openapi: 3.0.2 info: title: SOL003 - VNF Lifecycle Management interface description: | SOL003 - VNF Lifecycle Management interface IMPORTANT: Please note that this file might be not aligned to the current version of the ETSI Group Specification it refers to. In case of discrepancies the published ETSI Group Specification takes precedence. Please report bugs to contact: name: NFV-SOL WG license: name: ETSI Forge copyright notice url: version: "" externalDocs: description: ETSI GS NFV-SOL 003 V3.3.1 url: servers: - url: - url: paths: ############################################################################### # API Versions # ############################################################################### /api_versions: $ref: ../../endpoints/SOL002SOL003_endpoints.yaml#/endpoints/api-versions ############################################################################### # VNF instances # ############################################################################### /vnf_instances: #SOL003 location: 5.4.2 parameters: - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Accept - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Authorization - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Version post: description: | The POST method creates a new VNF instance resource based on a VNF package that is onboarded and in "ENABLED" state. This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and for URI query parameters, request and response data structures, and response codes. As the result of successfully executing this method, a new "Individual VNF instance" resource as defined in clause 5.4.3 shall have been created, and the value of the "instantiationState" attribute in the representation of that resource shall be "NOT_INSTANTIATED". A notification of type VnfIdentifierCreationNotification shall be triggered as part of successfully executing this method as defined in clause When initiating the creation of a VNF instance resource, the passed metadata values can differ from the default values for metadata, if any, declared in the VNFD. The VNFM shall apply the "metadata" attributes in the "CreateVnfRequest" data structure in the payload body to the "metadata" attribute in the "VnfInstance" data structure on top of the default values that were obtained from the VNFD according to the rules of JSON Merge Patch (see IETF RFC 7396). For all metadata keys defined in the VNFD, the VNFM shall ensure that the content of the resulting "metadata" attributes is valid against the data type definitions in the VNFD. The absence of a metadata item that is marked "required" in the VNFD shall not be treated as an error. In case a "metadata" child attribute is not defined in the VNFD, the VNFM shall consider it valid in case it is a valid JSON structure. In case of an error, the operation shall be rejected with a "422 Unprocessable Entity" error. requestBody: $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/CreateVnfRequest' responses: 201: $ref: '#/components/responses/VNFInstances.Post.201' 400: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/400" 401: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/401" 403: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/403" 404: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/404" 405: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/405" 406: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/406" 422: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/422" 500: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/500" 503: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/503" 504: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/504" get: description: | Query VNF. The GET method queries information about multiple VNF instances. parameters: - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/filter - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/all_fields - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/fields - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/exclude_fields - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/exclude_default - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/nextpage_opaque_marker responses: 200: $ref: '#/components/responses/VNFInstances.Get.200' 400: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/400" 401: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/401" 403: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/403" 404: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/404" 405: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/405" 406: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/406" 416: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/416" 500: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/500" 503: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/503" 504: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/504" ############################################################################### # Individual VNF instance # ############################################################################### /vnf_instances/{vnfInstanceId}: #SOL003 location: parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/VnfInstanceId' - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Authorization - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Version get: description: | Query VNF. The GET method retrieves information about a VNF instance by reading an "Individual VNF instance" resource. This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and for URI query parameters, request and response data structures, and response codes. parameters: - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Accept responses: 200: $ref: '#/components/responses/IndividualVnfInstance.Get.200' 400: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/400" 401: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/401" 403: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/403" 404: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/404" 405: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/405" 406: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/406" 416: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/416" 500: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/500" 503: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/503" 504: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/504" patch: #SOL003 location: description: | Modify VNF Information. This method modifies an "Individual VNF instance" resource. Changes to the VNF configurable properties are applied to the configuration in the VNF instance, and are reflected in the representation of this resource. Other changes are applied to the VNF instance information managed by the VNFM, and are reflected in the representation of this resource. This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and for URI query parameters, request and response data structures, and response codes. The steps and conditions that apply as the result of successfully executing this method are specified in clause The VNFM shall apply the "metadata", "extensions" and "vnfConfigurableProperties" attributes in the "VnfInfoModificationRequest" data structure in the payload body to the existing "extensions" and "vnfConfigurableProperties" attributes from the "VnfInstance" data structure according to the rules of JSON Merge Patch (see IETF RFC 7396). The VNFM shall ensure that the content of the child attributes of the resulting "metadata", "extensions" and "vnfConfigurableProperties" attributes is valid against the data types definitions of these child attributes in the VNFD. In case a "metadata" child attribute is not defined in the VNFD, the VNFM shall consider it valid in case it is a valid JSON structure. NOTE: "Extensions" and "vnfConfigurableProperties" child attributes are always declared in the VNFD. If the VNF instance is in the "INSTANTIATED" state, the validation shall also include ensuring the presence of all "extensions" and "vnfConfigurableProperties" child attributes that are marked as "required" in the VNFD. NOTE: This allows to build the set of "extensions" and "vnfConfigurableProperties" incrementally prior VNF instantiation but ensures their completeness for an instantiated VNF instance. The absence of a metadata item that is marked "required" in the VNFD shall not be treated as an error. In case of an error during validation, the operation shall be automatically rolled back, and appropriate error information shall be provided in the "VnfLcmOperationOccurrenceNotification" message and the "VnfLcmOpOcc" data structure. The processing of changes to the "metadata" / "extensions" / "vnfConfigurableProperties" attributes shall be performed in the "PROCESSING" phase of the LCM operation. The change shall be atomic, i.e. the result of intermediate stages shall not be visible in the API. In case of successful completion of the processing and validation, the attributes shall be provided in the "VnfInstance" data structure and the operation shall proceed towards successful completion. requestBody: $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/VnfInfoModificationRequest' responses: 202: $ref: '#/components/responses/IndividualVnfInstance.Patch.202' 400: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/400" 401: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/401" 403: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/403" 404: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/404" 405: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/405" 406: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/406" 409: #description: | #409 CONFLICT #Shall be returned upon the following error: The operation cannot be executed currently, #due to a conflict with the state of the "Individual VNF instance" resource. #Typically, this is due to the fact that another LCM operation is ongoing. $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/409" 412: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/412" 500: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/500" 503: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/503" delete: #SOL003 location: description: | Delete VNF Identifier. This method deletes an "Individual VNF instance" resource. This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and for URI query parameters, request and response data structures, and response codes. As the result of successfully executing this method, the "Individual VNF instance" resource shall not exist any longer. A notification of type "VnfIdentifierDeletionNotification" shall be triggered as part of successfully executing this method as defined in clause responses: 204: $ref: '#/components/responses/IndividualVnfInstance.Delete.204' 400: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/400" 401: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/401" 403: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/403" 404: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/404" 405: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/405" 406: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/406" 409: #description: | #409 CONFLICT #Shall be returned upon the following error: The operation cannot be executed currently, #due to a conflict with the state of the resource. #Typically, this is due to the fact that the "Individual VNF instance" resource is in INSTANTIATED state. $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/409" 412: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/412" 500: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/500" 503: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/503" ############################################################################### # Instantiate VNF task # ############################################################################### /vnf_instances/{vnfInstanceId}/instantiate: #SOL003 location: parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/VnfInstanceId' post: #SOL003 location: description: | Instantiate VNF. The POST method instantiates a VNF instance. This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and for URI query parameters, request and response data structures, and response codes. The steps and conditions that apply as the result of successfully executing this method are specified in clause In addition, once the VNFM has successfully completed the underlying VNF LCM operation occurrence, it shall set the "instantiationState" attribute to the value "INSTANTIATED" and the "vnfState" attribute to the value "STARTED" in the representation of the "Individual VNF instance" resource. When instantiating a VNF instance, the values of the extensions and/or VNF configurable properties passed in the instantiation request can differ from the values in the "VnfInstance" data structure that were initialized from default values, if any, declared in the VNFD. The VNFM shall apply the "extensions" and "vnfConfigurableProperties" attributes in the "InstantiateVnfRequest" data structure in the payload body to the existing "extensions" and "vnfConfigurableProperties" attributes from the "VnfInstance" data structure according to the rules of JSON Merge Patch (see IETF RFC 7396). The VNFM shall ensure that the content of the resulting "extensions" and "vnfConfigurableProperties" attributes is valid against the VNFD (including the presence of all child attributes that are marked as "required" in the VNFD). In case of an error during validation, the operation shall be automatically rolled back, and appropriate error information shall be provided in the "VnfLcmOperationOccurrenceNotification" message and the "VnfLcmOpOcc" data structure. The processing of changes to the "extensions" / "vnfConfigurableProperties" attributes shall be performed in the "STARTING" phase of the LCM operation. The change shall be atomic, i.e. the result of intermediate stages shall not be visible in the API. In case of successful completion of the processing and validation, the attributes shall be provided in the "VnfInstance" data structure and the operation shall proceed to obtain the grant. parameters: - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Accept - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Authorization - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Version requestBody: $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/InstantiateVnfRequest' responses: 202: $ref: '#/components/responses/InstantiateVnfInstance.Post.202' 400: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/400" 401: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/401" 403: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/403" 404: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/404" 405: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/405" 406: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/406" 409: #description: | #409 CONFLICT #Shall be returned upon the following error: The operation cannot be executed currently, #due to a conflict with the state of the resource. #Typically, this is due to the fact that the "Individual VNF instance" resource is in INSTANTIATED state, #or that a required child attribute of the "extensions" attribute has not been set. #Those attributes are marked as "required" in the VNFD. $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/409" 416: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/416" 500: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/500" 503: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/503" 504: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/504" ############################################################################### # Scale VNF task # ############################################################################### /vnf_instances/{vnfInstanceId}/scale: #SOL003 location: parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/VnfInstanceId' post: #SOL003 location: description: | Scale VNF. The POST method requests to scale a VNF instance resource incrementally. This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and for URI query parameters, request and response data structures, and response codes. The steps and conditions that apply as the result of successfully executing this method are specified in clause In addition, once the VNFM has successfully completed the underlying VNF LCM operation occurrence, it shall reflect the result of scaling the VNF instance by updating the "scaleStatus" attribute in the representation of the "Individual VNF instance" resource. parameters: - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Accept - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Authorization - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Version requestBody: $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/ScaleVnfRequest' responses: 202: $ref: '#/components/responses/ScaleVnfInstance.Post.202' 400: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/400" 401: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/401" 403: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/403" 404: #description: | #404 NOT FOUND #Shall be returned upon the following error: The API producer did not find a current representation #for the target resource or is not willing to disclose that one exists. #The general cause for this error and its handling is specified in clause 6.4 of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013, #including rules for the presence of the response body. #Specifically in case of this task resource, the response code 404 shall also returned if #the task is not supported for the VNF instance represented by the parent resource, which means that the #task resource consequently does not exist. $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/404" 405: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/405" 406: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/406" 409: #description: | #409 CONFLICT #Shall be returned upon the following error: The operation cannot be executed currently, #due to a conflict with the state of the resource. #Typically, this is due to the fact that the "Individual VNF instance" resource is in #NOT_INSTANTIATED state, or that another lifecycle management operation is ongoing, or that #a required child attribute of the "extensions" attribute has not been set. #Those attributes are marked as "required" in the VNFD. $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/409" 500: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/500" 503: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/503" 504: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/504" ############################################################################### # Scale VNF to Level task # ############################################################################### /vnf_instances/{vnfInstanceId}/scale_to_level: #SOL003 location: parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/VnfInstanceId' post: #SOL003 location: description: | Scale VNF to Level. The POST method requests to scale a VNF instance resource to a target level. This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and for URI query parameters, request and response data structures, and response codes. The steps and conditions that apply as the result of successfully executing this method are specified in clause In addition, once the VNFM has successfully completed the underlying VNF LCM operation occurrence, it shall reflect the result of scaling the VNF instance by updating the "scaleStatus" attribute in the representation of the "Individual VNF instance" resource. parameters: - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Accept - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Authorization - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Version requestBody: $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/ScaleVnfToLevelRequest' responses: 202: $ref: '#/components/responses/ScaleToLevelVnfInstance.Post.202' 400: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/400" 401: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/401" 403: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/403" 404: #description: | #404 NOT FOUND #Shall be returned upon the following error: The API producer did not find a current representation #for the target resource or is not willing to disclose that one exists. #The general cause for this error and its handling is specified in clause 6.4 of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013, #including rules for the presence of the response body. #Specifically in case of this task resource, the response code 404 shall also returned if the task #is not supported for the VNF instance represented by the parent resource, which means that the task resource #consequently does not exist. $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/404" 405: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/405" 406: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/406" 409: #description: | #409 CONFLICT #Shall be returned upon the following error: The operation cannot be executed currently, #due to a conflict with the state of the resource. #Typically, this is due to the fact that the VNF instance resource is in NOT_INSTANTIATED state, #that another lifecycle management operation is ongoing, or that a required child attribute of #the "extensions" attribute has not been set. #Those attributes are marked as "required" in the VNFD. $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/409" 500: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/500" 503: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/503" 504: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/504" ############################################################################### # Change VNF Flavour task # ############################################################################### /vnf_instances/{vnfInstanceId}/change_flavour: #SOL003 location: parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/VnfInstanceId' post: description: | Change VNF Flavour. This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and for URI query parameters, request and response data structures, and response codes. The steps and conditions that apply as the result of successfully executing this method are specified in clause In addition, once the VNFM has successfully completed the underlying VNF LCM operation occurrence, it shall set the "flavourId" attribute in the representation of the "Individual VNF instance" resource to the value of the "newFlavourId" attribute passed in the "ChangeVnfFlavourRequest" data in the POST request. When initiating a change of the current VNF flavour, the values of the extensions and/or VNF configurable properties, can differ between the new flavour and the old flavour of the VNF instance. The VNFM shall apply the "extensions" and "vnfConfigurableProperties" attributes in the "ChangeVnfFlavourRequest" data structure in the payload body to the existing "extensions" and "vnfConfigurableProperties" attributes from the "VnfInstance" data structure according to the rules of JSON Merge Patch (see IETF RFC 7396). The VNFM shall ensure that the content of the resulting "extensions" and "vnfConfigurableProperties" attributes is valid against the VNFD (which includes ensuring the presence of all child attributes that are marked as "required" in the VNFD). In case of an error, the operation shall be automatically rolled back, and appropriate error information shall be provided in the "VnfLcmOperationOccurrenceNotification" message and the "VnfLcmOpOcc" data structure. The processing of changes to the "extensions" / "vnfConfigurableProperties" attributes shall be performed in the "STARTING" phase of the LCM operation. The change shall be atomic, i.e. the result of intermediate stages shall not be visible in the API. In case of successful completion of the processing and validation, the attributes shall be provided in the "VnfInstance" data structure and the operation shall proceed to obtain the grant. parameters: - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Accept - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Authorization - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Version requestBody: $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/ChangeVnfFlavourRequest' responses: 202: $ref: '#/components/responses/ChangeFlavourVnfInstance.Post.202' 400: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/400" 401: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/401" 403: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/403" 404: #description: | #404 NOT FOUND #Shall be returned upon the following error: The API producer did not find a current representation #for the target resource or is not willing to disclose that one exists. #The general cause for this error and its handling is specified in clause 6.4 of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013, #including rules for the presence of the response body. #Specifically in case of this task resource, the response code 404 shall also returned if the task #is not supported for the VNF instance represented by the parent resource, which means that the task resource #consequently does not exist. $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/404" 405: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/405" 406: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/406" 409: #description: | #409 CONFLICT #Shall be returned upon the following error: The operation cannot be executed currently, #due to a conflict with the state of the resource. #Typically, this is due to the fact that the VNF instance resource is in NOT_INSTANTIATED state, #that another lifecycle management operation is ongoing, or that a required child attribute of #the "extensions" attribute has not been set. #Those attributes are marked as "required" in the VNFD. $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/409" 500: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/500" 503: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/503" 504: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/504" ############################################################################### # Terminate VNF task # ############################################################################### /vnf_instances/{vnfInstanceId}/terminate: #SOL003 location: parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/VnfInstanceId' post: description: | Terminate VNF. The POST method triggers the VNFM to terminate a VNF instance and to request to the VIM the release of its used virtualised resources. This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and for URI query parameters, request and response data structures, and response codes. The steps and conditions that apply as the result of successfully executing this method are specified in clause In addition, once the VNFM has successfully completed the underlying VNF LCM operation occurrence, it shall set the "instantiationState" attribute in the representation of the "Individual VNF instance" resource to the value "NOT_INSTANTIATED". parameters: - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Accept - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Authorization - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Version requestBody: $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/TerminateVnfRequest' responses: 202: $ref: '#/components/responses/TerminateVnfInstance.Post.202' 400: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/400" 401: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/401" 403: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/403" 404: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/404" 405: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/405" 406: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/406" 409: #description: | #409 CONFLICT #Shall be returned upon the following error: The operation cannot be executed currently, #due to a conflict with the state of the resource. #Typically, this is due to the fact that the VNF instance resource is in NOT_INSTANTIATED state, #that another lifecycle management operation is ongoing, or that a required child attribute of #the "extensions" attribute has not been set. #Those attributes are marked as "required" in the VNFD. $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/409" 500: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/500" 503: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/503" 504: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/504" ############################################################################### # Heal VNF task # ############################################################################### /vnf_instances/{vnfInstanceId}/heal: #SOL003 location: parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/VnfInstanceId' post: description: | Heal VNF. The POST method requests to heal a VNF instance. This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and for URI query parameters, request and response data structures, and response codes. The steps and conditions that apply as the result of successfully executing this method are specified in clause parameters: - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Accept - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Authorization - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Version requestBody: $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/HealVnfRequest' responses: 202: $ref: '#/components/responses/HealVnfInstance.Post.202' 400: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/400" 401: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/401" 403: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/403" 404: #description: | #404 NOT FOUND #Shall be returned upon the following error: The API producer did not find a current representation #for the target resource or is not willing to disclose that one exists. #The general cause for this error and its handling is specified in clause 6.4 of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013, #including rules for the presence of the response body. #Specifically in case of this task resource, the response code 404 shall also returned if the task is #not supported for the VNF instance represented by the parent resource, which means that the task resource #consequently does not exist. $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/404" 405: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/405" 406: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/406" 409: #description: | #409 CONFLICT #Shall be returned upon the following error: The operation cannot be executed currently, #due to a conflict with the state of the resource. #Typically, this is due to the fact that the VNF instance resource is in NOT_INSTANTIATED state, #that another lifecycle management operation is ongoing, or that a required child attribute of #the "extensions" attribute has not been set. #Those attributes are marked as "required" in the VNFD. $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/409" 500: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/500" 503: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/503" 504: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/504" ############################################################################### # Operate VNF task # ############################################################################### /vnf_instances/{vnfInstanceId}/operate: #SOL003 location: parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/VnfInstanceId' post: description: | Operate VNF. The POST method changes the operational state of a VNF instance resource. This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and for URI query parameters, request and response data structures, and response codes. The steps and conditions that apply as the result of successfully executing this method are specified in clause In addition, once the VNFM has successfully completed the underlying VNF LCM operation occurrence, it shall set the "vnfState" attribute in the representation of the "Individual VNF instance" resource to the value of the "changeStateTo" attribute passed in the "OperateVnfRequest" data in the POST request. parameters: - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Accept - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Authorization - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Version requestBody: $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/OperateVnfRequest' responses: 202: $ref: '#/components/responses/OperateVnfInstance.Post.202' 400: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/400" 401: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/401" 403: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/403" 404: #description: | #404 NOT FOUND #Shall be returned upon the following error: The API producer did not find a current representation #for the target resource or is not willing to disclose that one exists. #The general cause for this error and its handling is specified in clause 6.4 of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013, #including rules for the presence of the response body. #Specifically in case of this task resource, the response code 404 shall also returned if the task is #not supported for the VNF instance represented by the parent resource, which means that the task resource #consequently does not exist. $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/404" 405: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/405" 406: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/406" 409: #description: | #409 CONFLICT #Shall be returned upon the following error: The operation cannot be executed currently, #due to a conflict with the state of the resource. #Typically, this is due to the fact that the VNF instance resource is in NOT_INSTANTIATED state, #that another lifecycle management operation is ongoing, or that a required child attribute of #the "extensions" attribute has not been set. #Those attributes are marked as "required" in the VNFD. $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/409" 500: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/500" 503: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/503" 504: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/504" ############################################################################### # Change external VNF connectivity task # ############################################################################### /vnf_instances/{vnfInstanceId}/change_ext_conn: #SOL003 location: parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/VnfInstanceId' post: description: | Change External VNF Connectivity. The POST method changes the external connectivity of a VNF instance. This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and for URI query parameters, request and response data structures, and response codes. The steps and conditions that apply as the result of successfully executing this method are specified in clause parameters: - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Accept - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Authorization - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Version requestBody: $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/ChangeExtVnfConnectivityRequest' responses: 202: $ref: '#/components/responses/ChangeExtConnVnfInstance.Post.202' 400: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/400" 401: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/401" 403: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/403" 404: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/404" 405: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/405" 406: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/406" 409: #description: | #409 CONFLICT #Shall be returned upon the following error: The operation cannot be executed currently, #due to a conflict with the state of the resource. #Typically, this is due to the fact that another lifecycle management operation is ongoing, #or that a required child attribute of the "extensions" attribute has not been set. #Those attributes are marked as "required" in the VNFD. $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/409" 500: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/500" 503: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/503" 504: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/504" ############################################################################### # Change current VNF package task # ############################################################################### /vnf_instances/{vnfInstanceId}/change_vnfpkg: #SOL003 location: 5.4.11a.2 parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/VnfInstanceId' post: description: | The POST method changes the current VNF package on which the VNF instance is based. This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables 5.4.11a.3.1-1 and 5.4.11a.3.1-2 for URI query parameters, request and response data structures, and response codes. The steps and conditions that apply as the result of successfully executing this method are specified in clause During a change of the current VNF package, the allowed and required extensions and/or VNF configurable properties and their data types, as well as the metadata data types, can differ between the source and the destination VNFD. parameters: - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Accept - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Authorization - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Version requestBody: $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/ChangeCurrentVnfPkgRequest' responses: 202: $ref: '#/components/responses/ChangeVnfpkgVnfInstance.Post.202' 400: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/400" 401: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/401" 403: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/403" 404: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/404" 405: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/405" 406: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/406" 409: #description: | #409 CONFLICT #Shall be returned upon the following error: The operation cannot be executed currently, #due to a conflict with the state of the resource. #Typically, this is due to the fact that another lifecycle management operation is ongoing, #or that a required child attribute of the "extensions" attribute has not been set. #Those attributes are marked as "required" in the VNFD. $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/409" 500: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/500" 503: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/503" 504: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/504" ############################################################################### # VNF LCM operation occurrences # ############################################################################### /vnf_lcm_op_occs: #SOL003 location: 5.4.12 get: description: | Get Operation Status. The API consumer can use this method to query status information about multiple VNF lifecycle management operation occurrences. This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and for URI query parameters, request and response data structures, and response codes. parameters: - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Accept - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Authorization - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/filter - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/all_fields - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/fields - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/exclude_fields - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/exclude_default - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/nextpage_opaque_marker - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Version responses: 200: $ref: '#/components/responses/VnfLcmOpOccs.Get.200' 400: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/400" 401: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/401" 403: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/403" 404: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/404" 405: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/405" 406: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/406" 500: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/500" 503: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/503" 504: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/504" ############################################################################### # Individual VNF LCM operation occurrence # ############################################################################### /vnf_lcm_op_occs/{vnfLcmOpOccId}: #SOL003 location: 5.4.13 parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/VnfLcmOpOccId' get: description: | Get Operation Status. The API consumer can use this method to retrieve status information about a VNF lifecycle management operation occurrence by reading an "Individual VNF LCM operation occurrence" resource. This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and for URI query parameters, request and response data structures, and response codes. parameters: - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Accept - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Authorization - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Version responses: 200: $ref: '#/components/responses/IndividualVnfLcmOpOcc.Get.200' 400: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/400" 401: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/401" 403: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/403" 404: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/404" 405: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/405" 406: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/406" 500: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/500" 503: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/503" 504: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/504" ############################################################################### # Retry operation task # ############################################################################### /vnf_lcm_op_occs/{vnfLcmOpOccId}/retry: #SOL003 location: 5.4.14 parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/VnfLcmOpOccId' post: description: | The POST method initiates retrying a VNF lifecycle operation if that operation has experienced a temporary failure, i.e. the related "Individual VNF LCM operation occurrence" resource is in "FAILED_TEMP" state. This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and for URI query parameters, request and response data structures, and response codes. In case of success of processing the asynchronous request, the "operationState" attribute in the representation of the parent resource shall be changed to "PROCESSING" and the applicable "start" notification according to clause shall be emitted to indicate that the underlying VNF LCM operation occurrence proceeds. parameters: - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Authorization - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Version responses: 202: $ref: '#/components/responses/RetryVnfLcmOpOcc.Post.202' 400: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/400" 401: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/401" 403: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/403" 404: #description: | #404 NOT FOUND #Shall be returned upon the following error: The API producer did not find a current representation #for the target resource or is not willing to disclose that one exists. #The general cause for this error and its handling is specified in clause 6.4 of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013, #including rules for the presence of the response body. #Specifically in case of this task resource, the response code 404 shall also be returned if the task #is not supported for the VNF LCM operation occurrence represented by the parent resource, #which means that the task resource consequently does not exist. $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/404" 405: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/405" 406: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/406" 409: #description: | #409 CONFLICT #Shall be returned upon the following error: The operation cannot be executed currently, #due to a conflict with the state of the VNF LCM operation occurrence. #Typically, this is due to the fact that the VNF LCM operation occurrence is not in FAILED_TEMP state, #or another error handling action is starting, such as rollback or fail. $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/409" 500: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/500" 503: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/503" 504: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/504" ############################################################################### # Rollback operation task # ############################################################################### /vnf_lcm_op_occs/{vnfLcmOpOccId}/rollback: #SOL003 location: 5.4.15 parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/VnfLcmOpOccId' post: description: | The POST method initiates rolling back a VNF lifecycle operation if that operation has experienced a temporary failure, i.e. the related "Individual VNF LCM operation occurrence" resource is in "FAILED_TEMP" state. In case of rolling back an occurrence of the "InstantiateVnf" operation, the VNFM shall request to the VIM the release of the virtualised resources that were allocated for the related VNF instance. The "rollback" task shall be supported by the VNFM for any VNF LCM operation occurrence that represents an "InstantiateVnf" operation in FAILED_TEMP state. This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and for URI query parameters, request and response data structures, and response codes. In case of success of processing the asynchronous request, the "operationState" attribute in the representation of the parent resource shall be changed to "ROLLING_BACK" and the applicable "start" notification according to clause shall be emitted to indicate that rollback of the underlying VNF LCM operation occurrence is attempted. parameters: - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Authorization - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Version responses: 202: $ref: '#/components/responses/RollbackVnfLcmOpOcc.Post.202' 400: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/400" 401: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/401" 403: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/403" 404: #description: | #404 NOT FOUND #Shall be returned upon the following error: The API producer did not find a current representation #for the target resource or is not willing to disclose that one exists. #The general cause for this error and its handling is specified in clause 6.4 of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013, #including rules for the presence of the response body. #Specifically in case of this task resource, the response code 404 shall also be returned if the task #is not supported for the VNF LCM operation occurrence represented by the parent resource, #which means that the task resource consequently does not exist. $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/404" 405: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/405" 406: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/406" 409: #description: | #409 CONFLICT #Shall be returned upon the following error: The operation cannot be executed currently, #due to a conflict with the state of the VNF LCM operation occurrence. #Typically, this is due to the fact that the VNF LCM operation occurrence is not in FAILED_TEMP state, #or another error handling action is starting, such as rollback or fail. $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/409" 500: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/500" 503: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/503" 504: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/504" ############################################################################### # Fail operation task # ############################################################################### /vnf_lcm_op_occs/{vnfLcmOpOccId}/fail: #SOL003 location: 5.4.16 parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/VnfLcmOpOccId' post: description: | The POST method marks a VNF lifecycle management operation occurrence as "finally failed" if that operation occurrence is in "FAILED_TEMP" state. This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and for URI query parameters, request and response data structures, and response codes. In case of success, the "operationState" attribute in the representation of the parent resource shall be changed to "FAILED" and the applicable "result" notification according to clause shall be emitted to indicate that the execution of the underlying VNF LCM operation occurrence has finally and unrecoverably failed. parameters: - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Accept - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Authorization - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Version responses: 200: $ref: '#/components/responses/FailVnfLcmOpOcc.Post.200' 400: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/400" 401: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/401" 403: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/403" 404: #description: | #404 NOT FOUND #Shall be returned upon the following error: The API producer did not find a current representation #for the target resource or is not willing to disclose that one exists. #The general cause for this error and its handling is specified in clause 6.4 of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013, #including rules for the presence of the response body. #Specifically in case of this task resource, the response code 404 shall also returned if the task #is not supported for the VNF LCM operation occurrence represented by the parent resource, which means #that the task resource consequently does not exist. $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/404" 405: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/405" 406: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/406" 409: #description: | #409 CONFLICT #Shall be returned upon the following error: The operation cannot be executed currently, due to a conflict #with the state of the VNF LCM operation occurrence. #Typically, this is due to the fact that the VNF LCM operation occurrence is not in FAILED_TEMP state, #or another error handling action is starting, such as retry or rollback. $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/409" 500: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/500" 503: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/503" 504: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/504" ############################################################################### # Cancel operation task # ############################################################################### /vnf_lcm_op_occs/{vnfLcmOpOccId}/cancel: #SOL003 location: 5.4.17 parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/VnfLcmOpOccId' post: description: | The POST method initiates cancelling an ongoing VNF lifecycle operation while it is being executed or rolled back, i.e. the related "Individual VNF LCM operation occurrence" resource is either in "STARTING" or "PROCESSING" or "ROLLING_BACK" state. This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and for URI query parameters, request and response data structures, and response codes. Before returning the "202 Accepted" response, the VNFM shall update the "isCancelPending" and "cancelMode" attributes in the representation of the parent resource according to the provisions in clause In case of success of processing the asynchronous request: 1) If the request has been processed in "STARTING" state, the "operationState" attribute in the representation of the parent resource shall be changed to "ROLLED_BACK". 2) If the request has been processed in "PROCESSING" or "ROLLING_BACK" state, the "operationState" attribute in the representation of the parent resource shall be changed to "FAILED_TEMP". In both cases, the VNFM shall update the "isCancelPending" and "cancelMode" attributes in the representation of the parent resource according to the provisions in clause to reflect the new status, and the applicable "result" notification according to clause shall be emitted to indicate that the execution of the underlying VNF LCM operation occurrence has temporarily failed. Due to race conditions, the processing of the actual operation that is to be cancelled may eventually still succeed, in which case the "operationState" attribute in the representation of the parent resource shall represent the result of that operation, rather than the result of the cancellation. parameters: - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Authorization - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Version responses: 202: $ref: '#/components/responses/CancelVnfLcmOpOcc.Post.202' 400: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/400" 401: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/401" 403: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/403" 404: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/404" 405: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/405" 406: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/406" 409: #description: | #409 CONFLICT #Shall be returned upon the following error: The operation cannot be executed currently, #due to a conflict with the state of the VNF LCM operation occurrence. #Typically, this is due to the fact that the operation occurrence is not in STARTING, #PROCESSING or ROLLING_BACK state. $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/409" 500: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/500" 503: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/503" 504: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/504" ############################################################################### # Subscriptions # ############################################################################### /subscriptions: #SOL003 location: 5.4.18 parameters: - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Accept - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Authorization - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Version post: description: | Subscribe. The POST method creates a new subscription. This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and for URI query parameters, request and response data structures, and response codes. As the result of successfully executing this method, a new "Individual subscription" resource as defined in clause 5.4.3 shall have been created. This method shall not trigger any notification. Creation of two "Individual subscription" resources with the same callback URI and the same filter can result in performance degradation and will provide duplicates of notifications to the NFVO, and might make sense only in very rare use cases. Consequently, the VNFM may either allow creating an "Individual subscription" resource if another "Individual subscription" resource with the same filter and callback URI already exists (in which case it shall return the "201 Created" response code), or may decide to not create a duplicate "Individual subscription" resource (in which case it shall return a "303 See Other" response code referencing the existing "Individual subscription" resource with the same filter and callback URI). requestBody: $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/LccnSubscriptionRequest' responses: 201: $ref: '#/components/responses/Subscriptions.Post.201' 303: #description: | #303 SEE OTHER #Shall be returned if a subscription with the same callback URI and the same filter already exists #and the policy of the VNFM is to not create redundant subscriptions. #The HTTP response shall include a "Location" HTTP header that contains the resource URI of the existing #"Individual subscription" resource. #The response body shall be empty. $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/303" 400: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/400" 401: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/401" 403: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/403" 404: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/405" 405: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/404" 406: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/406" 422: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/422" 500: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/500" 503: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/503" 504: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/504" get: description: | Query Subscription Information. The GET method queries the list of active subscriptions of the functional block that invokes the method. It can be used e.g. for resynchronization after error situations. parameters: - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/filter - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/nextpage_opaque_marker responses: 200: $ref: '#/components/responses/Subscriptions.Get.200' 400: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/400" 401: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/401" 403: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/403" 404: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/404" 405: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/405" 406: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/406" 500: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/500" 503: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/503" 504: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/504" ############################################################################### # Individual subscription # ############################################################################### /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}: #SOL003 location: 5.4.19 parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/SubscriptionId' - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Authorization - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Version get: description: | Query Subscription Information. The GET method retrieves information about a subscription by reading an "Individual subscription" resource. This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and for URI query parameters, request and response data structures, and response codes. parameters: - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Accept responses: 200: $ref: '#/components/responses/IndividualSubscription.Get.200' 400: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/400" 401: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/401" 403: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/403" 404: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/404" 405: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/405" 406: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/406" 500: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/500" 503: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/503" 504: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/504" delete: description: | Terminate Subscription. The DELETE method terminates an individual subscription. This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and for URI query parameters, request and response data structures, and response codes. As the result of successfully executing this method, the "Individual subscription" resource shall not exist any longer. This means that no notifications for that subscription shall be sent to the formerly-subscribed API consumer. NOTE: Due to race conditions, some notifications might still be received by the formerly-subscribed API consumer for a certain time period after the deletion. responses: 204: $ref: '#/components/responses/IndividualSubscription.Delete.204' 400: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/400" 401: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/401" 403: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/403" 404: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/404" 405: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/405" 406: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/406" 500: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/500" 503: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/503" 504: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/504" ############################################################################### # Create VNF snapshot task # ############################################################################### /vnf_instances/{vnfInstanceId}/create_snapshot: #SOL003 location: parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/VnfInstanceId' post: description: | The POST method requests taking a snapshot a VNF instance and populating a previously created VNF snapshot resource (refer to clause with the snapshot content. The steps and conditions that apply as the result of successfully executing this method are specified in clause In addition, once the VNFM has successfully completed the underlying VNF LCM operation occurrence, it shall reflect the result of the VNF snapshot creation by updating the corresponding "Individual VNF snapshot" resource indicated by the "vnfSnapshotInfoId" attribute of the "CreateVnfSnapshotRequest" that is included in the payload body of the request. This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and for URI query parameters, request and response data structures, and response codes. parameters: - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Accept - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Authorization - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Version requestBody: $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/CreateVnfSnapshotRequest' responses: 202: $ref: '#/components/responses/CreateVnfSnapshotTask.Post.202' 400: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/400" 401: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/401" 403: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/403" 404: #description: | #404 NOT FOUND #Shall be returned upon the following error: The API producer did not find a current representation #for the target resource or is not willing to disclose that one exists. #The general cause for this error and its handling is specified in clause 6.4 of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013, #including rules for the presence of the response body. #Specifically in case of this task resource, the response code 404 shall also be returned if the task #is not supported for the VNF instance represented by the parent resource, which means that the task #resource consequently does not exist. #In this case, the response body shall be present, and shall contain a ProblemDetails structure, in #which the "detail" attribute shall convey more information about the error. $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/404" 405: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/405" 406: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/406" 409: #description: | #409 CONFLICT #Shall be returned upon the following error: The operation cannot be executed currently, #due to a conflict with the state of the resource. #Typically, this is due to the fact that the VNF instance resource is in NOT_INSTANTIATED #state, or that another lifecycle management operation is ongoing. #The response body shall contain a ProblemDetails structure, in which the "detail" attribute #shall convey more information about the error. $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/409" 422: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/422" 500: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/500" 503: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/503" 504: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/504" ############################################################################### # Revert to VNF snapshot task # ############################################################################### /vnf_instances/{vnfInstanceId}/revert_to_snapshot: #SOL003 location: parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/VnfInstanceId' post: description: | The POST method requests reverting a VNF instance to a VNF snapshot. This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and for URI query parameters, request and response data structures, and response codes. parameters: - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Accept - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Authorization - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Version requestBody: $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/RevertToVnfSnapshotRequest' responses: 202: $ref: '#/components/responses/RevertToVnfSnapshotTask.Post.202' 400: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/400" 401: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/401" 403: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/403" 404: #description: | #404 NOT FOUND #Shall be returned upon the following error: The API producer did not find a current representation #for the target resource or is not willing to disclose that one exists. #The general cause for this error and its handling is specified in clause 6.4 of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013, #including rules for the presence of the response body. #Specifically in case of this task resource, the response code 404 shall also be returned if the task #is not supported for the VNF instance represented by the parent resource, which means that the task #resource consequently does not exist. #In this case, the response body shall be present, and shall contain a ProblemDetails structure, in #which the "detail" attribute shall convey more information about the error. $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/404" 405: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/405" 406: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/406" 409: #description: | #409 CONFLICT #Shall be returned upon the following error: The operation cannot be executed currently, #due to a conflict with the state of the resource. #Typically, this is due to the fact that the VNF instance resource is in NOT_INSTANTIATED #state, or that another lifecycle management operation is ongoing. #The response body shall contain a ProblemDetails structure, in which the "detail" attribute #shall convey more information about the error. $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/409" 500: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/500" 503: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/503" 504: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/504" ############################################################################### # VNF snapshots # ############################################################################### /vnf_snapshots: #SOL003 location: parameters: - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Accept - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Authorization - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Version post: description: | The POST method creates a new "Individual VNF snapshot" resource. As a result of successfully executing this method, a new "Individual VNF snapshot" resource as defined in clause 5.4.24 shall have been created. The creation of an "Individual VNF snapshot" resource can be performed for two reasons: - To create an "Individual VNF snapshot" resources that can later be populated by a new VNF snapshot taken from a VNF instance (refer to clause - To create an "Individual VNF snapshot" resource that can be populated with information gathered from a VNF snapshot package extraction. In this case, the API consumer indicates the source of the VNF snapshot package in the payload body of the POST request to the present resource. In the second case, for a successful execution of the operation, the values in the "VnfSnapshotInfo" data structure representing the "Individual VNF snapshot" resource shall be applied as follows: - If the request (refer to clause includes the "vnfSnapshot" attribute, the VNFM shall apply the "VnfSnapshotInfo" with such provided information. - If the request (refer to clause does not include the "vnfSnapshot" attribute, the VNFM shall first fetch the VNF snapshot record from the source VNF snapshot package signalled by the "vnfSnapshotPkgId" attribute in the request and then apply the "VnfSnapshotInfo" from the fetched VNF snapshot record. This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and for URI query parameters, request and response data structures, and response codes. requestBody: $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/CreateVnfSnapshotInfoRequest' responses: 201: $ref: '#/components/responses/VnfSnapshots.Post.201' 400: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/400" 401: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/401" 403: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/403" 404: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/404" 405: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/405" 406: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/406" 409: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/409" 500: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/500" 503: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/503" 504: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/504" get: description: > The GET method queries information about multiple VNF snapshots. This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and for URI query parameters, request and response data structures, and response codes. parameters: - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/filter - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/all_fields - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/fields - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/exclude_fields - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/exclude_default - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/nextpage_opaque_marker responses: 200: $ref: '#/components/responses/VnfSnapshots.Get.200' 400: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/400" 401: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/401" 403: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/403" 404: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/404" 405: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/405" 406: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/406" 416: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/416" 500: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/500" 503: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/503" 504: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/504" ############################################################################### # Individual VNF snapshot # ############################################################################### /vnf_snapshots/{vnfSnapshotInfoId}: #SOL003 location: parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/VnfSnapshotInfoId' - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Authorization - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Version get: #SOL003 location: description: | The GET method retrieves information about a VNF snapshot by reading an "Individual VNF snapshot" resource. This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and for URI query parameters, request and response data structures, and response codes. parameters: - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Accept responses: 200: $ref: '#/components/responses/IndividualVnfSnapshot.Get.200' 400: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/400" 401: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/401" 403: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/403" 404: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/404" 405: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/405" 406: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/406" 416: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/416" 500: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/500" 503: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/503" 504: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/504" patch: #SOL003 location: description: | This method modifies an "Individual VNF snapshot" resource. Changes are applied to the VNF snapshot information managed by the VNFM and are reflected in the representation of this resource. The VNFM shall reject the modification request if the "vnfSnapshot" attribute in the "VnfSnapshotInfo" structure representing the "Individual VNF snapshot" resource is not empty, or the resource is associated to an ongoing VNF snapshot operation (e.g., a VNF snapshot creation process has started). This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and for URI query parameters, request and response data structures, and response codes. parameters: - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Accept - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/ContentType requestBody: $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/VnfSnapshotInfoModificationRequest' responses: 200: $ref: '#/components/responses/IndividualVnfSnapshot.Patch.200' 400: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/400" 401: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/401" 403: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/403" 404: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/404" 405: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/405" 406: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/406" 409: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/409" 412: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/412" 416: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/416" 500: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/500" 503: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/503" 504: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/504" delete: #SOL003 location: description: | This method deletes an "Individual VNF snapshot" resource and the associated VNF snapshot information managed by the VNFM, and any resource associated to the VNF snapshot managed by the VIM. As the result of successfully executing this method, the "Individual VNF snapshot" resource shall not exist any longer. This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and for URI query parameters, request and response data structures, and response codes. responses: 204: $ref: '#/components/responses/IndividualVnfSnapshot.Delete.204' 400: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/400" 401: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/401" 403: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/403" 404: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/404" 405: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/405" 406: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/406" 409: #description: | #409 CONFLICT #Shall be returned upon the following error: The operation cannot be executed currently, #due to a conflict with the state of the resource. #Typically, this is due to the fact that the VNF snapshot is in use by some operation such #as reverting a VNF instance to a VNF snapshot or creating a VNF snapshot package. #The response body shall contain a ProblemDetails structure, in which the "detail" attribute #shall convey more information about the error. $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/409" 412: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/412" 500: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/500" 503: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/503" /vnf_snapshots/{vnfSnapshotInfoId}/vnf_state_snapshot: #SOL003 location: parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/VnfSnapshotInfoId' - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Authorization - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Version get: #SOL003 location: description: | The GET method fetches the content of the VNF state snapshot. This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and for URI query parameters, request and response data structures, and response codes. parameters: - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Accept - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Range' responses: 200: $ref: '#/components/responses/IndividualVnfSnapshotState.Get.200' 206: $ref: '#/components/responses/IndividualVnfSnapshotState.Get.206' 400: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/400" 401: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/401" 403: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/403" 404: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/404" 405: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/405" 406: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/406" 409: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/409" 416: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/416" 500: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/500" 503: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/503" 504: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/504" components: parameters: VnfInstanceId: name: vnfInstanceId in: path description: | Identifier of the VNF instance for the VNF snapshot to be reverted to. This identifier can be retrieved from the resource referenced by the "Location" HTTP header in the response to a POST request creating a new "Individual VNF instance" resource. It can also be retrieved from the "id" attribute in the payload body of that response. required: true style: simple explode: false schema: type: string VnfLcmOpOccId: name: vnfLcmOpOccId in: path description: | Identifier of a VNF lifecycle management operation occurrence. This identifier can be retrieved from the resource referenced by the "Location" HTTP header in the response to a PATCH or POST request triggering a VNF LCM operation. It can also be retrieved from the "vnfLcmOpOccId" attribute in the VnfLcmOperationOccurrenceNotification. required: true style: simple explode: false schema: type: string SubscriptionId: name: subscriptionId in: path description: | Identifier of this subscription. This identifier can be retrieved from the resource referenced by the "Location" HTTP header in the response to a POST request creating a new subscription resource. It can also be retrieved from the "id" attribute in the payload body of that response. required: true style: simple explode: false schema: type: string VnfSnapshotInfoId: name: VnfSnapshotInfoId in: path description: | Identifier of the "Individual VNF snapshot" resource. This identifier can be retrieved from the resource referenced by the "Location" HTTP header in the response to a POST request creating a new VNF snapshot resource. It can also be retrieved from the "id" attribute in the payload body of that response. required: true style: simple explode: false schema: type: string Range: name: Range in: header description: | The request may contain a "Range" HTTP header to obtain single range of bytes from a VNF state snapshot file. This can be used to continue an aborted transmission. If the "Range" header is present in the request and the VNFM does not support responding to range requests with a 206 response, it shall return a 200 OK response instead. schema: type: string requestBodies: CreateVnfRequest: description: The VNF creation parameters content: application/json: schema: $ref: "../../definitions/SOL002SOL003VNFLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/CreateVnfRequest" required: true VnfInfoModificationRequest: description: | Parameters for the VNF modification, as defined in clause content: application/json: schema: $ref: "definitions/SOL003VNFLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/VnfInfoModificationRequest" required: true InstantiateVnfRequest: description: Parameters for the VNF instantiation. content: application/json: schema: $ref: "definitions/SOL003VNFLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/InstantiateVnfRequest" required: true ScaleVnfRequest: description: Parameters for the scale VNF operation. content: application/json: schema: $ref: "../../definitions/SOL002SOL003VNFLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/ScaleVnfRequest" required: true ScaleVnfToLevelRequest: description: Parameters for the scale VNF to Level operation. content: application/json: schema: $ref: "../../definitions/SOL002SOL003VNFLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/ScaleVnfToLevelRequest" required: true ChangeVnfFlavourRequest: description: Parameters for the Change VNF Flavour operation. content: application/json: schema: $ref: "definitions/SOL003VNFLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/ChangeVnfFlavourRequest" required: true TerminateVnfRequest: description: Parameters for the VNF termination. content: application/json: schema: $ref: "definitions/SOL003VNFLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/TerminateVnfRequest" required: true HealVnfRequest: description: Parameters for the Heal VNF operation. content: application/json: schema: $ref: "definitions/SOL003VNFLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/HealVnfRequest" required: true OperateVnfRequest: description: Parameters for the Operate VNF operation. content: application/json: schema: $ref: "definitions/SOL003VNFLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/OperateVnfRequest" required: true ChangeExtVnfConnectivityRequest: description: | Parameters for the Change external VNF connectivity operation. content: application/json: schema: $ref: "definitions/SOL003VNFLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/ChangeExtVnfConnectivityRequest" required: true ChangeCurrentVnfPkgRequest: description: | Parameters for the Change current VNF package operation, as defined in clause content: application/json: schema: $ref: "definitions/SOL003VNFLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/ChangeCurrentVnfPkgRequest" required: true LccnSubscriptionRequest: description: | Details of the subscription to be created. content: application/json: schema: $ref: "../../definitions/SOL002SOL003VNFLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/LccnSubscriptionRequest" required: true CreateVnfSnapshotRequest: description: | Parameters for the "Create VNF Snapshot" operation, as defined in clause content: application/json: schema: $ref: "definitions/SOL003VNFLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/CreateVnfSnapshotRequest" required: true RevertToVnfSnapshotRequest: description: | Parameters for the Revert to VNF snapshot operation, as defined in clause content: application/json: schema: $ref: "definitions/SOL003VNFLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/RevertToVnfSnapshotRequest" required: true CreateVnfSnapshotInfoRequest: description: | The VNF snapshot resource creation parameters, as defined in clause content: application/json: schema: $ref: "definitions/SOL003VNFLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/CreateVnfSnapshotInfoRequest" required: true VnfSnapshotInfoModificationRequest: description: | Parameters for the VNF snapshot information modification, as defined in clause content: application/json: schema: $ref: "definitions/SOL003VNFLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/VnfSnapshotInfoModificationRequest" required: true responses: VNFInstances.Post.201: description: | 201 CREATED Shall be returned when a new "Individual VNF instance" resource and the associated VNF instance identifier washas been created successfully. The response body shall contain a representation of the created VNF instance, as defined in clause The HTTP response shall include a "Location" HTTP header that contains the resource URI of the created VNF instance. headers: Location: description: | The resource URI of the created subscription resource. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string format: url WWW-Authenticate: description: | Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string Version: description: The used API version. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string Content-Type: description: | The MIME type of the body of the response. Reference: IETF RFC 7231 style: simple explode: false schema: type: string content: application/json: schema: $ref: "../../definitions/SOL002SOL003VNFLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/VnfInstance" VNFInstances.Get.200: description: | 200 OK Shall be returned when information about zero or more VNF instances has been queried successfully. The response body shall contain in an array the representations of zero or more VNF instances, as defined in clause If the "filter" URI parameter or one of the "all_fields", "fields" (if supported), "exclude_fields" (if supported) or "exclude_default" URI parameters was supplied in the request, the data in the response body shall have been transformed according to the rules specified in clauses 5.2.2 and 5.3.2 of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013, respectively. If the VNFM supports alternative 2 (paging) according to clause of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013 for this resource, inclusion of the Link HTTP header in this response shall follow the provisions in clause of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013. headers: WWW-Authenticate: description: | Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string Version: description: The used API version. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string Content-Type: description: | The MIME type of the body of the response. Reference: IETF RFC 7231 style: simple explode: false schema: type: string Link: description: | Reference to other resources. Used for paging in the present document, see clause style: simple explode: false schema: type: string content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: "../../definitions/SOL002SOL003VNFLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/VnfInstance" IndividualVnfInstance.Get.200: description: | 200 OK Shall be returned when information about an individual VNF instance has been read successfully. The response body shall contain a representation of the VNF instance, as defined in clause headers: WWW-Authenticate: description: | Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string Version: description: The used API version. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string Content-Type: description: | The MIME type of the body of the response. Reference: IETF RFC 7231 style: simple explode: false schema: type: string content: application/json: schema: $ref: "../../definitions/SOL002SOL003VNFLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/VnfInstance" IndividualVnfInstance.Patch.202: description: | 202 ACCEPTED Shall be returned when the request has been accepted for processing. On success, the HTTP response shall include a "Location" HTTP header that contains the URI of the newly-created "Individual VNF LCM operation occurrence" resource corresponding to the operation. The response body shall be empty. headers: Location: description: | The resource URI of the created subscription resource. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string format: url WWW-Authenticate: description: | Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string Version: description: The used API version. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string Content-Type: description: | The MIME type of the body of the response. Reference: IETF RFC 7231 style: simple explode: false schema: type: string content: application/json: schema: $ref: "../../definitions/SOL002SOL003VNFLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/VnfInstance" IndividualVnfInstance.Delete.204: description: | 204 NO CONTENT Shall be returned when the "Individual VNF instance" resource and the associated VNF identifier were deleted successfully. The response body shall be empty. headers: WWW-Authenticate: description: | Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string Version: description: The used API version. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string InstantiateVnfInstance.Post.202: description: | 202 ACCEPTED Shall be returned when the request has been accepted for processing The response body shall be empty. The HTTP response shall include a "Location" HTTP header that contains the URI of the newly-created "Individual VNF LCM operation occurrence" resource corresponding to the operation. headers: Location: description: | The resource URI of the created subscription resource. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string format: url WWW-Authenticate: description: | Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string Version: description: The used API version. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string ScaleVnfInstance.Post.202: description: | 202 ACCEPTED Shall be returned when the request has been accepted for processing. The response body shall be empty. The HTTP response shall include a "Location" HTTP header that contains the URI of the newly-created "VNF LCM operation occurrence" resource corresponding to the operation. headers: Location: description: | The resource URI of the created subscription resource. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string format: url WWW-Authenticate: description: | Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string Version: description: The used API version. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string ScaleToLevelVnfInstance.Post.202: description: | 202 ACCEPTED Shall be returned when the request has been accepted for processing. The response body shall be empty. The HTTP response shall include a "Location" HTTP header that contains the URI of the newly-created "VNF LCM operation occurrence" resource corresponding to the operation. headers: Location: description: | The resource URI of the created subscription resource. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string format: url WWW-Authenticate: description: | Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string Version: description: The used API version. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string ChangeFlavourVnfInstance.Post.202: description: | 202 ACCEPTED Shall be returned when the request has been accepted for processing. The response body shall be empty. The HTTP response shall include a "Location" HTTP header that contains the URI of the newly-created "VNF LCM operation occurrence" resource corresponding to the operation. headers: Location: description: | The resource URI of the created subscription resource. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string format: url WWW-Authenticate: description: | Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string Version: description: The used API version. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string TerminateVnfInstance.Post.202: description: | 202 ACCEPTED Shall be returned when the request has been accepted for processing. The response body shall be empty. The HTTP response shall include a "Location" HTTP header that contains the URI of the newly-created "VNF LCM operation occurrence" resource corresponding to the operation. headers: Location: description: | The resource URI of the created subscription resource. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string format: url WWW-Authenticate: description: | Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string Version: description: The used API version. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string HealVnfInstance.Post.202: description: | 202 ACCEPTED Shall be returned when the request has been accepted for processing. The response body shall be empty. The HTTP response shall include a "Location" HTTP header that contains the URI of the newly-created "VNF LCM operation occurrence" resource corresponding to the operation. headers: Location: description: | The resource URI of the created subscription resource. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string format: url WWW-Authenticate: description: | Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string Version: description: The used API version. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string OperateVnfInstance.Post.202: description: | 202 ACCEPTED Shall be returned when the request has been accepted for processing. The response body shall be empty. The HTTP response shall include a "Location" HTTP header that contains the URI of the newly-created "VNF LCM operation occurrence" resource corresponding to the operation. headers: Location: description: | The resource URI of the created subscription resource. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string format: url WWW-Authenticate: description: | Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string Version: description: The used API version. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string ChangeExtConnVnfInstance.Post.202: description: | 202 ACCEPTED Shall be returned when the request has been accepted for processing. The response body shall be empty. The HTTP response shall include a "Location" HTTP header that contains the URI of the newly-created "VNF LCM operation occurrence" resource corresponding to the operation. headers: Location: description: | The resource URI of the created subscription resource. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string format: url WWW-Authenticate: description: | Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string Version: description: The used API version. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string ChangeVnfpkgVnfInstance.Post.202: description: | 202 ACCEPTED Shall be returned when the request has been accepted for processing. The response body shall be empty. The HTTP response shall include a "Location" HTTP header that contains the URI of the newly-created "VNF LCM operation occurrence" resource corresponding to the operation. headers: Location: description: | The resource URI of the created subscription resource. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string format: url WWW-Authenticate: description: | Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string Version: description: The used API version. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string VnfLcmOpOccs.Get.200: description: | 200 OK Shall be returned when status information for zero or more VNF lifecycle management operation occurrences has been queried successfully. The response body shall contain in an array the status information about zero or more VNF lifecycle operation occurrences, as defined in clause If the "filter" URI parameter or one of the "all_fields", "fields" (if supported), "exclude_fields" (if supported) or "exclude_default" URI parameters was supplied in the request, the data in the response body shall have been transformed according to the rules specified in clauses 5.2.2 and 5.3.2 of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013, respectively. If the VNFM supports alternative 2 (paging) according to clause of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013 for this resource, inclusion of the Link HTTP header in this response shall follow the provisions in clause of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013. headers: WWW-Authenticate: description: | Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string Version: description: The used API version. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string Content-Type: description: | The MIME type of the body of the response. Reference: IETF RFC 7231 style: simple explode: false schema: type: string Link: description: | Reference to other resources. Used for paging in the present document, see clause style: simple explode: false schema: type: string content: application/json: schema: $ref: "../../definitions/SOL002SOL003VNFLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/VnfLcmOpOcc" IndividualVnfLcmOpOcc.Get.200: description: | 200 OK Shall be returned when information about a VNF LCM operation occurrence washas been read successfully. The response body shall contain status information about a VNF lifecycle management operation occurrence (see clause headers: WWW-Authenticate: description: | Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string Version: description: The used API version. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string Content-Type: description: | The MIME type of the body of the response. Reference: IETF RFC 7231 style: simple explode: false schema: type: string content: application/json: schema: $ref: "../../definitions/SOL002SOL003VNFLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/VnfLcmOpOcc" RollbackVnfLcmOpOcc.Post.202: description: | 202 ACCEPTED Shall be returned when the request has been accepted for processing. The response shall have an empty payload body. headers: WWW-Authenticate: description: | Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string Version: description: The used API version. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string RetryVnfLcmOpOcc.Post.202: description: | 202 ACCEPTED Shall be returned when the request has been accepted for processing. The response shall have an empty payload body. headers: WWW-Authenticate: description: | Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string Version: description: The used API version. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string FailVnfLcmOpOcc.Post.200: description: | 200 OK Shall be returned when the state of the VNF lifecycle management operation occurrence has been changed successfully. The response bofyshall include a representation of the "Individual VNF lifecycle operation occurrence" resource. headers: WWW-Authenticate: description: | Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string Version: description: The used API version. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string Content-Type: description: | The MIME type of the body of the response. Reference: IETF RFC 7231 style: simple explode: false schema: type: string content: application/json: schema: $ref: "../../definitions/SOL002SOL003VNFLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/VnfLcmOpOcc" CancelVnfLcmOpOcc.Post.202: description: | 202 ACCEPTED Shall be returned when the request has been accepted for processing. The response shall have an empty payload body. headers: WWW-Authenticate: description: | Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string Version: description: The used API version. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string Subscriptions.Post.201: description: | 201 CREATED Shall be returned when the subscription has been created successfully. The response body shall contain a representation of the created "Individual subscription" resource. The HTTP response shall include a "Location" HTTP header that points to the created "Individual subscription" resource. headers: Location: description: | The resource URI of the created subscription resource. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string format: url WWW-Authenticate: description: | Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string Version: description: The used API version. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string Content-Type: description: | The MIME type of the body of the response. Reference: IETF RFC 7231 style: simple explode: false schema: type: string content: application/json: schema: $ref: "../../definitions/SOL002SOL003VNFLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/LccnSubscription" Subscriptions.Get.200: description: | 200 OK Shall be returned when the list of subscriptions has been queried successfully. The response body shall contain in an array the representations of all active subscriptions of the functional block that invokes the method, i.e. zero or more representations of lifecycle change notification subscriptions as defined in clause If the "filter" URI parameter was supplied in the request, the data in the response body shall have been transformed according to the rules specified in clause 5.2.2 of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013. If the VNFM supports alternative 2 (paging) according to clause of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013 for this resource, inclusion of the Link HTTP header in this response shall follow the provisions in clause of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013. headers: WWW-Authenticate: description: | Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string Version: description: The used API version. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string Content-Type: description: | The MIME type of the body of the response. Reference: IETF RFC 7231 style: simple explode: false schema: type: string Link: description: | Reference to other resources. Used for paging in the present document, see clause style: simple explode: false schema: type: string content: application/json: schema: $ref: "../../definitions/SOL002SOL003VNFLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/LccnSubscription" IndividualSubscription.Get.200: description: | 200 OK Shall be returned when information about an individual subscription has been read successfully. The response body shall contain a representation of the "Individual subscription" resource. headers: WWW-Authenticate: description: | Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string Version: description: The used API version. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string Content-Type: description: | The MIME type of the body of the response. Reference: IETF RFC 7231 style: simple explode: false schema: type: string content: application/json: schema: $ref: "../../definitions/SOL002SOL003VNFLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/LccnSubscription" IndividualSubscription.Delete.204: description: | 204 NO CONTENT Shall be returned when the "Individual subscription" resource has been deleted successfully. The response body shall be empty. headers: WWW-Authenticate: description: | Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string Version: description: The used API version. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string CreateVnfSnapshotTask.Post.202: description: | 202 ACCEPTED Shall be returned when the request was accepted for processing, but the processing has not been completed. The response body shall be empty. The HTTP response shall include a "Location" HTTP header that contains the URI of the newly-created "VNF LCM operation occurrence" resource corresponding to the operation. headers: Location: description: | The resource URI of the created subscription resource. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string format: url WWW-Authenticate: description: | Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string Version: description: The used API version. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string RevertToVnfSnapshotTask.Post.202: description: | 202 ACCEPTED Shall be returned when the request was accepted for processing, but the processing has not been completed. The response body shall be empty. The HTTP response shall include a "Location" HTTP header that contains the URI of the newly-created "VNF LCM operation occurrence" resource corresponding to the operation. headers: Location: description: | The resource URI of the created subscription resource. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string format: url WWW-Authenticate: description: | Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string Version: description: The used API version. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string VnfSnapshots.Post.201: description: | 201 CREATED Shall be returned when an "Individual VNF snapshot" resource has been created successfully. The response body shall contain a representation of the new "Individual VNF snapshot" resource, as defined in clause The HTTP response shall include a "Location" HTTP header that contains the resource URI of the "Individual VNF snapshot" resource. headers: Location: description: | The resource URI of the created subscription resource. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string format: url WWW-Authenticate: description: | Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string Version: description: The used API version. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string Content-Type: description: | The MIME type of the body of the response. Reference: IETF RFC 7231 style: simple explode: false schema: type: string content: application/json: schema: $ref: "../../definitions/SOL002SOL003VNFLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/VnfSnapshotInfo" VnfSnapshots.Get.200: description: | 200 OK Shall be returned when information about zero or more VNF snapshots was queried successfully. The response body shall contain in an array the representations of zero or more "Individual VNF snapshot" resources, as defined in clause If the VNFM supports alternative 2 (paging) according to clause of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013 for this resource, inclusion of the Link HTTP header in this response shall follow the provisions in clause of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013. headers: WWW-Authenticate: description: | Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string Version: description: The used API version. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string Content-Type: description: | The MIME type of the body of the response. Reference: IETF RFC 7231 style: simple explode: false schema: type: string Link: description: | Reference to other resources. Used for paging in the present document, see clause style: simple explode: false schema: type: string content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: "../../definitions/SOL002SOL003VNFLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/VnfSnapshotInfo" IndividualVnfSnapshot.Get.200: description: | 200 OK Shall be returned when information about an individual VNF snapshot was read successfully. The response body shall contain a representation of the "Individual VNF snapshot" resource, as defined in clause headers: WWW-Authenticate: description: | Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string Version: description: The used API version. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string Content-Type: description: | The MIME type of the body of the response. Reference: IETF RFC 7231 style: simple explode: false schema: type: string content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: "../../definitions/SOL002SOL003VNFLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/VnfSnapshotInfo" IndividualVnfSnapshot.Patch.200: description: | 200 OK Shall be returned when the modification of VNF snapshot information has been accepted and completed. headers: WWW-Authenticate: description: | Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string Version: description: The used API version. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string Content-Type: description: | The MIME type of the body of the response. Reference: IETF RFC 7231 style: simple explode: false schema: type: string content: application/json: schema: $ref: "definitions/SOL003VNFLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/VnfSnapshotInfoModifications" IndividualVnfSnapshot.Delete.204: description: | 204 NO CONTENT Shall be returned when the VNF snapshot resource and the associated VNF snapshot were deleted successfully. The response body shall be empty. headers: WWW-Authenticate: description: | Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string Version: description: The used API version. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string IndividualVnfSnapshotState.Get.200: description: | 200 OK Shall be returned when the whole content of the VNF state snapshot file has been read successfully. The payload body shall contain a copy of the VNF state snapshot file and the "Content-Type" HTTP header shall be set according to the content type of the VNF state snapshot file. If the VNF state snapshot content is encrypted, the header shall be set to the value "application/cms" (IETF RFC 7193). If the content type cannot be determined, the header shall be set to the value "application/octet-stream". headers: WWW-Authenticate: description: | Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string Version: description: The used API version. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string Content-Type: description: | The MIME type of the body of the response. Reference: IETF RFC 7231 style: simple explode: false schema: type: string content: application/*: schema: type: string format: binary IndividualVnfSnapshotState.Get.206: description: | 206 PARTIAL CONTENT If the VNFM supports range requests, this response shall be returned when a single consecutive byte range from the content of the VNF state snapshot file has been read successfully according to the request. The response body shall contain the requested part of the VNF state snapshot file. The "Content-Type" HTTP header shall be set according to the content type of the VNF state snapshot file. If the content type cannot be determined, the header shall be set to the value "application/octet-stream". The "Content-Range" HTTP header shall be provided according to IETF RFC 7233. headers: WWW-Authenticate: description: | Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string Version: description: The used API version. style: simple explode: false schema: type: string Content-Range: required : true style: simple explode: false schema: type: string content: application/*: schema: type: string format: binary