module AppLCM_TypesAndValues { // JSON import from JSON all; // LibCommon import from LibCommon_BasicTypesAndValues all; type enumerated InstantiationState { NOT_INSTANTIATED, INSTANTIATED } type enumerated TerminationType { FORCEFUL, GRACEFUL } type enumerated TerminationTypeWithError { FORCE, GRACE } type enumerated OperationType { STARTED, STOPPED } type enumerated OperationTypeWithError { START, STOP } type enumerated SubscriptionType { AppInstanceStateChangeSubscription, AppLcmOpOccStateChangeSubscription } type enumerated NotificationType { AppInstNotification, AppLcmOpOccNotification } type record CreateAppInstanceRequest { String appDId } type record CreateAppInstanceRequestWithError { String appDIdWithError } type record of AppInstanceInfo AppInstanceInfoList; type record AppInstanceInfo { String appInstanceId, String appDId, InstantiationState instantiationState } type record of SelectedMECHostInfo SelectedMECHostInfoList type record SelectedMECHostInfo { } type record InstantiateAppRequest { String appInstanceId, SelectedMECHostInfoList selectedMECHostInfo } type record InstantiateAppRequestWithError { String appId, SelectedMECHostInfoList selectedMECHostInfo } type record TerminateAppRequest { TerminationType terminationType } type record TerminateAppRequestWithError { TerminationTypeWithError terminationTypeWithError } type record OperateAppRequest { OperationType changeStateTo } type record OperateAppRequestWithError { OperationTypeWithError changeStateToWithError } type record of AppInstanceLcmOpOcc AppInstanceLcmOpOccList; type record AppInstanceLcmOpOcc { String appLcmOpOccId } type record SubscriptionRequest { SubscriptionType subscriptionType, AnyURI callbackUri } type record SubscriptionRequestWithError { SubscriptionType subscriptionType, AnyURI callbackUriWithError } type record of SubscriptionInfo SubscriptionInfoList; type record SubscriptionInfo { String subscriptionId, SubscriptionType subscriptionType, AnyURI callbackUri } type record Notification { String notificationId, NotificationType notificationType, String subscriptionId } } with { encode "JSON" }