openapi: 3.0.2 info: version: title: SOL009 - NFV-MANO Log Management interface description: > SOL009 - NFV-MANO Log Management interface IMPORTANT: Please note that this file might be not aligned to the current version of the ETSI Group Specification it refers to. In case of discrepancies the published ETSI Group Specification takes precedence. Please report bugs to license: name: ETSI Forge copyright notice url: externalDocs: description: ETSI GS NFV-SOL 009 V3.3.1 url: security: - OauthSecurity: - all servers: - url: - url: paths: "/api_versions": $ref: '../endpoints/SOL009_endpoints.yaml#/endpoints/api_versions' "/log_jobs": description: >- This resource represents logging jobs. The API consumer can use this resource to create and query logging jobs. post: description: >- The POST method creates a logging job. This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and for URI query parameters, request and response data structures, and response codes. As the result of successfully executing this method, a new "Individual logging job" resource as defined in clause 9.5.4 shall have been created. parameters: - $ref: "../components/SOL009_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Version" - $ref: "../components/SOL009_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Accept" - $ref: "../components/SOL009_params.yaml#/components/parameters/ContentType" - $ref: "../components/SOL009_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Authorization" requestBody: $ref: "#/components/requestBodies/CreateLoggingJobRequest" responses: "201": $ref: '#/components/responses/LoggingJob.Post' "400": $ref: ../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/400 "401": $ref: ../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/401 "403": $ref: ../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/403 "404": $ref: ../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/404 "405": $ref: ../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/405 "406": $ref: ../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/406 "422": $ref: ../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/422 "500": $ref: ../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/500 "503": $ref: ../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/503 "504": $ref: ../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/504 get: description: >- The API consumer can use this method to retrieve information about logging jobs. This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and for URI query parameters, request and response data structures, and response codes. parameters: - $ref: "../components/SOL009_params.yaml#/components/parameters/filter" - $ref: "../components/SOL009_params.yaml#/components/parameters/all_fields" - $ref: "../components/SOL009_params.yaml#/components/parameters/fields" - $ref: "../components/SOL009_params.yaml#/components/parameters/exclude_fields" - $ref: "../components/SOL009_params.yaml#/components/parameters/exclude_default" - $ref: "../components/SOL009_params.yaml#/components/parameters/nextpage_opaque_marker" - $ref: "../components/SOL009_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Version" - $ref: "../components/SOL009_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Accept" - $ref: "../components/SOL009_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Authorization" responses: "200": $ref: '#/components/responses/LoggingJobs.Get' "400": $ref: ../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/400 "401": $ref: ../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/401 "403": $ref: ../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/403 "404": $ref: ../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/404 "405": $ref: ../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/405 "406": $ref: ../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/406 "422": $ref: ../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/422 "500": $ref: ../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/500 "503": $ref: ../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/503 "504": $ref: ../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/504 "/log_jobs/{logJobId}": description: >- This resource represents an individual logging job. The API consumer can use this resource to delete and read the underlying logging job. parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/logJobId" get: description: >- The API consumer can use this method for reading an individual logging job. This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and for URI query parameters, request and response data structures, and response codes. parameters: - $ref: "../components/SOL009_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Version" - $ref: "../components/SOL009_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Accept" - $ref: "../components/SOL009_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Authorization" responses: "200": $ref: '#/components/responses/LoggingJob.Get' "400": $ref: ../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/400 "401": $ref: ../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/401 "403": $ref: ../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/403 "404": $ref: ../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/404 "405": $ref: ../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/405 "406": $ref: ../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/406 "422": $ref: ../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/422 "500": $ref: ../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/500 "503": $ref: ../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/503 "504": $ref: ../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/504 delete: description: >- This method terminates an individual logging job. This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and for URI query parameters, request and response data structures, and response codes. As the result of successfully executing this method, the "Individual logging job" resource shall not exist any longer parameters: - $ref: "../components/SOL009_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Version" - $ref: "../components/SOL009_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Authorization" responses: "204": $ref: '#/components/responses/LoggingJob.Delete' "400": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/400' "401": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/401' "403": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/403' "404": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/404' "405": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/405' "406": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/406' "422": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/422' "500": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/500' "503": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/503' "504": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/504' "/log_jobs/{logJobId}/log_reports/{logReportId}": description: >- This resource represents an individual log report. The API consumer can use this resource to read information about a log report. The log report provides metadata information about a log and location information of the log file from where it can be obtained. NOTE: The present document does not specify the mechanism how to retrieve the log files. parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/logJobId" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/logReportId" get: description: >- The API consumer can use this method for reading an individual log report. This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and for URI query parameters, request and response data structures, and response codes. parameters: - $ref: "../components/SOL009_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Version" - $ref: "../components/SOL009_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Accept" - $ref: "../components/SOL009_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Authorization" responses: "200": $ref: '#/components/responses/LogReport.Get' "202": $ref: '#/components/responses/LogReport.Get.202' "400": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/400' "401": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/401' "403": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/403' "404": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/404' "405": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/405' "406": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/406' "422": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/422' "500": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/500' "503": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/503' "504": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/504' "/log_jobs/{logJobId}/compile_log": description: >- This resource represents the "Compile log" operation. The API consumer can use this resource to request compiling the logged data, collected via a logging job, into a file and creating the associated log report. As the result of successfully processing this request, a new "Individual log report" resource shall be created. Two modes of operation, synchronous or asynchronous, can take place depending on whether the NFV-MANO functional entity can compile the log data and create the log report immediately. In the synchronous case, which is indicated by responding with "201 Created", the resource shall be created before the "201 Created" response is returned. In the asynchronous case, which is indicated by responding with "202 Accepted", the resource may be created after the response is returned. parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/logJobId" post: description: >- The POST method requests to compile the logged data into a file and create an associated log report. This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and for URI query parameters, request and response data structures, and response codes. parameters: - $ref: "../components/SOL009_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Version" - $ref: "../components/SOL009_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Accept" - $ref: "../components/SOL009_params.yaml#/components/parameters/ContentType" - $ref: "../components/SOL009_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Authorization" requestBody: $ref: "#/components/requestBodies/CompileLogRequest" responses: "200": $ref: '#/components/responses/LogReportCompiled' "202": $ref: '#/components/responses/LogReportCompiled.202' "303": $ref: '#/components/responses/LogReportCompiled.303' "422": $ref: '#/components/responses/LogReportCompiled.422' "400": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/400' "401": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/401' "403": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/403' "404": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/404' "405": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/405' "406": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/406' "500": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/500' "503": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/503' "504": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/504' "/subscriptions": description: >- This resource represents subscriptions. The client can use this resource to subscribe to notifications related to NFV-MANO performance management and to query its subscriptions. post: description: >- The POST method creates a new subscription. This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and for URI query parameters, request and response data structures, and response codes. As the result of successfully executing this method, a new "Individual subscription" resource as defined in clause 8.5.8 shall have been created. This method shall not trigger any notification. Creation of two "Individual subscription" resources with the same callbackURI and the same filter can result in performance degradation and will provide duplicates of notifications to the API consumer, and might make sense only in very rare use cases. Consequently, the NFV-MANO functional entity may either allow creating a new "Individual subscription" resource if another "Individual subscription" resource with the same filter and callbackUri already exists (in which case it shall return the "201 Created" response code), or may decide to not create a duplicate "Individual subscription" resource (in which case it shall return a "303 See Other" response code referencing the existing "Individual subscription" resource with the same filter and callbackUri). parameters: - $ref: "../components/SOL009_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Version" - $ref: "../components/SOL009_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Accept" - $ref: "../components/SOL009_params.yaml#/components/parameters/ContentType" - $ref: "../components/SOL009_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Authorization" requestBody: $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/LogmSubscriptionRequest' responses: "201": $ref: '#/components/responses/LogmSubscription.201' "303": $ref: '#/components/responses/LogmSubscription.303' "422": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/422' "400": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/400' "401": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/401' "403": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/403' "404": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/404' "405": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/405' "406": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/406' "500": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/500' "503": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/503' "504": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/504' get: description: >- The API consumer can use this method to query the list of active subscriptions to log management notifications subscribed by the API consumer. This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and for URI query parameters, request and response data structures, and response codes. parameters: - $ref: "../components/SOL009_params.yaml#/components/parameters/filter" - $ref: "../components/SOL009_params.yaml#/components/parameters/nextpage_opaque_marker" - $ref: "../components/SOL009_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Version" - $ref: "../components/SOL009_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Accept" - $ref: "../components/SOL009_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Authorization" responses: "200": $ref: '#/components/responses/LogmSubscriptions.200' "400": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/400' "401": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/401' "403": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/403' "404": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/404' "405": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/405' "406": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/406' "500": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/500' "503": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/503' "504": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/504' "/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}": description: >- This resource represents an individual subscription for notifications about log management related events. The API consumer can use this resource to read and to terminate a subscription to notifications related o NFV-MANO log management. parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/subscriptionId" get: description: >- The API consumer can use this method for reading an individual subscription about log management notifications subscribed by the API consumer. This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and for URI query parameters, request and response data structures, and response codes. parameters: - $ref: "../components/SOL009_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Version" - $ref: "../components/SOL009_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Accept" - $ref: "../components/SOL009_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Authorization" responses: "200": $ref: '#/components/responses/LogmSubscription.Get' "400": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/400' "401": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/401' "403": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/403' "404": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/404' "405": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/405' "406": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/406' "500": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/500' "503": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/503' "504": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/504' delete: description: >- This method terminates an individual subscription. This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and for URI query parameters, request and response data structures, and response codes. As the result of successfully executing this method, the "Individual subscription" resource shall not exist any longer. This means that no notifications for that subscription shall be sent to the formerly-subscribed API consumer. NOTE: Due to race conditions, some notifications might still be received by the formerly-subscribed API consumer for a certain time period after the deletion. parameters: - $ref: "../components/SOL009_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Version" - $ref: "../components/SOL009_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Authorization" responses: "204": $ref: '#/components/responses/LogmSubscription.Delete' "400": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/400' "401": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/401' "403": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/403' "404": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/404' "405": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/405' "406": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/406' "422": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/422' "500": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/500' "503": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/503' "504": $ref: '../components/SOL009_resp.yaml#/components/responses/504' components: parameters: logJobId: name: logJobId in: path description: >- Identifier of the logging job. required: true schema: $ref: '../components/SOL009_schemas.yaml#/components/schemas/Identifier' logReportId: name: logReportId in: path description: >- Identifier of the report. required: true schema: $ref: '../components/SOL009_schemas.yaml#/components/schemas/Identifier' subscriptionId: name: subscriptionId in: path description: >- Identifier of the subscription required: true schema: $ref: '../components/SOL009_schemas.yaml#/components/schemas/Identifier' requestBodies: LogmSubscriptionRequest: description: >- Details of the subscription to be created content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/LogmSubscriptionRequest" CreateLoggingJobRequest: description: >- This type represents a request to create a logging job. It shall comply with the provisions defined in table content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CreateLoggingJobRequest" required: true CompileLogRequest: description: >- Log compilation request. content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CompileLogRequest" required: true responses: LogmSubscription.Delete: description: >- Shall be returned when the "Individual subscription" resource has been deleted successfully. The response body shall be empty. headers: Content-Type: description: The MIME type of the body of the response. schema: type: string WWW-Authenticate: description: > Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token. schema: type: string Version: description: > Version of the API used in the response. schema: type: string LogmSubscription.Get: description: >- Shall be returned when the subscription has been read successfully. The response body shall contain a representation of the "Individual subscription" resource, as defined in clause headers: Content-Type: description: The MIME type of the body of the response. schema: type: string WWW-Authenticate: description: > Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token. schema: type: string Version: description: > Version of the API used in the response. schema: type: string content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/LogmSubscription" LogmSubscriptions.200: description: >- Shall be returned when the list of subscriptions has been queried successfully. The response body shall contain in an array the representations of all active subscriptions of the functional block that invokes the method, i.e. zero or more representations of log management subscriptions as defined in clause If the "filter" URI parameter was supplied in the request, the data in the response body shall have been transformed according to the rules specified in clause 5.2.2 of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013. If the NFV-MANO functional entity supports alternative 2 (paging) according to clause of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013 for this resource, inclusion of the Link HTTP header in this response shall follow the provisions in clause of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013 . headers: Content-Type: description: The MIME type of the body of the response. schema: type: string WWW-Authenticate: description: > Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token. schema: type: string Version: description: > Version of the API used in the response. schema: type: string content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/LogmSubscription" LogmSubscription.201: description: >- Shall be returned when the subscription has been created successfully. A representation of the created "Individual subscription" resource shall be returned in the response body, as defined in clause The HTTP response shall include a "Location" HTTP header that contains the resource URI of the created "Individual subscription" resource. headers: Content-Type: description: The MIME type of the body of the response. schema: type: string WWW-Authenticate: description: > Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token. schema: type: string Version: description: > Version of the API used in the response. schema: type: string Location: description: > URI of the "Individual log report" resource just created schema: type: string content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/LogmSubscription" LogmSubscription.303: description: >- Shall be returned when a subscription with the same callbackURI and the same filter already exists and the policy of the NFV-MANO functional entity is to not create redundant subscriptions. The HTTP response shall include a "Location" HTTP header that contains the resource URI of the existing "Individual subscription" resource. The response body shall be empty. headers: Content-Type: description: The MIME type of the body of the response. schema: type: string WWW-Authenticate: description: > Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token. schema: type: string Version: description: > Version of the API used in the response. schema: type: string Location: description: > URI of the "Individual log report" resource just created schema: type: string LogReportCompiled: description: >- Shall be returned for a successful compilation of the log data and creation of the associated log report (synchronous mode). The response body shall contain a representation of the log report resource, as defined in clause The HTTP response shall include a "Location" HTTP header that indicate the URI of the "Individual log report" resource just created headers: Content-Type: description: The MIME type of the body of the response. schema: type: string WWW-Authenticate: description: > Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token. schema: type: string Version: description: > Version of the API used in the response. schema: type: string Location: description: > URI of the "Individual log report" resource just created schema: type: string content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/LogReport" LogReportCompiled.202: description: >- Shall be returned when the request has been accepted for processing, and it is expected to take some time to compile the log file and create the associated log report (asynchronous mode). The response body shall be empty. The HTTP response shall include a "Location" HTTP header that indicates the URI of the "Individual log report" resource that will be created once the log file compilation is completed. headers: Content-Type: description: The MIME type of the body of the response. schema: type: string WWW-Authenticate: description: > Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token. schema: type: string Version: description: > Version of the API used in the response. schema: type: string Location: description: > The URI of the "Individual log report" resource that will be created once the log file compilation is completed. schema: type: string LogReportCompiled.303: description: >- Shall be returned when a log data compilation and report creation is already ongoing, or a log report has just been created, for the specified logging job at the time of processing the request. The response body shall be empty. The HTTP response shall include a "Location" HTTP header that contains the resource URI of the log report resource just created, or to be created by the ongoing compilation and report creation. headers: Content-Type: description: The MIME type of the body of the response. schema: type: string WWW-Authenticate: description: > Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token. schema: type: string Version: description: > Version of the API used in the response. schema: type: string Location: description: > The URI of the log report resource just created, or to be created by the ongoing compilation and report creation schema: type: string LogReportCompiled.422: description: >- The general cause for this error and its handling is specified in clause 6.4 of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013, including rules for the presence of the response body. Specifically, in case of this task resource, the response code 422 shall also be returned if the "objectInstanceId" value provided in the payload body of the request does not correspond to an object instance for which log data is being collected by the logging job represented by this resource. The response body shall contain a ProblemDetails structure, in which the "detail" attribute should convey more information about the error. headers: Content-Type: description: The MIME type of the body of the response. schema: type: string WWW-Authenticate: description: > Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token. schema: type: string Version: description: > Version of the API used in the response. schema: type: string content: application/json: schema: $ref: '../components/SOL009_schemas.yaml#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails' LogReport.Get: description: >- Shall be returned when information of an individual log report has been read successfully. The response body shall contain a representation of the "Individual log report" resource, as defined in clause headers: Content-Type: description: The MIME type of the body of the response. schema: type: string WWW-Authenticate: description: > Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token. schema: type: string Version: description: > Version of the API used in the response. schema: type: string content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/LogReport" LogReport.Get.202: description: >- Shall be returned if the creation of the log report is ongoing and no log report is available yet (applicable in asynchronous mode of the "Compile log task" resource). The response body shall be empty. headers: Content-Type: description: The MIME type of the body of the response. schema: type: string WWW-Authenticate: description: > Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token. schema: type: string Version: description: > Version of the API used in the response. schema: type: string LoggingJob.Get: description: >- Shall be returned when information about an individual logging job has been read successfully. The response body shall contain a representation of the "Individual logging job" resource, as defined in clause headers: Content-Type: description: The MIME type of the body of the response. schema: type: string WWW-Authenticate: description: > Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token. schema: type: string Version: description: > Version of the API used in the response. schema: type: string content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/LoggingJob" LoggingJob.Delete: description: >- Shall be returned when the logging job has been deleted successfully. The response body shall be empty. headers: WWW-Authenticate: description: > Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token. schema: type: string Version: description: >- Version of the API used in the response. schema: type: string LoggingJob.Post: description: >- The response body contains the Application Context as it was created by the MEC system headers: Content-Type: description: The MIME type of the body of the response. schema: type: string WWW-Authenticate: description: > Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token. schema: type: string Version: description: > Version of the API used in the response. schema: type: string content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/LoggingJob" LoggingJobs.Get: description: >- Shall be returned when information about zero or more logging jobs has been queried successfully. The response body shall contain in an array the representations of zero or more logging jobs, as defined in clause If the "filter" URI parameter or one of the "all_fields", "fields" (if supported), "exclude_fields" (if supported) or "exclude_default" URI parameters was supplied in the request, the data in the response body shall have been transformed according to the rules specified in clauses 5.2.2 and 5.3.2 of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013, respectively. If the NFV-MANO functional entity supports alternative 2 (paging) according to clause of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013 for this resource, inclusion of the Link HTTP header in this response shall follow the provisions in clause of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013. headers: Content-Type: description: The MIME type of the body of the response. schema: type: string WWW-Authenticate: description: > Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token. schema: type: string Version: description: > Version of the API used in the response. schema: type: string content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/LoggingJob" schemas: LogmSubscription: description: >- This type represents a subscription. It shall comply with the provisions defined in table type: object required: - id - callbackUri - _links properties: id: description: >- Identifier that identifies the subscription. $ref: '../components/SOL009_schemas.yaml#/components/schemas/Identifier' filter: description: >- Filter settings for this subscription, to define the subset of all notifications this subscription relates to. A particular notification is sent to the subscriber if the filter matches, or if there is no filter $ref: "#/components/schemas/LogmNotificationsFilter" callbackUri: description: >- The URI of the endpoint to send the notification to. $ref: '../components/SOL009_schemas.yaml#/components/schemas/Uri' _links: description: >- Links to resources related to this resource. type: object required: - self properties: self: description: >- URI of this resource. $ref: '../components/SOL009_schemas.yaml#/components/schemas/Link' LogmNotificationsFilter: description: >- This type represents a filter that can be used to subscribe for notifications related to log management events. It shall comply with the provisions defined in table At a particular nesting level in the filter structure, the following applies: All attributes shall match in order for the filter to match (logical "and" between different filter attributes). If an attribute is an array, the attribute shall match if at least one of the values in the array matches (logical "or" between the values of one filter attribute). type: object properties: objectInstanceFilter: description: >- Filter criteria to select object instance about which to notify. $ref: "#/components/schemas/ManoEntitySubscriptionFilter" notificationTypes: description: >- Match particular notification types. Permitted values: - LogReportAvailableNotification type: string enum: [LogReportAvailableNotification] ManoEntitySubscriptionFilter: description: >- This type represents subscription filter criteria to match NFV-MANO functional entities and their associated managed objects. It shall comply with the provisions defined in Table type: object anyOf: - oneOf: - required: - manoServiceIds - required: - manoServiceNames - oneOf: - required: - manoServiceInterfaceIds - required: - manoServiceInterfaceNames - oneOf: - required: - consumedManoInterfaceIds - required: - consumedManoInterfaceNames properties: manoEntityId: description: >- If present, match the NFV-MANO functional entity with an instance identifier listed in this attribute. $ref: '../components/SOL009_schemas.yaml#/components/schemas/Identifier' manoServiceIds: description: >- If present, match NFV-MANO services with an instance identifier listed in this attribute. type: array items: $ref: '../components/SOL009_schemas.yaml#/components/schemas/IdentifierInManoEntity' manoServiceNames: description: >- If present, match NFV-MANO services with an NFV-MANO service name listed in this attribute. type: array items: type: string manoServiceInterfaceIds: description: >- If present, match NFV-MANO functional entity produced interfaces with an instance identifier listed in this attribute. type: array items: $ref: '../components/SOL009_schemas.yaml#/components/schemas/IdentifierInManoEntity' manoServiceInterfaceNames: description: >- If present, match NFV-MANO functional entity produced interfaces with an instance Name listed in this attribute. type: array items: type: string consumedManoInterfaceIds: description: >- If present, match NFV-MANO functional entity consumed interfaces with an instance identifier listed in this attribute. type: array items: $ref: '../components/SOL009_schemas.yaml#/components/schemas/Identifier' consumedManoInterfaceNames: description: >- If present, match NFV-MANO functional entity consumed interfaces with an instance Name listed in this attribute. type: array items: type: string CompileLogRequest: description: > This type represents a request to compile the logged data associated to an object instance. It shall comply with the provisions defined in table type: object properties: objectInstanceId: description: > Identifier of the object instance for which logging information is requested to be compiled. The provided value shall correspond to an object instance for which log data is being collected as specified in the corresponding "LoggingJob". If not present, the compile log request is requested for all managed object instances associated to the logging job. $ref: "../components/SOL009_schemas.yaml#/components/schemas/ManoManagedObjectReference" LogReport: description: > This type represents a log report, which provides information about a compiled log and how to obtain it. It shall comply with the provisions defined in table type: object required: - id - objectInstanceId - compilationTrigger - readyTime - fileFormat - fileLocationInfo - securityAndIntegrityInfo - _links properties: id: description: >- Identifier of this log report. $ref: '../components/SOL009_schemas.yaml#/components/schemas/Identifier' objectInstanceId: description: >- Identifiers of the object instance for which logging information is collected. This attribute shall contain the identifier of the instance of the object that is logged according to their type. $ref: '../components/SOL009_schemas.yaml#/components/schemas/ManoManagedObjectReference' compilationTrigger: description: >- The trigger for the compilation of the log file. Permitted values: - ON_DEMAND: created based on explicit request by a client. - AUTOMATIC: created according to the logging job compilation configuration. type: string enum: [ON_DEMAND, AUTOMATIC] readyTime: description: >- The time when the report and log file was made available. $ref: '../components/SOL009_schemas.yaml#/components/schemas/DateTime' expiryTime: description: >- The time when the report and log file will expire. $ref: '../components/SOL009_schemas.yaml#/components/schemas/DateTime' fileSize: description: >- The size of the compiled log file in bytes, if known. type: integer format: int32 fileFormat: description: >- The encoding used by the file. type: string fileLocationInfo: description: >- Location and address information of the compiled log file. The consumer can use this information to obtain the compiled log file. type: object required: - protocol - fileEndpoint properties: protocol: description: >- Protocol over which the compiled log file can be retrieved. Permitted values: - HTTPS: transmission over HTTP Secure (HTTPS). - SFTP: transmission over SSH file transfer protocol (SFTP). - SCP: transmission over secure copy protocol (SCP). - FTPS: transmission over file transfer protocol secure (FTPS), as specified in IETF RFC 2228 [i.11], using explicit mode as specified in IETF RFC 4217 [i.12]. If FTPS is supported, "private" protection level shall be used. HTTPS shall be supported, and other protocols may be supported. type: string enum: [HTTPS, SFTP, SCP, FTPS] fileEndpoint: description: >- The host name (or IP address), optionally a port number (if the host with the compile log file uses a non-standard port number as per the supported transmission protocol), a valid file directory path, and the file name of the compiled log file, or a valid URL. type: string format: URI securityAndIntegrityInfo: description: >- Security and integrity information for the compilation of the log files. type: object required: - algorithm - hash - logFileSignature - signingCertificate properties: algorithm: description: >- Algorithm used to generate the hash of the compiled log file. Only SHA-256 and SHA-512 shall be used type: string hash: description: >- The hexadecimal value of the hash of the compiled log file. The hash shall be computed from the encrypted compiled log file, in case the encryption applies. type: string encryptionPublicKey: description: >- Public key used for the encryption of the compiled log file. Shall be present if the compiled log file is encrypted. type: string cipherAlgorithm: description: >- The cryptographic algorithm used for the encryption. Shall be present if the compiled log file is encrypted. Valid values are: "AES-CBC-128", "AES-GCM-128", "AES-CBC-256", and "AES-GCM-256", as specified in clause 6.5 of ETSI GS NFV-SEC 012 [14]. type: string logFileSignature: description: >- Signature to the compiled log file generated with the NFV-MANO functional entity’s private key, which is used to ensure the authenticity of the compiled log file. The signature shall be applied according to the "encryptAndSignOrder" of the "LoggingJobConfig". type: string signingCertificate: description: >- X.509 certificate with the NFV-MANO functional entity’s public key used for verifying the log report and compiled log file signatures. type: string _links: description: >- Links for this resource. type: object required: - self properties: self: description: >- URI of this resource. $ref: '../components/SOL009_schemas.yaml#/components/schemas/Link' objects: description: >- Links to resources representing the object instances that are logged. Shall be present if the logged object instance information is accessible as a resource. type: array items: $ref: '../components/SOL009_schemas.yaml#/components/schemas/Link' LogmSubscriptionRequest: description: >- Information on application context created by the MEC system type: object required: - callbackUri type: object properties: filter: description: >- Filter settings for this subscription, to define the subset of all notifications this subscription relates to. A particular notification is sent to the subscriber if the filter matches, or if there is no filter. $ref: "#/components/schemas/LogmNotificationsFilter" callbackUri: description: > The URI of the endpoint to send the notification to. $ref: "../components/SOL009_schemas.yaml#/components/schemas/Uri" authentication: description: > Authentication parameters to configure the use of Authorization when sending notifications corresponding to this subscription, as defined in clause 8.3.4 of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013. This attribute shall only be present if the subscriber requires authorization of notifications. $ref: "../components/SOL009_schemas.yaml#/components/schemas/SubscriptionAuthentication" CreateLoggingJobRequest: description: >- Information on application context created by the MEC system type: object required: - objectInstanceIds - jobCriteria - jobConfig properties: objectInstanceIds: description: >- Identifiers of the object instance for which logging information is requested to be collected. This attribute shall contain the identifier of the instance of the object to be logged according to their type. If more than one identifier is provided, values shall all refer to object instances of the same type, for which the same criteria is then applicable. type: array minItems: 1 items: $ref: "../components/SOL009_schemas.yaml#/components/schemas/ManoManagedObjectReference" jobCriteria: description: >- Criteria of the collection of logging information. $ref: "#/components/schemas/LoggingJobCriteria" jobConfig: description: >- Configuration about the logging job. $ref: "#/components/schemas/LoggingJobConfig" LoggingJob: description: >- This type represents a logging job. It shall comply with the provisions defined in table type: object required: - id - objectInstanceIds - jobCriteria - jobConfig - _links properties: id: description: >- Identifier of this logging job. $ref: '../components/SOL009_schemas.yaml#/components/schemas/Identifier' objectInstanceIds: description: >- Identifiers of the object instance for which logging information is collected. This attribute shall contain the identifier of the instance of the object that is logged according to their type. type: array items: $ref: "../components/SOL009_schemas.yaml#/components/schemas/ManoManagedObjectReference" jobCriteria: description: >- Criteria of the collection of logging information. $ref: "#/components/schemas/LoggingJobCriteria" jobConfig: description: >- Configuration about the logging job. $ref: "#/components/schemas/LoggingJobConfig" logReports: description: >- Information about available log reports created by the logging job. type: array items: type: object required: - logReportId - logReportLoc properties: logReportId: description: >- Identifier of the available log report. $ref: '../components/SOL009_schemas.yaml#/components/schemas/Identifier' logReportLoc: description: >- Link to the available log report. $ref: '../components/SOL009_schemas.yaml#/components/schemas/Link' _links: description: >- Links for this resource. type: object required: - self properties: self: description: >- URI of this resource. $ref: '../components/SOL009_schemas.yaml#/components/schemas/Link' objects: description: >- Links to resources representing the object instances that are logged. Shall be present if the logged object instance information is accessible as a resource. type: array items: $ref: '../components/SOL009_schemas.yaml#/components/schemas/Link' LoggingJobCriteria: description: >- This type represents collection criteria for logging jobs. It shall comply with the provisions defined in table type: object required: - loggingType properties: loggingType: description: >- Type of logging. This defines the types of logged information to collect. Permitted values: - MESSAGES: logged NFV-MANO service interface messages. - SERVICES: logged messages about processes pertaining to NFV-MANO services. - SYSTEM: logged messages about the NFV-MANO functional entity’s system enabled by the provider. type: string enum: [MESSAGES, SERVICES, SYSTEM] messagesLogDetail: description: >- Values for the collection of logged NFV-MANO service interface messages. Shall be present if loggingType="MESSAGES". type: object $ref: "#/components/schemas/LoggingJobMessagesCriteria" servicesLogDetail: description: >- Values for the collection of logged NFV-MANO service messages. Shall be present if loggingType="SERVICES". type: object $ref: "#/components/schemas/LoggingJobServicesCriteria" systemLogDetail: description: >- Values for the collection of logged messages about the NFV-MANO functional entity’s system. Shall be present if loggingType="SYSTEM". type: object $ref: "#/components/schemas/LoggingJobSystemCriteria" LoggingJobMessagesCriteria: description: >- This type represents criteria for logging jobs to collect logged messages on NFV-MANO service interfaces. It shall comply with the provisions defined in table type: object required: - direction properties: direction: description: >- The direction of the interface messages to match. Permitted values: - IN: input messages into the interface. - OUT: output messages from the interface. - ALL: both input and output messages into/from the interface. type: string enum: [IN, OUT,ALL] matchingPatterns: description: >- Patterns to be matched in the interface message. If provided, only messages that match all the values provided in the sub-attributes shall be logged. An API consumer can provide more than one "matchingPattern" if combinations of patterns are to be considered to match diverse sets of interface messages. type: array items: type: object anyOf: - required: - srcIpAddress - required: - dstIpAddress - required: - requestMethod - required: - requestUriPattern - required: - responseCodes properties: srcIpAddress: description: >- IP address to match the source IP address of request messages to log. The API producer shall support this attribute. $ref: '../components/SOL009_schemas.yaml#/components/schemas/IpAddress' requestMethod: description: >- HTTP request method to be matched. To match, the HTTP request method of the message shall be the same as the value of this attribute. Valid values are specified in IETF RFC 7231. The API producer shall support this attribute. type: string requestUriPattern: description: >- Substring to be matched in the request URI. To match, the request URI shall include the value of this attribute as a substring. This is typically used to match messages which associate to RESTful resources, or to a specific API (e.g., by using the "apiName" of the API). The API producer shall support this attribute. type: string dstIpAddress: description: >- IP address to match the destination IP address of response messages to log. The API producer shall support this attribute $ref: '../components/SOL009_schemas.yaml#/components/schemas/IpAddress' responseCodes: description: >- HTTP response codes or patterns to match. A list of all valid HTTP response codes and their specification documents can be obtained from the HTTP status code registry. In addition, if supported, the following patterns may be used (case-insensitive): - "1XX": for matching any kind of informational response. - "2XX": for matching any kind of success response. - "3XX": for matching any kind redirection response. - "4XX": for matching any kind of client error response. - "5XX": for matching any kind of server error response. The API producer shall support this attribute type: array items: type: string headerField: description: >- Name of the header field to be matched. The header field name shall be one of the supported fields in a request message as defined in clause 4.2.2 of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013 or in a response message as defined in clause 4.2.3 of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013, in accordance with the "direction" criteria input. The API producer may support this attribute. type: string headerValue: description: >- Value in the header to be matched. To match, the value in the header field indicated by "headerField" shall be the same as in this attribute. Shall be provided if a "headerField" is provided. The API producer may support this attribute. type: string bodyValues: description: >- A list of strings to be matched in the body part of the interface message (e.g., the body of an HTTP message). If provided, only messages with text in the body part containing all the values from the list shall match the filter. In addition to a matching filter for the body of the message, a corresponding "headerField" filter shall also be provided, with "headerField" set to "Content-Type", to restrict matching to appropriate textual payloads such as "application/json" or "text/plain". The API producer may support this attribute type: string LoggingJobServicesCriteria: description: >- This type represents criteria for logging jobs to collect logged messages about processes pertaining to NFV-MANO services. It shall comply with the provisions defined in table type: object properties: logGarbageCollection: description: >- Indicates to collect logged information about garbage collection processes associated to NFV-MANO services. type: boolean LoggingJobSystemCriteria: description: >- This type represents criteria for logging jobs to collect logged system events of the NFV-MANO functional entity. It shall comply with the provisions defined in table type: object required: - systemLogs - severityLevel properties: systemLogs: description: >- Values for the provider enabled system logs. $ref: "../components/SOL009_schemas.yaml#/components/schemas/KeyValuePairs" severityLevelScheme: description: >- Identifies a severity level scheme. The default value is "rfc5424", which represents the set of values specified in the clause 6.2.1, table 2 of IETF RFC 5424. Other values may be used to signal different schemes. type: string severityLevel: description: >- The severity level, which determines the severity of the system messages to collect. The NFV-MANO functional entity shall collect system log messages, as indicated by the "systemLogs" attribute, with severity levels lower (i.e., more severe) or equal to the value provided by this present attribute. type: number LoggingJobConfig: description: >- This type represents configuration data for a logging job. It shall comply with the provisions defined in table NOTE: The present document version does not specify the support for "log compilation and reporting based on events" as specified in clause of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031. type: object required: - reportingCondition - securityConf properties: startTime: description: >- Specifies the time for the logging job to be started. If not provided, the logging job is requested to start immediately. $ref: "../components/SOL009_schemas.yaml#/components/schemas/DateTime" endTime: description: >- Specifies the time after which the logging job will stop. Shall only be provided if the logging job is requested to stop at a specific time. $ref: "../components/SOL009_schemas.yaml#/components/schemas/DateTime" reportingCondition: description: >- Specifies the condition under which the producer will report to the consumer about the compiled log data. required: - reportingType properties: reportingType: description: >- Specifies the type of reporting condition. Permitted values: - REPORTING_ON_COMPILATION: the producer shall notify the consumer once the compilation of the collected logging data into a file is completed and a new log report is available. - NO_REPORTING: no reporting is requested (the consumer can query the logging jobs to know about the availability of new log reports). type: string enum: [REPORTING_ON_COMPILATION, NO_REPORTING] minimumReportingPeriod: description: >- Specifies the minimum periodicity at which the producer will report to the consumer about the collected log information, in seconds. type: integer format: int32 compileBySizeValue: description: >- An indicative size threshold for compiling the collected log data, in bytes. It is used when the compilation is based on the size of the collected log data. If not present, a default value as specified with the "defaultLogCompileBySizeValue" configuration in the "ManoEntityConfigurableParams" shall be used type: integer format: int32 compileByTimerValue: description: >- The periodicity threshold for compiling the filtered log, in seconds. It is used when the compilation is based on a timer (e.g., every 24 hours). If not present, a default value as specified with the "defaultLogCompileByTimerValue" configuration in the "ManoEntityConfigurableParams" shall be used type: integer format: int32 securityConf: description: >- Configuration about the security aspects of the logging job. type: object properties: logFileEncryption: description: >- Information about the encryption of the compiled log files. Shall be present if the log file is requested to be encrypted. required: - encryptionCertificate - cipherAlgorithm type: object properties: encryptionCertificate: description: >- X.509 certificate with the public key to use for the encryption of the compiled log file. type: string cipherAlgorithm: description: >- Cryptographic algorithm to be used for the encryption of the compiled log file. More than one algorithm can be provided from higher (lower array index) to lower (higher array index) precedence. Valid values are: "AES-CBC-128", "AES-GCM-128", "AES-CBC-256", and "AES-GCM-256", as specified in clause 6.5 of ETSI GS NFV-SEC 012 type: array items: type: string minItems: 1 encryptAndSignOrder: description: >- Indication about the order in signing and encrypting the compiled log file. Valid values are: "encryptFirst", to apply the order "first encrypt, then sign", and "signFirst" for the order "first sign, then encrypt". Default value is "encryptFirst". type: string logTransferSecurity: description: >- Information about the security measures for retrieving/accessing the compiled log files. type: object properties: publicKey: description: >- The public key of the API consumer used for the client authentication with the file server. Shall be provided if required by the type of transfer protocol. May be omitted if the key has been provided to the API producer by other means, or if it has already been provided in some previous CreateLoggingJobRequest issued by the same API consumer, whose public key has not changed. type: string