-Authenticate:
+              description: >
+                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
+                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
+                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 0
+          schema:
+            description: >
+              The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure from
+              IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the
+              general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807 [19], the "status" and
+              "detail" attributes are mandated to be included by the present
+              document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual
+              information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 [19] foresees
+              extensibility of the "ProblemDetails" type. It is possible that
+              particular APIs in the present document, or particular
+              implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes
+              that provide more information about the error. The description
+              column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate
+              understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC
+              7807 [19].
+            type: object
+            required:
+              - status
+              - detail
+            properties:
+              type:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that identifies
+                  the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides
+                  human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML)
+                  when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value
+                  is assumed to be "about:blank".
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+              title:
+                description: >
+                  A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should
+                  not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem,
+                  except for purposes of localization. If type is given and
+                  other than "about:blank", this attribute shall also be
+                  provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem
+                  type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of
+                  the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using
+                  proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
+                type: string
+              status:
+                description: >
+                  The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The
+                  HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the
+                  origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
+                type: integer
+              detail:
+                description: >
+                  A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of
+                  the problem.
+                type: string
+              instance:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the
+                  problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+        '403':
+          description: >
+            Forbidden
+            If the API consumer is not allowed to perform a particular request
+            to a particular resource, the API producer shall respond with this
+            response code. The "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided.  It
+            should include in the "detail" attribute information about the
+            source of the problem, and may indicate how to solve it.
+          headers:
+            Content-Type:
+              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 1
+          schema:
+            description: >
+              The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure from
+              IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the
+              general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807 [19], the "status" and
+              "detail" attributes are mandated to be included by the present
+              document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual
+              information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 [19] foresees
+              extensibility of the "ProblemDetails" type. It is possible that
+              particular APIs in the present document, or particular
+              implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes
+              that provide more information about the error. The description
+              column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate
+              understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC
+              7807 [19].
+            type: object
+            required:
+              - status
+              - detail
+            properties:
+              type:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that identifies
+                  the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides
+                  human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML)
+                  when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value
+                  is assumed to be "about:blank".
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+              title:
+                description: >
+                  A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should
+                  not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem,
+                  except for purposes of localization. If type is given and
+                  other than "about:blank", this attribute shall also be
+                  provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem
+                  type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of
+                  the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using
+                  proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
+                type: string
+              status:
+                description: >
+                  The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The
+                  HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the
+                  origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
+                type: integer
+              detail:
+                description: >
+                  A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of
+                  the problem.
+                type: string
+              instance:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the
+                  problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+        '405':
+          description: >
+            Method Not Allowed
+            If a particular HTTP method is not supported for a particular
+            resource, the API producer shall respond with this response code.
+            The "ProblemDetails" structure may be omitted in that case.
+          headers:
+            Content-Type:
+              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 1
+          schema:
+            description: >
+              The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure from
+              IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the
+              general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807 [19], the "status" and
+              "detail" attributes are mandated to be included by the present
+              document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual
+              information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 [19] foresees
+              extensibility of the "ProblemDetails" type. It is possible that
+              particular APIs in the present document, or particular
+              implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes
+              that provide more information about the error. The description
+              column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate
+              understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC
+              7807 [19].
+            type: object
+            required:
+              - status
+              - detail
+            properties:
+              type:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that identifies
+                  the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides
+                  human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML)
+                  when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value
+                  is assumed to be "about:blank".
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+              title:
+                description: >
+                  A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should
+                  not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem,
+                  except for purposes of localization. If type is given and
+                  other than "about:blank", this attribute shall also be
+                  provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem
+                  type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of
+                  the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using
+                  proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
+                type: string
+              status:
+                description: >
+                  The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The
+                  HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the
+                  origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
+                type: integer
+              detail:
+                description: >
+                  A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of
+                  the problem.
+                type: string
+              instance:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the
+                  problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+        '406':
+          description: >
+            Not Acceptable
+            If the "Accept" HTTP header does not contain at least one name of a
+            content type that is acceptable to the API producer, the API
+            producer shall respond with this response code. The "ProblemDetails"
+            structure may be omitted in that case.        
+          headers:
+            Content-Type:
+              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 1
+          schema:
+            description: >
+              The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure from
+              IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the
+              general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807 [19], the "status" and
+              "detail" attributes are mandated to be included by the present
+              document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual
+              information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 [19] foresees
+              extensibility of the "ProblemDetails" type. It is possible that
+              particular APIs in the present document, or particular
+              implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes
+              that provide more information about the error. The description
+              column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate
+              understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC
+              7807 [19].
+            type: object
+            required:
+              - status
+              - detail
+            properties:
+              type:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that identifies
+                  the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides
+                  human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML)
+                  when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value
+                  is assumed to be "about:blank".
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+              title:
+                description: >
+                  A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should
+                  not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem,
+                  except for purposes of localization. If type is given and
+                  other than "about:blank", this attribute shall also be
+                  provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem
+                  type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of
+                  the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using
+                  proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
+                type: string
+              status:
+                description: >
+                  The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The
+                  HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the
+                  origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
+                type: integer
+              detail:
+                description: >
+                  A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of
+                  the problem.
+                type: string
+              instance:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the
+                  problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+        '500':
+          description: >
+            Internal Server Error
+            If there is an application error not related to the client's input
+            that cannot be easily mapped to any other HTTP response code ("catch
+            all error"), the API producer shall respond withthis response code.
+            The "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided, and shall include
+            in the "detail" attribute more information about the source of the
+            problem.
+          headers:
+            Content-Type:
+              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 1
+          schema:
+            description: >
+              The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure from
+              IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the
+              general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807 [19], the "status" and
+              "detail" attributes are mandated to be included by the present
+              document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual
+              information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 [19] foresees
+              extensibility of the "ProblemDetails" type. It is possible that
+              particular APIs in the present document, or particular
+              implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes
+              that provide more information about the error. The description
+              column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate
+              understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC
+              7807 [19].
+            type: object
+            required:
+              - status
+              - detail
+            properties:
+              type:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that identifies
+                  the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides
+                  human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML)
+                  when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value
+                  is assumed to be "about:blank".
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+              title:
+                description: >
+                  A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should
+                  not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem,
+                  except for purposes of localization. If type is given and
+                  other than "about:blank", this attribute shall also be
+                  provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem
+                  type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of
+                  the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using
+                  proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
+                type: string
+              status:
+                description: >
+                  The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The
+                  HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the
+                  origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
+                type: integer
+              detail:
+                description: >
+                  A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of
+                  the problem.
+                type: string
+              instance:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the
+                  problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+        '503':
+          description: >
+            Service Unavailable
+            If the API producer encounters an internal overload situation of
+            itself or of a system it relies on, it should respond with this
+            response code, following the provisions in IETF RFC 7231 [13] for
+            the use of the "Retry-After" HTTP header and for the alternative to
+            refuse the connection. The "ProblemDetails" structure may be
+            omitted.
+          headers:
+            Content-Type:
+              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 1
+          schema:
+            description: >
+              The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure from
+              IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the
+              general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807 [19], the "status" and
+              "detail" attributes are mandated to be included by the present
+              document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual
+              information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 [19] foresees
+              extensibility of the "ProblemDetails" type. It is possible that
+              particular APIs in the present document, or particular
+              implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes
+              that provide more information about the error. The description
+              column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate
+              understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC
+              7807 [19].
+            type: object
+            required:
+              - status
+              - detail
+            properties:
+              type:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that identifies
+                  the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides
+                  human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML)
+                  when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value
+                  is assumed to be "about:blank".
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+              title:
+                description: >
+                  A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should
+                  not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem,
+                  except for purposes of localization. If type is given and
+                  other than "about:blank", this attribute shall also be
+                  provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem
+                  type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of
+                  the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using
+                  proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
+                type: string
+              status:
+                description: >
+                  The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The
+                  HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the
+                  origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
+                type: integer
+              detail:
+                description: >
+                  A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of
+                  the problem.
+                type: string
+              instance:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the
+                  problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+    delete:
+      description: |
+        Terminate Subscription
+        This method terminates an individual subscription.
+      parameters:
+        - name: Authorization
+          description: |
+            The authorization token for the request. Reference: IETF RFC 7235
+          in: header
+          required: false
+          type: string
+      responses:
+        '204':
+          description: >
+            No Content
+            The subscription resource was deleted successfully. The response
+            body shall be empty.
+          headers:
+            WWW-Authenticate:
+              description: >
+                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
+                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
+                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 0
+        '400':
+          description: >
+            Bad Request
+            If the request is malformed or syntactically incorrect (e.g. if the
+            request URI contains incorrect query parameters or a syntactically
+            incorrect payload body), the API producer shall respond with this
+            response code. The "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided, and
+            should include in the "detail" attribute more information about the
+            source of the problem.
+             ---
+            If the request contains a malformed access token, the API producer
+            should respond with this response. The details of the error shall be
+            returned in the WWW-Authenticate HTTP header, as defined in IETF RFC
+            6750 and IETF RFC 7235. The ProblemDetails structure may be
+            provided.
+             ---
+            If there is an application error related to the client's input that
+            cannot be easily mapped to any other HTTP response code ("catch all
+            error"), the API producer shall respond with this response code.The
+            "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided, and shall include in
+            the "detail" attribute more information about the source of the
+            problem.
+          headers:
+            Content-Type:
+              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 1
+            WWW-Authenticate:
+              description: >
+                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
+                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
+                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 0
+          schema:
+            description: >
+              The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure from
+              IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the
+              general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807 [19], the "status" and
+              "detail" attributes are mandated to be included by the present
+              document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual
+              information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 [19] foresees
+              extensibility of the "ProblemDetails" type. It is possible that
+              particular APIs in the present document, or particular
+              implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes
+              that provide more information about the error. The description
+              column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate
+              understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC
+              7807 [19].
+            type: object
+            required:
+              - status
+              - detail
+            properties:
+              type:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that identifies
+                  the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides
+                  human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML)
+                  when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value
+                  is assumed to be "about:blank".
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+              title:
+                description: >
+                  A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should
+                  not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem,
+                  except for purposes of localization. If type is given and
+                  other than "about:blank", this attribute shall also be
+                  provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem
+                  type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of
+                  the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using
+                  proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
+                type: string
+              status:
+                description: >
+                  The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The
+                  HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the
+                  origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
+                type: integer
+              detail:
+                description: >
+                  A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of
+                  the problem.
+                type: string
+              instance:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the
+                  problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+        '401':
+          description: >
+            Unauthorized
+            If the request contains no access token even though one is required,
+            or if the request contains an authorization token that is invalid
+            (e.g. expired or revoked), the API producer should respond with this
+            response. The details of the error shall be returned in the
+            WWW-Authenticate HTTP header, as defined in IETF RFC 6750 and IETF
+            RFC 7235. The ProblemDetails structure may be provided.
+          headers:
+            Content-Type:
+              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 1
+            WWW-Authenticate:
+              description: >
+                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
+                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP
+                request has provided an invalid authorization token.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 0
+          schema:
+            description: >
+              The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure from
+              IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the
+              general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807 [19], the "status" and
+              "detail" attributes are mandated to be included by the present
+              document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual
+              information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 [19] foresees
+              extensibility of the "ProblemDetails" type. It is possible that
+              particular APIs in the present document, or particular
+              implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes
+              that provide more information about the error. The description
+              column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate
+              understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC
+              7807 [19].
+            type: object
+            required:
+              - status
+              - detail
+            properties:
+              type:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that identifies
+                  the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides
+                  human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML)
+                  when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value
+                  is assumed to be "about:blank".
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+              title:
+                description: >
+                  A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should
+                  not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem,
+                  except for purposes of localization. If type is given and
+                  other than "about:blank", this attribute shall also be
+                  provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem
+                  type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of
+                  the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using
+                  proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
+                type: string
+              status:
+                description: >
+                  The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The
+                  HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the
+                  origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
+                type: integer
+              detail:
+                description: >
+                  A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of
+                  the problem.
+                type: string
+              instance:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the
+                  problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+        '403':
+          description: >
+            Forbidden
+            If the API consumer is not allowed to perform a particular request
+            to a particular resource, the API producer shall respond with this
+            response code. The "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided.  It
+            should include in the "detail" attribute information about the
+            source of the problem, and may indicate how to solve it.
+          headers:
+            Content-Type:
+              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 1
+          schema:
+            description: >
+              The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure from
+              IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the
+              general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807 [19], the "status" and
+              "detail" attributes are mandated to be included by the present
+              document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual
+              information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 [19] foresees
+              extensibility of the "ProblemDetails" type. It is possible that
+              particular APIs in the present document, or particular
+              implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes
+              that provide more information about the error. The description
+              column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate
+              understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC
+              7807 [19].
+            type: object
+            required:
+              - status
+              - detail
+            properties:
+              type:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that identifies
+                  the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides
+                  human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML)
+                  when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value
+                  is assumed to be "about:blank".
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+              title:
+                description: >
+                  A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should
+                  not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem,
+                  except for purposes of localization. If type is given and
+                  other than "about:blank", this attribute shall also be
+                  provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem
+                  type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of
+                  the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using
+                  proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
+                type: string
+              status:
+                description: >
+                  The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The
+                  HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the
+                  origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
+                type: integer
+              detail:
+                description: >
+                  A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of
+                  the problem.
+                type: string
+              instance:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the
+                  problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+        '405':
+          description: >
+            Method Not Allowed
+            If a particular HTTP method is not supported for a particular
+            resource, the API producer shall respond with this response code.
+            The "ProblemDetails" structure may be omitted in that case.
+          headers:
+            Content-Type:
+              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 1
+          schema:
+            description: >
+              The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure from
+              IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the
+              general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807 [19], the "status" and
+              "detail" attributes are mandated to be included by the present
+              document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual
+              information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 [19] foresees
+              extensibility of the "ProblemDetails" type. It is possible that
+              particular APIs in the present document, or particular
+              implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes
+              that provide more information about the error. The description
+              column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate
+              understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC
+              7807 [19].
+            type: object
+            required:
+              - status
+              - detail
+            properties:
+              type:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that identifies
+                  the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides
+                  human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML)
+                  when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value
+                  is assumed to be "about:blank".
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+              title:
+                description: >
+                  A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should
+                  not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem,
+                  except for purposes of localization. If type is given and
+                  other than "about:blank", this attribute shall also be
+                  provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem
+                  type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of
+                  the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using
+                  proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
+                type: string
+              status:
+                description: >
+                  The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The
+                  HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the
+                  origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
+                type: integer
+              detail:
+                description: >
+                  A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of
+                  the problem.
+                type: string
+              instance:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the
+                  problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+        '406':
+          description: >
+            Not Acceptable
+            If the "Accept" HTTP header does not contain at least one name of a
+            content type that is acceptable to the API producer, the API
+            producer shall respond with this response code. The "ProblemDetails"
+            structure may be omitted in that case.        
+          headers:
+            Content-Type:
+              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 1
+          schema:
+            description: >
+              The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure from
+              IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the
+              general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807 [19], the "status" and
+              "detail" attributes are mandated to be included by the present
+              document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual
+              information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 [19] foresees
+              extensibility of the "ProblemDetails" type. It is possible that
+              particular APIs in the present document, or particular
+              implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes
+              that provide more information about the error. The description
+              column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate
+              understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC
+              7807 [19].
+            type: object
+            required:
+              - status
+              - detail
+            properties:
+              type:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that identifies
+                  the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides
+                  human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML)
+                  when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value
+                  is assumed to be "about:blank".
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+              title:
+                description: >
+                  A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should
+                  not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem,
+                  except for purposes of localization. If type is given and
+                  other than "about:blank", this attribute shall also be
+                  provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem
+                  type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of
+                  the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using
+                  proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
+                type: string
+              status:
+                description: >
+                  The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The
+                  HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the
+                  origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
+                type: integer
+              detail:
+                description: >
+                  A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of
+                  the problem.
+                type: string
+              instance:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the
+                  problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+        '500':
+          description: >
+            Internal Server Error
+            If there is an application error not related to the client's input
+            that cannot be easily mapped to any other HTTP response code ("catch
+            all error"), the API producer shall respond withthis response code.
+            The "ProblemDetails" structure shall be provided, and shall include
+            in the "detail" attribute more information about the source of the
+            problem.
+          headers:
+            Content-Type:
+              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 1
+          schema:
+            description: >
+              The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure from
+              IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the
+              general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807 [19], the "status" and
+              "detail" attributes are mandated to be included by the present
+              document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual
+              information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 [19] foresees
+              extensibility of the "ProblemDetails" type. It is possible that
+              particular APIs in the present document, or particular
+              implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes
+              that provide more information about the error. The description
+              column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate
+              understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC
+              7807 [19].
+            type: object
+            required:
+              - status
+              - detail
+            properties:
+              type:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that identifies
+                  the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides
+                  human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML)
+                  when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value
+                  is assumed to be "about:blank".
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+              title:
+                description: >
+                  A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should
+                  not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem,
+                  except for purposes of localization. If type is given and
+                  other than "about:blank", this attribute shall also be
+                  provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem
+                  type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of
+                  the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using
+                  proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
+                type: string
+              status:
+                description: >
+                  The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The
+                  HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the
+                  origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
+                type: integer
+              detail:
+                description: >
+                  A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of
+                  the problem.
+                type: string
+              instance:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the
+                  problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+        '503':
+          description: >
+            Service Unavailable
+            If the API producer encounters an internal overload situation of
+            itself or of a system it relies on, it should respond with this
+            response code, following the provisions in IETF RFC 7231 [13] for
+            the use of the "Retry-After" HTTP header and for the alternative to
+            refuse the connection. The "ProblemDetails" structure may be
+            omitted.
+          headers:
+            Content-Type:
+              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
+              type: string
+              maximum: 1
+              minimum: 1
+          schema:
+            description: >
+              The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure from
+              IETF RFC 7807 [19] is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the
+              general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807 [19], the "status" and
+              "detail" attributes are mandated to be included by the present
+              document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual
+              information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 [19] foresees
+              extensibility of the "ProblemDetails" type. It is possible that
+              particular APIs in the present document, or particular
+              implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes
+              that provide more information about the error. The description
+              column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate
+              understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC
+              7807 [19].
+            type: object
+            required:
+              - status
+              - detail
+            properties:
+              type:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 [5] that identifies
+                  the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides
+                  human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML)
+                  when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value
+                  is assumed to be "about:blank".
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+              title:
+                description: >
+                  A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should
+                  not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem,
+                  except for purposes of localization. If type is given and
+                  other than "about:blank", this attribute shall also be
+                  provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem
+                  type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of
+                  the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using
+                  proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
+                type: string
+              status:
+                description: >
+                  The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The
+                  HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the
+                  origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
+                type: integer
+              detail:
+                description: >
+                  A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of
+                  the problem.
+                type: string
+              instance:
+                description: >
+                  A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the
+                  problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.
+                type: string
+                format: URI
+  Alarm:
+    description: |
+      The alarm data type encapsulates information about an alarm.
+    type: object
+    required:
+      - id
+      - managedObjectId
+      - rootCauseFaultyResource
+      - alarmRaisedTime
+      - ackState
+      - perceivedSeverity
+      - eventTime
+      - eventType
+      - probableCause
+      - isRootCause
+      - _links
+    properties:
+      id:
+        description: |
+          An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
+        type: string
+      managedObjectId:
+        description: |
+          An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
+        type: string
+      rootCauseFaultyResource:
+        description: >
+          This type represents the faulty virtual resources that have a negative
+          impact on a VNF.
+        type: object
+        required:
+          - faultyResource
+          - faultyResourceType
+        properties:
+          faultyResource:
+            required:
+              - vimConnectionId
+              - resourceId
+            type: object
+            description: >
+              This type represents the information that allows addressing a
+              virtualised resource that is used by a VNF instance. Information
+              about the resource is available from the VIM.
+            properties:
+              vimConnectionId:
+                description: |
+                  An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
+                type: string
+              resourceProviderId:
+                description: |
+                  An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
+                type: string
+              resourceId:
+                description: >
+                  An identifier maintained by the VIM or other resource
+                  provider. It is expected to be unique within the VIM instance.
+                type: string
+              vimLevelResourceType:
+                description: >
+                  Type of the resource in the scope of the VIM or the resource
+                  provider.
+                type: string
+          faultyResourceType:
+            description: >
+              The enumeration FaultyResourceType represents those types of
+              faulty resource.
+            type: string
+            enum:
+              - COMPUTE
+              - STORAGE
+              - NETWORK
+      alarmRaisedTime:
+        description: >
+          Date-time stamp.  Representation: String formatted according to IETF
+          RFC 3339.
+        type: string
+        format: date-time
+      alarmChangedTime:
+        description: >
+          Date-time stamp.  Representation: String formatted according to IETF
+          RFC 3339.
+        type: string
+        format: date-time
+      alarmClearedTime:
+        description: >
+          Date-time stamp.  Representation: String formatted according to IETF
+          RFC 3339.
+        type: string
+        format: date-time
+      ackState:
+        description: >
+          Acknowledgement state of the alarm.  Permitted values: *
+        type: string
+        enum:
+          - ACKNOWLEDGED
+      perceivedSeverity:
+        description: >
+          Indicates the relative level of urgency for operator attention. *
+          CRITICAL: The Critical severity level indicates that a service
+            affecting condition has occurred and an immediate corrective action
+            is required. Such a severity can be reported, for example, when a
+            managed object becomes totally out of service and its capability needs
+            to be restored (ITU-T Recommendation X.733).
+          * MAJOR: The Major severity level indicates that a service affecting
+            condition has developed and an urgent corrective action is required.
+            Such a severity can be reported, for example, when there is a severe
+            degradation in the capability of the managed object and its full
+            capability needs to be restored (ITU-T Recommendation X.733).
+          * MINOR: The Minor severity level indicates the existence of a
+            non-service affecting fault condition and that corrective action
+            should be taken in order to prevent a more serious (for example,
+            service affecting) fault. Such a severity can be reported, for
+            example, when the detected alarm condition is not currently degrading
+            the capacity of the managed object (ITU-T Recommendation X.733).
+          * WARNING: The Warning severity level indicates the detection of a
+            potential or impending service affecting fault, before any significant
+            effects have been felt. Action should be taken to further diagnose (if
+            necessary) and correct the problem in order to prevent it from
+            becoming a more serious service affecting fault (ITU-T Recommendation
+            X.733).
+          * INDETERMINATE: The Indeterminate severity level indicates that the
+            severity level cannot be determined (ITU-T Recommendation X.733).
+          * CLEARED: The Cleared severity level indicates the clearing of one or
+            more previously reported alarms. This alarm clears all alarms for this
+            managed object that have the same Alarm type, Probable cause and
+            Specific problems (if given) (ITU-T Recommendation X.733).
+        type: string
+        enum:
+          - CRITICAL
+          - MAJOR
+          - MINOR
+          - WARNING
+          - INDETERMINATE
+          - CLEARED
+      eventTime:
+        description: >
+          Date-time stamp.  Representation: String formatted according to IETF
+          RFC 3339.
+        type: string
+        format: date-time
+      eventType:
+        description: >
+          The enumeration EventType represents those types of events that
+          trigger an alarm. * COMMUNICATIONS_ALARM: An alarm of this type is
+          associated with the
+            procedure and/or process required conveying information from one point
+            to another (ITU-T Recommendation X.733).
+          * PROCESSING_ERROR_ALARM: An alarm of this type is associated with a
+            software or processing fault (ITU-T Recommendation X.733).
+          * ENVIRONMENTAL_ALARM: An alarm of this type is associated with a
+            condition related to an enclosure in which the equipment resides
+            (ITU-T Recommendation X.733).
+          * QOS_ALARM: An alarm of this type is associated with degradation in
+          the
+            quality of a service (ITU-T Recommendation X.733).
+          * EQUIPMENT_ALARM: An alarm of this type is associated with an
+          equipment
+            fault (ITU-T Recommendation X.733).
+        type: string
+        enum:
+          - QOS_ALARM
+          - EQUIPMENT_ALARM
+      faultType:
+        description: |
+          Additional information to clarify the type of the fault.
+        type: string
+      probableCause:
+        description: |
+          Information about the probable cause of the fault.
+        type: string
+      isRootCause:
+        description: >
+          Attribute indicating if this fault is the root for other correlated
+          alarms. If TRUE, then the alarms listed in the attribute
+          CorrelatedAlarmId are caused by this fault.
+        type: boolean
+      correlatedAlarmIds:
+        description: |
+          List of identifiers of other alarms correlated to this fault.
+        type: array
+        items:
+          description: |
+            An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
+          type: string
+      faultDetails:
+        description: |
+          Provides additional information about the fault.
+        type: array
+        items:
+          type: string
+      _links:
+        description: |
+          Links for this resource.
+        type: object
+        required:
+          - self
+        properties:
+          self:
+            description: |
+              This type represents a link to a resource.
+            type: object
+            required:
+              - href
+            properties:
+              href:
+                description: |
+                  URI of the referenced resource.
+                type: string
+                format: url
+          objectInstance:
+            description: |
+              This type represents a link to a resource.
+            type: object
+            required:
+              - href
+            properties:
+              href:
+                description: |
+                  URI of the referenced resource.
+                type: string
+                format: url
+  AlarmModifications:
+    description: >
+      This type represents attribute modifications for an "Individual alarm"
+      resource, i.e. modifications to a resource representation based on the
+      "Alarm" data type. The attributes of "Alarm" that can be modified are
+      included in the "AlarmModifications" data type.
+    type: object
+    required:
+      - ackState
+    properties:
+      ackState:
+        description: >
+          New value of the "ackState" attribute in "Alarm". Permitted values: *
+        type: string
+        enum:
+          - ACKNOWLEDGED
+  FmSubscription:
+    description: >
+      This type represents a subscription related to notifications about VNF
+      faults.
+    type: object
+    required:
+      - id
+      - callbackUri
+      - _links
+    properties:
+      id:
+        description: |
+          An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
+        type: string
+      filter:
+        description: >
+          This type represents a subscription filter related to notifications
+          about VNF faults. At a particular nesting level in the filter
+          structure, the following applies: All attributes shall match in order
+          for the filter to match (logical "and" between different filter
+          attributes). If an attribute is an array, the attribute shall match if
+          at least one of the values in the array matches (logical "or" between
+          the values of one filter attribute).
+        type: object
+        properties:
+          vnfInstanceSubscriptionFilter:
+            description: >
+              This type represents subscription filter criteria to match VNF
+              instances.
+            type: object
+            properties:
+              vnfdIds:
+                description: >
+                  If present, match VNF instances that were created based on a
+                  VNFD identified by one of the vnfdId values listed in this
+                  attribute. The attributes "vnfdIds" and
+                  "vnfProductsFromProviders" are alternatives to reference to
+                  VNF instances that are based on certain VNFDs in a filter.
+                  They should not be used both in the same filter instance, but
+                  one alternative should be chosen.
+                type: array
+                items:
+                  description: |
+                    An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
+                  type: string
+              vnfProductsFromProviders:
+                description: >
+                  If present, match VNF instances that belong to VNF products
+                  from certain providers. The attributes "vnfdIds" and
+                  "vnfProductsFromProviders" are alternatives to reference to
+                  VNF instances that are based on certain VNFDs in a filter.
+                  They should not be used both in the same filter instance, but
+                  one alternative should be chosen.
+                type: array
+                items:
+                  type: object
+                  required:
+                    - vnfProvider
+                  properties:
+                    vnfProvider:
+                      description: |
+                        Name of the VNF provider to match.
+                      type: string
+                    vnfProducts:
+                      description: >
+                        If present, match VNF instances that belong to VNF
+                        products with certain product names, from one particular
+                        provider.
+                      type: array
+                      items:
+                        type: object
+                        required:
+                          - vnfProductName
+                        properties:
+                          vnfProductName:
+                            description: |
+                              Name of the VNF product to match.
+                            type: string
+                          versions:
+                            description: >
+                              If present, match VNF instances that belong to VNF
+                              products with certain versions and a certain
+                              product name, from one particular provider.
+                            type: array
+                            items:
+                              type: object
+                              required:
+                                - vnfSoftwareVersion
+                              properties:
+                                vnfSoftwareVersion:
+                                  description: |
+                                    A version.
+                                  type: string
+                                vnfdVersions:
+                                  description: >
+                                    If present, match VNF instances that belong
+                                    to VNF products with certain VNFD versions,
+                                    a certain software version and a certain
+                                    product name, from one particular provider.
+                                  type: array
+                                  items:
+                                    description: |
+                                      A version.
+                                    type: string
+              vnfInstanceIds:
+                description: >
+                  If present, match VNF instances with an instance identifier
+                  listed in this attribute. The attributes "vnfInstanceIds" and
+                  "vnfInstanceNames" are alternatives to reference to particular
+                  VNF Instances in a filter. They should not be used both in the
+                  same filter instance, but one alternative should be chosen.
+                type: array
+                items:
+                  description: |
+                    An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
+                  type: string
+              vnfInstanceNames:
+                description: >
+                  If present, match VNF instances with a VNF Instance Name
+                  listed in this attribute. The attributes "vnfInstanceIds" and
+                  "vnfInstanceNames" are alternatives to reference to particular
+                  VNF Instances in a filter. They should not be used both in the
+                  same filter instance, but one alternative should be chosen.
+                type: array
+                items:
+                  type: string
+          notificationTypes:
+            description: >
+              Match particular notification types. Permitted values: *
+              AlarmNotification * AlarmClearedNotification *
+              AlarmListRebuiltNotification The permitted values of the
+              "notificationTypes" attribute are spelled exactly as the names of
+              the notification types to facilitate automated code generation
+              systems.
+            type: array
+            items:
+              type: string
+              enum:
+                - AlarmNotification
+                - AlarmClearedNotification
+                - AlarmListRebuiltNotification
+          faultyResourceTypes:
+            description: >
+              Match VNF alarms with a faulty resource type listed in this
+              attribute.
+            type: array
+            items:
+              description: >
+                The enumeration FaultyResourceType represents those types of
+                faulty resource.
+              type: string
+              enum:
+                - COMPUTE
+                - STORAGE
+                - NETWORK
+          perceivedSeverities:
+            description: >
+              Match VNF alarms with a perceived severity listed in this
+              attribute.
+            type: array
+            items:
+              description: >
+                Indicates the relative level of urgency for operator attention.
+                * CRITICAL: The Critical severity level indicates that a service
+                  affecting condition has occurred and an immediate corrective action
+                  is required. Such a severity can be reported, for example, when a
+                  managed object becomes totally out of service and its capability needs
+                  to be restored (ITU-T Recommendation X.733).
+                * MAJOR: The Major severity level indicates that a service
+                affecting
+                  condition has developed and an urgent corrective action is required.
+                  Such a severity can be reported, for example, when there is a severe
+                  degradation in the capability of the managed object and its full
+                  capability needs to be restored (ITU-T Recommendation X.733).
+                * MINOR: The Minor severity level indicates the existence of a
+                  non-service affecting fault condition and that corrective action
+                  should be taken in order to prevent a more serious (for example,
+                  service affecting) fault. Such a severity can be reported, for
+                  example, when the detected alarm condition is not currently degrading
+                  the capacity of the managed object (ITU-T Recommendation X.733).
+                * WARNING: The Warning severity level indicates the detection of
+                a
+                  potential or impending service affecting fault, before any significant
+                  effects have been felt. Action should be taken to further diagnose (if
+                  necessary) and correct the problem in order to prevent it from
+                  becoming a more serious service affecting fault (ITU-T Recommendation
+                  X.733).
+                * INDETERMINATE: The Indeterminate severity level indicates that
+                the
+                  severity level cannot be determined (ITU-T Recommendation X.733).
+                * CLEARED: The Cleared severity level indicates the clearing of
+                one or
+                  more previously reported alarms. This alarm clears all alarms for this
+                  managed object that have the same Alarm type, Probable cause and
+                  Specific problems (if given) (ITU-T Recommendation X.733).
+              type: string
+              enum:
+                - CRITICAL
+                - MAJOR
+                - MINOR
+                - WARNING
+                - INDETERMINATE
+                - CLEARED
+          eventTypes:
+            description: |
+              Match VNF alarms with an event type listed in this attribute.
+            type: array
+            items:
+              description: >
+                The enumeration EventType represents those types of events that
+                trigger an alarm. * COMMUNICATIONS_ALARM: An alarm of this type
+                is associated with the
+                  procedure and/or process required conveying information from one point
+                  to another (ITU-T Recommendation X.733).
+                * PROCESSING_ERROR_ALARM: An alarm of this type is associated
+                with a
+                  software or processing fault (ITU-T Recommendation X.733).
+                * ENVIRONMENTAL_ALARM: An alarm of this type is associated with
+                a
+                  condition related to an enclosure in which the equipment resides
+                  (ITU-T Recommendation X.733).
+                * QOS_ALARM: An alarm of this type is associated with
+                degradation in the
+                  quality of a service (ITU-T Recommendation X.733).
+                * EQUIPMENT_ALARM: An alarm of this type is associated with an
+                equipment
+                  fault (ITU-T Recommendation X.733).
+              type: string
+              enum:
+                - COMMUNICATIONS_ALARM
+                - PROCESSING_ERROR_ALARM
+                - ENVIRONMENTAL_ALARM
+                - QOS_ALARM
+                - EQUIPMENT_ALARM
+          probableCauses:
+            description: |
+              Match VNF alarms with a probable cause listed in this attribute.
+            type: array
+            items:
+              type: string
+      callbackUri:
+        description: |
+          The URI of the endpoint to send the notification to.
+        type: string
+        format: url
+      _links:
+        description: |
+          Links for this resource.
+        type: object
+        required:
+          - self
+        properties:
+          self:
+            description: |
+              This type represents a link to a resource.
+            type: object
+            required:
+              - href
+            properties:
+              href:
+                description: |
+                  URI of the referenced resource.
+                type: string
+                format: url
+  FmSubscriptionRequest:
+    description: >
+      This type represents a subscription request related to notifications about
+      VNF faults.
+    type: object
+    required:
+      - callbackUri
+    properties:
+      filter:
+        description: >
+          This type represents a subscription filter related to notifications
+          about VNF faults. At a particular nesting level in the filter
+          structure, the following applies: All attributes shall match in order
+          for the filter to match (logical "and" between different filter
+          attributes). If an attribute is an array, the attribute shall match if
+          at least one of the values in the array matches (logical "or" between
+          the values of one filter attribute).
+        type: object
+        properties:
+          vnfInstanceSubscriptionFilter:
+            description: >
+              This type represents subscription filter criteria to match VNF
+              instances.
+            type: object
+            properties:
+              vnfdIds:
+                description: >
+                  If present, match VNF instances that were created based on a
+                  VNFD identified by one of the vnfdId values listed in this
+                  attribute. The attributes "vnfdIds" and
+                  "vnfProductsFromProviders" are alternatives to reference to
+                  VNF instances that are based on certain VNFDs in a filter.
+                  They should not be used both in the same filter instance, but
+                  one alternative should be chosen.
+                type: array
+                items:
+                  description: |
+                    An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
+                  type: string
+              vnfProductsFromProviders:
+                description: >
+                  If present, match VNF instances that belong to VNF products
+                  from certain providers. The attributes "vnfdIds" and
+                  "vnfProductsFromProviders" are alternatives to reference to
+                  VNF instances that are based on certain VNFDs in a filter.
+                  They should not be used both in the same filter instance, but
+                  one alternative should be chosen.
+                type: array
+                items:
+                  type: object
+                  required:
+                    - vnfProvider
+                  properties:
+                    vnfProvider:
+                      description: |
+                        Name of the VNF provider to match.
+                      type: string
+                    vnfProducts:
+                      description: >
+                        If present, match VNF instances that belong to VNF
+                        products with certain product names, from one particular
+                        provider.
+                      type: array
+                      items:
+                        type: object
+                        required:
+                          - vnfProductName
+                        properties:
+                          vnfProductName:
+                            description: |
+                              Name of the VNF product to match.
+                            type: string
+                          versions:
+                            description: >
+                              If present, match VNF instances that belong to VNF
+                              products with certain versions and a certain
+                              product name, from one particular provider.
+                            type: array
+                            items:
+                              type: object
+                              required:
+                                - vnfSoftwareVersion
+                              properties:
+                                vnfSoftwareVersion:
+                                  description: |
+                                    A version.
+                                  type: string
+                                vnfdVersions:
+                                  description: >
+                                    If present, match VNF instances that belong
+                                    to VNF products with certain VNFD versions,
+                                    a certain software version and a certain
+                                    product name, from one particular provider.
+                                  type: array
+                                  items:
+                                    description: |
+                                      A version.
+                                    type: string
+              vnfInstanceIds:
+                description: >
+                  If present, match VNF instances with an instance identifier
+                  listed in this attribute. The attributes "vnfInstanceIds" and
+                  "vnfInstanceNames" are alternatives to reference to particular
+                  VNF Instances in a filter. They should not be used both in the
+                  same filter instance, but one alternative should be chosen.
+                type: array
+                items:
+                  description: |
+                    An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
+                  type: string
+              vnfInstanceNames:
+                description: >
+                  If present, match VNF instances with a VNF Instance Name
+                  listed in this attribute. The attributes "vnfInstanceIds" and
+                  "vnfInstanceNames" are alternatives to reference to particular
+                  VNF Instances in a filter. They should not be used both in the
+                  same filter instance, but one alternative should be chosen.
+                type: array
+                items:
+                  type: string
+          notificationTypes:
+            description: >
+              Match particular notification types. Permitted values: *
+              AlarmNotification * AlarmClearedNotification *
+              AlarmListRebuiltNotification The permitted values of the
+              "notificationTypes" attribute are spelled exactly as the names of
+              the notification types to facilitate automated code generation
+              systems.
+            type: array
+            items:
+              type: string
+              enum:
+                - AlarmNotification
+                - AlarmClearedNotification
+                - AlarmListRebuiltNotification
+          faultyResourceTypes:
+            description: >
+              Match VNF alarms with a faulty resource type listed in this
+              attribute.
+            type: array
+            items:
+              description: >
+                The enumeration FaultyResourceType represents those types of
+                faulty resource.
+              type: string
+              enum:
+                - COMPUTE
+                - STORAGE
+                - NETWORK
+          perceivedSeverities:
+            description: >
+              Match VNF alarms with a perceived severity listed in this
+              attribute.
+            type: array
+            items:
+              description: >
+                Indicates the relative level of urgency for operator attention.
+                * CRITICAL: The Critical severity level indicates that a service
+                  affecting condition has occurred and an immediate corrective action
+                  is required. Such a severity can be reported, for example, when a
+                  managed object becomes totally out of service and its capability needs
+                  to be restored (ITU-T Recommendation X.733).
+                * MAJOR: The Major severity level indicates that a service
+                affecting
+                  condition has developed and an urgent corrective action is required.
+                  Such a severity can be reported, for example, when there is a severe
+                  degradation in the capability of the managed object and its full
+                  capability needs to be restored (ITU-T Recommendation X.733).
+                * MINOR: The Minor severity level indicates the existence of a
+                  non-service affecting fault condition and that corrective action
+                  should be taken in order to prevent a more serious (for example,
+                  service affecting) fault. Such a severity can be reported, for
+                  example, when the detected alarm condition is not currently degrading
+                  the capacity of the managed object (ITU-T Recommendation X.733).
+                * WARNING: The Warning severity level indicates the detection of
+                a
+                  potential or impending service affecting fault, before any significant
+                  effects have been felt. Action should be taken to further diagnose (if
+                  necessary) and correct the problem in order to prevent it from
+                  becoming a more serious service affecting fault (ITU-T Recommendation
+                  X.733).
+                * INDETERMINATE: The Indeterminate severity level indicates that
+                the
+                  severity level cannot be determined (ITU-T Recommendation X.733).
+                * CLEARED: The Cleared severity level indicates the clearing of
+                one or
+                  more previously reported alarms. This alarm clears all alarms for this
+                  managed object that have the same Alarm type, Probable cause and
+                  Specific problems (if given) (ITU-T Recommendation X.733).
+              type: string
+              enum:
+                - CRITICAL
+                - MAJOR
+                - MINOR
+                - WARNING
+                - INDETERMINATE
+                - CLEARED
+          eventTypes:
+            description: |
+              Match VNF alarms with an event type listed in this attribute.
+            type: array
+            items:
+              description: >
+                The enumeration EventType represents those types of events that
+                trigger an alarm. * COMMUNICATIONS_ALARM: An alarm of this type
+                is associated with the
+                  procedure and/or process required conveying information from one point
+                  to another (ITU-T Recommendation X.733).
+                * PROCESSING_ERROR_ALARM: An alarm of this type is associated
+                with a
+                  software or processing fault (ITU-T Recommendation X.733).
+                * ENVIRONMENTAL_ALARM: An alarm of this type is associated with
+                a
+                  condition related to an enclosure in which the equipment resides
+                  (ITU-T Recommendation X.733).
+                * QOS_ALARM: An alarm of this type is associated with
+                degradation in the
+                  quality of a service (ITU-T Recommendation X.733).
+                * EQUIPMENT_ALARM: An alarm of this type is associated with an
+                equipment
+                  fault (ITU-T Recommendation X.733).
+              type: string
+              enum:
+                - COMMUNICATIONS_ALARM
+                - PROCESSING_ERROR_ALARM
+                - ENVIRONMENTAL_ALARM
+                - QOS_ALARM
+                - EQUIPMENT_ALARM
+          probableCauses:
+            description: |
+              Match VNF alarms with a probable cause listed in this attribute.
+            type: array
+            items:
+              type: string
+      callbackUri:
+        description: |
+          The URI of the endpoint to send the notification to.
+        type: string
+        format: url
+      authentication:
+        type: object
+        required:
+          - authType
+        properties:
+          authType:
+            description: >
+              Defines the types of Authentication / Authorization which the API
+              consumer is willing to accept when receiving a notification.
+              Permitted values: * BASIC: In every HTTP request to the
+              notification endpoint, use
+                HTTP Basic authentication with the client credentials. 
+              * OAUTH2_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS: In every HTTP request to the
+                notification endpoint, use an OAuth 2.0 Bearer token, obtained
+                using the client credentials grant type.
+              * TLS_CERT: Every HTTP request to the notification endpoint is
+              sent
+                over a mutually authenticated TLS session, i.e. not only the
+                server is authenticated, but also the client is authenticated
+                during the TLS tunnel setup.
+            type: array
+            items:
+              type: string
+              enum:
+                - BASIC
+                - OAUTH2_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS
+                - TLS_CERT
+          paramsBasic:
+            description: >
+              Parameters for authentication/authorization using BASIC. Shall be
+              present if authType is "BASIC" and the contained information has
+              not been provisioned out of band. Shall be absent otherwise.
+            type: object
+            properties:
+              userName:
+                description: >
+                  Username to be used in HTTP Basic authentication. Shall be
+                  present if it has not been provisioned out of band.
+                type: string
+              password:
+                description: >
+                  Password to be used in HTTP Basic authentication. Shall be
+                  present if it has not been provisioned out of band.
+                type: string
+          paramsOauth2ClientCredentials:
+            description: >
+              Parameters for authentication/authorization using
+              OAUTH2_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS. Shall be present if authType is
+              "OAUTH2_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS" and the contained information has not
+              been provisioned out of band. Shall be absent otherwise.
+            type: object
+            properties:
+              clientId:
+                description: >
+                  Client identifier to be used in the access token request of
+                  the OAuth 2.0 client credentials grant type.  Shall be present
+                  if it has not been provisioned out of band. The clientId and
+                  clientPassword passed in a subscription shall not be the same
+                  as the clientId and clientPassword that are used to obtain
+                  authorization for API requests. Client credentials may differ
+                  between subscriptions. The value of clientPassword should be
+                  generated by a random process.
+                type: string
+              clientPassword:
+                description: >
+                  Client password to be used in the access token request of the
+                  OAuth 2.0 client credentials grant type.  Shall be present if
+                  it has not been provisioned out of band. The clientId and
+                  clientPassword passed in a subscription shall not be the same
+                  as the clientId and clientPassword that are used to obtain
+                  authorization for API requests. Client credentials may differ
+                  between subscriptions. The value of clientPassword should be
+                  generated by a random process.
+                type: string
+              tokenEndpoint:
+                description: |
+                  String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.
+                type: string
diff --git a/SOL003/VNFFaultManagement-API_egm/jsons/alarmModifications.json b/SOL003/VNFFaultManagement-API_egm/jsons/alarmModifications.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..53121e5b7d04ebd9c2c9c9f93e676aaa6ecefb86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOL003/VNFFaultManagement-API_egm/jsons/alarmModifications.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+  "ackState": "ACKNOWLEDGED"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/SOL003/VNFFaultManagement-API_egm/variables.txt b/SOL003/VNFFaultManagement-API_egm/variables.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3facdfff048d62215d14763eadef379b50d12f49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOL003/VNFFaultManagement-API_egm/variables.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+*** Variables ***
+${VNFM_HOST}      localhost    # Hostname of the VNFM
+${VNFM_PORT}      8080    # Listening port of the VNFM
+${NFVO_HOST}      localhost    # Hostname of the NFVO
+${NFVO_PORT}      8081    # Listening port of the NFVO
+${VNFM_SCHEMA}    https
+${NFVO_SCHEMA}    https
+${AUTHORIZATION}    Bearer    QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==
+${CONTENT_TYPE}    application/json
+${CONTENT_TYPE_PATCH}    application/merge-patch+json 
+${ACCEPT}         application/json
+${apiRoot}        /
+${apiName}        vnffm
+${apiVersion}     v1    
+${AUTH_USAGE}     1
+${alarm_filter}       managedObjectId
+${managedObjectId}    007c111c-38a1-42c0-a666-7475ecb1567c
+${invalid_alarm_filter}    badFilter 
+${alarmId}    6fc3539c-e602-4afa-8e13-962fb5a7d81d
+${vnfInstanceDescription}    description vnf
+${vnfInstanceDescription_Update}    Updated description vnf 
+${ACCEPT_PLAIN}    text/plain
+${ACCEPT_ZIP}     application/zip
+${vnfPkgId_processing}    007c111c-38a1-42c0-a666-7475ecb1567c
+${ARTIFACT_TYPE}    application/octet-stream
+${ARTIFACT_ID}    artifactId
+${WRONG_ACCEPT}    application/json
+${vnfLcmOpOccId}    6fc3539c-e602-4afa-8e13-962fb5a7d81d
+${CancelMode}    GRACEFUL
+${LccnSubscriptionRequest}    {}
+${sub_filter}    filter
+${sub_filter_invalid}    filter_invalid
+${subscriptionId}    6fc3539c-e602-4afa-8e13-962fb5a7d81f
+${notification_ep}    notification
+${VnfLcmOperationOccurrenceNotification}    {}
+${VnfIdentifierCreationNotification}    {}
+${VnfIdentifierDeletionNotification}    {}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/TrackingStatus.txt b/TrackingStatus.txt
index 0f8e46030057ecd8cffd44a92d9ece6de2f186ed..ad81e23fccb0e3e605112ad428161316e8ab5fc2 100644
--- a/TrackingStatus.txt
+++ b/TrackingStatus.txt
@@ -28,7 +28,11 @@ SOL003
   - VirtualisedResourcesQuotaAvailableNotification-API_egm --> [NOT STARTED]
-  - VNFFaultManagement-API_egm ------------------------------> [NOT STARTED]
+  - VNFFaultManagement-API_egm ------------------------------> [IN PROGRESS]
+    * Alarms ----------------------------------------------> [DONE]
+    * IndividualAlarm ----------------------------------------------> [DONE]
+    * Subscriptions  --------------------------------------------> [IN PROGRESS] //to be reviewed with nxw on how notification server will be configured
+    * IndividualSubscription  -----------------------------------> [IN PROGRESS]
   - VNFFaultManagementNotification-API_egm ------------------> [NOT STARTED]