NSDManagementKeywords.robot 60 KB
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    Create Mock Session  ${callback_uri}
Check Notification Endpoint
    &{notification_request}=  Create Mock Request Matcher	GET  ${callback_endpoint}    
    &{notification_response}=  Create Mock Response	headers="Content-Type: application/json"  status_code=204
    Create Mock Expectation  ${notification_request}  ${notification_response}
    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${total_polling_time}   ${polling_interval}   Verify Mock Expectation    ${notification_request}
    Clear Requests  ${callback_endpoint}
    ${linkURL}=    Get Value From Json    ${response['headers']}    $..Link

Check PostCondition GET Individual Network Service Descriptor Information
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"Authorization": "${AUTHORIZATION}"}
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/ns_descriptors/${nsdInfoId}
    Should Be Equal As Strings     ${response['status']}    200
Wait for individual grant successful notification
    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${retry}   ${interval}    Get PNFD Content
Najam UI Hassan's avatar
Najam UI Hassan committed

Get single file NSD in Plain Format
    Log    Trying to get a NSD present in the NFVO Catalogue
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_PLAIN}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"Authorization": "${AUTHORIZATION}"}
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/ns_descriptors/${nsdInfoIdPlain}/nsd
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}

Get NSD in Zip Format
    Log    Trying to get a NSD present in the NFVO Catalogue
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"Authorization": "${AUTHORIZATION}"}
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/ns_descriptors/${nsdInfoIdZip}/nsd
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
Get single file NSD in Plain or Zip Format
    Log    Trying to get a NSD present in the NFVO Catalogue
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_PLAIN}"}
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"Authorization": "${AUTHORIZATION}"}
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/ns_descriptors/${nsdInfoIdPlain}/nsd
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}

Get multi file NSD in Plain or Zip Format
    Log    Trying to get a VNFD from a given NSD Management present in the NFVO Catalogue
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_PLAIN}"}
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"Authorization": "${AUTHORIZATION}"}
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/ns_descriptors/${nsdInfoIdZip}/nsd
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}

Get multi file NSD in Plain Format
    Log    Trying to get a negative case performing a get on a NSD present in the NFVO Catalogue. Accept will be text/plain but NSD is composed my multiple files.
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_PLAIN}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"Authorization": "${AUTHORIZATION}"}
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/ns_descriptors/${nsdInfoIdZip}/nsd
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
Get NSD with invalid resource identifier
    Log    Trying to perform a negative get, using an erroneous package ID
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"}
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_PLAIN}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"Authorization": "${AUTHORIZATION}"}
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/ns_descriptors/${erroneous_nsdInfoId}/nsd
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
Get NSD with conflict due to onboarding state
    Log    Trying to get a VNFD from a given NSD Management present in the NFVO Catalogue
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"}
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_PLAIN}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"Authorization": "${AUTHORIZATION}"}
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/ns_descriptors/${notOnboardedNsdInfoId}/nsd
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output} 
Send POST Request for NSD
    Pass Execution If    ${testOptionalMethods} == 0    optional methods are not implemented on the FUT. Skipping test.
    Log    Trying to perform a POST. This method should not be implemented
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"Authorization": "${AUTHORIZATION}"}
    POST    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/ns_descriptors/${nsdInfoIdZip}/nsd
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output} 

Send PUT Request for NSD
    Pass Execution If    ${testOptionalMethods} == 0    optional methods are not implemented on the FUT. Skipping test.
    Log    Trying to perform a PATCH. This method should not be implemented
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"Authorization": "${AUTHORIZATION}"}
    PUT    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/ns_descriptors/${nsdInfoIdZip}/nsd
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output} 

Send PATCH Request for NSD
    Pass Execution If    ${testOptionalMethods} == 0    optional methods are not implemented on the FUT. Skipping test.
    Log    Trying to perform a PATCH. This method should not be implemented
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"Authorization": "${AUTHORIZATION}"}
    PATCH    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/ns_descriptors/${nsdInfoIdZip}/nsd
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output} 

Send DELETE Request for NSD
    Pass Execution If    ${testOptionalMethods} == 0    optional methods are not implemented on the FUT. Skipping test.
    Log    Trying to perform a DELETE. This method should not be implemented
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"Authorization": "${AUTHORIZATION}"}
    DELETE    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/ns_descriptors/${nsdInfoIdZip}/nsd
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}