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echo "Testing"

set -e

source /opt/confd/confdrc
cd src

echo "Testing compilations of VNFD."
confdc -c $CONFD_OPTS -o /opt/confd/etc/confd/etsi-nfv-vnfd.fxs etsi-nfv-vnfd.yang
echo "Testing compilations of PNFD."
confdc -c $CONFD_OPTS -o /opt/confd/etc/confd/etsi-nfv-pnfd.fxs etsi-nfv-pnfd.yang
echo "Testing compilations of NSD."
confdc -c $CONFD_OPTS -o /opt/confd/etc/confd/etsi-nfv-nsd.fxs etsi-nfv-nsd.yang
echo "Testing compilations of descriptors."
Mahesh Jethanandani's avatar
Mahesh Jethanandani committed
confdc -c $CONFD_OPTS -o /opt/confd/etc/confd/etsi-nfv-descriptors.fxs etsi-nfv-descriptors.yang

echo "Starting ConfD"

echo "Loading Data for VNFD"
confd_load -l -m nfv-vnfd.xml
echo "Loading Data for PNFD"
confd_load -l -m nfv-pnfd.xml

echo "Loading Data for NSD"
confd_load -l -m nfv-nsd.xml

echo "Loading Data for descriptors"
confd_load -l -m nfv.xml
Mahesh Jethanandani's avatar
Mahesh Jethanandani committed
echo "Loading data for the complex Vnfd example"
confd_load -l -m complex-vnfd.xml
# Don't do this in the actual test, just waste of cycles
# echo "Stopping ConfD"
# confd --stop