ChangeExternalVNFConnectivityTask.robot 3.86 KB
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Resource    environment/variables.txt 
aureliano sinatra's avatar
aureliano sinatra committed
Resource    VnfLcmOperationKeywords.robot
Library    REST    ${VNFM_SCHEMA}://${VNFM_HOST}:${VNFM_PORT} 
Library    OperatingSystem
Library    JSONLibrary
Library    JSONSchemaLibrary    schemas/
Suite Setup    Check resource existance
aureliano sinatra's avatar
aureliano sinatra committed
POST Change external VNF connectivity 
    [Documentation]    Test ID:
    ...    Test title: POST Change external VNF connectivity
    ...    Test objective: The objective is to test that POST method trigger a change in VNF external connectivity
    ...    Pre-conditions: none
    ...    Reference:  section - SOL002 v2.4.1
    ...    Config ID: Config_prod_VE
    ...    Applicability: none
    ...    Post-Conditions: in response header Location shall not be null         
aureliano sinatra's avatar
aureliano sinatra committed
    POST Change External VNF Connectivity
    Check HTTP Response Status Code Is    202
    Check Operation Occurrence Id
GET Change external VNF connectivity - Method not implemented
aureliano sinatra's avatar
aureliano sinatra committed
    [Documentation]    Test ID:
    ...    Test title: GET Change external VNF connectivity - Method not implemented
    ...    Test objective: The objective is to test that GET method is not implemented
    ...    Pre-conditions: none
    ...    Reference:  section - SOL002 v2.4.1
    ...    Config ID: Config_prod_VE
    ...    Applicability: none
    ...    Post-Conditions: none 
    GET Change External VNF Connectivity
    Check HTTP Response Status Code Is    405

PUT Change external VNF connectivity - Method not implemented
aureliano sinatra's avatar
aureliano sinatra committed
    [Documentation]    Test ID:
    ...    Test title: PUT Change external VNF connectivity - Method not implemented
    ...    Test objective: The objective is to test that PUT method is not implemented
    ...    Pre-conditions: none
    ...    Reference:  section - SOL002 v2.4.1
    ...    Config ID: Config_prod_VE
    ...    Applicability: none
    ...    Post-Conditions: none 
    PUT Change External VNF Connectivity
    Check HTTP Response Status Code Is    405

PATCH Change external VNF connectivity - Method not implemented
aureliano sinatra's avatar
aureliano sinatra committed
    [Documentation]    Test ID:
    ...    Test title: PATCH Change external VNF connectivity - Method not implemented
    ...    Test objective: The objective is to test that PATCH method is not implemented
    ...    Pre-conditions: none
    ...    Reference:  section - SOL002 v2.4.1
    ...    Config ID: Config_prod_VE
    ...    Applicability: none
    ...    Post-Conditions: none 
    PATCH Change External VNF Connectivity
    Check HTTP Response Status Code Is    405
DELETE Change external VNF connectivity - Method not implemented
aureliano sinatra's avatar
aureliano sinatra committed
    [Documentation]    Test ID:
    ...    Test title: DELETE Change external VNF connectivity - Method not implemented
    ...    Test objective: The objective is to test that DELETE method is not implemented
    ...    Pre-conditions: none
    ...    Reference:  section - SOL002 v2.4.1
    ...    Config ID: Config_prod_VE
    ...    Applicability: none
    ...    Post-Conditions: none 
    DELETE Change External VNF Connectivity
    Check HTTP Response Status Code Is    405
*** Keywords ***
Check resource existance
    Set Headers    {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}  
    Set Headers    {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
    Get    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId} 
    Integer    response status    200

Launch another LCM operation
    Set Headers  {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}  
    Set Headers  {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Elian Kraja's avatar
Elian Kraja committed
    ${body}=    Get File    jsons/scaleVnfRequest.json
    Post    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId}/scale    ${body}
    Integer    response status    202