Subscriptions.robot 8.02 KB
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Resource    environment/variables.txt 
aureliano sinatra's avatar
aureliano sinatra committed
Resource    VnfLcmOperationKeywords.robot
Library    REST    ${VNFM_SCHEMA}://${VNFM_HOST}:${VNFM_PORT} 
Library    OperatingSystem
Library    JSONLibrary
Library    JSONSchemaLibrary    schemas/

*** Test Cases ***
aureliano sinatra's avatar
aureliano sinatra committed
POST Create a new subscription
    [Documentation]    Test ID:
    ...    Test title: POST Create a new subscription
    ...    Test objective: The POST method creates a new subscription
    ...    Pre-conditions: none
    ...    Reference: clause - ETSI GS NFV-SOL 002 [2] v2.4.1
aureliano sinatra's avatar
aureliano sinatra committed
    ...    Config ID: Config_prod_VE
    ...    Applicability: none
    ...    Post-Conditions: in response header Location shall not be null
aureliano sinatra's avatar
aureliano sinatra committed
    Post Create subscription
    Check HTTP Response Status Code Is    201
    Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema Is    Subscription
Najam UI Hassan's avatar
Najam UI Hassan committed
aureliano sinatra's avatar
aureliano sinatra committed
POST Create a new Subscription - DUPLICATION
aureliano sinatra's avatar
aureliano sinatra committed
    [Documentation]    Test ID:
    ...    Test title: POST Create a new subscription - DUPLICATION
    ...    Test objective: The POST method creates a new subscription even if an existing subscription to same content exist
    ...    Pre-conditions: none
    ...    Reference: clause - ETSI GS NFV-SOL 002 [2] v2.4.1
aureliano sinatra's avatar
aureliano sinatra committed
    ...    Config ID: Config_prod_VE
root's avatar
root committed
    ...    Applicability: SUT should support duplication of subscription creation
    ...    Post-Conditions: in response header Location shall not be null
aureliano sinatra's avatar
aureliano sinatra committed
    Post Create subscription - DUPLICATION
    Check HTTP Response Status Code Is    201
    Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema Is    Subscription
aureliano sinatra's avatar
aureliano sinatra committed
POST Create a new Subscription - NO-DUPLICATION
aureliano sinatra's avatar
aureliano sinatra committed
    [Documentation]    Test ID:
    ...    Test title: POST Create a new subscription - NO-DUPLICATION
    ...    Test objective: The POST method creates a new subscription even if an existing subscription to same content exist
    ...    Pre-conditions: none
    ...    Reference: clause - ETSI GS NFV-SOL 002 [2] v2.4.1
aureliano sinatra's avatar
aureliano sinatra committed
    ...    Config ID: Config_prod_VE
root's avatar
root committed
    ...    Applicability: SUT should not support duplication of subscription creation
    ...    Post-Conditions: in response header Location shall not be null
aureliano sinatra's avatar
aureliano sinatra committed
    Post Create subscription - NO-DUPLICATION
    Check HTTP Response Status Code Is    303
    Check Operation Occurrence Id
aureliano sinatra's avatar
aureliano sinatra committed
     [Documentation]    Test ID:
    ...    Test title: GET Subscriptions
    ...    Test objective: The objective is Get the list of active subscriptions
    ...    Pre-conditions: none
    ...    Reference: clause - ETSI GS NFV-SOL 002 [2] v2.4.1
aureliano sinatra's avatar
aureliano sinatra committed
    ...    Config ID: Config_prod_VE
    ...    Applicability: none
    ...    Post-Conditions: none 
    Get subscriptions
    Check HTTP Response Status Code Is    200
    Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema Is    Subscriptions
aureliano sinatra's avatar
aureliano sinatra committed
    [Documentation]    Test ID:
    ...    Test title: GET Subscriptions - Filter
Najam UI Hassan's avatar
Najam UI Hassan committed
    ...    Test objective: The objective is Get the list of active subscriptions using a "filter"
aureliano sinatra's avatar
aureliano sinatra committed
    ...    Pre-conditions: none
    ...    Reference: clause - ETSI GS NFV-SOL 002 [2] v2.4.1
aureliano sinatra's avatar
aureliano sinatra committed
    ...    Config ID: Config_prod_VE
    ...    Applicability: none
    ...    Post-Conditions: none 
    Get subscriptions - filter
    Check HTTP Response Status Code Is    200
    Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema Is    Subscriptions
GET subscriptions - Bad Request Invalid attribute-based filtering parameters
aureliano sinatra's avatar
aureliano sinatra committed
    [Documentation]    Test ID:
aureliano sinatra's avatar
aureliano sinatra committed
    ...    Test title: GET subscriptions - Bad Request Invalid attribute-based filtering parameters
aureliano sinatra's avatar
aureliano sinatra committed
    ...    Test objective: The objective is Get the list of active subscriptions using a filter
    ...    Pre-conditions: none
    ...    Reference: clause - ETSI GS NFV-SOL 002 [2] v2.4.1
aureliano sinatra's avatar
aureliano sinatra committed
    ...    Config ID: Config_prod_VE
    ...    Applicability: none
    ...    Post-Conditions: none 
    Get subscriptions - invalid filter
    Check HTTP Response Status Code Is    400
    Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema Is    ProblemDetails
 GET subscriptions with all_fields attribute selector
     [Documentation]    Test ID:
    ...    Test title: GET subscriptions with all_fields attribute selector
    ...    Test objective: The objective is Get the list of active subscriptions
    ...    Pre-conditions: none
    ...    Reference: clause - ETSI GS NFV-SOL 002 [2] v2.4.1
    ...    Config ID: Config_prod_VE
    ...    Applicability: none
    ...    Post-Conditions: none 
    Get subscriptions with all_fields attribute selector
    Check HTTP Response Status Code Is    200
    Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema Is    Subscriptions

GET subscriptions with exclude_default attribute selector
     [Documentation]    Test ID:
    ...    Test title: GET subscriptions with exclude_default attribute selector
    ...    Test objective: The objective is Get the list of active subscriptions
    ...    Pre-conditions: none
    ...    Reference: clause - ETSI GS NFV-SOL 002 [2] v2.4.1
    ...    Config ID: Config_prod_VE
    ...    Applicability: none
    ...    Post-Conditions: none 
    Get subscriptions with exclude_default attribute selector
    Check HTTP Response Status Code Is    200
    Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema Is    Subscriptions

GET subscriptions with fields attribute selector
     [Documentation]    Test ID:
    ...    Test title: GET subscriptions with fields attribute selector
    ...    Test objective: The objective is Get the list of active subscriptions
    ...    Pre-conditions: none
    ...    Reference: clause - ETSI GS NFV-SOL 002 [2] v2.4.1
    ...    Config ID: Config_prod_VE
    ...    Applicability: none
    ...    Post-Conditions: none 
    Get subscriptions with fields attribute selector
    Check HTTP Response Status Code Is    200
    Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema Is    Subscriptions

GET subscriptions with exclude_fields attribute selector
     [Documentation]    Test ID:
    ...    Test title: GET subscriptions with exclude_fields attribute selector
    ...    Test objective: The objective is Get the list of active subscriptions
    ...    Pre-conditions: none
    ...    Reference: clause - ETSI GS NFV-SOL 002 [2] v2.4.1
    ...    Config ID: Config_prod_VE
    ...    Applicability: none
    ...    Post-Conditions: none 
    Get subscriptions with exclude_fields attribute selector
    Check HTTP Response Status Code Is    200
    Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema Is    Subscriptions
PUT subscriptions - Method not implemented
    [Documentation]    Test ID:
aureliano sinatra's avatar
aureliano sinatra committed
    ...    Test title: PUT subscriptions - Method not implemented
    ...    Test objective: The objective is to test that PUT method is not implemented
    ...    Pre-conditions: none
    ...    Reference: clause - ETSI GS NFV-SOL 002 [2] v2.4.1
aureliano sinatra's avatar
aureliano sinatra committed
    ...    Config ID: Config_prod_VE
    ...    Applicability: none
    ...    Post-Conditions: none 
    PUT subscriptions
	Check HTTP Response Status Code Is    405

PATCH subscriptions - Method not implemented
    [Documentation]    Test ID:
aureliano sinatra's avatar
aureliano sinatra committed
    ...    Test title: PATCH subscriptions - Method not implemented
    ...    Test objective: The objective is to test that PATCH method is not implemented
    ...    Pre-conditions: none
    ...    Reference: clause - ETSI GS NFV-SOL 002 [2] v2.4.1
aureliano sinatra's avatar
aureliano sinatra committed
    ...    Config ID: Config_prod_VE
    ...    Applicability: none
    ...    Post-Conditions: none 
    PATCH subscriptions
	Check HTTP Response Status Code Is    405

DELETE subscriptions - Method not implemented
    [Documentation]    Test ID:
aureliano sinatra's avatar
aureliano sinatra committed
    ...    Test title: DELETE subscriptions - Method not implemented
    ...    Test objective: The objective is to test that DELETE method is not implemented
    ...    Pre-conditions: none
    ...    Reference: clause - ETSI GS NFV-SOL 002 [2] v2.4.1
aureliano sinatra's avatar
aureliano sinatra committed
    ...    Config ID: Config_prod_VE
    ...    Applicability: none
root's avatar
root committed
    ...    Post-Conditions: check that resources are not deleted
aureliano sinatra's avatar
aureliano sinatra committed
    DELETE subscriptions
	Check HTTP Response Status Code Is    405
	Check Subscription resource exist