...Applicability: The VNF supports the generation of HTTP Etag opaque identifiers
...Post-Conditions: The VNF configuration is not modified by the operation
Get VNF configuration
Check HTTP Response Status Code Is200
Check HTTP Response Header ContainsEtag
Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema IsvnfConfiguration
Check Postcondition VNF Configuration Untouched
PUT Config - Method not implemented
logTrying to perform a PUT. This method should not be implemented
@@ -53,40 +44,61 @@ PUT Config - Method not implemented
LogValidate Status code
Integerresponse status405
PATCH Config
[Documentation]Test ID:
...Test title: Set or modify a configuration resource
...Test objective: The objective is to set or modify a configuration resource
...Pre-conditions: A VNF instance and its VNFC instances exist
Set new VNF Configuration
[Documentation]Test ID:
...Test title: Set a new VNF Configuration
...Test objective: The objective is to test the creation of a new VNF configuration
...Pre-conditions: A VNF instance is up and running
...Reference: section 9.4.2 - SOL002 v2.4.1
...Config ID: Config_prod_VNFM
...Applicability: The VNF supports the generation of HTTP Etag opaque identifiers
...Post-Conditions: The VNF configuration is set
Send VNF configuration
Check HTTP Response Status Code Is200
Check HTTP Response Header ContainsEtag
Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema IsvnfConfiModifications
Check Postcondition VNF Is Configured
Set new VNF Configuration - HTTP Etag precondition failed
[Documentation]Test ID:
...Test title: Set a new VNF Configuration - HTTP Etag precondition failed
...Test objective: The objective is to test the failure in setting a duplication of VNF configuration identified by an already used HTTP Etag identifier.
...Pre-conditions: A VNF instance is up and running. The VNF instance is already configured (Test ID: with a given HTTP Etag identifier.
...Reference: section 9.4.2 - SOL002 v2.4.1
...Config ID: Config_prod_VNFM
...Post-Conditions:Configuration of the VNF instance and/or its VNFC instances has been set
...Applicability: The VNF supports the generation of HTTP Etag opaque identifiers
...Post-Conditions:The VNF configuration is not modified by the operation
Send Duplicated VNF configuration
Check HTTP Response Status Code Is412
Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema IsProblemDetails
Check Postcondition VNF Configuration Untouched
DELETE Config - Method not implemented
logTrying to perform a DELETE. This method should not be implemented
Set Headers{"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Run Keyword If${AUTH_USAGE}== 1Set Headers{"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}