variables.txt 1.04 KB
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*** Variables ***
${VNFM_HOST}      localhost    # Hostname of the VNFM
${VNFM_PORT}      8080    # Listening port of the VNFM
${VNFM_SCHEMA}    https
${AUTHORIZATION}    Bearer 0b79bab50daca910b000d4f1a2b675d604257e42
${NEG_AUTHORIZATION}    Bearer negativetoken
${BAD_AUTHORIZATION}    Bear sometoken
${ACCEPT_JSON}    application/json
${AUTH_USAGE}     1
${CONTENT_TYPE_JSON}    application/json

${apiRoot}        /
${apiVersion}     v1
${apiName}        vnfind
${VNFM_CHECKS_NOTIF_ENDPOINT}    1        ## If true, during subscription, the FUT performs a get to the notification endpoint


${callback_uri}    http://localhost
${callback_port}    9091
${callback_endpoint}    /endpoint
${callback_endpoint_fwd}    /endpoint/check
${callback_endpoint_error}    /endpoint_404
${sleep_interval}    20s
${total_polling_time}   2 min
${polling_interval}     10 sec

${notification_request}    []
${notification_response}    []

${MOCK_SERVER_JAR}    ../../../bin/mockserver-netty-5.5.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar