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Commit c259eab5 authored by Giacomo Bernini's avatar Giacomo Bernini
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updates according to NFVSOL(20)000640_SOL012Ed331 and NFVSOL(20)000642_SOL012Ed331

parent 1758e449
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1 merge request!1SOL WG approved OpenAPIs for SOL012 v3.4.1
Pipeline #4848 passed
......@@ -575,8 +575,17 @@ components:
type: string
description: >
Identifier of the Policy Function (PF) which enforces the policy. The PF is either a VNFM or a VIM.
Cardinality of zero indicates that the PF is the API producer itself.
Identifier of the Policy Function (PF) which enforces the policy. Shall be present when the
PF is not the API producer and shall be absent otherwise.
For example, the PF can be a VNFM or VIM when the API producer is an NFVO.
$ref: "../components/SOL012_schemas.yaml#/components/schemas/Identifier"
description: >
Initial value of the “associations” attribute in the “Policy” data structure which represents the policy.
How the PF determines the scope of applicability of the policy when this attribute
is absent is outside the scope of the present document.
type: array
$ref: "../components/SOL012_schemas.yaml#/components/schemas/Identifier"
- designer
......@@ -601,8 +610,9 @@ components:
type: string
description: >
Identifier of the Policy Function (PF) which enforces the policy. The PF is either a VNFM or a VIM.
Cardinality of zero indicates that the PF is the API producer itself.
Identifier of the Policy Function (PF) which enforces the policy. Shall be present when the PF is not
the API producer and shall be absent otherwise.
For example, the PF can be a VNFM or VIM when the API producer is an NFVO.
$ref: "../components/SOL012_schemas.yaml#/components/schemas/Identifier"
description: >
......@@ -614,16 +624,18 @@ components:
description: >
Selected version of the policy. Shall be present if one or more versions of the policy have been transferred.
$ref: "../components/SOL012_schemas.yaml#/components/schemas/Version"
description: >
Content of the policy.
description: >
Status of the policy on whether it is activated or deactivated.
$ref: "../components/SOL012_schemas.yaml#/components/schemas/ActivationStatus"
description: >
Identifiers of the entities that the API producer manages and to which the policy associates to.
Identifiers of the entities that the PF manages and to which the policy associates to.
The associations refer to identifiers of entities that the PF manages.
E.g., if the PF is a VNFM, the policy can associate to VNF instances; if the PF is NFVO, the policy can
associate to an NS instances.
How the PF determines the scope of applicability of the policy when this attribute is absent is
outside the scope of the present document.
type: array
$ref: "../components/SOL012_schemas.yaml#/components/schemas/Identifier"
......@@ -305,13 +305,32 @@ components:
description: >
New version of the policy to be selected.
$ref: "../components/SOL012_schemas.yaml#/components/schemas/Version"
description: >
Modified associations of the policy, includes the identifiers of the entities that the API
producer manages and to which the policy associates to.
Identifiers of entities to be added to the “associations” attribute in the “Policy”
data structure which represents the policy.
The API producer shall ignore the identifiers that already exist in the "associations"
attribute in the “Policy” data structure.
type: array
$ref: "../components/SOL012_schemas.yaml#/components/schemas/Identifier"
description: >
Identifiers of entities to be removed from the “associations” attribute in the “Policy” data structure
which represents the policy.
The API producer shall ignore the identifiers that do not exist in the "associations"
attribute in the “Policy” data structure
type: array
$ref: "../components/SOL012_schemas.yaml#/components/schemas/Identifier"
description: >
Shall be set to TRUE if the policy is no longer associated to any specific entities managed by the PF.ù
If "removeAllAssociations" is set to TRUE, neither "addAssociations" nor “removeAssociations” attributes
shall be present.
Once all associations have been removed, how the PF determines the scope of applicability of
the policy is outside the scope of the present document.
type: boolean
description: >
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