/*! * \file tcp_layer.hh * \brief Header file for ITS TCP socket based protocol port layer. * \author ETSI STF525 * \copyright ETSI Copyright Notification * No part may be reproduced except as authorized by written permission. * The copyright and the foregoing restriction extend to reproduction in all media. * All rights reserved. * \version 0.1 */ #pragma once #include "layer.hh" #include "Abstract_Socket.hh" class PORT; //! Forward declaration of TITAN class /*! * \class tcp_layer * \brief This class provides description of ITS TCP port protocol layer */ class tcp_layer : public layer, public SSL_Socket, public PORT { params _params; //! Layer parameters int _client_id; //! Connection identifier std::string _time_key; //! \todo bool _reconnect_on_send; //! Set to true if connection shall be done when sending data. Otherwise, connection is established by the \see constructor public: //! \publicsection /*! * \brief Specialised constructor * Create a new instance of the tcp_layer class * \param[in] p_type \todo * \param[in] p_param \todo */ tcp_layer(const std::string& p_type, const std::string& p_param); /*! * \brief Default destructor * \remark If \see _reconnect_on_send is set to false, the disconnection is done by the destructor */ virtual ~tcp_layer(); /*! * \virtual * \fn void send_data(OCTETSTRING& data, params& params); * \brief Send bytes formated data to the lower layers * \param[in] p_data The data to be sent * \param[in] p_params Some parameters to overwrite default value of the lower layers parameters * \virtual */ virtual void send_data(OCTETSTRING& data, params& params); /*! * \virtual * \fn void receive_data(OCTETSTRING& data, params& params); * \brief Receive bytes formated data from the lower layers * \param[in] p_data The bytes formated data received * \param[in] p_params Some lower layers parameters values when data was received */ virtual void receive_data(OCTETSTRING& data, params& info); /*! * \virtual * \fn void message_incoming(const unsigned char* message_buffer, int length, int client_id = -1); * \brief Receive bytes formated data from the lower layers * \param[in] p_buffer The bytes formated data received * \param[in] p_length The number of bytes received * \param[in] p_client_id The connection identifier.Default: -1 */ virtual void message_incoming(const unsigned char* p_buffer, int p_length, int p_client_id = -1); protected: //! \protectedsection void Add_Fd_Read_Handler(int fd) { Handler_Add_Fd_Read(fd); }; void Add_Fd_Write_Handler(int fd) { Handler_Add_Fd_Write(fd); }; void Remove_Fd_Read_Handler(int fd) { Handler_Remove_Fd_Read(fd); }; void Remove_Fd_Write_Handler(int fd) { Handler_Remove_Fd_Write(fd); }; void Remove_Fd_All_Handlers(int fd) { Handler_Remove_Fd(fd); }; void Handler_Uninstall() { Uninstall_Handler(); } void Timer_Set_Handler(double call_interval, boolean is_timeout = TRUE, boolean call_anyway = TRUE, boolean is_periodic = TRUE) { Handler_Set_Timer(call_interval, is_timeout, call_anyway, is_periodic); }; const char* remote_address_name() { return params::server.c_str(); }; const char* remote_port_name() { return params::port.c_str(); }; const char* socket_debugging_name() { return params::debug.c_str(); }; const char* ssl_use_ssl_name() { return params::use_ssl.c_str(); }; void client_connection_opened(int p_client_id); bool add_user_data(int p_client_id); int send_message_on_fd(int p_client_id, const unsigned char * message_buffer, int length_of_message); int send_message_on_nonblocking_fd(int client_id, const unsigned char * message_buffer, int length_of_message); int receive_message_on_fd(int p_client_id); void peer_disconnected(int p_client_id); private: //! \privatesection void Handle_Fd_Event(int fd, boolean is_readable, boolean is_writable, boolean is_error); void Handle_Timeout(double time_since_last_call); }; // End of class tcp_layer