submodule etsi-nfv-vnf { yang-version 1.1; belongs-to etsi-nfv-descriptors { prefix nfv; } include etsi-nfv-common; import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; } import ietf-yang-types { prefix yang; } description "Models for VNFD according to GS NFV-IFA 011."; revision 2022-03-08 { description "Version 3.6.1. Data structures to support VNFD according to ETSI GS NFV-IFA 011 Release 3."; } revision 2021-07-05 { description "Version 3.5.1. Data structures to support VNFD according to ETSI GS NFV-IFA 011 Release 3."; } revision 2020-06-10 { description "Version 3.3.1. Data structures to support VNFD according to ETSI GS NFV-IFA 011 Release 3."; } revision 2020-06-01 { description "Version 2.8.1. VNFD according to ETSI GS NFV-IFA 011 271."; } revision 2019-10-01 { description "Version 2.7.1. Data structures to support VNFD according to: ETSI GS NFV-IFA 011 Ed271v264"; } revision 2019-03-18 { description "Initial revision. Data structure to support VNFD according to: ETSI GS NFV-IFA 011 Ed261v254"; reference "ETSI GS NFV-IFA 011 Ed261v254"; } grouping virtual-network-interface-requirements { list virtual-network-interface-requirement { key "name"; description "Specifies requirements on a virtual network interface realising the CPs instantiated from this CPD."; reference "GS NFV-IFA011: Section, VduCpd information element"; leaf name { type string; description "Provides a human readable name for the requirement."; reference "GS NFV-IFA011: Section, VirtualNetworkInterfaceRequirements information element"; } leaf description { type string; description "Provides a human readable description of the requirement."; reference "GS NFV-IFA011: Section, VirtualNetworkInterfaceRequirements information element"; } list network-interface-requirements { key "key"; min-elements "1"; max-elements "1"; leaf key { type string; } leaf value { type string; } description "The network interface requirements. An element from an array of key-value pairs that articulate the network interface deployment requirements."; reference "GS NFV-IFA011: Section, VirtualNetworkInterfaceRequirements information element"; } leaf nic-io-requirements { type leafref { path "/nfv:nfv/nfv:vnfd/nfv:virtual-compute-desc/" + "nfv:logical-node/nfv:id"; } description "This references (couples) the CPD with any logical node I/O requirements (for network devices) that may have been created. Linking these attributes is necessary so that I/O requirements that need to be articulated at the logical node level can be associated with the network interface requirements associated with the CPD."; reference "GS NFV-IFA011: Section, VirtualNetworkInterfaceRequirements information element"; } } } grouping block-storage-data { leaf size-of-storage { type uint64; units "GB"; default 0; description "Size of virtualized storage resource in GB."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, BlockStorageData Information element."; } list vdu-storage-requirements { key "key"; leaf key { type string; } leaf value { type string; } description "An array of key-value pairs that articulate the storage deployment requirements."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, BlockStorageData Information element."; } leaf rdma-enabled { type boolean; description "Indicate if the storage support RDMA."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, BlockStorageData Information element."; } leaf sw-image-desc { type leafref { path "../../../sw-image-desc/id"; } must "../size-of-storage >=" + "../../../sw-image-desc[id=current()]/min-disk" { } description "Software image to be loaded on the VirtualStorage resource created based on this VirtualStorageDesc. Shall be absent when used for virtual disks."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, BlockStorageData Information element."; } } grouping vnf-local-affinity-or-anti-affinity-rule { list local-affinity-or-anti-affinity-rule { key "type scope"; leaf type { type affinity-type; description "Specifies whether the rule is an affinity rule or an anti-affinity rule Values • affinity • anti-affinity."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, LocalAffinityOrAntiAffinityRule information element."; } leaf scope { type affinity-scope; description "Specifies the scope of the rule. Values: • NFVI-PoP • Zone • ZoneGroup • NFVI-node • network-link-and-node."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, LocalAffinityOrAntiAffinityRule information element."; } uses nfvi-maintenance-info { description "When present, provides information on the impact tolerance and rules to be observed when a group of instances based on the same VDU is impacted during NFVI operation and maintenance (e.g. NFVI resource upgrades)."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, LocalAffinityOrAntiAffinityRule information element."; } } } grouping vnfd { leaf id { type string; description "Identifier of this VNFD information element. This attribute shall be globally unique. The format will be defined in the data model specification phase."; reference "GS NFV-IFA011: Section 7.1.2, VNFD information element"; } leaf provider { type string; mandatory true; description "Provider of the VNF and of the VNFD"; reference "GS NFV-IFA011: Section 7.1.2, VNFD information element"; } leaf product-name { type string; mandatory true; description "Name to identify the VNF Product. Invariant for the VNF Product lifetime."; reference "GS NFV-IFA011: Section 7.1.2, VNFD information element"; } leaf software-version { type string; mandatory true; description "Software version of the VNF. This is changed when there is any change to the software that is included in the VNF Package"; reference "GS NFV-IFA011: Section 7.1.2, VNFD information element"; } leaf version { type string; mandatory true; description "Identifies the version of the VNFD"; reference "GS NFV-IFA011: Section 7.1.2, VNFD information element"; } leaf product-info-name { type string; description "Human readable name of the VNFD. Can change during the VNF Product lifetime."; reference "GS NFV-IFA011: Section 7.1.2, VNFD information element"; } leaf product-info-description { type string; description "Human readable description of the VNFD. Can change during the VNF Product lifetime."; reference "GS NFV-IFA011: Section 7.1.2, VNFD information element"; } leaf-list vnfm-info { type string; min-elements 1; description "Identifies VNFM(s) compatible with the VNF described in this version of the VNFD."; reference "GS NFV-IFA011: Section 7.1.2, VNFD information element"; } leaf localization-language { type string; description "Information about the language of the VNF."; reference "GS NFV-IFA011: Section 7.1.2, VNFD information element"; } leaf default-localization-language { when "../localization-language"; type string; description "Default localization language that is instantiated if no information about selected localization language is available. Shall be present if 'localization-language' is present and shall be absent otherwise."; reference "GS NFV-IFA011: Section 7.1.2, VNFD information element"; } list vdu { key "id"; min-elements 1; description "The Virtualisation Deployment Unit (VDU) is a construct supporting the description of the deployment and operational behaviour of a VNF component, or the entire VNF if it was not componentized in components."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section 7.1.2, VNFD information element"; leaf id { type string; description "Unique identifier of this VDU in VNFD."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, Vdu information element"; } leaf name { type string; mandatory true; description "Human readable name of the VDU."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, Vdu information element"; } leaf description { type string; description "Human readable description of the VDU."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, Vdu information element"; } list int-cpd { key "id"; min-elements 1; description "A internal-connection-point element is a type of connection point and describes network connectivity between a VDU instance and an internal Virtual Link or an external connection point."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, Vdu information element"; leaf int-virtual-link-desc { type leafref { path "/nfv:nfv/nfv:vnfd/nfv:int-virtual-link-desc/nfv:id"; } description "Reference of the internal VLD which this internal CPD connects to."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VduCpd information element"; } leaf bitrate-requirement { type uint64; units "Mbps"; description "Bitrate requirement on this CP."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VduCpd information element."; } uses virtual-network-interface-requirements; leaf nicio-requirements { type leafref { path "/nfv:nfv/nfv:vnfd/nfv:virtual-compute-desc/nfv:id"; } description "This references (couples) the CPD with any logical node I/O requirements (for network devices) that may have been created. Linking these attributes is necessary so that so that I/O requirements that need to be articulated at the logical node level can be associated with the network interface requirements associated with the CPD."; reference "GS NFV-IFA011: Section, VirtualNetworkInterfaceRequirements information element"; } leaf order { type uint32; description "The order of the NIC to be assigned on the compute instance (e.g. 2 for eth2). Note: when binding more than one port to a single compute (aka multi vNICs) and ordering is desired, it is mandatory that all ports will be set with an order value. The order values shall represent a positive, arithmetic progression that starts with 0 (i.e. 0, 1, 2,..., n). If the property is not present, it shall be left to the VIM to assign a value when creating the instance."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VduCpd information element."; } leaf vnic-type { type identityref { base vnic-type; } description "Describes the type of the virtual network interface realizing the CPs instantiated from this CPD. This is used to determine which mechanism driver(s) to be used to bind the port. Values: • NORMAL • VIRTIO • DIRECT • BAREMETAL • VIRTIO-FORWARDER • DIRECT-PHYSICAL • SMART-NIC"; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VduCpd information element."; } uses cpd; leaf security-group-rule-id { type leafref { path "../../../security-group-rule/id"; } description "Reference of the security group rules bound to this CPD."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section Cpd information element"; } } leaf virtual-compute-desc { type leafref { path "../../virtual-compute-desc/id"; } must "../../virtual-compute-desc[id=current()]/" + "virtual-memory/size >=" + "../../sw-image-desc[id=current()/" + "../sw-image-desc]/min-ram" { } description "Describes CPU, Memory and acceleration requirements of the Virtualisation Container realizing this VDU."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VDU information element, and Section, VirtualComputeDesc information element."; } leaf-list virtual-storage-desc { type leafref { path "../../virtual-storage-desc/id"; } description "Describes storage requirements for a VirtualStorage instance attached to the virtualisation container created from virtualComputeDesc defined for this VDU."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VDU information element, and Section, Information elements related to Virtual Storage."; } list boot-order { ordered-by user; key "key"; leaf key { type uint32; } leaf value { type leafref { path "../../virtual-storage-desc"; } } description "The key indicates the boot index (lowest index defines highest boot priority). The Value references a descriptor from which a valid boot device is created e.g. VirtualStorageDesc from which a VirtualStorage instance is created. Editor's note: The boot-order node requires further study."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, Vdu information element."; } leaf sw-image-desc { type leafref { path "../../sw-image-desc/id"; } description "Describes the software image which is directly loaded on the virtualisation container realising this Vdu."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, Vdu information element."; } leaf-list nfvi-constraint { type string; description "Describes constraints on the NFVI for the VNFC instance(s) created from this Vdu. For example, aspects of a secure hosting environment for the VNFC instance that involve additional entities or processes."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VDU Information element."; } list monitoring-parameter { key "id"; leaf id { type string; description "Unique identifier of the monitoring parameter."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, MonitoringParameter information element."; } uses monitoring-parameter; } list configurable-properties { key "key"; leaf key { type string; } leaf value { type string; } description "It provides VNFC configurable properties that can be modified using the ModifyVnfInfo operation."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VnfcConfigurableProperties Information element."; } leaf boot-data { type string; description "Contains a string or a URL to a file contained in the VNF package used to customize a virtualised compute resource at boot time. The bootData may contain variable parts that are replaced by deployment specific values before being sent to the VIM."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VnfcConfigurableProperties Information element."; } list trunk-port { key "parent-port-cpd"; description "Specifies the logical topology between an intCpd in trunk mode, used to describe a trunk port, and other intCpds used to describe subports of the same trunk. Cardinality 0 is used when there is no intCpd with trunkmode = True, or when no individual intCpds to describe the subports are included in the Vdu."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, Vdu information element"; leaf parent-port-cpd { type leafref { path "../../int-cpd/id"; } description "Reference of the internal VDU CPD which is used to instantiate the parent port in a logical trunk model."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, Information elements related to TrunkPort Topology."; } list sub-port-list { key "sub-port-cpd"; description "Provides information used for the subport."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, Information elements related to subport of a trunk parent port."; leaf sub-port-cpd{ type leafref { path "../../../int-cpd/id"; } description "Reference of the internal VDU CPD which is used to instantiate the subport in a logical trunk model."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, Information elements related to subport of a trunk parent port."; } leaf segmentation-type { default "vlan"; type enumeration { enum "vlan"; enum "inherit"; } description "Specifies the encapsulation type for the traffics coming in and out of the trunk subport. Values: • VLAN: the subport uses VLAN as encapsulation type. • INHERIT: the subport gets its segmentation type from the network it’s connected to. Cardinality 0 means default value VLAN is used."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, Information elements related to to subport of a trunk parent port."; } leaf segmentation-id { type uint32; description "Specifies the segmentation ID for the subport, which is used to differentiate the traffics on different networks coming in and out of the trunk port. If a value is provided here it may be overridden by a value provided at run time when the infrastructure doesn’t support mapping of segmentation IDs."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, Information elements related to subport of a trunk parent port."; } } } } list virtual-compute-desc { key "id"; description "Defines descriptors of virtual compute resources to be used by the VNF."; leaf id { type string; description "Unique identifier of this VirtualComputeDesc in the VNFD."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, Information elements related to Virtual CPU."; } list logical-node { key "id"; leaf id { type string; description "Identifies this set of logical node requirements."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, LogicalNodeRequirements Information elements."; } list requirement-detail { key "key"; min-elements 1; leaf key { type string; } leaf value { type string; } description "The logical node-level compute, memory and I/O requirements. An array of key-value pairs that articulate the deployment requirements. This could include the number of CPU cores on this logical node, a memory configuration specific to a logical node (e.g. such as available in the Linux kernel via the libnuma library) or a requirement related to the association of an I/O device with the logical node."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, LogicalNodeRequirements information element."; } description "The logical node requirements."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VirtualComputeDesc information element."; } list request-additional-capability { key "name"; leaf name { type string; description "Identifies a requested additional capability for the VDU. ETSI GS NFV-IFA 002 [i.1] describes acceleration capabilities."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, RequestedAdditionalCapabilityData Information element."; } leaf support-mandatory { type boolean; description "Indicates whether the requested additional capability is mandatory for successful operation."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, RequestedAdditionalCapabilityData Information element."; } leaf min-version { type string; description "Identifies the minimum version of the requested additional capability."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, RequestedAdditionalCapabilityData Information element."; } leaf preferred-version { type string; description "Identifies the preferred version of the requested additional capability."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, RequestedAdditionalCapabilityData Information element."; } list target-performance-parameters { key "key"; leaf key { type string; } leaf value { type string; } description "Identifies specific attributes, dependent on the requested additional capability type."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, RequestedAdditionalCapabilityData Information element."; } } leaf compute-requirements { type string; description "Specifies compute requirements."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VirtualComputeDesc Information element."; } container virtual-memory { leaf size { type decimal64 { fraction-digits 1; range "0..max"; } units "GB"; default 1; description "Amount of virtual memory in GB."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, Information elements related to Virtual Memory."; } leaf over-subscription-policy { type string; description "The memory core oversubscription policy in terms of virtual memory to physical memory on the platform. The cardinality can be 0 during the allocation request, if no particular value is requested."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, Information elements related to Virtual Memory."; } list vdu-mem-requirements { key "key"; leaf key { type string; } leaf value { type string; } description "Array of key-value pair requirements on the memory for the VDU."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VirtualMemoryData information element."; } leaf numa-enabled { type boolean; description "It specifies the memory allocation to be cognisant of the relevant process/core allocation. The cardinality can be 0 during the allocation request, if no particular value is requested."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, Information elements related to Virtual Memory."; } description "The virtual memory of the virtualised compute."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VirtualComputeDesc Information element."; } container virtual-cpu { description "The virtual CPU(s)of the virtualised compute."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VirtualComputeDesc Information element."; leaf cpu-architecture { type string; description "CPU architecture type. Examples are x86, ARM. The cardinality can be 0 during the allocation request, if no particular CPU architecture type is requested."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VirtualCpuData information elements."; } leaf num-virtual-cpu { type uint16 { range "1..max"; } default 1; description "Number of virtual CPUs."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VirtualCpuData information elements."; } leaf clock { type uint32; units "MHz"; description "Minimum virtual CPU clock rate (e.g. in MHz). The cardinality can be 0 during the allocation request, if no particular value is requested."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VirtualCpuData information elements."; } leaf oversubscription-policy { type string; description "The CPU core oversubscription policy e.g. the relation of virtual CPU cores to physical CPU cores/threads. The cardinality can be 0 during the allocation request, if no particular value is requested."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VirtualCpuData information elements."; } list vdu-cpu-requirements { key "key"; leaf key { type string; } leaf value { type string; } description "Array of key-value pair requirements on the compute (CPU) for the VDU."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VirtualCpuData information element."; } container pinning { presence "Set to specify CPU pinning."; leaf policy { default "dynamic"; type enumeration { enum "static"; enum "dynamic"; } description "Indicates the policy for CPU pinning. Values: • static • dynamic In case of 'static' the virtual CPU cores are requested to be allocated to logical CPU cores according to the rules defined in virtualCpuPinningRules. In case of 'dynamic' the allocation of virtual CPU cores to logical CPU cores is decided by the VIM. (e.g. SMT (Simultaneous MultiThreading) requirements)."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VirtualCpuPinningData information element."; } list rule { when "../policy = 'static'"; key "key"; leaf key { type string; } leaf value { type string; } description "List of rules that should be considered during the allocation of the virtual CPUs to logical CPUs in case of 'static' virtualCpuPinningPolicy."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VirtualCpuPinningData information element."; } description "The virtual CPU pinning configuration for the virtualised compute resource."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VirtualCpuData information element."; } } list virtual-disk { key "id"; description "The local or ephemeral disk(s) of the virtualised compute."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VirtualComputeDesc Information element."; leaf id { type string; description "Unique identifier for the list of virtual disks."; } uses block-storage-data; } } list virtual-storage-desc { key "id"; description "Storage requirements for a Virtual Storage instance attached to the VNFC created from this VDU"; leaf id { type string; description "Unique identifier of this VirtualStorageDesc in the VNFD."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, Information elements related to Virtual Storage."; } leaf type-of-storage { // Needed to be able to onboard images type identityref { base storage-type; } default "nfv:block"; description "Type of virtualised storage resource Values: • BLOCK • OBJECT • FILE."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, Information elements related to Virtual Storage."; } choice storage { container block-storage-data { when '../type-of-storage = "nfv:block"'; description "Specifies the details of block storage. It shall be present when the 'typeOfStorage' attribute is set to 'BLOCK'. It shall be absent otherwise."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, Information elements related to Virtual Storage."; uses block-storage-data; } container object-storage-data { when '../type-of-storage = "nfv:object"'; description "Specifies the details of object storage. It shall be present when the 'typeOfStorage' attribute is set to 'OBJECT'. It shall be absent otherwise."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, Information elements related to Virtual Storage."; leaf max-size-of-storage { type uint64; units "GB"; default 0; description "Max size of virtualised storage resource in GB."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, ObjectStorage Information element."; } } container file-storage-data { when '../type-of-storage = "nfv:file"'; description "Specifies the details of file storage. It shall be present when the 'typeOfStorage' attribute is set to 'FILE'. It shall be absent otherwise."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, Information elements related to Virtual Storage."; leaf size-of-storage { type uint64; units "GB"; default 0; description "Size of virtualised storage resource in GB."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, FileStorageData Information element."; } leaf file-system-protocol { type string; default "cifs"; description "The shared file system protocol (e.g. NFS, CIFS)."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, FileStorageData Information element."; } leaf int-virtual-link-desc { type leafref { path "../../../sw-image-desc/id"; } mandatory true; description "Reference of the internal VLD which this file storage connects to. The attached VDUs shall connect to the same internal VLD."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, FileStorageData Information element."; } } } } list sw-image-desc { key "id"; description "Defines descriptors of software images to be used by the VNF."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section 7.1.2, VNFD Information element."; leaf id { type string; description "The identifier of this software image."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, SwImageDesc information element"; } leaf name { mandatory true; type string; description "The name of this software image."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section SwImageDesc information element."; } leaf version { mandatory true; type string; description "The version of this software image."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section SwImageDesc information element."; } leaf provider { type string; description "The provider of this software image. If not present the provider of the software image is assumed to be same as the VNF provider."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section SwImageDesc information element."; } container checksum { leaf algorithm { mandatory true; type identityref { base checksum-algorithm; } description "Species the algorithm used to obtain the checksum value."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section ChecksumData information element."; } leaf hash { mandatory true; type string; description "Contains the result of applying the algorithm indicated by the algorithm attribute to the data to which this ChecksumData refers."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section ChecksumData information element."; } description "The checksum of the software image file."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section SwImageDesc information element."; } leaf container-format { default "bare"; type enumeration { enum "aki" { description "An Amazon kernel image."; } enum "ami" { description "An Amazon machine image."; } enum "ari" { description "An Amazon ramdisk image."; } enum "bare" { description "The image does not have a container or metadata envelope."; } enum "docker" { description "A docker container format."; } enum "ova" { description "An OVF package in a tarfile."; } enum "ovf" { description "The OVF container format."; } } description "The container format describes the container file format in which software image is provided."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section SwImageDesc information element."; } leaf disk-format { default "qcow2"; type enumeration { enum "aki" { description "An Amazon kernel image."; } enum "ami" { description "An Amazon machine image."; } enum "ari" { description "An Amazon ramdisk image."; } enum "iso" { description "An archive format for the data contents of an disk, such as CD-ROM."; } enum "qcow2" { description "Supported by the QEMU emulator that can expand dynamically and supports Copy on Write."; } enum "raw" { description "An unstructured disk image format; if you have a file without an extension it is possibly a raw format."; } enum "vdi" { description "Supported by VirtualBox virtual machine monitor and the QEMU emulator."; } enum "vhd" { description "The VHD disk format, a common disk format used by virtual machine monitors from VMware, Xen, Microsoft, VirtualBox, and others."; } enum "vhdx" { description "The VHDX disk format, an enhanced version of the VHD format, which supports larger disk sizes among other features."; } enum "vmdk" { description "Common disk format supported by many common virtual machine monitors."; } } description "The disk format of a software image is the format of the underlying disk image."; } leaf min-disk { type uint64; units "GB"; mandatory true; description "The minimal disk size requirement for this software image. The value of the 'size of storage' attribute of the VirtualStorageDesc referencing this SwImageDesc shall not be smaller than the value of minDisk."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, SwImageDesc information element."; } leaf min-ram { type decimal64 { fraction-digits 1; range "0..max"; } units "GB"; default 0; description "The minimal RAM requirement for this software image. The value of the 'size' attribute of VirtualMemoryData of the Vdu referencing this SwImageDesc shall not be smaller than the value of minRam."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, SwImageDesc information element."; } leaf size { mandatory true; type uint64; units "GB"; description "The size of this software image."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, SwImageDesc information element."; } leaf image { default "."; type inet:uri; description "This is a reference to the actual software image. The reference can be relative to the root of the VNF Package or can be a URL"; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, SwImageDesc information element."; } leaf operating-system { type string; description "Identifies the operating system used in the software image. This attribute may also identify if a 32 bit or 64 bit software image is used."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, SwImageDesc information element."; } leaf-list supported-virtualization-environment { type string; description "Identifies the virtualisation environments (e.g. hypervisor) compatible with this software image."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, SwImageDesc information element."; } } list int-virtual-link-desc { key "id"; description "Represents the type of network connectivity mandated by the VNF provider between two or more CPs which includes at least one internal CP."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section 7.1.2, Vnfd information element."; leaf id { type string; description "Unique identifier of this internal VLD in VNFD."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VnfVirtualLinkDesc Information elements."; } list flavour { key "id"; description "Describes a specific flavour of the VL with specific bitrate requirements."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VnfVirtualLinkDesc Information elements."; leaf id { type string; description "Identifies a flavour within a VnfVirtualLinkDesc."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VirtualLinkDescFlavour information element."; } container qos { presence "VL QoS parameters"; description "QoS of the VL."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VirtualLinkDescFlavour information element."; leaf latency { type uint32; units "ms"; mandatory true; description "Specifies the maximum latency in ms."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, QoS information element."; } leaf packet-delay-variation { type uint32; units "ms"; mandatory true; description "Specifies the maximum jitter in ms."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, QoS information element."; } leaf packet-loss-ratio { type decimal64 { fraction-digits "2"; range "0..1.00"; } description "Specifies the maximum packet loss ratio."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, QoS information element."; } } } uses connectivity-type; leaf-list test-access { type string; description "Specifies test access facilities expected on the VL (e.g. none, passive monitoring, or active (intrusive) loopbacks at endpoints."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VnfVirtualLinkDesc information element."; } leaf description { type string; description "Provides human-readable information on the purpose of the VL (e.g. control plane traffic)."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VnfVirtualLinkDesc information element."; } list monitoring-parameters { key "id"; leaf id { type string; description "Unique identifier of the monitoring parameter."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, MonitoringParameter information element."; } uses monitoring-parameter; } uses nfvi-maintenance-info { description "When present, provides information on the rules to be observed when an instance based on this VnfVirtualLinkDesc is impacted during NFVI operation and maintenance (e.g. NFVI resource upgrades)."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VnfVirtualLinkDesc information element."; } leaf externally-managed { type enumeration { enum required; enum allowed; } description "Specifies the intent of the VNF designer w.r.t. the internal VL instances created from this descriptor being externally managed. Values: REQUIRED ALLOWED Default: ALLOWED If the VNFD does not reference any LCM script and if the 'vnfmInfo' attribute in the 'Vnfd' information element indicates that the VNF can be managed by any ETSI NFV compliant VNFM, this attribute shall not be present."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VnfVirtualLinkDesc information element."; } } uses security-group-rule; list ext-cpd { key "id"; min-elements 1; description "Describes an external interface exposed by this VNF enabling connection with a Virual Link"; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section 7.1.2, VNFD information element."; choice cp-connection { leaf int-virtual-link-desc { description "Reference to the internal Virtual Link Descriptor (VLD) to which CPs instantiated from this external CP Descriptor (CPD) connect. Either intVirtualLinkDesc or intCpd shall be present."; type leafref { path "/nfv:nfv/nfv:vnfd/nfv:int-virtual-link-desc/nfv:id"; } } container int-cpd { leaf vdu-id { type leafref { path "../../../vdu/id"; } } leaf cpd { type leafref { path "deref(../vdu-id)/../int-cpd/id"; } } } leaf vip-cpd { type leafref { path "../../vip-cpd/id"; } description "Reference to the VIP CPD which is used to instantiate CPs to hold virtual IP addresses. These CPs are, in turn, exposed as external CPs defined by this external CPD. One and only one of the following attributes shall be present: intVirtualLinkDesc or intCpd or vipCpd ."; reference "GS NFV-IFA011: Section, VnfExtCpd information element"; } } uses virtual-network-interface-requirements; leaf nicio-requirements { type leafref { path "/nfv:nfv/nfv:vnfd/nfv:virtual-compute-desc/nfv:id"; } description "This references (couples) the CPD with any logical node I/O requirements (for network devices) that may have been created. Linking these attributes is necessary so that so that I/O requirements that need to be articulated at the logical node level can be associated with the network interface requirements associated with the CPD."; reference "GS NFV-IFA011: Section, VirtualNetworkInterfaceRequirements information element"; } uses cpd; leaf security-group-rule-id { type leafref { path "../../security-group-rule/id"; } description "Reference of the security group rules bound to this CPD."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section Cpd information element"; } } list vip-cpd { key "id"; leaf-list int-cpd { min-elements 1; type leafref { path "../../vdu/int-cpd/id"; } description "Reference to the internal VDU CPD which is used to instantiate internal CPs. These internal CPs share the virtual IP addresses allocated when a VipCp instance is created from the VipCpd."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VipCpd information element."; } leaf int-virtual-link-desc { type leafref { path "../../int-virtual-link-desc/id"; } description "Reference of the internal VLD which this VipCpd connects to"; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section VipCpd information element."; } leaf dedicated-ip-address { type boolean; description "If set to true, it indicates that the VIP address shall be different from the addresses allocated to all of the VduCp instances associated to it. If set to false, the VIP address shall be the same as one of the VduCp instances associated to it."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section VipCpd information element."; } leaf vip-function { type identityref { base vip-function; } description "It indicates the function the virtual IP address is used for. Values: • high availability • load balancing."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VipCpd information element."; } uses cpd; description "Describes virtual IP addresses to be shared among instances of connection points. See clause 7.1.17."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section 7.1.2, VNFD information element."; } list df { must "default-instantiation-level or " + "count(instantiation-level) = 1"; key "id"; min-elements 1; description "Describes a specific Deployment Flavour (DF) of a VNF with specific requirements for capacity and performance."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section 7.1.2, VNFD information element."; leaf id { type string; description "Identifier of this DF within the VNFD."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section 7.1.8, Information elements to the DeploymentFlavour."; } leaf description { type string; description "Human readable description of the deployment flavour"; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section 7.1.8, Information elements to the DeploymentFlavour."; } list vdu-profile { key "id"; min-elements 1; description "The Vduprofile describes additional instantiation data for a given VDU used in a deployment flavour."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section 7.1.8, Information elements to the DeploymentFlavour."; leaf id { type leafref { path "../../../vdu/id"; } reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VduProfile information element."; } leaf min-number-of-instances { type uint16; default 1; description "Minimum number of instances of the VNFC based on this VDU that is permitted to exist for this flavour."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VduProfile information element."; } leaf max-number-of-instances { type uint16; default 1; must ". >= ../min-number-of-instances"; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VduProfile information element."; } uses vnf-local-affinity-or-anti-affinity-rule; leaf-list affinity-or-anti-affinity-group-id { type leafref { path "../../affinity-or-anti-affinity-group/id"; } description "References of the affinity or anti-affinity group(s) the VDU belongs to."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VduProfile information element."; } uses nfvi-maintenance-info { description "When present, provides information on the impact tolerance and rules to be observed when instance(s) of the VDU are impacted during NFVI operation and maintenance (e.g. NFVI resource upgrades)."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VduProfile information element."; } } list virtual-link-profile { key "id flavour"; description "Defines the internal VLD along with additional data which is used in this DF."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VnfDf information element."; leaf id { type leafref { path "/nfv:nfv/nfv:vnfd/nfv:int-virtual-link-desc/nfv:id"; } description "Uniquely identifies a Vnf VLD."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VirtualLinkProfile information element."; } leaf flavour { type leafref { path "deref(../../../ext-cpd/int-virtual-link-desc)" + "/../nfv:flavour/nfv:id"; } description "Identifies a flavour within the VnfVirtualLinkDesc."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VirtualLinkProfile information element."; } uses vnf-local-affinity-or-anti-affinity-rule; leaf-list affinity-or-anti-affinity-group-id { type leafref { path "../../affinity-or-anti-affinity-group/id"; } description "References of the affinity or anti-affinity group(s) the VnfVirtualLinkDesc belongs to."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VirtualLinkProfile information element."; } container max-bit-rate-requirements { leaf root { mandatory "true"; type uint32; description "Throughput requirement of the link (e.g. bitrate of E-Line, root bitrate of E-Tree, aggregate capacity of E-LAN)."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, LinkBitrateRequirements information element."; } leaf leaf { type uint32; description "Throughput requirement of leaf connections to the link when applicable to the connectivity type (e.g. for E-Tree and E-LAN branches)."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, LinkBitrateRequirements information element."; } description "Specifies the maximum bitrate requirements for a VL instantiated according to this profile."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VirtualLinkProfile information element."; } container min-bit-rate-requirements { leaf root { mandatory "true"; type uint32; description "Throughput requirement of the link (e.g. bitrate of E-Line, root bitrate of E-Tree, aggregate capacity of E-LAN)."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, LinkBitrateRequirements information element."; } leaf leaf { type uint32; description "Throughput requirement of leaf connections to the link when applicable to the connectivity type (e.g. for E-Tree and E-LAN branches)."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, LinkBitrateRequirements information element."; } description "Specifies the minimum bitrate requirements for a VL instantiated according to this profile."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VirtualLinkProfile information element."; } container virtual-link-protocol-data { leaf associated-layer-protocol { type identityref { base layer-protocol; } description "One of the values of the attribute layerProtocol of the ConnectivityType IE Values: • Ethernet • MPLS • ODU2 • Pseudo-Wire • etc."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VirtualLinkProtocolData information element."; } container l2-protocol-data { when "(../associated-layer-protocol = 'Ethernet') or " + "(../associated-layer-protocol = 'MPLS') or " + "(../associated-layer-protocol = 'ODU2') or " + "(../associated-layer-protocol = 'Pseudo-Wire')"; leaf name { type string; description "Network name associated with this L2 protocol."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, L2ProtocolData information element."; } leaf network-type { type enumeration { enum flat; enum vlan; enum vxlan; enum gre; } description "Specifies the network type for this L2 protocol. Values: • FLAT • VLAN • VXLAN • GRE."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, L2ProtocolData information element."; } leaf vlan-transparent { type boolean; description "Specifies whether to support VLAN transparency for this L2 protocol or not."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, L2ProtocolData information element."; } leaf mtu { type uint16; description "Specifies the maximum transmission unit (MTU) value for this L2 protocol."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, L2ProtocolData information element."; } leaf segmentation-id { type string; description "If present, specifies a specific virtualised network segment, which depends on the network type. For e.g., VLAN ID for VLAN network type and tunnel ID for GRE/VXLAN network types."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, L2ProtocolData information element."; } description "Specifies the L2 protocol data for this virtual link. Shall be present when the associatedLayerProtocol attribute indicates a L2 protocol and shall be absent otherwise."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VirtualLinkProtocolData information element."; } container l3-protocol-data { when "(../associated-layer-protocol = 'IPv4') or " + "(../associated-layer-protocol = 'IPv6')"; leaf name { type string; description "Network name associated with this L3 protocol."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, L3ProtocolData information element."; } leaf ip-version { type enumeration { enum ipv4; enum ipv6; } default "ipv4"; description "Specifies IP version of this L3 protocol. Values: • IPV4 • IPV6."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, L3ProtocolData information element."; } leaf cidr { type string; description "Specifies the CIDR (Classless InterDomain Routing) of this L3 protocol."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, L3ProtocolData information element."; } leaf-list ip-allocation-pools { type string; description "Specifies the allocation pools with start and end IP addresses for this L3 protocol."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, L3ProtocolData information element."; } leaf gateway-ip { type inet:ip-address; description "Specifies the gateway IP address for this L3 protocol."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, L3ProtocolData information element."; } leaf dhcp-enabled { type boolean; default "true"; description "Indicates whether DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is enabled or disabled for this L3 protocol."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, L3ProtocolData information element."; } leaf ipv6-address-mode { when "../ip-version = 'ipv6'"; type enumeration { enum slaac; enum dhcpv6-stateful; enum dhcpv6-stateless; } description "Specifies IPv6 address mode. Values: • SLAAC • DHCPV6-STATEFUL • DHCPV6-STATELESS May be present when the value of the ipVersion attribute is 'IPV6' and shall be absent otherwise."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, L3ProtocolData information element."; } description "Specifies the L3 protocol data for this virtual link. Shall be present when the associatedLayerProtocol attribute indicates a L3 protocol and shall be absent otherwise."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VirtualLinkProtocolData information element."; } description "Specifies the protocol data for a VL instantiated according to this profile. Cardinality 0 is used when no protocol data needs to be specified."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VirtualLinkProfile information element."; } } list vip-cp-profile { key "id"; description "Defines the minimum and maximum number of VIP CP instances created from each of the VipCpds used in this flavour. Shall be present if the deployment flavour can contain VIP CP instances."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VnfDf information element."; leaf id { type leafref { path "../../../vip-cpd/id"; } description "Uniquely references a VIP CPD."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VipCpProfile information element."; } leaf min-number-of-instances { type uint16; description "Minimum number of instances of the VIP CP based on the referenced VIP CPD that is permitted to exist for this flavour. Shall be zero or greater."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VipCpProfile information element."; } leaf max-number-of-instances { type uint16; description "Maximum number of instances of the VIP CP based on the referenced VIP CPD that is permitted to exist for this flavour. Shall be greater than zero and not less than the value of 'minNumberOfInstances'."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VipCpProfile information element."; } } list instantiation-level { key "id"; min-elements 1; description "Describes the various levels of resources that can be used to instantiate the VNF using this flavour. Examples: Small, Medium, Large. If there is only one 'instantiationLevel' entry, it shall be treated as the default instantiation level for this DF. The InstantiationLevel information element describes a given level of resources to be instantiated within a deployment flavour in term of the number of VNFC instances to be created from each VDU. All the VDUs referenced in the level shall be part of the corresponding deployment flavour and their number shall be within the range (min/max) for this deployment flavour."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section VnfDf information element"; leaf id { type string; description "Uniquely identifies a level with the DF."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section InstantiationLevel information element"; } leaf description { type string; description "Human readable description of the instantiation level"; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section InstantiationLevel information element"; } list vdu-level { key "vdu-id"; min-elements 1; description "Sets the number of instances for the VDU in this instantiation level."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section InstantiationLevel information element"; leaf vdu-id { type leafref { path "../../../../vdu/id"; } description "Uniquely identifies a VDU."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section VduLevel information element"; } leaf number-of-instances { type uint16; must ". <= ../../../../df/" + "vdu-profile[id=current()/../vdu-id]/" + "max-number-of-instances"; must ". >= ../../../../df/" + "vdu-profile[id=current()/../vdu-id]/" + "min-number-of-instances"; default 1; description "Number of instances of VNFC based on this VDU to deploy for this level."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section VduLevel information element"; } } list vip-cp-level { key "id"; description "Indicates the number of VIP CP instances based on a particular VipCpd to be part of this level. If a particular VipCpd is defined with minNumberOfInstances= maxNumberOfInstances=1 in the vipCpProfile of the DF, that vipCpd may be omitted from the 'vipCpLevel' attribute, which shall be interpreted that one related VIP CP instance is part of this level."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, InstantiationLevel information element."; leaf id { type leafref { path "../../../../vip-cpd/id"; } description "Uniquely references a VIP CPD."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VipCpLevel information element."; } leaf number-of-instances { type uint16; description "Number of VIP CP instances based on the referenced VipCpd to deploy for an instantiation level or for a scaling delta. Shall be zero or greater."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VipCpLevel information element."; } } list scaling-info { key "scaling-aspect-id"; description "The InstantiationLevel information element describes a given level of resources to be instantiated within a DF in term of the number of VNFC instances to be created from each VDU."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section InstantiationLevel information element"; leaf scaling-aspect-id { type leafref { path "../../../scaling-aspect/id"; } description "Identifier of the scaling aspect."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section ScaleInfo information element"; } leaf scale-level { type uint32; description "The scale level, greater than or equal to 0."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section ScaleInfo information element"; } } } leaf default-instantiation-level { type leafref { path "../instantiation-level/id"; } description "References the 'instantiationLevel' entry which defines the default instantiation level for this DF. It shall be present if there are multiple 'instantiationLevel' entries."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section VnfDf information element"; } leaf-list supported-operation { type identityref { base supported-operation; } description "Indicates which operations are available for this DF via the VNF LCM interface. Instantiate VNF, Query VNF and Terminate VNF are supported in all DF and therefore need not be included in this list. Values: • Scale VNF • Scale VNF to level • Heal VNF • Operate VNF • etc."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section VnfDf information element"; } container lcm-operations-configuration { description "This information element is a container for all attributes that affect the invocation of the VNF Lifecycle Management operations, structured by operation."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section VnfDf information element"; container instantiate-vnf-op-config { list parameter { key "key"; leaf key { type string; } leaf value { type string; } description "Array of KVP requirements for VNF-specific parameters to be passed when invoking the InstantiateVnf operation."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section InstantiateVnfOpConfig information element"; } leaf target-scale-levels-supported { type boolean; default false; description "Signals whether target scale levels are supported by this VNF during instantiation. Default is FALSE, i.e. 'not supported'."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section InstantiateVnfOpConfig information element"; } description "Configuration parameters for the InstantiateVnf operation."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section VnfLcmOperationsConfiguration information element"; } container scale-vnf-op-config { description "Configuration parameters for the ScaleVnf operation."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section VnfLcmOperationsConfiguration information element"; list parameter { key "key"; leaf key { type string; } leaf value { type string; } description "Array of KVP requirements for VNFspecific parameters to be passed when invoking the ScaleVnf operation."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section ScaleVnfOpConfig information element"; } leaf scaling-by-more-than-one-step-supported { type boolean; default false; description "Signals whether passing a value larger than one in the numScalingSteps parameter of the ScaleVnf operation is supported by this VNF. Default is FALSE, i.e. 'not supported'."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section ScaleVnfOpConfig information element"; } } container scale-vnf-to-level-op-config { description "This information element defines attributes that affect the invocation of the ScaleVnfToLevel operation."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section VnfLcmOperationsConfiguration information element"; list parameter { key "key"; leaf key { type string; } leaf value { type string; } description "Array of KVP requirements for VNF-specific parameters to be passed when invoking the ScaleVnfToLevel operation."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section ScaleVnfToLevelOpConfig information element"; } leaf arbitrary-target-levels-supported { type boolean; default "false"; description "Signals whether scaling according to the parameter 'scaleInfo' is supported by this VNF."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section ScaleVnfToLevelOpConfig information element"; } } container heal-vnf-op-config { description "This information element defines attributes that affect the invocation of the HealVnf operation."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section VnfLcmOperationsConfiguration information element"; list parameter { key "key"; leaf key { type string; } leaf value { type string; } description "Array of KVP requirements for VNF-specific parameters to be passed when invoking the HealVnf operation."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section HealVnfOpConfig information element"; } leaf-list cause { type string; description "Supported 'cause' parameter values."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section HealVnfOpConfig information element"; } } container terminate-vnf-op-config { description "This information element defines attributes that affect the invocation of the TerminateVnf operation."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section VnfLcmOperationsConfiguration information element"; leaf min-graceful-termination { type yang:timeticks; default "1"; description "Minimum timeout value for graceful termination of a VNF instance."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section TerminateVnfOpConfig information element"; } leaf max-recommended-graceful-termination { type yang:timeticks; description "Maximum recommended timeout value that can be needed to gracefully terminate a VNF instance of a particular type under certain conditions, such as maximum load condition. This is provided by VNF provider as information for the operator facilitating the selection of optimal timeout value. This value is not used as constraint."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section TerminateVnfOpConfig information element"; } list parameter { key "key"; leaf key { type string; } leaf value { type string; } description "Array of KVP requirements for VNF-specific parameters to be passed when invoking the TerminateVnf operation."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section TerminateVnfOpConfig information element"; } } container operate-vnf-op-config { description "This information element defines attributes that affect the invocation of the OperateVnf operation."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section VnfLcmOperationsConfiguration information element"; leaf min-graceful-stop-timeout { type yang:timeticks; default "1"; description "Minimum timeout value for graceful stop of a VNF instance."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section OperateVnfOpConfig information element"; } leaf max-recommended-graceful-stop-timeout { type yang:timeticks; description "Maximum recommended timeout value that can be needed to gracefully stop a VNF instance of a particular type under certain conditions, such as maximum load condition. This is provided by VNF provider as information for the operator facilitating the selection of optimal timeout value. This value is not used as constraint."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section OperateVnfOpConfig information element"; } list parameter { key "key"; leaf key { type string; } leaf value { type string; } description "Array of KVP requirements for VNF-specific parameters to be passed when invoking the OperateVnf operation."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section OperateVnfOpConfig information element"; } } container change-vnf-flavour-op-config { list parameter { key "key"; leaf key { type string; } leaf value { type string; } description "Array of KVP requirements for VNF-specific parameters to be passed when invoking the OperateVnf operation."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section ChangeVnfFlavour information element"; } description "Configuration parameters for the ChangeVnfFlavour operation."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section VnfLcmOperationsConfiguration information element"; } container change-ext-vnf-connectivity-op-config { list parameter { key "key"; leaf key { type string; } leaf value { type string; } description "Array of KVP requirements for VNF-specific parameters to be passed when invoking the ChangeExtVnfConnectivity operation."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section ChangeExtVnfConnectivityOpConfig information element"; } description "Configuration parameters for the ChangeExtVnfConnectivity operation."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section VnfLcmOperationsConfiguration information element"; } container create-snapshot-vnf-op-config { description "Configuration parameters for the Create VNF Snapshot operation."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section VnfLcmOperationsConfiguration information element"; list parameter { key "key"; min-elements 1; leaf key { type string; } leaf value { type string; } description "Array of KVP requirements for VNF-specific parameters to be passed when invoking the CreateSnapshotVnfOpConfig operation."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section CreateSnapshotVnfOpConfig information element"; } } container revert-to-snapshot-vnf-op-config { description "Configuration parameters for the Revert-To VNF Snapshot operation."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section VnfLcmOperationsConfiguration information element"; list parameter { key "key"; min-elements 1; leaf key { type string; } leaf value { type string; } description "Array of KVP requirements for VNF-specific parameters to be passed when invoking the RevertToSnapshotVnfOpConfig operation."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section RevertToSnapshotVnfOpConfig information element"; } } list change-current-vnf-package-op-config { key "id"; description "Configuration parameters for the ChangeCurrentVnfPackageOpConfig operation."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section VnfLcmOperationsConfiguration information element"; leaf id { type string; description "Identifier of this parameter set for later referencing."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section ChangeCurrentVnfPackageOpConfig information element"; } list parameter { key "key"; leaf key { type string; } leaf value { type string; } description "Array of KVP requirements for VNF-specific parameters to be passed when invoking the change current VNF Package operation."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section ChangeCurrentVnfPackageOpConfig information element"; } } } list affinity-or-anti-affinity-group { key "id"; description "The AffinityOrAntiAffinityGroup describes the affinity or anti-affinity relationship applicable between the virtualization containers to be created based on different VDUs, or between internal VLs to be created based on different VnfVirtualLinkDesc(s). Per VNF, the affinity/anti-affinity rules defined using this information element, using the LocalAffinityOrAntiAffinityRule information element, and using the placement constraints in the GrantLifecycleOperation as defined in ETSI GS NFV-IFA 007 [i.3] should be conflict-free. In case of conflicts, the placement constraints in the GrantLifecycleOperation shall take precedence."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section VnfDf information element"; leaf id { type string; description "Identifier of this AffinityOrAntiAffinityGroup information element."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section AffinityOrAntiAffinityGroup information element"; } leaf affinityorAntiaffinity { mandatory true; type affinity-type; description "Specifies the type of relationship that the members of the group have. Values: • AFFINITY • ANTI-AFFINITY"; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section AffinityOrAntiAffinityGroup information element"; } leaf scope { mandatory true; type affinity-scope; description "Specifies the scope of the affinity or anti-affinity relationship. Values: • NFVI-PoP • Zone • ZoneGroup • NFVI-node • network-link-and-node"; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section AffinityOrAntiAffinityGroup information element"; } } list indicator { key "id"; leaf id { type string; description "Unique identifier."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section VnfIndicator information element"; } leaf name { type string; description "The human readable name of the VnfIndicator."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section VnfIndicator information element"; } leaf indicator-value { type string; description "Defines the allowed values or value ranges of this indicator."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section VnfIndicator information element"; } leaf source { type enumeration { enum vnf; enum em; enum both; } description "Describe the source of the indicator. Values: • VNF • EM • Both This tells the consumer where to send the subscription request."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section VnfIndicator information element"; } description "Declares the VNF indicators that are supported by this VNF (specific to this DF)."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section VnfDf information element"; } list supported-vnf-interfaces { key "name"; leaf name { type enumeration { enum vnf-configuration; enum vnf-indicator; enum vnf-lcm-coordination; } description "Identifies an interface produced by the VNF. Values: • VNF_CONFIGURATION • VNF_INDICATOR • VNF_LCM_COORDINATION"; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section VnfInterfaceDetails information element"; } leaf-list cpd-id { type leafref { path "../../../ext-cpd/id"; } description "References one or more CPDs from which to instantiate external CPs through which interface endpoints on the VNF side can be reached by the VNFM."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section VnfInterfaceDetails information element"; } list interface-details { key "key"; leaf key { type string; } leaf value { type string; } } description "Indicates which interfaces the VNF produces and provides additional details on how to access the interface endpoints."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section VnfDf information element"; } list supported-coordination-actions { key "vnf-lcm-operation"; description "References applicable LCM coordination actions that can be invoked during each of the listed VNF LCM operations."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section VnfDf information element"; leaf vnf-lcm-operation { type enumeration { enum "instantiate"; enum "scale"; enum "scale_to_level"; enum "change_flavour"; enum "terminate"; enum "heal"; enum "operate"; enum "change_ext_conn"; enum "modify_info"; enum "create_snapshot"; enum "revert_to_snapshot"; } description "Identifies the specific VNF LCM operation. Values: • INSTANTIATE • SCALE • SCALE_TO_LEVEL • CHANGE_FLAVOUR • TERMINATE • HEAL • OPERATE • CHANGE_EXT_CONN • MODIFY_INFO • CREATE_SNAPSHOT • REVERT_TO_SNAPSHOT."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section LcmCoordinationActionMapping information element"; } leaf coordination-action-name { type leafref { path "../../../lcm-operations-coordination/coordination-action-name"; } description "References to the names of coordination actions that can be invoked during the LCM operation indicated by the 'vnfLcmOperation' attribute. The related coordination actions shall either be declared in the VnfLcmOperationCoordination information element in the same VNFD, or shall be well-known standardized coordination action name identifiers."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section LcmCoordinationActionMapping information element"; } } list monitoring-parameter { key "id"; description "Defines the virtualised resources monitoring parameters on VNF level."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section VnfDf information element"; leaf id { type string; description "Unique identifier of the monitoring parameter."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section MonitoringParameter information element"; } uses monitoring-parameter; } list scaling-aspect { key "id"; description "The scaling aspects supported by this DF of the VNF. scalingAspect shall be present if the VNF supports scaling."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section VnfDf information element"; leaf id { type string; description "Unique identifier of this aspect in the VNFD."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section ScalingAspect information element"; } leaf name { type string; description "Human readable name of the aspect."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section ScalingAspect information element"; } leaf description { type string; description "Human readable description of the aspect."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section ScalingAspect information element"; } leaf max-scale-level { type uint32 { range "1..max"; } description "The maximum scaleLevel for total number of scaling steps that can be applied w.r.t. this aspect. The value of this attribute corresponds to the number of scaling steps can be applied to this aspect when scaling it from the minimum scale level (i.e. 0) to the maximum scale level defined by this attribute."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section ScalingAspect information element"; } container aspect-delta-details { list deltas { key "id"; min-elements 1; leaf id { type string; description "Identifier of this scaling delta."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section ScalingDelta information element"; } list vdu-delta { key "id"; leaf id { type leafref { path "../../../../../../vdu/id"; } description "Uniquely identifies a VDU."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section VduLevel information element"; } leaf number-of-instances { type uint32 { range "0..max"; } description "Number of instances of VNFC based on this VDU to deploy for an instantiation level or for a scaling delta. Shall be zero or greater."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section VduLevel information element"; } description "The number of VNFC instances based on particular VDUs to be created or removed."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section ScalingDelta information element"; } list virtual-link-bit-rate-delta { key "id"; leaf id { type string; description "Uniquely identifies a VnfVirtualLinkDesc."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section VirtualLinkBitRateLevel information element"; } container bit-rate-requirements { leaf root { type uint32; units bits/sec; mandatory true; description "Throughput requirement of the link (e.g. bitrate of E-Line, root bitrate of E-Tree, aggregate capacity of E-LAN)."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section LinkBitrateRequirements information element"; } leaf leaf { type uint32; units bits/sec; description "Throughput requirement of leaf connections to the link when applicable to the connectivity type (e.g. for E-Tree and E-LAN branches)."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section LinkBitrateRequirements information element"; } description "Bitrate requirements for an instantiation level or bitrate delta for a scaling step."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section VirtualLinkBitRateLevel information element"; } description "The bitrate to be added or removed to virtual links created from particular virtual link descriptors."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section ScalingDelta information element"; } list vip-cp-delta { key "id"; description "Number of VIP CP instances based on a particular VipCpd to be created or removed."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, ScalingDelta information element."; leaf id { type leafref { path "../../../../../../vip-cpd/id"; } description "Uniquely references a VIP CPD."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VipCpLevel information element."; } leaf number-of-instances { type uint16; description "Number of VIP CP instances based on the referenced VipCpd to deploy for an instantiation level or for a scaling delta. Shall be zero or greater."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VipCpLevel information element."; } } description "Declares different scaling deltas, each of which is applied for one or more scaling steps of this aspect."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section AspectDeltaDetails information element"; } leaf step-deltas { type leafref { path "../deltas/id"; } description "Identifiers of the individual scaling deltas to be applied for the subsequent scaling steps of this aspect. The first entry in the array shall correspond to the first scaling step (between scale levels 0 to 1) and the last entry in the array shall correspond to the last scaling step (between maxScaleLevel-1 and maxScaleLevel). Each referenced scaling delta shall be declared in the 'deltas' attribute."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section AspectDeltaDetails information element"; } description "A specification of the deltas in terms of number of instances of VNFCs and virtual link bit rates that correspond to the scaling steps of this aspect. A cardinality of zero indicates that this mapping has to be specified in a lifecycle management script or be otherwise known to the VNFM. The information in this attribute, if provided, shall be consistent with the information provided in the 'InstantiationLevel' information element. If this attribute is provided, it shall be provided for all scaling aspects."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section ScalingAspect information element"; } } list dependencies { key "id"; description "Specifies the order in which instances of the VNFCs have to be created."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section VnfDf information element"; leaf id { type string; } leaf primary-id { type leafref { path "../../vdu-profile/id"; } description "References a VduProfile for describing dependencies between VNFCs in terms of primary entities."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section Dependencies information element"; } leaf secondary-id { type leafref { path "../../vdu-profile/id"; } description "References a VduProfile for describing dependencies between VNFCs in terms of secondary entities."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section Dependencies information element"; } } } container configurable-properties { description "Describes the configurable properties of the VNF (e.g. related to auto scaling and auto healing)."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section 7.1.2 VNFD information element"; leaf is-auto-scalable-enabled { type boolean; description "It permits to enable (TRUE) / disable (FALSE) the auto-scaling functionality."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section 7.1.12 VnfConfigurableProperties information element"; } leaf is-auto-heal-enabled { type boolean; description "It permits to enable (TRUE) / disable (FALSE) the auto-healing functionality."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section 7.1.12 VnfConfigurableProperties information element"; } container vnfm-interface-info { leaf interface-name { type string { pattern 'vnf-[lcm|pm|fm]'; } description "Identifies an interface produced by the VNFM."; } container details { container uri-components { leaf scheme { type inet:uri; description "Corresponds to the scheme component of a URI, as per IETF RFC 3986."; reference "RFC 3986: URI Generic Syntax."; } container authority { leaf userinfo { type string; description "Corresponds to the userinfo field of the authority component of a URI, as per IETF RFC 3986. For HTTP and HTTPS URIs, the provisions in sections 2.7.1 and 2.7.2 of IETF RFC 7230 apply, respectively."; reference "RFC 3986: URI Generic Syntax."; } leaf host { type inet:host; description "Corresponds to the host field of the authority component of a URI, as per IETF RFC 3986."; reference "RFC 3986: URI Generic Syntax."; } leaf port { type inet:port-number; description "Corresponds to the port field of the authority component of a URI, as per IETF RFC 3986."; reference "RFC 3986: URI Generic Syntax."; } description "Corresponds to the authority component of a URI, as per IETF RFC 3986."; reference "RFC 3986: URI Generic Syntax."; } leaf path { type string; description "Corresponds to the path component of a URI, as per IETF RFC 3986."; reference "RFC 3986: URI Generic Syntax."; } leaf query { type string; description "Corresponds to the query component of a URI, as per IETF RFC 3986."; reference "RFC 3986: URI Generic Syntax."; } leaf fragment { type string; description "Corresponds to the fragment component of a URI, as per IETF RFC 3986."; reference "RFC 3986: URI Generic Syntax."; } description "Provides components to build a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) where to access the interface end point."; } leaf-list interface-specific-data { type string; description "Provides additional details that are specific to the type of interface considered."; } description "Provide additional data to access the interface endpoint (e.g. API URI prefix)."; } leaf credentials { type string; description "Provides credential enabling access to the interface."; } description "Contains information enabling access to the NFV-MANO interfaces produced by the VNFM (e.g. URIs and credentials)."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section 7.1.12 VnfConfigurableProperties information element"; } container vnfm-oauth-server-info { description "Contains information to enable discovery of the authorization server protecting access to VNFM interfaces."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section 7.1.12 VnfConfigurableProperties information element"; } container vnf-oauth-server-info { description "Contains information to enable discovery of the authorization server to validate the access tokens provided by the VNFM when the VNFM accesses the VNF interfaces, if that functionality (token introspection) is supported by the authorization server."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section 7.1.12 VnfConfigurableProperties information element"; } list additional-configurable-property { key "key"; leaf key { type string; } leaf value { type string; } description "It provides VNF specific configurable properties that can be modified using the ModifyVnfConfiguration operation."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section 7.1.12 VnfConfigurableProperties information element"; } } container modifiable-attributes { description "Describes the modifiable attributes of the VNF."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section 7.1.2 VNFD information element"; leaf-list extension { type string; description "Additional VNF-specific attributes of VnfInfo that affect the lifecycle management of a VNF instance and that are writeable. For each VNF instance, these attributes are stored persistently by the VNFM and can be queried and modified through the VNFM. These attributes are intended to be consumed by the VNFM or by the lifecycle management scripts during the execution of VNF lifecycle management operations. Modifying these values has no direct effect on the VNF instance; however, modified values can be considered during subsequent VNF lifecycle management operations, which means that the modified values can indirectly affect the configuration of the VNF instance."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section 7.1.14 VnfInfoModifiableAttributes information element"; } leaf-list metadata { type string; description "Additional VNF-specific attributes of VnfInfo that are writeable and that provide metadata describing the VNF instance. For each VNF instance, these attributes are stored persistently by the VNFM and can be queried and modified through the VNFM. These attributes are intended to provide information to functional blocks external to the VNFM and will not be used by the VNFM or the VNF lifecycle management scripts when executing lifecycle management operations. Modifying these attributes has no effect on the VNF instance. It only affects the attribute values stored by the VNFM."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section 7.1.14 VnfInfoModifiableAttributes information element"; } } list lifecycle-management-script { key "id"; description "Includes a list of events and corresponding management scripts performed for the VNF."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section 7.1.2 VNFD information element"; leaf id { type string; description "A unique string that identfies the script in question."; } leaf-list event { type union { type internal-lifecycle-management-script-event; type external-lifecycle-management-script-event; } description "Describes VNF lifecycle event(s) or an external stimulus detected on a VNFM reference point. If the event is of type internal-lifecycle-management-script-event, then depending on whether the event is of type start-* or end-*, the script associated with the VNF LCM operation needs to be executed before the event, or after the event, respectively. On the other hand, if the event is of type external-lifecycle-management-script-event, then the script associated with the event needs to be executed for the given VNF LCM operation."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section 7.1.13 LifeCycleManagementScript information element"; } leaf-list lcm-transition-event { type string; description "Describes the transition VNF lifecycle event(s) that cannot be mapped to any of the enumerated values defined for the event attribute."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section 7.1.13 LifeCycleManagementScript information element"; } leaf script { type string; description "Includes a VNF LCM script (e.g. written in a DSL as specified in requirement VNF_PACK.LCM.001) triggered to react to one of the events listed in the event attribute."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section 7.1.13 LifeCycleManagementScript information element"; } leaf script-dsl { type string; description "Defines the domain specific language (i.e. the type) of script that is provided. Types of scripts could include bash, python, etc."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section 7.1.13 LifeCycleManagementScript information element"; } list script-input { key "key"; leaf key { type string; description "Includes a VNF LCM script (e.g. written in a DSL as specified in requirement VNF_PACK.LCM.001) triggered to react to one of the events listed in the event attribute. The string value specified here is a path to a file in the VNF package."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section 7.1.13 LifeCycleManagementScript information element"; } leaf value { type string; } description "Array of KVP requirements with the key as the parameter name and the value as the parameter that need to be passed as an input to the script."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section 7.1.13 LifeCycleManagementScript information element"; } } list element-group { status deprecated; key "id"; description "Describes the associated elements of a VNFD for a certain purpose during VNF lifecycle management. Reason for deprecating this node - Information about which VDU and VLD are involved in scaling is better defined by ScalingDelta."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section 7.1.2 VNFD information element"; leaf id { type string; description "Unique identifier of this group in the VNFD."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section 7.1.4 VnfdElementGroup information element"; } leaf description { type string; description "Human readable description of the group."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section 7.1.4 VnfdElementGroup information element"; } leaf-list vdu { type leafref { path "../../vdu/id"; } description "References to Vdus that are part of this group."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section 7.1.4 VnfdElementGroup information element"; } leaf-list virtual-link-desc { type leafref { path "/nfv:nfv/nfv:vnfd/nfv:int-virtual-link-desc/nfv:id"; } description "References to VnfVirtualLinkDesc that are part of this group."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section 7.1.4 VnfdElementGroup information element"; } } list indicator { key "id"; description "Declares the VNF indicators that are supported by this VNF."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section 7.1.2 VNFD information element"; leaf id { type string; description "Unique identifier"; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section VnfdIndicator information element"; } leaf name { type string; description "The human readable name of the VnfIndicator."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section VnfdIndicator information element"; } leaf-list indicator-value { type string; description "Defines the allowed values or value ranges of this indicator."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section VnfdIndicator information element"; } leaf source { type enumeration { enum "vnf"; enum "em"; enum "both"; } description "Describe the source of the indicator. The possible values are: • VNF. • EM. • Both. This tells the consumer where to send the subscription request."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section VnfdIndicator information element"; } } leaf-list auto-scale { type string; description "Rule that determines when a scaling action needs to be triggered on a VNF instance e.g. based on certain VNF indicator values or VNF indicator value changes or a combination of VNF indicator value(s) and monitoring parameter(s)."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section 7.1.2 VNFD information element"; } list vnf-package-change-info { // IFA011ed332 defines the key as VersionSelector, which is // nothing but a combination of src-vnfd-id, dst-vnfd-id and // src-flavour-id. YANG cannot use a composite as a key, and // therefore the model breaks it out as three elements that // form the key. key "src-vnfd-id dst-vnfd-id src-flavour-id"; leaf src-vnfd-id { type string; description "Identifier of the source VNFD and the source VNF package. Either the srcVnfdId or the dstVnfdId shall be equal to the vnfdId of the VNFD containing this version selector."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section VersionSelector information element"; } leaf dst-vnfd-id { type string; description "Identifier of the destination VNFD and the destination VNF package. Either the srcVnfdId or the dstVnfdId shall be equal to the vnfdId of the VNFD containing this version selector."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section VersionSelector information element"; } leaf src-flavour-id { type string; description "Identifier of the deployment flavour in the source VNF package for which this modification applies. It is up to protocol design stage to decide whether there is further optimization potential to apply one modification for multiple srcFlavourIds."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section VersionSelector information element"; } leaf additional-params-id { type leafref { path "../../df/lcm-operations-configuration/" + "change-current-vnf-package-op-config/id"; } description "References the ChangeCurrentVnfPackageOpConfig information element that defines the valid additional parameters for the change."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section VnfPackageChangeInfo information element"; } leaf-list modification-qualifier { type enumeration { enum "up"; enum "down"; enum "vnf-upgrade"; enum "vnf-update"; enum "vnf-downgrade"; } description "When present, it specifies the type of modification resulting from transitioning from srcVnfdId to dstVnfdId. Values: • UP:indicating that the destination VNF version is newer than the source version, • DOWN:indicating that the destination VNF version is older than the source version. When provided, UP and DOWN values shall always be supported as the first value. In addition, a vendor may specify additional values and provide such values to qualify further the change between the two versions such as VNF_UPGRADE, VNF_UPDATE, VNF_DOWNGRADE, etc."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section VnfPackageChangeInfo information element"; } leaf-list additional-modification-description { type string; description "A VNF provider may define additional information to qualify further the change between the two versions, such as 'VNF upgrade', 'VNF update', 'VNF downgrade', etc."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section VnfPackageChangeInfo information element"; } list component-mapping { key "type"; leaf type { type string; description "The type of component or property. Possible values differentiate whether changes concern to some VNF component (e.g., VDU, internal VLD, etc.) or property (e.g., a Scaling Aspect, etc.)."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section ComponentMapping information element"; } leaf source-desc-id { type string; description "Identifier of the component or property in the source VNFD."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section ComponentMapping information element"; } leaf dst-desc-id { type string; description "Identifier of the component or property in the destination VNFD."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section ComponentMapping information element"; } leaf description { type string; description "Human readable description of the component changes."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section ComponentMapping information element"; } description "Mapping information related to identifiers of components in source VNFD and destination VNFD that concern to the change process."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section VnfPackageChangeInfo information element"; } leaf lcm-script-id { type leafref { path "../../lifecycle-management-script/id"; } description "Reference to a lifecycle management script that is executed as part of this 'change current VNF Package' process."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section VnfPackageChangeInfo information element"; } leaf coordination-action-name { type leafref { path "../../lcm-operations-coordination/coordination-action-name"; } description "Reference to applicable VNF LCM operation coordination actions that can be invoked during a VNF package change as defined by the 'selector' attribute."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section VnfPackageChangeInfo information element"; } leaf dst-flavour-id { type leafref { path "../../df/id"; } description "Identifies the deployment flavour in the destination VNF package for which this change applies. The flavour ID is defined in the destination VNF package."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section VnfPackageChangeInfo information element"; } description "Information used for performing the change of the current VNF Package. More than one VNF Package Change Info construct is possible to cater the possibility that changes of the current VNF Package can be performed for different source VNFDs."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section 7.1.2 VNFD information element"; } list lcm-operations-coordination { key "coordination-action-name"; leaf coordination-action-name { type string; description "Identifies the specific VNF LCM operation coordination action.Shall be unique within the scope of VNFD"; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section VnfLcmOperationCoordination information element"; } leaf description { type string; description "Human readable description of the coordination action."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section VnfLcmOperationCoordination information element"; } leaf endpoint-type { type enumeration { enum "mgmt"; enum "vnf"; } description "Specifies the type of the endpoint exposing the LCM operation coordination such as other operations supporting or management systems (e.g. an EM) or the VNF instance. Values: • MGMT: coordination with other operation supporting management systems • VNF: coordination with the VNF instance."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section VnfLcmOperationCoordination information element"; } leaf coordination-stage { type enumeration { enum "start"; enum "end"; } description "Indicates whether the coordination action is invoked before or after all other changes performed by the VNF LCM operation. Values: • START:the coordination action is invoked after receiving the grant and before the LCM operation performs any other changes. • END:the coordination action is invoked after the LCM operation has performed all other changes. This attribute shall be omitted if the coordination action is intended to be invoked at an intermediate stage of the LCM operation, i.e. neither at the start nor at the end. In this case, the actual instant during the LCM operation when invoking the coordination is determined by means outside the scope of the present document such as VNFM-internal logic or LCM script."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section VnfLcmOperationCoordination information element"; } list input-parameter { key "key"; leaf key { type string; } leaf value { type string; } description "Input parameter needed by the external coordinating entity."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section VnfLcmOperationCoordination information element"; } list output-parameter { key "key"; leaf key { type string; } leaf value { type string; } description "Output parameter provided by the external coordinating entity."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section VnfLcmOperationCoordination information element"; } description "Provides information used for the coordination in VNF LCM operations."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section 7.1.2 VNFD information element"; } } }