submodule etsi-nfv-ns { yang-version 1.1; belongs-to etsi-nfv-descriptors { prefix nfv; } include etsi-nfv-common; include etsi-nfv-vnf; include etsi-nfv-pnf; description "Models for NS according to ETSI GS NFV-IFA 014."; revision 2020-06-10 { description "Version 3.3.1. NSD according to ETSI GS NFV-IFA 014 Release 3."; } revision 2019-10-01 { description "Version 2.7.1. Common data structures to support NSD according to: ETSI GS NFV-IFA 014 Ed271v264."; } revision 2019-04-25 { description "Initial revision Common data structure to support NSD according to: ETSI GS NFV-IFA 014 Ed261v252"; reference "ETSI GS NFV-IFA 014 Ed261v252"; } grouping resource-handle { leaf vim-id { type string; } leaf resource-provider-id { type string; } leaf resource-id { type string; } } grouping ns-local-affinity-or-anti-affinity-rule { list local-affinity-or-anti-affinity-rule { key "type scope"; leaf type { type affinity-type; description "Specifies whether the rule is an affinity rule or an anti-affinity rule."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section, LocalAffinityOrAntiAffinityRule information element."; } leaf scope { type affinity-scope; description "Specifies the scope of the rule, possible values are 'NFVI-PoP', 'NFVI-node' network-link-and-node etc."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section, LocalAffinityOrAntiAffinityRule information element."; } } } grouping nsd { leaf id { type string; description "Identifier of this NSD information element. It Globally uniquely identifies an instance of the NSD."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section Network Service Descriptor information element"; } leaf designer { type string; description "Identifies the designer of the NSD."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section Network Service Descriptor information element"; } leaf version { type string; description "Identifies the version of the NSD."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section Network Service Descriptor information element"; } leaf name { type string; description "Provides the human readable name of the NSD."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section Network Service Descriptor information element"; } leaf invariant-id { type string; description "Identifies an NSD in a version independent manner. This attribute is invariant across versions of the network service descriptor."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section Network Service Descriptor information element"; } leaf-list nested-nsd-id { must ". != ../id"; type leafref { path "../../nsd/id"; } description "References the NSD of a constituent nested NS."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section Network Service Descriptor information element"; } leaf-list vnfd-id { type leafref { path "/nfv:nfv/nfv:vnfd/nfv:id"; } description "References the VNFD of a constituent VNF."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section Network Service Descriptor information element"; } leaf-list pnfd-id { type leafref { path "/nfv:nfv/nfv:pnfd/nfv:id"; } description "References the PNFD of a constituent PNF."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section Network Service Descriptor information element"; } list sapd { key "id"; description "Provides the descriptor of a service access point of the network service."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section Network Service Descriptor information element"; leaf id { type string; description "Identifier of this Cpd information element."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section Cpd information element"; } leaf address-assignment { type boolean; description "Specify whether the SAP address assignment is under the responsibility of management and orchestration functions or not. If it is set to True, management and orchestration functions are responsible for assigning addresses to the access points instantiated from this SAPD."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section Sapd information element"; } choice cpd-or-virtual-link { leaf virtual-link-desc { type leafref { path "../../virtual-link-desc/id"; } description "References the descriptor of the NS VL instance to which the SAP instantiated from this SAPD connects to."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section Sapd information element"; } choice associated-cpd-id { container vnf { leaf vnfd-id { mandatory true; type leafref { path "/nfv:nfv/nfv:vnfd/nfv:id"; } must "boolean(../../../vnfd-id[.=current()])"; } leaf ext-cpd-id { mandatory true; type leafref { path "deref(../vnfd-id)/../nfv:ext-cpd/nfv:id"; } } } container pnf { leaf pnfd-id { mandatory true; type leafref { path "/nfv:nfv/nfv:pnfd/nfv:id"; } must "boolean(../pnfd-id[.=current()])"; } leaf ext-cpd-id { mandatory true; type leafref { path "deref(../pnfd-id)/../nfv:ext-cpd/nfv:id"; } } } container ns { leaf nsd-id { mandatory true; type leafref { path "../../../../nsd/id"; } must "boolean(../nsd-id[.=current()])"; } leaf ext-cpd-id { mandatory true; type leafref { path "deref(../nsd-id)/../sapd/id"; } } } } } } list virtual-link-desc { key "id"; description "Provides the constituent VLDs."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section Network Service Descriptor information element"; leaf id { type string; description "Identifier of the NsVirtualLinkDesc information element. It uniquely identifies a VLD."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section NsVirtualLinkDesc information element"; } uses connectivity-type; list df { key "id"; description "The VirtualLinkDf information element specifies properties for instantiating a VL according to a specific flavour."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section NsVirtualLinkDesc information element"; leaf id { type string; description "Identifies this VirtualLinkDf information element within a VLD."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section VirtualLinkDf information element"; } container qos { presence "VL QoS parameters"; description "The QoS information element specifies quality of service parameters applicable to a VL."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section VirtualLinkDf information element"; leaf latency { mandatory true; type uint32; units "ms"; description "Specifies the maximum latency in ms."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section QoS information element"; } leaf packet-delay-variation { mandatory true; type uint32; units "ms"; description "Specifies the maximum jitter in ms."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section QoS information element"; } leaf packet-loss-ratio { type decimal64 { fraction-digits "2"; range "0..1.00"; } description "Specifies the maximum packet loss ratio."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section QoS information element"; } leaf priority { type uint32; description "Specifies the priority level in case of congestion on the underlying physical links."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section QoS information element"; } } leaf service-availability-level { type uint32; description "If present, specifies the service availability level for the VL instance created from this DF. THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE: Either the serviceAvailabilityLevel attribute of NS DF or the serviceAvailabilityLevel attribute of the VL DF may be provided, but not both."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section VirtualLinkDf information element"; } } leaf test-access { type enumeration { enum none; enum passive-monitoring; enum active; } description "Specifies test access facilities expected on the VL."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section NsVirtualLinkDesc information element"; } leaf description { type string; description "Provides human-readable information on the purpose of the virtual link (e.g. VL for control plane traffic)."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section NsVirtualLinkDesc information element"; } } list vnffgd { key "id"; description "Provides the descriptors of the applicable forwarding graphs."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section Network Service Descriptor information element"; leaf id { type string; description "Identifier of this Vnffgd information element. It uniquely identifies a VNFFGD."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section Vnffgd information element"; } leaf-list vnf-profile-id { type leafref { path "../../df/vnf-profile/id"; } description "References the VnfProfile of a constituent VNF."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section Vnffgd information element"; } leaf-list pnf-profile-id { type leafref { path "../../df/pnf-profile/id"; } description "References the PnfProfile of a constituent PNF."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section Vnffgd information element"; } leaf-list nested-ns-profile-id { type leafref { path "../../df/ns-profile/id"; } description "References the NsProfile of a nestedNS."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section Vnffgd information element"; } leaf virtual-link-profile-id { type leafref { path "../../df/virtual-link-profile/id"; } description "References the Virtual Link Profile of a constituent VL."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section Vnffgd information element"; } list nfp-position-element { key "id"; min-elements 1; leaf id { type string; description "Identifier of this NfpPositionElemen information element. It uniquely identifies an NfpPositionElemen."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section NfpPositionElement information element"; } container desc { choice constituent-base-element-id { mandatory "true"; container vnf-profile { leaf vnf-profile-id { must ". = deref(../../vnfd-profile-id)" { } type leafref { path "../../../../../../nsd/df/vnf-profile/id"; } } } container pnf-profile { leaf pnf-profile-id { must ". = deref(../../pnfd-profile-id)" { } type leafref { path "../../../../../../nsd/df/pnf-profile/id"; } } } container ns-profile { leaf ns-profile-id { must ". = deref(../../ns-profile-id)" { } type leafref { path "../../../../../../nsd/df/ns-profile/id"; } } } description "Reference to the profile of an NS constituent."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section 6.4.8 CpdInConstituentElement information element"; } choice constituent-cpd-id { container vnf { leaf vnfd-id { must ". = deref(../../vnfd-profile-id)/../vnfd-id" { } type leafref { path "/nfv:nfv/nfv:vnfd/nfv:id"; } } leaf cpd-id { type leafref { path "deref(../vnfd-id)/../nfv:ext-cpd/nfv:id"; } } } container pnf { leaf pnfd-id { must ". = deref(../../pnfd-profile-id)/../pnfd-id" { } type leafref { path "/nfv:nfv/nfv:pnfd/nfv:id"; } } leaf pnf-cpd-id { type leafref { path "deref(../pnfd-id)/../nfv:ext-cpd/nfv:id"; } } } container ns { leaf nsd-id { must ". = deref(../../nested-ns-profile-id)/" + "../nsd-id" { } type leafref { path "../../../../../../nsd/id"; } } leaf sap-cpd-id { type leafref { path "deref(../nsd-id)/../sapd/id"; } } } description "References the VNF external CPD for a given VnfProfile, or the PNF external CPD for a given PnfProfile, or a NS SAPD for a given NsProfile identified by the constituentBaseElementId."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section CpdInConstituentElement information element"; } description "Specifies a CPD or SAPD in the context of a profile of an NS constituent element."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section NfpPositionElement information element"; } description "One or a pair of CPDs or SAPDs. These descriptors shall be members of the CpdPool associated to the parent VNFFG."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section NfpPositionDesc information element"; } list nfpd { key "id"; leaf id { type string; description "Identifies this nfpd information element within a VNFFGD."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section Nfpd information element"; } leaf rule { type string; description "Provides an NFP classification and selection rule. The rule may be expressed as a criteria constructed out of atomic assertions linked by Boolean operators AND, OR and NOT."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section Nfpd information element"; } list position-desc { key "id"; min-elements 1; leaf id { type string; description "Identifier of this NfpPositionDesc element."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section NfpPositionDesc information element"; } leaf-list nfp-position-element-id { type leafref { path "../../../nfp-position-element/id"; } description "Reference to one or a pair of CPDs or SAPDs."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section NfpPositionDesc information element"; } leaf forwarding-behaviour { type identityref { base forwarding-behaviour; } description "Identifies a rule to apply to forward traffic to CP or SAP instances corresponding to the referenced CPD(s) and SAPD(s). The minimum list of rules to be supported shall include: • ALL = Traffic flows shall be forwarded simultaneously to all CP or SAP instances created from the referenced CP profile(s). • LB = Traffic flows shall be forwarded to one CP or SAP instance created from the referenced CP profile(s) selected based on a load-balancing algorithm."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section NfpPositionDesc information element"; } leaf forwarding-behavior-input-parameters { type string; description "Provides input parameters to configure the forwarding behaviour (e.g. identifies a load balancing algorithm)."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section NfpPositionDesc information element"; } description "Describes a position in the NFP in terms of one or more CPDs and SAPDs and rules for distributing the traffic among CP and SAP instances created from these CPDs and SAPDs."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section Nfpd information element"; } description "The network forwarding path associated to the VNFFG."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section Vnffgd information element"; } } leaf-list autoscale-rule { type string; } list lifecycle-management-script { key "event"; leaf event { type string; } leaf script { type string; } } list df { min-elements 1; must "default-instantiation-level or " + "count(ns-instantiation-level) = 1" { error-message "default-instantiation-level must be present if there " + "multiple instantion-level"; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section NsDf information element"; } key "id"; description "Identifies a DF within the scope of an NSD."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section Network Service Descriptor information element"; leaf id { type string; description "Identifies this NsDf information element. It identifies a NS DF within the NSD."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section NsDf information element"; } leaf flavour-key { type leafref { path "../monitored-info/id"; } description "Assurance parameter against which this flavour is being described. The key can be a combination of multiple assurance parameters with a logical relationship between them. The parameters should be present as a monitoredInfo attribute in the NSD."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section NsDf information element"; } list vnf-profile { must "min-number-of-instances <= max-number-of-instances"; must "boolean(../../vnfd-id[.=current()/vnfd-id])" { error-message "VNFDs in the profile has to be listed as a " + "dependency of the network service " + "descriptor."; } key "id"; description "VNF profile to be used for the NS flavour."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section NsDf information element"; leaf id { type string; description "Identifier of this vnfProfile information element. It uniquely identifies a VnfProfile."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section VnfProfile information element"; } leaf vnfd-id { mandatory true; type leafref { path "/nfv:nfv/nfv:vnfd/nfv:id"; } description "References a VNFD."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section VnfProfile information element"; } leaf flavour-id { mandatory true; type leafref { path "deref(../vnfd-id)/../nfv:df/nfv:id"; } description "Identifies a flavour within the VNFD."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section VnfProfile information element"; } leaf instantiation-level { mandatory true; type leafref { path "deref(../flavour-id)/../nfv:instantiation-level/" + "nfv:id"; } description "Identifier of the instantiation level of the VNF DF to be used for instantiation. If not present, the default instantiation level as declared in the VNFD shall be used."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section VnfProfile information element"; } leaf min-number-of-instances { default 1; type uint16; description "Minimum number of instances of the VNF based on this VNFD that is permitted to exist for this VnfProfile."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section VnfProfile information element"; } leaf max-number-of-instances { default 1; type uint16; description "Maximum number of instances of the VNF based on this VNFD that is permitted to exist for this VnfProfile."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section VnfProfile information element"; } uses ns-local-affinity-or-anti-affinity-rule; leaf-list affinity-or-anti-affinity-group-id { type leafref { path "../../affinity-or-anti-affinity-group/id"; } description "Identifier(s) of the affinity or anti-affinity group(s) the VnfProfile belongs to."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section VnfProfile information element"; } list virtual-link-connectivity { key "virtual-link-profile-id"; description "Defines the connection information of the VNF, it contains connection relationship between a VNF connection point and a NS Virtual Link."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section VnfProfile information element"; leaf virtual-link-profile-id { type leafref { path "../../../virtual-link-profile/id"; } description "Reference an NS VL profile."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section, NsVirutalLinkConnectivity information element."; } list constituent-cpd-id { key "constituent-base-element-id"; description "Describes a connection point on a VNF/PNF or a SAP which connects to virtual links instantiated from the profile identified in the virtualLinkProfileId attribute."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section 6.3.7 NsVirtualLinkConnectivity information element"; leaf constituent-base-element-id { type leafref { path "../../../id"; } description "Reference to the profile of an NS constituent."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section 6.4.8 CpdInConstituentElement information element"; } leaf constituent-cpd-id { type leafref { path "deref(../../../vnfd-id)/../nfv:ext-cpd/nfv:id"; } description "A reference to the descriptor of a connection point attached to one of the constituent VNFs and PNFs or to the descriptor of a NS SAP."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section CpdPool information element"; } } } leaf service-availability-level { must "not(../../service-availability-level)"; type uint32; description "If present, specifies the service availability level for the VNF instance created from this profile. Either the serviceAvailabilityLevel attribute of NS DF or the serviceAvailabilityLevel attribute of the VnfProfile may be provided, but not both."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section VnfProfile information element"; } } list pnf-profile { key "id"; must "boolean(../../pnfd-id[.=current()/pnfd-id])" { error-message "PNFDs in the profile has to be listed as a " + "dependency of the network service " + "descriptor."; } leaf id { type string; description "Identifier of this PnfProfile information element. It uniquely identifies a PnfProfile."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section PnfProfile information element"; } leaf pnfd-id { type leafref { path "/nfv:nfv/nfv:pnfd/nfv:id"; } description "References a PNFD."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section PnfProfile information element"; } list virtual-link-connectivity { key "virtual-link-profile-id"; description "Defines the connection information of the PNF, it contains connection relationship between a PNF connection point and a NS Virtual Link."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section PnfProfile information element"; leaf virtual-link-profile-id { type leafref { path "../../../virtual-link-profile/id"; } description "Reference an NS VL profile."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section, NsVirutalLinkConnectivity information element."; } list constituent-cpd-id { key "constituent-base-element-id"; description "Describes a connection point on a VNF/PNF or a SAP which connects to virtual links instantiated from the profile identified in the virtualLinkProfileId attribute."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section 6.3.7 NsVirtualLinkConnectivity information element"; leaf constituent-base-element-id { type leafref { path "../../../id"; } description "Reference to the profile of an NS constituent."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section 6.4.8 CpdInConstituentElement information element"; } leaf constituent-cpd-id { type leafref { path "deref(../../../pnfd-id)/../nfv:ext-cpd/nfv:id"; } description "A reference to the descriptor of a connection point attached to one of the constituent VNFs and PNFs or to the descriptor of a NS SAP."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section CpdPool information element"; } } } } list virtual-link-profile { key "id"; description "VL profile to be used for the NS flavour."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section NsDf information element"; leaf id { type string; description "Uniquely identifies this VirtualLinkProfile information element."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section VirtualLinkProfile information element"; } leaf virtual-link-desc-id { mandatory true; type leafref { path "../../../virtual-link-desc/id"; } description "Uniquely references a VLD."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section VirtualLinkProfile information element"; } leaf flavour-id { mandatory true; type leafref { path "deref(../virtual-link-desc-id)/../df/id"; } description "Identifies a flavour within the VLD."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section VirtualLinkProfile information element"; } uses ns-local-affinity-or-anti-affinity-rule; leaf-list affinity-or-anti-affinity-group-id { type leafref { path "../../affinity-or-anti-affinity-group/id"; } description "Identifies an affinity or anti-affinity group the VLs instantiated according to the VlProfile belong to."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section VirtualLinkProfile information element"; } container max-bitrate-requirements { description "Specifies the maximum bitrate requirements for a VL instantiated according to this profile."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section VirtualLinkProfile information element"; uses link-bitrate-requirements; } container min-bitrate-requirements { description "Specifies the minimum bitrate requirements for a VL instantiated according to this profile."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section VirtualLinkProfile information element"; uses link-bitrate-requirements; } } list scaling-aspect { key "id"; description "The scaling aspects supported by this DF of the NS."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section NsDf information element"; leaf id { type string; description "Identifier of this NsScalingAspect information element. It uniquely identifies the NS scaling aspect in an NSD."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section NsScalingAspect information element"; } leaf name { type string; description "Provides a human readable name of the NS scaling aspect."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section NsScalingAspect information element"; } leaf description { type string; description "Provides a human readable description of the NS scaling aspect."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section NsScalingAspect information element"; } leaf scaling-level { type leafref { path "../../ns-instantiation-level/id"; } description "Describes the details of an NS level."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section NsScalingAspect information element"; } } list affinity-or-anti-affinity-group { key "id"; description "Specifies affinity or anti-affinity relationship applicable between the VNF instances created using different VNFDs, the Virtual Link instances created using different NsVirtualLinkDescs or the nested NS instances created using different NSDs in the same affinity or anti-affinity group."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section NsDf information element"; leaf id { type string; description "Identifier of Identifier of this AffinityOrAntiAffinityGroup information element."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section AffinityOrAntiAffinity information element"; } leaf type { mandatory true; type affinity-type; description "Specifies the type of relationship that the members of the group have: 'affinity' or 'anti-affinity.'"; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section AffinityOrAntiAffinity information element"; } leaf scope { mandatory true; type affinity-scope; description "Specifies the scope of the affinity or anti-affinity relationship e.g. a NFVI node, an NFVI PoP, network-link-and-node etc."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section AffinityOrAntiAffinity information element"; } } list ns-instantiation-level { min-elements 1; key "id"; description "Describes the details of an NS level."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section NsDf information element GS NFV IFA014: Section NsScaling information element"; leaf id { type string; description "Identifier of this NsLevel information element. It uniquely identifies an NS level within the DF."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section NsLevel information element"; } leaf description { type string; description "Human readable description of the NS level."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section NsLevel information element"; } list vnf-to-level-mapping { key "vnf-profile-id"; description "Specifies the profile of the VNFs involved in this NS level and, for each of them, the required number of instances."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section NsLevel information element"; leaf vnf-profile-id { type leafref { path "../../../vnf-profile/id"; } description "Identifies the profile to be used for a VNF involved in an NS level."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section VnfToLevelMapping information element"; } leaf number-of-instances { default 1; type uint32; description "Specifies the number of VNF instances required for an NS level."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section VnfToLevelMapping information element"; } } list virtual-link-to-level-mapping { key "virtual-link-profile-id"; description "Specifies the profile of the VLs involved in this NS level and, for each of them, the needed bandwidth."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section NsLevel information element"; leaf virtual-link-profile-id { type leafref { path "../../../virtual-link-profile/id"; } description "Identifies the profile to be used for a VL involved in an NS level."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section VirtualLinkToLevelMapping information element"; } uses link-bitrate-requirements; } list ns-to-level-mapping { key "ns-profile-id"; description "Specifies the profile of the nested NSs involved in this NS level and, for each of them, the required number of instances."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section NsLevel information element"; leaf ns-profile-id { type leafref { path "../../../ns-profile/id"; } description "Identifies the profile to be used for a nested NS involved in the NS level."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section NsToLevel information element"; } leaf number-of-instances { default 1; type uint32; description "Specifies the number of nested NS instances required for the NS scale level."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section NsToLevel information element"; } } must "(count(vnf-to-level-mapping) + " + "count(virtual-link-to-level-mapping) + " + "count(ns-to-level-mapping)) > 0" { error-message "At least one attribute between " + "vnf-to-level-mapping, " + "virtual-link-to-level-mapping and " + "ns-to-level-mapping shall be present."; description "At least one attribute between vnfToLevelMapping, vlirtualLinkToLevelMapping and nsToLevelMapping shall be present."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section NsLevel information element"; } } leaf default-instantiation-level { type leafref { path "../ns-instantiation-level/id"; } description "Identifies the NS level which represents the default NS instantiation level for this DF. It shall be present if there are multiple 'nsIinstantiationLevel' entries."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section NsDf information element"; } container ns-lcm-additional-params { container instantiate { list params { key "key"; leaf key { type string; } leaf value { type string; } description "Array of KVP requirements for additional parameters of NS to be passed when invoking the Instantiate Ns operation."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section InstantiateNsAdditionalParams information element"; } } container scale { list params { key "key"; leaf key { type string; } leaf value { type string; } description "Array of KVP requirements for additional parameters of NS to be passed when invoking the Scale Ns operation."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section ScaleNsAdditionalParams information element"; } } container heal { list params { key "key"; leaf key { type string; } leaf value { type string; } description "Array of KVP requirements for additional parameters of NS to be passed when invoking the Heal Ns operation."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section HealNsAdditionalParams information element"; } } } list ns-profile { must "min-number-of-instances <= max-number-of-instances" { error-message "min-number-of-instances has to be less than or equal" + "max-number-of-instances."; } must "boolean(../../nested-nsd-id[.=current()/nsd-id])" { error-message "PNFDs in the profile has to be listed as a " + "dependency of the network service " + "descriptor."; } key "id"; description "Specifies a NS Profile supported by this NS DF."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section NsDf information element"; leaf id { type string; description "Identifies an NS profile."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section NsProfile information element"; } leaf nsd-id { mandatory true; type leafref { path "../../../../nsd/id"; } description "Identifies the NSD applicable to NS instantiated according to this profile."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section NsProfile information element"; } leaf ns-df-id { mandatory true; type leafref { path "deref(../nsd-id)/../df/id"; } description "Identifies the applicable network service DF within the scope of the NSD."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section NsProfile information element"; } leaf instantiation-level-id { mandatory true; type leafref { path "deref(../ns-df-id)/../ns-instantiation-level/id"; } description "Identifies the NS level within the referenced NS DF to be used in the context of the parent NS instantiation. If not present, the default NS instantiation level as declared in the referenced NSD shall be used."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section NsProfile information element"; } leaf min-number-of-instances { type uint16; default 1; description "Minimum number of nested NS instances based on the referenced NSD that is permitted to exist for this NsProfile."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section NsProfile information element"; } leaf max-number-of-instances { type uint16; default 1; description "Maximum number of nested NS instances based on the referenced NSD that is permitted to exist for this NsProfile."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section NsProfile information element"; } leaf-list affinity-or-anti-affinity-group-id { type leafref { path "../../affinity-or-anti-affinity-group/id"; } description "Identifies an affinity or anti-affinity group the NSs created according to this NsProfile belongs to."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section NsProfile information element"; } list virtual-link-connectivity { key "virtual-link-profile-id"; leaf virtual-link-profile-id { type leafref { path "../../../virtual-link-profile/id"; } description "Reference an NS VL profile."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section, NsVirutalLinkConnectivity information element."; } list constituent-cpd-id { key "constituent-base-element-id"; description "Describes a connection point on a VNF/PNF or a SAP which connects to virtual links instantiated from the profile identified in the virtualLinkProfileId attribute."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section 6.3.7 NsVirtualLinkConnectivity information element"; leaf constituent-base-element-id { type leafref { path "../../../id"; } description "Reference to the profile of an NS constituent."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section 6.4.8 CpdInConstituentElement information element"; } leaf constituent-cpd-id { type leafref { path "deref(../../../nsd-id)/../sapd/id"; } description "A reference to the descriptor of a connection point attached to one of the constituent VNFs and PNFs or to the descriptor of a NS SAP."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section CpdPool information element"; } } } } list dependencies { key "id"; description "Specifies the order in which instances of the VNFs and/or nested NSs have to be created."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section NsDf information element"; leaf id { type string; } choice primary-id { leaf primary-vnf-profile { type leafref { path "../../vnf-profile/vnfd-id"; } } leaf primary-ns-profile { type leafref { path "../../ns-profile/nsd-id"; } } description "References a VnfProfile or NsProfile."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section Dependencies information element"; } choice secondary-id { leaf secondary-vnf-profile { type leafref { path "../../vnf-profile/vnfd-id"; } } leaf secondary-ns-profile { type leafref { path "../../ns-profile/nsd-id"; } } description "References a VnfProfile or NsProfile."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section Dependencies information element"; } } list monitored-info { key "id"; leaf id { type string; } container vnf-indicator-info { leaf vnfd-id { type leafref { path "/nfv:nfv/nfv:vnfd/nfv:id"; } description "Identifies a VNFD."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section VnfIndicatorData information element"; } leaf vnf-indicator { mandatory true; type leafref { path "deref(../vnfd-id)/../nfv:indicator/nfv:id"; } description "Identifies a VNF indicator within the VNFD."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section VnfIndicatorData information element"; } description "Uniquely identifies this VNF Indicator information element."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section MonitoredData information element"; } // monitoringParameter in IFA014 is defined by MonitoredData // whereas monitoringParameter in IFA011 is defined by // MonitoringParameter. container monitoring-parameter { leaf id { type string; description "Unique identifier of this monitoring parameter information element."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section MonitoringParameter information element"; } leaf name { type string; description "Human readable name of the monitoring parameter."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section MonitoringParameter information element"; } leaf performance-metric { mandatory true; type string; description "Defines the virtualised resource-related performance metric."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section MonitoringParameter information element"; } leaf collection-period { type string; description "An attribute that describes the periodicity at which to collect the performance information."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section MonitoringParameter information element"; } } } leaf priority { type uint32; description "Specifies the priority for the NS instance. The allowed range will be reasonably high. The 'zero' value will express the highest priority and the fact that the NS instance based on this DF cannot be pre-empted during resource allocation. Examples for the usage of priority include conflict resolution in case of resource shortage."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section NsDf information element"; } leaf service-availability-level { type uint32; description "If present, specifies the service availability level for the NS instance created from this DF. THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE: Either the serviceAvailabilityLevel attribute of NS DF or the serviceAvailabilityLevel attribute of the NS constituents of the NS may be provided, but not both. When a SAL information is assigned to an NS, this information does not apply to any constituents of type ‘nested NS’."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section NsDf information element"; } } uses security-parameters; } }