# Copyright (c) ETSI 2017. # https://forge.etsi.org/etsi-forge-copyright-notice.txt definitions: AffectedVirtualLink: #SOL003 Location: description: > This type provides information about added, deleted, modified and temporary VLs. type: object required: - id - virtualLinkDescId - changeType - networkResource properties: id: description: > Identifier of the virtual link instance, identifying the applicable "vnfVirtualLinkResourceInfo" entry in the "VnfInstance" data type. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/IdentifierInVnf" virtualLinkDescId: description: > Identifier of the related VLD in the VNFD. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/IdentifierInVnfd" changeType: description: > Signals the type of change. Permitted values: * ADDED * REMOVED * MODIFIED * TEMPORARY * LINK_PORT_ADDED * LINK_PORT_REMOVED For a temporary resource, an AffectedVirtualLink structure exists as long as the temporary resource exists. type: string enum: - ADDED - REMOVED - MODIFIED - TEMPORARY - LINK_PORT_ADDED - LINK_PORT_REMOVED networkResource: description: > Reference to the VirtualNetwork resource. Detailed information is (for new and modified resources) or has been (for removed resources) available from the VIM. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/ResourceHandle" AffectedVirtualStorage: #SOL003 Location: description: > This type provides information about added, deleted, modified and temporary virtual storage resources. type: object required: - id - virtualStorageDescId - changeType - storageResource properties: id: description: > Identifier of the storage instance, identifying the applicable "virtualStorageResourceInfo" entry in the "VnfInstance" data type. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/IdentifierInVnf" virtualStorageDescId: description: > Identifier of the related VirtualStorage descriptor in the VNFD. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/IdentifierInVnfd" changeType: description: > Signals the type of change. Permitted values: * ADDED * REMOVED * MODIFIED * TEMPORARY For a temporary resource, an AffectedVirtualStorage structure exists as long as the temporary resource exists. type: string enum: - ADDED - REMOVED - MODIFIED - TEMPORARY storageResource: description: > Reference to the VirtualStorage resource. Detailed information is (for new and modified resources) or has been (for removed resources) available from the VIM. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/ResourceHandle" AffectedVnfc: description: > This type provides information about added, deleted, modified and temporary VNFCs. type: object required: - id - vduId - changeType - computeResource properties: id: description: > Identifier of the Vnfc instance, identifying the applicable "vnfcResourceInfo" entry in the "VnfInstance" data type. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/IdentifierInVnf" vduId: description: > Identifier of the related VDU in the VNFD. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/IdentifierInVnfd" changeType: description: > Signals the type of change. Permitted values: * ADDED * REMOVED * MODIFIED * TEMPORARY For a temporary resource, an AffectedVnfc structure exists as long as the temporary resource exists. type: string enum: - ADDED - REMOVED - MODIFIED - TEMPORARY computeResource: description: > Reference to the VirtualCompute resource. Detailed information is (for new and modified resources) or has been (for removed resources) available from the VIM. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/ResourceHandle" addedStorageResourceIds: description: > References to VirtualStorage resources that have been added. Each value refers to a VirtualStorageResourceInfo item in the VnfInstance that was added to the VNFC. It shall be provided if at least one storage resource was added to the VNFC. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/IdentifierInVnf" CreateVnfRequest: #SOL003 location: type: object required: - vnfdId properties: vnfdId: description: > Identifier that identifies the VNFD which defines the VNF instance to be created. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier" vnfInstanceName: description: > Human-readable name of the VNF instance to be created. type: string vnfInstanceDescription: description: > Human-readable description of the VNF instance to be created. type: string DynamicNetworkAddressData: description: > This type represents a network address that is requested to be assigned. type: object required: - numIpAddresses properties: macAddress: description: > MAC address. Shall not be present if numIPAddresses > 1. If it is not present, it will be chosen by the VIM. type: string #TODO: Can we describe the syntax of this (Table numIpAddresses: description: > Number of IP addresses to assign dynamically. Shall be greater than zero. type: integer format: uint32 subnetId: description: > Subnet defined by the identifier of the subnet resource in the VIM. In case this attribute is present, an IP addresses from that subnet will be assigned; otherwise, IP addresses not bound to a subnet will be assigned. At most one of "subnetId" and "subnetIpRanges" shall be present. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/IdentifierInVim" subnetIpRanges: description: > Subnet defined as one or more IP address ranges. In case this attribute is present, IP addresses from one of the ranges will be assigned; otherwise, IP addresses not bound to a subnet will be assigned. At most one of "subnetId" and "subnetIpRanges" shall be present. type: array items: type: object properties: minIpAddress: description: > Lowest IP address belonging to the range. type: string #TODO: Can we describe the syntax of this (Table maxIpAddress: description: > Highest IP address belonging to the range. type: string #TODO: Can we describe the syntax of this (Table ExtLinkPort: description: > This type represents a link port of an external VL, i.e. a port providing connectivity for the VNF to an NS VL. type: object required: - id - resourceHandle properties: id: description: > Identifier of this link port as provided by the entity that has created the link port. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier" resourceHandle: description: > Reference to the virtualised network resource realizing this link port. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/ResourceHandle" cpInstanceId: description: > Identifier of the external CP of the VNF to be connected to this link port. There shall be at most one link port associated with any external connection point instance. The value refers to an "extCpInfo" item in the VnfInstance. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/IdentifierInVnf" ExtManagedVirtualLinkData: #SOL003 location: type: object required: - id - virtualLinkDescId - resourceId properties: id: description: > The identifier of the externally-managed internal VL instance. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier" virtualLinkDescId: description: > The identifier of the VLD in the VNFD for this VL. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/IdentifierInVnfd" vimConnectionId: description: > Identifier of the VIM connection to manage this resource. This attribute shall only be supported and present if VNF-related resource management in direct mode is applicable. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier" resourceProviderId: description: > Identifies the entity responsible for the management of this resource. This attribute shall only be supported and present if VNF-related resource management in indirect mode is applicable. The identification scheme is outside the scope of the present document. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier" resourceId: description: > The identifier of the resource in the scope of the VIM or the resource provider. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/IdentifierInVim" ExtVirtualLinkInfo: type: object required: - id - resourceHandle properties: id: description: > Identifier of the external VL and the related external VL information instance. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier" resourceHandle: description: > Reference to the resource realizing this VL. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/ResourceHandle" linkPorts: description: > Link ports of this VL. type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/ExtLinkPort" ExtVirtualLinkData: #SOL003 location: description: > This type represents an external VL. type: object required: - id - resourceId - extCps properties: id: description: > The identifier of the external VL instance. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier" vimConnectionId: description: > Identifier of the VIM connection to manage this resource. This attribute shall only be supported and present if VNF-related resource management in direct mode is applicable. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier" resourceProviderId: description: > Identifies the entity responsible for the management of this resource. This attribute shall only be supported and present if VNF-related resource management in indirect mode is applicable. The identification scheme is outside the scope of the present document. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier" resourceId: description: > The identifier of the resource in the scope of the VIM or the resource provider. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/IdentifierInVim" extCps: description: > External CPs of the VNF to be connected to this external VL. type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/VnfExtCpData" FixedNetworkAddressData: #SOL003 location: description: > This type represents a network address that is requested to be assigned. type: object properties: macAddress: description: > MAC address. If it is not present, it will be chosen by the VIM. At least one of "macAddress" and "ipAddress" shall be present. type: string #TODO: Is it possible to describe the scheme of this? (Table ipAddress: description: > IP address. If it is not present, no IP address will be assigned. At least one of "macAddress" and "ipAddress" shall be present. type: string #TODO: Can we describe the syntax of this (Table subnetId: description: > Identifier of the subnet in the VIM. This attribute may be present if the "ipAddress" attribute is present, and shall be absent otherwise. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/IdentifierInVim" LccnLinks: description: > This type represents the links to resources that a notification can contain. type: object required: - vnfInstance - subscription properties: vnfInstance: description: > Link to the resource representing the VNF instance to which the notified change applies. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Link" subscription: description: > Link to the related subscription. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Link" vnfLcmOpOcc: description: > Link to the VNF lifecycle management operation occurrence that this notification is related to. Shall be present if there is a related lifecycle operation occurrence. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Link" LccnSubscription: description: > This type represents a subscription related to notifications about VNF lifecycle changes. type: object required: - id - callbackUri - _links properties: id: description: > Identifier of this subscription resource. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier" filter: description: > Filter settings for this subscription, to define the subset of all notifications this subscription relates to. A particular notification is sent to the subscriber if the filter matches, or if there is no filter. $ref: "#/definitions/LifecycleChangeNotificationsFilter" callbackUri: description: > The URI of the endpoint to send the notification to. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Uri" _links: description: > Links to resources related to this resource. type: object required: - self properties: self: description: > URI of this resource. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Uri" LccnSubscriptionRequest: description: > This type represents a subscription request related to notifications about VNF lifecycle changes. type: object required: - callbackUri properties: filter: description: > Filter settings for this subscription, to define the subset of all notifications this subscription relates to. A particular notification is sent to the subscriber if the filter matches, or if there is no filter. $ref: "#/definitions/LifecycleChangeNotificationsFilter" callbackUri: description: > The URI of the endpoint to send the notification to. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Uri" authentication: description: > Authentication parameters to configure the use of Authorization when sending notifications corresponding to this subscription, as defined in clause This attribute shall only be present if the subscriber requires authorization of notifications. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/SubscriptionAuthentication" LcmOperationStateType: description: > Value | Description ------|------------ STARTING | The LCM operation is starting. PROCESSING | The LCM operation is currently in execution. COMPLETED | he LCM operation has been completed successfully. FAILED_TEMP | The LCM operation has failed and execution has stopped, but the execution of the operation is not considered to be closed. FAILED | The LCM operation has failed and it cannot be retried or rolled back, as it is determined that such action won't succeed. ROLLING_BACK | The LCM operation is currently being rolled back. ROLLED_BACK | The LCM operation has been successfully rolled back, i.e. The state of the VNF prior to the original operation invocation has been restored as closely as possible. type: string enum: - STARTING - PROCESSING - COMPLETED - FAILED_TEMP - FAILED - ROLLING_BACK - ROLLED_BACK LcmOperationType: description: > Value | Description ------|------------ INSTANTIATE | Represents the "Instantiate VNF" LCM operation. SCALE | Represents the "Scale VNF" LCM operation. SCALE_TO_LEVEL | Represents the "Scale VNF to Level" LCM operation. CHANGE_FLAVOUR | Represents the "Change VNF Flavour" LCM operation. TERMINATE | Represents the "Terminate VNF" LCM operation. HEAL | Represents the "Heal VNF" LCM operation. OPERATE | Represents the "Operate VNF" LCM operation. CHANGE_EXT_CONN | Represents the "Change external VNF connectivity" LCM operation. MODIFY_INFO | Represents the "Modify VNF Information" LCM operation. type: string enum: - INSTANTIATE - SCALE - SCALE_TO_LEVEL - CHANGE_FLAVOUR - TERMINATE - HEAL - OPERATE - CHANGE_EXT_CONN - MODIFY_INFO LifecycleChangeNotificationsFilter: description: > This type represents a subscription filter related to notifications about VNF lifecycle changes. At a particular nesting level in the filter structure, the following applies: All attributes shall match in order for the filter to match (logical "and" between different filter attributes). If an attribute is an array, the attribute shall match if at least one of the values in the array matches (logical "or" between the values of one filter attribute). type: object properties: vnfInstanceSubscriptionFilter: description: > Filter criteria to select VNF instances about which to notify. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/VnfInstanceSubscriptionFilter" notificationTypes: description: > Match particular notification types. Permitted values: * VnfLcmOperationOccurrenceNotification * VnfIdentifierCreationNotification * VnfIdentifierDeletionNotification The permitted values of the "notificationTypes" attribute are spelled exactly as the names of the notification types to facilitate automated code generation systems. type: string enum: - VnfLcmOperationOccurrenceNotification - VnfIdentifierCreationNotification - VnfIdentifierDeletionNotification operationTypes: description: > Match particular VNF lifecycle operation types for the notification of type VnfLcmOperationOccurrenceNotification. May be present if the "notificationTypes" attribute contains the value "VnfLcmOperationOccurrenceNotification", and shall be absent otherwise. type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/LcmOperationType" operationStates: description: > Match particular LCM operation state values as reported in notifications of type VnfLcmOperationOccurrenceNotification. May be present if the "notificationTypes" attribute contains the value "VnfLcmOperationOccurrenceNotification", and shall be absent otherwise. type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/LcmOperationStateType" ScaleInfo: required: - aspectId - scaleLevel type: object properties: aspectId: description: > Identifier of the scaling aspect. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/IdentifierInVnfd" scaleLevel: description: > Indicates the scale level. The minimum value shall be 0 and the maximum value shall be <= maxScaleLevel as described in the VNFD. type: integer ScaleVnfRequest: type: object required: - type - aspectId properties: type: description: > Indicates the type of the scale operation requested. Permitted values: * SCALE_OUT: adding additional VNFC instances to the VNF to increase capacity * SCALE_IN: removing VNFC instances from the VNF in order to release unused capacity. type: string enum: - SCALE_OUT - SCALE_IN aspectId: description: > Identifier of the scaling aspect. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/IdentifierInVnfd" numberOfSteps: description: > Number of scaling steps to be executed as part of this Scale VNF operation. It shall be a positive number and the default value shall be 1. type: integer default: 1 additionalParams: description: > Additional parameters passed by the NFVO as input to the scaling process, specific to the VNF being scaled, as declared in the VNFD as part of "ScaleVnfOpConfig". $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/KeyValuePairs" ScaleVnfToLevelRequest: description: > This type represents request parameters for the "Scale VNF to Level" operation. type: object properties: instantiationLevelId: description: > Identifier of the target instantiation level of the current deployment flavour to which the VNF is requested to be scaled. Either the instantiationLevelId attribute or the scaleInfo attribute shall be included. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/IdentifierInVnfd" scaleInfo: description: > For each scaling aspect of the current deployment flavour, indicates the target scale level to which the VNF is to be scaled. Either the instantiationLevelId attribute or the scaleInfo attribute shall be included. type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/ScaleInfo" additionalParams: description: > Additional parameters passed by the NFVO as input to the scaling process, specific to the VNF being scaled, as declared in the VNFD as part of "ScaleVnfToLevelOpConfig". $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/KeyValuePairs" StopType: description: > * FORCEFUL: The VNFM will stop the VNF immediately after accepting the request. * GRACEFUL: The VNFM will first arrange to take the VNF out of service after accepting the request. Once that operation is successful or once the timer value specified in the "gracefulStopTimeout" attribute expires, the VNFM will stop the VNF. type: string enum: - FORCEFUL - GRACEFUL Version: description: > A Version. type: string VimConnectionInfo: type: object required: - id - vimType properties: id: description: > The identifier of the VIM Connection. This identifier is managed by the NFVO. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier" vimId: description: > The identifier of the VIM instance. This identifier is managed by the NFVO. Shall be present to address additional information about the VIM if such information has been configured into the VNFM by means outside the scope of the present document, and should be absent otherwise. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier" vimType: description: > Discriminator for the different types of the VIM information. The value of this attribute determines the structure of the "interfaceInfo" and "accessInfo" attributes, based on the type of the VIM. The set of permitted values is expected to change over time as new types or versions of VIMs become available. The ETSI NFV registry of VIM-related information provides access to information about VimConnectionInfo definitions for various VIM types. The structure of the registry is defined in Annex C of SOL003. type: string interfaceInfo: description: > Information about the interface or interfaces to the VIM, if applicable, such as the URI of an interface endpoint to communicate with the VIM. The applicable keys are dependent on the content of vimType. Alternatively, such information may have been configured into the VNFM and bound to the vimId. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/KeyValuePairs" accessInfo: description: > Authentication credentials for accessing the VIM, and other access-related information such as tenants or infrastructure resource groups (see note). The applicable keys are dependent on the content of vimType. If the VimConnectionInfo structure is part of an HTTP response payload body, sensitive attributes that are children of this attributes (such as passwords) shall not be included. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/KeyValuePairs" extra: description: > VIM type specific additional information. The applicable structure, and whether or not this attribute is available, is dependent on the content of vimType. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/KeyValuePairs" VnfExtCpData: #SOL003 location: description: > This type represents an external CP. type: object required: - cpdId properties: cpdId: description: > The identifier of the CPD in the VNFD. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/IdentifierInVnfd" fixedAddresses: description: > List of (fixed) network addresses that need to be configured on the CP. This attribute shall be present if fixed addresses need to be configured. type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/FixedNetworkAddressData" dynamicAddresses: description: > List of network addresses to be assigned dynamically. This attribute shall be present if dynamic addresses need to be configured. type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/DynamicNetworkAddressData" VnfIdentifierCreationNotification: description: > This type represents a VNF identifier creation notification, which informs the receiver of the creation of a new VNF instance resource and the associated VNF instance identifier. type: object required: - id - notificationType - timeStamp - vnfInstanceId - _links properties: id: description: > Identifier of the VNF instance. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier" notificationType: description: > Discriminator for the different notification types. Shall be set to "VnfIdentifierCreationNotification" for this notification type. type: string enum: - VnfIdentifierCreationNotification vnfInstanceName: description: > Discriminator for the different notification types. Shall be set to "VnfIdentifierCreationNotification" for this notification type. type: string enum: - VnfIdentifierCreationNotification subscriptionId: description: > Identifier of the subscription that this notification relates to. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier" timeStamp: description: > Date-time of the generation of the notification. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/DateTime" vnfInstanceId: description: > The created VNF instance identifier. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier" _links: description: > Links to resources related to this notification. $ref: "#/definitions/LccnLinks" VnfIdentifierDeletionNotification: description: > This type represents a VNF identifier deletion notification, which informs the receiver of the deletion of a new VNF instance resource and the associated VNF instance identifier. type: object required: - id - notificationType - timeStamp - vnfInstanceId - _links properties: id: description: > Identifier of this notification. If a notification is sent multiple times due to multiple subscriptions, the "id" attribute of all these notifications shall have the same value. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier" notificationType: description: > Discriminator for the different notification types. Shall be set to "VnfIdentifierDeletionNotification" for this notification type. type: string enum: - VnfIdentifierDeletionNotification subscriptionId: description: > Identifier of the subscription that this notification relates to. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier" timeStamp: description: > Date-time of the generation of the notification. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/DateTime" vnfInstanceId: description: > The deleted VNF instance identifier. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier" _links: description: > Links to resources related to this notification. $ref: "#/definitions/LccnLinks" VnfInfoModifications: #SOL003 location: description: > This type represents attribute modifications for an "Individual VNF instance" resource, i.e. modifications to a resource representation based on the "VnfInstance" data type. The attributes of "VnfInstance" that can be modified according to the provisions in clause are included in the "VnfInfoModifications" data type. type: object properties: vnfInstanceName: description: > New value of the "vnfInstanceName" attribute in "VnfInstance", or "null" to remove the attribute. type: string vnfInstanceDescription: description: > New value of the "vnfInstanceDescription" attribute in "VnfInstance", or "null" to remove the attribute. type: string onboardedVnfPkgInfoId: description: > New value of the "onboardedVnfPkgInfoId" attribute in "VnfInstance". The value "null" is not permitted. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier" vnfConfigurableProperties: description: > Modifications of the "vnfConfigurableProperties" attribute in "VnfInstance". If present, these modifications shall be applied according to the rules of JSON Merge PATCH (see IETF RFC 7396). $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/KeyValuePairs" metadata: description: > Modifications of the "metadata" attribute in "VnfInstance". If present, these modifications shall be applied according to the rules of JSON Merge PATCH (see IETF RFC 7396). $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/KeyValuePairs" extensions: description: > Modifications of the "extensions" attribute in "VnfInstance". If present, these modifications shall be applied according to the rules of JSON Merge PATCH (see IETF RFC 7396). $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/KeyValuePairs" vimConnectionInfo: description: > New content of certain entries in the "vimConnectionInfo" attribute array in "VnfInstance", as defined below this table. $ref: "#/definitions/VimConnectionInfo" VnfInstanceSubscriptionFilter: description: > This type represents subscription filter criteria to match VNF instances. type: object properties: vnfdIds: description: > If present, match VNF instances that were created based on a VNFD identified by one of the vnfdId values listed in this attribute. The attributes "vnfdIds" and "vnfProductsFromProviders" are alternatives to reference to VNF instances that are based on certain VNFDs in a filter. They should not be used both in the same filter instance, but one alternative should be chosen. type: array items: $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier" vnfProductsFromProviders: description: > If present, match VNF instances that belong to VNF products from certain providers. The attributes "vnfdIds" and "vnfProductsFromProviders" are alternatives to reference to VNF instances that are based on certain VNFDs in a filter. They should not be used both in the same filter instance, but one alternative should be chosen. type: array items: type: object required: - vnfProvider properties: vnfProvider: description: > Name of the VNF provider to match. type: string vnfProducts: description: > If present, match VNF instances that belong to VNF products with certain product names, from one particular provider. type: array items: type: object required: - vnfProductName properties: vnfProductName: description: > Name of the VNF product to match. type: string versions: description: > If present, match VNF instances that belong to VNF products with certain versions and a certain product name, from one particular provider. type: array items: type: object required: - vnfSoftwareVersions properties: vnfSoftwareVersions: description: > Software version to match. $ref: "#/definitions/Version" vnfdVersions: description: > If present, match VNF instances that belong to VNF products with certain VNFD versions, a certain software version and a certain product name, from one particular provider. type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/Version" VnfLcmOperationOccurrenceNotification: description: > This type represents a VNF lifecycle management operation occurrence notification, which informs the receiver of changes in the VNF lifecycle caused by a VNF LCM operation occurrence. The support of the notification is mandatory. This notification is produced when there is a change in the VNF lifecycle caused by a VNF LCM operation occurrence, including: * Instantiation of the VNF * Scaling of the VNF instance (including auto-scaling) * Healing of the VNF instance (including auto-healing) * Change of the state of the VNF instance (i.e. Operate VNF) * Change of the deployment flavour of the VNF instance * Change of the external virtual links of the VNF instance * Termination of the VNF instance * Modification of VNF instance information and/or VNF configurable properties through the "PATCH" method on the "Individual VNF instance" resource If this is the initial notification about the start of a VNF LCM operation occurrence, it is assumed that the notification is sent by the VNFM before any action (including sending the grant request) is taken, however, after acknowledging the LCM operation request to the consumer. Due to possible race conditions, this does not guarantee that the notification will also arrive at the NFVO before the grant request, and after the acknowledgement of the operation. It is not an error if the "start" notification, the grant request and the LCM operation acknowledgment arrive out of order at the NFVO, and the NFVO shall be able to handle such a situation. If this is a notification about a final or intermediate result state of a VNF LCM operation occurrence, the notification shall be sent after all related actions of the LCM operation that led to this state have been executed. The new state shall be set in the VnfLcmOpOcc resource before the notification about the state change is sent. type: object required: - id - notificationType - timeStamp - notificationStatus - operationState - vnfInstanceId - operation - isAutomaticInvocation - vnfLcmOpOccId - _links properties: id: description: > Identifier of this notification. If a notification is sent multiple times due to multiple subscriptions, the "id" attribute of all these notifications shall have the same value. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier" notificationType: description: > Discriminator for the different notification types. Shall be set to "VnfLcmOperationOccurrenceNotification" for this notification type. type: string enum: - VnfLcmOperationOccurrenceNotification subscriptionId: description: > Identifier of the subscription that this notification relates to. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier" timeStamp: description: > Date-time of the generation of the notification. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/DateTime" notificationStatus: description: > Indicates whether this notification reports about the start of a lifecycle operation or the result of a lifecycle operation. Permitted values: * START: Informs about the start of the VNF LCM operation occurrence. * RESULT: Informs about the final or intermediate result of the VNF LCM operation occurrence. type: string enum: - START - RESULT operationState: description: > The state of the VNF LCM operation occurrence. $ref: "#/definitions/LcmOperationStateType" vnfInstanceId: description: > The identifier of the VNF instance affected. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier" operation: description: > The lifecycle management operation. $ref: "SOL002SOL003VNFLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/LcmOperationType" isAutomaticInvocation: description: > Set to true if this VNF LCM operation occurrence has been triggered by an automated procedure inside the VNFM (i.e. ScaleVnf / ScaleVnfToLevel triggered by auto-scale, or HealVnf triggered by auto-heal). Set to false otherwise. type: boolean vnfLcmOpOccId: description: > The identifier of the VNF lifecycle management operation occurrence associated to the notification. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier" affectedVnfcs: description: > Information about VNFC instances that were affected during the lifecycle operation. Shall be present if the "notificationStatus" is set to "RESULT" and the operation has performed any resource modification. Shall be absent otherwise. This attribute contains information about the cumulative changes to virtualised resources that were performed so far by the VNF LCM operation occurrence and by any of the error handling procedures for that operation occurrence. type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/AffectedVnfc" affectedVirtualLinks: description: > Information about VL instances that were affected during the lifecycle operation. Shall be present if the "notificationStatus" is set to "RESULT" and the operation has performed any resource modification. Shall be absent otherwise. This attribute contains information about the cumulative changes to virtualised resources that were performed so far by the VNF LCM operation occurrence and by any of the error handling procedures for that operation occurrence. type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/AffectedVirtualLink" affectedVirtualStorages: description: > Information about virtualised storage instances that were affected during the lifecycle operation. Shall be present if the "notificationStatus" is set to "RESULT" and the operation has performed any resource modification. Shall be absent otherwise. This attribute contains information about the cumulative changes to virtualised resources that were performed so far by the VNF LCM operation occurrence and by any of the error handling procedures for that operation occurrence. type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/AffectedVirtualStorage" changedInfo: description: > Information about the changed VNF instance information, including changed VNF configurable properties. Shall be present if the "notificationStatus" is set to "RESULT" and the operation has performed any changes to VNF instance information, including VNF configurable properties. Shall be absent otherwise. $ref: "#/definitions/VnfInfoModifications" changedExtConnectivity: description: > Information about changed external connectivity, if this notification represents the result of a lifecycle operation occurrence. Shall be present if the "notificationStatus" is set to "RESULT" and the "operation" is set to "CHANGE_EXT_CONN". Shall be absent otherwise. type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/ExtVirtualLinkInfo" error: description: > Details of the latest error, if one has occurred during executing the LCM operation. Shall be present if the "operationState" attribute is "FAILED_TEMP" or "FAILED", and shall be absent otherwise. $ref: "SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/ProblemDetails" _links: description: > Links to resources related to this notification. $ref: "#/definitions/LccnLinks" VnfOperationalStateType: type: string enum: - STARTED - STOPPED - ERROR