swagger: "2.0" info: version: "1.2.0" title: SOL002 - VNF Fault Management Notification interface description: > SOL002 - VNF Fault Management Notification interface IMPORTANT: Please note that this file might be not aligned to the current version of the ETSI Group Specification it refers to and has not been approved by the ETSI NFV ISG. In case of discrepancies the published ETSI Group Specification takes precedence. Please report bugs to https://forge.etsi.org/bugzilla/buglist.cgi?component=Nfv-Openapis license: name: ETSI Forge copyright notice url: https://forge.etsi.org/etsi-forge-copyright-notice.txt contact: name: NFV-SOL WG externalDocs: description: ETSI GS NFV-SOL 002 V2.5.1 url: https://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi_gs/NFV-SOL/001_099/002/02.05.01_60/gs_nfv-sol002v020501p.pdf basePath: /callback/v1 schemes: - http - https consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json paths: ############################################################################### # Notification endpoint # ############################################################################### '/URI-is-provided-by-the-client-when-creating-the-subscription': parameters: - name: Version description: > Version of the API requested to use when responding to this request. in: header required: true type: string - name: Authorization description: > The authorization token for the request. Reference: IETF RFC 7235 in: header required: false type: string post: description: > Notify The POST method notifies a VNF alarm or that the alarm list has been rebuilt. parameters: - name: AlarmNotification description: > Information of a VNF alarm. in: body required: false schema: $ref: "../../definitions/SOL002SOL003VNFFaultManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/AlarmNotification" - name: AlarmClearedNotification description: > Information of the clearance of a VNF alarm in: body required: false schema: $ref: "../../definitions/SOL002SOL003VNFFaultManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/AlarmClearedNotification" - name: AlarmListRebuiltNotification description: > Information that the alarm list has been rebuilt by the VNFM in: body required: false schema: $ref: "../../definitions/SOL002SOL003VNFFaultManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/AlarmListRebuiltNotification" - name: Content-Type description: > The Content-Type header shall be set to "application/merge-patch+json" according to IETF RFC 7396. in: header required: true type: string responses: 204: description: > 204 NO CONTENT The notification was delivered successfully. The response body shall be empty. headers: WWW-Authenticate: description: > Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token. type: string maximum: 1 minimum: 0 Version: description: > Version of the API used in the response. type: string maximum: 1 minimum: 1 400: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/responses/400" 401: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/responses/401" 403: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/responses/403" 405: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/responses/405" 406: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/responses/406" 500: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/responses/500" 503: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/responses/503" get: description: > The GET method allows the server to test the notification endpoint that is provided by the client, e.g. during subscription. responses: 204: description: > 201 NO CONTENT The notification endpoint was tested successfully. The response body shall be empty. headers: WWW-Authenticate: description: > Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token. type: string maximum: 1 minimum: 0 Version: description: > Version of the API used in the response. type: string maximum: 1 minimum: 1 400: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/responses/400" 401: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/responses/401" 403: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/responses/403" 405: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/responses/405" 406: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/responses/406" 500: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/responses/500" 503: $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/responses/503"