diff --git a/SOL003/VNFLifecycleManagement-API_egm/SOL003-VNFLifecycleManagement.robot b/SOL003/VNFLifecycleManagement-API_egm/SOL003-VNFLifecycleManagement.robot
index 45bd4481f93235d9542cbdc304ec733dbcc156db..478fb4e9a4d8233944176e49dbffdb8ac41a9a92 100644
--- a/SOL003/VNFLifecycleManagement-API_egm/SOL003-VNFLifecycleManagement.robot
+++ b/SOL003/VNFLifecycleManagement-API_egm/SOL003-VNFLifecycleManagement.robot
@@ -1,33 +1,56 @@
 *** Settings ***
 Suite setup     Expect spec    SOL003-VNFLifecycleManagement-API.yaml
-Resource    ../variables.txt 
+Resource    variables.txt 
 Library    REST    http://${VNFM_HOST}:${VNFM_PORT} 
+#Library    RequestsLibrary
 *** Test cases ***
 Create a new vnfInstance
     Log    Create VNF instance by POST to /vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances
     Set Headers  {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}  
-    Set Headers  {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
+    Set Headers  {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE}"}
+    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
     Post    /vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances    {"vnfdId": "12345","vnfInstanceName": "Test-VnfInstance", "vnfInstanceDescription": "bla"}
-    Log    Validate Status code
-    Integer    response status    200
+    Output    response
+    Integer    response status    201
+    Log    Status code validated
+Create a new vnfInstance Bad Request
+    Log    Create VNF instance by POST to /vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances
+    Set Headers  {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}  
+    Set Headers  {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE}"}
+    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
+    Post    /vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances    {"bad_request": "bad_example"}
+    Output    response
+    Integer    response status    400
+    Log    Status code validated
-Get information about multiple VNF instances
-    [Tags]  get   
+Create a new vnfInstance Unauthorized
+    Log    Create VNF instance by POST to /vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances
+    Set Headers  {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}  
+    Set Headers  {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE}"}
+    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"Authorization":"${WRONG_AUTHORIZATION}"}
+    Post    /vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances    {"vnfdId": "12345","vnfInstanceName": "Test-VnfInstance", "vnfInstanceDescription": "bla"}
+    Output    response
+    Integer    response status    401
+    Log    Status code validated
+Get information about multiple VNF instances  
     Log    Query VNF The GET method queries information about multiple VNF instances.
     Set Headers  {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}  
-    Set Headers  {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
-    Set Headers  {"Authorization": "${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
-    Log    Execute Query and validate against online spec
+    Set Headers  {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE}"}
+    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
+    Log    Execute Query and validate response
     Get    /vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances
+    Output    response
     Log    Validate Status code
     Integer    response status    200
     Log    Execute Query and validate against online spec
-    GET    ${apiRoot}/vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances?fields=wrong_field
+    GET    /vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances?fields=wrong_field
     Log    Validate Status code
     Integer    response status    400
+*** Keywords ***
diff --git a/SOL003/VNFLifecycleManagement-API_egm/variables.txt b/SOL003/VNFLifecycleManagement-API_egm/variables.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ca9e2e8162466f1e484d8cb8c2948b3916946d2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOL003/VNFLifecycleManagement-API_egm/variables.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+*** Variables ***
+${VNFM_HOST}      localhost    # Hostname of the VNFM
+${VNFM_PORT}      8080    # Listening port of the VNFM
+${NFVO_HOST}      localhost    # Hostname of the NFVO
+${NFVO_PORT}      8081    # Listening port of the NFVO
+${VNFM_SCHEMA}    https
+${NFVO_SCHEMA}    https
+${AUTHORIZATION}    Bearer    QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==
+${CONTENT_TYPE}    application/json
+${ACCEPT}         application/json
+${apiRoot}        /
+${AUTH_USAGE}     1
+${vnfPkgId}       6fc3539c-e602-4afa-8e13-962fb5a7d81f
+${ACCEPT_PLAIN}    text/plain
+${ACCEPT_ZIP}     application/zip
+${vnfPkgId_processing}    007c111c-38a1-42c0-a666-7475ecb1567c
+${ARTIFACT_TYPE}    application/octet-stream
+${ARTIFACT_ID}    artifactId
+${WRONG_ACCEPT}    application/json
\ No newline at end of file